Keith Moore - An Act of Fear - Pt.4 (Global Warming and the End of the Earth).wmv

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we sure appreciate it sound like church music here tonight then that I mean glory yeah well in waiting on the Lord about tonight I you know I started out like this Lord would you show up and see whatever you say you know maybe we'll just praise God all night that's good well we could pray you know or you know any number of things we could do and I was prepared to do that I was just gonna get quiet and just rest and cuz we have in Holy Ghost meetings you remember that don't you but I begin to get a message so that's holy goes to and stay open-minded maybe a little different than what you thought about or heard me talk about before go please to Timothy if you didn't bring a Bible with you we have extra Bibles the ushers are there now just raise your hand if you didn't bring a Bible tonight and they'll get one of ours too you can use it we're going to first Timothy the fourth chapter first Timothy 4 and I would appreciate your helping me tonight with your faith right maybe we've talked about these things before that this is not just for us not just for our church you heard Phyllis giving these testimonies from all over the globe and so we're to believe God for truth to come out right and with the technology we have today you know the Lord tear it is coming somebody could be watching this 50 years from now hmm right so uh and truth is timeless they might be laughing at our hairstyles and our clothes it's true but the Scriptures are going to read just exactly the same right so let's pray and release our faith father in the name of Jesus we come before you tonight thanking you for your holy word thanking you for our teacher the Holy Spirit and we ask you for utterance precise powerful exact and complete help us to yield to you exactly the right way Lord make my tongue is the pen of a ready writer think through my mind and speak through me and give everybody eyes to see and ears to hear and speak to our hearts and enlighten our minds and give us a supply of the Spirit and revelation of the truth that makes us free and we purpose not to be hearers only but by your grace to be doers of the word and we know as we do we will be blessed thank you for it in Jesus name Amen Thank You Lord June faith with me huh in faith or what we just prayed is hi right now first Timothy four first Timothy four and verse one says now the spirit speaks expressly very specifically and pointedly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith I'm gonna know you can't depart from something you're not in you can't depart from Branson unless you were in Branson hmm and you can't depart from the faith less you were in the faith is it so that some leave the faith it's sad but it has happened and he said in the latter days some shall depart from the faith and this is why they did giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils doctors say that out loud doctrines of devils doctrines that doctrine means teachings and devils would have to do with evil spirits are there teachings that are inspired by the devil and here's the thing so many times people I guess they might imagine that all these teachings would be done in Satanist churches are in witches meetings or sorcerers meetings but no lot of these doctrines of devils are preached right over the pulpit in churches doctrines of Devil's verse two these people that are speaking these things are speaking lies in hypocrisy that means they know themselves it's not right do you see that they're speaking lies but it didn't just say they were deceived they're speaking the lies what hypocrisy means you're acting away you know better you're acting away you know is not right hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron that's serious because that that means you're dull to hearing God and seeing him forbidding to marry he begins to list off some of these doctrines of demons one of them is form it forbidding to marry in order to be spiritual saying you can't be spiritual and be married to abstain from foods saying that you become spiritual through not eating certain things which God has created to be received with Thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth for every creation of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with Thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer now he did not give us a complete list of doctrines of demons or Devils and there is a revival of different ones of these in each generation and I can see in our generation more than one that's being revived and getting a lot of momentum right now in our generation and I want to go into it talk about it and then expand to some very heated topics of the day and give you some answers not what I think what the Bible says what I know one of these doctrines of devils teachings of Devils that has it sounds new to this generation but really it's old it's a revival of something very old has to do with goddess worship and it has many forms throughout ancient times sometimes most of the known world worshiped goddesses like Diana for one and many of them were symbols of fertility and the tie-in was came back to the Earth Mother Earth are y'all with me tonight oh and the worship is of that which makes the earth fertile and the spirits and the natural were mixed together and there are variations of it in this country and other countries far distant times and present day I want to say something very boldly and I don't I suggest you not take my word for it get in the Bible for yourself and find out if this is right or not there is no such thing as Mother Earth and there is no such thing as mother nature and we need to take these terms out of our vocabulary because they are insulting to the Lord and can actually anger him dealt with Minister there is no such thing as mother earth there is no such thing as mother nature and yet you hear a lot about these terms don't you oh you hear Christians using this terminology frequently and it's just kind of out of habit and being conformed to the world but I'm telling you get these out of your mouth and out of your mind there is the father God creator of heavens and earth creator of us creator of everything there y'all with me now and he never refers to himself as mother and there's revelation in how he created us now from the natural standpoint we have a natural mother her name is Eve a woman God made and all living she's called the mother of all living and I could go on but I'm wanting to get into something else here God is our Father he is the creator and there is a strong emphasis now everybody knows this on being green right I mean it's gaining huge momentum being green and condemnation is being preached if you're not as green as these and there's a strong movement on to force you to be green and force you and take your money away and pay for other people to be forced to be green and there's something more serious going on it looks lacrosse the plays theater that it actually goes into and is associated with a worship of the earth which is a replacement of the worship of God and it's nothing new it is nothing new it's generations generations old there's a Bible term for it creation worship go to Romans and I'll show you creation worship Romans the first chapter Romans 1 and verse 23 it says well let me back up to verse 19 that which may be known of God is manifest to them for God has showed it to them for the invisible things of him of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither we're thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonour their own bodies between themselves let me stop and say this creation worship and body defilement go together I said they go together worship of the earth worship of creation and defiling of the body go together keep reading verse 25 who changed the truth of God in - a lie and to get this they did what they worshiped and served the creature now actually you could that could be translated creation a lot of your modern translations will have that they worshiped and served the creation more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen then the very the 26th 27th 28th and 29th talked about homosexuality lesbianism fornication and adultery because it goes hand in hand with this can you see a surge and increase of these things in the land and an increase of Mother Earth worship it is against the Lord it is a substitute for the worship of God everybody here everybody on this planet can be divided into two groups everybody don't care what language background culture education political affiliation makes no difference everybody is divided into two groups people who believe the Bible and people who believe something else who choose not to accept the Bible and believe something else I'd like to deal as the Lord would enable men help me and we've already prayed I'd like to deal with an answer to questions tonight what about global warming and what about the end of the earth and we're going to answer these semester you think you know no I just found out it had been answered a long time ago in this book and it is answered definitely so before we go tonight you don't get the answer absolutely no no theory the answer what about global warning I'm going to show you what about the end of there I'm gonna show you it's right here black and white it's right been here all along and then of course it's up to us or whoever would hear this here are anywhere in the world it's up to you whether you accept the Bible or whether you refuse it and decide to believe something else which of the two camps you choose to be in but for me in my house we choose to believe the Bible right if the Bible says it I don't care what you think what your doctors in scientists say or what your friends or your politicians say or your preachers say if the Bible said it it's right and if you think differently you're wrong well you're just narrow narrow narrow yeah and saved there's a broad way that leads to destruction and there's a straight and narrow way that leads to salvation in life don't you thank God for the Bible thank God for the Bible go to Genesis 1 please did you get that from Romans now about creation worship he talked about people that that changed and worshiped and served the creation more than the Creator say that out loud worshiped and served the creation more than the Creator that is what's being preached right now globally is that we are to serve the creation we're to save the creation and we're to serve the creation and there are a whole lot of folks that they that'd be quite happy to expend everybody here in this room to save the planet they think that'd be a small price if they had to sacrifice all of us because saving the planet is the most important thing and that is ignoring the Creator and worshipping and serving the creation but did the Lord tell us to save the planet you know of any verses or art to serve the planet to serve the earth some folks don't know if they like this or not well hold on Genesis 1 did you get there how many Genesis 1 is very close to the very beginning of this whole deal Genesis 1 and 26 God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion somebody say Dominion dominion over the fish of the sea and over that that means dominion over the fowl of the air and dominion over the cattle and dominion over all the earth this is not saving the earth this is not serving the earth this is having dominion over the earth and that is the exact opposite of those who believe in worshipping and serving Mother Earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth so God created man in his own image and the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and serve it this is the exact opposite of serving isn't it now I'm quoting scripture keep in mind closely I must stay close with the scriptures tonight these are not my words Romans 1:25 says they changed the truth of God to a lie they worshipped and served the creation more than the Creator here in verse 28 he didn't tell us to serve in fact he shows us in Romans ungodly people preach and do that we were not made to serve the earth the earth was made to serve us subdue it somebody say subdue it what do you do with the earth save it serve it subdue it what does subdue mean means make it serve you right what's all the water here for for us what's all the wood here for it's for us what's all the ground here for all the metals it's here for us and yet people who are into Mother Earth worship they preach that the earth is the most important thing and we're here to take care of it we're here to serve it and Revere it these are people who don't know God and who don't worship God have Dominion as much they have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over every living thing that moves on the earth have dominion over it subdue it make it serve you that's what it's here for what's amiss of what about pollution I am sure than what men have done have affected the earth and had negative impacts on the earth sure what about global warming it's a theory it's preached like a truth but it's a theory missus Willits it's proven scientifically those who tell us that they know something think they can prove that there's been periods of time in the earth when it's been much warmer than it is now and much colder than it is now and you got some scientists predicting another Ice Age you got some that believe in global warming you got some that believe in global cooling don't you am i right supposing what do you believe in I'm about to tell you I already told you I believe in this book I believe this book is the final authority is the answer to the whole situation well what's the answer there's no question about it some things need to be cleaned up no question about that and there's no question about it we need better forms of energy and better forms of transportation better but the solution is not to try to force people to worship the earth and the solution is not to take money away from people that are already hurting the solution is new technology God's the one that gave us the technology we've got right how many believe God's got a better idea huh he can show us better forms of energy better forms of electric excuse me uh travel and transportation and and housing he's got the plan he knows how to do it we can ask him he'll show us right and as people find a better way you won't have to try to force them to go to it they'll go to it voluntarily but you'll notice this about doctrines of demons semester are you calling this a doctrine of demon yes so there's no confusion you can see four things and put up first Timothy four and one again don't you have to turn there but you see things in the characteristics of a doctrine of Devil's he said the spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith that's the end of it that's the last one the purpose of it is to cause people to depart from the faith to get how does that work well seducing spirits there has to be something very appealing about these things our masses would not pursue it does something that seems and sounds good and has to be appealing and it seduces one from something solid to something wrong and in that comes the deception preaching lies like their truth and people become deceived and confused and then he said their conscience is seared said out loud distracted deceived dolled depart from the faith you see what's going on here see there's thirst churches that rarely anymore preach about Jesus almost every sermon is about being green the devil subtle he didn't come in the front door oh come on can you see this he's deceptive he won't you distracted and it happens not all at once but gradually over time and you get so caught up with something and you do it more and more and more and you give more and more of your energies and your money and your resources to it and you don't even realize you've left the faith you're not preaching Jesus anymore you're not putting your resources into the kingdom you've got a new religion it's worshipping and serving Mother Earth so what about global warming go to Genesis we're going to answer this once and for all unless the Bible's it's not good enough for you Genesis the eighth chapter glory to God glory to God Genesis 8 we're beginning to get into the second part of this what about the earth what's God's plan for the earth what's going to be the end of the earth there are many who are trying to paint a thank you Lord I forgot to say that last part doctrines of demons they include those things we mentioned and they work to produce confusion and fear fear doctrines of demons produce fear and you know the Lord has actually had led us and got us ready for this the past two times we spoke because what we've been talking about fear and here's the problem the enemy can lead people even God's people through fear if you're following fear you're not being led by the Lord you're being led by the enemy by the devil I know it's a strong statement but it's just the truth God leads us through peace doesn't he the devil leads whoever will follow him through fear and so it's being preached fear has been preached that we are on the verge of a catastrophic happening in the planet and that the planet is warming up and it may be but that don't mean everything and that what's going to happen is all of the polar caps are going to melt and sea levels are going to rise and the earth is going to be flooded and it's going to get so hot that the oceans are going to become stagnant and things are going to die and the animals can't live and you can't can't glow it grow any crops and it's all because you've been riding around too much in your car rascal semester what about it I'm gonna tell you what about it ain't gonna happen how do you know ain't gonna happen ain't gonna happen the world is not going to be destroyed because of global warning warming I can guarantee you not gonna happen Genesis 8 did you find it now you know I wouldn't say that so bold unless I had heard from him about it and we did right here there was a there was a time when this planet was destroyed you remember it was destroyed by water so much water inundated this planet that absolutely every continent was covered the whole earth was flooded and everything every everything and everybody perished it was a global event and it was a catastrophic event but God had some chosen folks and he had a way of salvation and he spared him any earth didn't die and the earth was replenished but when this thing happened god spoke a word concerning future destruction and it's why I can be so bold about what I just said what do you say right here Romans 8 excuse me Genesis thank you Genesis 8 verse 21 the Lord smelled a sweet savour from the offerings they gave him and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth neither will I again smite any more every living everything living as I have done you believe that or not now here's that here's why I can be so bold verse 22 while the earth remains how long is this going to be long as the earth remains there's going to be seed time and harvest so reckon you will be able to grow your crops and now get the next word ah coal there's going to be cold there's going to be cold no no it's gonna be warm everywhere no it's not no it's not there's going to be cold as long as this earth remains there's going to be cold and heat the cycles will continue the seasons will continue it's not coming apart these folks that are preaching and so scared and trying to scare everybody they overestimate their ability to mess things up we've ruined the planet we've ruined the planet and we gotta hurry up and get it fixed who do you think you are not only are you not big enough to fix the planet nor are you big enough to ruin it there is a God he has a plan he needs this earth for some stuff and nobody's going to be able to destroy it till he gets through doing what he's doing no matter how much you ride around in your car read it read it verse 22 do you believe this verse while the earth remains how long is this going to be like this while the earth remains there's going to be seed time and harvest that means we're gonna get to eat from now oh yeah don't be seasons yeah seed time and harvest gonna be cold and heat there gonna be times when you wear a short sleeve and there's gonna be times when you go to look for your coat and that's gonna be all your life and as long as men are on the planet don't you believe lies this is the Word of God right if he said there's gonna be cold and heat as long as this earth exists that's exactly how it's gonna be so is the earth gonna perish by global warming no way no how it's not going to not like that while the earth remains seedtime and harvest cold and heat summer and what else say there are people that try to scare us and tell us man you know it's getting warmer and warmer in the northern latitudes and soon it'll be summertime up there all the time no I know it's gonna be wintertime we bout to have some right now right and in a few months it's gonna be cold and it's gonna be cold next year and it's going to be cold year after that and then and if the Lord tarries is coming 500 years after that's gonna be cold so mister how you know cuz I believe the Bible I believe what God said just like this and day and night there's going to be sowing and reaping there's gonna be getting cold and getting hot there's gonna be summertime there's gonna be one a time havin oh that means the seasons must be at least somewhere in the area of normal right now I'm not advocating saying how many all slicks you can make and how much smog you can put in the air I'm not advocating that I've already said there are better ways to live there cheaper ways to operate and better and cleaner let's believe God for it let's let's believe God let's do better but don't you turn loose of Jesus and start serving Mother Earth and don't you let somebody put fear in you that we all about to perish because there's too many cars around this earth is not going to perish from global warning warming it's a Bible fact you believe it or not not gonna happen bori to God well how is the earth going to finish up is it you know can we save the earth well the message of those that are confused is that we need to we must sacrifice to save the earth true or not our people preaching that I'm saying that we we must what sacrifice in order to save the earth both of those are wrong I said both of them are wrong number one the sacrifice has already been made and number two the earth cannot be saved cannot be the same thing that's happening to your body is happening to the planet the curse is in it the planet in its current state is not going to make it but it ain't going by global warming so I said you believe in global warming nope I believe in global melting that's what I believe in anybody with me in here tonight do you know what I'm talking about go with me to Hebrews 1 can we save the earth no we can't we should be more concerned about the people hmm the people can be saved the Lord has already paid the price for the planet can't be saved but the Lord's already got a plan for that how many think the Lord's already got it covered Hebrews the 1st chapter tells us what's going to happen with with the planning we're going to look at more than one place Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 10 says you Lord in the beginning you have laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of your hands they shall perish what's going to happen to them if God says they're gonna perish can you save them hmm no matter how green you get if God says it's perishing you you can't save it and they shall all wax old as doth a garment that's what we mentioned before see just like your body's getting old the planets getting old when something gets old it develops weak places wrinkles bald spots creaks groans and that's exactly what's happening in the earth right now hold your place right here go to Romans eight hold you place there in Hebrews Romans eight verse nineteen eight nineteen says the earnest expectation of the creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God what does the earth need it needs for us to come into the fullness of what we're called and made to be it's redemption is connected to us the sons of God for the creation was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who subjected the same in Hope because the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption glory to God what does that mean well decay and death corruption you know there's coming a time when plants are not going to die animals are not gonna die stuff is not gonna rot and stink anywhere on the planet anymore corruption the planets going to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God is connected to us as we're glorified it gets glorified because it's ours I said it's ours psalm 115 talks about said the heaven even the heavens of the lords but the earth have he given to the children of men he gave it to us not for us to serve it but for it to benefit us keep reading verse 22 for we know that the whole creation is what's going on groaning and travailing in pain together until now that's where you have hurricanes that's where you got tornados that's why you got tsunamis that's why you got earthquakes the planets not right it's been corrupted because of man's sin it's getting old it's plates are shifting its atmosphere is moving and changing it's wearing out it's getting old can you see is our call on the earth to save it nobody can I said nobody can God's gonna sustain it long as we need it missus well wonder how it'll be destroyed I mean will it be destroyed through the nuclear war will it be destroyed through this no I can tell you absolutely no just like it's not going to be destroyed through global warming why because we're told how it's going to be destroyed and if it's going to be destroyed that way it can't be destroyed some other way I don't care what crazy person gets nuclear weapons and how hard they try to fire them they're not bigger than God come on now they're not bigger than God and if God says it's going to go like this and it's going to end like this how many's gonna fall for that and say then that's how that's how it's gonna be well if it's gonna be that way it can't be all these other crazy fear instilling scenarios man there's freedom in this there's liberty in this when you realize the truth God's bigger than man groaning and travailing verse 23 says not only it not only is the creation groaning but us too which have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body we've been born again we've been saved but our body hasn't experienced this redemption yet but it's going to and it's going to be changed from corruptible - in corruptible and the same thing is gonna happen to the planning glory to God of course our bodies the materials came from the planet God made it that way we're connected thank you Lord isn't it gonna be wonderful no corruption you know you get tired of doing the same thing every day don't you I mean you comb your hair and you gotta comb it again while she clothes you gonna do it again the weariness that that's what's it cleese ask these Solomon God gave him a lot of wisdom and in His wisdom that's what he understood he he said and we're just going through all these motions for nothing you just do the same thing over and over and over again for what you got to do it again tomorrow that's changing I said that's changing what will it be like to go for a thousand years and never have to clean up dirt chloƫ to god never have to take out the garbage glory to God go back to Hebrews please Hebrews 1 he said they shall perish what will perish the earth and the heavens are going to perish so they're not going to last indefinitely they're not going to endure to all generations they're on their way to their demise the earth and the heavens are getting older and they will perish Hebrews 12 says it like this he'd have to turn there Hebrews 12 25 says see that you refuse not him that speaks if they escape not who refused him that spoke on earth much more shall they not escape if we turn away from him that speaks from heaven whose voice then shook the earth but now he's promised saying yet once more I shake not the Earth only but also heaven and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain anything that is flawed that is damaged that can be broken that can be taken apart that can be destroyed is going to be destroyed and all that will remain is that which is incorruptible and undefiled and permanent thank you lord go to second Peter please the third chapter second Peter the third chapter verse four now this is what's going to happen no ifs ands or maybes this is what's going to happen first a second Peter three and four people will verse three says they'll come in the last days now that's how our tech started didn't it in the last days would be the doctrines of devils many be you know that depart and leave the faith in the last days there'll be scoffers walking after their own lusts and desires and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation what are they saying many are saying this right today there is no god there's nobody coming there's no second coming all we've got is this earth and we better take care of it all we've got is us do you see this is godless it's not true he went on to say verse 5 for this they willingly are ignorant of not just that they don't know what they don't want to know it they don't want to hear it that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water we're about the world that then was being overflowed with water perished now what do we just get through reading what's gonna happen to this earth in heaven right now it's going to perish we know it he said so but the heavens and the earth which are now that's the one you're sitting on right now by the same word that was true concerning that period of time in that destruction are kept in store reserved on to fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men beloved be not ignorant of this one thing one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance we got bigger issues than global warming we got a world full of people denying their God that made them rebelling against him blaspheming him and the end of days is coming up this thing's going to be over and people who don't know God oh it's it's terrible beyond imagination and yet people are so focused see it's a deception it's a distraction they're more exerted they're more concerned and upset about how many miles per gallon your vehicle gets then human beings on the planet without God he said verse 10 but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise no friend you are reading exactly how this thing's gonna end this is not Theory this is not somebody with their calculators and computers trying to figure out what they think this is him who sits on the throne Almighty who has seen the end from the beginning and this is how this planets going out this is how it's going to end there's going to be a window and the Bible says great noise that means everybody's gonna hear it everywhere there's gonna be this huge gigantic sound and noise and the heavens are going to pass away the heavens and the elements that you and are standing on right now are going to melt with fervent Heat that's not global warming that's global melting and it doesn't happen gradually hmm it's going to happen like a thief breaking in at the night unexpected all at once and the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up nothing is going to survive nothing the entire planet is going to melt I'm talking about the surface of it at least and the atmosphere and what's beyond that must fear what we call our solar system it's all going no think so it's it's written seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought you to be in all holy conversation and godliness how I'm gonna know if you really believe this it helps straighten you up if you know that this is at the door it make you live different looking for and hasting to the coming of the day of God who are in the heavens being on fire the heavens on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat he says it again how many know it's established if this is going to happen just this way nevertheless here's the good news we according to his promise we got another word we look for what we look for what new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness and you know one way you could say this everything is right everything is right yeah the people you have the lives but everything every tree every blade of grass every piece of dirt everything is right all the stuff that had been corrupted and affected by the curse and sin is gone so we're working for a better earth better planning not me I'm looking for a brand new one better ain't good enough brand-new brand-new some I say new heavens new earth new heavens new earth that's what's going to happen it's going to happen just like this it's catastrophic nothing on the Earth's gonna survive nothing not your house not mine nothing I mean the mountains are gonna melt nothing is going to remain and the heavens that we see are going and it's not going to be the result of pollution now go to Revelation let's look at something else give us more insight you're close by revelation and there's more than one place in Revelation this is spoken of but uh we'll look in the sixth chapter well I tell you look at two places go to now you just go to Revelation I'll read these other ones to you you go to Revelation six and if you would please guys put up luke 21:24 let me just read these to you and you hold your place there luke 21:24 are you listening the Lord is speaking he said they'll fall by the edge of the sword they'll be led away captive into all nations Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled verse 25 and there shall be what signs in the Sun and in the moon and in the stars now we've already read what's going to happen in the heavens it's all going to be on fire and upon the earth now he gave us the word the world in ancient times past in Noah's time it perished by what water but he said the next time which is going to be the last time it's going to perish by what fire and we're not talking about a campfire ain't you glad you saved there will be signs sign is something you can see you will be able to see things in the Sun and the moon and the stars now if you put all this together Jesus talked about there'd be wars and rumors of wars and there'd be earthquakes in different places but he said the end is not yet he said don't be moved by that it's amazing how how few Christians know this they talk all kind of stuff well wonder if the ends come in I'll tell you when the ends coming something's gonna happen to our son our son how many know we can't live without our son the planet can't live without the son something's gonna happen to our son no ifs ands and maybes the Bible said so and when you see something going on with the son of course we could all be out here but when that is seen it's up this whole things about to be over and of course what effects the Sun affects the moon affects all the planets right affects us he said verse 25 there will be signs in the Sun and in the moon and in the Stars and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring of course what affects the Seas and the tides and it's the planets and what affects the Moon will the Sun and verse 26 men's hearts what just from what they're seeing happening on the planet just died for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken it just gets plainer and planner the more you what's gonna happen the powers of heaven Sun Moon stars and then shall they see verse 27 the Son of man coming who in a cloud with power and great glory Oh hallelujah skip down to verse 33 verse 33 says heaven and earth this is Jesus talking heaven and earth what's gonna happen can we save the planet know who can nobody can no group no amount of money no technology nothing can save the planet but it's not going to perish from global warming or from the Ice Age how's it gonna go by fire fire that melts it go you got your place in Revelation well let me read this to you also in the mouth of three witnesses here acts 2 don't turn there but acts 2 18 through 20 says on my servants and on my handmaids I'll pour out in those days of my spirit and they are prophesy and I'll show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood fire and vapor of smoke the Sun shall be turned into what I mean oh that is a problem that is a giant problem when you look up and the sun's supposed to be shining and it's dark you can look right straight at the Sun and it doesn't hurt your eyes what does that mean it means the end is here and you need to be saved if you're not you better get to it the Sun shall be turned into darkness no need to conjecture so much so what does that mean that means supernova does that mean Sun is died we don't know it's gonna turn dark and we know that ain't right we know that's a giant problem it'll be turned into darkness the moon into blood course the moon's a reflection of the Sun we know that before that great and notable day of the Lord come look in Revelation it's says the same thing revelation 6 revelation 6 and verse 12 I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell to the earth even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind if you read other portions here in Revelation including the eighth chapter of Revelation there are giant meteorites that hit the earth the size of huge mountains heaven oh we got bigger problems than global warming we're gonna lose our Sun and the the stars are gonna fall and hit the earth nobody is going to be thinking about miles-per-gallon our greenhouse gases how many believe the Bible they believe the Bible he said the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair the moon became as blood in the stars of heaven fell to the earth even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs and she's shaken of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll now when you leave here look up into the night sky it's been that way for thousands of years but there's coming the time that thing's gonna roll up it's gonna be on fire now you can you could understand why people looking at that I just fall dead from their heart failing them the heaven departed as a scroll when it's rolled together and every mountain how many Mount Everest every mountain and Island were moved out of their places how many of this is a catastrophic people call it a planet killer event I mean the mountains are moving the island nothing is stable anymore the things that were holding us together and holding us in orbit and holding the tides and the magnetic and the plates is gone and when it is it's coming apart and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and here again why would you want to go on the ground because everything is so terrible on the surface untenable and they said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand there will be no more atheists on that day there'll be no more agnostics there'll be no more unbelievers they'll no be there'll be no more smart-mouthed intellectuals there'll be no more blasphemers and all the junk that people preached and the fear that they that they you know tried to project and put in people and and all the scoffing they did and and belittling and deriding of God's people and His Word will stop wanted but it'll be the end and it can be too late for some but tonight I reckon the sun's doing fine how many glad impacted and Branson is standing still all our little heels are just right where they're supposed to be [Laughter] and I reckon your car will be right there where you parked it when you come out of here and your house will be where you left it hmm and we're told why the Lord has tarried so long in coming and is still coming he has still tearing he has long patience waiting for the precious fruit of the earth was he interested in us preaching and saving the planet the planet naw the people the people he's not waiting to save the planet the planets gone planning they will make it oh but why do we have a season of time and stability and we're enjoying a time of freedom and peace in this country huh oh it could be better but it could be a lot worse I'm standing here preaching the gospel and got nobody holding the machine gun on me nobody's gonna arrest you when you leave we got freedom I said we got freedom and we're getting more money and we're getting more ability and more voice how many know the time is short we need to redeem the days this thing's not going always could be like it is today and tonight we've got to get this job done because there is coming a time when this terrible sound is going to come and the earth is the Sun is going to quit shining it's all gonna be over but till then we'll work till Jesus comes stand on your feet everybody hallelujah oh thank you lord go ahead and play brother thank you lord oh thank you lord thank you master hallelujah glory to God thank you master close your eyes if you wouldn't just wait on the Lord for just a moment the Bible said seeing that all these things must be and they're coming to pass what kind of man a woman should you be living in holiness right before the Lord if you're in here tonight and you don't know Jesus oh my friend you shouldn't wait another day you're not guaranteed how long you're gonna live down here particularly when you're not living for the Lord we don't know how many days or months or years it is till these catastrophic things happen in the earth and heavens melt with fervent heat but we do know the Bible said today is the day of salvation we do know what today is it's not Judgment Day it's not the day of the earth melts it's the day of salvation the day when men and women can be saved all glory to God and when you're saved and your names in the Lamb's Book of Life and the father knows you by name and you know him you have no need to fear all these things the Lord will keep you from the hour of judgment he's going to gather us out of here he's going to protect us oh thank you Lord he's going to take his unto himself will not perish so whether you're in the building or you're listening to this tape or your CD or your watching by internet tonight if you don't know that you know that you're saved and right with God friend you need to move and I mean you need to move now it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God as those who are doubters and unbelievers in judgment no friend you do not want to be a part of that you want to be a part of the resurrection you want to be a part of the church those who are glad to see him come those who are actually bold to medium it is coming because our sins have all been washed away and we have nothing to fear from him if you're here tonight you need to give your life to the Lord are you watching by internet or you're listening to this I'd like for you to just raise your hand to say yes brother Keith pray for me I need to give my heart to the Lord I need to get right with God I believe these things you read tonight I believe the Bible I need to give my heart to the master I need to be saved raise your hand if that's you you say I need to give my life to the Lord I don't want to be a part of all this judgment destruction thank you lord if you're raising your hand by the internet the Lord sees it if you're raising your hand listening to this or watching it on DVD or by broadcast the Lord sees your heart I'm gonna pray for you we're all going to pray for you the Lord's gonna hear it doesn't matter how you grew up it doesn't matter if you worshipped false gods all your life till this day today's your day of salvation it doesn't matter it's mr. what about my family what will they think friend you better forget about all that you just heard what's coming give your life to the Lord let his salvation secure you right now everybody pray it out loud either affirm or reaffirm your faith if you're watching our listening stand up stand up from your seat or stand up from your your desk or from your bed or wherever you are stand up and show respect to the Lord and lift up your heart and your voice to the Lord and pray this out loud after me say father God I believe on you I believe you are creator of heavens and earth of us of all things I believe your holy word that the Lord is coming again and there will be a day of the Lord and that this earth is going to melt with fervent heat and those that don't know you will be scared some of them literally to death and will cry out and try to hide from you and I desire not to be a part of that but to be a part of your family from this day forward I believe on you I believe on Jesus your son the Lamb of God sent to take away the sin of all mankind I believe he paid the price price for me I believe he is the only way the only way to you to salvation I receive by faith what Jesus has done for me I confess by faith the cleansing of the blood I confess the lordship of Jesus and that he is raised from the dead I confess that Jesus is mine and I am yours thank you for saving me thank you for putting my name in the Lamb's Book of Life so that I not be a part of judgment hallelujah all lift up your hands and praise lift up your hands and thank you Oh Lord we praise you O Lord we thank you let me give you glory let me praise you Lord we give you glory we give you glory [Music] halleluyah halleluyah hallelujah hallelujah Oh Lord we praise you or the great Ancient of Days it sits on the throne the almighty Lord we believe your word we know you're coming again we know your word is true we know it's gonna happen exactly like you say we believe in you trust in you we rest in you we're saving you URR shelter you are our refuge you are safe dwelling place thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah go ahead and swing that one time through be glorified hallelujah whoa be glorified [Applause] whoa thank you lord thank you mom Thank You ball [Music] singing again singing again whoa [Music] be glorified [Music] in the heavens we go to five [Applause] thank you [Music] Jesus we worship you whoa [Music] hallelujah my said brother Keefer you think we're going through that no I don't know I don't and here's one Romans 5 says much more then being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him how many believe that verse glory to God say we shall be saved from wrath who's going to be saved from wrath those who are justified by the blood now being now justified by the blood how many trays your hand and say I'm justified by the blood now so then what you also say I'm not going through the wrath somebody is not us first Thessalonians since something as well let's get another witness here make sure it's established first Thessalonians the first chapter and verse 10 verse 9 talked about them turning from idols to serve the living and true God do we know who we worship and it's not the earth we worship God who created the earth 1st Thessalonians 1:10 says and to wait for his son from heaven is that what we're doing right now waiting for him whom he raised from the dead even Jesus I'll get this get this what is a Jesus who did what he delivered us from the wrath to come yes glory to God are we going to be running around Holland for the mountains to fall on us no no we're not going through it I believe this I believe that Scripture Earth Day and others like it do you believe it or not for those who are justified now by the blood of the Lamb we've been spared and delivered from the wrath to come it is written Jesus has delivered us from the wrath to come well let's thank him again thank you lord thank you Lord that we don't have to be in fear Thank You LA Oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you God thank you Lord is so good you're so good you're so good you're so good [Music] you're so good I reckon we'll get to see it from a distance how many know when the earth starts melting you want to be a long ways away from there you know we need to let these things sink in and be real to us because you know we get up and we brush our teeth and we go to work and we come home and fold our clothes and go to bed and act like this is going to keep going same way forever it's not this is about this long and it's easy to get caught up in things that don't really matter isn't it be all upset get all bent out of shape get all mad get all offended not realizing what's really going on what's about to happen what really matters I believe the Lord's growing the Sun I believe he's preparing us are we in the last days we're later than anybody else has ever been right thank you Lord let's praise him again let's lift up our hands master Savior all soon coming King [Applause] deliverer Redeemer Holy Ones righteous judge of all the earth all we worship you we worship you [Music] why should you [Music] we worship you I'm straight well up in the Helmand [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] the worship [Music] Oh [Music] or worship the Lamb [Music] shuffle em [Music] halle-loo some are distracted some are deceived some are seduced but we know and lord help us to stay on it that this is what's important knowing you knowing your son Jesus is what's important there is no salvation there is no deliverance there is no sparing from the wrath to come except through him somebody say Jesus he's everything or Jesus do everything Jesus you're everything Jesus you're everything say Jesus you're everything Jesus you're everything you're Alpha and Omega your beginning and your the end your Redeemer and Savior my best friend your he who sits on that throne where is the lamb you're the one that's coming again righteousness in your hand praising Saints give Him glory you're everything say Jesus you're everything Jesus you're everything everybody Jesus [Music] you're everything you're the fulfillment of Scripture you're the image of God you're the one that paid the price with your very own blood there's no one like you no one compares to you no one can do what you can do say Jesus you're everything [Music] Jesus Jesus you're everything [Music] Jesus Jesus you're everything [Music] you're everything hallelujah let's just worship him as we go we'll sing will praise ponder these things on your heart tonight don't be afraid just believe know that you're safe in Jesus if you confess Jesus for the first time tonight in here don't go out while others are going out you come down to the front let us rejoice with you if you got any questions about being saved don't go don't leave this is serious business come down to the front get it settled tonight if you're watching by internet email us call us write us let us shout with you let us rejoice with you we'll get some materials in your hand help get you stronger and help you grow I'm gonna know we got to work while we can got to work Holly got to light spiritually and literally while we got the light let's work while the Earth's burning while the sun is shining this thing as we go worship the land worship the Lamb [Music] give your brain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 10,760
Rating: 4.625 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, An, Act, of, Fear, Pt, 4, Global, Warming, and, the, End, of, the, Earth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 13sec (6133 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2012
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