Keith Moore Tithing today Pt 3 Honor and Blessing

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hebrews chapter 7 and verse verse 7 he says without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better and here men that die receive tithes but there he receives them of whom it is witnessed that he lives and as i may so say Levi also who received tithes paid tithes in Abraham now the the last two Sundays that I have ministered here in Branson we talked about tithing and I know usually I maintain the same thing on Sundays and a different theme on Friday but if kind of run out of time here on something I feel like I was supposed to have accomplished by vision Sunday and so I believe I should with the Lord's help finish some things and thoughts up about tithing tonight and if you know folks that are not with us tonight that are part of the church you might tell them say you get get Friday nights message and get caught up with us it's important because it's especially for the people of faith Life Church Branson and Sarasota not just now it's for anybody that believes the Bible but it is in a pronounced way a directive to me concerning our churches and our ministry if you weren't with us we covered a lot of ground in the previous two Sundays on tithing we dealt with the idea that tithing is just part of the law and not Forrest which is a completely untrue unscriptural statement it shows ignorance of the word and after all we're reading in Hebrews is Hebrews in the New Testament and we went into a lot of detail about what tithing is and Melchizedek met Abraham from the great victory that they had over the enemy kings and their armies where he recovered lot and his family and all the people and stuff from those cities a miracle a miracle and as he came back Melchizedek who was a high priest of God now we have no record he's not of the seed of Aaron and this is way before Moses got the law this is pre law everybody with me we know Abraham learned how to walk by faith and was justified by faith just like we are long before there was any kind of a law to observe he also learned how to tithe where did he get it from it wasn't a rule it wasn't a law there was no statute there was no ordinance he got it from God and why did he do it he did it out of Honor I said he did it out of Honor he's honoring the God who just saved his life and gave them victory and brought him back with all the stuff and in response to such graciousness and faithfulness from God the Bible said he gave Melchizedek tithes of everything tithe means 10% and the Bible said Melchizedek who Hebrews goes into detail in these two chapters here who is a was a type of our high priest Jesus and it goes on to say that that here men that die receive tithes but there he receives them of whom it is witnessed they he lives how many know Jesus lives all the ironic priests are gone long gone but Jesus lives reckon he still receives tithes well yeah this is unchanged this was before the law during and after the law just like faith is before during and after same thing well we if you weren't with us let me encourage you you need to go over the scriptures don't just assume things because a lot of people have questions and have Mis informed and wrong ideas about this whole subject but we've covered enough ground for if you knew that to get to this part where should the tithe go now that's the 10 million dollar question in this is where people part ways in their thinking where should the tithe go where's the tithe supposed to go well go with me to the Book of Leviticus 27 you don't have to turn to all these they'll put them up on the screen for us you might want to take notes though in case you want to go over this again yourself and in case you need to talk to somebody else about it too Leviticus 27 and 30 it says all the tithe of the land tell me what tithe means 10% all the tithes of the land whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree is the Lord's it is holy to the Lord now I guess I need to say this if you say well brother Keith that's Leviticus that don't apply to us how would you know I just got through reading Hebrews we're going to give you numerous other New Testament Scriptures that link together with this there's a big problem in the body about despising the Old Testament it's ignorance the Holy Spirit speaking through the writers of the New Testament refer to the old continually have you not noticed that continually why would they do that if it's not relevant anymore if it doesn't apply to us anymore no sacrifice for sin has been fulfilled hmm that has been fulfilled but everything God has ever said is still true right and so we understand the old in light of the new but the new makes constant reference to the old so if you don't know the old you're not even going to understand some things in the new if all you know is the old you won't be enlightened to what's happened you'll be stuck there so you need both how many understand you need both how many got it both are old and a New Testament in your Bible that you got read here right now how many gonna throw any of it away hmm like I said we're gonna be showing your New Testament Scriptures before we get through that tie right into what we're reading right now all the tithes of the land whether the seat of the land of the fruit of the tree is the Lord's it is holy to the Lord 32 repeats the idea says the tenth shall be holy to the Lord in Malachi the 3rd chapter and the 6th verse Malachi 3:6 says I am the Lord I changed not does God change huh he doesn't change our approach to him has changed from the Old Testament in that we don't cover our sins every year with animal blood the blood of the Lamb has washed us once and for all hallelujah and yet God hasn't changed our access to him changed but he hasn't changed didn't need to never will and in this he says I am the Lord I change not therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed keep reading even from the days of your fathers you're going away from my ordinances now we just read one of the things that he gave them was that the tithe belonged to the Lord and this is what he's telling me he said you've not kept them returned to me and I return to you and a lot of people try to translate that as come back to me and I'll come back to you but now it's return what is mine back to me and I will return to you I guess it both could be true if you're coming back to God then you're going to give back to God what is God's but you have said wherein shall we return what will we return gift back to you verse 8 will a man Rob God yet you've robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed you in tithes and offerings does God believe that the tithe is his what do you think huh now we've already covered this in our previous messages but we ask the question is any of the money down here gods and a whole lot of people would say it's all his and that's not true if it's all his why do you keep treating it like it's yours and if it's all his then you have nothing to give him ever anything you'd give him is already his so you could never give him an offering hey it's not true it's a religious tradition notion it sounds good to people but it's not true all of it is not his we were reading in psalm 115 just a couple of verses later in some 115 it says the heaven even the heavens is the lord's but the earth has he given to the children of men he gave men the earth right and all of it he doesn't say as he is oh it's his by right of creation and ultimately it's gonna wind up under his control but as it stands right now if you say well all the money everything down here is his will boy a lot of its being used for bad stuff God's money does God have a portion that's his what is it it's the tenth God says this he is now in talking about where does the tithe go years ago I asked the Lord this because I I was studying for everything I was worth to see how what how might understand this where is it supposed to go because I've seen people get heated I've seen preachers almost come to blows over this about where the tithe goes and I ain't asked the Lord what Lord who does the tithe belong to and I mean just like that I don't mean I heard a voice but it was strong inside me he said the tithe his mind the tithe is mine if I said that out loud whose whose of the time people say well the tithe belongs to the local church so the local church is Jesus huh now granted you know you go to you go to the church you get fed you get helped your family gets ministered to certainly some of your ties should go there certainly but to say all of it has to go there rigidly legalistically well is that what the scripture teaches some people think so in Malachi 3 verse 6 they all told me you'd help me with this is that right huh let me show you the difference between helping me not helping me if you're doing this hmm I just don't know but that's not helping me this would help me even even if it sounds strange to you new to you even if you don't have to go back and look at it and pray about it after the service tonight just look at it and go lord help him I just split the launch open him to get this right even if you think I'm on the wrong track say lord help him get back on the right track up yep how you're at least you're with me would you believe me that I don't have any ulterior motives I'm not trying to manipulate you some way and our our ultimate goal is not to get everybody to commit to tithe to this church that's not our goal but I believe the Word of God would direct you to tithe to the Lord and I believe if you don't get that settled and make that commitment you're going to lack in blessing and you're going to have door open to being robbed from and stolen from how many like the idea of being blessed and protected do you like that idea this is the blessing of the tither and if you don't believe in tithing then you forfeit that he said I don't change and he went on to talk about them returning to him and verse 8 he said you've robbed me in tithes and offerings with the only way they could have robbed him is if it was his and you need to get this settled don't don't don't just try to take my word for it and see if you agree with me or not if you don't if you're not sure put your nose in this book old and new Testament until you can get settled does the tithe belong to him if it says then you shouldn't just do what you want to do with it it's not yours keep reading he said you're cursed with the curse because you've robbed me this whole nation verse 10 bring all the tithes into the storehouse now this begins to tell you where the tithe goes and some people have said well that that means storehouse is the local church well where's your other scripture to prove that we're going to talk about some other scripture here in just a moment but if you bring the ties in what to what purpose took what in that there may be meat or food or provision in my house what is the Lord's house the tithe supports the Lord's house if you bring all the tithes in so that my house may be fully supplied and if you do that is there any benefit to you the tithe huh he said prove me now herewith if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing all people of thoughts are only about tithing do we have to tithe no you don't have to pray either you know to come to church you don't have to do anything House I'm glad I don't like being under some kind of law this is not about a law this is tithing like Abraham did he had no law he had no rule it's about honoring God it's some someone said out loud honor and blessing come on say it again honor and blessing it's about honoring God and giving him access to bless you do you know what a window is what's a window window is an opening hmm that allows access tithing gives God access into our affairs to do what bless us until there's not enough room to receive it and what else and don't you like this I like you saying and I I who God I will rebuke the Devourer for your sakes and he won't destroy the fruits of your ground nor shall your vine catch the fruit before the time in the field says the Lord of Hosts blessing and protection somebody say blessing and protection didn't the Lord say them that honor me I will honor if you honor the Lord proverbs talks about this in proverbs 3 honor the Lord with your substance and with the firstfruits of all your increase so your barns will be filled with plenty and you presses a birth start with new wine when other people are losing their stuff and you get to pay yours off and keep it is that the God not honoring you when your needs are met and other people had to close their place and you opened up a new branch that's God how many want God to honor them well every believer but it's not just automatic or because you asked him to you got to give him something to bless you have to honor him and in response to you honoring him he has a right he has a window he has an opening he has entrance in and access to you to bless you and pour out blessing until you run out of room and when the Devourer is trying to steal your stuff and mess up your stuff God Himself says no you don't know you don't come on you gotta like that you got to like that God said I will rebuke the Devourer for your sake you gotta like that who doesn't like that of course if you don't believe in tithing none of this applies sorry go with me to the New Testament now to the book of Acts the seventh chapter I sure hope you can stay hooked with me tonight I have an assignment do you understand what I mean by that have a directive and I've run out of time on it and I don't want to be in trouble and I want you to be in trouble so do you have a little time tonight you think this is important or not it's very important so many people are confused about it but the entrance of his word gives light gives understanding to the simple acts seven and forty-four the Lord said bring all the tithe into the storehouse that there may be food meat provision in my house who does the tithe belong to him the tithe belongs to the Lord what's the purpose of the tithe that there may be provision in his house in his house how many would agree with that so far here we begin to see some things about the house our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness as he had appointed speaking to Moses that he should make it according to the fashion he had seen which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus that's actually we'd say Joshua into the possession of the Gentiles whom God drove out before the face of our fathers till the days of David who found favor before God and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob he's referred to two things now the the tabernacle and in and eventually he there will be the temple when the tabernacle was constructed and specially than when the temple was built that was the house of God it was the only house of God and when he's talking about bringing the tithes into the storehouse the storehouses were in that one structure he verse 47 but Solomon built him a house that's the temple first there was the tabernacle then this temple howbeit the most high dwells not in temples made with hands as says the Prophet you know sometimes we talk about you know is so good to be in in the house of the Lord today but if you tell them at the building you're a little unscriptural it's his in the sense that he gave it to us and we dedicated it to him and we use it for his purposes but no building no structure is the house God lives in why would he be in here because we're in here right he said heaven is my throne earth is my footstool now that's a picture in it huh how about the planet can you picture God with his feet on planet earth is his footstool he said what kind of house you're gonna build for me my Thrones in heaven earth is like my footstool what kind of house you gonna build me where what's the place of my rest has not my hand made all these things so uh we see that the house of God used to be one building but is that the case today so when we say bring all the tithes into the storehouse he was talking about one building the temple well we know that's changed haven't we there's not one building that everybody has to go there to church and worship God and the Lord's revealed to us now in the New Testament I don't live in buildings made with men's hands have we not understood first Corinthians three and six and other places we are the Temple of the Living God he indwells us is that right look on down - we don't - turn there but Hebrews 3:6 says Christ as a son over his own house whose house are we first Peter 2:5 says we are as lively stones built up a spiritual house a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ do you believe we've been made kings and priests unto our God do you believe we are his spiritual house that he dwells in will then do you also believe that as a priest you and I supposed to be offering up sacrifices yes is that true - yes it is in first timothy 3:15 he said if i tarry long that you may know how you ought to behave yourself in the house of God which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and ground of the truth he said bring all the tithes in the storehouse that there may be meat in my house well one building is not his house today how many would agree with that we need to see new New Testament truth and light and we need to see Old Testament precedent that the new referred to the new is continually referring to Old Testament precedent because what God gave in the tabernacle in the temple in the priesthood in the sacrifices and offerings is a pattern right out of heaven in heaven there is a holy of Holy's a real one there are the angels over there is a mercy seat just like what he gave the pattern to Moses and then the pattern to David to build the simple the real thing is in heaven we'll get to see it soon so many think it'd be foolish to read some of the the descriptions of it in the Old Testament and scoff edit what are you making fun of it's describing the real thing in heaven and God doesn't change did you remember that part he doesn't change doesn't need to now with that in mind go with me to the book of Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 14 verse 22 I'm gonna read from the NIV and I think you can tell that I'm just hitting high points if you really are interested in this take the time go back later and read these whole chapters and let the Lord speak to you through Deuteronomy 14 22 says be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year and you'll eat it before the Lord your God in the place which he should choose to place his name the tithe of the corn wine all firstlings of you herds of your flocks that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always skip down to verse 27 and the Levite that is within your gates well I'm I guess I'll skip to the King James there you shall not forsake him for he has no part nor inheritance with thee at the end of three years you'll bring forth all the tithes of your increase the same year and lay it up within your gates where do you lay it up where within your gates is that right split says and the Levite because he has no part in our inheritance with you and the stranger in the fatherless and the widow which are within your gates shall come and eat and be satisfied they're gonna eat of what the tithe that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do skip down to Deuteronomy 26 now there are many more scriptures than the ones I'm sharing with you but these are somewhat to me some of the most clear Deuteronomy 26 and 12 again I'm reading the NIV when you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year of the year of the tithe you shall give it to the Levite the alien the fatherless and the widow he mentions the same thing he mentions four categories that the tithe go to goes to are we answering the question where does the tithe go the Levite the stranger the fatherless and the widow that they may eat within your gates and be filled then verse 13 say to the Lord your God I have removed from my house the sacred portion I've given it to the Levite the alien the fatherless and the widow this is the third time we've read this according to all you've commanded I've not turned aside from your commands nor I've have forgotten any of them I've not eaten of the sacred portion while I was in mourning nor have I removed any of it while I was unclean and offered any of it to the Dead having to know you're not supposed to dip into the tithe if times get hard if you get pressed you don't dip into the tithe then he says look down from heaven your holy dwelling place and bless your people Israel and the lands you've given us as you've promised a land flows with milk and honey it's tithing always connected with blessing always always so uh the Old Testament precedent precedent just means that which preceded revealed that the tithe went to the Levites and it went to the stranger or alien and it went to the fatherless and the widow now strangers fatherless and widow are similar stranger meant somebody who's displaced they're not in their own country they're not with their own family they need help they don't maybe they don't have a job they don't have a place to live and a similar idea with fatherless and widows people God's people who are in need and are in lack can tithes go to this hmm well if you if you say no what scripture are you basing what you're saying on see you only got two sources for belief what men think and what God said so anything you think you believe or know about this question yourself examine yourself what Scripture do I have for that where is it at I don't care if you've always done it that way or grandma did or your denomination or group what Scripture did they have how many think we already examine these things certainly we should so we see to two basic groups that the tithe was to go to those in need genuine need and the Levites Levites or the ministry the ministry consisted of priests and Levites and the Levites were the ones that would did all the what we'd call the Ministry of helps all the natural work they set up the tabernacle and they broke it down and they carried it and they manned the fires and they cleaned up after the sacrifices how many know it takes a lot of natural work for the church to operate in the ministry and this would be like our staff of people doing the natural work of the ministry today and then the priests were the ones who represented God to the people and the people to God and actually perform the sacrifices and the high priest you know went into the Holy of Holies with the blood and and the the priest would be comparable to our fivefold ministry gifts today speaking gifts we might call them apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers priests and levites you're with me I can almost hear folks where is he going just hang on now that's not the best help either while I'm talking about where's he going is not really helping let's go over this again real slow he's going to get it I'm with him Lord you're helping him oh yeah that helps that helps that helps that helps a lot go with me please to Deuteronomy 18 now Deuteronomy 18 in 1 you might say well what's all this Old Testament scripture got to do with us it has everything to do with us I'm going to show you from the New Testament before we get through why are we talking about this in Deuteronomy 18 1 it says the priests the Levites and all the tribe of Levi shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel they shall eat the offerings of the Lord made by fire and his inheritance therefore they shall they have no inheritance among their brethren the Lord is their inheritance as he said to them and this shall be the priests do from the people from them that offer a sacrifice whether it be ox or sheep they sure give to the priest the shoulder and the two cheeks the mall the first fruit of the corn wine all first of the fleece of your sheep you'll give him for the Lord your God has chosen him out of all your tribes to stand to minister in the name of the Lord him and his sons forever the priests and the Levites were not given any land to inherit have you read the you know the book of Job and how even though the first generation didn't come in and take the land under Joshua's leadership they did and have you read how they're after as they got victories they divided portions to this tribe and portions to this tribe remember that and portions of this tribe well the Levites the priests and Levites did not get an allotment of land well that means you can't have crops and you can't have herds basically you you don't have business like the other people do well how are you going to live how are you gonna make it the Lord ordained and this is a quote now from the New Testament first great things 9 we're going to get there in a little bit the Lord has ordained that they that preach the gospel should live of the gospel they were to be sustained by the tithes and the offerings of the people is that right did we just get their reading this and then actually there's a bunch of offerings have you ever read all this leviticus numbers deuteronomy all these places there was of course the offerings for sin and some of those were whole burnt offerings and we know that doesn't apply to us anymore jesus is our final sacrifice for sinners but there were also thank offerings peace offering could you give an offering because you're thankful today certainly you could and there were tithes and there were firstfruits they had an offering every year called the half shekel offering and that just went to the upkeep of the temple that wasn't connected to anything else they had a bunch of offerings and of a lot of the people's offerings the priest and the Levite got a portion of it and if you look at all the offerings they got plus the tithe plus the firstfruits they had to be well off there's a lot of stuff coming into them they had to be don't take my word for now you'll have to study a little bit but go back and look at all the offerings they got they had can a bunch of stuff coming in to them all the time their mainstay was the tithe now in Deuteronomy 12 and 19 in the amplified he says take heed not to forsake nor neglect the Levite God's minister as long as you live in your land he said don't neglect them why they don't have land they don't have crops they don't have herds if you don't tithe if you don't give their needs are not going to be met they're part of the operation of the house of the Lord come on can you see this they weren't supposed to be having crops and hers they were supposed to be given their self full-time to the ministry the Lord had four men and this the tithes and offerings enable them to do that now in in numbers the eighteenth chapter go with me here we're going to begin to get into something that the Lord's directed me to to say and do personally numbers 18 21 I'm reading the NIV again the Lord's dealt with me that you and me let me said it right me and you need to get this right and we need to get it right now that's that's the thing I have in my heart that's why I didn't feel like I could wait another week we need to get this right and we need to get it right now I have drugged my feet on it and a lot of folks here have procrastinated and put things off and not have looked at it you and me we're all in the same boat here we need to get this right and when you think we need to do it we need to get it right now and the biggest reason is so God can bless this lucky protect us like he wants to how many believe God could prosper us no matter what's happening in the economy or what's going on in the country do you believe it you and I was well I just lost everything perfect time for you to get something new is that right and blast into an area you've never been before but you know what you gonna need to be able to do that in this harsh cruel world you're gonna need the blessing I said you're gonna need God's blessing and I'm gonna believe with his blessing you can make it through anything do you believe it with his blessing you can accomplish anything he said in verse 21 I give to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the work they do while serving at the tent of meeting so the tithe is the Lord's but you can't send it to heaven right so in the temple worship in the tabernacle of worship who is axed what men were getting the time the priests the Levites were giving keep reading from now on the Israelites must not go near the tent of meeting or they'll bear the consequences of their sin and I skip on down to verse 26 speak to the Levites and say to them when you receive from the Israelites the tithe I give you as your inheritance you must present a tenth of that tithe as the Lord's offering should preachers tithe - oh yeah and churches and ministries who shouldn't tithe everybody should tithe well who wants to be blessed who wants to be protected and kept he said speak to the Levites to say to them when you receive from the Israelites the tithe I give you as your inheritance you must present a tenth of that tithe as the Lord's offering your offering will be reckoned to you as grain from the threshing floor our juice from the wine press they don't have farms they don't have herds they don't have flocks they don't have businesses but they can tithe off the tithes can you see that who did that go to verse 28 in this way you'll also present an offering to the Lord from all the tires you receive from these tithes you must give the Lord's portion to Aaron the priest this would be comparable to our preachers of our day the Levites the helps ministry and for the Aaron and his sons or the priests so the tithe of the tithe went to the priests the Levites were paid out of the tithe the tithe of the tithe went to the priests can you see this or not you must present as the Lord's portion the best and holiest part of everything given to you say to the Levites when you present the best part it will be reckoned to you as the product of the threshing floor or of the winepress we just got the reading in the New Testament in Hebrews 7 9 he said Levi who received tithes paid tithes in Abraham and we read there that the less is blessed of the greater showing that Melchizedek was greater in a sense than Abraham because when Abraham tithed Melchizedek blessed honor and blessing let me give you some more scripture in the mouth of two or three witnesses a three or four or five that every word be established can you in agreement with this in Nehemiah 10 near my 1035 or is one more kid from Bible class asked me one time did I know who the shortest man in the Bible was said no he said me hi Maya I said going he said now what you will see in Nehemiah is the people have gotten away from God and they quit tithing and they quit giving which always happens when God's people backslide when people get cold the first thing that stops is the giving and when when people are revived and to get close to God that's first thing it starts adding again is the giving now this is not an Old Testament principle how many remember the book of Acts when they all got filled with the Holy Ghost what happened immediately if you read the very next chapter what the Bible said none of them lacked because everybody is giving they're selling houses and buildings and lands is that right and there's soin to the point that everybody can you imagine a church of thousands and thousands of people and not one of them had any unmet needs is that possible again today well that's what happens when people get full of the spirit and get full of love and get full of faith but the colder you are the stingy or you are and unless you want to give and the more you want to argue about do you have to that shows coldness and in spirituality he said bring the firstfruits of the ground firstfruits of year-by-year to the house of the Lord and skip down to verse 37 for times sake he said you bring the firstfruits of the dough and offerings and and in fruit of all the trees and wine all to the priest to the chambers of the house of our God and the tithes of our ground to the Levites that the same Levites might have the tithes in all the cities of our village and the priest the son of Aaron shall be with the Levites when the Levites take tithes and the Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes unto the house of our God to the chambers to the treasure house for the children of Israel and the children of Levi will bring shall bring the offering of the corn new wine all of the Chamber's who are the vessels of the sanctuary and the priests administer and the porters and the singers and we will not forsake the house of our God tithing is supporting the house of God that there may be meat and food in my house skip down to chapter 12 I could rush through this but I don't want to I want to go over these scriptures he just okay near my 1244 at that time there were some appointed over the chambers for the treasurer's for the offerings the firstfruits and ties to gather them out of the fields of the cities and portions of the law for the priests and Levites for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites that waited they they valued the priests and Levites and some of them were singers some of them carried the articles of the temple some of them got the wood and kept the fires going some of them cleaned the place and of course the priests were handling the law and they were officiating over the sacrifices and the tithes among other offerings and tithes of ties were going to these people and both the singers and porters kept the word of their God for the days of David nee SEF there were chief of singers songs of praise and thanksgiving to God and all Israel in the days of zerubabbel and in the days of Nehemiah gave the portions of the singers and the porters every day is portion and they sanctified holy things to the Levites and the Levites sanctified them to the children of Aaron that means set apart do you think there's a lot of churches today that are understaffed huh staff the stairs underpaid sometimes working multiple jobs to write to make ends meet is that right it's not right why is it that way because the people are not tithing and not giving and there's not food and provision in God's house and there's lack in their shortage and people can try to say well I just believe this is a new covenant I'm just led by the spirit hey I think being led by the Spirit is the best thing to talk about but I don't believe that the Holy Spirit is going to lead you to do less under this new and better covenant than they did under the Old Covenant no if you're consistently putting less than 10 percent of your income into the kingdom of God you are not being led I don't care what you say he know you're not and it's not a matter of can afford to it's a matter of faith you have to make a commitment and it's not about doing it to the church it's about doing it to the Lord it's his tithe you put it where he says this is okay skip down to chapter 13 this individual came in and they prepared a chamber for him where the Levites and singers offerings were supposed to be they kicked them out and verse 10 I perceive this is Nehemiah I perceived that the portions of the Levites had not been given to them now we've talked about this earlier does God have a portion that's his hmm do the ministers have a portion that's theirs do they well they do for the Levites and the singers that did the work were fled everyone to his field why did they do that they left and got jobs out in the fields of wine because nobody's tithing nobody's giving they can't just work in the temple all day their family's needs are not met they don't have food D verse 11 then near my straighten them out he contended with the rulers and I said why is the house of God forsaken and I gathered them together and set them in their place we'd say today set them straight how many think near mine set them straight he's the governor he has a lot of power and control there verse 12 then what happened then that then brought all Judah the tithes of the corn and the new wine and the oil into the Treasuries and how many believe after that there was plenty what if everybody tithed there's a scripture patches that shows what happens when everybody ties it's called heaps of heaps we've read about and talked about it in here heaps of heaps oh thank you Lord go to the New Testament you ready for some New Testament 1st Corinthians 9 I said man I didn't know we're gonna do this tonight yeah but the Lord knew he knew I was going to be here he knew he was gonna be here he knew this is what's gonna happen so even though you might not think this is what you needed or wanted to hear this is more what you needed wanted to hear than you thought you wanted it because he's right how many people do you think are not blessed like they should be in the church huh the enemy is devouring their stuff and it shouldn't be happening they're having problem after problem after problem loss after loss after loss get get ahead 1 step get knocked back - how much is that happening in the church all Oliver could could it be connected to some of this first corinthians 9 verse 1 i'm reading in the complete Jewish Bible cjb if y'all can find that back there 1st Corinthians 9:1 cjb it's 1st Corinthians 9 in the New Testament huh who's talking here the Holy Spirit through Paul does this apply to us are we part of the same New Testament church wouldn't bit us to be clear on this Paul says and I'm not a free man am I not an emissary that's the word for apostle I like apostle better of the Messiah have I haven't I seen your schewe our Lord I'm in Nepal saw him more than once aren't you yourselves the result of my work in the Lord this Church of Corinth it didn't exist until the Lord sent Paul there keep going even if to others I'm not an apostle at least I am to you you're living proof that I'm the lord's apostle and Lord sent him to Corinth and now they got a church is that important is that significant could they already have used somebody else but he told them on one occasion he said you got many teachers and instructors but you only got one father in the faith should we respect our elders and our fathers in the faith keep going this is my defense when people put me under examination don't we have the right to be given food and drink don't we have the right to take along with us a believing wife as do the other emissaries or apostles the large brother and and that's Peter he's talking about being supported including his family being supported financially and materially isn't that what he's talking about read this whole eighth chapter and ninth chapter through here some of the richest in the New Testament on this subject or I and marna the tomb of Barnabas are we the only ones that have to work to my side jobs natural jobs for our living did you ever hear of a soldier paying for his own expenses hmm they give him an assignment go over here do this mission and he says well as soon as I get money for gas for the Humvee as soon as we can get some money together and buy some bullets no no the expenses are paid our other farmer planning a vineyard without eating it eating its grapes who Shepherds the flock without drinking some of the milk keep going am I saying this what I'm saying is not based merely on human authority because the Torah the law says the same thing is this New Testament is he quoting the law why would he quote the law because the precedent applies to us the truth applies to us if it didn't he shouldn't even refer to it he do we have a lot of people today trying to tell us everything in the Old Testament is not applicable to us it's all old it's all passed away none of it is that true or not why would you refer to it in the New Testament what I'm saying is not back back up verse 8 it's not based merely on human Authority because the Torah says the same thing we've already talked about this you got two sources of what you believe human Authority what people have come up with and have no scriptures for it and what God has said keep going for in the law of Moses it's written you're not to put a muzzle on an ox when it's treading out the grain is that Old Testament why is he quoting it what is he talking about it he said is God concerned about cattle keep going are all the more does he say this for our sakes he just got through talking about him and Barnabas and other preachers having a right to be sustained right and supplied it's written for us meaning that he who plows and he who freshers should work expecting to get a share of the crop if we've sown spiritual seed among you is it too much if we reap a material harvest from is that a principle that whoever sold to you spiritually you should sow to them materially is that a principle in the word ago it is keep going if others are sharing in this right to be supported by you don't we have a greater claim to it he's the one that started the church day we don't make use of this right we put up with all kinds of things so it's not to impede in any way the good news about Messiah and I feel exactly that same way personally don't you know that those who work in the temple get their food from the temple isn't that what we were just reading about so it's what we were reading about in Deuteronomy and Leviticus and Nehemiah does that have any bearing on us when the New Testament quotes it and refers to it and says it applies to us than it does those that work in the temple get their food from the temple those who serve at the altar get a share of the sacrifices offered there keep going in the same way the Lord has directed that those who proclaim the good news should get their living from the good news this is the principle of God can you say Amen let me give you some other scriptures in the New Testament I want to be thorough 1st Timothy 5:17 let the elders that rule we'll be counted worthy of double honor especially they that labor in the word and doctrine for the scripture says you shall not muzzle the ox that treads out the corn and the laborer is worthy of his reward he keeps referring to that 1st Thessalonians 5 12 and 13 November labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you and esteemed the very highly in love for their works sake be at peace among yourselves Romans 1527 if the Gentiles have been made partakers of spiritual things their duty is to minister to them in carnal things do we have a duty Galatians 6:6 in the amplified Galatians 6:6 an amplified let him that receives instruction in the Word of God share all good things with his teacher contributing to his support the Living Bible says those who are taught the Word of God should help their teachers by paying them the Living Bible did I lose somebody jesus said in matthew 10 and also luke 10 he quoted that the labourer is worthy of his hire do you think we've established it in scripture that this principle is true and right and it's true and right for now in the New Testament we had our board meeting yesterday with all of our board and all of our officers and advisors for faith Life Church Branson and Sarasota and also more Life Ministries and I in talking with the board I'm just going to share some of the things I shared with them and I know not all of our people are here and and I can't help that like I said I ran out of time but if you're here tell our folks listen to this so you'll know what's going on because we caught up with us last year I presented to the board that you know Phyllis and I would not be taking a salary anymore but we would be just if anybody wanted something to go to us they could designate and my my idea is to to live on a higher level of faith not depending on anything known just living how many think you ought to keep taking steps of faith just more by faith more by faith more by faith but not a month after that the Lord corrected me and I've been wanting to get you straight for a year and I wanted to study about it more and get it more settled in my heart and my spirit the things I just read to you about the tithes of the tithe the Lord showed me that years and years ago and I did not implement it and I apologized to my board and I'm apologizing to the churches and the people I was wrong in saying that we're not going to take a salary I my heart was right but let me tell you what the Lord said to me you still believe it with me yet equipment yet not a month after that I was riding down the road and it's almost like I heard this it's like I heard a pastor and his board of his church sitting having something like a board meeting and the board told the pastor well you know brother Keith and miss Phyllis don't take a salary using us as an example and the Lord said to me you're not being a good example in this and you're ignoring scriptural precedent so I said I got to get it right and you need to get it right - so I talked to the board about this and to their credit last year they were not keen on the idea of Phyllis and I not getting a salary they didn't like it they represent you hmm and they didn't like it but when I told them that I wanted we wanted to live more by faith and I had that on my heart they said well okay but basically we don't like it that's why I said I apologize to them because I shouldn't have gone that route and because of more than one thing like I said that the Lord showed me that years ago but in the last month or two especially I got a lot more light on what's supposed to happen in tithing two big words we keep giving you honor and what blessing honor and blessing some say that letter get honor and blessing so when you a lot of people think you know all the preachers would be great at the bottom of the ocean and they despise all of this but at least some people think the preachers should get some kind of pay right and so the question then is how much and boy that's a big no-no if you've ever heard but oh man there's accounting firms and lawyers make their living off of this trying to ascertain how much is not too much there's a whole industry out there and of course you got all the IRS stuff and but you've only got two sources for what you come to believe what is it man's ideas and what God has said so when you come to some conclusion about how much is appropriate for them what are you basing that on based on what and the Lord gave me this years ago the 10th of the tenth that's what we're supposed to get the 10th of the 10th all the staff gets paid out of the tithes and offerings and the leaders and the ministers do they have a portion well it's a tenth of that and for some reason I didn't want to talk about it and I didn't want to get into it I just rather believe God you know you get you get tired of people talking ugly about you about money I'm being honest with you I already told you I missed it did you got that part right I already told y'all I missed it on this but you know we've had some of the ugliest things said about us because I preach prosperity and the stance we take on it thankfully we don't hear most of it thank you but some of it has filtered back to you know we had double honor for a couple of years and the reason I did it is not because I wanted something it's because my father in the faith taught me these things you're supposed to honor the man and woman of God in your life and your prosperity is connected to theirs it's connected to theirs and in honoring the gift God has given you you're not honoring flesh you're honoring the God who gave it come on can you see this and if you if you treat your minister gifts lightly not only will you not receive the full measure from them but you're also in danger of losing them you may have heard me talk about years ago I was up north in a meeting not thinking about this guy his church I was the furthest thing from my mind and while I'm praying about the service the Lord brought me this pastor to my mind and said to me I don't mean a voice but inside me that he was displeased with this pastors car it was inadequate and he wasn't satisfied with it and I thought wow had no idea what kind of car he had or didn't have and he dealt with me when you get home you you get in that little airplane that I just gave rental a single-engine airplane first thing we ever had little bitty one and you fly over there don't announce yourself just fly over there and I don't mean I heard a voice but this is coming to my mind and when you get there he's going he's gonna find out you there he's gonna contact you he's going to ask you to speak and you do and when you do this is what you preach on God gave gifts to men what do you reckon happened I went over there in about six hours phone rang where I was and the pastor said hey I didn't know you read that you're in town I said yeah how a good dog it'd be he said you're gonna be here over Sunday I said yeah he said come speak for me I said you want me to play cool you know [Applause] and he said yeah please I said okay sure we'll be there and this is what the Lord showed me I had a watch a nice watch that a elder of mine in the gospel had given me expensive didn't cost me a dime cost him plenty he gave it to me and I had a Timex that was made out of rubber I swam in it and the Lord brought that to my mind he said when you come in and you got that dress watch on you pull it off you wipe the perspiration off of it and you got a box that you take and you put it in and you put it in the box and you close the box and you set that box in the place we won't get knocked off and hurt when you come in from you got that rubber tarmac zone you pull it off you throw it in the corner it bounces off the thing hits the floor you don't care you may let it lay there for half the day why do we treat one so differently from the other one I value highly the other I don't value how didn't he say esteemed them very highly in love for their work say that's talking about evaluation and the Lord showed me that concerning that man I didn't know what kind of car he had but I found out he had a junker it was should have been try you know parted out long time ago and and the Lord dealt with me he said though the people at that church don't value the pastor's I've given them and what they don't realize is those are my gifts I can send them somewhere else tomorrow and if they don't value them some things are going to change and you tell them you preach onus Ephesians there you preach on God gave gifts to men you talk about this some and then you bring up what I told you and then you have your offering ready and you tell them that if they don't buy him a new car you are I thought whoa I am I am and it's not like we had a whole lot of money back then I said yes sir yes sir and I maybe I said that harder than I came across I didn't come across hard with them and yet it was seriously you could tell that so I did I preached on it and I got to the part and I told him what the Lord told me that he wasn't happy with their car and their situation how many understand this is about a lot more than a car the car is a symptom of the problem and I told them that the Lord wanted them to have a new vehicle and that if they wanted to get involved it'd be good if they don't that we would take care of it old man Spirit of God moved in that place people jumped up they hollered they gave and just in a few days they ordered him a top-notch vehicle with a bunch of extra stuff on it and they paid for it and in the year two after that they got him a house and not long after what excuse me that same day the same day I was there and preached at the end of the service when the people responded like they did the word of the Lord came to me and I prophesied to him and I said and the next time I'm here there will be a lot of new cars in the parking lot and it was a year or so later I was there and there were numerous new cars in the park you know is there a connection between the ministry and the people is our prosperity connected together are we connected it is but it involves the tithe and the honor and the blessing can you say Amen so I go with me to Ezekiel now keep talking about this so I shared with the board some of the same things I'm talking to you about right now shared with them that now this is not about money a number of the you a number of the people in the church here and in Sarasota and our more Life Ministries gave to Phyllis and I this past year personally you designated it for us and we had plenty we had plenty we marked off some big stuff off of our vision list this year that's right it's not about money we had plenty but the Lord helped me to see like I mentioned to you I wouldn't be in a good example and I was ignoring Scripture and precedent and what's supposed to happen is the people are supposed to bring their tithes and their offerings to the Lord and us and the staff are supposed to get a portion of that out of the tithes and offerings and by the call and anointing on our lives we're supposed to speak blessing over those who did and it's real and it's powerful do you believe it and we hadn't been doing it and by us not receiving a salary then unless you specifically gave designated something for us even though you're giving in the church you're not giving anything to your ministers and so I don't have any right can you see this or not one of the things we got to understand is that the blessing is not just well wishing in Western culture the blessing has been reduced to well wishing wishing you well what a lot of folks knew about blessing it's when somebody sneezes bless you the reason I use that is because they think the same thing about any other application of blessing well what do they believe is happening when they say god bless you what do they believe is happening absolutely nothing wishing you well which is insulting to what's in the word about this say this out loud with me the blessing of increase is the multiplication of the seed it does good to say that another hundred times sit out loud the blessing of increase is the multiplication of the scene wouldn't you bring your offering what do you want what do you want to happen you want a miracle you won't one to turn into twenty our fifty or a hundred you want a miracle we live with it all the time but when you plant a seed and one turns into 50 that's a miracle somebody say miracle is it a miracle or not there used to be two human beings on this planet - two - now there's seven billion billion you know why because God said be fruitful and multiply come somebody say be fruitful and multiply is he just wishing us well sure hope y'all do good yeah y'all get after don't quit that is hope it turns out good for you so that's what it's been reduced to among Christians but in the Old Testament and even into the new the early days of the church people valued the blessing they hungered for it they wanted the man of God to bless them they wanted the Prophet to bless them remember they brought little children to Jesus didn't he what they want him to do and one of the clearest examples of the power of the blessing is the multiplication of the loaves and fishes isn't it when the Bible said the Lord held it up and he gave thanks for it and He blessed it the next thing we know five loaves and two fishes has turned in to everybody fed and baskets left over is that a miracle what caused that miracle the power of the blessing somebody said the power of the blessing now when you talk about either people don't believe in it at all our people do get excited and they want to come run and say well then bless me bless me bless me here's what you need to know a million times zero is zero bless what multiply what a vague desire a broad vague religious notion no they brought their tithes they brought their offerings come on are you listening that something tangible this is their life this is their time this is their labor this is their effort you don't bless nothing you bless something in order for it to be multiplied it's got to be something come on can you see this be fruitful and multiply come on say that out loud be fruitful and multiply say it again be fruitful and multiply the word fruitful literally means to bear fruit it means to produce so we're talking about now the enablement and anointing of God on your life for you to not be barren and produce nothing but for you to produce something how many like to produce something every day on the job produce something in your family produce something not nothing something what do you need to produce something you need the blessing but then also be fruitful and you know what multiply means it means to increase it means to become numerous it means to become great have you ever read it be fruitful and multiply he said it in Genesis he sent it over the creation of the world that he created he said it to Abraham he said it to Noah he said it to David he said it over and over and over why because it is the power of the blessing that causes to be fruitful and multiply the seed sown Ezequiel there we do you have that I'm thinking about closing but I need to get this right kid can you bear with me just please don't let this be unimportant to you yes well I'm a Vista I'm not yeah but do you have a church do you have ministers do you have a high priest that's in the heavens huh does he receive your tithe is this important to you I know a lot of people I don't care if you show them a thousand scriptures they're still not gonna do it because I don't care what the truth is they don't they don't make the decisions in life based on truth and word they based it on their opinion and what they think and keeping their money in their pocket and so I can't help that but I believe the Bible how about you I believe this word Ezekiel are you there 44-28 it shall be to them for an inheritance I am their inheritance and you should give them no position in Israel for I am their possession he's told not to Levites in the priest they shall eat the meat offering sin offering trespass offering every dedicated thing in Israel shall be theirs I'm telling you they've got a lot of stuff a lot of stuff and the first of all the first fruits of all things and every oblation of all and every sort of your oblations shall be the priests you shall also give to the priests the first of your dough that sounds interesting none that he may cause what why you'll give the priest the first of your dough one that he may cause the blessing to rest in your house now some people believe that no man or woman down here on the earth has any power to bless that only God can bless but the truth is he blesses through people too and he does it by the anointing by the call you remember Hebrews talks about this that by faith it said Hebrews 11 20 by faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come who blessed him Isaac blessed him verse 21 by faith Jacob when he was dying blessed both the sons of Joseph and worshiped who blessed them the Bible talks about David blessing is as their numerous places where you see people blessing other people and yet the Bible said the less is blessed of the greater well that doesn't mean somebody is a better person than you or that God loves them more or they're more important to God is talking about greater called greater anointing we should always defer to the higher anointing and you shouldn't just be open for anybody that wants to run up and say I'm on bless you who are they what are they to you the same anointing that qualifies for leadership if somebody really is qualified to Shepherd our to lead or to oversee that same anointing would enable them to bless you hmm not human effort or power but by the anointing do you believe this thing's so we're making some changes we talked to the board about it we went over scriptures we talked at length about it they were happy that we're gonna take a salary and so we talked about how much well what do you think from what you've read what what should it be so we talked about at length and we've agreed they voted on it and that's what our salary is gonna be is the 10th of the 10th and it's very interesting when you put a pencil to the calculator to it it actually is close to what they had already proved for us before I changed it so the Lord was leading us even though he didn't understand some things then they make some things real clear and maybe with touch on them again vision Sunday but so you understand what I'm not talking about 10% of everything that comes into the church we won't receive any of the word supply we won't receive anything that's going to any kind of special project anything that's designated for anything else we would get none of that the general tithes and offerings that are not designated we will get a tenth of that the staff is getting paid out of the tithes and offerings already and so what's supposed to happen when God's people's crops did good the Levites and priests did good if they had a bad year then the priests didn't do good didn't do good either they're connected can you see this and so it our salary is going to float on that every year it's going to be recessed and if the church is doing better then we do better if the church is not doing as good then we don't do as good how many think that's right that's fair and the staff is going to be affected the same way every one of them get a percentage of the tithes and offerings the same thing they'll get more or they'll get less depending on how the church is doing is that scriptural precedent and it's not a giant figure it's actually less than what we were getting before except for this year which we got nothing for salary we did get plenty because God brought it in from other places you know are y'all with me understanding me on these things but what I'm saying to you whether this is your church whether it's not your church this is not about tithing to the church tithe to the Lord take 10% off of all your increase and put an offering in there even if it's 1% and separate it from yours we have God accounts that are separate in the church and Phyllis and I personally and put that in there and if you'll do that every time you make money and get money it'll accumulate right whose money is that it's not yours it's not your money it's God's money we see precedent in the scripture that the tithe could go so that there will be meat and provision in my house and for the ministry and for those in need come on can you see that too and so as the Lord leads you and directs you you take of your tithes and your offerings and you you put them in to the church or to this ministry or these ministers are these poor that are hurting and in need and if you're giving in to the general in this church then every time you do you're giving something to me and Phyllis not designated but just general undesignated and I am in faith and we are in faith going to stand up when you offer your ties and your offerings come on are you listening to me and by the anointing that's on us we're going to speak blessing over your life and it is going to empower to produce in life and for one to become 10 and 20 to become 200 come on are you listening and we're going to release faith you and I all of us we're going to release faith in the anointing hallelujah and in the blessing that multiplies the seed so come on can you get stirred up about this stand on your feet everybody Oh hallelujah makes me want to sing I don't like missing God I don't like feeling like I need to get things straight and correct them so Lord is there anything else that we need to say and do here tonight Phyllis come on up here with me please oh thanks be to God let's just lift our hands thank the Lord anything you want to say or do go right ahead you know he was talking about this last year and we didn't do without we were really blessed I'll just tell you this I was able to do things I hadn't been able to do for a while we were able to buy my dad a house I was able to I don't always tell this part but I felt like tonight would be a good night to tell it what happens in ministry a lot of times we've had the privilege of serving with people really really closely we've had the privilege of serving with the Hagins real closely we've had the privilege of spending time with the Copeland's real closely and what happens with a lot of people in those situations is they'd be home over familiar with a lot of people and they get used to being around those people and I know we had the privilege of being around those people and I know I had the privilege of being around my husband and I felt like I needed to say this tonight [Music] there's a time and a place where you have to change gears and you have to change hats per se we've had the privilege of having the Copeland's in our home we've had the privilege of having the Hagins in our homes I've been around my husband night and day but when they put on or step into the pulpit and the anointing is upon them they become the minister of God for that time they are God's anointed at that moment and I have just been so blessed over the years to be able and I know it's just God it's not something I did it's God showing me the difference between when brother Hagin stepped in the pulpit from the time thirty minutes before I was doing his hair and we were joking about something to be able to recognize the difference that that's the anointing of God on his life or when miss Gloria steps into a pulpit or even when my husband steps into a pulpit and I have never stopped he's standing right beside me here all of our lives sowing into my husband I sew into him all the time I sew suits and I sew jewelry and I sew money if I get money I never always hand him the first hundred dollars out of the money that I get I'm no dummy I know how to get it receive the blessings because I know a man of God when I see a man of God and the Copeland's just were at our home recently and spent some time with us hey we went shopping I know I took out my billfold and I bought everything that they wanted because I know where the blessings are and I know when you see people of God and you honor people of God I know that the blessings come back upon us we had a friend one time and I want to tell you this story that just came up on up my heart real quickly and I know it's late and I know he's taking some time but but um he wasn't saved and he wasn't serving God and his wife was going to church and he owned a bar at the time and she came home and she said such-and-such the pastor the minister needs a suit and I want us to buy him a suit I want some money and he said the man of God needs a suit I'm not giving any money she said yeah we're giving some money and we're gonna buy him a suit he said okay so he gave her some money to buy him a suit and the next week his business tripled he made more money than he knew what to do so the next week he said does that man need another suit like somebody have another suit and he never from that day quit so an intimate of God and he was one of the greatest givers you'd ever want to meet he got saved after that and served God became a pastor after that and the blessings are true and in saying that I want you to know and I think most of you know this I was raised Catholic and we grew up where we knew the pastor the minister the priest when he blessed you it meant something how many Catholics do I have in here raise your hands really did it mean something when the priest blessed you had meant something it just wasn't words if the priest blessed you it meant your life was going to change you it was something good happening in your life and we don't need to lose those things just because we come into another denomination we need to be greater about the blessings of God we need to recognize that there are blessings and the things of God and there are and recognize people of God and honor God through his people thank you and we have received the greatest blessings in our lives from honoring God's people Acula Amy thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord thank you Phyllis let's close our eyes and just lift up our hands let's pray this prayer and submit ourselves before the Lord sit out lad if you agree with it in your heart father God forgive us for not showing respect and honor to whom honor is due our heart is to honor you and those that represent you those genuinely sent and anointed by you we purpose to put you first and we desire the blessing we will honor your blessing and we will seek your blessing and we will receive your blessing we thank you for it in advance in Jesus Holy Name Oh hallelujah let's lift up our hands let's give God thanks
Channel: Free Word of God
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Id: Jvil3SJ2tR4
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Length: 99min 52sec (5992 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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