Keith Moore - An Act of Fear - Pt.3 (Dont Be Moved).wmv

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[Applause] sounding good tonight thank you lord I'd like for you to release faith with me last Friday I didn't feel like I got through with some things that we started on and so I want us to get back into them but we're still having Holy Spirit meetings don't forget that but you know don't have a limited idea of what that means either Holy Spirit meetings are not all shouting and getting drunk you know crying and repenting can be a Holy Spirit meeting that went over real big did we want to believe God for exactly what we should see in here right now and sometimes it's things you wanted to see and sometimes it's not sometimes it's things you didn't want to look at but that's the Holy Spirit too and there are times when if you don't look at the things you didn't want to look at you can never get to the place where he can show you the things you wanted to look at would y'all believe with me tonight would you release your faith let's believe God for utterance for the anointing and you know he can say things to you I didn't say or say things about what was said you know I've had some times people come up to me before after service and go oh brother Keith Oh glory to God man that exactly what I needed to hear and they start telling me what what they they said that I said and I stopped and I said wait a minute wait a minute tell me that again what was that because I didn't say that that's what the Lord said to him and it was good and so would you believe God with me let's believe God to get in fact stand up again stand up again let's let's show faith let's show respect father God we all come before you this evening thanking you for being saved oh what a privilege it is to be in your family to know you is life itself and Lord we we know and are persuaded that you have an excellent plan for every one of us perfect plan and Lord any ways that we are not pleasing you are not in your perfect will we want to know it we want to see it and we ask for a revelation and grace to make the changes and that which we're doing that pleases you we want to know it so we can keep doing it and increase and advance so Lord we're saying open our eyes and our ears tonight and our heart help us to see any hindrances and get them removed and anything that needs to be added to us that we might receive it and walk further into your will that we might please you well in all things like the master and that your will be done in our lives in Jesus name Amen amen you in agreement with that you all said if any two of us agree as touching anything we ask it be done for us so we're in agreement we asked he heard us here it comes sit down sit down here comes go to Romans 8 please Romans 8 and John 14 there's revelation here tonight I can sense it Romans 8 one of the biggest things that we must do is be in faith about it be believing be expecting Romans 8 we looked at this last week touched on it some I want us to go further into it Romans 8 and 14 8:14 for as many as are led by by what by who by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God verse 16 the spirit itself or as some translations bring out I think better Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God he uses the word children here he uses the word sons in verse 14 I believe referring to maturity a child of God can and will have the witness of the Spirit that they are his child when you're born again you know you've passed from death unto life you got the love of God in you I remember when I was born again as a as a boy followed my dad down the altar down the aisles to the altar in the Baptist Church I figured if he needed it I must need it to help my dad in high esteem you know he taught me how to eat popsicles at 2:00 in the morning taught me how to get rubber in third gear how to keep my minibike running and then my motorcycle and on and on and on and on and and I figured man if he needs this I must need it too I just trailed right behind him and followed him to the altar and glory to God got saved got born again as a boy and I remember distinctly going back to school the next day in I think it was an algebra class looking around at everybody and thinking how wonderful they were and that was different because you know the day before there were people you liked and there were people you didn't like and there were this click in that clicking this bullying that and and I just looked at everybody and thought I just love everybody in here and I thought boy something changed in me and that is how you know you've passed from death unto life cuz you loved and even if you've been born again for 30 minutes you have this witness not a voice not seeing words written in the sky not seeing angels you've got a witness ain't knowing and awareness a sense a witness that you are a child of God and but that is not supposed to be the end of the witness that you have your spokes you and I are supposed to grow every believer is supposed to grow and learn every day every week every month how to be led by the Spirit and you show me someone who's maturing in the Lord I'll show you someone who's learned at least some about how to be led by the Spirit Phyllis and I talk about this all the time about how this is not emphasized enough about being led people ask us sometimes did you how did you get this to work so good and how did you get this to happen and and how did you get this financial miracle and and how did you see this miracle and and and with us it the answer should be obvious you just follow him why did you go here instead of there because he led here once you do this instead of that cuz he never said anything about that he led this and yet blessed people's hearts he got so-called word people so-called faith people they just go from place to place to place to place trying things out hoping maybe this is God they spent all their money they spent their parents money they spent their grandparents money they've left stability their kids are fit to be tied this is not okay I said this is not okay and you'll see that instead of being led by the spirit people are led by something else until my believers are led by something else what read that verse we skipped we read verse 14 we read verse 16 read verse 15 was it safe you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father in the middle of talking about being led by the Spirit he tells us what spirit we didn't receive what spirit we're not to be led by what spirit are we not to be led by the spirit of fear now almost every believer would agree with that and yet it's happening right and left preachers are being led by fear people that have been saved 40 are being led by fear they're making decisions they are doing things based on fear and if you're led by fear you're not led by the Holy Spirit in fact if you're led by fear you're led by the enemy and he will lead you right into bondage he will lead you into situations where you'll be stolen from where things in your life will be killed maybe your whole life where things in your life will be destroyed and yet you got folks that are so both ignorant and proud that they won't admit the last four or five things they tried has just devastated them impoverished them hurt their marriage hurt their kids and yet they won't admit I missed it they got these spiritual excuses well we've got such an important call on our lives that half the forces of Hell have been unleashed on us and you know anytime you try to step out and obey God it's gonna be bet you telling me the more fully you obey God the more cursed you're gonna be it's terrible that so many people believe this and make excuses no friend the path of the just is like the shining light right it gets brighter and brighter and better oh come on now not darker and darker and harder Jesus had come to me come to me my yoke is easy my burden is light boy you wouldn't come to that conclusion from listening to some folks would you they talk about whoa it's hard oh it's so hard it's so hard then you got something the Lord didn't give you the devil has made you his pack mule and he will low who'd you until your belly drags the ground he will load you until you break and quit and fail any sad that people ministers have done that I mean until they broke they call it getting burn out till they just they just worked night and day and took care of every situation until it was just so heavy they had a breakdown they broke and talked about how hard it is to obey they listen you have to be disobedient for that to happen to you I said you have to be disobedient to burnout to break down to collapse you have to disobey God go with me either that's true or God is a harsh cruel taskmaster who will push you until you drop and then kick you and say get up boy there's work to be done get up hit it that's the devil I said that's the devil and it's sad that people are confused and they're calling devilish stuff God how many believe what Jesus said his yoke is easy oh yeah you're supposed to work but by the grace of God I mean with the grace on you now you're doing something you're not supposed to be doing it's gonna be no grace it's gonna be hard but if you keep doing it for the next ten years it's cuz you're dumb no grace sure there'll be obstacles there will be challenges but when you're in the will of God you're graced to overcome them all right and you're not supposed to live depressed and down and broken and sad and weak that's a bad witness other people see you like that particularly unbelievers I'm talking about it makes them not want to be a believer makes them not want to go into the ministry because think oh boy it's being being in the ministries being like them it's awful you're sad I want a party and the devil has been successful in keeping millions out of the church and millions out of the ministry because of these lies when the truth is there is no better life there is no better life there is no greater freedom there is no greater joy then live in regard if you don't think so it's because you're ain't doing it right we looked at this last week it'll bear repetition job 3 put it up on the screen for us please job 3:25 job 3:25 says for the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me and that which I was afraid of is come unto me do you know how many times the Lord told us Old Testament New Testament through a prophet through a man a woman of God through an angel through the Lord Jesus fair not have you ever looked at that scores and scores and scores of times be not afraid be not dismayed be strong fear not and yet I think we've heard it so much until we think it's kind of Jesus way of saying hi howdy don't be afraid now you hear just just a passing greeting remark or just a little encouragement you know y'all don't be scared now you hear no friend this is not in the Word of God scores and scores and scores of times to be filling space and as a greeting we taught we touched on this last week why do we hear this so much why in the most critical situations in the midst of the greatest crisis of all the things God could say to the people that you're reading about of all the things the angel could have said or Jesus could have said the first thing he said he looks at them and says fear not fly quiet because friend this is the one thing that can stop what God wants to do in your life why is it the thing he says above all other things cuz it's the thing that can hinder him that a lot of folks don't like to believe this s all God's God he can do anything well he set it up this way though and he knows this is the way it should be and supposed to be and one of the clearest examples are his first covenant people that he brought out of a Egyptian bondage and you remember that they have been spared from the plagues of all the the lot the Flies lice disease darkness death of the firstborn and they've been brought through the Red Sea right and what do they keep doing every time something goes wrong they said oh we're all gonna die out here what is that as fear is that okay no we know from reading Hebrews who we just were a few moments ago Hebrews three and four long in there it said that it was finished the works were finished from the foundation of the world that they should go in it was God's plan that they go in the first generation that came out that they go into the Promised Land but they did not now do you understand that and believe that that it was God's will for the first generation to go in was it then why didn't it happen I think you need to go over there again go back to Hebrews some of you looking at me funny there stills there's still some of this tradition thinking oh no no if it's the will of God it's gonna happen well in a general sense that's true but for you it may not be true just because you or me or two or three other people don't obey God doesn't mean the plan of God's gonna fail if you won't do it and I won't do it he'll find somebody that will but I don't want nobody taking my place how about you I know I want to do it so his plan will be done the things he spoken in prophecy will come to pass but when it comes to you and I as individuals just because something's his will for our life does not mean it will automatically happen we can hinder it we can get in the way of it and one of the biggest ways that happens is by yielding to fear in Hebrews the fourth chapter you were there not long ago he said in verse two he said unto us was well verse 1 excuse me verse 1 let us therefore fear that's reference lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it can you come short of what God had planned for you for unto us was the good news preached as well as to them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it for we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as I've sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world does that mean they were supposed to go in for ordained that they go in did they go in verse 6 seeing therefore it remains that some must enter therein they to whom it was first preached what was first preached this good news about how it was finished from the foundation of the world they entered not in because of unbelief that's a sad thing isn't it why didn't they go in we know it's because of unbelief how did the unbelief arise and perpetuate they yielded to fear didn't they you can hear it every time something that come up what would they say oh we're gonna die are they afraid and so they kept saying it and they kept believing it and even though it was preordained for them to go in they all perished out there in the wilderness what they feared came upon them didn't it it happened to them just like they said they were afraid that it would happen she fears a perverted form of faith you're believing for something to happen you don't see it you don't have proof of it in the natural but you're expecting it to happen only it's bad you could be using that same believing to believe for a miracle that you're going to come out but the whole world about us is negative and full of fear have you found it out and I mean most of the stuff around you that you could hear or see or watch or read tries to put fear in you have you noticed that and sadly a lot of Christians are trying to put fear in you preachers preachers are trying to put fear in you I know when Phyllis and I made the move from Tulsa to here and we finally got it clear in our spirit that we were supposed to start a church I didn't know that but what he found out about and we we stepped out and believed for the the property with no money and no people and I had you know friends that were concerned about us even ministers and I know they didn't mean to but they tried to put fear in me they said brother Keith you got a good ministry things are going good you got plenty of invitations you did doing good financially man you get over there and get hung up with that big building you get hung up with all those big payments and and all those big utilities what if nobody comes what if 50 people come you can't run a place like that on 50 people well I reckon you could have the Lord said you can pay for a place if nobody in the place gives if God you source now if the people are your source and you already got it figured what the average person is going to give and you limit yourself to that within you're stuck there your source but people that try to tell me all brother Keith oh brother Keith mmm I'm concerned for you what are they trying to do they trying to put fear in me and I had already set up you know half a night or so with the calculator and saw that it wouldn't work I'd already find that out it just it don't work what we're trying to do doesn't work on paper at all finally you know you know you have to resist unbelief you have to resist fear you you can't be passive about it you sit and listening to stuff too long you start getting in you it start affecting your mind and your thinking you're not even realize it didn't evolve with the warnings about evil communications corrupt good manners don't think you can you can be around stuff and hear it and then not affect you don't care who you are how much you think you know how strong you think you are inescapable finally I heard it one too many times I said well I said I'm a man I could make a mistake I could miss it I know that I've prayed when we prayed for months here I've saw I've checked everything I know to do this is it I said I'd rather step out and fall flat on my face and if people talk well they don't talk that we'll talk anyway I said I live brother Keith he stepped out and fell flat on his face well whoop-dee-do what does that mean so what I said hi brother step out by faith and if I missed it fall flat on my face then the sit back in the corner too scared to obey God too full of fear to step out and do anything life is short and if you let fear run your life it will put you in prison it will lock you up then we just read it the spirit of bondage again to fear there are people Christians I've ministered to some of these folks in the healing school some years back they're afraid to leave the house they're afraid to breathe the air they're afraid for anybody to touch them they're afraid of germs they're afraid of contaminants they're afraid of preservatives they're afraid of stuff in the water well let me give you a revelation there's stuff in the water oh yeah there's enough stuff in this area right here to kill you 90 times over there's stuff in the foot even your special food there's stuff in there too no but I sanitize it let's stuff in your sanitizer no but I wore gloves there's stuff in your gloves and in your mask it said people are in prison they're in prison you won't even leave their apartment won't even go outside the door won't fellowship with their family won't go to church their occupation or profession has been ruined fear I said fear fear put you in bondage but it covers a whole lot of areas other than the ones the phobias you hear about and think about believers are acting on fears preachers are acting on fears and and what's the principle of fear what you fear will come on you go to James again are y'all believing God with me tonight this is a very big subject believe with me now that we we touch exactly the areas that we should there's some things we need to get to tonight's specifics James this I know how many have heard teaching on fear before let me see all right good good but do not presume you know all there is to know about it I'm telling you this is pervasive the earth is full of this and it's waiting too much in the church and the problem is it's so common people don't notice it people talk fear and act fear and other folk don't even see it they think it's normal because we've been so immersed in it for so long in James the second chapter Jane - he said down about verse 25 I guess James - well back up to verse 17 he said faith if it has not works is what it's dead being alone what does that mean how much results does dead faith produce hmm how much healing can you get with dead faith how many bills can you get paid with dead faith dead faith produces no results only living faith in verse 26 as the body without the spirit is what did now that's the perfect picture in it how much work does a dead body do hmm what does a dead body participate in nothing so faith without works or action is dead also you can you can have faith in you but unless you act on it it'll produce no results it's dead faith only living faith gets miracles it gets results like when the woman with the issue of blood said if I may touch but the hem of His garment I shall behold but notice she didn't just sit in her house and think about it what'd she do she found him in her weakened condition she pushed she pressed what is that that's living faith a faith that believes it's a strong that is persuaded so much that it'll act on it and when you act on it that's what activates the power of God flow oh come on how many know that's true when she reached through and she touched when she touched then said just when she believed when she touched when she touched because she believed but she didn't have anything happened to she touched then the power flowed when did the power flow when she touched then she believed for she ever got the chance to touch but she wasn't healed until she touched Jesus told the man with the withered hand stretched forth your hand I know I read that some years ago and I kept thinking he meant extends your arm he didn't say extend your arm he said stretch forth your hand that's the part that's withered you can't do that no telling how many times he had tried to make that hand work but it's withered it's drawn that's that's the problem and yet the Lord tells him stretch forth your hand now unless you believe something you're not going to even put forth an effort you start making excuses going well I've been trying to make that old hand work for 25 years and that's the problem if you'll heal it I'll stretch it out but that's not how faith works is it he believed what Jesus told him faith comes by hearing something came into him when he heard that word and so even though he had tried to make that hand work who knows how many thousands of times through the days and months and years still he stuck that hand out there and he began to try to make that thing work and when he reached the end of his ability to stretch it out he met the power God Oh glory to God when did he meet the power of God not just when he believed when he acted on what he believed faith without action faith without acting on what you say you believe is dead if you're on the hide we're at the bottom we say jump will catch you and you say brother Keith I got as much confidence in you as anybody around here I believe you can do it and I believe you're a man of your word I believe if you say you'll catch me you'll catch me and I believe in God's power that he'd help you to catch me so then jump brother Keith I believe in you I have confidence you can talk all day long and until you jump what do we know you don't believe it's just talk you understand you can say you believe and yet not believe you can say I believe that doesn't mean you do but when you jump the whole crowd looks at each other goes he believes right he sailed off of that he's believing something proven proven we understand this at least we're growing to understand it in faith but here's the point exactly what's true about acting on faith is true about acting on fear if you act on a fear the devil has the right to manifest supernatural power to steal kill and destroy just like when you act on faith God has the right to manifest supernatural power to heal to deliver to provide to protect we haven't seen how serious how dangerous acting on of fear is as wonderful as acting on faith is the blind can see the Deaf can hear the lame can walk by acting on faith was true then is true now by the same token if you act on a fear it opens the door to the destroyer in your life it gives them a right to work ruin in your relationships go with me were you holding the place before we went to James huh where were you John 14 that's a good place to hold just keep holding it uh go with me please to the Book of Isaiah 7 in fact you just turn loose of that place for right now cuz you're gonna need your fingers to hold something else Isaiah 7 and then also go to Psalm 62 have you got a little time tonight for us to finish this up properly hmm you with me do you believe it's a serious thing to act on a fear there are a lot of folks that are no longer with us they should still be alive because they acted on the fear they acted on the fear I'm a pilot and we trained a couple times a year and they put you in a simulator and we study crashes and I want to find out what they did wrong so there is something better than learning from your own mistakes it's learning from somebody else's hates and you're not making them because some mistakes you can only make one time and then there's no more opportunity and something they caution to see of course the faster the plane moves the faster you have to think to stay ahead of it but you can get tricked into thinking you have to move fast and there's a problem in the cockpit they call fast hands and what it is is moving too fast flipping the wrong switch because you got scared there's been cases where people took off and they lost an engine on a twin-engine airplane almost twins especially Jets that's really not that big of a deal you can fly right on on one engine but the pilot was startled and reached over and shut down the wrong one now you can do okay on one but with no engines you coming down and then just reached over and grab that you don't got two throttles there right and left and they grab the wrong one and shut it off well the problem is if you're low to the ground you ain't got time to get that baby going again you're in trouble and we'd begin to examine things that you said well you've got you know you've got a minute to deal with this you've got thirty seconds that don't sound like much but you start counting one two three four you got plenty of time to reach over here and turn the knob and move a switch but if you move the wrong one you don't have enough time to make it up people are dead because of fear how many times we heard about car accidents and wrecks somebody ran off the road no telling how many people have been killed by simply running off the road and any of you have run off the road before hmm I have two four doing dumb stuff driving too fast and a lot of times if you'll just let her go don't do it do anything crazy don't hit the brakes don't jerk the wheel it'll you you you'll be able to get it back up on the road eventually but if you go oh you may be dead right now I'm using different natural examples but why would you why would you grab the wheel and go not just fear not just fear you acted on your fear you're not dead because you got afraid you're dead you would be dead because you acted on the fear when is it okay to act on the fear help me out here never I don't care what's going on never are you supposed to act on a fear never never is it okay never is it reasonable never is it the right thing to do never never never never never now we've got centuries of wrong mentality we got to get rid of and get a reminds renewed because people have been taught I've seen it on church signs a little bit of fear is good a little bit of fear keep your life a little bit of fear no no no it's a lie I said it's a lie it's deception never are you to act on a fear acting on a fear gives the devil a right to do stuff in your life just stop acting on faith gives God the right do we believe in walking by faith do we live believe in living by faith do you believe in Vince that if you'll believe what he said and act on what he said that he can manifest himself in your life and meet your needs and do things well why wouldn't we understand it can work the other way if we act on a fear it's not just having faith it's acting on the faith and it's not just having a fear it's acting on the fear Isaiah 7 I'm still believing God are you believe in God with me there's a lot more we need to get to there are answers to situations in people's lives in this room and watching by internet tonight that have troubled you and bothered you for years their answers here tonight if you'll stay focused just stay with me a little bit and if you get tired you got all you want I'll have to quit whether you think so or not but do you believe you could get some answers some more answers here tonight do you believe it did stay with me and I stay in faith stay in faith Isaiah 7 and verse 2 put it on the screen please he said it was told the house of David saying Syria is Confederate with Ephraim well this is they thought they just dealing with one now they got both this is overwhelming superiority in the number of the enemy and his heart was what moved and the heart of his people what what their heart was moved as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind it wasn't just fear but the fear was doing what to him it was moving them it moved it moved them in their heart and if it moves you're in your heart out of the abundance of the heart the mouth is going to speak if it moves you in your heart it'll move your mouth if it's moving your heart and your mouth it'll move your decisions you'll move and have you noticed this how many times the scripture for instance in the Psalms are you in Psalm 62 without me saying it just just go there read it Psalm 62 and verse one Psalm 62 first one truly my soul waits upon God from him comes my salvation he only is my rock and my salvation he's my defense what I shall not be greatly moved this should already have more meaning to you what does it mean I shall not be moved hmm what's another way of saying that I will not act on this fear said out loud I shall not be moved I will not act on fear keep reading how long will you imagine mischief against a man you'll be slain all of you talk about the enemy as a bow bowing law shall you be as a tottering offense they only consult to cast him down from his Excellency they delight in lies they blessed with their mouths they curse inwardly and of course the enemy would try to use all this stuff to do what to you scare you move you verse 5 my soul wait thou only upon God is he talking to his soul sometimes you have talked to yourself if you feel afraid if something is trying to shake you sometimes you need to talk to yourself and say so uh-uh-uh-uh-uh now you wait on God you wait till you get something from him I'm waiting only on God I only move when I get something from him keep reading my expectation is from him he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense he says it again what I shall not be moved I shall not be friend this is safety this is real divine protection and I must say something real bold and people may not have thought about it before but I'm telling you you can confess the 91st psalm you can have it all over your walls you can pray in tongues and if you act on fear you can be destroyed the whole point of these things is so that when fear comes you're not moved it's when you stand up in the middle of it and say I do dwell in the secret place of the Most High and it won't come near me and I won't let this move me now you can be in situations where things are screaming at you to move you got to do something you got to run you got to go see about it you got to go make it quit and so many times you can't you can't fix it you can't make it quit and you running around scared not only it's not going to help but it throws the other door open for the destroyer to come right on in and finish the job this is life and death this is life and death this is being protected or being destroyed this is having your needs met or going under this is where it's won or lost friend get this seared into your spirit tonight I shall not be moved you got to say it when your knees are bumping together you got to say say it when the hairs standing up on you your arms in the back unit you got to excel when the sirens are screaming you got to say it when people are screaming and crying come on now you got to say it when you've heard the worst report you've ever heard in your life you got to say it I shall not be moved even if a thousand fall at my side and ten thousand fall over here it won't come to me this doesn't move me now it's easy to sit in here in air-conditioned comfort with fellow believers right and say I won't be moved but I'm telling you you will be tempted to be moved don't care who you are what you think you know there are times in life where everything is piling up to move you and the force feels formidable yes and everything about your flesh and your mind is screaming do something do something do something do something but friend if you do something out of fear you could die you could perish your child could perish you could go under because acting on fear is no small thing it's as powerful negatively as acting on faith is positively why it's what the devil works so hard all the time to try to move us to get us to act on the fear why because he's powerless unless he can get us to do it the book of Job shows that for all these years all these decades job has been kept he's been spared he's been protected why because God has put a hedge about everything that he's got he's living in peace but fears begin to work in him they begin to grip him he becomes panicky and fearful and every time his kids do something or go somewhere he goes oh I wonder what they did wonder what they did oh all his children died I said all his children died why as fireworks say I'm not afraid now let's just stop for here why did job's children die the devil is the one that did it very clear the Bible says he's the one that did it yeah but why was he able to do it what changed they they hadn't died the year before the year before or ten years before 20 years before what changed fear no friend you must not make decisions about your children based on fear well we live in a dangerous world and I just I'm afraid for them what what what you're a believer you've got no business with any fear I just I I can't let them go over there I'm afraid to such and such happened I can't let them be a part of that I'm afraid they'll do this I'm afraid I can't let them go to school I'm afraid of what might happen if the Lord directs you to do something then you do it because he directed you to do it not because you're afraid of these other things you understand if you are a full of fear the devil can destroy your child behind levan foot concrete walls while you comb school a wall will not keep him out and your door at your house won't keep him out and as soon as they get to where they can leave if you've been suffocating them with fear they're gone and not having understood any of these things they may go out and do some stupid stuff and open the door to the enemy friend this covers so many areas you know why people steal you know why people lie you know why people are mean to each other so many times it's this fear fear the husbands and wives can be so cruel to each other and so many times the the reason whether acting the way they do unreasonable unreasonable irrational is because they're afraid they're afraid you're gonna leave me won't tell the truth lie one because they have more faith that if I'll tell this lie I can get by then they have in God giving me favor and gracing me and getting me through if I tell the truth they're afraid if they tell the truth they won't make it and if you act on a fear oh man now you have opened the door for the devil to bring accusations between you and them to work and bring thoughts to your minds and feelings go with me too Genisys eighteenth chapter please Genesis 18 the Lord has is visiting Abram and Sarah's house and he gives them a word about their their future Genesis 18 and verse 9 he said where Sarah your wife he said she's in the tenth verse 10 he says I will certainly return to you according to the time of life and lo Sarah your wife will have a son Sarah heard it in the tent door which was behind him now Abram and Sarah Abraham and Sarah were all well stricken in age he ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women therefore Sarah laughed within herself and she said after I'm waxed old so I've pleasure my lord being old also and the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh sin shall have a surety bear a child and which a Moute is anything too hard for the Lord verse 15 Sarah denied and she said no no no I didn't laugh she's lying from there a few things more serious before God then lying oh he hates it if you don't know it you need to re-educate yourself absolutely one of the worst things you can do on the planet is tell a lie as far as God's concerned he said why did she laugh and she denied and she she said I didn't laugh now come on tell me why did she lie read the next phrase why did she lie because she's afraid wonder how many people have told lies because they were afraid but here's the problem if you are lying to your specified they just they can't handle the truth who told you it was an option the Lord never told you it was an option to tell somebody something other than the truth if you lie to somebody for fear of the truth coming out you have opened the door for the enemy to destroy your relationship did you hear me now I know this might not have been what you thought you wanted to hear tonight but I believe it's vitally important why do people steal they're afraid they'll never have it if they don't just take it they're afraid they won't get to do what they want so they lie so they steal and friend when you're lying and stealing that's the enemy's territory right you're given place to him you're inviting him into your house into your marriage into your family you're yielding to him to yield means to act on something Sayla is it okay to act on a fear ever ever well I I I can't do that I can't go over there I'm afraid this will happen or I'm afraid that won't happen I've talked to preachers of to ministers they won't preach what God puts on their heart they're afraid people to leave that they won't do they won't step out on the projects the Lord's giving them to to step out on there they're afraid people are quit giving they're afraid the money will stop they're afraid so now the preacher and therefore the church is no longer being led by the Holy Spirit if you're being led by fear you're not being led by the Lord any longer if you're being led by fear who's leading you come on help man who's the the enemy where's he gonna lead you he's gonna lead you into stealing and killing and destroying he's gonna lead you into destruction we must if we're gonna be victorious if we're gonna shut the door to the devil and keep him out we must take this seriously and not yield to a fear ever when you realize that you're starting to do something because you're afraid of something else man you got to stop you got to get a hold of yourself I said wait wait wait now why am I doing this why am I not going why am I not letting them go why if the Lord checks you don't go then you don't go but it doesn't have to be anything to do with fear right if the Lord checks you don't be a part of that don't get involved in that then don't do it but it doesn't have to have any fear in it none now let me go to first John can you take a little more I don't know if will do anything more with this later or not this maybe it will just see but I don't want to short you right I'm not afraid about it are you okay I won't be afraid you don't be afraid let's just let's be happy and follow him first John oh thank you Jesus thank you master I sense that something is happening in people's hearts and minds this is gonna grow in you this is gonna grow in you it's gonna show up day to day and you're gonna stop acting on fears you're gonna recognize things you hadn't been seen before and you're gonna go whoa whoa wait up wait up that's fear I can't act on it now I can't do that now it's fear I'm not led by fear I'm led by the Spirit of God and no matter what happens by the grace of God I shall not be moved first John 4:18 4:18 there is no fear in love of course God is love how much fear is there in God none so if you're flowing in the spirit of God how much fear is there if you're operating in the plan of God how much fear is there in the plan of God in the things of God there's no fear in the things of God or the plans of God or leading of God because there's no fear in God because there's no fear in love no fear someone say no fear no fun no fear but perfect love full complete love casts out fear because fear has torment he that fears is not made perfect in love you this discovers a lot of areas but one of them is you don't know how much God loves you not just a matter you walking in love he didn't just limit it to that it's being perfected in love period you need to know how much God loves you if you know how much he loves you you know he's not gonna let you down you know he's gonna take care of you you don't have to be afraid but how can you tell that you're yielding to fear here's an acid test it's enough to talk about it in generalities here tonight but how can you tell tonight or tomorrow when something's coming up that fear is working on you and fear is trying to move you to act which would give the enemy access to your life how can you tell fear has torment you're tormented thinking about what could happen to your kids you're tormented thinking about what could happen to your finances you're tormented thinking about what they might find out and what might happen and what your husband might do or what your wife might do I wish I was talking about unbelievers but Christians Christians are living in this torment and if you're in the torment it's because you're in the fear the submissive what do I do you make up your mind right now that you'll never tell another lie as long as you live if you die for telling the truth did you hear me I said you make up your mind right here tonight you will never tell another lie as long as you live if it costs you everything if it costs you your life you will not lie if you don't make that stand I'm sorry to tell you that the enemy is going to have access to your life from now on you got to believe God that the truth is the only way and you've got to cast your fears aside well what if what if they write me off what if they kick me out what if they do this well even if they do you got to believe God then he can take care of you and not be afraid hmm what if they fire me well they may not God's a merciful God he's a gracious God special if people are believing but even if they do you got to believe that he'll take care of you anyhow mm-hmm not be afraid what am I gonna eat where am I gonna live that's all fear what am I gonna do all fear if you let by fear you're not led by the Lord should I go to the doctor should I not should I have the operation should I not I've seen people that were afraid to you know not to have the operation the Lord let them don't do it thinking of a man right now a wonderful man he told me he said the Lord told me not to have it and this is a man who knew something about the Lord which is why I was shocked a few months later when I heard he was gonna do it I thought what very serious operation he said yeah well he said you know my kids they are so concerned about me and they're just insisting that I have it why why they're afraid daddy may die and we won't have done everything we could have done and they pushed the man until he overrode his conscience and died on the table good man loves the look why wasn't the Lord able to keep him because when he acted on that fear you opened the door to the destroyer now on the other hand we were in a place up northeast and the Lord gave Phyllis a word of knowledge about a lady that was there and that she she was should have an operation and for you to come talk to me and said so she did I guess you ministered to her and I guess you talked to her as well and she was a woman who knew something about the word but she was not going to have the operation because she was afraid to real listening tonight not having an operation because you're afraid to have it has got nothing to do with faith having an operation because you're afraid you'll perish if you don't it's got nothing to do with faith thank God she uh fellas talk to her some and told her what the Lord said shiri examined it and saw that it was just fear she'd been calling it faith but it was just fear why she wasn't doing these things she went to the doctor the next day they told her she'd have been what just a few days later to been too late she came out out of it had the procedure is fine glory to God what's the solution mr. wonder what should I do you should be led by the Spirit of God and you should not do one thing because anybody tries to scare you including professionals I don't care what field you're talking about don't let anybody try to push you or pressure you into doing something out of fear it's dangerous it's one of the most dangerous things you can do on the planet dangerous say it out loud again I will not be moved by fear finally go to Colossians please we'll close with this I think no guarantees Colossians third chapter put up first Thessalonians 5:23 on the screen while everybody's turned into Colossians 3 first Thessalonians 5:23 put that up for us please he said the very God of peace sanctify you wholly completely I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ how many like the sound of that your whole being being kept all the way from here to the end of your race and course and unto his coming how many like the idea that being kept being preserved being protected notice who's gonna do it the God of peace now that's just about his opposite of fear as you can get right who can keep you your spirit your soul your body your whole life who can keep you in the midst of a crazy wild world can keep you protected and healed and safe and and provided for the God of peace now in Colossians 3 have you found that Colossians 3:15 Colossians 3:15 says and let the peace of God do what rule in your hearts you know Jesus said don't let your heart be afraid didn't he let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid he said my peace I give you if he said don't let your heart be troubled don't let your heart be afraid is he saying try what's he saying don't let you are not to allow your heart to be troubled or afraid you think most Christians believe that they have it within their power to never be troubled or afraid no no they don't believe it at all and yet why did Jesus say it come on receive the words of the master tonight just like he's looking at you and called your name and says John Susie Bob Tom do not let your heart be afraid do not let your heart be troubled take my peace my peace I'm giving to you glory to God then if he has given us the very peace he himself walked in on the earth why wouldn't it be possible that though the storms raged though problems and curse and terror was all around could you stand in the midst of it and say I will not be moved I've got the peace of God and I'm not doing one thing except what I hear from him I don't care what I see I don't want care what I feel I will not be moved by these things let the peace of God rule in your heart listen to the amplified amplified translation of this put that yeah thank you let the peace from Christ rule act as umpire continually in your hearts deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds what's calling the shots what does the umpire do what does he call he calls safe he calls out right he calls it and when he calls it they don't make a difference how you feel about it because the UMP has called it I thought that was in well you keep hollering and you can be out of here because when the up calls it that's what it is got nothing to do with what you thought you saw or how you think you feel you got something in you Jesus has given you and I his very own peace oh we got the peace of God in us because we got the spirit of peace the God of peace the holy spirit of peace lives in you in me he's in you he's in me so when something comes up and tries to shake us and try to move us what do we do we look for they up don't act out of fear don't act on a need don't act on the demand don't act on pressure don't act on statistics don't act on deadlines don't act on the news where's the up huh you look you gotta come call this do I go and do I stay do I do something or do I do nothing up you got a call this who's the up come on help me out who's the other the arm is the peace of God and as you're looking at situations if it's right for you to do the peace of God will be there and the more you think about it and the more you pray about it the more peace you'll have right that's the witness of the Spirit that's the leading of the Spirit if if the peace is not there the more you look at it maybe everything out here screaming for you to do it but in here you just can't be be settled about doing it something's not right and the more you try to make it be right it's just not right that's the up saying uh-huh no no don't do it don't do it said out loud I will not be moved by fear I will follow the peace of God in everything every day hallelujah stand on your feet everybody hallelujah hallelujah all thank you Lord just begin to praise him some let that peace come on you hallelujah let the peace of God come on you settle things in your heart right now it's not complicated it's not confusing the peace of God will make it clear Oh hallelujah well thank you master Oh hallelujah come on just praise him some don't be in too big of a rush soak in his peace tonight for a few minutes hallelujah oh thank you Lord hallelujah go ahead let the big cigar [Music] see [Music] swing it again [Music] arise like stones see [Music] I let the peace [Music] it's uh [Music] some folks have had some real problems some destruction and loss and some got mad at God blamed him but that'd be like job trying to blame God for his problems too he said the thing that he feared kay moaning let's pray it out loud if you mean it in your heart say father God forgive me for yielding to fear any part of my life I repent for acting on fears doing things because fear moved my heart because of dread because of insecurities that's not being led by your spirit that's not following you and I acknowledge I've caused my own problems and allowed the enemy in but by your grace I say no more no more yielding to fear Oh hallelujah Oh I'm gonna let the peace of God roll in my heart and my mind all the time peace of God Oh sing it again please I let that be I let it quiets my [Music] and when the problems arise CEO this is what I do this apart a little piece [Music] in my [Music] yes it does [Music] whoa win the prize max comes out on the sea please haha is [Music] or just worship him some more let that peace of God saturate your heart [Music] whoa thank you for the peace that passes understanding keeping my heart and my mind woahh I let the peace of God [Music] my heart quiets my my from fearful and when the prom I let the peace of the Lord halleloo close your eyes for a moment now listen keep playing softly it would not be wise to ignore this message tonight they're people and you have just you've done a lot of wrong things with your spouse and with your children you've really made their life miserable sometimes you call it being a good mom or a good dad but it's just fear it's nothing but fear you won't let them do anything you'll let them go anywhere you're afraid you're gonna lose them and the problem with that is your fears will come on you if you persist in that way of life you will lose them you will lose them so brothers sister listen it's not optional you must make a change tonight and it must show up in your life you're your spouse needs to see some differences your children must they must see something different in you if you change they'll see it they'll know it they'll be glad it'll be a relief you all will begin to be free your life will begin to be liberated don't ignore this word tonight Oh hallelujah no matter what happens no matter what comes in the Lord I have peace in the Lord I'm strong I led the bee everybody say ruling my heart whoopee and we drive let's go down on the sea the peace of Allah upon let apiece yeah [Music] yeah Norm's all see [Music] hallelujah close your eyes again there's some other folks you're saying well man if I step out and obey God and do everything he's showing me to do I just don't know what might happen I don't know if my family will stay with me or not I don't know if the people I work with them stay with me or not well friend if you're not doing it based on fear you're already being led and you're already gotten destruction working in your life you gotta trust him you got to trust him you got to believe if he's leading you to do it it's gonna be good and even even if some people don't respond the right way you got to believe that in the long run he's gonna work it all out he's gonna make it work but you got obey God you got to obey God it's for you and your house you must serve the Lord go all the way obey fully follow fully all the way are you going to obey God I'll let the bees peace of God that's what I do [Music] from fearful laws [Music] stones on mercy please of Allah Islam come on tell me what you're gonna do I let the peace rule it makes the call [Music] it decides all the matter for all yea halle-loo glory to God we're gonna go tonight singing that you don't do anything cuz you're scared to do it or not do it is that right you know Paul near the end of his course some of his closest friends were warning him about going to Jerusalem and they they did their best to talk him out of it and and finally he just you can hear here the strength coming out here he said listen what do you mean trying to break my heart and move me like this he said I'm ready not just to be tied up I'm ready to die at Jerusalem he's ready for the plan of God he said none of these things move me people think dying is the worst thing that can happen to you oh no not for a child I got living in torment of fear is much worse than going to be with the Lord don't be afraid to die don't be afraid to live don't be afraid to stay don't be afraid to do what he tells you to do to go the peace of the Lord is upon me hallelujah you got any questions about being saved or getting right with God don't go out the back there'll be people standing here ready to talk to you pray with you if you don't know that you know that you're saved and right with God don't go out come down because you're supposed to know and you can know and the price has already been paid and how many think nobody should toss and turn tonight wondering if I might go to hell or not that's that's torment that's fear when you can know that your names in the Lamb's Book of Life and you're right with God when you're out of here you're to be with the Lord Oh hallelujah I let the peace of God rule in my heart requites my my from fearful ha like storms on the sea peace of love Oh [Music] [Music] see please Allah [Music] ah [Music] see
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 20,077
Rating: 4.7301588 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, An, Act, of, Fear, Pt, 3, Dont, Be, Moved
Id: 7lTUs_yaZvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 58sec (5758 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2012
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