WHY FAITH? Part 3 (Keith Moore)

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[Music] hello class welcome to faith school where the Lord meets us and feeds our faith with his word quickens our spirit with his spirit shows us how to live shows us how to please him shows us how to live in overcoming life let's pray and believe God that the true teacher the Holy Spirit will give us what we need and we'll cooperate with him properly we saved your seat right here in the front get your Bible get something to take notes with come on here and sit down with us and let the Holy Spirit change you these are not just little information sessions these are us giving the Holy Spirit opportunity to work in us and bring us up from faith to faith father we agree together the class of faith school everywhere joining now asking for utterance asking for the anointing asking for direction Holy Spirit you're our teacher open our eyes and hearts and minds and sir questions give us direction show us help us to get our minds renewed to think in line with how the father thinks think in line with the perfect unchanging Word of God and Lord we give you the praise and thanks that will not be the same we are changed from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Living God and with purpose to be doers amen hallelujah well if you would look in Scripture with us again we've been studying as you might imagine in faith school was studying faith and we've been looking at Romans chapter one the seventeenth verse Romans 1:17 we noticed it said the righteousness of God is revealed talking about in the gospel it's revealed from faith to faith everything God does is by faith and all of his interaction with us is by faith if you want to understand more of him and have a better understanding of the gospel the first thing it takes is not study it's not knowledge of the original languages the first thing it takes is more faith when you have more faith in reading the word you'll get more out of it when you listen to teaching and preaching in more faith you get more out of it when you speak the word with more faith it has more power it has more effect from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith we learned in previous classes that faith is not a theological position faith is not a group that you belong to the faith Bunch faith is not a movement that happened from X year to X year faith is how our Father God functions it's how he has always operated and will always operate and he has commanded us and directed us that we are to be imitators of him as his children were to imitate what he does and in so doing we learn to live and function like he does he doesn't function like most people on the planet especially all those who know him he doesn't function like they do he doesn't walk by sight he doesn't make his decisions based on sensory perception he never becomes negative ever he never gets depressed he never yields to fear and becomes defeated ever he always functions by life-giving light in illumination and overcoming faith well there's no better way to live there's no better way to function so he's commanded us as his children you live like I do you function like I do which is in faith every day the just shall live by faith Romans says Galatians said it again to just shall live by faith Hebrew said it again the just shall live by faith second Corinthians 5:7 says for we walk by faith not by sight how do you walk by faith a step at a time we follow Romans four says in the steps of our father Abraham how did he follow God I mean Abraham is held up as the preeminent example of living and walking by faith how did he do it he didn't know where God was taking him he didn't know all the things God was going to require of him to believe and do it just started by leave home and go where I tell you he had to pack his bags and take a step not knowing where he was going but one step led to another led to another and got him in the place where God wanted him got him around the people God wanted him got him in the situations and if you read the life of Abraham it's just one miracle after another and it's because he is following by faith now let's look at Galatians we we ended I believe our last class session in Galatians 2 and still till not living by faith Galatians 2 and 20 Galatians 2:20 it says I'm crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ lives in me let's all say that today Christ lives in me hallelujah Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh not talking about walking by the flesh but in the body we we're not out of this body yet I live this life by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me then he went on to say I do not frustrate the grace of God we talked about how would you frustrate the grace of God well it's obviously not living by faith not living by faith frustrates grace we don't live by the law we don't live by keeping rules of doing don't the Spirit of God in a born-again believer causes him or her to know what's right in every situation or to know what's wrong to know what to do and what not to do the answer to 10,000 questions every day is be led by the spirit follow the unction and witness of the spirit the spirit of grace now what is the grace of God we talked about this grace is all that God has given and he's given everything he's given as a free gift now that means undeserved unearned not earned not merited not deserved free gift just why did he give it to you not because you're smart you've done everything right and you're so amazing he gave it to you because he loves you that's it wanted you to have it we we didn't earn it we didn't deserve it and yet it belongs to us we can have it we can enjoy it but what has been given by grace must be possessed by faith or it won't be enjoyed now this I think is one of the biggest issues in being a Christian that many have not understood I think so many good people church-going people people that believe in God yet they go day after day week after week month after month year after year not experiencing things that it is God's will for them to experience and people have the idea well I've asked the Lord a thousand times to do it I've asked for it I've played I've begged I've told him I'll try to do better everything else why won't he do it why won't he do it well there is a common misperception that it's all up to him grace is all that God has given not living by faith frustrates grace what what frustrates the giver those gifts not being received turn with me to first Timothy please let's begin to change some things that our mind get renewed first Timothy six and twelve now put it on the on the board for us you'll hear sayings and Christian Christian people and churches but you gotta you gotta examine every saying to see is it true just because a preacher said it doesn't make it true just because your mom or dad believed it all their life even though there might be good people doesn't make it true and here's one people say what we need to do is just let go and let God this is a popular thing among Christians so let go we just need to let go and let God what does that mean well if you tell not let go of your worry let go of your anxiety and trust God yes absolutely but a lot of times people mean more than that they they mean something else they mean quit trying to do anything and leave it up to God and let God just let God that's a problem because that's trying to make God responsible for our part for the part he's assigned to us they're their prayers God can't answer there are things that frustrate grace we don't want to frustrate grace mm-hmm not you not me so how do we keep from doing that we become those who live by faith those who receive all that God has given by grace will be available but uninjured not experienced unless and until somebody with faith rises up and receives let go just quit quit trying to do anything people say quit quit you and just let God do it read the scripture first Timothy 6:12 was it's a fight everybody to read it out loud with me fight the good fight of faith does that sound like doing nothing that you're doing nothing no there's some there's some fighting we got to do not fighting God you couldn't win fighting God and you don't need to we don't have to try to twist God's arm to get him to do some good thing that we need it was his idea he's already bought and paid for it he gave it to us grace has already provided everything so what do you fighting there's an enemy there's an enemy a devil and his cohorts that come to steal and to kill and destroy and one of the primary areas that the enemy operates in is by bringing thoughts and by bringing feelings and trying to influence us to be negative and to doubt and the fear fight the good fight of faith does it say let God let God know now you know it says faith school every school every class has a textbook and the textbooks the authority and our Bible is our textbook and we need to let it supersede everything we've ever heard everything we've ever thought no when it comes to enjoying what God has for us the enemy will try to talk you out of it here he will stand in between you just like God gave his first covenant people the promised land even though he had given it to them there were giants there there were walled cities there were iron chariots huge soldiers they had to fight they had to get past the resistance to enjoy what God had given them and you and I in a similar situation we're down here in this earth that's full of Darkness that's full of curse the enemy's here you start to believe God for something good the enemy will not just sit on the side while you pick up everything that grace has given you he'll resist you he'll resist you at every hand he'll try to talk you out of it he'll try to wear you down and get you to get tired and and give up and quit but living by faith does not involve quitting living by faith does not include despairing and giving up if everyday when you open your eyes you're saying I'm a faith child of a faith God I'm gonna please God all day long which means I'm going a little function by faith all day long I'm gonna think faith I'm gonna talk faith I'm gonna walk faith hallelujah and in so doing you lay hold now that's very different from letting God grace and faith it's not all grace that's not all faith grace is all that God has given faith is how we lay hold of it faith is how we receive it faith is how we experiencing it faiths gonna involved some fighting not fighting God overcoming the enemy trying to resist us keep us out of faith is gonna involved some laying hold faiths gonna involved some tenacity that you say uh-uh that's mine I believe I receive it I don't care what I see what I feel what I hear what report says what I believe that I have received you've laid hold you're not gonna turn loose you fight through every wrong thought and feeling and you become what God made you to be and overcome a triumphant one victorious one one who sees results one who gets prayers answered a one who receives material financial needs met one who receives healing in their bodies and for their children one who receives success promotions advancement blessing to the glory of God hallelujah let me let me go further with this we saw this in Romans five but let's look at it again Romans 5:2 Romans 5:2 says we have access by faith into grace Ephesians 2:8 we'd put this up I want to give you a couple of more scriptures here Ephesians 2:8 by grace you're saved through faith but then if you go over to Ephesians 3:12 if these is 3:12 says we have bold and access with confidence by the faith did you hear that word access we saw it in Romans we see it again in Ephesians faith gives you access to what grace grace is all that God has provided many are still working on the giving part trying to get God to give God you know give me what I need financially materially God give me the strength honey God give me my healing that's wrong praying we said there are prayers that God can't answer one of the prayers that he cannot answer is you asking him to do what he's already done how can he answer that prayer if he's already it'd be like something you said well so-and-so was lost and they don't know the lord lord please save them lord please save them please say what do you mean Jesus has already gone to the cross he already took their sins he already paid the price he's already raised from the dead he doesn't need to do something to save them you see what I'm saying a lot of praying is wasted motion I know it can be through ignorance but trying to get God to do something that he's already done he can't answer that prayer how can he answer that prayer he's already done it the Bible tells us pray that the Lord would send laborers across their path see this is effective praying now I pray that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened lord send a laborer across their path open their eyes we break the power of darkness over their mind what what are we doing we want them to be brought into a situation where they will exercise some faith that will receive what grace has given them God doesn't need to save them he's already given Jesus for everybody in the world so the Lord can't answer a prayer to do something that he's already done and another prayer that he can't answer of trying to get him to do what he told us to do he can't he can't answer the prayer he's not gonna change and adapt to human beings he's not going to say okay I thought this was the best idea but I see you're not going to go along with it and work with it so just suspend what I wanted we'll do it your way no because his ways best his ways right his way works he didn't it would be biggest mistake for him to adapt to us and he told us our part is faith our part is laying hold our part is receiving grace has already given us all things that pertain unto life and to godliness faith has already blessed us with every blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus faith has given us the new birth righteousness holiness healing the fullness of the Holy Spirit all our financial needs met peace joy when Jesus went to the cross when he died when he went to the heart of the earth he said it is finished when he was raised from the dead triumphing over everything and sit down at the right hand of Majesty on high it indicated Grace has given us everything Roman says if God spared not his son but he delivered him up for all of us how shall he not with him also freely give us all things he has already given us everything we need we must stop pleading with God to do for us what he's already done and we must stop trying to get God to do our part you know you got to watch about this prayer Lord helped me O Lord help me help me and we need help but what do you mean by that and what are you talking about you know if if I want a piano moved at the house and you come over and I'm laying on the sofa drinking iced tea and I said would you help me move that piano but I keep laying on the couch help me move that piano please but I don't get up I'm not saying it right what I'm saying is would you move that piano for me help implies I'm gonna do something and I want your assistance to enable me to do what I'm doing we've got to give God something to work with when you say help me you can't just do nothing when you say Lord bless me you got to give him something to bless something to multiply I mean a million times zero is still zero if you just put a point zero zero zero one then you got something but you got to have something to multiply he said we have access Ephesians three twelve we have access with confidence by the faith of him Romans had said we have access by faith into this grace old friends when your spirit gets this it'll excite you it'll stir you when you realize I don't need to beg God to heal me I don't need to beg God to save people I don't need to beg God to supply and meet my needs I don't need to beg God for these things I need to not just let God try to get him to do my part I need to lay hold lay hold rise up and reach out by faith and say if he thought enough of me and all of us to buy it to suffer to pay for it to get it and give it to me I'm gonna enjoy it I'm taking it by faith I believe that I received that word receive means take I believe I take it now number what I see or feel but by faith and friends when you start living by that instead of by tradition and begging you're gonna experience victories in Jesus [Music] you
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 2,180
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Id: QODA1sgzJvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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