Keith Moore The Faith Of Jesus Pt 7 Patience

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thank you lord well how many a purpose that you're going to live by sowing and reaping don't just live by your work don't just live by your brain live by sowing and reaping would you turn with me this morning to the book of Hebrews and the twelfth chapter Hebrews 12 if you didn't bring a Bible with you we have extra Bibles we'd be glad to let you use one of ours if you'll raise your hand maybe you got two or three at home but you didn't bring one this morning raise your hand and use one of ours turn to the passages and let your eyes rest on these words it's a way of showing respect for the word and it gets in you better that way I see a number of our friends here this morning we sure appreciate y'all coming and and we love y'all thank God for you all of our family and over the Internet it is wonderful to have faith family isn't it nothing like it in all the world I think you can hear that I've enjoyed hearing from our service team leaders because you get some insight into the inner workings of these teams and the plan that God gave us how many believe that everybody has a ministry well another word for ministry is service sir how many would agree everybody should serve the Lord in some capacity right and really most people in the body their service is not to be speaking gifts preaching and teaching the larger percentage is not that but it's it's in some area of helps but it is vital right and then just as important as the other parts and so you know you you hear the hearts of these leaders saying these things on this where they're not just trying to to drum up people for the team they just know that you're missing out if you're if you're not a part and we've had people say well how you know even some people say well I don't want to be in a big church and so they you know they said it's too impersonal and you can't get to know people and so that's how they didn't you know that we were too big for them well I consider us to be small right now huh I go to churches that are you know 10 20 times what we are and there's hundreds of thousands of people within driving distance of this place that need God need to get in right but the question remains well how can you with the church say of ten thousand how could you have that personal and closeness and and intimacy that you desire in fellowship simple God gave us the plan is these service teams right you got you got a your own family they're in the service team and these teams take care of their own hmm I'm telling you so you need to think about it and pray about it like you've heard and see what the Lord tells you to do Hebrews chapter 12 we've been ministering for some weeks now on the subject of the faith of Jesus is that right did I say it right and this is our text so let's look at it today and continue on Hebrews 12:1 since wherefore seeing we are accomplished about with so great a cloud of witnesses my dad's a part of that with that that cloud this morning I was thinking about it he so loved his his mom and his dad and my grandfather's family the Moore family bit blada uncles and aunts they had large family and just a bunch of robust life loving people and most of them already gone and I in in you know not too long after dad went home I thought you know they probably all met him uncle Rosco and uncle Courtney no desolate uncle Rufus and uncle Gordon and they and Molina and Paul Quinton and yeah I'm from the south and glad about it yeah we know how to do it and you know I mean we had some big times down here but it wouldn't hold a candle to to what we're gonna have up there so you have the same how many of you got family up there right now you'll see them real soon right if you lived another 50 years 75 years that's nothing it'll pass like that and then I'm gonna believe the Lord's whining this thing up aren't you glad you're on the right side in the right family when he said we accomplished about with this great cloud of witnesses he said seeing that seeing that we know that and we have that what should we do we should what now think about it we got this great cloud of witnesses now not just them we got we got an Abraham we got David right we got all the prophets we I mean we got family you got family in your natural family name you know generations and generations ago you don't even know exists just gonna hug you when you get there you what well who are you I'm your great great great great great great great great great great great great grandpa and you're gonna you're gonna like them too you're going to enjoy we got family but seeing we have this kind of family already in heaven how should that affect us should it make us go man yeah I want to go I want to come see my family and and just forget about everything on the earth and let's go see the family read the rest of the verse how should it affect us what do you do it ought to make you want to focus on running your race down here finishing your course doing your job why because they're not just calling for you to come on they're not saying hurry up and come see us what are they saying what are they what are they yelling from the grandstand well what did they yell at NASCAR grandstands go don't let it get it puts that thing right running on the track what are they yell from the grandstands come up here and sit with us no no what do they tell you run run what are they telling us what's my daddy telling me the hollering at me this morning go by go don't you let this thing slow you down you preach you go go that's what Abraham saying that's what Isaac is saying that's what Jesus is saying go you're not there for long it's like a vapor you're there then you're gone you're not there for long go I mean get while the getting's good get people saved get them filled with the spirit get them healed get them delivered tell them about me right tell godson tell him about me that is what they are rooting us on so how should it affect us get rid of anything that holds you back slows you down right get rid of it and do what run with patience now the amplified says endurance run with patience run with endurance the race that is set before you so this is not just the sprint this is not just a dash elsewise it wouldn't be so much emphasis on endurance right this is a marathon isn't it this race run with patience everybody say patience run with patience said that out loud run with patience run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the best race runner there ever was right the author and the finisher of our faith now he didn't just change subjects and in in mid-sentence here and go from talking about a race to talking about faith what kind of race is it it's a faith race right it's a faith race how do you run your race by faith every day right the just shall live by faith the just shall walk by faith what's a run it's a fast walk is that right so you're running by faith you standing by faith you're living by faith you're walking by faith and Jesus has already done this down here on the earth didn't he and he did it perfectly he didn't let anything slow him down he didn't let anything hold him up he ran his whole race and he heard from on high this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and how many know that is he hung on the cross paying the price for us and finishing up you know about to go to the heart of the earth and finish up everything that his job and ministry was he reached out and he hit the finish line he said it's finished hallelujah he did it he is our example we are to run the race like he ran the race and he is the author and the finisher of our faith and that's how we're gonna begin and and continue and finish our race is by keeping our eyes on him and with his very own faith that he's given us from his word can you say Amen somebody said out loud I will finish my race I will finish my course hallelujah looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith so we have talked about the faith of Jesus for some weeks now and we went into some detail about how faith is required it's necessary and about how faith comes it comes by hearing and about you know enemies of faith how that being becoming offended will rob and steal your faith and wavering will keep you from from finishing your faith race and we talked about fear but today let's look at this this key element of faith and you see it in verse one we're to run this faith race how with patience everybody say patience now back up to the third chapter of Hebrews and you'll see that this theme recurs through the whole book of Hebrews we're going to see it it builds up from the beginning to where we just got the reading c12 is is near the end of the book but look in the third chapter of Hebrews Hebrews 3 and 14 verse 14 says what we are made partakers of Christ the Anointed One in his anointing if well as conditional if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end what does that sound like got to stay with it right why would he tell us that unless there would be a temptation to not hold on steadfast to the end lest there would be something to try to work against us to hinder us so that we wouldn't continue steady steadfast you know it's not intense effort that wins this race its steadiness its persistence its endurance right it's not just you know fasting for a week it's not seeing if you can read the whole Bible in a month it's a lot more challenging to read your chapter one chapter every day Monday through Friday for ten years than it is to try to do something big hmm oh yeah consistency produces far more results then a momentary intense effort you know what I'm talking about now if people want to do something big make a big splash and try to impress somebody write a big check and maybe everybody will talk about it but takes a lot more to send a check every week for 40 years hmm and I mean no that's not what changes your life is just the one-time big thing that happened in the year hmm now it's the thing that is happening every day and every week and every month that's your life that's where you live and that's how we run our race every day is a new day God's mercies are new his grace is there we get up and put on our faith running shoes right put on our faith jersey and here we go and we're not trying to impress anybody we're not trying to break any records we're just going to keep our eyes on the Lord right and when something comes up what are we gonna do we're gonna say where's the scripture right where's the words the word where's the verse because that's where our faith comes from right and we're gonna bring everything back to the word and we're gonna do it every day whether people like it and whether they don't every gonna say the same thing whether people get tired of hearing it or whether they don't right we give us the word says the same thing everybody say steady persistent endurance see this is such a vital part of faith we're made partakers of crime understand the anointing that's what that's where our healing is is in the anointing of God that's where our our wisdom in our direction everything that we desire in need is a manifestation of God's anointing in God's power manifested in our life how are we made a partaker of it if we hold what helped me read it we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast and steady to the end you hold on to it so much they hold on now look at the sixth chapter of Hebrews that just builds through this chapter Hebrews six Hebrews six and verse 11 he said we desire that every one of you how many this is for everybody do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope now we found out that hope means expectation unto what unto the end will the end of what well yeah go - how'd you place there and go to first Peter we are to show diligence to the full assurance of our hope our expectation unto the end now in 1st Peter 1 first Peter 1 and 7 he said that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried as that were trial and then tried might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ is your faith tried how is it tried how is your faith tried well one of the biggest ways it's tried is by time time tries trust it tries it a lot of people can you know get stirred up by the word get stirred up by message and and man I filled out my vision list and I put it down and oh yeah it's coming it's coming it's coming but can you still be that excited five years from now that's what separates the men from the boys and the girls from the women faith wise right I mean anybody can get out and I on their knees and ask for the Sun and the moon and the stars and ask big and grand and great and glorious but how long can you stay persuaded expecting and exciting how long can you stay excited that's what shows where your faith is that you really don't have any more faith than you do patience you and I none of us patience is the companion force of faith it's not enough to just believe God you got to believe God until I'm gonna know if you believe God like a house of fire for two weeks and quit that you get the exact exact same results as if you hadn't believed God at all it's not enough just to believe God you got to believe God until right fate so you don't have any more faith than you do patience when your patience runs out what's gonna happen to your faith you get tired of waiting you get tired of standing you get tired of expecting you get tired of being excited and all you can see is the bills and all you can see is how you feel and you get tired of it what's happening to your faith it's fading right you get to the place where you're not excited about your healing anymore you're not excited about paying off all your debts anymore my brother Keith I've been standing for two years what I do now well what do you think is it done do you see it will you keep standing right how long brother Keith Halla as long as it takes as long as it takes as long as it takes here he says this is how you do it now how do you make it through the trial of your faith I've had people tell me before you know and I'm brother Keith or they've written into us I've had people tell me this to my face brother Keith I tried dad I heard it just once I've heard it numerous nitride that tithing gotten the biggest mess financially no I didn't work for me that's just us not for everybody yeah brother Keith I tried that healing stuff I you know I just don't think it's God's will for everybody yeah brother Keith I tried dad I tried dad no no it tried you and you flunked some 105 says tell my Joseph says until the time of his word came the word of the Lord tried him read that some 105 sometimes well how many know what happened with Joseph Joseph had a vision he had a dream God showed him where he was taking him he showed him his future and he got excited about it and he told his brothers and he got ready for everybody to bow down to him and him be the main man and then what happened come on now help me out what is going on during this the Bible said the word of the Lord tried him people stole I try I tried it no I thought it tried you people got it all mixed up I tried it and it didn't work no there is no such thing as the word doesn't work it's like saying God doesn't work no such thing as the word doesn't work people don't work they're confused people but he's got this word he's got this vision and he believed it I mean he believed he's telling people about it who God has shown me this and this is gonna happen to me and next thing you know he is a slave somebody's property did he lose his vision now see that's why it's in the word until the time that his word came the word of the Lord tried him we got the whole story did he ever quit believe in that now I can show you several evidences to prove that he never gave up on that vision even in this situation of being a slave he believed God and God made him a rich man as a slave how many believe God can prosper you Amy where it doesn't make a difference where you are as a slave you become rich and then he's doing good in his situation and Potiphar's wife lies on him and now he's in the dungeon a lot of people would have would have quit wouldn't he they'd have been down there eating slop dodging spiders and rats and stinking and thought you know I don't know what I was thinking about ain't nobody bound to me don't know about even know I'm alive my folks think I'm dead right but I can tell you he did not do that to me so why can you say think about it we wind up in Pharaoh's Butler his cup bearer and his Baker were thrown into prison there with Joseph you remember he bops in one day and says what's wrong guys where y'all down what are you also saying they could have said cuz we in the dungeons maybe because they gonna kill us so I know that that speaks volumes to me that he pops in the door he's been there for how long already and he pops in this is how guys why are y'all down today boyfriend the devil cannot defeat a man like that the devil cannot defeat a woman like that but no matter what your situation is you are not down you are not feeling sorry for yourself you'll never turn loose of your vision you never turn loose with the word God gave you you say oh no no no it has to come to pass it was just impossible you're in the dungeon nobody even knows you're alive yeah God knows where I met and he showed me this and he'll do it and the word of the Lord tried him for years but he came out shining he passed the test and how many know one day here comes Pharaoh's man callin for is there a Joseph down here is there a Joseph down here and in a few hours he is washed and dressed and smelling good and looking good and fine clothes and before the day was over he's the number two man in the most powerful country on the earth at that time how quickly God can turn things around if you and I won't quit if we won't quit it's so sad and the younger you are well I got about four scriptures going at once here go to Romans five I didn't finish with that but the Lord's leading us Romans five Romans five verse one being justified by faith faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ when you walk in my faith do you have peace in whom we have access by faith how do you get into the good things it's my faith until this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God and not only so but we glory in tribulations also how in the world could you glory in tribulations knowing because you know something you know the tribulation is not the end of it knowing that tribulation does what it works your patience it tries it and it works it right patience friend is one of the fruit of the Spirit and as such it develops it grows if it is fed and exercised just like your faith how many know not everybody has the same degree in operation of faith there tetramands given the measure faith but what you do with it and then Jesus referred to some people as no faith and little faith and great faith do it based on what well based on what you do with it well you if you don't have any more faith than you do patience not only a must your faith develop but what else must develop not just your ability to believe in trust but your ability to do it for as long as it takes how do you develop patience not by praying for patience hmm and if some people say hole the way you ought to her about that I ain't gonna pray for patience cuz who you pray for patience in dear Lord no telling what's gonna happen to you all wrong thinking forget all that why are some people's bodies in better shape than others because some people take the opportunities to work out and exercise other people keep passing them by right come on y'all want you wanna work out with me alright go ahead ah same thing why some people have great patience and a whole lot of people have hardly any because they you have opportunities to exercise your patience every day and to give it a workout but so many people refuse to take the opportunity you stand in a long line at the grocery store there's a chance to work out right but a lot of people don't die they sit there and fuming I come in here no more well you got ahead of me sitting in traffic here's wonder wonderful opportunity right to exercise your patience you can sit there and you can fume and you can fuss and you can be frustrated and you can be vexed and you can exercise that and you can exercise your anger and you know what'll happen it'll grow your frustration will increase your anger will increase or you can feel aggravated but you can say uh-uh no I'm just gonna relax right here and I'm just gonna enjoy a good time with the Lord sitting here in this car and I need to pray for a brother up there cuz he definitely needs some wisdom and peace and grace now you don't misunderstand you can feel you can just feel like you're about to come apart but you don't have to act like you feel spiritual people control their feelings then so you don't have any but your feelings are not controlling you you're controlling them in fact what is it Luke 21 said in your patience you possess your soul people with strong patience and developed patience they're in control of their soul their emotions and their feelings people are quick to fly off the handle and say whatever crosses their mind snap it people these are carnal people they are not people of great faith I don't care who you think they are why because you cannot have great faith without great patience you can see strong faith as the ending enemy keeps layering stuff on you got a problem now you got three I know what I'm talking about you took a step to improve it now it's worse and you'll find that the enemy oh he's a sorry cuss you might understand what sorry means sorry the enemy he is the chief and kicking when you down he lays like a predator the Bible said he goes about like a roaring lion and particularly what he's looking for is the week one in the back of the pack and when you're in a tough situation is when he comes and tries to pour it on have you ever noticed that as well some people quote Sauron when it rains it pours don't quote that that's not a scripture but the reason people say that is because of their experiences that there's been times when something begin to go wrong and then it just seemed like the thing as callate it and we had three problems and now I got twelve well that's the enemy he sees an opportunity and he thinks that you're kind of going down well now's the time to pour it on and then try to take you out get you just lose your faith completely get you to just go soccers and and give up and go and right but what's going to get you through that strong faith which has to be accompanied with patience can you see it you get hit with something then you go I don't care God's Word is true right greater is He that's in me then he that's in the world I have the mind of Christ and then four more things happen and you're innocent and see what happens as things progress your body and your mind gets louder and louder and the things out in this world get louder your feelings can get to the place where man your feelings are going I can't take this I can't you say shut up shut up greater is he say what is this this is persistence you you just you just stay in there greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world I have the mind of Christ and I have the peace that passes understanding and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and the question is how can you keep doing that and how far can you keep doing that well by the grace of God there is no place where you can't because he said he would not allow you to be tempted above what you're able he won't allow it so in in Romans five he goes on to say tribulation works patience and patience works experience and experience works hope expectation and hope makes not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which has given us what what does our faith work by love and the one of the biggest things is just having a revelation of how much your father God loves you based on that you you'll hold on you won't quit yourself no no no no he's brought me through before he says what he saw about the experience he's brought me through before he's done it again and again now we're gonna make it just fine hmm we're gonna make it just fine we're gonna be okay God's gonna bring us out right and no matter how much darker it looks you never change now did you notice he's he mentioned experience we need to minister to our young people our children and our teenagers it is alarming and it is so sad that so many teenagers commit suicide every year in this country they have why well they they something happened in their life to the point they lost their their hope and their faith and their patience they don't see any reason to go on why wait another day and and and so many times to us that have been through a few things we look at what they killed their self over and we just shake her head and think you know we've been through a thousand times that bad but the thing is they didn't they didn't have the perspective we had because they haven't had the experience do you see what he's talking about the experience works the hope will their boyfriend dump them so life is not worth living and they lose their hope and they lose their faith and why wait another day and killed herself and in their young life is cut short and we know I know I hope you know that they could have just went back to the house and got an ice cream are you with me now and said you know get a friend let's go to the mall right and put one foot in front of the other and make it through another hour and you'd feel a little better right I'm not saying it's gonna all change overnight but by the end of the week in some of these situations they could have they could have said that what boyfriend it really can happen just that quickly and you might say well yeah but number the key you told my puppy love hey that's real to them you've been there I've been there you said but I got serious problems how do you think God sees your serious problems it'd be let it be more in inconsequential than you see in a child you know that they they they broke the boot off their GI Joe and so they're sitting there crying you're going on baby that ain't nothing daddy I'll get you a new GI Joe that's how God sees your big problems it is that's how he sees your big stuff now he cares that you're touched by it but to say he's impressed with the difficulty of your problem no he could fix it with that raising a little finger but what he must have from us his faith and faith must be accompanied by patience go back to the 6th chapter please of Hebrews where we left off Hebrews six Hebrews chapter six can you look back over your life and see where there was a tough spot where there might have been a day or a week or that you felt despondent or despaired about it but how many of you can say that you're not that way now it's like you know at the time it was like a nightmare but now it's like a bad dream that happened somebody else you know it's just how many can raise your hand and say that that's yeah what does that mean that means there is hope there is help and the best is ahead do we have something to live for to fight for to believe for to stand for yeah and how quickly even though things may seem to drag on a long time in a certain way look at Joe how quick that thing turned around and he went from the worst place you could be to the best place you could be in a half a day Hebrews six are you there let's finish reading it we desire verse 11 Hebrews six eleven that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope to the end and I had you turn there to first Peter and what we didn't finish reading is that you know he talked about receiving the end of your faith and the way you do it is even though you're tried your faith is tried you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory receiving the end of your faith he went on to say verse 12 that you be not slothful one translation says don't be dull and lazy but followers of them who through what faith and patience inherit the promises how do you get them how do you get what other people failed again how do you get the miracles in your life the big things how do you get them you get them through faith and patience patience has got to be there too because you've got to keep on believing and you got to stay just as excited two years after you prayed the prayer as the day you prayed the prayer right just just as persuaded just as expectant just as excited stay excited sometimes you got to get up in the morning and if time is drugged by and the report is worse than it was when you started you got to get yourself about it here drag yourself over over to the mirror and look yourself in the eye and say get excited boy get it William and it's been six months well hallelujah you're six months closer to it than you were when you started yeah you are you're closer to it than you've ever been right got fake right now to talk right and stay in faith he said when God made promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater he swore by himself he said surely blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply you and we found out Friday night that blessing is ours there I and so verse 15 howdy to get it now let's just back up we read Friday night in Genesis 12 when God told Abram to get out of his father's house get away from his kinfolks and go to a place where he would show him and he proclaimed the blessing over him he said I'm gonna make of you a great nation he said I'm gonna make your name great I'm gonna bless you I'm gonna make you a blessing we read he went on to talk about I'm gonna multiply you and increase you and what happened the next year he was very rich and what happened the next five years but what about this multiplication what about this I mean he he had not a son this well he was about 75 at the time and so here comes 80 85 90 no son right see time tries your faith it tries you now let's just start you know Joseph he was 17 and when that word came to pass he was what about 40 how many years is that so here Abram 75 you know I'm sure he thought well you know we got to get with this father of many nations stuff pretty quick here right and Sarah she couldn't conceive when she was winning and they just keep getting older and they keep getting older right what would you think you would think well it seemed far-fetched 15 years ago right just keeps getting older see if it seemed like it just keeps getting further away but how long is 20 years hmm there are two passages one in Psalms one in Peter where we are told that some says that a passing knight was upset it backwards that a thousand years is like a knight that has passed and then first Peter said that with the Lord a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day so we got confirmation that that's how the Lord sees time to him because he's been around a lot longer than us now let's just back up how many of you let's say you're 60 70 80 years old or whatever now and you can remember back when you were 10 and you were waiting on Saturday to come for some reason and it was Monday how long did those five days or six days how long did they seem you think oh man and how many remember when you're was 14 at least when I was a boy you could get your driver's license when you're 15 I guess a lot of places 16 now but how long did that last year seen you think oh man but now let's say you're 7 to 80 years old how long does a year seem now with actual passage of time has not changed it's your perspective of it God's been around a whole lot longer than we have so to him a millennia a thousand years to him is like a day so when he tells us don't be weary in well-doing for a new season you reap if you faint not what's he telling us you you could have to wait a little bit well we need to get our mind renewed to what he calls a little bit right I'm gonna feel like you could stand and believe God for five minutes some of you already know where I'm going that's but this is Bible now I mean I mean we think about you know if everything just happened the moment you prayed or the moment you stood it would require no patience doesn't work like that there is the so in there is the waiting and there is the reaping right everything in life works this way and the waiting is the partial flesh don't like but you have to put your flesh under and if the Lord said you know just just you know he told the disciples teach you watch with me one hour God time if a thousand years as a day in the day as a thousand years one hour would be about 40 years 40 years I think it's actually 40 1.6 years for an hour god time so if the Lord said you know could you could you just hold on for about 15 minutes can't can't you stand and believe me for 15 minutes how much is that that's right that's right that's about 10 years so we got to get our minds renewed don't we just standing as people come so well I've been standing for six months wow you just barely you just barely got started that's one of to me one of the most impressive things about God is of course his love but his patience ah his patience part of what makes him so great his patience is just what what's the word to describe it he he'll say something he'll decree it he'll prophesy it through his men and women he'll say something's gonna happen and sure enough it will six hundred years later and to him that was just a little over half a day I reckon so it happened the same day we got to get our minds renewed don't we we got a thing crying we thought with him I've been standing for ten years on this particular thing without any much that's not much but that's where people run into trouble isn't it they get excited about something they put something on their vision list and they join hands and agree and pray with somebody's arm I laid hands on them they released their faith yeah I'm expecting I'm expecting but they in their time in their mind they have a time frame right and if they don't see it by a certain amount of time well I guess it didn't work you've heard me tell it before let me tell it again in closing Phyllis and I learned this when we first started out believing God this is before we went to Rhema before we got into ministry we've been married I think a year and a half maybe and young in every way and we've got a hold of some tapes and found out that God wanted us blessed one of the best things ever heard in my life I thought you you are you serious God wants us to have stuff and money oh I just it just sound too good to be true at first God never heard anything like this and then the more I got into word for myself I thought well there it is there it is right there so we decided we needed everything we decided we gonna do this we're gonna pray the prayer of agreement we're gonna release our faith I said we know let's don't be too hasty about this let's think about this for for a few days and weeks and and then we'll get together on it so we we wrote down you know we need to do we have debts we had to pay off and and we wrote those down and and said well you know we uh we need clothes to wear man we needed clothes desperately we need decent food and and then we got we need a car man we need a car these are the pieces of junk that we got we need a decent car and then we got to thinking well hey God's a big God let's believe for a good car and then we thought well hey hey hey God's a big God let's believe for a new car new we thought hey gods a really big goddess bleed for a nice new car and we went out to the to the light and we got to looking and we found one I was at 1979 is that what 1979 Buick Riviera of course they still made them pretty big you know back then and and beau this thing had a lot of chrome on and everything and we thought oh yeah yeah that's the car so we go wiggle and bleed for one so we uh we got together and we got our little stuff in our hand and and you know a little 1969 Marriott mobile home with the genuine artificial imitation leather and it was a sight and we still we're going we're gonna be for this so we joined hands and we prayed and we claimed the money to pay our bills and from for clothes and we claimed for food and money to pay off for our little trailer and other stuff that we had and and we cleaned us a brand new Buick Riviera and then I thought no nope the Lord didn't tell me to do this but I heard somebody else do it so I thought well I'll do so will you know we'll give God 30 days we believe we receive it by the end of the month we figured that's plenty of time you know for God to work where does it say in the scripture for us to set timeframes and time limits on what we're believing God for but you see people do it all the time and I had heard somebody else say that so that's why I did it didn't find the scripture for it so we're believing God well we didn't see a whole lot as the next days passed and days passed and days passed and weeks passed and but we're excited we're persuaded to this and we're expecting and we're excited got down to the last week then it got down to the last day of the thirty days we both got up and went to work man every time the phone rang I'm thinking I that could be it we checked the mail that could be it so my wanting to talk to me that could be it but nothing at work we went back home and ate our little supper and our little trailer and no calls and no visitors and no special deliveries and 9 o'clock at night and 10 o'clock at night we're still expecting we're still expecting 11:30 12:01 12:30 1:00 o'clock we got to go to work in the morning so spiritually speaking our feathers fell do you know what I mean by that we're like didn't say it but we're thinking well that didn't work and so that's what so many people are and they're thinking I tried it and it didn't work but tell me the truth it tries you and then we'll see if you stand or if you quit and so we didn't say much more about it and the Lord helped us though over the course of the next year or so we paid off our debts we got a few little clothes we begin to eat better most importantly realize God had a call on our life and wound up going to Rhema well that rain mom first year and man I'm just eating it up oh I'm hearing so many wonderful things and learning about faith sitting under brother Hagin hearing about faith and then I'm going to prayer school and healing school and faith faith faith and then I one day I was so excited about faith and I was at prayer school and about to pray and I'm talking to the Lord and pray in him and I realize hold up now everything I'm hearing about faith it's so much of its what I already thought and it's what I thought we were doing on those 30 days and I realized boy I must I must not even know what faith is I felt Lord you got to help me because I thought we were in faith and if we are we obviously weren't in faith because it didn't work so you got to help me please show me show me what faith is because I thought it was faith and from what I'm hearing now I still don't see it I'm laying there in the floor and the Lord began to speak to me I don't mean I heard an audible voice but inside me very distinctly he said you were in faith I thought huh anybody know what what am I thinking what if we were then where's our car right who got our car where is our Riviera I felt Lord on what do you mean he said you were in faith in fact you were doing well for where you work uh so we knew so little said you were doing well for where you were I thought Lord I'm not following you we were in faith but it didn't work he said you were doing well until a little mechanism with hands and springs clicked a few times and you decided my word wouldn't true anymore yeah I saw it we were doing fine until 12:01 and how me understand your faith can't go any further than you patients then your endurance when your endurance runs out that your faith is going down too I thought ah now beginning later and kicked myself dummy Tommy you I mean you might have just had to stand another day or two or a week or whatever you know and then you could be all it could have been using that car and the other stuff I thought hmm he said these kept speaking to my heart he said you y'all were doing well for where you were with as little as you knew he said but I wrote this down he said but he said understand this son he said ask as big as you dare anything you can ask I can top it I can do exceeding abundantly above what you ask good thing he said but when you ask big be prepared to stand long so he didn't say he'd always have to What did he say be prepared ask as big as you dare but when you ask big be prepared if need be to stand long and some of you that have walked with God for awhile you've seen some of the biggest things you had to stand the Y alone not always but a lot of times I wrote that down ask big be prepared to stand long that's the law and I apologized to the Lord I'm sorry I'm sorry I was ignorant he said I know it no you were I'm still in there think you know me and I could've just held only he said it's not too late I thought huh he said it's not too late what what what he said go back and pick it up I thought can you do that I forgot who I was talking to go back and pick it up I knew in my spirit what he's told me what does that mean go back you go get finish and talk to her about it and go back just like y'all were expecting and excited for those 30 days get persuaded expecting and excited again and this time don't quit till you see the thing no matter how long it takes I thought yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I couldn't wait to get home I got home full of support got some Phyllis as did you remember you know in a little trailer we were believing for that new car now so she said yeah that's it look look I've heard from the Lord God spoke to him about this today he said go back and pick it up we don't have to just let it go we can go back and just like we were believing we can hook back up with it see with God these things are eternal they don't they don't just fade away and this time we don't quit so we renewed our faith we got hooked back up again and we're expecting and six months passed and we're still expecting and a year passed and we're still expecting and another year passed and we're still expecting and another year passed and we were still expecting and another year passed and we were still expecting and another year passed someone say another year and say this is why a lot of people don't receive things at then because they just you know but they get tired and they just get weary and Phyllis comes in one day she says hey hey hey so and so she called his name it's a business man said he told me today the Lord dealt with him to buy us a car I said yeah she said yeah I said what kind you say Eenie can we walk I said yeah when he said go pick it out right now I said woman get your purse get your purse what was it January February snow on the ground we went and looked at this one and that one and different you know nice makes of cars nothing that really bore witness with us and we went by another dealership and there was one sitting in the showroom one of the fanciest little things you ever said had some new electronics that had just come out and this is back in the 80s of course just beautiful but it had sold on it it was a Buick Riviera we had almost forgot about the Riviera part we were just believe in for a new car at this point but this thing was just I mean it just suited us to a tee we said well if something happens deal falls through call us they called us for the day was out we drove that thing out of the showroom on to the snow tags paid and taxes will it makes you shout you're thankful for it right mr. I we said it I wish somebody do that for me it don't come by wishing you got it so you see and you got to be persuaded and you got to expect and you got to get excited for as long as it takes can you say Amen through faith and patience you inherit the promises stand on your feet if you would go ahead [Music] halleluyah halleluyah holiday I shall not be I shall not be I shall I shall not be the tree that's planted by the wall [Music] my faith is in Jesus I shall not people my plane is in Jesus I shall not be blue just like a tree that's planted by the world ha I will stand forever I shall not be liver I shall not I will be like a tree that's by the bar [Music] he's in your rock is it the anchor to your soul then will not be moved but will stand and you'll see the salvation of God will see the end of our faith Oh hallelujah ha ha ha I shall not be moved move I just want the tree just like a dream that's been hit by the world [Music] how to live if you wouldn't be seated for a moment just keep praising God in your heart but close your eyes if you're here this morning and you've never given your heart and life to the Lord he has been very patient with you your watching by internet you've never given your life to him he gave you your existence he gives you your every breath your every heartbeat and for some for years and even decades they've ran from God even been rebellious against God and he has been patient so don't despise his long-suffering but let him bring you into the life of faith where you can have the victories and miracles that you hear of others having it's for you but you got to make up your mind who you're gonna serve and give yourself to him without reserve father I pray for every man every woman every young person in this place watching by internet TV that is never given their heart in life to you I ask you to draw them powerfully right now show them their lost condition but that Jesus has already paid the price and draw them I pray for backsliders as we call them people who have been born again but for whatever reasons they left you going back into wrongdoing and they're far from you help them to realize they're not okay and draw them back help them to see that you love them still you forgive them your cleansing it can be like they never got away and better if they just come back but they must come back draw here my ass in Jesus name friend if I'm praying for you and God's dealing with you you'd say yeah I need to make a move I need to give my heart to the Lord would you raise your hand right now everybody's eyes are closed nobody's looking at you but before the Lord would you raise your hand and say yes I need to give my life to the Lord or if you're watching my internet just do it there yes I need to give my life to the Lord I need to make him Savior and Lord of my life and confess him as such there'll not be a better time than right now or you might say brother Keith I hadn't wanted to admit it but I hadn't been living right at all I need to get back to God if that you raise your hand well thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord yes others that should join these hallelujah raise your hand you need to give your life to the Lord give your heart to the Lord or to come back home to the master thank you lord let's do it this way everybody stand if you're watching my internet TV you stand to and in respect for God Jesus has already paid the price we must believe and receive so everybody either affirm or reaffirm your faith this morning nobody silent everybody said out loud cuz you believe it cuz you mean it said out loud father God I believe in you I believe in your son Jesus born of a virgin died on the cross paid the full price for all my sins all my failures all my mistakes and I believe you've raised him from the dead he's alive right now King of Kings Lord of lords soon to come in Jesus you are my Savior I confess you as Lord of my life thank you for accepting me and as you help me I will serve you all my days hallelujah now if that's the first time that you've ever done that you need to let us know there'll be people standing along the front here even after weirdest ministers were dismissed they're ready to talk to you and if you first time you've ever said that or confess that and you know something's happened in you you know something's changed in you come and let us know let us stand with you if you're watching my internet you need to contact us email us or call us write us let us know let us stand with you you got family you're in the family the eternal family of God well how many faith people do I have in the building this morning no quitters in the bunch right now the devil can't wear us down get us to give up get us to cast away our confidence because greater is He that's in us than he that's in the world and through faith and patience we will inherit all the whole thing the fulfillment of all the promises of God glory to God we sing this as we go we're so glad you came today enjoy life today bless your family give somebody something be happy hallelujah everybody [Music] [Music] just like a dream oh yeah [Music] everybody I said [Music] [Music] I ah [Music] [Music] big [Music] I shall not be moved I [Music] I said [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 3,523
Rating: 4.6307693 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Faith, Of, Jesus, Pt, 7, Patience
Id: UdTtQ-g56Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 9sec (4749 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2012
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