Keith Moore - An Act of Fear - Pt.6 (He Loves Me).wmv

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go with me to Psalm 34 please Psalm 34 and John 14 Psalm 34 and John 14 if you didn't bring a Bible we have extra ones you can raise your hand and the ushers will get one to you and turn to Psalm 34 great Psalm here a lot of people know it have you been reading your Psalms and in your reading if not get hooked up with us their bookmarks out in the for you there join in with us Psalm 34 and one says I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth written we ought to do that his praise would be continually in our mouths that's all the time isn't it that's all the time sin praise you lord thank you Lord praise your holy name thank you lord thank you master is it appropriate to do that all the time missus all y'all just got a habit of that well if you don't have that habit it's better than the one you got and sir we all not just say it mindlessly but it's right to bless the Lord at all times and for his praise to continually be in our mouth my soul will make her boast in the Lord you don't want to brag on yourself you don't to brag on your faith you don't want to brag on what you've done what you've accomplished you do want to brag on the Lord and I mean just brag away just be the biggest braggart around when it comes to the semester you bragging you better believe it I am bragging on the Lord he's awesome he's amazing he's wonderful he's everything yes the humble we'll hear hear what hear you bragging on the Lord and they'll be glad so if somebody hears you bragging on the Lord they don't like it right away you know they're not humble I reckon they want you to be bragging on them if they love the Lord that jump right in with you and say yeah let me help you brag on it verse three o magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears say that out loud I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears glory if you're here with us what was it a couple of years ago we camped on this for weeks and weeks and weeks what's the title of that series free from all fear yeah it's out there and it's online you can download it for free lot of detail we stayed on it a long time and got excited about it and got free but you know it's an ever-present issue this fear thing the world is full of it did you know that and there's things all around you trying to put fear in you you know what about what you listen to and what you watch recognize when somebody's trying to convince you to be afraid when they're trying to put fear in you I don't care how solid of a reason they think they have fear is a spiritual contraband for us we're not supposed to have any of it it's a very serious thing and it keeps coming up in me you know we've was this three or four times now on Friday nights we've ministered on it taught on it talked about it about about fears not acting on fears not yielding to fears and it's still coming up in me and so we still need to feed our faith on the word and stir up I know just from what is just from what little I'm seeing in here and then I know most of all by what I know in my spirit millions of believers have all kind of fears and a lot of believers bless the heart they just full of fear just full of fear tormented by fear paralyzed by fear no what did he say I I sought the Lord so whatever it is that you've been fearing about you can seek the Lord about it you can get some answers on it you can get things settled in you and he did what he heard me and what else did he do he delivered me from all all my fears if you've been delivered from all your fears how many fears do you have now how many if you had even one then he wouldn't have delivered you from all of them it had been all but one but when he says he delivered you from all your fears that means you got no fear no fear no fears left that make you fear less and fear free and friend if you have no fear you are free you are free you are free they're all kind of people that are not doing things they should be doing all kind of people's not in church afraid they might get too cold afraid somebody might hit them on the way over fraid of the dark afraid of this afraid of that fraid gas is too high might need it for something else afraid I'm telling you there's all kind of people that are not doing things they should be doing hiding in their house the Bible said that Jesus became a partaker of flesh and blood and delivered them who through all their lifetime through the fear of death were subject to bondage fear of death makes you subject to bondage keeps you in bondage lock in jail and Jesus has delivered us whether we're enjoying it or not he bought it he paid for it you know life is short why waste it and mess up your stomach and mess up your head by being afraid all the time when you couldn't be fear free when you could sleep like a baby come on when you could when you could go day in and day out no worries no worries no fears people look at you and go man he must not have good sense he don't even know what's going on he don't even know what's happened in the world look at him he's he just happy he's so simple he don't even know ya but he's enjoying life how about you what are you doing by worrying about it how are you changing it how are you improving the situation by losing sleep and pacing the floor who are you helping whose bills are you paying what are you changing by all your worry and all your fear where he's wrong worries a sin worry will age you prematurely did you know it worry will make you susceptible and subject to diseases and problems and break your system now the one of the reasons the Lord tells us cast all your cares on me be careful for nothing don't worry don't fret don't have any anxiety about anything we were not made to handle it we can't handle worry worry breaks us down did you hear me now it's like using a piece of equipment for something that wasn't made for it can't handle it your body can't handle worry it can't handle fear that's why we're commanded not to have it now go with me over to John please the 14th chapter John 14 John 14 thank you John 14 and verse 27 Jesus said read letters peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the world gives give I unto you does this mean anything to you is that can you take this personally is the Word of God God talking to you to me did he say peace I leave with you my peace I give to you did he say it do you have his peace is it yours can you walk in it now let's think about what he said can you picture Jesus being afraid hmm can you picture Jesus cowering at home afraid to go out because of the Pharisees might get him or the Sadducees you know sometimes demons cried out of people and can you see him going sitting I don't want to go over there that's that madman and Kadare is over there now let's stay over here can you picture Jesus with fear being afraid it's missile yeah but brother Keith he's God he is but the Bible said he laid aside his mighty weight and power and glory and became like other men as he walked the earth he did it just like you and I are doing it you know if he didn't it'd be unfair for him to expect us to follow his example because we're not God and yet he says if you believe on me the works I do you'll do also and greater works than these show you do because I go to the Father now the only way we could believe that is if he did it as a man and if he would anoint us with the same holy spirit he was anointed with which he has and the Spirit of God is the spirit of peace peace and Jesus walked in this peace can you see him in every situation in the midst of the storm he was calm walked on the water glory to God before every disease nothing scared him nothing moved him every demon I don't care how they howled the mad men of God era had scared everybody in the whole country Jesus stood right there and spoke to that thing no fear at all come on glory to God he knew they're trying to kill him he'd go right back into their midst and they're trying to kill him and he just very coolly and calmly walk right through the crowd somebody say cool calm peace he walked in this peace and do you hear what he's saying he's saying I'm out of here isn't he he's about to go to be with the father I'm out of here and I'm paraphrasing a little bit now and throwing some stuff in but you know what I'm talking about he said I'm going to glory and there are no crazy people in Devils and disease there everything's peace but you were staying here and you gonna need what I've been walking in so I'm gonna leave you my personal peace that I have walked in all the time I've been here I'm giving it to you and it's nothing like the world has it's my peace glory to God do you believe it somebody say he gave me his peace and I have his piece and I live in his piece and I walk in his piece should that equate to no fear yes if Jesus was never afraid because of this piece he walked in and he'd give us that's that same piece his piece then we should be the same way like him never afraid of anything nothing and do you know that's a witness to people round about you you can hollered and quote verses and and carry your Bible to work and every other kind of thing and it won't make the kind of impression on them that it will when things that terrify other people they look at you and you're still just as calm everybody else is scared and running around and talking and shaking and you're just peace peace that's a witness I said that's a witness and they'll want what you've got because nobody wants to be afraid nobody wants to experience that now keep reading Jesus said peace I leave with you my peace I give to you already God said again I have it he gave it to me his peace and I have it I live in it not as the world giveth give I to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid now this is important the devil has convinced and deceived millions of Christians that they cannot help but be afraid it is beyond their control millions of Christians millions of church-going people have all kind of fears in their life and they think it's beyond their control that well I don't want to be afraid but you know it just scares me I try not to think about it but it bothers me I'm not gonna lie by today yeah I'm scared and and and people didn't begin to preach well everybody has fears and we all deal with our fears and not Jesus he was never afraid come on do you believe it he was never afraid and he gave us his own peace that he walked in fear free put that up again last phrase of that verse what did I say read it out loud let not your heart be true you you are not to let your heart be troubled so if your heart is troubled what happened you let it get that way neither let it be afraid let your heart be afraid understood subject again is you you are not to let your heart be afraid so if your heart gets afraid how did it get that way you let it you let it did you have to let it what did Jesus say to you you know a lot of your modern translations are really paraphrases they're not accurate in some ways the translators put their own thoughts in there you got to watch out for it and one of the things that they put in that I really don't care for is verses like this and others they'll say try not to be afraid try that you know try to walk in love try to not worry try the Lord never told you to try anything did you hear me now that would imply he might not know where you could or not well he knows what you can do and what you can't and when he tells you to do something it's because he already knew you could do it he didn't say try not to be afraid try not to be troubled what did he say don't let your heart be troubled what should we say yes sir okay so then is there ever an excuse for us being afraid is there is it ever true that we could say yeah but it was I couldn't help it it just kind of hit me up like once and I just it was just too big it just scared me sorry no no listen this is important to know nobody can make you afraid no demon no person no thing can put fear in you nothing nobody has the power to do that no matter how terrible it is if it gets in you it's because you let it in you you let it get in you let yourself fake on it you let yourself talk about it from the moment you see something is trying to put fear in you what should you do quit talking about it quit quit cut it off get away from it quit watching it why because if you sit there and entertain it you're letting it get in you you're yielding to it I don't care if it you loved ones I don't care if it's your family you can't just sit there and let them pour fear in your ear for two hours and be okay I know sometimes people don't understand but you need to say whoa whoa whoa we've talked enough about that you know we know we know the sickness is there we know it's bad we know it's real we know that let's quit talking about that let's talk about the healer let's talk about people we know that God healed right let's talk about how faithful God is how nothing is too hard for him talk about something that's gonna put faith in you not fear I'm gonna know a lot of folk have talked entirely too much about the economy nine and a day-and-night nine and two oh it's gonna happen Oh well for you it's gonna be bad how do you know because I know your fears will come on you and you're afraid but for people that won't listen to that and won't feed on it people say hey I know a god that can bring men out of the sky I know a God that can bring water out of a rock I know a God that can bring fresh fruit it food in by Raven Express I know a god right that can feed you no matter what I ain't going hungry I am NOT I'm not gonna have to beg anybody if this thing drives up something else to come on right glory to God I'm gonna know when the brook dried up where the Prophet was where the Ravens were bringing him food that might look like it was the end it wasn't he in he said I got a widow woman who who was starving to death she's gonna take care of you that's kind of like sending you out with nothing in there God likes faith I think you know he delights in faith it pleases him doesn't it it puts a smile on his face when he says all right Brooks dried up go over here to this town I got a widow woman there's gonna take good care of you with a woman he gets there she's starving to death I think God smiling gonna watch this look at this and then when they believe him he goes that's right what's this glory to God and he manifests the provision it pleases him when you step out you reach out not knowing it doesn't please him when we pull back and fear because when we're afraid it's because we're not believing him we're not trusting him can anything in and of itself force you to be afraid does the devil himself have the power to put fear in you and make you fear he does not if Jesus said don't let your heart be afraid what does that mean you got the power in him you got his peace you got his spirit you got the power not to let it in now it'll come I said it'll come thoughts will come feelings will come they'll try to get on you they'll try to set in you but it's up to you whether you let it get in I know years ago this is years before I learned about brother Hagins ministry Copeland's and faith and any of those kind of things just as a young boy thank God I had been to Sunday School I had been taught the 23rd psalm and there were some things that were really trying to put me in fear and I didn't know about being led by the Spirit I didn't know but you know the Holy Ghost to lead you the right way when you don't know anything if you'll just follow him I remember standing there was a place and and and and fear was trying to come on me about something and it just came up in me it's all I knew but it was enough came up in me I said yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil I will fear no evil do you have the power in you to resist feelings of fear and say no I'm not letting it in another devil to say you're already afraid look at you shaking look at you hair spinning up on the back of your neck goosebumps knees bumping together what do you mean you're already afraid now just symptoms of fear I'm not letting it in so we've learned to do that we're healing is concerned haven't we just because you got symptoms don't mean you have to just lay back and say yeah I'm sick right now in him you're healed and you can say it and you can resist that same thing true with fear with all kind of other faith even though you got fear all over you and feelings and thoughts you're not to just go yeah I'm afraid it's too late now resist it say no you don't I will fear no evil I refuse to fear resist it and you know what'll happen it'll leave you it'll flee from you go to first John please first John fourth chapter thank you lord thank you lord first John and for now this whole chapter is really good on the subject we're on right now let's see how much of it we need to read you okay tonight you in a big hurry first John four and verse four you are of God little children and have overcome them do you know you're an overcomer you know how could you be an overcomer if you didn't have anything to come over so for something anyway it's just something else to overcome right but you're not a under goer you're an overcomer you have overcome them why because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world glory to God now skip down verse seven beloved let us love one another for love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knows God he that loves not knows not God for god is love you know we should meditate more on this it's not knowing just knowing about God if you know God you know love and if a person that claims they know God but don't walk in love and don't operate in love it's just not true whether it's me or you God is love did you know the scripture said if any man thinks he knows anything it was at 1st Corinthians 8 he knows nothing yet is he ought to know but if any man love God the same is known of God you know in heaven and with God you're not known because of how much you know hmm did you know that you're not known in the kingdom of God for how much you know did you know you can't impress God with your knowledge are you kidding it is so pathetic some people think they are so smart it is pitiful it's pitiful you know what's bad is to be really dumb and don't know you're dumb think you're smart the understand compared to God the most brilliant mind on the earth is Ned in the first reader right when he says my little children it's not a figurative term it's literally true to him we are little little children he loves us though I said he loves us we come up with something we think his earth-shattering and he goes oh that's good baby yeah that's good good this is like a three year old holding up what they just colored they think it's a masterpiece and he goes yeah oh that's pretty that's baby that's purred let me see that daddy will put that up here on his throne and yet he's looking out over endless galaxies but he loves us and the thing that makes you known to him will never be how smart you are it'll be how much you love him did you hear it now if any man thinks he knows anything he knows nothing yet is he ought to know the scripture said but if any man love God the same is known of him God knows who loves him and that matters to him no matter how dumb you are if you love him he knows you glory to God somebody said out loud I love the Lord with all my heart I love the Lord can you love him more yes and the more you the more you love him and get to know him the more he manifests himself to you and the more you get to know him the more you find out he is loved that's who he is that's what he is that's what makes heaven heaven is his love his love is the atmosphere of heaven it's what makes heaven heaven glory to God and in his love you know even on earth if you if you taste of a substantial manifestation of his love you know immediately this is where I want to be forever this is where I only exist and it is where you will exist forever for lack of a better phrase and I'm not saying this is technically technically correct but it'll be the air you breathe in heaven it'll be the light you see by how many no that place doesn't need the Sun right because the lamb is the light the lamb is love so at any given day in glory and you you go oh wow this slide is amazing what are you basking in love it's what makes heaven heaven oh thank god but I want you to see before we get through here in this same chapter you'll see what makes hell hell it said love is of God every one that loveth excuse me he that loveth not knows not God for god is love verse 9 in this is manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him here in his love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins beloved if God so loved us we ought also to love one another you know if you say O God you loved me while I was your enemy you loved me while I had no time for you and didn't care for you you loved me before I was ever born you loved me while I ran from you you loved me while I sinned against you you loved me while I blast fiends you while I was your enemy oh thank you God I now I found you and I love you I'll do anything for you he only asked one thing loved his other children God I'll do any you've done so much for me what would you I'll do anything for you he does ask something of you didn't he it isn't this the commandment right what is it that you love your brother you love all the rest of his kids the way he loves you that's the pretty ones the not so pretty ones the spiritual ones the carnal ones right the mean ones the faithful ones the unfaithful ones right if they're his kids he loves them doesn't he I don't care if they do the meanest dumbest stupidest stuff he loves them doesn't he and you better be glad he's merciful because he's the same way with you and me when we do something dumb right aren't you glad he may not care for everything you do but he still loves you right can you do the same thing with other people you don't have to love everything they do but you can still love them still love them you still care about him keep reading we love him he first loved us and it says verse 13 hereby know we that we dwell in him and he and us because he's given us of his spirit we've seen and testified that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwells in him and he in God and we have known and believed the love I want you to say that out loud we have known and believed the love said again we have known and believed the love that God had to us God is love he keeps saying it doesn't he it's so important and he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world has he made us like yourself is the new creation a creation like the master yes has he now become the firstborn among many brethren glory to God and does he love us even as he loves the Lord Jesus does it say that in John it does John 17 and he said verse 20 verse 18 excuse me there is what there is no fear in love but perfect love you might say this full love fully developed love cast out that's a strong word throws out expels fear because fear has torment he that fears is not made perfect in love the word torment here is the same word used as in referring to hell torment how many remember reading hell is a place of torment isn't it this is the same word same word fear has torment what does that tell you love is the atmosphere of heaven how many know what goes with love peace glory to God love and peace and joy right then what must he'll be like we know it's a place of torment and here the Bible describes what torments fear fear is the atmosphere of Hell it's hard to imagine people talk about the burning flames that has to be awful but that's not all a place where there is no love a place where there is no peace where there's continuous terror that makes hell hell Dudley to live in constant in a constantly terrified state now that's hell isn't it and one reason I bring it up of course if you don't know you're saved you want to fix that tonight you do not want to go there your people like brother Hagin used to say bless their darling hearts of stupid heads they say ah you know I'd rather reign in Hell than serve in heaven yeah I'm going to hell all my buddies will be there we're gonna party down yeah you know that is such stupidity if these people spent three seconds in that place and you brought them back when they quit screaming that never say it again as wonderful as heaven is that's how awful hell is it wasn't made for men it was made for the devil and his bunch but men who reject the Lord are gonna wind up with the enemy to go on that with the one they chose they chose the enemy and that fear is what makes it such a place of torment but the sad thing is that redeemed believers are living with fear and letting it torment them in this life when they don't have to now friend every one of us has it sometime in our life and in our past yielded to fear until something tormented us I don't have to describe it to you you've experienced it so have I but we ought to know better by now I said we ought to learn better we are to know that Jesus has give his very own piece greater Z that's in us than anything that could be against us in the world and I don't care what it looks like what it feels like and by now we ordered no gods brought us through again and again and again and again and we ought to know that no matter what comes up he's gonna bring this through again right my heart if you die big whoopty-doo we're all gonna die you should know that but for a child of God it's not a problem you step out of your body you go to be with Jesus you go to glory only reason you're scared of it because you've never done it scared of the unknown no friend it's a wasted day to worry all day it's a wasted night of your life and you don't have that many of them it's a wasted night to fret and be anxious and let fear chew on you about what might happen or what might not happen it's torment you're letting the devil torments you and he's not your Lord he's not your boss he should have nothing to say about your life you've got a lord and your lord has given you his very own peace he's never given you any torment and he never will said out loud my afraid days are over I refuse to let hell manifest in my life did you know Deuteronomy even talked about people that would obey God and follow him would have days of heaven on the earth you remember that can you have days of heaven on the earth what would a day of heaven on the earth be like it's a day of love and peace and joy isn't it well do you know you can have days of hell on the earth if you could have days of heaven why couldn't you have days of hell what would a day of Hell be like fear panic terror torment worry anxiety that's lettin hell's atmosphere manifest in your house somebody say no more no more and we need to admit now if we if terror and fear and panic and worry got in our hearts how did it get in there we let it get in we let ourselves into it we let ourself watch it we let ourself think on it until we got in that shape so whose fault is it it's our own fault thank God for faith buddies thank God for a good church family thank God for people that won't just talk fear and unbelief they'll talk about what's on your vision list they'll talk about how that thing no matter what's going on in the world we're coming up we're coming up it's gonna get better for us we gonna have victories we're gonna have testimonies and the darker it is in the world that's the brighter the light shines when God moves more it stands out perfect time to have a miracle perfect time to get delivered get out of debt get free get healed get promoted it's the perfect time perfect time you know there's you've been reading the Psalms you've seen it again and again the Lord is my light and my salvation I'll not be afraid I won't be afraid of ten thousand roundabout thousand may fall here ten thousand but it won't happen to me you just hear the keep the recurring theme I will not fear I mean the Lord told him in the Old Covenant don't be afraid be of good courage don't be don't fear them don't be afraid why because whether you win or lose depends on it your fears will come on you but glory to God your faith will come on you too ha ha I said your faith to come on you that's why I tell you when you keep standing up here saying I'm getting my houses I'm getting my buildings I'm getting my uh all of my dads are being paid if you don't quit saying that it'll come fully to pass and everybody's life let's doing it your faith will come on you it's coming on you go Rev he said there is no fear in love but perfect love full love expels cast out the fear go with me over to mark please the fourth chapter and why are you turning there let me read this to you from Deuteronomy 1 Deuteronomy 1:27 put that up on the screen first you're going to mark for the first generation of Israelites that God delivered out of Egyptian bondage perished in the wilderness didn't they they wandered around out there a dry bleak minimalist existence and they all died young prematurely didn't enjoy God's plan and will for their life I'm gonna know that Hebrews says the plan was finished from the beginning for them to them to go in not just their kids them to go in then wandering around out there and dying prematurely it was not the plan of God not the will of God but did you know why it happened fear and unbelief when they saw the Giants they were terrified of them birthday when they saw the walled cities and they said we can't do it they'll kill us all and I'm gonna no remember reading about it every time something came up they said we're all gonna die out here didn't they we're going I mean you they run low on food they said we're gonna starve to death out here they've run out of water this is we don't we gonna starve you know water starvation out here we're gonna die out here and then this other jobs well the jobs are gonna kill us we're gonna die out here does it sound familiar do you hear anybody else talking that way how we ain't gonna make it I'll bet everything's going under if you keep saying that it'll come on you eventually the Lord said to them as you have said out of your mouth that's what's gonna happen to you and they did and it wasn't God's fault it wasn't God's will it wasn't God's plan it was their fear and unbelief that did a man but I want you to see something that you might have thought enough about what was the root cause that they kept on fearing you know they saw miracles they saw God deliver them through all that the plagues on Egypt they saw God bring them through the Red Sea on dry land they saw God feed them out of the sky and water out of the rock and still every time something came up you know they said are we gonna die out here we're gonna die just full of fear and here you see insight into why they were so afraid he said you murmured in your tents and you said read that out loud because the Lord hated us he brought us forth out of the land of Egypt to deliver us into the hand of the amorite to destroy us what was the root of their fear they didn't believe God loved them oh can you see this do you remember the verse we read in first John 4 we have known and what believed the love that God has for us do you know this is one of the biggest things you'll ever believe in your life have you got just a few more minutes with me now I said did you know this is one of the greatest thing and you tell not believing for millions of dollars believing for great miracle of healing no that's small compared to this this is one of the biggest things you will ever believe in this life what how much God loves you and everything hinges on it everything how does faith work it works by love and one of the biggest parts of it is you knowing that God loves you you won't love yourself if you don't know how much God loves you you won't love other people if you don't know how much God loves you and them and your faith won't work and because this is the central issue it's why the devil is continually lying to God's people that God's mad at them and God is upset with you and God don't really care about you because you've done this and that always trying to sow some kind of question that he doesn't really care that much for me right now or he doesn't care it's a lie I said it's a lie it's a paralyzing lie it did them in didn't it they said God hates us now friend you've heard little when some time that hadn't been trained properly say you know you hate me or our husbands and wives you don't you hate me or parents and children when they're older you don't love me friend this is as serious as it gets to question the love of God is to take yourself to undermine your own faith and take away your ability to be free from fear tell me what expels all your fear perfect love fall off and that is a full manifestation and revelation of how much God loves you when you know how much he loves you your fears go away and while the fears are there you're still debating it you're still not convinced you think he's just looking at your sin he's just looking at your mistakes and failures and you know you don't like you very much so how could he like you and the devil's got you fooled he's got you deceived it's right where he won't you questioning God's law I want you to know God loved you before you were born knowing full well every dumb stupid mean unbelieving rebellious thing you would ever do he still loved you and chose you and put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life and even while you were messing up he was saying they'll get it together they'll get it they'll come back and I'll be here Oh Cory to God glory to God are you in mark they said it's because God hated us he took us out here let us die in the wilderness because he hated us was it true one of the biggest lies anybody ever uttered it was because he loved them then he brought him out of Egyptian bondage and here they've become convinced it's because he hated us he brought us out here to die so what happened to him they died because they believed lies and it cut him off from God's love and provision did he still love them while they're wandering around out there for 40 years dying like flies prematurely did God still love them yes did it grieve him if that's what was happening when he's got already picked out the promised land and already made provision in plans for them to get there it grieved him but he can't pervert justice if a man or woman won't believe him won't take his word won't accept what he said he can't help look here in mark the fourth chapter mark chapter 4 the Bible said about verse 37 here there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full how many that's not a good situation and Jesus was in the Honda part of the ship asleep on a pillow doing what I reckon he's wet don't seem to be bothering me much let's read that again make sure we're getting this right what's going on a great storm of wind how many know the Lord does not exaggerate so what does this mean this means this was not something you'd want to be in I mean gale force winds waves and Jesus is what asleep that's not all the waves beat into the ship and the ship is now full full of what full of water and then still the winds howling and the waves are blowing and the water is up to the top of the ship full and Jesus is asleep glory to God how did he do that he had amazing peace didn't he where's that peace now come on help me out where's that peace he left it he left it with us he gave it to the same peace he was laying there sleeping through soggy clothes and gale force winds you got that peace I've got that peace in me if will yield to it if will let it dominate our thinking we can be calm through anything we can lay our head on the pillow and sleep right not worry notice what happened they came to him what they do they said Jesus Jesus wake up it probably wondered how is he sleeping theory sees us wake up get up now read the next thing read the next was it say what carries thou not that what is what are they saying say it another way don't you care we're all dying out here are they full of fear why are they full of fear come on quote the verse perfect love casts out fear right all of it they let this fear in them didn't they Jesus proved you didn't have to let it in you he's there right with them and there's no fear in him at all he's doing this as a man he why are they so afraid it's not because of the storm it's not because the boats full of water if that was all it was Jesus be afraid too but he's not why are they afraid they question his love they're not convinced he loves them enough that they've got nothing to worry about maybe he might forget him maybe he's busy with something else on the other side of the planet and he you know there's a lot of human beings scurrying around like ants down here and he might miss a few yeah and of course am i all that important you know I mean big deal he's probably got bigger stuff going on that's the devil I said that's the devil jesus said the father knows the number of the hairs on your head he knows every detail about you and your life why would he keep up with such things cuz he loves you I said he loves you I said he loves you come on now he loves you if you know he loves you what should you do you should go my father loves me no evil can touch me because it it have to come through him years ago before we ever came to frame and I had a big Doberman and he was big hefty I mean you and wouldn't you wouldn't want to meet him at night in the dark and some people come to visit and and he was intimidating man then he just he wouldn't Park he'd just bite he just he just looked at you and you knew boy no fear in his eyes he because he's big enough to do something about it and more than once he looked at me with like I'll take you on too and we had to remind him who's boss but he came out and he was intimidating and a man and his little son little bitty child son came and he that dog came around and he saw him and man it scared him silly and he hollered and his daddy said that's all right boy I'm here and I saw him move around behind and his dad was a great big guy he moved around behind daddy's leg and I saw him just relaxed and he asked me he said is the dog okay and I knew by that time he was fine kids played with him you know once he knew who you were and I said yeah he's okay now he said you can pet him if you want to and he looked up at him and he said it's fine I'm here so he reached around from behind his leg patted him on the head and he was fine and as he was doing that I saw something I thought glory to God why is he not afraid cuz he's got one hand on father and he's high he's hiding behind father's big leg and he knows if that dog makes any wrong move daddy's gonna be all over him right and he's gonna have to come through daddy to get to him and I saw the fear just leave him just in child like simplicity he's not afraid anymore he reached around put his hand on him rub his head can you picture yourself in your father's hand holding on to him knowing he's not gonna let go he's not gonna let you down he's not gonna leave you he's never gonna leave you're never gonna forsake you so why should you fear why should you be afraid of anything said out loud I called on the Lord he heard me he delivered me from all my fears glory to God stand on your feet everybody singers and players come
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 9,414
Rating: 4.852941 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, An, Act, of, Fear, Pt, 6, He, Loves, Me
Id: 5bBwdPE91hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 25sec (3805 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2012
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