Phyllis Moore Faith To Walk In The Power

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[Music] glory to god glory to god let's just pray father god we do love you thank you thank you lord for all your promises father we look to you for your hand to be on this service today i ask you for your anointing and for your utterance father to speak what you would have me to say today father i know i can do nothing without you and i holy trust in you to give me utterance give me strength give me power to do exactly what you would have me to do today and i ask you that everyone would have ears to hear those things that you would have them to hear and father that we would not only be hearers but we would be doers of your word and you would give us the wisdom and the strength as to how to put each and everything in your word to practice in our lives that we could receive more and do more and have more of you in our lives that we could be greater witnesses for you here in this earth father and bring more into the kingdom for you father we ask you for these things in jesus name amen and you can be seated thank you guys y'all do so good i'm glad i didn't have to sing this morning aren't y'all aren't y'all and what about the rest of you aren't y'all you're still not happy about it well then okay the ones that didn't say i mean go ahead and sign up you're taking applications still right to sing and play yeah okay so everybody that's not happy you didn't have to sing this morning welcome you can glory to god well brother keith is not here this morning as you can tell he is in colorado at brother jeremy and sister sarah pearson's church this morning yes they're doing a dedication service this morning and so they asked i think brother kenneth spoke last night and he is speaking today so yeah it's great weekend and uh you know i could have been i could branson i could have gone there but i had to go on to texas and then i had to go into that and then i had gone around the world that's why i want to always go to branson because it's not just like a one-way short trip it's like you have to go here and here and then you have to go here to go here and then you're yeah y'all get my picture right all right but i do love you doesn't mean i don't love you y'all are too quiet now y'all are gonna have to realize who's speaking today or we're gonna have to go sit down and start over right all right okay because i can't do this by myself y'all know that y'all know how i already feel about getting up here so y'all are gonna have to help me right okay thank you thank you thank you thank you all right um keith has been talking about faith in the power right well i have it on my heart strong today about how to walk in that power faith to walk in that power you interested in that at all how many of you either went to sunday school or to catechism when you were a little kid sunday school catechism okay let's do it another way then how many of you didn't go to sunday school or catechism when you were a little kid just a few of you but how many keep your hands up just for a minute of those people how many of those people learned the ten commandments anyway or heard them or knew them the ten commandments right everybody heard the ten commandments when they were little right anybody in here didn't ever hear the ten commandments raise your hand you didn't you didn't hear them you didn't hear them you didn't hear them you didn't hear them there's there's probably 10 people in here that didn't hear them does that surprise the rest of you really surprises you but that just goes to show you that there are people in the world around you that never heard stuff there are people really close by you that don't know all that you know that's right amen the ten commandments are pretty popular things and most little kids by the time they're in first grade has hurt them but it's not just that people hear them you know every year keith has to go back to flight safety what do they do at flight safety anybody got a clue they review everything they taught them last year and they review everything they taught them the year before even though they taught them the year before they go over it again the next year and even though they know that they taught me the year before they go over it again the next year and even though they know they taught them it the year before and and one time um brother copeland was going back to flight safety and he had to leave one of brother hagin's meetings and we were there and he said he came up to brother hagin said man i gotta leave i gotta go to flight safety and mom hagan looked at him and said man don't you know how to fly yet and it ain't about knowing something amen it ain't just about knowing something it's about and this is really good get this get this it's about how you react in an emergency in flight safety they teach them how to react in an emergency it's second nature if an emergency happens they don't go here they go here and they react because they have done it so many times that they don't have time to think about it sometime they just have to react by what they've been trained to do it's like you training in your faith in your life and an emergency happens you don't immediately get into fear you can get into faith it's what happens in your life so today i'm not gonna you know me i'm not gonna teach you something you ain't never heard before that's not my mo i'm not gonna teach you something that's gonna be some revelation that's gonna just make your life change because it's a revelation that that's going to be something that some spiritual guru came and taught you today but i am going to give you something that can change your life if you'll do it amen because i'm going to go over to start with the ten commandments you may say this is moore don't you know the ten commandments are in the old testament look at people are just they're just sitting there looking at me like don't you know they're in the old testament well just hang with me you'll understand it before the day's over can you do that how many of you'll hang with me all right let's let's start on them do we still teach our kids the ten commandments see yes let's look at them all right put up for me exodus 20. i just want to read you the first sentence out of exodus 20. then we're going to go there the niv exodus 20 verse 1 excuse me and god spake these words saying usually king james i'm is not the best for me and i be sorry i am the lord your god who brought you out of egypt out of the land of slavery that just you can stop there that's all i wanted you to get i am the lord your god who brought you out of the land of slavery now what that's saying let's just stop there for a minute i am the lord your god who brought you out of the land of sin so what he's telling them is i brought you out of the your old life now i'm bringing you into a new life and this is what i want you to do this is what you have to do to live for me now i brought you out of the old now i'm bringing you into the new and this is what i want you to do okay now don't put anything else on the screen you can just put me i'm just going to read them real quickly and then we're going to move on to something else because you all know them i just want to remind you of them right all right you shall have no other gods before me now wouldn't that be something if you were going to serve god that he would tell you you got saved don't have another god before me wouldn't that be one of the first things if you get saved don't put another god before me another god is just basically anything that you put before god okay say that we're with me anything that i put before god breaks the first commandment okay let's move on to number two you shall make no idols second commandment you shall make no idols i would go into the story about the time that we were in l.a and the buddha fell off the temple and i had to go over and talk to him because their idol fell off the temple because we were getting miracles next door but i won't get into it i just did they were all upset with us because the floor was shaking and their idol fell off it was three idols one here one here and it was kind of a pyramid and their big idol fell off the middle the main god fell off the you know and they were all on the platform so of course i was nominated to go deal with it i went next door and they just chewed me out because their idol fell off the altar i said well come next door our idol is not falling off the altar and we're getting miracles [Applause] they didn't much care for that so but anyway don't make any idols of any kind don't put up things you know i grew up catholic so i can say this okay don't put big angels everywhere don't put mary everywhere don't put crosses everywhere don't put don't put stuff that you just stare at that other than you looking up to heaven to the lord amen i grew up i had a statue of mary in my yard [Laughter] i know what i'm talking about so you can throw the stones at me if you want to but i know i grew up i was catholic everybody around me was catholic i'm not stepping on your turf i didn't write this okay number three you shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain oh my god and gd or the is the name of the lord thy god in vain if your kids are saying it make them stop okay it's a it's a commandment you may say this is the old testament you'll see in just a minute number three don't use the name of the lord thy god in vain that means unless you're saying something good and positive about the lord or you're using it as a as a positive and explaining something about the lord or telling something about the lord don't just use it to be using it and never use gd why would you want to damn god that's right and don't use omg oh my god what's the purpose in it it's something that the devil is using okay we're gonna we're gonna keep going i'm not telling you these things he said we just we just want to have a refresher course okay this is just a little refresher then we're going to go on number five honor your father and your mother honor your father and your mother say it with me period that's all i have to say about that it says to do it okay okay you shall not murder that's pretty self-explanatory anybody don't understand what that means raise your hand you shall not murder okay or thou if you want to read it in the king james thou shalt not murder number seven people seem to be a little bit confused about they seem to be thinking modern day it doesn't apply but we'll read it anyway thou shalt not commit adultery doesn't apply today in modern day because it's old testament but we'll read it anyway anybody doesn't understand what adultery means means to have sex with somebody that's not your spouse we'll put it in real simple terms okay adultery okay number eight you shall not steal that means you wear something you take it back to a store [Music] that means you cheat on a light bill that means you cheat on your taxes that means you uh go through a a drive through and they give you more money back than you should have gotten that means you don't like you tell somebody you don't like a meal and they give it to you for free that means um you din a can in a store and you tell them you want it for half price whatever oh it got quiet don't get quiet on me don't get quiet on me it says you shall not steal if if they ask you a question on a form and you think you're going to get 50 off if you lie then they're stealing well we didn't get to the lion one yet is it stealing is it one of the ten commandments now god couldn't give a lot of things for the ten commandments when he told them and they got saved these are things that he told them immediately when they got saved and they got out of bondage you were in bondage you came out of bondage and these are the things that he said you shall not steal i didn't write it uh number nine here you go you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor don't lie don't say something that benefits you to get a promotion don't lie now see how quiet it is because he's getting these last five got a little too close to home it got a little too quiet now you learned these all but ten people learned these when they were five years old right now when you got saved people told you you was going to have to give up a lot of stuff to serve god didn't they didn't they tell you that you're gonna have to give up a lot of stuff to serve god they meant lying and stealing and cheating on your wife that's what they meant y'all ain't helping me i didn't write these and they are in the old testament i agree i do agree okay don't lie against your neighbor don't lie against your co-worker don't lie against your real neighbor don't lie in court don't lie against your friend don't lie against your brother don't lie against your sister don't lie against your friend don't lie against your enemy just don't lie do you think christians should follow the ten commandments wait raise your hand if you think christians should follow the ten commandments that's good some of you don't it's okay i didn't write them i didn't write the bible that's between you and the lord and number 10 you shall not covet now i find this one very interesting in today's society especially in church us being a church we've had people come into church and tell tell us they look sit straight across the desk from us now covet means it basically means let me read you what it says you should not covet your neighbor's house you should not covet your neighbor's wife you should not cover your neighbor's wife your neighbor's male servant your neighbor's female servant his ox his donkey or anything that is your neighbors we have people that come to church i'm just going to step on toes you know me so put them under the pew they come to church they worship us oh we just love love love you or we do anything in the world for you then they want to go across town and start a church and steal half of our people i don't know but that's the tenth commandment to me are they coming they whisper would you want to come come help us start this church but the problem with that is isn't me you're not mine you don't belong to me that's right you're the lords and the problem with that is how in the world do you think you're going to start our church on stealing come on how in the world do you think god is going to bless you when you're stealing that's my concern and some of these people i dearly love and then the worst part about it is we've had people that's taken some of the people and they go and then the people aren't even serving god anymore truth they take them out of church they convince them they're going to have these great and glorious positions in their church and then they're not even serving god anymore there's a scripture somewhere about that i didn't find it but some of y'all might know where it is about leading little ones astray it's better for them that what happens and they be drowned in the sea there's just a lot of stuff going on in the name of serving god that people ought to check up on how do we expect god to bless us we're going to go start a church and stealing while we're doing it that's enough said about that but that don't you find that to be coveted don't take your neighbor's servants that's right doesn't that apply yes you're going to go start a business across town same thing applies and you know somebody that's got some good employees and you think man they're a friend of mine i can take them we're pretty good buds don't you dare don't you dare you don't take them with a 10-foot pole don't even think about don't let that thought cry casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of christ don't do it do you want god's blessings in your life do you want the favor of god in your life amen do you want to walk in the power of god in your life that's my title this morning walking in the power of god he's been talking about faith in the power well let's find out how to walk in that power all right let's look at you said all of you did i could tell it in on your faces that the ten commandments were in the old testament you all said it raise your hand didn't you say it some of you are hesitant the ten commandments are in the old testament correct yes they are all right so put up john 13 34. i'm going to fix it for you i'm going to fix it for you i am blonde but i'm not all dumb it doesn't go all the way to the root it says it says a new commandment what color is this in your bible some of you need a new bible if it's not in red a new commandment i give unto you that you what love one another as i have loved you that you also love one another now jesus was going away he was leaving the disciples he was going to heaven now he could have told the disciples anything he could have spent time talking to them about anything this is what he spent time talking to him about god the father himself has all power would you agree amen all power if he wanted to right here right now today he could strike a lightning bolt and everybody would get saved he could appear he could send hordes of angels to appear to people and they'd get saved he could do miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle and people would possibly get saved i don't know that's not how we planned it i mean people saw miracles in the in the bible and and lazarus said you know send somebody to tell my people my brothers about you they were seeing miracles is that not true but god has all power but what did he say was the most important thing to us put it back up there jesus said i only do and say what my father says he said this is the new commandment that you love not that you learn how to do miracles not that you have all faith and all knowledge and that you can quote the bible backwards and forward not that you're a preacher not that you can get up and teach not that you get ten thousand people saved not that your ministry me just reaches the whole world he didn't say any of that what did he say okay let's go back over the ten commandments real quickly the first are about loving who you can't be saved without loving god love god you'll you won't have another god before me you won't make idols you won't put his name in vain you'll keep the sabbath day holy because you love him okay the last are because you love people you can't love people without doing this you can't honor your father and mother why 10 of you got it probably the first 10 that didn't go to i don't have kobe the first 10 that didn't go to sunday school just said honor your father and mother why because you love him do not murder why would you not murder somebody because you love and don't commit adultery why would you not commit adultery you love your spouse do not steal why would you not steal because you love whoever you were stealing from do not fair bear false witness why because you love them enough not to lie about them then you won't covet you won't try to take what somebody else is why because you love them because you love them put up galatians 5 6 in the king james version for a change now we're going to find out something for with jesus neither circumcision avails anything or uncircumcision you know in the old testament that meant something it was very important you weren't living for god without it but he says it doesn't mean anything means nothing this is new testament now right uh galatians is in the new testament right everybody agree okay but say but but faith faith faith which only works by what by what people are not missing it in their confessions people are not missing it knowing their scripture verses people are not missing it and coming to church people are not missing it in their giving people are not reading and missing missing it and reading their chapters every day people are missing it in their love they're missing it in their love now i am not talking about human selfish love human selfish love is a tit for tat love you do this for me i'll do this for you michael gives me a car well i've got to turn around and try to meet what he gave me there's no way to do that there's no leading in that you can't do it you can't keep up with that and if you're trying to it's not love and there's no leading in it because what god will try to do is he will use him to do something for me and he will use him to do something for you because that's who he is and most of the time it's not even who you think it is it's the last person you would think of and so if you get your eyes on somebody you're going to miss out on your result but people are not missing it on their giving how many have you give how many of you could use some more every hand that was up stayed up how many of you have seen a lot of the new movies you have let me let me tell you some of the new news even like the little kids movie frozen even like the little kids movie moana even like a lot of the adult movies avengers everybody has super powers these days do you know what i'm talking about they're super power aren't their super powers what are some of the superpowers that they have fire what what do they do with fire breathe it shoot it what do they do they shoot people with their hands their eyes what do they do they fight people with fire okay what are some of the other ones spider webs spider webs she's my generation what are some of the other ones frozen i know frozen because i got jessa my niece she watches frozen 100 000 times in his forever old and she sh ice out of her hand you know and moana is another one and that he's a shapeshifter he can turn into any bird or creature or whatever that it is they're all about powers the whole new thing is about powers do you want to know what the greatest power on the earth is today it's the greatest power on the earth today because it doesn't exist that's a strong statement you want me to prove it to you turn to first corinthians chapter 13 in the classic amplifi don't even turn there let's look at it on the screen unless you have a classic amplified closure bible first corinthians 13 1. you got time sure you do sure you do all right if i say me if me can speak with the tongues of men and angels how many of you can speak with tongues that's wonderful means nothing but have not love i am only a noisy gong or a clanging symbol you know what that kind of would sound like that's what you would be all the time if you're speaking in tongues to god if you don't have love this is what you would be like to god how many of you want to be that would you get tired of hearing me scream over this all the time how many of you want to be that even though you pray all day long to god you fast you pray why god is this not happening why god do we not have this why god are my kids not changing why god why god why god why god i'm only a noisy gong or a clanging symbol because i don't have love he's not even hearing what you're saying i didn't write this i'm as guilty as anybody if i'm not walking in love i can pray all day long and he ain't hearing me he ain't hearing me no matter how bad i need it and how about i cry he ain't hearing me verse 2. if i have all prophetic powers the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose of god and i understand all the secret truths and mysteries and i possess all who possesses all knowledge i'm talking about here on the earth this is talking about you people who possesses all knowledge and i understand all the secret truths and i possess all knowledge and i have basically all faith so that i can move when's the last time you moved the mountain anybody but i have not loved god's love in me god's love say that with me god's love in me i am say it with me i know it hurts god's love in me i am a useless nobody brother hagin used to say say amen or oh me ask time to say oh me oh me if we don't have love we are useless nobody is as far as god is concerned now does it matter what anybody else thinks it matters what god thinks do you care what somebody else thinks we care what god thinks because he's the one that brought us out of bondage this is our new commandment you said the old testament didn't matter well okay we changed right you didn't like those old testament commandments you were not joying and happy when i was reading them you got too quiet on me so i came to the new testament for you you want me to go back to the owen do you like it any better this to me seems harder than the old one okay all right verse 3. even if i dole out all that i have to the poor food in other words you clean out your bank account every week giving you are the greatest giver in the church you're giving to somebody every single day you're a giver you are a giver you're a giver i'm a giver nothing wrong with giving nothing wrong with it except for what's the motive behind it what's the motive behind your given are you given to get the tit-for-tat look what i'm doing it'll get to that in a minute what's the motive behind it if you give everything you have providing food for the poor and if i surrender my body to be burned in order that i say i show-and-tell may glory but have not god's love in me say god's love in me i gain nothing has anybody had had any trouble in receiving on their giving don't raise your hand don't raise it don't raise it don't raise it if you ever have any trouble in your giving ever ever ever pull up this verse though i dole out all that i have to the poor provid providing food and if i surrender my body to be to be burned in order that i may glory but i have not love i gain nothing if you've been gaining nothing you might want to check your motives and come back to the love stuff read the whole chapter again okay we'll go on all right ah verse four love say love endures long and is patient and kind kind it means that when you go through the drive-through and they've been rude you're still what i mean was the server gets your order wrong you're still it means when they mess up on something that you got you don't chew them out it means no matter who it is you are that includes your spouse that includes your kids that includes your neighbor we've told you stories before about how our neighbor came over while we were going on a ministry trip and cut down the trees in our backyard they thought they needed to be cut and how the other little neighbor boy shot at keith's corvette with paintballs kind and how they borrowed our swimming pool in our tennis court because we were gone kind kind how you pay people extra when they mess up on you kind y'all are looking at me like i'm crazy kind just the other day they had the premiere in the shop and i said did we tip them first question i asked he said not yet but we hadn't got it out yet he said but i will tell you this he said um the guys took him to lunch every day or several days or something i forget what he said he said and they told us that they had never had that happen in all the years they'd been there he said you probably know why because their bills is probably really astronomically high when they go get those airplanes and they probably are fussing about how much their bills are instead of trying to be how are we going to win the world don't own an airplane if you can't be kind don't own uh a mercedes if you can't be kind owner chevrolet do you get my drift don't get over your head if you can't be kind don't go to a fancy restaurant if you can't leave a big tip you can believe god but be kind it's who we are okay be kind all right even if they're mean give them an offering all right all right uh loving yours long is patient is kind love is never envious envious is a feeling of being discontented resentful of someone else's possessions we're not that are we god will give us whatever we can believe for if we'll get this love thing right right all right envious are boils over with jealousy a feeling of showing envy of someone else's achievements or advantages it also is jealous of someone else's authority or position we're not that because god will give us whatever we desire if we'll get our love walk right he'll promote us above everybody else if what y'all are getting quiet on me again okay is not boastful boastful is showing excessive pride self-satisfaction in one's achievements are possessions or abilities i've got a question for you if somebody can sing really good if somebody can play the piano really good if somebody is a really good carpenter if somebody is a really good anything did they give themself that talent or ability it is an ability or a grace that god put in them so why would they brag on it we should think about that why would we brag on something that we could only do if god helped us to do it we shouldn't we should only be ready to do and say god help me to accomplish that god gave me the wisdom to do that right all right all right let's keep going because we got we got stuff to cover all right um uh see where were we um are vainglorious inordinate pride in oneself or achievements that's basically the same thing does not display itself heartily what does hodly mean going to choke to death you don't know what that means if it rains you're going to choke to death because your nose is up in the air all the time i'm silly i know keith tells me that all the time but you know what it doesn't matter what you have you're wise enough to realize how many people have seen millionaires and billionaires lose everything they have i mean it doesn't matter what you have how many of you have seen millionaires and billionaires go to jail it doesn't matter what you have how many of you have seen millionaires and billionaires die of cancer commit suicide without the lord we are nothing we're nothing so what's the point in getting too haughty because it can all go away just as quickly as it came i mean i know i'm basically the same dumb blonde as i was yesterday no matter what i i won't say dumb blonde that keith will fuss at me if he hears that but you know what i mean i don't have nothing unless the lord gives it to me i am nothing unless the lord helps me i can do nothing without the lord's help i know nothing unless he shows me i'm all the time telling you about the favor of god on my life how many of you know i'm god's favorite how many of you just know it you better raise your hand quick i am totally convinced you you couldn't talk me out of it that i'm god's favorite he does things for me that is just supernatural all the time i mean just supernatural all the time and i i know i know and i'm not perfect dear me i have missed it so many times and i've walked away we'll get into that more in just a minute and i've immediately repented immediately i'll pick up the phone i'll come i should have said that i shouldn't have done that i shouldn't have told you that it's not that we don't miss it in anything but i love first john 1 9. i love it because as soon as you do something as soon as you do something as soon as you don't walk in love if you're ugly to somebody in a restaurant or somebody mistreats you or somebody does something what do you do oh god oh god oh god that's why i love peter so much he's my favorite i can't wait to see him when i get to heaven he's my favorite because what did he do he'd fix it he said a lot of things he shouldn't have said he did a lot of things he shouldn't have done but immediately immediately he'd fix it and he'd get it right and there ain't nobody in here that hadn't missed it in their love walk there's not a person in here that hasn't missed it in something that they've said or something that they've done but thank god for first john 1 9. hit your knees hit your pillow make it right then god can bless you god can fix it for you he can tell you okay sometimes you have to make it right with them sometimes you don't have to make it right with them you just need to make it right with the lord whatever you do whatever you do we'll get into that a little bit more in just a minute okay let's see hardly what i call hardly you've heard me say it a thousand times show and tell show and tell you always have to be the one noticed if there's a crowd they see you first and foremost you know what i'm talking about they're going to notice you you're going to be seen huddly god said he loves a meek and quiet spirit it's valuable and precious in his sight haughtily okay let's keep going verse 5 is not conceited is not arrogant or inflated with pride is not rude unmannerly does not act unbecomingly there's the same stuff unbecomingly not saying things that are off color not doing things that are off color you're not always the one with the rude joke right love god's love in us now everybody read this with me god's love in me god's loving me god's loving me does not insist on its own right or its own way god's loving me does not insist on its own way god's loving me does not insist on its own way god's loving me does not insist on its own way do you know that would solve 99.999 of the problems in the world today insisting on your own way got to have it your way itis do you know how many lawsuits there are in the world today let me tell you how to fix lawsuits anybody want to know read the bible let me tell you what the bible says matthew 5 38 don't turn there i'll read it to you don't don't change this on the screen they need to keep that before them matthew 5 38 it says you have heard it was said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth this is in red but i tell you do not resist an evil person if anyone slaps you on the right cheek slap them back harder see how quickly you can get to court because they slapped you turn to them turn to them turn to them the other cheek also if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt hand them your coat also if anyone forces you to go within one mile go with them too give to the one who asks you and do not turn away from anyone who wants to borrow from you now that would fix every lawsuit that it was and see how quiet it got i know what i'm talking about i've had people it's taken advantage of me family friends if if we get our love right god will give us so much favor that money won't become an issue it won't become an issue and if they say no you told me uh it was going to be 50 and 36 cents and they charge you 100 and 96 cents don't argue with them give them 200 say okay i'm not going to fight with you about it god loves you y'all are looking at me like i've lost my flipping mind how many times have i done it lots dan how many times have we done it lots i don't have people walking away mad at me i don't do it and i'm rich i'm rich i always have always always always always have hundred dollar bills in my bible why because if somebody gets mad at me i give them money and they don't stay mad long [Laughter] you know why because most problems are over what most problems are over money i can tell you we don't do lawsuits dave is the same way he's had a corporate store forever people have tried to tell him stuff he's just written off their bills now i don't want to say that publicly because i don't want everybody to try to get them to write off their bills but i just did but it's not it's not about money it's about love and maybe they are in the wrong maybe they are in the wrong but it's not your place to judge them god says judgment is his recompense is his and i will i like for god to repay me he pays better than anybody else just the other day i had somebody say they called me up on the phone just the other day and they said what's your address i want to send something to your house and i knew this person very well i had no clue what they wanted to send they fedex me a lot of cash the next day was it okay thank you lord i love you too why does that happen to me somebody tell me i refuse i absolutely refuse say that with me i refuse to get mad at anyone that tries to take advantage of me i've had people that have shystered me out of tens of thousands of dollars and i refuse to get mad at them i had somebody that tried to shyster me out of some stuff i not only paid the bills for them i moved them and i moved their furniture i paid the moving cost everything i refuse and i can pick up the phone today and call them and love on them i refuse it's not worth it because i don't know what's going to happen 10 years down the road and the lord wants me to minister to him same thing with you you may not be a minister and everybody's not ministers but that don't mean you might not have to minister to them all right where were we what verse were we on who knows let's see uh we were on we finished five it doesn't seek its own you wanted to get past that one but let's read it one more time love does not insist on its own rights or its own way say i don't have to have my own rights or my own way i'm telling you guys if you've ever trusted me about anything if you i promise you if you've ever trusted me about anything anything look me in the eyes look me in the eyes if you've ever trusted me about anything if you get this love walk right you get this love thing right you will have money overflowing so much that you cannot contain it you get this love walk right and quit trying to be self-seeking about it and doing it for your own good and doing it for all this stuff but doing it for the will of god and what he wants you to do and get his things first you will have so much money you won't know what to do with it i'm telling you you you can't out-give god and you do what he wants for the reason he wants it he's going to make sure you have everything you need all right y'all are in a hurry we ain't even got halfway through this love chapter so y'all can sit down for just a minute we ain't halfway through the love chapter y'all got time y'all need to hear this too everybody needs to hear us y'all can come back for just a minute where are we we're only on verse 5 my word y'all got time y'all got time all right um let's see we were at verse five let's read it one more time we got distracted lord keeps bringing us back to it let's read it one more time it's a love god's love in us does not insist on its own rights or its own way so let's read it together god's love in me god's love in me does not insist on its own right or its own way even with my spouse i got that put in there for it is not self-seeking it's not touchy it's not fretful or resentful it takes no account to the evil done to it and it pays no attention to a suffered wrong that'll change your life forever that verse right there all right um let's see uh next verse it does not rejoice let's see i've lost my place here um here we go it does not rejoice in injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices in right when right and truth prevails you don't you don't try to share things and say let's pray for them this bad thing happened you keep it to yourself if it's an embarrassing thing don't share it even to have somebody pray if it's embarrassing to somebody zip it you know that emoji with the zipper on his mouth that should be you you know we should be protective of other people the other day somebody sent out an email and it said private do not share oh i was getting it from everybody how many of you got it yeah a bunch of people got it it was private only 10 people were supposed to get it but it went everywhere what does that mean unfaithful unfaithful all right number seven love bears up under anything that comes and is ever ready to believe the best of every person its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and endures everything without weakening love never fails or becomes obsolete or comes to an end as for prophecy it'll be fulfilled and pass away as for tongues they'll be destroyed and cease as for knowledge it'll pass away you know paul said let's i have it back here somewhere let's see what he said brethren i count myself not to have apprehended but this one thing i do forgetting those things which are behind reaching forth to those things which are ahead i press for the mark of the prize of the high calling of christ jesus now how many of you when you think of paul you think about the shipwreck and the bad things that happened to him that's the first thing you usually think about i don't even think that's what paul was talking about i think paul was talking about how smart he was he had to forget about all the knowledge he had he had to forget about all the smarts he had he had to forget about all the positive things he knew all the things he had he had to forget about all that other life there's a lot of people that have a lot of knowledge and god wants to use you but he can't use you if you won't depend on him just a thought all right um for our knowledge is fragmentary incomplete and imperfect our prophecy or our teaching is fragmentary incomplete and imperfect when the complete and the perfect comes the incomplete and the imperfect will vanish away when i was a child i talked like a child i thought like a child i reasoned like a child now that i have become a man i'm done with childish ways i've put them aside now that we're looking in a mirror that only gives a dim blurred reflection of reality when i think about that i think about a mirror will show the ugly truth of what we've done and who we are but then when perfection comes we'll see the truth of who we really can be face to face now i know in part but then i will know and understand fully and clearly even in the same manner as i have been fully and clearly known and understood by god now faith is important around here you're going to hear us talk about faith a lot it's on the front of our building faith life church but god said when he comes will he find faith but he said the most important thing was love he said the greatest he said read the last one and so faith hope love abide a conviction of believing and respecting man's relationship to god let's see true affection for god but the greatest of these is love faith is important hope is important walking in faith is important but the greatest to use your faith you have to have faith works by so if your faith has not been working for your healing for your finances for your kids for your job there could be an answer first john 4 8 and then you guys can go in the niv first john 4 8 and i be read that with me whoever does not love does not know god whoever does not love does not know god because god is love there's been some christians that i'll be honest with you that i've been like brother hagin i think they need another dip and not a dip a skull or copenhagen or whatever people used to dip another dip in the fountain look at james 1 26-27 and then we're going to read that verse again niv is fine those who consider themselves notice how i put that didn't say that they were got it said they considered themselves to be religious and yet do not keep a tight reign on their tongue deceive themselves and their religion is worthless you know that it said the path to heaven is what their religion is worthless look at the next verse 28 my brother religion that god our father accepts is pure and faultless to look at the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world put up the amplified to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world it's become a little bit difficult to tell the church from the world today it's become just a little bit difficult the way they dress the way they carry themselves the way that they act the way that they respond in situations hate is not of god anyone that promotes is is not of god if you don't love you're not of god we have got to be an example to the world we do and we can pretend that we're going to heaven if we're saved we are going to heaven but we should live like we love god if we he said it himself put it back up there first john 4 8. now i didn't write this whoever does not love does not even know god i think we need to make some changes in our lives and let it not just be as first corinthians said about self-seeking stuff love is not self-seeking love is not what i can get out of this world for me love is about actually caring about someone else and not pulling into the parking place and not caring that they're going to have a parking spot love is not cutting them off on the road love is not trying to get in front of them in the grocery line but saying you know what you go love is not always trying to be first because you're in a hurry we have got to be an example to the world where else are they going to see an example where else are they going to see god where else are they going to see who he is are they going to sit down and read this love chapter did you know that there were 10 people that had never heard the 10 commandments until they got saved probably late in their life do you know that the person that's next to you at work may not have ever seen a bible right here in the united states of america and the only god they may ever see is you that's right and how you chewed out the mailman because he broke something in your package instead of saying i know how hard y'all been working and i know how hard this covert has been here's 100 bucks do you know how many people i've seen cry because i've handed them a 100 bill [Music] i mean it's just amazing to me and they just look at you like are you sure you go through a drive-through and you hand them a dollar bill and they're like are you sure are you are you really sure it just kind of takes their breath away a hundred dollar bill if you want to make somebody's day hand them a 100 bill and if you don't have one believe god for one amen we're faith people believe god for one but i just want to challenge you today you may not have been doing everything in this love chapter but leave here we'll do it in a minute but leave here today and try to catch yourself every time you talk about somebody when somebody walks away and they're not doing exactly the way you would do so what who wants a carbon copy of you you see what i'm saying they didn't do it exactly the way that you would do it so what don't always be talking about you you know what you know find out what somebody else knows for a change love a listen love of care i i can't i can't answer the text that i get in a given day i can't answer them and it shouldn't be that way the reason that i say that is because everybody in here should be doing that loving on this one and love it on that one we all have a job to do now i know everybody is not in the full-time ministry i am fully aware of that but love isn't a minister verse love is a u-verse and a me verse and a hymn verse and her verse and it's how we're going to win the world every chair in this place should be filled because you love somebody this week i remember when i worked in the doctor's office i know and i'm going after and i know i don't even care when i worked in the doctor's office there was this one girl he's told about there were four or five none of them were saved they were all in the world and her husband was dealing drugs she was her boyfriend to begin with and they went on their honeymoon she may be watching today he may be watching today i don't know but it's true they went on their honeymoon and they rented a moped and she fell off and cut her arm really really bad on their honeymoon and i don't really know what happened but they didn't spend the money on their honeymoon to get it fixed well this was 10 days she came back to town first person she called was me i went and got her i took her to the hospital they said we can't do anything with it it's been 10 days and the lord gave me wisdom i know it was him and i wasn't in the ministry then i was working in a doctor's office managing doctor's offices and i said i asked the emergency room doctor i said can you do this i said i know i don't know anything about medicine i said but just i just wondered can you do this sort of thing i said can you take that cut it was about this long and about this wide i said can you take that cup and can you because that's a woman in her arm you know i mean how many of you women want a big scar like that on your arm i said can you just cut a new cut he said it's old his skin's already dead around the edge i said can't you just cut a new cut around those edges and make it new and sew it up he said you know i didn't think about that so he cut the new cut washed out all the sand out of it from being on the beach and people were going and sewed it up well it wasn't no time i mean anybody that really loved somebody would have took them to the doctor you understand that right you understand my point wasn't no time they got home she walked in for lunch he's cutting coke on the table or whatever the stuff is you know and he sees her he beats her she comes to calls me i go get her she's beat so bad you can't even see her face it's all swole up next morning she wakes up she says i'm going home it's okay did you hear what i said i said okay she loved him so much and kept loving him in spite of that ain't right don't don't get me wrong it ain't right they're in the ministry today never said it was right what he did was absolutely 100 percent wrong ain't right but she did love him every situation is different don't let anybody tell you how to love somebody every situation is different see how quiet it got nobody should beat anybody i'm not advocating that i would normally tell you leave i don't know why i'm telling you this this morning you have to be led by the lord in what you do and maybe you should leave immediately maybe that's what the lord's telling you to do but you do have to find out what the lord is telling you to do i'm not the lord and i know i'm going to get some letters on it and i know i'm going to get some calls on it but i can't tell you what to do in your situation god does love everybody and we are to love everybody there's been some people that's really really really really really messed up on stuff god is going to correct them don't stay in the midst of that stuff get out like she did immediately but you do have to be led i don't have all the answers but i do know god does and he can deal with people stand up with me stand up with me lord you are the answer giver amen let's just pray about that right now father god there are people underneath the sound of my voice that are abusing people whatever it takes i said whatever it takes to make them stop we ask you to cause that to happen if you've got to have an angel appear to him if you've got to appear to him yourself father whatever it takes lord we just ask you to make that situation stop in jesus name and for the person that has been dealing with that we say they can get out in jesus name we ask for strength and a place for them to go and feel safe and secure we ask you for wisdom satan we bind you from them yielding to that spirit of abuse and we say no more in jesus name go flee with every head bowed and every eye closed dave step up front there in branson please every head bowed including the ushers every head bowed cameras stay directly on me if you have been abusive and you want to be free step to the left we've got plenty of space everybody in the place take a step to the left and separate from your spouse for just a minute everybody everybody in the place take a step widen everybody move move everybody everybody in the place take a step everybody you're not doing it everybody in the place take a step to the left everybody spread out everybody spread out everybody spread out everybo i'ma wait till you do everybody spread out everybody separate everybody separate separate i'm looking everybody separating put branson on the screen everybody separated all right head bowed nice closed if you have been physically or mentally abusive to anyone and you want to get free of it real quickly real quickly just take your hand lift it up and put it down real quickly real quickly i've seen 10 hands go up already so real quickly up and down up and down it's not about me it's about you getting free real quickly i've seen hands go up i keep seeing them go up if you've been physically or mentally abusive to someone stick your hand up real quickly this is your day this is your day you can be free from it physically or mentally abusive to anyone stick your hand up and put it down they're they're they're still going up that's why i'm waiting physically or mentally abusive to anyone stick it up put it down stick it up put it down even if it's just at your waist stick it up put it down stick your fingers up do something to let the lord know you know it you recognize it do something stick your finger up do something let the lord know you know it nobody has to see it i don't have to see it just do something to let the lord know you acknowledge it branson's doing the same thing physically mentally boys girls whatever you've been abusive to your kids you've been abusive to your spouse whatever free free free free free say i'm free i'm free i'm free i will not give that place any longer in my life from this day forward in jesus name amen that goes for everybody out there on the internet everybody watching us who will watch us from this day forward in jesus name amen i believe we're going to put love to work in our lives can you say man i believe a lot of people how many of you saw something today that you saw i need to change i need to change i'm going to do this i'm going to change this i know i did i when i was studying i thought oh lord oh lord forgive me oh lord forgive me and it was like and i kept going how many of you were doing that today on the inside i was i you know it just kept the whole time i was trying to study it i was just like oh you know because you think about things you know and you think man i could have done that better lord i could have done that better and we're all growing in it and everybody's at different levels of it but we can go forward and don't forget first john 1 9. and if you need to apologize to somebody get to it because your life will be different if you will do this can you say amen amen i love you more than you know and i want us to come up up up up up up and i don't want th the power of god is in you knowing have you ever quit i know what time it is don't tell keith i went longer than him have you ever exercised and felt bad after you exercised no you feel great after you exercise because you did something positive right right i mean have you ever eaten good food and felt bad no you always feel good after you eat good food right it's after you eat junk food and you sit down and don't exercise that you feel bad well that's the way love is you're never going to feel bad about walking in love never you're never going to lay your head on the pillow at night and say oh lord i walked in love today i feel so bad it's never going to happen never ever ever going to happen you're going to lay your head on the pillow at night and the devil is going to have nothing to condemn you about and your faith is going to soar can you say amen go ahead guys
Channel: M B
Views: 209
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, phyllis moore, moore life ministries, mlm, flcs, flcb, fli
Id: ktuS-DO7_48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 45sec (5625 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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