Keith Moore Faith in God Pt 6 Faith For The Future

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thank you Lord you know we should be inspired by other people that are enjoying blessings beyond us and not envious don't you believe that we should be inspired not envious and of course the more the Lord does for us we should be more thankful right and give him all the glory would you turn this evening to two openings mark 11 and second Timothy at 1 if you didn't bring a Bible with you we have extra Bibles to be glad to let you use one of ours hold up your hand and the ushers will get one to you and turn to mark 11 and second Timothy 1 mark 11 2nd Timothy 1 are we believing the Lord together tonight you know the psalmist talked about entering into the Lord's gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise and be thankful unto Him entering in coming in well that's what we just did we came in and we lifted up our voice and we praised him and we thanked him and we brought our physical offering to Eamon and thanked him and praised him that's us talking to him how many know the service also includes him talking to us right and I mean know that you know that can happen during the offering that can happen many time but that specifically was supposed to be happening right now is that he is talking speaking to us now I'm a man I'm a human just like you and you know that I'm not guarding I know that you're not God but how many know that he speaks through us and he speaks to us he could speak to you through me or through another man or woman another Minister and he also can just speak direct to you in the service about something that was said right I mean he that the Holy Spirit is the teacher in here and he knows exactly how to teach you if you're a good student if you're a good hearer sorry we believe in the Lord right now for him to speak to us just close your eyes and let's pray this out loud say father God we ask for utterance precise exactly what you would say to us we ask for ears to hear eyes to see and perceive what we're seeing and a heart that understands we purpose to respect what you tell us and not be hearers only but by your grace put it into practice and be a doer of it in Jesus name Amen thank you lord thank you lord so we're expecting expecting the Lord to speak to you that's what we're doing in times like this we we open up all we all come before him and we open up our hearts and our minds to him and say Lord speak to us in mark 11 and 22 Jesus is speaking he had spoken to the fig tree and it had obeyed him and withered up it just in a matter of hours and when the disciples saw it they marvelled and he took it as an opportunity to teach them and us about faith now how many understand that if this just something that he could do as the Son of God there would have been too no need to teach them or us about it right if it's you know probably a lot more people believe this than what we believe they believe that Jesus did that just because he's son of God and he could do that and that you and I would be presumptuous to think we could or to try to do anything like this but if that were true he wouldn't have told us about it would he he wouldn't have taught us what happened and how to do it he would have said no our boys don't try this at home now I can do this because I'm the son of God but no I was no needing you wondering about that that's just when I decide to do things like that I do and you don't need to be concerned about it but that's not what he said in fact hold your place here go to Matthew 21 Matthew's account says it like this this is Matthew's account of the same happening verse 20 Matthew 21 21 the disciples saw it that the you know fig tree had withered up they said how soon is the fig tree withered away and jesus answered and said to them verily I say to you if you have faith and doubt not you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree but also if you shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done I want you to notice every time it says you in that verse course ye means you verse 21 jesus answered and said unto them under who them verily I say unto you if you have faith and doubt not you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree whoa whoa wait is he telling them they can do what he just did huh is he telling them that you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree but also if you shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done is he telling them and us that we can have faith too we can believe in our heart we can speak with our mouths and things change too now there's a lot of people don't believe this they they have some ugly things to say about folks like us that preach it I just saw some more of it this week we stand ready called me everything but a nice fellow because I preach faith well I make no apologies Jesus preached faith didn't he he preached faith uh y'all just believe it you're on that blab it and grab it and confess it and possess it bunch you just you know that you can believe it and you can say it and it'll happen what they don't realize who they're making fun of who said that Jesus said that didn't he but verse 22 go back to mark 11 now granted there's some people that have taken the subject to faith and twisted it up so bad and try to make it saying mean things that Jesus never said but it doesn't do away with the real thing hmm and let me know you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater right a lot of people do I mean they see some error what somebody called faith and so they said well we don't want anything to do with that faith stuff what do you mean you can't even be born again without faith right impossible to please the Lord without faith the just shall live by faith we're to walk by faith faith is the victory that overcomes the whole world even our faith so we're just gonna leave faith Life Church we're gonna leave that up on the front we're not gonna change it and I'm gonna keep going to mark eleven and Hebrews 11 and many other places because I you know I don't know how to live a victorious life any other way than to live by faith every good thing that ever happened in Phyllis in my life happened because with the Lord helped us to believe him and follow him are you with me every good thing in ministry every every piece of this church that the Lord brought to pass and put together I know it's because he told us what to believe and helped us to believe him and followed just reach your hands over there say peace to him peace to him right now in the name of Jesus peace to him in Jesus name hallelujah lord help him to relax peace to him in Jesus name thank you lord back to mark 11 are you there mark 11:22 yeah he's relaxing yeah he's gonna be just fine yeah thank you he's relaxed how many believe he can be totally free totally absolutely totally friendly just reach your hands out toward him a little bit more just father in the name of Jesus whatever it takes him to be totally free stop it in Jesus name take your hand off of him go everybody just lift up your hands and praise going Oh Lord we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you thank you Lord for your goodness thank you Lord for your mercy hallelujah thank you Lord in the name of Jesus now in Jesus name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah well it's time for faith now right verse 22 mark 11 jesus answered and said to them what did he say have faith in God say it again have faith in got one more time have faith in who in God it's so important that we get back to this and that we emphasize this our faith is not just in principles our faith is not just in our faith our faith is not in art just in ourselves our faith is in the person of the Lord our faith is in God do you have faith in God look in second Timothy second Timothy of the first chapter second Timothy 1 and 12 second Timothy 1:12 says for the which cause I also suffer these things nevertheless I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed how many remember the scripture says no one that trusted in him was made ashamed another way of saying that was let down was disappointed I know whom I have believed are we going to be ashamed that we trusted in him for the things that were trusting in him right now are we going to look back and go I was a fool for trying to believe that to start with or trying to believe that God was real or that miracles are we going to be disappointed are we going to be ashamed no we're not no we're not he said for I know whom I have believed and I'm persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him him him against that day I know whom I have believed not not just what but I know whom God is a person Jesus is a person the Holy Spirit is a person and you can know the person of the Holy Spirit he can be real to you the person of Jesus can be real to you the person of the Father can be real to you do you believe that how many no we're not talking about some some concept we're not talking about some impersonal force how many believe the person of God has a form he's sitting on the throne the Bible said hallelujah what color is God you know the Bible tells you what color he is he's Jasper colored and I and depends on that's what the revelation says depends on how you're looking at in my meds adjusted like a Jasper stone and sometimes if you look at it it's red sometimes it's reddish orange sometimes it's brown mister what color is God is he black is he white yeah is he red is the yellow uh-huh have you ever seen fire well the Bible said from his loins down fire from his loins up fire yo you ever seen all the colors in fire red yellow orange white right every color every color dark to light and everything in between he's your father no matter what color you are he's my father no matter what color I am right goes for all the same color on the inside and the suit the Bloods the same color and we're all related I've got the same mom and dad have to have right Adam and Eve all the same I could say something there but I don't think I will go with me to Hebrews the eleventh chapter are you interested in faith Hebrews chapter 11 he said have faith in God and this whole eleventh chapter in fact part of the tenth chapter and part of the twelfth chapter goes with it but this whole passage is Tom not having faith in God and people who had faith in God and how it worked out for him did it work out well for all these folks in his chapter here they weren't ashamed they trusted God and beginning in Hebrews 11:1 he tells us he gives us a definition of faith and then we see many different sides of people actually walking in faith in the following verses Hebrews 11:1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen faith is the substance of things hoped for or as other translations bring out the ground our confidence of things hoped for and then what else the evidence of things not seen I want us to focus on the first part of this in particular faith is the substance or again confidence of things what hoped for hoped for is a future designation and the evidence of things not seen or you could say not seen yet hmmm not seen and/or not seen yet skip on down what is it about the 20th verse here in the chapter Hebrews 11 and 20 he said by faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come everybody say things to come Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come and he did that how by faith verse 21 by faith Jacob when he was a dying blessed both the sons of Joseph and worshiped leaning upon the top of his staff so that was the same type of thing wasn't it he was blessing them concerning what things to come the future by faith Joseph verse 22 when he died he made mention of the departing of the children of Israel and gave commandment concerning his bones what was he talking to him about the future does faith deal with the future it does now the key word here is hope faith is the substance of things are the confidence of things hoped for but amongst so-called word and faith people hope has gotten a bad rap hmm hope is kind of disdained amongst many and that's a big mistake I said that's a big mistake have you ever studied the subject of hope in the Bible it's big it occurs time after time after time after time do you mind if I I give you a little summary version of it hmm was that a yes or no I could I could listen to Psalm thirty nine seventy you don't have to turn to these but just listen some thirty nine seven says Lord what do I wait for my hope is in you psalm 62:5 says my soul wait thou only upon God for my expectation is from him Psalm 71 14 since but I will hope continually and will yet praise you more and more missus hoping and praying no hoping and praising can y'all hear some scripture tonight or have you already got your mind made up about hope psalm 119 49 one nineteen forty nine says remember the word to your servant upon which you have caused me to hope verse 81 my soul faints for your salvation but I hope in your word uphold me according to your word that I may live and let me not be ashamed of my hope psalm 130 verse five 130 verse 5 says I wait for the Lord my soul does wait and in his word do I hope is that a good thing or a bad thing now I could read you 20 more just like that it's an Old Testament and it's in the New Testament go to Roman's please the eighth chapter see one of the most significant in my estimation verses along this line faith is the substance or confidence of what of what things hoped for Romans the eighth chapter in Romans 8 I'm moving too quickly how big of a hurry are you in tonight go to Hebrews 3 you know by the time I get here I've already read 500 verses on this and so I'm convinced but I have to remember that you may not have read all those this afternoon right Hebrews we're in chapter 11 but go back to the 3rd chapter and notice how this flows together in in Hebrews 3 and verse 6 it said but Christ as a son over his own house whose house are we if we hold fast the confidence now that's a faith word isn't it the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end faith and hope together at the same time now you're gonna have to listen with an open mind because I know some some things have been said that have left a certain impression and you may think I'm contradicting somebody else's teaching and yet I'm not it's just it's a matter of what a word means the way we use the word hope in modern vernacular does not mean the same thing that's what the Bible means when you see the word hope in the New Testament it just doesn't and we've heard teaching on faith that you know somebody says well will you receive when I pray for you now and somebody says well I sure hope so and for go no that won't cut it that's not faith that's right nor is it hope are you listening they're calling it hope but it's not hope either if they were really hoping they would be in faith until my Bible hope the way the word Hope is used nowadays basically means wish or won't hmm think about it couldn't you substitute that it's a message you know when we pray will you receive and they say well I sure hope so couldn't you I also say I sure won't - I sure wish it would be that way they're talking about desire and desire isn't faith right desire alone will not get you your prayer answered will not get you need met you can desire something desperately and that's not enough if God was moved by desperate desire or need miracles would be popping all over the planet tell me what pleases the Lord faith but I want you to to get this concept in your mind though now when you see faith you are going to see hope - faith is the confidence of things what hoped for now a misconception that is in some faith circles has to do with this that first you get hope and then maybe you can turn it into faith this is wrong or he listening it's still using that same wrong idea of hope as desire that's true if you're talking about desire that you can desire something you can want something you can need something and it's possible to get from there and to get in faith about it and quit just wanting it and begin believing for it but no it's not that you get hope and then maybe you can turn it into faith the reality is you get faith it produces hope are you listening now don't just take my word for it put your nose in this book if you have faith real faith you are gonna have hope so so that's future brother Keith I know faith deals with past and present and future this is yeah but brother Keith it says now faith is I know that but that can be an undue emphasis on that word faith is now faith is also past faith is also future hope y'all stay awake with me tonight I know I I was confused about this years ago when I would see I described to you the the case with the two uncles but there were other cases like that that I didn't understand I know there was a man I was ministering to in healing school and then his confessions were letter-perfect I believe that I have received pass the hints and by His stripes I was healed and yet he died he got worse and worse and died and I mean his confessions were just I mean tense wise perfect every time I hurt him I was out in another state and there was a deacon in a denominational Church I won't call the name but they didn't preach healing and they didn't believe in speaking in tongues and any of that and I ministered there for a service and he caught me on the on the way out and he and he said you just watch next time you see me I'll be healed yeah but that's future tense I said that's future tense but you know what next time I saw him months later he was healed and the man that had the perfect tense confessions was gone so that had me scratching my head because now faith is how many oh there's still a lot we we have yet to learn right and so I begin to begin to put my my nose in the in the Bible on on this subject and begin to said study these words instead of just quoting phrases I had heard other people say I need to see for myself what these words mean and that's when I discovered the glory of hope and I can say with confidence that that has helped my faith walk as much as about any other one thing I know of is learning about hope what is Bible Hope let me give you the definition if you look up the words you'll find that this is what it is the word hope like is in Hebrews 11 here and in numerous other places it pages it means basically expectation or anticipation or confidence some I say expectation if I had to pick one word that's the word I'd pick expectation now how many know that makes a huge difference if somebody says do you believe you'll receive right now when we pray and they say I fully expect to or to say I sure hope so meaning I wish it would be I want it to be to those even though they're using the same word it means totally two different things right the the definition can read this to you from vines favorable and confident expectation say that out loud favorable means you're not you're not just expecting anything you're expecting something good right expectation of bad means you're in fear see fear is a perversion of faith almost everything you can say about faith is true about fear in the negative the devil creates nothing he can't create anything he just tries to mess up what God is created so if you're expecting something bad you're in fear right and your fear of it is why you're expecting something bad but if you're in faith you're expecting something good and you're expecting something good because you believe something good has already happened and because you believe something good has already happened it puts you in a state of confident expectation to see feel and experience something good are you with me by faith I Israel spoke over his sons concerning the future is he expecting something good to happen in their leavin' after he's gone and the bible said he did that how by faith yeah but that's future yeah but his faith confident favorable expectation one of the words used to describe the Greek word is anticipation now anticipation is what happens when they're cooking good stuff in the kitchen and but you know you can't eat it yet you go in there and try to get a taste and get your hand slapped and it's not ready yet and it's not time yet so you just go and wait but you're not just waiting you're anticipating anticipating means you can almost taste it already anticipation means you can smell it you can imagine enjoying it right now before it happens but you fully expect to experience it shortly huh that's hope that's Bible hope Bible hope is anticipation Bible hope is confident expectation thank you lord in fact the phrase to hope is frequently translated to trust in the same New Testament I want to take this a little bit more time here because I want you to have full respect and proper respect for hope go to first Corinthians 13 do you know what I'm talking about when I say Hope has gotten a bad rap amongst word and faith people and a lot of people are quick to pounce and go oh that's just hope now that's hope we got to turn that into faith well if you mean hope like modern vernacular desire then yeah you need to not just desire you need to start be believing but really if it's Bible hope that's the best place you could be if you really are in Bible hope that means you have faith where'd you turn to first Corinthians 13 the last verse tell me what it says now abides Faith Hope Love these three but the greatest of these is love of all the things he could have mentioned these three somebody say the big three are gonna be with us forever there's a whole lot of things are not going to be with us past this life but these three are going to be with us forever and one of the big three is hope hope not something that should be spoken lightly of and brushed aside and so we don't need that we need faith oh yeah you need hope the more hope the better but you got to get your mind renewed to what it actually is come on tell me what it is what is real hope confident expectation an anticipating of how good it's going to be glory to God and why would you have such anticipation and such expectation because you believe something so your hope is built on the foundation of this faith your faith is the substance that word substance a lot of people have made some things out of it that it really didn't say look up the word the word substance has to do with confidence and it's from the word that means foundation like what you build something on faith is the foundation of what things hoped for why are you hoping why are you confidently expecting because you believe something you have faith so it's not first hope then faith not real hope it's faith producing hope I know that might sound strange to you but don't throw it away now meditate upon it this will help go over now to you were in Hebrews three go to Hebrews six we know Hebrews 11 is the great faith chapter but I want you to see what he kept referring to building up to this working up to this Hebrews six and eleven six eleven and we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of what of hope unto the end that should be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises for when God promised made promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater he swore by himself and he said bless he surely blessing I'll bless you and multiplying I'll multiply you so after he had patiently endured he obtained the promise was he hoping I said was he hoping well back up to the the part then verse 11 was he showing the full assurance of hope to the end yes he was I'll prove it to you more clearly here in just a moment so after he had patiently endured believing and hoping he obtained the promise for men verily swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife wherefore God willing more abundantly to show to the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel he confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie here as to what the two things are one is the oath the other one is the fact he can't lie anyhow but he he went ahead and gave the oath just to make it stronger if it was possible but it's impossible for God to lie that we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope that is set before us which hope we have as a what Kirt of the soul both sure and steadfast and which enters into that within the veil is hope important I said is it important what is hope you confidently expecting you're expecting you expected what does that do to your soul it anchors it down instead of it being unstable and being all over the place you showed me a faith man I'll show you somebody full of expectation a faith woman somebody full of expectation you show me a hopeless person I'll show you a person with no expectation of anything good and that's also a person with no faith can you see it friends now I'll go on to the 10th chapter 10 there's actually a thing in the King James here that you might want to notice and put a note in your scripture on a word that was used that really could have been a different word Hebrews 10 and 22 he said let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water and let us hold fast the profession of our faith actually it's hope if you look up the word it's the word hope how many got a different translation and it says hope see these hands all over the place that's because it's this the word it's same Greek word translated hope all over the New Testament and this is one that we have you know claimed and confessed to much hold fast to your confession of faith actually it's hold fast to your confession of hope but it really is saying the same thing in general because if you do have a real of hope is because you have faith because faith is the substance or ground our confidence of things hoped for I know this may sound a little different than what you thought or heard but Fred am i reading scriptures tonight come on are you with me now this is important this is a key thing that people have stumbled over and then there is something that helps me everyday in my faith walk I do believe in faith I have faith and because I have faith I am in a continual state of expectation I am expected I am expecting every project that's going on to be finished up posthaste lickety-split then it's not going to be a problem are you with me now I'm expecting you know I know you may not think about it that much and I don't worry about it at all but we have no guarantees in the natural that we will have money to pay our bills from week to week or month to month are you listening it you don't either oh yeah I know I'm gonna get paid no you don't know you don't my check is extra man I know it's good no you don't know that that's gonna be there I tell you who you can know is gonna be there you can be sure he's gonna be there but you you know the whole bunch of you you just expect every bill to be paid in this church you just expect putting their money to be there for the word supply you just expect the style plenty of money to go all over the country and take scores of thousands dollars with the materials and just give them you just expect it to all be there don't you just you let you lost no sleep over it this week no that is good strong faith that's what it is faith is a rest now friend you can take that and apply it to whatever area of your life has been bugging you I just expect the Lord tarries his coming to live a long healthy life live out my full time down here below do everything I'm supposed to do until I'm old biblically old and even the old people go he's old old and full of years and reach done it all seen it all been there twice and satisfied and ready to go ready to go why should why shouldn't you just expect for that to happen what brother Keith I have this brother Keith they said that you didn't hear me why can't you just expect that to happen it is no more complicated than that I just expect piles of money to come in I just expect ya but brother Keith have you been watching the news I try not to don't you know about about the economy why can't I still expect it hold fast to the profession of our hope without wavering for he is faithful that promised oh thank you Lord go back to Romans 8 now get ready to shout some more for the services over I'm telling you gonna I just I expect that you can get stirred up some more Romans 8 Romans 8 and let's see you need to back up to about 19 Romans 8:19 now this is a good were a good phrase here the earnest expectation of the creature or creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God now this is a different words in the Greek and the word earnest basically means intense the picture is stretched out head and neck what does that mean somebody say intense intense expert now you got expectation and that's good but does another notch up different words used to describe it you got faith but how many of you also got strong faith persuasion and then you got fully persuaded you got expectation and then there there's different degrees there is intense or as the King James says earnest and actually literally it means the words mean head neck outstretched well why would you be like that you are expecting it any moment right here you are because when it comes I'm on me right it for them I'm right here I got my arms out I'm ready to get it I'm ready to catch it I'm ready to receive it I'm I know that is a picture of faith faith faith faith who the earnest expectation of the creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God do you know what he's talking about he's talking about the planet you are on he's talking about the universe round about us it's like that let me keep reading the creation was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who subjected the same in what in hope even when the curse was pronounced the Lord was expecting for this thing to be straightened out for it was over with how many that we serve a God of faith a God of faith do you know what Jesus is doing right now oh you got to read this I could quote it to you but you can hold your place there go to first Corinthians oh mama got so many verses here first Corinthians 15 you know I went to the wrong one excuse me it's the book of Acts I think I'm expecting we'll get it to how about you you gotta expect with me expect with me please stand by well I don't see it at the moment but the scripture says that he is set down at the right hand of the Father and that he is expecting until his enemies be made his footstool do you remember that he's someone y'all find that for me real quick while I continue to preach he's expecting somebody say he's what what's not come on get the picture Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father right now do you believe that he's there what's he doing hmm now everybody's don't need to be looking for the verse you you stay with me these guys will look for the verse it's going huh I heard three different verses and of course it is it's more than one place where'd you find it in the New Testament 10:37 read it out loud no that's that's not it expecting the Bible said he's expecting til his enemies be made his footstool hmm read it out loud there it is Hebrews 10:13 Jesus back up to verse 12 verse 12 it's upon the screen guys it's it's right here this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever he sat down on the right hand of God humming oh Jesus has done that and that's where he is right now verse 13 what from henceforth from henceforth from here till now from here to now what's he doing what's Jesus doing at the right hand of the Father is he in faith about this thing what's he doing that he is expecting I mean there's there's demons and crazy people running all over the planet it doesn't look like it's in hand and under control yet but how many Jesus is breathing for it to be and I mean though his faith works his faith works how many bleed just as surely as you're sitting here and this planets revolving and even more sure it'll come to pass that every enemy will be made his footstool every knees go about every tongues gonna confess he's believing for that right now and how can we see his faith he's expected he's sitting there right now expecting this to come to pass now how are you and I supposed to operate in faith same way you hear what he says you become persuaded of it you believe it you believe you receive it you say the word you sold the seed you pray the prayer you lay the hand on and then what do you do then what do you do come on help me out what do you do then you expect you expect it to come to pass you expect to see it you expect to feel it you expect it to happen now how long has he been doing this years centuries right aren't you glad he doesn't get discouraged easily so this is the test isn't it that we can expect and keep expecting and no matter what it looks like keep expecting and no matter what it feels like keep expecting and if it looks worse keep expecting anyhow if it feels worse keep expecting any how come owner y'all with me now if it looks like there's no way I'm talking to somebody here today if it looks like it's too late is too far gone it's hopeless there's no way there's no such thing as hopeless to a faith man a woman a faith man a woman is always gonna hope which means expect always no matter what not enough stuff can happen that a faith men a woman stops expecting because their expectation was not based on what they saw in felt to start with and their reason for expecting has not changed and never will and they will not be ashamed who keep reading the enemy sure didn't want you to get this tonight but uh tough so me mate I had a hard time getting here tonight and there have been several different things but not now you know one he's a loser fact he's v loser capital T capital L V loser have you read revelation he's he's the loser what's going on the creation is in earnest intense expectation the mountains the oceans the valleys the plant kingdom the animal kingdom the atmosphere is groaning its yearning you know what it wants it wants to be restored like it was created like it was supposed to be thunderstorms are not how it's supposed to be earthquakes are not how it's supposed to be did you hear me tornadoes tidal waves volcanoes I mean all of this as a result of the curse and the effect of sin on the earth God didn't make it this way and the whole thing you can hear it can't you it's groaning literally I mean people that study the the tectonic plates they're shifting this thing it's tearing itself apart in some ways I mean it's it needs to be born again just like all the inhabitants on it need to be born again and and it knows it's gonna be and it's yearning for it it's reaching for come on keep reading keep reading verse 22 we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now this is everything the plants the animals the ground the atmosphere everything and not only it but ourselves also which have the firstfruits of the Spirit you know you don't have the whole thing yet I said did you know you're not experiencing the whole thing you just got the firstfruits and what we've tasted is good well but there's so much more to come even ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body where he got born again it was our spirit but our body didn't get born again in fact the body calls our current condition vile VI le as pretty as we could make ourselves the Bible still says vile I know you might not like that but that is just the truth let me know no matter what you do is to do over again tomorrow or sooner and up to a certain point it's not going to get better at a certain point this you you just you're going to get older but soon and very soon now now we're getting to some shouting for it right here this is called the glorious hope I want us to talk about the glorious hope you'll talk about the glorious hope finish we are waiting what are we waiting on but are we in faith while we're waiting yes see that has sounded wrong the people's minds because of the way faith has been talked but no I mean people have gotten in in bondage in their minds and they can't say you know if the symptoms are still there the pain still there if the money's not there they don't know what to say they get uncomfortable and they go well how you doing I was healed by Jesus stripes gray so everything's good yeah I was healed by Jesus stripes so are you you know you you feel good and everything's great people get nervous then they're like they don't know what though I don't want to say their own thing I'll miss my faith up friend it's not about technicalities y'all hear me now and people have done stuff that's I'm getting ahead of myself again but but but they've done things that brings your approach and leaves the wrong example people go to the doctor because they won't want their help and the doctor pokes and nose does that hurt and they go oh no in Jesus name I have no pain and the doctor will snow why'd you come to me then and a lot of people in the medical field they they think they don't like folks that believe in divine healing because they think it's goofy and weird and a hindrance but what people are calling faith is not real faith either and that's what results in the confusion I believe I received my healing what about the symptoms well they're still there hmm does it hurt yep is that a lack of faith to say that no it is not now you no need to cap on it and dwell on it you don't need to meditate on it but yeah it's there hmm I believe I received my money but can you write two check today nope it is the money there no it's not there but what come on help me out but what I'm expecting oh come on now I mix I'm expected my body to change I'm expecting the money to come on in I'm expecting something to happen or Y always been out why am i expected because I believe something he said verse 24 now get this Romans 8:24 for we are saved by hope smus I thought we saved by faith both are true because if you have faith you're gonna have hope you know with Mina we're saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man sees why does he yet hope for it faith is the confidence of things hoped for it's the evidence of things not seen or not seen yet but we're expecting well you're waiting on it yeah I'm waiting to see it I'm waiting to feel it I'm waiting for the money to hit the account well then you're not in faith I certainly a.m. I believe God's heard my prayer I believe he has granted granted my request I believe I have received I'm not waiting to see if it's gonna happen enough come on now y'all with me no no if about it I'm not waiting to see if it's gonna happen how many know that for things to happen down here they have to happen in the spirit they happen in the spirit then they have them out here what do you say whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven but if you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven there's a connection isn't there so we believe it's been granted to us in the realm we can't see but you don't treat you don't you're not supposed to try to say I can see it when you don't see it you're not supposed to try to say I feel it when you don't feel it that's not faith denying what you see and feel is not faith we're saved by hope now back on it with me to the fourth chapter Romans you may have heard these verses many times or read them and quoted them but I think they might mean even more to you right now Romans 4:17 well verse 16 therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed not to that only which is of the law but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all as it is written I have made there's that past tense your father of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quickens the dead and calls those things which be not as though they were Abraham who against hope believed in hope that he might become as future tense isn't it God had told him I have made you the father of many nations and now he is expecting that he will be come now you gonna tell him that's not real faith this is Abraham right the father of faith question is did it work let's go back to that Deacon I was talking about earlier caught me on my way out of the church I didn't think his confession was right he was he was prayed for to be healed that night he couldn't tell any difference in his body but he caught me him by the arm and and he said you just watch next time I see you I'll be healed was that faith well the next time I saw him he was healed what else are you looking for what's he in faith yeah but he's talking future tense empathy faith deals with all tenses faith deals with the past and the present and the future why was he expecting his body to change in the near future why he believed something had happened when we all prayed when he was ministered to he didn't know how to say it and that wasn't the important thing the guy that knew how to say it didn't receive it because he wasn't expecting anything except expecting to get worse how many not matters not if you make so-called perfect confessions all day if you're really expecting to get worse there's no faith fair he against hope he believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according that which was spoken so shall thy seed be and being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead neither yet the deadness of when he's about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform let me read this to you from another translation if I can find it somebody say against hope believed in hope in the English version it says even abraham believed and hoped even when there was no reason for hoping and so became the father of many nations the basic Bible says who without reason for hope in faith went on hoping the Weymouth translation says under utterly hopeless circumstances he hopefully believed to become the father of many nations he had no reason to expect to father a child no reason to expect Sarah to be able to conceive she couldn't conceive when she was young now she's gone through the change of life now he is 90 years old and then 99 what if they showed up at the clinic for a checkup and why are y'all here well we're gonna have a baby did they have any reason to expect in the natural there was no reason to expect in fact every reason to expect it not to be but in faith against hope no reason to hope no reason to expect he believed in expectation why did he do it because of something the Lord told him he told him he took him outside your member and showed him he said look at the stars can you count them do you know how many grains of sand there on the seashore and all I can't count him he said that's how many descendants you're gonna have and then he told you know when the angel visited he told sir about this time next year she laughed thought it was funny then got scared when he asked her about it and then lied but I want you to notice Sarah is in chapter 11 she must have quit laughing and she must have quit lying she had a turn around come on say sir turn around she had even if he started out rough how many know you can still get it together I mean even if you start out in unbelief no hope no faith no honesty you could still wind up in Hebrews 11 oh oh there's hope for everyone else if you just go on and expect that by the grace of God by His grace somebody say by his grace we'll get it together we'll get it we'll get it together we'll we'll quit wobbling around will quit wavering around will cut laughing and being an unbelief come on picture Sarah she laughed she thought what old as he is old as I am I'm gonna have a baby she laughed right out last she thought that was funny and the Lord said turned around he said once she laughs whoo she said oh I didn't laugh he said yeah you did is anything too hard for the Lord that's what he said how many think after he left Sarah had a quiet time she got off to herself and thought I really messed up oh how many believe she'd gotten to gotten the floor of the tenth day and repented before God and said Lord forgive me I have seen you do things for us all these years and you've kept us and spent how many know they had testimonies what happened with her when that King took her and they got her back and the enemy attacked and they got everything back I mean they've got they got miracle after miracle they started out with a couple of sticks to rub together now they're richest people in the whole country right how many know she knows God can do things and that's what the Bible says she counted him faithful she Steve got there and the floor she's repented she said God forgive me forgive me for life and I know better than this you are faithful and if you say you can do this then you can do this and so if you say I'm going to be expecting I'm expecting to be expecting and I'm in knowing a few months she was expecting huh and she kept expecting a few months more and then she gave birth and Isaac was born and Fred it is no more difficult than that you and I can have miracles if we will just do that if we will just expect go with me to first Thessalonians I'm thinking about closing first Thessalonians first Thessalonians 4 I tell you find at the same time fine Titus it's right there close by Titus 2 and first Thessalonians 4 let's go to Titus first read it like that Titus 2 and 13 to 13 says looking for that what blessed hope what is the Blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and our Savior Jesus Christ are you looking for that hmm how many in here say I'm looking for the glorious appearing of our great God and our Savior just Jesus Christ are you looking for him to come back then go back over to first Thessalonians and let's read about him coming back 1st Thessalonians 4 and 13 I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which what now we're tapping into something really important we've touched on it but I want to give you the scripture for it do you know how you can know you're in Bible hope hmm we talk about it around here all the time only we say how would you know if he's really in faith well if you're really in faith you're going to really be expecting something good and if you're really expecting something good all that do to you it will give you joy hmm and it will give you peace I said it'll give you joy and it'll give you peace now these people they had no hope and what was their problem sorrow that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope when people are down when they're sad when they're depressed it's obvious they're not expecting something good hmm that's why they're down so are they in faith it doesn't matter if they made nine good confessions and listen to four CDs that day if they're still down and sorrowing they're not in faith can't be can't be but when you get in faith these people and and of course this is the time when you would expect to see sorrow when somebody you love has left their body and you're putting that body in the ground and he said I don't want you to be ignorant semester thank you Lord I'm not ignorant he'd hide I would not have you to be ignorant concerning them that are asleep that means the their body not soul sleep but body sleep something's where that body's dead no actually it's gonna wake up that body missus well I want a new body it's gonna be the one you've got glorified and don't get upset you'll be perfectly happy with it in its glorified state but the Lord Jesus has purchased this one did you know your body you're this physical body that you have right now is a permanent part of the body of Christ I know people despise it and I know there's some things you don't like about it and that's because of its current vile condition but I assure you when the glory of God gets through with it yeah you gonna look like you supposed to look and you're gonna feel like you're supposed to feel and you're gonna be able to do what you're supposed to do forever forever for eternity you talk about looking good oh you talk about looking good we're gonna see each other when all this is over and we'll just probably shout for the first thousand years about how good we look just stand and talk to you go man you look you never looked that good when I saw you oh you never looked even closer they go man you either we look good we're shout we'll sing this body has been bought and paid for and we are expecting we have this this glorious hope he said if we believe that Jesus died and rose again do you believe that even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him for this we say to you by the word of the Lord humming oh this is as strong as he sometimes he would say it now I don't have the word but I have the spirit but but here he says though I have the word of the Lord he spoke this to me that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent or go before them which you're asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God the dead in Christ shall rise first how many believe this is going to happen just like this are you really expecting this to happen it's not gonna be long then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord now think about it there are Christians who died at sea the Sharks got their bodies where's their body at there are Christians who died in the desert their bones were bleached and never found you can't even find a bone of them but only no God knows for every molecule is he knows where every cell is and it would be an amazing thing to be alive and remaining when that trumpet sounds because the dead in Christ are going to rise first and you and I'd be still here like we are right now and we would see it might be a bit much for us with we would see every cell of the dead in Christ come from the four corners of the world back together boom and the glory of God go over it and here they come with Jesus their spirits and get back in their bodies and you and I standing there going and about that time the glory hits us fits us and we will be changed and it ain't gonna take long in a moment in the twinkling of an eye are you expecting this to happen come on up you know why you expect this to happen because you have faith you believe and because of what you believe you have this confident expectation and even right now you've got some anticipation [Laughter] then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air flying without an airplane yes and amen and so shall we ever be we're not going for a visit we're not going we are always forever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words is there comfort in this hope I've stood by the graveside of friends and family and fellow ministers and you know you part of your soul wants to sorrow but when you know the truth you don't sorrow like those who have no hope because we have a hope we have a certain inner shore glorious hope that even though we plant that body today that body is coming up how many believe it just assures you're sitting here every child of God the dead in Christ shall rise first no matter where their bodies or what state they're in it's gonna come back together be reunited and be glorified and when you really believe that you know when you know they're not there that's just their body and that's not the end of their body either their body's just asleep there's no such thing as soul sleep the person is gone the person is with Jesus hallelujah shouting up and down the streets of glory but this is not even the end of their body the body's just asleep and it's going to be awakened you talk about an alarm it's going to be the trumpet is going to go off and it's going to wake up all the dead in Christ their body's going to wake their bodies up there with him but it's gonna wake their bodies up now friend when you and I started reading that and started talking about that it comforted us and it thrilled us is that right and that is the two big indicators that real faith is present go to Roman's just another verse or so Romans 15 there's no such thing as a joyful hopeless person right no what kind of person is hopeless I've seen people by the graveside just I lose it just come apart people look at me and grab me and go what are we gonna do what are we gonna do without this what are we gonna do without them what's their problem they can't see coming out they don't have an expectation that everything's gonna be all right and because they're hopeless it shows that they're faithless and the evidence is no joy and no peace you'll come on can you see it look here in Romans 15 Romans 15 and 13 now what now the god of what thought he was the god of faith he is but he's a faith God he's a faith God and if you're a faith God you have to be a hope God are you a faith person then you have to have necessity also be a whole person the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may want abound in what in what hope through the power of the Holy Ghost that hope is one of the big three that hope is the one thing that can anchor your soul down in the midst of the worst storm I mean in the midst of the worst tragedies the worst situations where everybody else is absolutely hopeless and just down as low as you can go and desponding if you've got that hope you'll look through your tears you'll push past your fears come on home and you're what everybody else soul is just going all over the place yours is tethered anchor come on anchored fly cuz you have a sure hope come on are you with me and the god of hope will fill you with joy in those times people wonder what are you shouting about because this idea how can you be so cold cuz I know I know what's going to happen this is how Jesus himself made it through the cross go to Hebrews 12 not my words Hebrews 12 the beginning is actually the continuation of the end of Hebrews 11 this all flows together he's talking about faith faith and look at what it says Hebrews 12 verse 1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses what kind of witnesses faith witnesses all those folk he just talked about in chapter 11 let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who father what for the what joy that was set when where is this future future before him out in front of him for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross as I made it through it despising the shame and is sit down at the right hand of the throne of God Oh hallelujah somebody say glory to God say it again glory to God did he have a hope come on did Jesus have a hope he had a word from the Father he said I have power he said nobody can take my life from me he said I got power to lay it down and I got power to take it up again didn't he said how many know he went to the cross in faith he died in faith why it was agony the crucifixion the thorns all the stuff it was agony how did he make it through it how did he make it through it the worst part was what you couldn't see our sins and the judgment for all our sins being laid on his sinless spotless being how did he make it through such an ordeal even though he was hanging there and even though his spirit was taking all that he was looking out beyond from there oh come on help me I he he was he was looking at all come on could he could he by faith could he see him finishing this could he see him paying the whole price could he see him raising from the dead come on could he see you and I could he see us being washed of our sins could he see this whole thing wrapping up and him coming to catch us all away like we just read could he see us living with him free from sin for eternity could he see it by faith yes and that hope kept him anchored don't you remember he said don't you know I could call on the father right now he'd send legions of angels to get me down from here he was tempted to do it what held what held him something held his soul something had his soul anchored down come on to where he kept the Bible said he opened not his mouth he knew if he did he'd be all over with he kept his mouth closed he didn't call on help he didn't call for justice he just took it Oh hallelujah tell me how how did he take it how did he how did he make it through that sympton you talk about symptoms symptoms how did you make it through it for the joy that was sent because of what he believed it gave him an expectation I'm not staying here long I'm coming through this oh come on did he believe he's coming through that even when he went to the heart of the earth having no he believes I'm not staying here I'm not it is written I will not leave his soul in hell you will not suffer your Holy One to see corruption was he expecting to be raised from the dead oh he was expecting it he was expecting it did it come to pass did he come how do you and I make it through trouble how do we make it through challenges exactly the same way we get a word from the Lord we get a word from the Lord that tells us we make it that tells us our needs are met that tells us that with long life he'll satisfy us and show us his salvation and then we lay hold of that we're persuaded of it we believe it we receive it and then what do we do come on what do we do them then we no matter what we see or feel we expect that to come to pass in our lives no matter if it looks like it's worse than it was last week we still expect no matter if it gets to court people say there's no hope why do you keep expecting this to happen there's no hope that's what Abraham against hope believed in hope with no reason to keep on hoping he kept on hoping confidently expecting everybody stand up please
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 10,051
Rating: 4.7352943 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Faith, in, God, Pt, 6, Faith, For, The, Future
Id: DDv7nqkD-MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 59sec (6059 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2012
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