Keith Moore Faith in God Pt 9 Faiths Choice

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as they make it look if you didn't bring a Bible with you this evening if you'd hold up your hand the ushers have extra Bibles be glad to let you use one of ours and let's all go to turn to mark 11 mark chapter 11 and then we'll look at 2nd Timothy chapter 1 mark 11 2nd Timothy 1 thanks for everybody that prayed for us for the New York meeting everything went good like we said it was a blessing I'm so thankful we can go and do like we do you know not hand anybody any bills don't charge them anything they wanted to receive an offering you know and I told him I said well here's what it's going for I said our word cinders and partners and church have sent us to you and sent these materials to you at no charge and what you're sowing into us we'll set help send us somewhere else right and we can come to them at no charge thank you lord what a blessing it is to do that and not have to ask anybody for anything and oh thank god thank you Lord and so many of you are part of that both in prayer and in finances and and in faith and we're all in this together mark 11 did you find it Mark 11 verse 22 Jesus had spoken to the fig tree and it obeyed him it didn't happen instantaneously on the outside that you could see but something happened underground and it dried up from the roots and and they would marveled when they saw how quick the the fig tree dried up and Jesus you this as an occasion opportunity to teach them and then of course us about faith and this is how he started out verse 22 what do you say have faith in God said out loud have faith in God again have faith in God now I know that's a simple sounding phrase and we've heard that kind of thing a lot before but don't don't let it pass by you people have gotten distracted many ways in this and you'll hear good people talking about well I I have faith in democracy you know I have faith in America I have faith that I believe in hard work and and I believe in treating people right and I believe in this well you know those are not the same as having faith in God are you if minna having faith in God go to Timothy if you're holding that place or looking for 2nd Timothy and the first chapter second Timothy and 1 verse 12 he said for the which caused also suffer these things nevertheless I'm not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that day he didn't you say I know what I believe what do you say I know I know whom I have believed in teaching about faith and thinking about faith a lot of folks have folk stone faith in principles faith in three steps to this and seven steps to that but our faith is to be in him right in him as well I have faith in the Bible okay but our faith is not just an ink and paper our faith is in the one who said two words that are recorded in the book our faith is not just in what our faith is in who in him some I said out loud I have faith in Him in God now this is not an intellectual thing and this is not dotting every I and crossing every T this has to do with confidence in the integrity of the person right faith in the faithfulness of the person faith confidence in the ability in the grace in the love of the one you believe in right we need to think about this we need to make sure our focus is on him and there's always going to be things you don't know and I don't know in every situation you're dealing with you're never gonna know all there is to know about it or even though you need to know but you can have confidence in the one you trust that even though you don't know he's gonna get you through right he looks at your heart thank God because I assure you we're getting a lot of stuff wrong we are not dotting every I and crossing every team but he looks at your heart and we don't need to think legalistically and mechanically with him it's not that you say it exactly the right way it's not about formulas right we talked about this you know those seven sons of siva went and going to cast the devil out of that man and they said we adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches well you can tell they're careful to word this right aren't they they think it's a formula they think it's a it's a power phrase and the spirit and the man spoke up and said I know Jesus I know Paul who are you jumped on them beat up beat up all seven of them Bible said they ran out of the house wound it naked tore their clothes off and beat them up I'm gonna date just about getting the phrase right now let me expand this it's not just about knowing the correct Hebrew pronunciation or correct Greek definition you see people that have gotten so technical and it's wrong it's misdirection and it's misplaced faith I don't know how much you've studied but you know I've had people you know correct me about pronouncing certain words and I am knows no Hebrew scholar I'm no Greek scholar some folks don't think I can speak English very good [Laughter] but if you studied very much you know that for instance with the Hebrew they've had to add all kind of letters just to make it pronounceable for us in the English so who I mean scholars themselves that have devoted their whole lives to these things disagree about how it should be pronounced or how what part of the word should be emphasized and so it's really showing ignorance when you get so adamant about you know this with s missus well you know Jehovah Jireh though that's pronounced with the Y so it's your OVA year a great but boy sure misses a song up don't it on me Jehovah Jireh my provider listen God knows your heart come on are you listen to me and that's what he's looking at and that's what he's listening for not to see if your pitch is perfect or your pronunciation is right do the best you can I'm not knocking that but don't depend on that to get anything done are you listening to me what you better depend on is do the best you know how and know it's coming up way short but count on the one you trust come on count on the one you believe in to look at your heart and know that you don't know a lot of stuff and you're coming up short the lot of stuff but he knows you trust him you have faith in his person you have faith in his integrity and in his faithfulness and in his power there's a lot of stuff you don't know but you do you have become fully persuaded and completely convinced that God is real that he's good that he loves you that he'll never lie to you that he'll never fail you that he's faithful that you have faith in God somebody said again I have faith in God in him now go with me to Hebrews the eleventh chapter that great faith chapter would you like to look at some more of that tonight man we the Lord's helped us already we've shouted about several of these individuals and I want us to look at something else Hebrews 11 verse 1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen Young's literal translation says faith is of things hoped for a confidence of matters not seen a conviction and if you look it up I think you'll agree these are two of the big words in defining and understanding confidence and conviction confidence of what you're expecting conviction of the reality of what you don't see or feel yet but he didn't you stop there and say okay I told you what faith is now you know no the rest of the whole chapter is example after example after example of real people with living faith having faith in God in real-life situations and we're never going to know all the variances of faith but we can get the spirit of it and if you immerse yourself in this chapter for you get out you ought to recognize faith you won't claim to know all there is to know about it but you you you get a a feel and a sense of what faith sounds like and how faith comes across and how faith responds how faith talks how faith acts the spirit of faith is the spirit of victory how many don't second Corinthians four talks about this we having the same spirit of faith as them in fact turn over their holds place their look at it second Corinthians everybody say spirit of faith that's the language of the scriptures spirit of faith people that focus sometimes on the study of faith the mentality of faith the definitions of faith but we should be focusing on the spirit of faith 2nd Corinthians the 4th chapter and verse 13 says we having the same what spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore speak these are the two big parts of believing in faith rather is that you believe it in your heart and you say it with your mouth now there are other actions in addition to the saying part but the saying is the big one and the foundation and the constant through everything you believe it and you say it and he's saying we have the same spirit of faith as who he's talking about the patriarchs he's talking about people that have gone before us it applies to the Hebrews chapter 11 we got the same spirit of faith Abraham had and has he's very much alive tonight and we got the same spirit of faith he does we got the same spirit of faith that David faced Goliath with we've got that available to us and in us if we're yield to it and live that way do you believe it we got the same spirit of faith Gideon and his 300 face those enemy hordes with same spirit of faith that the prophet Elijah had to showdown with the prophets of Bale's on the map we got the same spirit of faith are you you believe in this or not we've got the same spirit of faith in US and on us just like they believed and we're bold and said it and did it we also believe and are bold and say it and do it and the same God that did amazing things in their life does amazing things in our life because he never changes somebody said I got the same spirit same spirit of faith they had go back to Hebrews 11 let's look at the spirit of faith they had and half verse two by it by faith the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear by faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain how can you give a good offering thanks faith by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God howdy pleased God with his faith but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him faith is not optional he didn't say you ought to you should what'd he say you must and he mentioned two things and most of the church world is missing one of these you must believe what was it say that he is what does that mean well that he's real that he exists that he's real and that he's God you must believe that you can't be on the fence you can't be debating it you can't be wrestling with it in your mind maybe there's a God maybe there's not we don't know who knows then you can't come to him did you hear me he's not gonna be real to you throughout your life and it's not gonna be his fault you say well if he's real why don't he reveal himself to me well you're not the Creator you could you don't get to tell him how to do it he told you that if you'd believe he'd reveal himself well if he'd show me I believe well if you'd believe he'd show you now you're gonna be rebellious and make I try to get God to submit to your intellect or are you gonna submit to him and believe before you see her field and let him reveal himself to you the way he said he was that's the whole world is in this situation some believe in some don't must believe that he is and what else must you believe you must believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him this where much of the church world is falling short they don't believe he's a rewarder you know what they believe you just never know well what if I really pray and I seek God and I try to find his will well the Lord's ways are mysterious you you just never know exactly what well if I if I really believe him and I seek Him will he show me what to do and will he heal me and bring me out well well now you just never know what God's gonna do yeah if I really seek Hindman and I believe him and I do what he tells me to do would he help me pay my bills and and and meet my needs Wow we hope so but you know a lot of things happen we don't know wine you just never know but what if you said that about me so I said that about you well if they said who's speaking tonight well brother Keith is on the schedule but you just never know what what he's going to do well who's paying for this or that well brother Keith said he would but you just never know about him his ways are mysterious 'no come on what would you be saying you'd be saying you can't count on me and even if he said he would do it he may not do it see people are saying that about god right and left and think it's okay and they get upset when we get bold and say God will do what he said he would do but who's showing him more respect somebody that says hey I say God's Word is true if he said he would do it you can count on him that's what he'll do or somebody says well you just never know what who's showing him more respect who's showing him more honor well I know with me personally and someone so well I tell you what if brother Keith said he'd be there he'll be there was any way can be he'll be that well that that honors me doesn't it hey brother Keith said he'd pay for it I'll tell you if there's any way he can he will that honors me that that means you believe in me a man can fail god never has somebody say glory to God do you believe he is a rewarder that when somebody seriously reaches up to him and reaches out to him and draws near to him he will respond you draw near to him he'll draw near to you you ask you'll receive you knock it'll be open to you you seek come on are y'all with me or not how many believe how many believe that God is a good god now what's the reward hmm if I said hey so when somebody does this and that I'm gonna give them a reward and so you you do it you go hey great I did it now get my reward yeah here's some garbage here's a rotten egg here's a tip don't be duped next time what's what's a reward a reward is something good are y'all with Mina God is a good god you got to believe not only that he's real that he exists but you got to bleed he's a good god that if you really seek Him you to really try to believe him you really try to live for him you really try to follow him it is going to pay off big-time in this life and in the next none of this you just never know you got to be bold listen oh no I tell you what you give your life to the Lord you believe him with all your heart you follow him and honor and respect him do what he tells you to obey him it will go well for you good things are gonna happen for you God's gonna protect you he's gonna take care of you he'll heal you and your babies he'll pay your bills come on you believe this or not he's a rewarder he's a good god now this word reward keeps coming up in the 10th chapter and comes up again in this chapter later the eleventh chapter we're going to keep talking about it and faith well I'm getting ahead of myself go back to the tenth chapter back up to the tenth chapter and see what we're talking about here verse 31 or 30 32 rather excuse me 32 he said call to remembrance the former days in which after you were illuminated you endured a great fight of afflictions partly whilst you were made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions and partly whilst you became companions of them that were so used for you had compassion of me in my bonds and took joyfully the spoiling of your Goods knowing in yourselves that you have in heaven a better and an enduring substance he's touching on reward and he's gonna say more about it in just a minute it was costing these Hebrew Christians to identify with Christ and to identify with Paul it was costing them they were reproached they were ill treated they were taking advantage of their stuff was confiscated do you see that spalling of their goods it was costing them now historians and and commentators touch on this and talk about how that a number and you can see from the writing it must have been true a number of people were falling away and they were ceasing to identify with the Lord and he you can see through if you read the whole book of Hebrews you can see that must have been the case and it makes you know it begins to ring more with with more understanding to us keep reading when he tells them right after that verse 35 what'd he say cast not away therefore your what confidence which has great what great recompense of reward is he saying it's gonna pay off it's going to pay off in a big way for you have need of patience is everybody waiting are you believing with me we got some really important places to get to the next few minutes can you can you stay hook can you stay focused he said you need some what you need what he said don't throw away your confidence and he said you need patience this word patience you could also use the word persistence you said like this be confident and keep on being confident and tomorrow be confident and the next day keep on being confident right in the Lord confident don't quit don't give up now the Lord doesn't tell you you need patience if it's gonna happen in two hours he does he why does he tell you you got it you need patience because it may take longer to see this thing come to fruition than what your flesh wants it to be because your flesh and mine too always wants it win now see you knew the word right off you you didn't have to think about you knew when does your flesh want it now now now but what the Lord say you need patience look at your neighbor help I might say you need patience you need patience why why do you need patience so that after you've done the will of God you might what you might receive the promise is that part of the great recompense of reward you gonna receive he said for yet a little while and he that shall come will come and he will not tarry how many know he's not going to be late now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him but we are not of them that draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul the Bible said them that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution I don't know if this has been talked about enough in so-called word and faith charismatic circles but I'm gonna talk some about it tonight because it's right here in the Bible and if we believe the Bible we need to believe all of it right go with me on down into this eleventh chapter of Hebrews to the twenty fourth verse Hebrews eleven twenty four said by faith Moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter does it make any difference what you call things what you call yourself what you agree with people calling you there came a point in Moses life now is this the great faith chapter are we learning things about faith we already saw we got the same spirit of faith just like they had and it consisted of believing and saying does this have to do with what you say right here Moses got to the point where he would not even let people call him that are you listening now tell me what faith does faith calls those things that be not as though they were and something happened in Moses he got a revelation about who his people was and who his God was and who he was and what he was supposed to be and what he was supposed to do and there came a point in his life where he said nah nope That's not me I know that's been my whole life and everybody thinks that be the greatest thing if they could be called that but that is not me I am not the son of Pharaoh's daughter I'm not Pharaoh's a grandson now in Egypt that was big stuff or you listening they were considered the whole family was considered living gods and they were waited on hand and foot and they had everything that you could imagine or think or won't and from so many ways told naturally Moses was set for life oh man he's never gonna have to work a day in his life it'd be like today living the life of a multi-month to be in there do anything he wanted to do but he said no that's not me don't call me that faith calls those things that be not as though the way everybody else saw him that way but he decided no don't call me that and you need to make up your mind don't call me poor don't call me poor don't call me dumb don't don't call me an edge you can uneducated and unable don't call me sick don't call me dying call me heal [Applause] call me blessed don't call me a druggie don't call me fatso call me delivered call me free and the most important thing is what you called you refused to be called defeated things bound things do like him now we're reading in the chapter here refuse to be called worldly ungodly defeated things bring this to change your life you just act on this one thing just go around all the time calling it no matter what it is or what it feels like how long it's been that way or how many experts say it's that way you call it what it should be you rename it hmm well that's a man he's got a cancer-ridden liver he's got a destroyed liver uh-uh I just renamed my liver sale ever I'm talking to you you got a new name your name is mr. healthy that's it mr. healthy liver not not bad I not bombed me not bad hip I called my hip healed I called my eyes strong come on are y'all listening or not I call myself free call myself blessed call myself rich he refused to be called the worldly designation in turn now here's here's the thing I wanted to get to verse 25 what's that next word choosing everybody say choosing choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season hmm keep reading it's steaming everybody say choosing then say this is steaming esteeming the reproach of Christ understand reproach and affliction these don't sound like fun stuff right I mean yeah reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect to what to what what did he have a revelation of what was big in his eyes the reward the reward must say the reward your choices in mind in life reveal our faith or the lack thereof how many understand a lot of people would not have made the choice he made this choice cost him in the natural he went from everybody bowing down to him everybody waiting on him hand and foot he gave that up and from being so-called living gods in the pharaoh's family of egypt to being a part of a slave nation being a wanted criminal a fugitive how many know not long after he made this choice and did some things he's on the backside of the desert where nobody knows him or cares doing a job that the world could care less about come on can you see this but is he miserable and unhappy he's not he feels like it's a greater honor to be a part of these slave people hurting these sheep around come on are you listened him and be identified with God then to be up in that big palace with money running out of your ears and everybody waiting on your hand and foot and do anything you want to do but no connection with God he made a choice and his choice revealed his faith people are making choices in life young people are making choices about which way they're going to go in their life what they're going to do with their life what they're going to be adults are making choices older people are making choices and these choices were making are showing our faith or our lack of faith Moses chose the reproach he chose the affliction rather than the pleasures of sin for a season is there any pleasure in sin yeah this is one area the church has misrepresented at times Christians and the church try to try to act like all there's you can't have any fun partying there's no fun in that no well why so many people doing it why while there's so many people getting high and sleeping around and and getting drunk and why are so many millions doing this and think that is the thing to do there is some pleasure in it it's temporary though it's very brief and after that is death I'm not talking my just falling dead physically I'm talking manifestations of spiritually every time you see in God's not against sin just to be religious the wages of sin is death sin kills you every time you sin it kills something in your life oh you might just fall physically now there's a lot of sins that will kill you physically dead right on the spot and a lot of things they might not kill you today but you keep doing it you'll be dead for a long way before your time and in the wrong way but just because you didn't die physically didn't mean you didn't die how many know when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit he said in the day you eat you'll die did they die yes something happened to you see them running and hiding and scared they died on the inside there's death in the mind there's death in the soul there's death in your emotions there's death in your relationships sin does this to you oh there's some fun in it there's some pleasure in it and if you don't have faith which much of the world has no faith in God you're gonna choose that you're gonna choose the immediate gratification what was that old beer commercial you only go go through life one time or you got to grab all what was it gusto you got to grab all that you can well that is the flash mentality grab all you can why you can because you only go through here one time he and the flesh and unbelief mentality is this get it now grab it now anyhow you mean any how any how you can and any how no matter what it costs now I don't want anybody raising your hands or testifying or acknowledging any that you've done this in the past we don't have to but there are people all over the world doing this right now they are sacrificing their future for some fun today aren't they yes they are you know they know if I do this it could cost me everything they know if I do this it could cost me my job that I've worked so hard to get and that I've built myself up in the company or in the business or the place it can cost me my marriage it can cost me my family but what does the flesh say grab it now anyhow don't get too serious now help me out just then you'll tell off on yourself if you get too sober you know just look straight ahead and smile and go away me and brother Keith somebody needs to hear this was the flesh they help me out grab it now anyhow anyhow you can and no matter what it costs because tomorrow you know eat drink and be happy party on cuz tomorrow you may not be here hmm you only go through life one time man if somebody showing you some attention grab what you can while you can if you can get you know if you can get a hold of that money if you can you know lie and still grab it and get it and hey get it I mean you don't know if you'll ever have a chance to get it any other way grab it get it people who are so-called sex addictions chemical addictions shopping addictions [Music] what do you mean people buy stuff it's just crazy to buy why what's the flesh saying help me out get it now now somewhere I switched it to my safe people somewhere way down deep inside their spirits trying to get their attention hey hey we already can't pay all the bills we got though hey and the flesh said shut up shut up I've been looking for that color for 20 minutes and that's and that's my color and that's my size and I'm saving 8% I mean I'm saving money by getting it I'm I'm making money by spending my money right now I'm actually making money I'm gonna get it now anyhow now you know why the there's spirits voice sounds like that who does it sound like mr. bill I see you know while their spirit sounds like that is so weak and undeveloped and repressed they're not feeding it they feed the flesh and they yield to the flesh when you feed the flesh and yield to the flesh the flesh dominates and when the flesh dominates you will make unbelieving choices you will sacrifice tomorrow for today you'll say I don't care who knows what'll be going on tomorrow you want to live one time get it now anyhow he just want people commit adultery that's why they get involved in affairs book it to quiet on that you feeling [Laughter] these thoughts and these feelings hey that's a good-looking woman you gettin old man I mean you know you don't know when's the next time some good-looking woman I pay attention to you like that man you better you better grab what you can while you can I mean you better you know the man's paying the woman attention at work or the woman's paying this man attention and they know in their spirit it's wrong they know don't do it but what's the flesh say what's the flesh say grab it now anyhow yeah but you could get caught and yeah but tensing yeah but that and you but the other thing was a flesh saying it's right shut up grab it now anyhow young people I mean young kids 10 year olds 13 year olds 16 year olds the enemy is always trying to feed people's fears and insecurities because it makes them more vulnerable to temptation and so you'll see young men and women teenagers and kids that let people abuse them that let people use them because the enemy's convinced them they're ugly they're this they're that they're gangly they're not cool or not prettier or not handsome they're not attractive so if somebody acts like they want you whether they just want you physically and that's all there are whatever you better grab what you can when you can because nobody else may ever want to pay attention to you you may not have an opportunity to even have any of these experiences grab it now anyhow yeah but it'll it can cost me this or I cannot lose that nothing well grab it now anyhow let me tell you what faith says faith says if you wait it'll be great [Applause] set out light if you wait it'll be great I'm not just making this up what they say you have need of patience what do you say you need patience that after you've done the will of God you might receive the promise how did Moses make such a choice it's easy it's easy for us to sit in here tonight and it not be relevant to us but come on put yourself in his shoes you have grown up in the lap of luxury you wear 20,000 30,000 50,000 dollar outfits every day of your life your shoes cost more than most people make in six months this is where you live you've got the finest chariots you've got the finest horses you see you you sleep on the finest sheets you you eat the best food everywhere you go people show you respect or fear everywhere you go doors open to you you never have to think about money you do what you want when you want I mean half the available beautiful women in the country want to see you and want to talk to you want to see if they can be your your wife and I mean everybody wants you to come and they want to hear you and they want to see you the Hebrews are property you talk about a contrast he men want to tell about the Hebrews they own them like they do a cow or a donkey they own them they work making bricks they work in the fields how many people would choose that instead of the palaces of Egypt did he do it he did it tell me why he did it how did he do it how did he make such a choice did it look like he was sacrificing so much was his life changing radically when he did this is his life going to be harder in so many ways yeah he's going to be reproached he's going to be afflicted no more palaces dusty tent following stinky sheep no you list them subclass citizen no rights no honor no respect no abilities financially or materially he chose it semester he chose it he chose it because he considered the reproach of Christ greater riches than everything they had in Egypt come on can you see it takes faith to think like that what would the flesh say grab it now anyhow what was he saying if I'll wait on God if I'll follow him it's going to be far greater than anything Egypt could ever give me or do for me I'm gonna go his way can you say Amen when the devil tells you oh you better grab this while you can what will faith say hmm you need patience the Bible says that after you've done the will of God you might receive the promise can you take some more of this tonight go with me over to 2nd Timothy the fourth chapter and second Samuel chapter 12 it was costing these guys to identify he told them he said you were suffering some stuff because of you know your own sake but also he said you were suffering some stuff because you identified with me they had more trouble because they identified with Paul and were partners with him lord help me to get this out right tonight friend don't let some persecution and some trouble caused you to back off your witness and caused you to back off those that God joined you to don't do it it's it's part of your witness and your faith there are people that about folks like me we're healing is concern and prosperity is concern and some people sneak in here in the back on on Fridays and don't want anybody know that they come here they like to come it encourages them and stirs them up but they want to slip out before anybody knows that they're here there's some preachers if their denomination finds out that they speak with tongues they will cut them off did you hear me there's some missionaries if their group their denomination and their church finds out that they preach prosperity and they preach healing they will stop their support it's just the fact but do you know what it's time for those individuals to do stand up and choose so come on come on choose choose the reproach choose the persecution instead of the money instead of the support instead of the papers now with me or not this ain't just for preachers now on the job hmm in meetings on travels things have come up people will start talking bad about people that you believe in and you're associated with and it's time for you to speak up you just smile and go I'm one of them you what yeah I'm one of them shouting healing believe in miracle believing prosperity believing tongue talking yeah that's me I'm one of them no yeah you are to be to you only Joris with some people that will cost you they won't invite you back they won't buy from you they'll leave you out we've had it real easy in this country in this area but friend we need to be willing we need to be ready we need to be unashamed to identify completely with him with the Lord and with those he's joined us too right and if it cost us something and in the many cases it will it will cost you I didn't say it might it will cost you but you need to make up your mind I'm not going to be out anything for this is all said and done I mean I may look like I'm losing right now but I'm telling you before this is said and done the Lord's going to take care of me I'll come out better than I ever have I have respect till the reward somebody say glory to go [Applause] faith chooses God's plan and God's Way and it whatever patience it takes it'll stand it'll believe look in second Timothy 4 2nd Timothy 4 verse 9 tall by the spirit writing to Timothy verse 9 he says do your diligence to come shortly to me for demas has forsaken me having loved this present world and he's departed to Thessalonica crescens has gone to Galatia Titus to Dalmatia only Luke is with me now Dimas must have been somebody that was helping him right must have been somebody that felt like they had a call on their life to be involved in this but he got to the place where he made a choice come on can you see this and he left Paul and he left them while having loved this present world he figures this is costing him too much we don't like to think it or admit it but people will quit God over some of the most insignificant stuff you ever heard of when we're at Rhema Phyllis worked in admissions and I was one of the teachers and and somebody's leaving before the end of the year graduation they'd have to have an exit interview one of us and talk with us tell us why they're leaving and what's going on because you know they came there and leaved God to get in there leave God to come there and now after a month or two months or five months they're leaving why what's going on I mean just five months ago they were shouting the top of their lungs God called me God called me I'm here I'm getting trained for the ministry I'm gonna go out and save the world now they said I'm not I'm not gonna finish the year I'm going back home why here's some of the reasons one couple was mad because they got there late every morning and didn't have a place to park and so they had to park out in the gravel and she had nice shoes and her shoes were getting damaged by the gravel and they were upset because they got some tickets for parking in their own they didn't like that so they come and park in the instructors place and then they get tickets and they didn't like it and then the whole thing just bothered them and they're just going home what do you say to folks like that [Laughter] are they making a choice what's the what kind of choice is this is this a faith choice no one guy said man I've been eating one of those ramen noodles that you just fought to add water those little cheap cheap he said I've been eating them things for six months and I'm starving to death he said he said at Mama's house she fixed me t-bone steak every Wednesday and I get this and every Tuesday and he said man I'm going home you may think I'm exaggerating I'm not making this up people get offended people get their feelings hurt they get me if they get mad they get upset and they quit and they bail I want you to notice something though we just read here in this tent first demas has forsaken me having loved this present world he's gone he's bar hopping and getting high chasing women and trying to cut his gangster rap record and you're laughing but you know what I'm talking about he's trying to whatever it is that he's he go Dimas is out of here and verse 11 he said only Lucas with me take mark and bring him with me with you for he is profitable to me for the ministry there's a lot more in that phrase than a lot of people have seen this is the same mark that back in the book of Acts was about chapter thirteen or so as a young man went with them on a missionary trip remember that and halfway into it got lonely for Mama are you listening and left them he had some romantic ideas like people do about ministry he heard Paul preach and he thought this is amazing oh yeah and miracles and glory to God and I felt called to the ministry and more Paul's great man of God I'm gonna go help him and they got there and ran into demon-possessed people and half the town is wanting to throw rocks out of me Killman and men they ain't eaten Gooden they sleeping on the side of the road and Mark wasn't used to this finally he said guys I'm going home I said what Paul said boy you better stay you told god he's gonna serve Him - come on let's go but he left and in fact the all member paul and barnabas and and barnabas said we need we need to take mark even though he left us and paul said no no you can't count on that boy he didn't want to take him and now after years must have been something che how many not even though you make some dumb flesh choices are you listening and you mess yourself up is it possible to get back on the right track and get your heart right and get your priorities right and put your flash under and get to the place where Paul said and bring that mark because he's good help I need him here with me to help me get through this he's profitable to me for the ministry that don't sound like a cut and run boy anymore does it I mean thank God you didn't change so much say thank God you can change did you go to second Samuel let me touch on this and I'm thinking about finishing up tell me what the flesh says get it now anyway anyhow no matter what get it now why cuz you you may never be able to enjoy it or get it any other way steal that money lie take advantage of them get it by don't credit knowing there ain't no way you can pay it back and have no faith to pay it back just get it may you can enjoy it for a few months where they come get it now you're laughing but this is happening right and left what does that mean get it now anyhow tell me what faith says you hungry for affection and hungry to belong and hungry for the right person in your life and you've had nothing and nobody and here's somebody you can tell they don't really care about you but at least they're showing you some attention and your flesh says we'll grab what you can while you can why are you young you know try to have some fun and tell me what faith says what does faith say if you wait it'll be great now here's the thing we hollered while ago I have faith in God didn't we I have faith in God here's where it comes down to this do you have faith in God that if you trust him and you wait on him he will take care of you he will satisfy you somebody say he was satisfied he will satisfy you and see that the lie is you're gonna miss out you're gonna miss out your life's gonna pass you by here you are in this loveless marriage and she don't care about you he don't care about you they don't treat you right they don't value you and really love you I'm gonna stand so that ain't the Holy Ghost the Lord ain't telling you that stuff where's that coming from that's that's the accuser of the Brethren that's the devil and here you are your life's passing you by your youth is passing you by you're not enjoying this you're not experiencing this you better break out of this you better ditch these folks you better grab what you can while you can you ever heard midlife crisis well there's early life crisis there's late life crisis I mean people are having stuff all over the place you know what's wrong with you oh no same thing is wrong with the three-year-olds when it comes bedtime y'all with me or not same thing is wrong with a three-year-old when it comes bedtime was a three-year-old when it comes bedtime our little ones I mean younger than that what will they do they fight to stay awake why don't want don't want to go to bed why why might miss something might miss something now as adults and his mom and daddy looking at him you know they ain't in danger missing anything right but they don't see it that way might miss something so then they can get there they're tired and they're worn and they can just get frazzled I can get in a terrible shape I mean they start going to sleep and go oh no I'm gonna sleep why I might miss something you might miss something and that's going on with 50 year olds or you list them they got a good family guy got people that love them they got a good job and the devil comes and says ah what are you missing what are you missing other people are having a great time other people are partying having fun you got the old grind five working leg in the burly and boring what are you missing what do you miss you know you missing missing missing out and if you get to thinking like that it's gonna make you susceptible to temptation you're already looking for something so when it comes along you're ready to go with it you'll to it let me tell you what faith in God will go on and go to sleep when it comes bedtime are you less than that faith says God loved me so much that if something really big happens at midnight he'll wake me up he will wake me up and if not I don't need to be concerned about it because so much stuff is just it's not what people crack it up to me and it's not what they think and it's not what you imagined it would be if it actually happened but those things that really matter the things that are important the things I really do need to be a part of I'm gonna trust him and I'm gonna wait on him and he is faithful I trusted I trust him I'm not gonna miss any of the good stuff I'm not gonna miss any of the big things if you wait in faith it'll be great it'll be great I want you to look at this is actually you know a sad story but we need to see here from God about it second samuel 1012 is where a David gets reproved and judged for sleeping with Bathsheba and killing her husband did he make a wrong choice was that a what kind of choice was that huh he's up there bored instead of being with his men and leading the campaign at home goofing off and upon his house sees the naked woman humming no when you see the naked woman it's time to look at something else oh yeah with me or not Wow that's a naked woman that's good-looking woman whoa well it's time to do something else to find something else to do get you mind your eyes on something else right he didn't he looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and looked and really liked what he looked and so he looked some more and he sent word to her and made arrangements and and got with her was the flesh say grab it now anyhow and then you know she he was with her again and with her again her husband's gone her husband is loyal to him how much 10 this was a great sin here's a man that respects you and loves you is out fighting for you would die for you and you gonna sleep with his wife how much 10 what a great sin this is and so she came up pregnant and he's trying to cover it and actually makes arrangements for her husband to be out on the front line and tells the men to pull back from around him and leave him exposed and he dies they're fighting how many know on that day even though you're I died he's the better man and he's in better shape that day than David is that right because why he he died in honor he died with faith I want you to notice what the Lord said to him when he was rebuking him you know the Prophet told him that story about the man that took the other man's pet sheep when he had a whole flock itself it made David so mad he said that man ought to die and the Prophet said you were that man I know the Prophet had to have some courage too he's standing in the throne room you know he said you were that man he said verse 2 verse 7 thus says the Lord God of Israel i anointed you king over Israel I delivered you out of the hand of Saul I gave you your master's house and masters wives I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah I'm understand when you sin it is a total act of unthankfulness for everything God has done for you it's acting like it means nothing everything God did for you and here's the part and if that had been too little I would moreover have given unto you such and such things now that's the King James it's a little bit I don't know obscure listen to the amplified he said if that had been too little I would have added that much again the the English version says if I had if this had not been enough I would have given you twice as much the new living says I would have given you much much more why have you despised the commandment of the Lord to do evil in this side and you've killed Uriah and he goes on and he talks about the judgment now that's going to come on his house and come on him I wanted you to hear this part what the Lord say to him hmm he sees this beautiful woman he feels desire that's unfulfilled now the church has not always covered this properly they've just said well forget you desire no the Lord didn't say that come on what'd he say he said if you didn't have enough I would have give any more but you don't go take this man's wife and kill him what could he have done what should he have done what's the Lord saying come to me tell me you need more tell me you want more tell me and wait on me and let me give it to you the right way oh come on are y'all with me in here tonight let me give it to you the right way sometimes people say well I'll never I could never have that in my marriage you don't know that well my wife could never be all that to me my husband could never be you believe lies I said you believe lies God can easily change things in you change things in them you can become a different person they can become a different person you can have a different life things can be so different in you but I want you to know God is well able to completely satisfy you teenagers I know you got desires I know you got dreams you Souls hungry you your life you reaching out the enemy wants to shove in your way perverted substitutes he wants you to settle for so little did you hear me he wants you to defile yourself he wants you to demean yourself grab it now it's available at least is something somethings better than nothing no it's not I said no it's not listen to the scripture he said if that hadn't been enough I would have given you much much more once that I'd have given you twice as much listen to Psalm 63 and three Psalm 63 3 says because your loving-kindness is better than life my lips shall praise you thus will I bless you while I live I'll lift up my hands in your name my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips if you have faith you'll pass by the temptation you'll say no not grabbing that no I don't have to lie to get that I'll get it I don't have to commit adultery I'll get what I need the right way I might not have it to David i'ma wait on the Lord and if I wait it'll be great I don't have to steal I don't have to take first I gotta have all that and more oh come on row with me how many of what it takes to think like this and actually make choices like this what does it take it takes real faith faith faith in God faith that he loves you faith that he really does love you and he will satisfy you listen to Psalm 107 9 someone on 79 says for he told my god he satisfies the longing soul and he fills the hungry soul with goodness several people in this room and watching my internet have reproached the Lord you've cried you've wallowed in self-pity and you've said things that were reproachful to the Lord like he wasn't going to take care of you and like you're never gonna get what you need and what you want and it's unbelief and it's disrespectful and you need to repent I said you need to repent and you need to tell the Lord I do believe in you come on guys don't don't leave me now don't quit me now you need to tell the Lord I have faith in you I'm not going to sin I'm not gonna grab this I'm not gonna do what I know is wrong I'm gonna trust you and I'm gonna believe that you're gonna take care of me you're gonna take care of me and before this is over my soul is gonna be satisfied I don't know how you're gonna do it I don't know what it's going to take but I trust you you will do it I will be satisfied I will have what I need I will have what I desire I'm not gonna cry I'm not gonna feel sorry for myself I'm not gonna be discouraged I'm not gonna give up I'm gonna have faith I'm gonna have faith I'm a weight on you Lord we saw in Hebrews 10 he said you have need of patience now put James up on the screen y'all know it but let's put James 1 and for James 1 & 4 what do you say let patience have her perfect work that you may be what perfect and entire what what does that sound like you satisfied hmm now listen to me friend if you feel hard at God all right people if you're bitter it's because you don't you're not having faith in him you believe that he's dealt you a bad hand that he's wronged you that your soul is hurting and you need but he's not going to take care of you and life is passing you by and you're not going to have it and if you believe that and you get better and you get mean you'll send more and more because you'll say what do I need to wait on God for he will do anything even if you don't say it that's what you're doing you'll grab this sin and you'll grab that and you'll you'll get this and you just grab what you can while you can you know it may cost you you know it may hurt you but just grab it now anyhow but even if you're really feeling the need a desire is really pulling on you humming oh if you'll stand up before the Lord and say Lord I believe what you told David you've never changed I believe you love me I'm your child you told him if it wasn't enough for him you'd give him more you'd add to him all he needed you'd satisfy he didn't have to sin he didn't have to go that way I'm trusting you come on young people teenagers pass by those sinful opportunities in school and in college come on that won't help you it'll hurt you it'll cheapen you it'll to me they don't care about you they just want to use your body they don't even they don't see you they don't care about you don't let them do it don't do it say if I wait it'll be great I'm not gonna miss anything God's gonna satisfy me totally completely he's gonna do exceeding abundantly above everything I've ever asked or thought I don't have to scream and holler and have a midlife early life late life crisis I'm gonna go ahead and lay my head on the pillow I'm gonna go to sleep and sleep down I'm gonna get up I'm gonna go to work I'm gonna act like a responsible human being I'm a resist temptation come on now why because in due season the right time and the right way he's gonna take care of me I have faith in Him I trust him I'm not gonna miss any good thing that I need to be a part of or have a part of in his life I'm not gonna miss out I'm not gonna come short somebody stand up and say he will stand up on your feet say he will
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 5,850
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Faith, in, God, Pt, 9, Faiths, Choice
Id: vdfd_GVQH1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 18sec (5358 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2012
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