Keith Moore Faith in God Pt 8 Faith in the Faithful

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like always they do such a fine job we are a blessed blessed bunch thank you master go with me again to mark the 11th chapter this evening if you didn't bring a Bible with you hold up your hand we have extra Bibles be glad to let you use one of ours hold up your hand and use one of our Bibles and turn to mark 11 and also we'll be going to 2nd Timothy 1 you believe in the Lord with me this evening I would ask you to believe with me let's we want to hear from the Lord we want to see what he would show us and we want to yield to him and we want him to find us easy to work with how many like the Holy Spirit you'd like it when he thought about faith Life Church in Branson if he smiled and thought yeah I like them they they're easy to work with would you like that well let's let's believe for that and be that mark 11 mark 11 verse 22 23 and 24 very familiar passage to many of us that been influenced by brother Kenneth Hagins ministry and and many others and we are so thankful that God has raised up so many fine men and women that have brought to us revelation of faith and we have more light on faith than previous generations by and large something to be thankful for of course it's not just what you know but what you do but in talking about faith it's a mistake to think that you've kind of arrived in knowing what faith is right how many that be a big mistake think well you know maybe some other stuff I need to learn about but I got faith I know about faith no nobody's like that and just brother Hagin you say this all the time he says the more I learn the less I see I know and it's just the truth for people who think they know so much or pitifully ignorant it's true I've had people sometimes that you could tell they were so Hardy about what they thought they knew about the Bible and they come and want to argue about something and it's just pitiful how ignorant they are of the scriptures and because somebody who really does know something about the word who's not is not going to be that way they're not gonna be haughty and proud because they know for every verse they understand there's fifty that can hardly find right and any verse you do have understanding of how many know the Word of God is living it's alive and I mean it's you nobody's ever exhausted all the light and revelation from any verse of scripture it's alive it's living and if you do grow it's humbling because you'll you'll grow and you'll see something and you walk in it for maybe years and and then you'll get a revelation and realize you didn't even know the first part of what that was talking about and you thought you knew something about it it's humbling isn't it and yet it's wonderful and but that's reality and then faith certainly is that way would you like to learn more about faith would you like to develop more in faith well let's believe for it in these times in verse 22 jesus said he answered them and said have faith in God everybody say that out loud have faith in God one more time have faith in God seemingly simple phrase but a number of people have gotten away from this and they're they're trying to have faith but their faith is in different things rather than the person of God there's a lot of people that have faith in principles they have faith in their faith they have faith in this they you know some of it's very subtle like you hear a lot of people adamantly say I have faith in prayer well he said have faith in God is it the same thing not necessarily well I have faith in sowing and reaping well that's good it's its truth but you need to have faith in God or y'all with minute you have to watch because you can you can get your focus off of who you're supposed to have faith in and and be having faith in what or a thing or an entity or a principle or five steps or something that you can do can be faith in your own works go to second Timothy please second Timothy of the first chapter and verse 12 2nd Timothy 1 in 12 he said for the which calls I suffer these things nevertheless I'm not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that day he didn't just say I know what I believe what'd he say I know in whom I have believed I'm persuaded that he is able you'll find people whose faith is misplaced in the way I'm talking about they get technical you see somebody's getting more and more technical than you can see their their faith is going away from the person into the principles and the truth is we know so little you you're you're not going to know enough to dot every I and cross every T did you hear me not now not 20 years from now that's good to learn it's good to grow but how many I said what I'm talking about if you you don't have to know everything about everything in this life if you know who to call hmm I don't know everything about working on cars but I know who to call hmm I don't know everything about working on buildings or electricity er or welding or but I know who to call I don't have to know I mean you know a place like this takes a lot of people with a lot of skills right and it'd be wrong for me to try to learn everything about all these theories I just need to have a relationship with the right people I know who to call they know who to call they know who to call well in life it's that way you're never going to know everything you need to know to live successfully in life if somebody comes out with a thousand volume set on what to do in every situation to be a success save you money because it ain't gonna cover it but if you know who oh come on now if you know who to get in contact with we know somebody who knows everything about everything he's actually put his spirit in us hasn't he to show us everything we need to to know and see the lead us into all truth to bring to our remembrance everything he's said to us even show us things to come it's important that we know him and have faith in Him and have faith in what he tells us and so you can be around somebody I've seen this before and it's sad that people are so proud of I've been in situations where you've got somebody that's been doing this for 50 years and it's one of the best in the country one of the best in the world and you got some some guy in there and he said well I'm gonna do it this and this way in that way and the guy says no I don't think you ought to do it that way and he just ignores him now that's ignorant isn't it when you're in the room with somebody that wrote the book and you gonna tell them they don't know what you're talking about and this is your second day on the job now I know that sounds ignorant and nobody would be that ignorant but people are all over the place they have the one inside them that knows everything about everything but people all over the place are ignoring him they don't know him well enough a lot of times it's just simply they don't realize it's him you can be so carnal that you don't realize it's him trying to show you something and trying to give you something and so you're gonna run your own show and yes while people keep messing it up we need to know him who indwells us we need to be God inside minded and when he shows us something and when he directs us to do something a certain way we need to have faith in Him and even though it doesn't seem like you're to do it that way doesn't make sense to our head we need to trust him and do it the way he directs us do you believe that what Paul say I know in whom I have believed I'm persuaded that he he is able to keep what I've committed to go to hebrews hebrews the eleventh chapter let's look again at our great faith chapter can you take some more out of Hebrews 11 tonight I mean I've studied I've looked at a bunch of things but I'm wide open about which way to go how about you you need to be wide open he I mean we need to be ready if we need to all jump up and do it Jericho March I'm gonna what a Jericho March is well you know they marched around the walls then they all shouted are if you need to put your nose in the carpeting and pray for an hour repent get things straight we need to be open not set in our minds but open and you need to not just be looking at me and I don't just need to be looking at you you and I need to be looking at him by faith right and and listening for him and watching for him in this gray faith chapter of Hebrews 11 we've looked at case after case and to me their thrilling I can get as excited about this as about anything I know of seeing how people overcame seeing how they received miracles seeing how they pleased God by faith did these folk have faith in God did they know everything no did they always do everything perfectly right no we're told in the Bible some big mistakes some of these folks made but something that got them through over there all of that and got them past all of that was faith in God wish I could get somebody to help me tonight faith in faith in God do you have faith in God last Friday we saw somebody named Rahab [Music] most everybody knows Rahab the harlot when you see her in heaven though don't call her that [Laughter] it'd be rude but Rahab had a lot of stuff wrong in her life hi in the world did she get in there Hebrews 11 along ran right in here in the middle rubbing elbows with Sarah and Abraham and Moses and David how'd she get in here by faith is right by faith and we saw how that she and her family were delivered and spared and their stuff when nobody else was in the whole city could God do that for you and I today come on we need to believe this strong could God spare you and your family if everybody in your community died from a disease or from some kind of natural catastrophe or what it could he spare you and your family in the middle of it if everybody around you perished could he do it we saw one person's faith affected their whole family could that still be true today thank God for faith in God I want you to that that was one of the ladies excuse me one of the ladies here in the 11th chapter let's look at the another lady Sarah the Bible says verse 11 through faith also Sara herself I like that she wasn't just riding on Abraham's cocktail Sarah herself had faith Sara herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age now we know when she was a young woman she was called barren could not conceive and yet after she's older after she's gone through the change of life something miraculous happened to her didn't it happened to Abraham and happened to Sarah happened to their bodies didn't it all we need to know it doesn't make any difference if a body part is shriveled up and dead because of long age or abuse our disease did you hear me can God touch it and quicken it and can that organ or can that gland or can that body part flourish and become moist and become alive and become healthy again even if it's been dead and hasn't worked for 30 years do you believe it do we serve a God who can reach inside you and touch a body part did that happen to her the Bible said she received strength this what did the strength to do what was the strength the strength was the life of God it came into her body that was now old and it changed her organs and it changed her glands it changed her from the inside out and made her able to do things and her body able to do things it couldn't do when she was 25 [Music] do you believe if you needed a quickening in your body some way that God would do the same thing for you he would he will if if you'll have faith like she did you know she didn't start out like this she started out laughing at the word of the Lord you remember that she got off to a rocky start you remember that the angel of the Lord came and Abram said we could you guys wait here and we'll get you something to eat and rest yourselves and he ran and told Sara you know go cook this and go get this ready and he told her some of the guys that worked for him get this ready and they prepared him a meal and so they're eating and they've already eaten and he's talking with them and she's back in the tent and she overheard him when the angel the Lord said you know about this time next year gonna have some happy news around here it's gonna be sad she just busted out laughing she thought you got to be kidding me and so she was incredulous she thought this was a thing incredible you know we are not used that word indiscriminately people do as a term of X exclamation that's incredible and they try to say it in a good way that's not a good word to say what you're saying is it's not believable it's not credible it's not something you should believe or put your faith in and so that's what she thought she thought this is incredible that I'm gonna have a baby but this passage tells us there was a change in her doesn't him because apparently not long after that she came to a place where she judged God faithful if you're gonna have some miracles happen in your body in your family like she had what must you do you must do what she did what did she do we know she had faith she's in the faith chapter here in Hebrews 11 how was her faith revealed and released and manifest she judged are counted God faithful is he faithful let me read this to you from some other translations she judged God's God faithful the scripture said the basic English the BBE says by faith Sara herself had power to give birth when she was very old because she had faith in him who gave His Word the Living Bible said Sara too had faith and because of this she was able to become a mother in spite of her old age for she realized that God who gave her his promise would certainly do what he said now come on do you have the picture she started out laughing and then Maine's Lord said why did you laugh she thought nobody mashita knew she was there and she said oh I didn't laugh he said yeah you did she thought it was funny because she thought it was incredible she thought it was too amazing too good to happen how in the world could it happen but something happened after that to where she got to thinking about she said of course you know she's lived with Abraham all life she's seen everything God's done for them all their life how many time he spared her life spared his life right all of they started out with nothing and now they're rich rich rich rich rich and all the things he's done for them and she said she must have gotten in the floor and into that tent and said God forgive me forgive me I got no business laughing and acting like that forgive me I repent everything you ever told my husband and everything you ever told us happened just like you said and I know you're faithful and if you say you're going to do this then glory to God that's exactly what's going to happen and I say you are faithful you're faithful to me you're faithful to my husband I say you are faithful and friend this was faith and it still faith today listen to the amplified because the faith also Sara herself received physical power to conceive a child even when she was long past the age for it for she considered God who had given her the promise to be reliable and trustworthy and true to his word and that is a good literal Greek definition of the word faithful somebody say reliable trustworthy true to his word don't let this be too simple for you tonight let it get in your spirit let it excite you how are you gonna get miracles how can you have change there's people in here right now you need changes in your body it's easy easy easy for God to change that I'm telling you he can change it and not bend his little finger do you believe that now he can touch your liver make it like a perfect 18 year old liver did you hear me now he can touch your kidney he can touch you blood he can touch your heart humming Oh Sara had several things that needed to be touched her whole insides had to be changed and that's so easy for God so easy for God but you got to hear from him and then you've got to count him and call him faithful and that's faith in Him and faith in his faithfulness you believe it with me on this tonight some things we need to get here and one of the biggest obstacles is thinking you already know this our thinking is too simple how many say it's no small thing that this woman's in this chapter right here hmm no small thing Sara yet certainly she was involved with Abraham through all this but sara has her own verse in Hebrews 11 this is no small thing this is eternal how in the world does she get her own verse in Hebrews 11 she decided she counted God faithful faithful somebody say faithful let me give you some more definition of faithful the word faithful if you look it up in the Hebrew look it up in the Greek it means it's very similar to the word faith of course faith fall just the very definition of the root word but it means to build up our to support remember the definition of faith now faith is what the substance that word has really been pushed and pressed and picked apart and really I think sometimes the wrong ideas been left maybe I'm even more accurate word is that a substance would be foundation I know some people don't like to hear that but look it up for yourself study it faith is the substance that word look look look at translated in other places in the same New Testament it means literally that which stands under and that's what faithful means let me let me keep going and you'll see what we're talking about it means to build up our support it means to be firm for what what does firm means solid why it'll carry the weight you can lean on it you can put pressure on it oh come on now you can stand on it and it's not going anywhere faith is the support probably the word we'd use is confidence it's the confidence of things what hoped for why am I expecting that to happen because I'm standing on something huh why am i so convinced that this is going to happen that I hadn't seen yet haven't experienced yet why am I so convinced I have a firm confidence I'm standing on now of I got some people looking at me funny already and I know why don't take my word for it don't take some other preachers word for it get your nose in this book look these words that see what I'm talking about of course you understand this was originally written in Hebrew and written in Greek then it's translated into English we're gonna get into a couple of things tonight that especially these some of the modern translations there are some inaccuracies in them and some of what people are calling translation is not a good translation it's a paraphrase it's a commentary and they're calling it a translation it's kind of like I've spoken overseas I've spoken in other countries and you got to use the translator but you got to watch because they'll say what they thought you meant instead of what you said that's one of the biggest issues I've had I've had that doing interviews I've had that with articles and other stuff I'll say things and people will take what I said and they'll put it in their own words and say what they thought I meant and there's been times when that was the opposite of what I meant but they were convinced I mean knoweth the Lord you should not add to you should not take from you should say what he said don't don't say what you thought it meant say what he said well people are doing this with the Bible right and left and and you can do it without meaning to but we ought to discipline ourselves to state just just say what he said faith is the substance it is the foundation it is the confidence for things expected it is the conviction of things not seen and if somebody is faith fall then they are a firm one you can depend on one you can rely on one you can trust faith is a commitment of trust to something you have deemed reliable and faithful are you with me or not to be permanent to be quiet to be true to be certain God is faithful isn't he did you know you are called to be faithful and that your faith is affected by your faithfulness or your lack thereof unfaithful people have trouble with their faith faithful people find faith easier comes natural you're already in the faith flow people who are untrustworthy themselves have difficulty trusting other people did you hear minute because they assume you like me I'm shifted you can't count on what I say you probably know better than me so they eye everybody through the filter of what they are you heard the phrase this is not a scripture but people say it takes one to know one well that's then that's not a verse but if you are familiar with something you're certainly going to spot it in somebody else and if you're a really good liar you gonna spot liars she goes I know what you're doing I did that yesterday how many know you should be a terrible liar you don't know how to lie you never practiced it you never got good at it and you're not gonna learn go with me to the book of songs you're believing with me now it's God faithful while you're going to the Book of Psalms you're going to Psalm 37 let me just read a few verses to you don't try to turn to them alright I'm done just listen to these why do you turn over there you're going to where Psalm 37 that's right Deuteronomy 7:9 says this know this the Lord your God He is God he is the faithful God that keeps covenant and mercy with him that love him and keep his Commandments to a thousand generations that sounds like almost our text we've been on on Sunday morning about loving him and keeping his Commandments is he faithful to you when you do that oh not just you but your kids and your kids kids and their kids and their kids hmm oh how how can I say this there there are amazing opportunities have come into the lives of many in this auditorium tonight watching by Internet and the Lord in allowing you a place and some of these things he is actually being gracious and faithful to your great great great great grandmother I'm telling you your mother your father your grandparents your great-great relatives you don't even know you have but anytime a man or a woman will be faithful to God you understand they sow faithfulness seeds that allows him to demonstrate his faithfulness to them generations into the future of their descendants one of the greatest things you ever did for your kids was obey and be faithful to God I know our brother Hagin Kenneth Hagin tells this story years ago he was out on the road and he was doing some things it was kind of hard on him and his family it would have been more comfortable for him to stay where he was pastoring but the Lord led him to go have meetings and and eventually in neutral places and he was doing some things that some other people weren't doing teaching wasn't popular back then and the Lord told him to do it and anyway they were having some financial hardship and some other things and not long after that his son was in the military King jr. and and he was overseas and the Lord woke him up brother brother Hagin in the middle of the night woke him up out of a dead sleep and told him he said if you hadn't obeyed me and been faithful to do what I told you to do they'd have brought him home in the box but because you did he'll come home alive and serve the Lord and he found out later at that same time over and where was it tied Taiwan or whatever type Africa he was with a bunch of guys they were out riding some was it a motorcycle or a car something like that and they're up on this mountainous road and he hits some gravel and thought he slid off the side of the cliff and a rainy did didn't know it but he that came back the next day and looked and the skid marks went off the road how'd he get back home in the nighttime I reckon one of God's big angels just pushed him back on he didn't know it but he must have had daylight under his tires for a few seconds there and the Lord told him if he hadn't obeyed him that ax brought him home in the box and that's what would have happened his God faithful to those that are faithful to him he's able to manifest his faithfulness and not just to you but to your children and children's children's he said to a thousand generations of them that love him and keep his Commandments thousand generations there are a number of people in here it would it would help us it would help it be humbling to us to realize a lot of the reason we've had some of the opportunities we've had he's not because we're smart and pretty and amazing and done everything right God is being faithful to our forefathers they obeyed him and were faithful to him and he's given their descendants an opportunity to do some of his things I know it's true with me I know it's true with Dave I know it's true with several people you want to do something for your kids hmm there's something more important than making sure they got good clothes and a good place to live and a good education something far more important it's you being faithful to God come on that you being faithful to God put something over your children for their whole life long well if we believe this we'd get serious about it God is faithful did you find the scripture psalm 37 and five psalm thirty seven five put it put it up it says commit your way to the Lord do what somebody say commit what does commit me when you're committed you're not still holding on to something else with one hand hmm when you're committed you're depending on this you're completely relying on it you know you committed yourself to that chair tonight you're not trying to hold yourself up at all hmm how I'm gonna know before you commit yourself to a chair you should judge and see if that chair is faithful or not tell me what a faithful chair will do do you see the definition that which stands under that which is firm that which is true that's what faith is based on faith is the foundation the firm support for what for what you expect for things hoped for the evidence the conviction of the reality of the truth of things you can't see or feel or prove in the physical realm that's what faith is you committed yourself to that chair you trusted that chair you without even looking at it you maybe you've been in here before and you just thought that's a faithful chair I'm gonna prop up on that chair it's gonna hold me up you committed yourself to your car for it to bring you here hmm how many of you get far enough away from the shore out in the ocean you're committed you have committed yourself to that boat to get you back or get you where you need to be and if it's full of holes and it's a piece of junk you're foolish for committing yourself to it right in the aircraft especially bigger and faster aircraft every time you take off there's uh there's called decision speed because you get a jet with a bunch of weight and a bunch of speed at a certain point you cannot get it stopped on the remaining runway so you are committed to go flying this happens every time it's called decision speed v1 is what it's called you push the power up you get to roll it it's 80 miles an hour 90 miles an hour 100 miles an hour you called v1 that means we're going flying now rotate pull her off of the ground now before v1 you can chop the power jump on the brakes and get a stop before you run through the fence on the other end if you've done your math right but there comes the part where you're committed and you know it you know we're going flying well what if the engines on fire we're going flying what if it's spilling all everyone we're going flying some say you're kidding oh no if you want to live you better go fine you're committed so much they come in committed now we do this all the time different things of life and you're putting your putting faith in people you're putting faith in machines you're putting faith in stuff because you commit yourself to it you're counting on it to bring you through to get you up to get you back to get you across to hold you up tell me what this verse said again can what it say what do you do come commit let me say come in come commit means we're through debating it there guys that have died what I was talking about you know flying because they wavered they said you know V 1 that means decisions been made we're going flying and something happens - what is that I don't know should we stop I don't know it's too late did you hear me you had to have your mind made up before you started because in the moments that you did what is that I don't know should we stop I don't know you've already wasted another 500 feet of runway it's all out the window now how many know you need to make up your mind about committing your way to the Lord you don't need to when something comes up when your baby's slapped with the disease you don't need to be wondering about can I trust God with this or not did you hear me now when a big bill slaps you upside the head it's not time do we or do we trust him or not do we know you need to know that you know that you know he is faithful you can trust your life on him you can trust your child's life on him come on you can trust everything on him you can completely commit to him counting on him that he doesn't come through you ain't gonna make it but you're not concerned because he has never failed and he never will what did Sarah do how did she receive a total change in her body she counted him faithful that he couldn't do it that he would do it that it would happen just like he said go to proverbs please actually go where are your in Psalms before you get out of there psalm 78 there's one here close by everybody wait believe in God with me help me out now you think this is important I know it is you gonna make it you gonna make it how you gonna make it God is faithful he's faithful to me he's faithful to my family come on somebody said I like God is faithful to me he's faithful to me he's faithful to my family he's faithful to me what does that mean you can count on him you can count on him you can rely on him you don't have to have a back-up plan you don't have to hold on something else with one hand he's it commit your way to it that Psalms that Psalm said and he'll bring it to pass you know what he said I didn't read the rest of it put it back up on the screen you're in Psalm 78 aren't you put that back up some 37 there what it was read it out loud commit your way to the Lord do what else trust in him and what will happen and he shall bring it to pass apply that to yourself personally right now what are you dealing with your body if your body needs changes in it commit your way to him hmm can he take care of it can he change that do you believe he can you believe he's well able to and and he wants it done and he will manifest whatever needs to happen trust in him trust in him that means you're confident I'll have it I'll have it you're not worried and scared and trying to figure out what you're gonna do without it because you're not gonna be without it are y'all with me now trust in him cook commit to him you got too many people coming to church trying stuff trying stuff I'll try going to church for a little cloth I'll try that tithing stuff I'll try that giving I'll try honey it don't work by trying the whole thing that makes it work is faith faith means we've already made up our mind about it it works because he said it we're not trying anything we're doing it and we'll be doing it next week and we'll be doing it next week and we be doing it next month and next year because he ain't gon change and his word doesn't change we are committed to his word and the things happening the way he said they would happen we're committed to him taking care of us we're committed trust in him what is what the Bible say and he'll do what to me what he'll do this ought to be music two years brother what will he do he shall you can't say it any stronger than that he shall bring it to pass he shall he shall now one thing you'll see in and we're gonna go a little bit further with this you can take it tonight can't you that yet time when you have faith in God and you have faith and you know his will you're bold to say what he will do the ambiguity leaves the wavering is gone the might happen could happen we'll see go go go when you know when you're in faith about something you get bold to say what he has done and what he will do you get bold and he start you you're not trying to prove anything to anybody else you're just committing lets me say committed you're committed you sure you're relying on him you're leaning your whole weight your resting on him you're counting on if he don't come through you're done but you're not worried about it I'm not losing any sleep because he is faithful reliable trustworthy you can count on him and we do commit your way to it trust in him and he shall bring it to pass that's you verse for the month now okay you got you got that huh commit it to him quit playing with it come in this is how we're going we're doing this thing we're believing him yeah we trust him and he shall bring it to pass Psalm 78 did you find that 78 and 57 describes unfaithfulness some 78572 and dealt unfaithfully luck their fathers they turned aside like a deceitful boat the NIV says they were they were disloyal and faithless as unreliable as a faulty boat they were as undependable the new living says as a crooked boat come out of boat with an arrow let me understand if you in the battle and somebody's closing in on you and it's time to shoot you whip out Jerry what is a faulty boat a bow is one that's supposed to provide tension so that you can shoot you era but a bad bow instead of it holding its shape it'll Bend then and it's worthless how many know if you were counting on this thing in the middle of the battle you're in a world of trouble they're closing in on you you've got no weapon this bow that you account now has collapsed it's like a rubber noodle you can't shoot anything with it and you're wishing I hadn't abrupt death right could be you're in in the middle of a battle how many know in the middle of a battle you need weapons that are proven you need weapons you can count on you own a weapon you can drag through the mud and get rained on and it's not gonna Jam it's gonna fire mr. wall I don't care about all that I'm the new student volunteers in the middle of it and ninety people is coming out on your head to kill you you would be you couldn't stand up there and give them your nonviolent speech they don't want to hear it they want to shoot you between the eyes you'd be wanting to know about something that won't Jam that won't fail you in your hour of need you know and everything you know your people things are tested vehicles are tested I like gadgetry just as much as the next guy but I don't want to be on the bleeding edge of technology got cutting edge bleeding edge that's too far some say what do you mean well something that they just came out with last week it's amazing so they want you to go across an ocean with it in an airplane you oh I want something that's anvil simple it's been working for the last 40 years they matter what I'm talking about I mean I like technology as much as the next guy but when it comes to something like that it's a thousand miles of ocean that way it's a thousand miles of ocean that way and you can hollow all you won't do and then nobody gonna come get you till maybe a month from now you know I was checking on some things about overwater flights this has been a year two ago we were going to do we flew across the Gulf and did something and man I was surprised to realize I figured if you had a problem so we did what we needed to do and got our preparations and you get a raft and all that kind of stuff I figured what if you did have to go down and you got it all right you know they could come pick you up within a few hours uh-oh we don't have anything helicopters can only go just a little ways from the shore they don't have the range to get out there you have to wait till a ship happens to come by and pick you up well that means you are committing yourself to something you are really trusting that ship or that plane that's taking you across there because I understand you know sure they might get to you in three days but who wants to hang around out there with the sharks for three days you may not have a half a day but with God he's never failed anybody he's not gonna fail you look at another description of this proverbs 25 then we're going to look at something else and you're gonna shout about this proverbs 25 hunt this picture of unfaithfulness real clear so that we can contrast because we don't just need to know that God's faithful we need to become faithful ourselves don't we he expects it of us and it's key to so many other things in our life proverbs 25 are you there 19:25 19 was it safe confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint this is a perfect picture of faith and faithfulness or unfaithfulness what do you mean let listen to the stress let new living says putting confidence in an unreliable person in times of trouble is like chewing on a broken tooth are walking on a lame foot do you see the picture if you're trying to choose something you are counting on those teeth aren't you you're putting pressure on them you're committing to and if one of them is broken and gives way it was not faithful to do his job and it's gonna cause you problems and if you go to step down I mean it a little bit you gonna get up and walk out of here and what are you gonna do you are counting on that foot holding you up aren't you you're counting on your foot being faithful and if you go to put you weight on it and it folds and down you come it was an unfaithful foot you couldn't count on it you couldn't put the weight on it you couldn't rely on it are you a faithful person what would that mean if you're a faithful person hmm it means people can count on you is this key to our being promoted in life is it key to our coming into the fullness of the plan that God has for us everybody awake as I learn more and go through the ministry I see more and more people are excited about the call on their life they're excited about the grand and glorious things that God could do in them and with them and through them and for them and that's alright but they're not concerned enough about faithfulness and don't realize that no matter what kind of call you have on your life how quickly you get into that call or if you ever get into that call determines on if you are faithful Luke 16 talks about this Jesus talks about he said he that's faithful in that which is least would be faithful in much he that's unfaithful in that which his least would be unfaithful in much Phyllis and I as leaders spiritual parents now it it troubles our hearts when we see people unfaithful and it's not because we're concerned the job won't get done we have faith in God that if they don't do it somebody else will rise up and do it but we know if they're unfaithful they're out of their plan they were supposed to be faithful there and learned some lessons and grow and develop and then God could promote them and use them for something else nobody is promoted simply by the passage of enough time are you with me in God's kingdom there is no social promotion I don't care if you're seven foot tall and you're sitting in first grade unless you pass the test you go stay in first grade and the so many people are interested in grandiose things something big and they keep they want something more visible they want something more spectacular and they don't realize they don't qualify you have to be faithful what's faithful mean what's faithful me reliable you can count on them what does count on the mean if somebody was counting on you to be there and you're not there then they have to come and take care of it or they have to get somebody else to take care of it they tried to put weight on you and you folded come on can you see this now if you said you were gonna do it if you said you were gonna be there and you're not there and you fold and you get out now you are disqualifying yourself from what should have followed in your life we must be faithful if we want to come into the fullness of what he's caused and being faithful includes passing tests and no you didn't think he's getting all this tonight but it includes obeying it includes submitting I know this is a very unpopular word but it's in the Bible numerous times looking back over I don't care how wonderful a person you are and how much you love the Lord your whole course throughout it they're going to be some situations where you will have to submit nobody gets past this nobody gets around this and part of it has to do with developing your own character helping you yourself to identify your own pride and overcome it and it's grieved me to see friends of mine and people that I've seen understand in the ministry you see them coming to that place and you know what's going to happen and you can't change it and sometimes you can't tell them because they don't want to hear it and so they hardened their heart and they stiffen their neck and they're not gonna do it and they change and they get out and what they've just proven is that they're unfaithful because now they're not in their place they're not doing their job somebody else has got to take care of it somebody's got to come in because they wouldn't submit they wouldn't obey they wouldn't do it and then it realize now where are they they're supposed to be here faithfully doing their job they're not there anymore they're over here and they still got a call on their life and they know that's real but they want it they want it to come out some other way so they want to start their own services they want to start their own ministry they want to start their and maybe 20 years from now if they had been faithful it would have been right to do but they would only way to really be qualified for it is if that a stayed in their place and learned their lessons and submitted and obeyed but now they can't learn that doing what they're doing and so they'll falter and they'll flail it's sad people are doing this for decades at a time now I'm not saying something that I don't know about Phyllis and I over the past thirty years I know myself there have been a half dozen times at least where I could have missed the plan of God for my life I came up to something and I either submit or I bail did you hear me now there's been time enter and I could have justified myself in it and there would have been people that would have agreed with me and this and there and Ida still been out of the will of God and you and I wouldn't be looking at each other tonight everybody will come to a place in life more than once throughout your whole life the question is going to be are you going to be reliable are you going to be faithful are you going to stay in your place are you gonna do your job are you going to shut your mouth are you going to submit or are you gonna have your say and stomp off and tell everybody you can hear from God just as good as they can did you hear me and get out of the will of God are you gonna be faithful reliable we got faithful people in this church a lot of them what do you mean we don't have to think about stuff we know that's gonna be done you know it you know you know it's going to be taken care of I lose no sleep I'm relying on the Lord and I'm relying on hundreds and hundreds of people all through this church and we're seeing faithfulness and the faithful people let me tell you about the faithful people now it is written the faithful man shall abound in blessings is it true or not it's written and we're already seeing it though we've been here just a few years we're seeing it you see the people that are faithful they get here early they stay late they sacrifice they do think you know they they they give of their self and adjust their life and schedule around the things of God they also are the people who haven't lost their stuff are you listening who's still going strong the people who are increasing who are being promoted are you listening the faithful man the why because if you're faithful with a little charge you'll be faithful with more and God will give it to you can you say Amen or o me or something do you want to be faithful do you want to be reliable you want to be the kind of person somebody can count on absolutely count on don't despise what other people might call a small thing I can look back Phyllis and I look back over our life at this point some people see us and know us we're in front of people now but o for year after year after year after year we were behind the scenes and glad to be and some of my first jobs you wouldn't thought were very spiritual but I understand if you hadn't done that you and I qualified for the next you and the qualified for the next or the next or the next don't despise what the Lord allows you to do everything in the kingdom is significant everything you do and for the Church of God the kingdom of God is important everything everything everything and if you're faithful at it then you qualify for God to show you his faithfulness and demonstrate it to you in promotion and blessing listen to me friend if people can't rely on you God can't rely on you don't kid yourself if people can't count on you God can't count on you it's the truth and the more you are faithful your your awareness and faith in His faithfulness comes to a whole nother level because you know if he can help you to be faithful how much more faithful is either you you enough somebody in counting on you how much more can you count on him there have been things in finances and sowing if the Lord's debt with Phyllis so now to do and it's helped us so much because at the time it seemed like it wasn't the best time to do it and it was a big thing for us but then we did it and then I realized if I'll do it somebody else will do it God God could use them so it to me right but see if you won't do it you get to thinking everybody's like well nobody will do that well you're wrong everybody's not like you but if you won't do it you get to thinking well nobody else to do it either nobody I'll do that yeah well they're doing it and when you do it opens you up on the inside and you get bold when God can count on you you begin to get ball all about what he will do because you know when he tells you you'll do it go to Daniel let's shout a little bit thank some folks needy right now I didn't end didn't intend to get into all this just like this tonight but we did I'm not quite through of that I've told this before but I mean let me say this again you know Phyllis and I helped brother Hagin and miss Aretha one of the greatest privileges of our life for years and we helped them in natural things and in spiritual things and when we first started helping the NOFA we're over their house one time and they were cooking a meal and Phyllis is pretty good cook and we were from the south and we know about fresh vegetables and and fruits and stuff and brother Hagin had some Tomatoes he wanted cut and so Phyllis grabs him and starts cutting them and he says no no that's not how you cut a tomato well now she's from Louisiana I'm from Mississippi we've seen some Tomatoes in our time but he said no no that's not how you cut what would he say stand aside what'd he say let me show you how you cut a tomato how you slice a tomato he he took he said give me the knife he took the knife away from her he said what'd he say let me show you how to do that so you know what she did she stood back and she said okay I guess right I know we got to come back the other time so I guess and he showed her and so she changed the way she did the tomato at his house now some people say well that's ridiculous no it's his tomato on the fellow with me on this or not now so we have had sadly we've had a number of people rebel against us and try to tell us that they had heard from God how the church was supposed to do this or that or the other and that they had the Holy Ghost and they could hear from God as well as we could you do have the Holy Ghost you should be able to hear from God just as good as anybody else but you can't hear from God for me are you listening and for us as leaders you can't hear from God for us for the direction of our leadership as well as we can how ignorant yes so what I'm saying and yet people they misunderstand that they think well I've got the spirit and I know this well as soon as you start your church I reckon you can do it the way you feel like the Lord shows you well it's the Lord's Church sure is well then he ought let's let him run it great who gets to say what that is who gets to say what the will of the Lord you see what I'm talking about people have all these great ideas about what let's just do it like this let's just do it like that no no they're just trying to avoid anything that resembles submission because most of the church has just completely done away with it they say it doesn't fit in our times and we all have the spirit and this and that listen I'm not talking about you I'm talking about me I know in a half a dozen times past 30 years where I could have missed the plan of God for my life there were times I was upset there were times I was angry never not everybody knew it there were times I came and fell across the bed and said god I want to do something else I put in a request for a transfer and he came back didn't I I got a choice I got a choice it's time to submit and get your heart right about it are you listening to me and if I had if she had jumped out of our place had our saying done things that we felt less felt like doing we would have missed the next thing that led to the next thing that led to the next thing do you understand we got all kind of people in the body of Christ they're not in their place they're out of their places while they're so frustrated that's why things are not working and it's because they wouldn't listen they're so stubborn so hard-headed and they try to spiritualize it they try to quote scriptures that makes it alright for them to be this hard-headed it's just rebellion and disobedience not everybody's supposed to have their own ministry so many people would be a greater blessing to the body of Christ if they'd quit trying to do their own and get in and help the person the Lord told him to help and do what they tell what he told them to do there's a lot of little stuff that's not bearing much fruit it should be a part of something else I know people don't like that but it's just the truth and of course that's the natural thing to do if they don't like this don't like that they go start their own go across the road and start their own and the Lord is not in here but people struggle along with that kind of thing for 20 years until it fizzles out and they lose everything I know what I'm talking about I know of people individuals I'm not gonna call names but I mean they're closing the doors on their places and they are did this but the thing started out in rebellion he started out in defiance they talked about their leaders behind their back they talked about their spiritual fathers and mothers it's mostly unfaithful they divulged private information that they were given in confidence it's mostly unfaithful unfaithful and if you keep doing that kind of stuff you'll lose your place and now you're in a mess you'll think well ah I know God I can go anywhere and do it no you can't you can try it and stumble around you can waste years of your life but you can't give your revised plan to God and himself among ditch my plan and we'll accept yours doesn't work if it's their tomato now you cut your tomato at your house any way you want to but if it's their tomato you cut it fair way if you don't cut it their way if you only cut it their way when they're watching you and then when they leave the room you cut it another way help me out what is it put it on faithful unfaithful because it was just as much their tomato when they left the room that's when they were in the room still their tomato did you find Daniel 3rd chapter can you take some more or not we're talking about you being faithful me being faithful and how that helps us in counting God faithful Daniel this situation is referred to in Hebrews 11 it says that through faith people quenched fire you remember the story or not hmm quenched fire and the mouths of lions were shut well where's what's that talking about it's that's Daniel and quenched fire what's that talking about fiery furnace but I want you to see something that some modern translations have really messed up and I've even heard so-called faith preachers preach error on this passage and I want to I want to say it to you bold and knowing certain terms about this tonight Daniel 3 Nebuchadnezzar made him an image and he got too big for his britches you understand that phrase and he said everybody should worship Him so he built some of this huge huge statue and he said okay when the music plays everybody and I mean everybody fall down worship my gold image so I mean he has a power of life and death in his word king over the known world so the band strikes up they play the music everybody hits that I mean Kings princes from all the provinces all over the known world except these three heads stick it up very conspicuous and they work in his palace man he's looking out of Savannah you know he's eating this up everybody is bowing down to him and his big statue oh yeah huh what who is that and I mean the guards grabbed him and they drugged him up there and he knew some of these Hebrew guys that they've taken captive and trained in the schools there and that had been promoted and we're over some of the King's business and he said what go on down to verse 13 Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury he commanded to bring Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and they brought these men before the King Nebuchadnezzar spoke and he said is it true Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he knows them you don't serve my gods you not going to worship the golden image I've setup now with a lot of situations this would have been the end they'd had just executed him boom had it been the end of it but he knows these guys he likes them he says I'm gonna give you another chance to show you how big I am verse 15 if you be ready at that time you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery and dulcimer and all kinds of music and you fall down and worship the image which I have made well we'll just forget about all this everything will be fine maybe you guys didn't get the instructions right maybe you didn't know what's going on I know y'all are foreigners you're not from around here originally and maybe you just did not know we're gonna play the music you go hit the deck and if you do everything will be fine but if you worship not you shall be cast that same hour into the midst of the burning fiery furnace and who is that God that you'll deliver you out of my hands now you stand in their great big guards are holding you down you can feel the heat of the furnace from here it's time to know what you believe reckon how many people would have folded in this situation with you how many how many what I said oh oh oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking just play that music hey one more time they would have hit the deck they would have Neal bet about that it saved their lives they were that's if you're not committed well these boys committed we know they were you've heard the story you've read this where these boys committed had they committed their way to the Lord were they trusting in him they said verse 16 Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they said O king Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer you in this matter we don't need no time to think about this we don't have to ponder this if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand okey but if not and a lot of modern translations right here says but if he does that is wrong I said that is wrong the scripture did not say that it could not say that they could not say that and be in faith impossible I've heard people preach on this and say well it just shows their commitment that they're saying even if the Lord doesn't deliver us then we still not gonna serve your idol duh if he doesn't deliver them they ain't doing anything around there anymore that's really unnecessary we're not going to serve your idol if he don't deliver us doesn't make sense I mean ten dozen different modern translations will say it just like this but if God doesn't deliver us this is wrong are y'all with me now these are people who don't understand faith they don't know what they're talking about no way no how these men said if he doesn't deliver us because if they have said that they wouldn't been in faith or y'all with me now very important you get this clear this as well maybe it said it may no it didn't say it are you with me now if you don't get this straight you can mess up in faith this is non-negotiable if you understand faith you know there's no way nohow they stood up there and said he will deliver us but if he doesn't no way they wouldn't been in here they're answering what he said if if what if you fall down and worship my idol put in the music place if you're not gonna throw them in but if you don't I'm gonna throw you in that fiery furnace and who is that God that will deliver you they had stirred him in reverse order they answered the last thing he said then they answered the first thing he said if it be so if what be so if what be sure if you throw us in if you throw us in we want you to know oh come on there can you can you see this that's standing up there they got their life in their own hands are they committed assistance thing are they committed are they counting God faithful this is no this is not an imaginary this is not mythology this happened there was a day when these men were standing there in front of this king knowing he will throw them in and they said if it be so that you gonna throw us in that fire furnace if we don't bow down we want you to know that our God whom we serve is able to deliver us and come on in oh come on in he will deliver us but if you don't throw us in understand we're not gonna do it you can play the music as many times as you want to and if you don't throw us in and you don't you give us a cellphone Jimmy the other opportunity we're not going to do it boy made him so mad oh just him standing up to him I said man he commanded the fiery furnace to be heated hotter than it ever had before it was so hot that the people that do am in perished is that right and how many understand these boys are committed are they committed you reckon they're counting God faithful what are they standing on they're standing on him doing what they said he would do that he is able to deliver him and he will deliver us friend there's reason I'm camping on this so hard do you understand you cannot be ambiguous you cannot be wavery you can't well maybe he will maybe he won't that's faithless that's wavering you got to know what he said you got to know what he will do and you got to be bold about it and you got to be committed to it committed to it committed to it and you know your faith will be tried I know it would have been more comfortable if God would have manifested something right there to throne and he just changed his mind and throw him in he's screaming at him they tied him up they put extra clothes on him so they'd burn real good they're hitting them they're running toward the fiery furnace and the heat is just blasting what are they thinking Lord any time would be good anything uh what if they're in faith tell me what are they thinking what are they thinking he will deliver us oh come on help me he will he will he will that's why these modern translations are such terrible error to throw that in their snot in the text it's not in the original scripture to say but if he doesn't friend that is a faith destroying phrase no way no how they said this you heard what they said our God whom we serve help me out he's able he is able to deliver us from that burning fiery furnace come on help this is the part where people come up short isn't this is the part where people fail and they falter and they waver and they're scared to say it and they won't commit did they come in they knew their life was in their hands when they said this to him they said and what help me out he will deliver us out of your hand did he do it I'm telling you the people fell out dead threw him in only thing that burned off was their ropes they're standing around out there in the fire in the fire and there was somebody in there with him and they felt no pain and they felt no harm he had to ask him to come back out they were in there that long it was so hot it killed people at the entrance there inside in the core of this raging inferno what do what they were doing yellow and red and white flames are flickering and rolling in this place and Shadrach looked at me second with whoa this is amazing you HOT I mean either what they doing there I'm not advanced a little bit I'm dancing in the fire and I'm feeling no pain I've been thinking how you man I've never been better and they realized somebody else is in there with him oh who is this they know who it is tell me why such an amazing miracle happen for these guys why they were delivered in the face of certain death they counted God faithful and they were absolutely confident of what he would do they were committed to it and it happened and we teach it to our children and we're still talking about it today centuries and centuries later stand up on your feet everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 8,682
Rating: 4.7979798 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Faith, in, God, Pt, 8, Faith, in, the, Faithful
Id: 3kg-syZBcA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 4sec (5764 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2012
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