Keith Moore Faith in God Pt 5 Not Afraid

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[Music] yeah well hurry to God thank y'all y'all can be seated they do a good job don't they brother let's stand up let's acknowledge brother pastor from Houston here what been to his church several times thank you sir for being here tonight pastors ministers in the house would you raise your hand let me see you others raised hand okay wonderful glory to God let me see yeah yeah excellent y'all stand up y'all stand up hit me we sure appreciate you being here wonderful glory to God hallelujah wonderful appreciate y'all being here the Lord said to us when we first started there Friday night services he said ministers would come and he helped minister that's in the widest sense of the word you know God has a lot of folk doing different ministries that not necessarily pastor and or evangelists but there there's a ministry there spiritual ministry and he said they would be worn and tired and he said that be renewed and refreshed I believe that's happening in the house I believe it's happening over the Internet you know I I just came from a conference not long a few days ago and and got renewed got got encouraged you know ministers give out but we need to receive we need to be encouraged and you know when you hear a preaching and teaching especially when you hear faith it stirs you up man oh you know I I like to hear a man a woman teach preach faith I'm not just talking about every sermons on the subject of faith I mean it's in faith it's from faith it's of faith and you can tell it I said you can tell it immediately like I've said this last weekend I mean yeah last Friday but there was a missionary this has been over 25 plus years ago and I've never seen him before and he was preaching that night and Phyllis and I were there and he'd go in about five minutes I poked her I said I like him she said you don't even knowing I said he's got faith we said what do you mean five minutes you can hear it how many know faith is real it affects the tone of your voice it affects your countenance it affects the way you walk it affects the way you approach everything it's real and that just happens to be what we're talking about tonight is that okay with you somebody say faith in God faith in God faith in God go to mark 11 please mark 11 and then also we'll go to Timothy second Timothy if you didn't bring a Bible with you if you'd hold up your hand our Usher's have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours hold up your hand and turn with us to mark eleven and second Timothy Warren how big a hurry are you in tonight hmm brother Kenneth Copeland we were in their meeting was it lightweight before this past him and he was in another country a while back and even never been there before and he said he got up and spoke like he normally did I mean he went a good solid hour and a half and then he prayed and he went and sat down and he said they'll just sit there and said the leader of them came over to him and said sir is is everything okay he said yes everything's fine he said can you go some more asking brother Copeland can he go some more he said well yeah I think I can and they said oh please he said some of these folk you know rode to train for two days and nights to get here and you know we ought to be thankful for the Word of God that we have and you know it's sad how unthankful and ungrateful so many folk are and then and we don't you know always have put the right value on the word you know Jesus he'd go along sometimes wouldn't he Paul some does preach all night long with him don't get scared I'm not prepping you it's not my intent but you know I I'm well convinced in my spirit that that is one reason why we don't have some things that we think we'd like to have we're simply in too big of a hurry to get out you know just as individuals or as ministers you you know if you've gone very far with the Lord there's some things you just never find out about do you get past that first 2 or 3 hours praying did you hear me if all you ever praised 15 minutes there's just a whole realm you're not gonna find out about and in the word you know you studied for 30 minutes if that's as far as you ever go there's all kind of things you're never going to touch you're never going to get into and service-wise it's that way too and you know it we don't want to go too long when it's dead and dull but we do want to be led by the spirit and we want to be open what if he would lead us to go further in a certain direction can we follow him or or do we have to see the news yo can we follow him are we not able to wait on that sandwich it's just the truth I'm convinced that if we want the fullness of what he has for us we have to be able to pursue him without constraints we can't tell him all right now Lord we got to be out of here by such as we got to be done I've got a roasting of and I got this and I got that we got to be well the Holy Ghost is very accommodating and he'll meet you as far as he can but basically we're telling him we don't want everything we don't want it all this this will be enough for right now and we're you know human beings are very much creatures of habit you me every one of us you you got to watch it man you know you did that with this way the last 45 times you know what you'll do almost without faking you'll do it the same way right if you and we got to be aware and check with him cuz he could say something different good knee he could say do it this way he could say keep going he could say don't stop and if we'll be open then we could get into some places we hadn't been before some good good places everybody say open stay open let's stay open stay open mark 11 did you find it and second Timothy mark 11 Jesus had spoken to the fig tree and it obeyed his words and Peter remarking about how it had changed so quickly Jesus then took this as an opportunity to teach them and thank God it's recorded for us as well about faith and we're familiar at least some of us with verse 23 and 24 how wonderful but we're focusing mostly on verse 22 right now Jesus said what he answered and said unto them have faith in God have faith in God I think it's needful that we specified faith there's been enough time passed down enough talking a lot of circles about having faith and walking by faith and living by faith and being a faith person having faith for and releasing faith and how faith comes and how faith works that some people consider themselves to be almost experts on the subject of faith but we need to be very specific we're not just talking about faith we're talking about faith in God and it needs to be said it needs to be qualified because you got a whole group of folks that are you know out to do exploits with their faith and their emphasis is on their faith and their faith is in their faith and that's a problem now so that's the problem he didn't Jesus didn't say how faith in yourself see there's a whole lot of groups that even questions have been asked of so called word and faith preachers and pastors and teachers and go how are you did what you're preaching how is it different from so-and-so's motivational speaking they're saying be positive speak positive words how faith in yourself believe you can do it and I mean they have big crowds and they have rallies and people get excited and Jesus has never mentioned God's never brought up how are you different from them Oh big time big day we're not talking about at least we're not here talking about faith in ourselves we're talking about faith in God oh yeah faith in God and that makes all the difference second Timothy if you turn there 2nd Timothy and the first chapter 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 12 Paul said by the spirit for the which cause I also suffer these things nevertheless I'm not ashamed for I know whom I have believed let's just stop right here he was going through some some substantial persecution and the enemy's objective with persecution is to shame well to fear put it put in fear and shame and discourage they that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution you can't believe for it not to happen now you don't have to believe for the persecution it'll come without you believe in thought but understand how the enemy works he's always trying to shame you and you must not receive it if you're doing what the Lord told you to do now even if you're in sin I'm going to say well if I'm in sin I ought to be ashamed and let me just give you this right here eliminate this phrase from your vocabulary shame on you it's an ungodly phrase it's an unbiblical phrase it's a phrase of condemnation and the Holy Spirit never inspired anybody to try to shame somebody shame on you don't say it again ever to anybody it's wrong are y'all with me break yourself of it treat it like cuss words I'm serious it's extremely bad thing it's the devil who puts condemnation on people are you listening he's the one always trying to make people feel ashamed and guilty even you know someone says well sometimes in a service you'll hear people said boy the Holy Spirit really condemned me about some things in there oh he got a hold of now really he didn't go to hold your place here go to first John show you what happened first John three and we're off to a good start already first John 3 and verse 20 well verse 19 first John 3:19 hereby we know don't you like that we know last Friday we talked about living confidently haha yay hereby we know that we are of the truth not we think so we're wondering about it figuring it out now we know and shall assure our hearts before him now you could also translate that word persuade your heart needs to be persuaded doesn't it for if the Holy Ghost condemns us are you read if who condemns us whose heart our heart God's greater than our heart and knows all things didn't say he joined in condemning us just said he knew it already beloved verse 21 if our heart condemn us not then have we confidence toward God and whatever we ask we receive of him because we keep his Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight does God want us to have calm for this or does he not want us to have confidence well it's the enemy that's always trying to undermine our confidence and guilt we'll do it one of the greatest confidence killers the biggest confidence killer is condemnation it absolutely will render your faith null and void if your heart condemns you then you don't have confidence toward God did you hear this now we're reading Scripture right it's got to be true if your heart condemns you do you have confidence toward God no so we got to get our heart where it's not condemning us or else why we can't have faith for anything can't have confidence for anything from God ah so it didn't say the Holy Spirit was condemning us What did he say without taking a lot of time if you go back to John the sixteenth chapter you react to the fourteenth fifteenth and sixteenth about the Holy Spirit's ministry and the scripture says when he comes he will convict or convince the world of sin right not condemned convict and convict like I said it's from the same word convinced what will the Holy Spirit do the Holy Spirit will show you what is right and convince you if you let him of the truth and what is right now oftentimes when you see what's right you see where you're wrong oh come home do you see it in his light you see where you've been wrong and when you get light and you're shown where you're wrong you'll do one of two things you'll either humble yourself and repent or you'll hardly your self and resist if you smart you'll humble yourself because the humble get grace don't they and the proud get resisted themselves if you humble yourself and repent and say Oh Lord your heart will smite you your heart will condemn you that's not the Holy Spirit condemning you that's your own heart oh come on can you see this the holy s--t I have found and you'll find this to be true even when my own heart is condemning me for where I've missed it if I'll let him the Holy Spirit's there to comfort me isn't he called the comforter he is not the condemned ER so this shame on you stuff I tell you it hurts me when I hear people say it you hear preachers say it your people that think they're godly that think they're old shame on you that's one of the most devilish things you could say ungodly I mean get it out of your vocabulary friend please get it out of your vocabulary you don't want to be a voice for the devil now do you well he's the one that's saying shame on you guilt on you condemnation on you shame on you the Holy Ghost would never tell a person that never that's the devil that's the accuser of the Brethren no matter how badly somebody's missed it don't you know God wants them to repent why so he can forgive them and forget it is that right so that he can forget it that he can cast their sins a Fuss far away from them as the East is from the West didn't he say their sins and iniquities I will remember no more than there's no way he's saying shame on you right he said he didn't even remember it and his objective is for you and I to know that he's forgiven us and to know that when he sees us he didn't even remember it and he doesn't see it when he's looking at us and if we believe that the condemnation would go away and our heart would not condemn us anymore and then we could have confidence toward God are you excited about this tonight this is the gospel this is the good news who fella could get excited in here tonight mm-hmm he said in second Timothy 1:12 I'm not ashamed he didn't receive the shame and if you've if you've missed it and your heart condemns you repent immediately don't wait a day or a week or a month immediately why would you want to live in condemnation for a month and be faithless for a month repent immediately now if you haven't missed it and people are trying to shame you for something that's right then you just simply do not receive their shame aren't you ashamed aren't you ashamed of spending all that money on that church oh no aren't you ashamed to find around in that airplane no aren't you ashamed of wearing those nice clothes no aren't you ashamed living in that nice house and driving new cars no if I thought it was wrong I'd quit I'd do something differently I'm not a safe if I was ashamed of it I should quit I should do something different because I'm doing something wrong what am I saying that people will try to put shame on you for stuff that they don't see and they don't believe in and it's I want to go into it it's hypocrisy to the IMP on their part but the main thing is that you don't let it come on you don't let I mean so how can I keep them from despising me and and shaming me you can't control what they think but you could it's totally up to you whether you let what they think become what you think right you just smile and say well I'm sorry I don't believe that hmm that's not what I believe now posted by the spirit I'm not ashamed what are they going to say why for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he's able to keep that which I've committed to him against that day notice he didn't you say I know what I believe what do you say I know whom I know him we do have faith in the word but the word is a person right we have great respect for this book the Bible but my faith is not in Incan paper my faith is in the one who said two words that's in the book come on it's a big difference my faith is not just in principles my faith is in the power sign [Applause] and though you may think that's over simplistic but friend a lot of people are getting off and they've gotten off there they're into 12 steps and nine steps and pull this lever and push that button and and do they their faith is in principles which bogs down to works works I confessed a thousand and thirty two times and I cleaned up my life and I did this and basically I made it happen even if they don't say it that's that's kind of what you wind up with but the truth is it's by grace through faith hmm let's keep it straight and so if we made it through and we received we ought to be saying thank you lord thank you Lord he's the one now we looked up the word go to Hebrews the tenth chapter man this is so big but you're believing with me are you leave with me now for utterance this starts in the middle of chapter 10 and flows into the great we call it to faith chapter chapter 11 but it it really the latter part of 10 and even the first part of 12 chapter 12 go together with this at all this wasn't written in chapter and verse originally you understand but in verse 22 of chapter 10 verse 21 I should read said having a high priest over the house of God let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith full assurance having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water that sounds like what we're reading over in 1st John doesn't if you don't have an evil can't evil means bad a bad conscience your conscience is not bothering you your hearts not condemning you why because you've been washed by the blood of the Lamb not because you never made any mistakes because you've been been forgiven and he said their sins and iniquities I'll remember no more glory that was breakfast for third in verse 17 just a couple of verses before let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised to skip down to verse 35 cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward for you have need of patience that after you've done the will of God you might receive the promise patience for what patience with your confidence it's not enough just to have confidence you've got to maintain the confidence day after day and week after week confidence is another word for faith you've seen it numerous times already look it up in the Greek you'll see sometimes translated same word but confidence he said it requires patience he said for a little while and he that will come shall come will come and will not tarry now the just shall live by faith not just get out of trouble by faith but every day but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him why would you draw back fear and no confidence keep reading but we are not of them who draw back is that you I'm not of them if you're not drawing back what are you doing I'm stepping out I'm moving forward not cowering in the shadows but stepping out into the light and receiving not hiding but coming boldly to the throne of grace to get help and mercy we're none of them that draw back unto perdition or destruction but of them that believe to the saving of the soul now faith is what we're going to live by he said now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen the Youngs literal translation says faith is of things hoped for a confidence of matters not seen a conviction and this is the most accurate that I've been able to find studied out for yourself these two words are the proper definition of faith what is faith confidence and what else conviction confidence of what is hoped for are what is expected why would you be expecting something that you got no reason in the word to expect to happen because you got confidence in something he told you why would you be sure that heaven is real and you've never been there sure about the that angels are real sure that healing power is real sure that the gifts of the Spirit are real faith is the conviction of what is not seen even though we don't see it we are convinced it's real how many are convinced you're not trying to be convinced you're convinced heaven is real God sitting on the throne right now right Jesus is that his right hand of Majesty on high and he's gone to prepare a place for me and you he's a working on our place you know there are a number of people that have testimonies about going to heaven and coming back Paul talked about it himself in the scripture and some of them you under about and some of them sound right to me but you don't want to put too much stock in a story like that because it's not what the scripture said it's their experience but one fella I remember talking about this he said he he got he got caught up and he saw his place you know when brother Jesse was here he said he saw he said he said and you were brother Hagin left he said he didn't see his house but he knew where he lived he said it was it was for the prophets lived and he said every place was a block mansion a mansion that covered a block Hey and this fit you know it's mrs. let's sound straight well it's because somewhere now that we got this idea of little white houses with columns in the front right beside each other dentistry where'd you get that he didn't say in my father's house are many condos did it many duplexes come on help me out What did he say many single-family dwellings not mansions and if you look up the word one of the words that attached to that is the word Manor ano R which meaningless word which means landed estate and the reason I bring it up because that's what this guy said he said the Lord showed him his place and he said man he said I had real estate he said I had a lake in the back it backed up to a mound and everything he looked at he went oh oh ah that's just what I always and that's just and he said the Lord smiled and said I know what each of my children liked and I custom build each of their abodes do you believe it did has to be that way custom build what Oh My Jesus custom building does he know what you like he knows things that you never realized you liked how are we gonna get there by faith so we better get back to this right here right faith is the substance of things hoped for our confidence and the evidence of things or the conviction of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which were seen were not made of things which do appear now he goes on throughout verse after verse he gave us a definition of faith but here he's given us now examples of faith and faith is so big and so many multi-sided many splendored that just because you you quote verse one that doesn't mean you know all there is to know about faith and we're seeing it manifested didn't in walked and lived in all these different people and it's the same how many we got the same faith they had and half these people are alive and well in that place we were talking about will soon meet them do you realize you'll soon have the opportunity to meet everybody whose name is in this able oh man it's Abel Noah Oh can I talk to you man Noah of course you'll have plenty of time I reckon nobody will say I don't have time won't that be refreshing these people all alive and well and they each are in this book because they walked by faith and they did it they lived by faith but their specific outstanding instances that this chapter records now one thing you'll see is that it's not always said in every word every verse but they had to overcome fear to do what they did they had to overcome to meet if you remember the scripture that led up to this we're not of them that drawback could Noah have done something different than what he did would there have been temptation not to build the ark and endure all the persecution and go through everything that he did he's the perfect example of not receiving the shame isn't he they railed at him they called him old fooled you know they said all kind of stuff for years but he didn't receive it did he he just kept on the building didn't he tell me why he did it he had faith right how did he do it by faith did he have confidence that what God told him was going to happen was going to happen he believed that and so he prepared the Bible talks about Abraham could Abraham have been afraid about going out where he didn't know he was going could fear have gripped him and said man you're gonna leave everything you've established here and you don't even know where you're going what if you get out there and get lost what if you get out there and somebody Rob's you what if you get out there in this what if you get out there you understand the devil's the same then as he is now and bringing thoughts of fear did he have to overcome fear did at some point he have to lay it aside and said no no the Lord told me so know what is know what about Sarah just keep pulling down Abraham when he offered up Isaac could fear have gotten tried to get in with him Oh concerning is his son being sacrificed did he have to overcome fear could fear have prevented him fear of losing his boy could it have prevented him from obeying God oh you know he had to deal with it didn't he and Isaac Jacob Joseph now skip down to verse 23 and it specifically says that in these verses by faith Moses when he was born was hid three months to my said three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child but that's a little bit vague to us in the King James but we'll read other scriptures that talk about it and they were what they were what not afraid of the Kings commandment how were they not afraid what helped them to not be afraid faith faith enabled them to overcome their fear of the Kings commandment now hold your place and go back to Exodus 1 can you take this can you take a few more minutes hang in here now Exodus 1 the Pharaoh had in verse 15 and 16 he told the Egyptian midwives excuse me the Hebrew midwives excuse me Hebrew that when they saw a male baby they were to kill it and these women feared God and reverenced him and wouldn't do it and the Bible said God gave them houses that means he gave them husbands and families and children of their own how many of whatever you sow is what you're gonna reap they sowed these these families children to them and God gave them families of their own and verse 22 when this didn't work the Pharaoh did this he charged all his people this was a nationwide charge or law his word was law every son that's born you shall cast into the river and every daughter you shall save alive and the Hebrews did it I guess by the thousands they threw their newborn sons into the river now what would make a daddy and a momma throw their infant newborn son into the river hmm only one thing right they they must have known if you didn't do it you could lose your other children what would motivate a mother and a father to do such a thing it had to be fear of losing your whole family losing your lives well you know what do you think Pharaoh did obviously some people tried to keep their babies and when they were found out there must have been some terrible things happened to the family because volitionally then people would themselves throw their babies in the river you would only do that to save the lives of your other children had to be something along this line but fear is throughout the Hebrew people in that nation it's tangible they live in constant fear but when Moses was born his mom and dad looked in his little face and what did say he was a proper child if you look at other words he was a beautiful child and they knew something was special about him and they had enough faith in God it overcame their fear or y'all listening now enough faith will overcome any fear they know people who've been slaughtered because they kept their baby they know whole families that have been wiped out they know what can happen to them but there was something in them bigger than that fear somebody tell me what it was it was a confidence oh come on a confidence in their God that they'd be okay some way right there was a conviction that he loved them and he would care for them and that he had a special call for this baby are you with me now and he got in him you know the story they kept him long as they could you know after three months they made a little arc for him and they put him in it they say that was the law you had to put him in the river but they gave him a boat baby boat now come on think about it it must have been the fear of death was hanging over everybody or you'd never do that they're crocodiles in that River but how many believe they built the baby boat by faith they put him in there by faith remember that they're breathing for something that they'd gone as far as they can with this and and they just knew in their heart we can't keep him any longer if we do we'll all die they just knew it but they still were believing for something to happen hence the baby boat and they send him on a sail and you know the story Pharaoh's daughter came and found him he must have been a pretty child she looked at him and thought what a pretty baby it was God but that was in him go back to Hebrews 11 that same faith that was stronger than fear was in him as a young man Hebrews 11 are you there verse 23 by faith they were not afraid of the Kings commandment somebody say not afraid said again not afraid what will make you not afraid in the face of terrifying stuff well what would what's stronger than fear faith in God he's stronger than any fear including the fear obviously of death faith in God is stronger than the fear of any disease including cancer AIDS are you listening faith in God is greater and stronger than fear of any man any attack any crime when our faith is strong enough it delivers us from our fears and were able to boldly confidently step up and do what he told us to do and step out and obey somebody say I believe say I'm not afraid and went on to say by faith Moses when he was come to years he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect to the recompense of the reward you could sit like this what did he do by faith by faith he chose faith helps you to make the big choices when your faith is strong enough even though it looks like your choice is costing you you know in the end it's not going to cost it's gonna pay right he was able to walk away from all that wealth all that prestige the rulership of the positions of authority the easy life life in the palace being waited on hand and foot the rest of his life how many a lot of people would not have walked away from that they would not have left that no they wouldn't have remember the rich young ruler the Lord said liquidate give to the poor follow me he wouldn't ask him to take a vow of poverty he is asking him to make a choice hmm choose me instead of your money choose me instead of your financial security that you got in it choose me he wouldn't do it why did he do it fear or not enough faith by faith verse 27 he forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the King for he endured as seeing him who is in visible by faith how many stand Pharaoh must have been a bad dude he's a killer mass murderer no telling how many infants they destroyed and killed but his faith in God delivered him from this fear somebody said out loud I have faith in God stand up on your feet just a moment I'm not through but you act some folks act like you are can you take a little more you think or I can pause here and say come back next week hmm I'm not done no hmm somebody say I'll have faith in God and that faith that faith is stronger than fear he's stronger than any fear that can come against me in this life lift up your hands and praise him for Lord your faith in me is stronger than every fear any fear stronger than every fear go Ritu God stronger hallelujah just stay standing for just a minute do you know what kept the first generation of Israelites out of the Promised Land huh was it the Giants no because the next generation took it was it the walls now because the next generation under Joshua and Caleb took him I mean it was the same cities it was the same walls it was the same Giants so obviously they could have taken it to what kept him out it was fear fear and unbelief what did they lack faith what did Josh wouldn't Caleb of the next generation how did they take it by faith they took it by faith what's standing between you and the call of God on your life the plan of God the fullness of the blessings what's standing between you and get loosed and getting free from everything that's holding you back it's fear fear what's stronger than fear faith faith said out loud I refuse to be held back by fear I refuse to give in the fear and to be paralyzed and to be in bondage to be held back to be tormented I refuse to fear I have faith in God that's how you can overcome fear be seated again for a few moments what is the cure for fear faith are we might say trust you go to some 125 and I'm going to read a few but while you're turning there I'm going to read a few verses to you for times sake put up on the screen guys Psalm 56 3 Psalm 56 3 you're going to Psalm 125 unless you're just really quick what did the scripture scripture say what time I am afraid what do you do when you get afraid I will trust in you see the devil to tell you you can't help it it comes at grips you the feelings the heart palpitates the sweat the blood pressure you you're tempted to worry you tempted to fear there's some fearful things it's happened to other people and it could happen to you and it's it's very bearing down what can set you free from that tormenting situation trust trust in him 56 and 11 Psalm 56 11 says in God have I put my trust so what I will not be afraid what a man can do to me Oh hallelujah Isaiah 12 verse 2 Isaiah 12 verse 2 he says behold god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid come on are you seeing a pattern here how can you get out of fear start trusting trusting I will trust and not be afraid for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and he is my song and he's become my salvation hey fear fears come to all of us I mean all you got to do is live on the planet and fears come thoughts come feelings come fears come and one thing that didn't bother you might bother somebody else more but one thing that didn't bother them might bother you more but the enemy keeps pressing buttons till he finds yours if not you if anything else just trial and error and when he does and you go that bothers me you don't want to think about it you don't want to talk about it tell me how you get out of this how do you get out of this huh trust in God what's gonna happen tomorrow I know this God will be there what about when all that begins to happen what's going to happen then he will be with me because he never leaves me he never forsakes me come on he will help me he told me he would he said if I'd put my trust in him he would deliver me didn't he say it and friend if you trust in those words and if you trust in the one who said those words those feelings begin to come off of you they begin to just melt off of you and the panic begins to subside and the peace begins to come in and you say it's gonna be okay I'm coming through this I'm why cuz I trust God I trust God I don't have all the answers but I know he loves me and I know he's faithful and I know nothing is impossible to him nothing's too hard for him I trust him I trust him and when you trust him enough the fears leave hallelujah whoo Psalm 71 1 71 1 he said in you Lord do I put my trust let me never be put to confusion say friend when we're feeling panicky when we're feeling confused what's going on that's fear but why we're not trusting him he told us what he would do but it wasn't enough force come on get the picture now if you're in a situation that I know how to fix or I'm able to fix and you're panicking I mean you're losing it I say brother Jim was he he probably wouldn't but let's say he was and I said oh brother Jim no don't worry about that I can take care of that I've got to what what we need to fix that and I'll do it just relax it's gonna be ok and what if he wouldn't relax what if he won't relax he still he just hyperventilates all the more and and I really do have the ability to do it and my word is good if I told him I would do it I will do it but he he doesn't calm down what's what's the problem now my words don't mean anything to him he has chosen not to believe what I said chosen not to trust but what if he does trust me and I tell him oh brother Jim I got it I got it man I've done this before I've been here before I got the means I got the ability you just relax I'll take care of this and he said ah brother Keith thank you and he just begins to relax and his blood pressure goes down and his heart rate slows down what does that mean what does the man come on he hasn't seen it happened yet isn't that trust well how about the one who cannot lie and who has never failed and never let anybody down when he tells you something should you immediately relax should you immediately cast the burden of it over on him and the care and kickback and go well okay hey glory to God the Lord said he was going to supply all my needs the Lord said he said that's why the scripture says we which do believe have entered into rest and if you don't get into the rest it's because you don't believe and people sometimes try to make excuses and go on and it's just too much it's just two months I can't I can't handle it it's there's too hard no it's not true it's just not true you just refuse to believe you're choosing not to truck you're choosing to panic instead of trust it's your choice and nobody can make you make that bad choice or make me make the right choice how many believe every day of our lives we could obey Jesus when he said let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid did he say that did he did he intend for us to do what he told us to do then can we choose every day and every night no matter if it looks like death is looking us right in the eye can we choose to say I'll not be moved he told me he would keep me and I trust you this is not just trust in ink and paper this is not just trust in a principle this is trust in a person that he loves me that he's faithful and he will keep me somebody say I trust you say it again say it again I trust him and see when you're like that you will enter in to rest the confusional leave the feelings of fear we'll leave all glory to God Psalm 125 here's another way of saying this some 125 verse 1 they that what they that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion which cannot be removed but abideth forever and you'll see this for we're going to show you other places where it says a similar thing but basically it is the idea of being in movable when you trust God you're not moved when you're moved it's because you're not trusting him now all of us that are at different places in our faith in God but basically the question is what does it take to move you because when you got moved that shows where your faith ended strong faith is not moved though all kind of things happen strong faith will stand in the middle of a hurricane and say I don't care I know what I'm seeing I know what I'm feeling I don't care if your knees are bumping together and then the hair standing upon you on the back of your neck goosebumps all over you can say yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death well then the valley of the shadow of death you gonna see some stuff you gonna hear some stuff and all of us designed to scare you out of your mind right but is it still your choice oh come on can you resist symptoms of fear just like you can resist symptoms of sickness our symptoms of lack our symptoms of anything else that you know you don't have to have oh yeah see this is where a lot of people lose the battle is they feel the fear and the feelings are so real and what you see it and the devil says too late you've lost it look at you you're just a basket case it's not too late those are just symptoms of fear they're just feelings they're just thoughts you can choose to resist them Oh hallelujah glory to God those that trust can't read it again those that trust in the Lord shall be like what Mount Zion Havva knows one thing not signs not doing yeah it's not moving around at least not so as you could tell it is fixed it is planted you show me somebody really trusting in God I'll show you somebody that's not moved by reports they're not moved by feelings they're not moved by bills they're not moved by people's talking and thoughts and accusations they are unmoved why because they're trusting in him well come on their their confidence is in him they're convinced of something that he said they're fully confident and fully persuaded and so this just doesn't move them it just doesn't move them go to Psalm 112 isn't this the situation of faith overcoming fear expelling it out of you leaving you in this confident place Psalm 112 for this is a wonderful song you should write your name in it Psalm 112 praise ye the Lord blessed is the man that fears the Lord that's where you should write your name right there blessed is Keith your name whatever it is Keith delights in the commandments and just put your name throughout this verse to his seed will be mighty on earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness endures forever now look at verse well let me just keep reading to the upright there arises light in the darkness he's gracious he's full of compassion and righteous a good man shows favor in linz he will guide his affairs discretion surely he shall not be moved forever now that's a long time the righteousness shall be in everlasting remembrance keep reading keep reading verse seven he shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in though all come on can you see this what about a heart that's not trusting in the Lord it's not fixed it's not anchored so what is it doing it's moving where is it it's all over the place I mean in the morning it's here in the afternoon it's over here saying this today saying something totally different the next day what's the cure for this come on help me out now let's don't point fingers or think about somebody all of us have been here some point either one of us have wavered right yielded their own thoughts yielded to fears every one of us have it sometime or other but it's not what we supposed to be doing and it's us enduring torment for no reason at all we could have chosen to trust an old friend when you absolutely make up your mind to trust your God anchors all around fix you oh come on and your heart gets to a place where nothing can move you people can say anything they want to say and you just smile all the way through they can give you reports that make other people want to run out and kill their self and you just say so doesn't change this report don't change that oh come on they that trust in the Lord will be like Mount Zion that cannot be moved well somebody say thank you lord surely he shall not be moved forever the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance he shall not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord his heart is established he shall not be afraid till they see his desire for his enemies how many of that must be a victory you must have won because your desire was not for your enemy to win o friend does this paint a picture does it stir you up at all this is excite you thoughts come to all of us feelings to come to all of us situations happen in life being a faith man or woman does not assure that you'll never have any challenges does not assure that you'll never have any tests or things to deal with oh but you know what being a faith person does assure he always causes us to triumph thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ can you hold on to that in your soul no matter what's going on any person or any man any woman of faith you want to see you know centuries ago our present day you're gonna see this same identifying mark they're not moved I said they're not moved we got a lot of people being moved they go to faith churches they go to word churches they've heard about healing they've heard about prosperity they've heard about this and it's all great and they'd like to believe it as long as everything's one good he but here comes a report they just laid off thousand over there to factory and you're one of them you'll see people's been going to church for fifteen years lose it just lose it not even come to church for two months and just pout and be depressed that's not okay I said that's not okay what's it time to do Saints trust God and if your trust in God will you act like that will you crawl in the band and pull the cover over your head huh will you cry out and you can't cry anymore will you even and go into a panic attack and have to get a paper bag and put it over your head what what would you do what will you do go to the book of Acts I think I'm I can close with this Oh his heart is established even he specifically he said evil tidings he will not be afraid what's evil tidings bad news it is it true that you could not be afraid no matter what kind of news they brought you four people think so well brother Keith who exactly what kind of news are we talking about matter I said it doesn't matter glory to God he shall not be moved though messengers bring bad news and evil tidings you remember we sang about it earlier but when who was a gyruss that besought Jesus to come and heal his daughter before they could get to the house four people came and told him she's dead she's gone what do you think how hit him his little girl he knew they wouldn't stand there and lie to him like that they wouldn't have told him letting us they were sure that she was gone what hit him fear and discouragement right grief and say friend if you yield to this stuff it'll take you out it will defeat you it will take you out Jesus looked at him come on tell me what he said what do you say don't be afraid I only believe now why did he tell him that could this man have ruined everything if he'd had yielded to the fear I have to be that way or Jesus wouldn't have said that he was just went on and done it it had to be hanging on this and the man must have done the right thing how many know he had to get ahold of his self didn't he because I mean everything in him is screaming to break and just cry and just fall in a pile on the floor and go my baby my baby my little girl but if he'd had done that she'd never been raised I said she'd have never been raised and if people say well I couldn't help it it's not true I said it's not true if you yield to it a lot and year after year well then it's harder you you get used to yielding to it but it's not true how many oh he must have done the right thing if he wanted to say a bunch of funnily unbelief he must have bit his lip yes sir don't be afraid can you see Jesus looking at you Jesus the head of the church looking at you saying don't be afraid don't be afraid only believe don't be afraid come on tell me what do you say what do you say what do you say yes sir yes sir so can you fall apart now no you can't what can you say nothing but faith right what can you do trust God Paul was facing some things everywhere he went people picked it up in the spirit that bonds and afflictions were waiting on him in Jerusalem and they kept telling him don't go don't go Paul don't go acts 20 and 22 acts 20 and 22 he said now behold I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem not knowing the things that shall be following me there except that the Holy Ghost witnesses in every city saying bonds and afflictions abide me that's one thing when people tell you troubles waiting on you when the Holy Ghost tells you big trouble is waiting on you and he confirms it in every city that you go to somebody say trouble coming for sure big trouble I want you to tell me what he said next verse next verse he knows trouble is coming big trouble and it was oh man it was the end of his free life and yet he had miracle after miracle wrote the epistles in jail how many you cannot keep a faith man down The Devil's thought they had really done it when they killed Jesus oh man they thought they had done it now that notice the worst thing they ever did you can make them that way with you to faith people won't quit they won't lay down and quit what did he say read that lad with me none of these things move me what if you die there brother Paul he talked about it in Philippians he said hey for me to depart and be with Christ is far better than being here great fine with me is he afraid oh there's no fear in him his heart is fixed he said if I stay I get more work helps you I get more reward so like that too can't be defeated either way I go I'm a winner I'm a victor never a victim always an overcomer no matter what's going on none of these things move me get that in your heart get that in your mind get that in your mouth and when bad reports come and slap you upside the face and I mean fear and thoughts just grab you almost before you think about it before you grab the tissue box and pull the blinds come on help Matt tell me what do you do what do you do you stand up and you say stand up on your feet you stand up on your feet and you look that thing in the eye and tell me what do you say what do you say none of these things yeah yeah but they said that you're laid off yeah but they said your investments are worth nothing now they said you lost it all looks like I lost some people hmm they said your house burnt down and your friends don't like you anymore and your dog even left it with somebody else's house come on help me out help me out come on this that's not quite strong enough you know of these things they don't move me I didn't say I liked them but they don't move me because the God I trust has not changed at all he's still sitting on the throne his word is still true and he still loves me he still loves me and he's still faithful to me and I don't know how and I don't see the way but I know he'll bring me out I will come out of this and when the dust clears I'll be standing here with my miracle God we'll do it some way somehow he will do it I trust him I trust God I trust telling him say Lord I trust you say it again Lord I trust you say it again Lord I trust you I trust you oh just lift your hands and praise himself whoa thank you lord thank you Lord go ahead [Music] whoa we're gonna give [Music] I [Music] cygnus first anchored in Jehovah Hashem anchored in Jehovah I will [Music] singing again I shall not be everybody eyes nah I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I I will be [Music] [Music] Laurie thank you lord praise you just praise thank you lord thank you thank you thank you I trust you I do trust you therefore I won't be moved thank you lord thank you lord well that st. Paul that we ended up with he said none of these things move but he's the one that started out this whole message saying I know in whom I have believed I know in whom I have believed when you trust somebody you have believed you're not waiting to believe you're not believing you're not on your way you're already there Paul was already there he had believed glory to God when you have believed something you're in full faith you ain't moving you ain't being moved you can't be pushed away glory to God we don't get pushed away anybody in here gonna quit tonight you can walk out the door and say you know I don't know about all that no not one person is are you we trust in the Lord because we know in whom we have believed glory to God and we're gonna stand we're gonna stand firm because He loves us He loves us and we can trust you right you might not trust somebody don't love you somebody gives their son for you huh sends their only begotten Son because he so loved you you can trust him glory to God glory to God let's reaffirm our faith tonight even if you're saved if you've been saved for years this prayer will confirm in your heart God's goodness God's love for you and your ability to trust him with your life so let's affront reaffirm and affirm our faith if you've never prayed this prayer before you've never made Jesus Christ Lord of your life pray it with all your heart and if you have prayed with all your heart but if you have never you'll know there's a change you'll know there's a change that God's become real to you and he's your father and Jesus is your Lord and He loves you so let's pray let's close our eyes and let's pray this all together say father God I believe in you I trust you I believe that you sent your son because you love me I believe in Jesus Jesus you are my lord thank you for saving me for being my salvation for healing my body for protecting me for prospering me for giving me peace for giving me joy for loving me and as you help me I will serve you all the days of my life thank you Lord just thank him praise You Father thank you lord thank you lord thank you Father glory to God glory to God feel strong getting stronger getting stronger not being moved amen amen well they're gonna sing we're gonna be dismissed as we do but if you just prayed that prayer for the first time or you knew snow something happened when you prayed that prayer tonight and you you want to talk to somebody there's gonna be people standing along the front if you gave your life to God tonight come down here and let us rejoice with you if you recommitted your life to God let us rejoice with if you got questions about your salvation you got anything you want to talk to somebody you need a hug they're gonna be people standing down here glory to God glory to God so as the music place and we're singing people are going out you come down here let us love on you let us rejoice with you okay all right Sunday morning 9:00 and 11:00 is gonna be good then - amen amen they're gonna sing we'll be dismissed as they do don't be moved [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 10,188
Rating: 4.8157897 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Faith, in, God, Pt, 5, Not, Afraid
Id: 2Z_Mk87WK3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 11sec (5471 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2012
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