Keith Moore - Thanksgiving Victory - Pt.14 (What Do You Have).wmv

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fine job if you didn't bring a Bible with you if you'd raise your hand Usher's have extra Bibles be glad to let you use one of ours and it's a it's a way of showing respect for the Lord to turn in the Bible for yourself find it let your eyes rest on it remind yourself this is not just the words of men his words and they'll change your life when you believe them and let them into you thank you lord go to our text we're just shouting about 1st Corinthians 15 and then second Corinthians 2 first Corinthians 15 and second Corinthians 2 what is a 1557 say but thanks be to God which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ he's not the god of defeat he's not the god of going under not the god of going down he's the god of increase he's the god of abundance he's the god of victory isn't it glory to God Jehovah Nissi he's the Lord our banner he's the Lord our victorious leader and the Lord our victory notice what's connected with the victory Thanksgiving Thanksgiving and notice he's not just thanking the Lord for what has happened in the past what did he say thanks be unto God who gives that's present and that's future tense is he thanking God for victories he hasn't experienced yet yeah well that has to be faith faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen yet I might say right so when you thanking God for something like you're doing just a couple of minutes ago and you hadn't seen it yet you haven't experienced it yet the contracts hadn't come in yet the money is not in the bank yet the debts not paid off yet and yet you're carrying on and acting that way it's not because of something you've seen and felt it's because something you believe and go into God your faith pleases your God and all things are possible to those that believe I'm excited I'm excited about what's what's happening for you glory to God I believe we're just gonna have a flood of testimony just a flood we just we really gonna have to watch to see which ones we can read without taking too much time because they're all gonna be so good and so many of them and they don't sound like this the Lord paid this off the Lord cut that in half and then the next week he took the rest of it out and in one week I got more contracts and I've had in the previous three years combined in one month that did more sales than I had to hold it last year and we just go here like this over and over and over and over and over and even if they don't say it it's going to be going through your mind best shape of their life best best shape of their life glory to God and not just financially children's relationships for parents and husbands and wives and spiritually breakthroughs getting free from bondage and and habits glory to God getting out of sin and getting free and being able to live right finding the plan and will of God and doing it I'm in know when you finally find the plan of God get in it you got to be the happiest that you've ever been that's just the way it works best shape of your life thank you lord glory to God second Corinthians if folks are only knew how much fun we have in here you couldn't get them in the building second Corinthians second chapter fourteenth verse what does it say read it out loud with me now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ again not past tense he's not just thanking God for something that has happened in the past always cause there's us that's throughout our future indefinitely isn't it always is tomorrow and the next day and a thousand years from now always keeps causing me to triumph and triumph and triumph that means win that means overcome and what's connected with it again thanks be unto God so we've spent some time and I have the sense in my spirit that we're finishing up on this particular series and this particular topic for now but I believe it's one of the most important ones the Lord's given me to date and I encourage you to get the materials and and even afterward you know teaching on some other subject or topic don't let this get away from you and in fact I am I had them to print out some a handout don't we have that these words that the Lord has given us over the years I feel are so significant that you know the Lord asked me that question would you like to know how to increase your capacity to receive I put those words several of them on a sheet and they're out in the foyer you can pick them up you can take them with you and they have to do with why you need to be thankful and how do I put down here how to cultivate a lifestyle of Thanksgiving recognize remember recount tell it express it and those kind of things so there's a page full of that and feel free to get that and and there are untold Christian's that are just living a life of misery and torment and this is the answer for I said this is the answer for we've talked about two big things here in this series and I want us to review just a little bit and then there's something really important we're going to get to you're believing with me right we saw this that the spiritual man or woman learns how to thank God before you see a change right is this important is this important to remember every day of your life every day and if we train ourselves correctly then any adversity our problem would immediately throw us into Thanksgiving mode not thanking God for the disaster he's not the destroyer but thanking him even though we can't see a way out thanking him for bringing us out and practicing that the Lord had asked me that question Keith would you like to know how to increase your capacity to receive from me I said yes yes and please yes and he said to me cultivate a lifestyle of Thanksgiving every word significant cultivated it's a lifestyle something you do night and day this is on the sheet these words are on the sheet but if everything that challenges me causes me to start thanking God for the answer and for the strength and for the grace the devil is go frustrate himself isn't it because I'm not laying down and crying and feeling sorry for myself that was the second thing we saw we went over to Matthew what is it 16 and we studied and saw how that Jesus began to tell his disciples how he was going to be marked and and and spit on and scourge Dan and killed and and and and be raised the third day and Peter took him aside and said oh no no no Lord this shall not be to you and the margin of my Bible says that the there is pity thyself and we see one of the strongest reactions from Jesus and responses from Jesus I mean he wheeled around he said you get behind me see What did he say that - what was so dangerous if you read other translations it brings out he said you're tempting me you're a danger to me what was such a danger and friend if it's a danger to Jesus what about us if it's a temptation that comes if he responds that strongly what should you an hour to do is it dangerous to entertain one thought about feeling sorry for yourself oh it's dangerous if you're feeling sorry for yourself if you're pitying yourself are you being thankful no and we're gonna touch on this as we go further there's something happens to your mind and it gets dark and you start down a dark path and what you should see you don't see and what you need you're not in the position to receive what would the devil care if you feel sorry for yourself or not why is it such a big deal because he knows if you get to feeling sorry for yourself and you begin to quote these these words these two words that are so dangerous that can cut you off from the grace of God I deserve a friend you begin to think like that and feel like that and you begin to wallow in that and think about how you didn't deserve to be treated that way and how you do deserve better and how you are to have this and that now the Lord in other word the Lord gave to me he said you you cannot be gracious to someone who feels or believes that they deserve it well there you can't receive anything from God except by the grace of God he owes none of us anything because of what we've done how menaced and half the New Testament is about works versus grace right and it should be very plain to us but if you're if you think you deserve it if he did it for you you wouldn't even be thankful because you think you deserve it you think it just ought to be that way and you've made it impossible for God to be gracious for how many that's a bad situation you're in a bad place you can't get help well but what if you throw your hands up and you say Lord I know I've messed up I know I've come short but you're so gracious you're so good and I'm thanking you by faith then whatever I need you gonna give me because I know I don't deserve it I know you don't know it to me but I know how good you are and I'm thanking you how many know the door is open and you can come boldly before the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need and how many know with enough grace you can come out of anything so might you with enough grace you can do anything and yet it's not you that did it but the grace of God in you and when it's all done he gets all the glory and all the praise but you're delivered who so as it comes to pass that we're in the best shape of our life what should be coming up from Branson and the surrounding area I mean a cloud of Thanksgiving and praise right and we have seen and I'm just I'm still reviewing a bit we have seen the climbing cycle of Thanksgiving and grace I won't take the time to go over it again but the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians and 1st Corinthians 2 both places it talks about how that doing doing things brings Thanksgiving and then the Thanksgiving brings more grace when more grace comes what should that cause more thanks which qualifies you for even more grace and then when God pours out his grace and great things happen if you're smart you can't thank you more than you ever have before and that just qualifies you for even more he gives his grace to the humble it's the continuous climbing cycle of Thanksgiving and grace so uh people that you know that are you know shut up in their house and in misery and feeling sorry for themselves we've learned we're learning I should say no matter how good it is you can find something to gripe about right I mean there's people that's multi-billionaires they got more houses they live in they've got more cars and they can drive and they got more clothes and they can wear and then they're in good health and they just lose their total joy and peace because somebody got them you know cherry flavoring instead of vanilla am i telling the truth people just just absolutely unhappy no matter how good it is you can find something if you want to be a negative soul you can find something to find fault something you don't have something you're not able to do and you can focus on that and you can be unthankful and you can be miserable on the other hand no matter how bad it is how terrible it might be you can find something to be thankful for right and if you'll choose to look at the right thing and choose to look at the good and be thankful in his light we see light I've been to so-called third world countries where people don't have a thing but to rag on their back and sleeping on a dirt floor in a thatch Hut and yet their smile would light up a room they're happy they enjoy life how can that be that they're actually happy and having more fun than a billionaire sitting in his mansion it's what they choose to look at what they chew cuz you don't just live in a mansion or in a hut you live in here your reality your experience is not just out here it's in here and in here right so even if it's lousy out here if you're having a party in here and even if it's amazing out here but you're depressed in here oh come on can you see it and wise people and people of faith train their self that no matter what's going on they don't look at all the junk they focus in on the answer they focus in and start giving thanks for the good and that's all God needs to bring you right up and right out can you save me so get these downloads in these CDs and these DVDs to your friends and to your family and people that are suffering from depression anxiety and you know they're miserable and their life is torment one of these phrases from the word could click something in them right and begin to set them on a course and even if they don't see it all in a day or two it can be a seed song and they can change the way they think in the way they're living and the way they're operating use these tools remember no charge means no excuse can you take some more tonight Oh glory to God we having fun thank you master go with me if you would to first Corinthians 4 and also I think we're looking Luke 15 and the Lord's helping us always helping us so much more than we know thank you master and the more we thank him you know I noticed this years ago I noticed this years ago that I the Lord was doing so many good things for me and he taught me this is 20-some years ago about cultivating the life of Thanksgiving so I I was working on it more trying to remind myself of it and so I just thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord and it seemed like the more I thanked him the more stuff happened and then I'd say well glory to God I got to kick it up a notch right there thank you thank you thank you and it seemed like while I'm doing that something else could happen and I begin to see it man there's a connection here and yet I'd meet people so really never does anything for me people tell me that no no I mean you're bad you're so happy but man like my life is miserable and he never did he never gave me a new car and put me in the house never paid my debts off well reckon there's any connection if you go around saying nothing good ever happens to me see it's almost too simple in for people the words you know that the Lord gave brother all Roberts years ago was a powerful prophetic word What did he say something good is going to happen to you today hallelujah something good well what if you say nothing good ever happens to me well that's gonna happen too right you gonna think that you're confirmed in what you're saying and don't realize that your own prophecies coming to pass and somebody say good things ahead good things are in motion right now for my life it's working out for my good God's glory hallelujah he's bringing me to the best place I've ever been [Applause] glory yeah glory believe it believe it expect it look for it seek and you'll find it'll come to pass well first Corinthians 4 did you find the the problem that people get into is in looking and thinking about these particular things you know Jesus said in Luke and other places as well but he said the light of the body is the eye and he talks about looking at the right thing and being full of light looking at the wrong thing and being full of darkness does it matter what you look at Oh Bible says to be carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded is life and peace what you look at makes all the difference what we've been talking about with no matter how good it is or how bad it is you can choose to look at the right or the wrong thing and and one of the key things that people choose that to look wrongly and that bring them down is they look at they think about they talk about what they don't have now don't let this be too simple for your friends hmm is it okay to talk about what you don't have mm-hmm I know when I was first year student at Rhema Phyllis and I were there and we invited some of our fellow students over to our little apartment and shoot-'em-up Ali we came out to go to church one Sunday evening and walk to the door and the lights were flashing in the police cars and the guy on the bullhorn said get back inside go out this way if you got bored you didn't have to turn the TV oh and just raise the blinds look outside but the Lord brought us soon and they came over we fixed what little food we had and we had good fellowship of course we're the students and and we're interested in the word and we don't know much and we got on this subject of this particular verse that none of us had a clue what it meant but we talked about it for two hours and our conclusion was that it's a hard passage it's hard to understand oh man of course you know and you're young and not too smart and full of Pride and you're trying to act like you know more than you do and there was plenty of that around and you know quoting stuff you don't even know what it means you know what I've done it's pitiful really but it's that's how you you know youth are particularly susceptible to pride because they have the least experience so they think they know more and a lot of time any of you you're not as young as you used to be and you look back and see you weren't nearly as smart as you thought you were yeah every one of us but they all left and we're laying down to go to sleep and I laid down my head on the pillow and the Lord spoke to my heart I don't mean to hurt an audible voice but inside me he said something would you like to understand that that passage I thought yeah the one we'd been kicking around and and I said yes yes he said well now you further from it than you've ever been and I learned something that it's a it's a powerful word I hope you're awake now you are you listening you your focus known as he he revealed to me he said the more you talk about what you don't know the more faith you have in your ignorance the darker it gets and see that's what we had done for two hours until we were swear totally convinced this is hard this is difficult nothing's hard when you see it right it's like being in here with all the lights off and you stumble and you crawl under the chairs and you bump your head on this one and you think man this is hard getting out of this place is hard but ain't you just can't see you turn the light on and you go oh there's the owl right there and you just walk right out and there is the door it's only hard when you're blind and here's the thing the more unthankful you are the blinder you'll be that's not my word that's Romans first chapter we're going to get there I think but the more in thankful you are the blinder you'll be and the Lord said to me you know y'all have y'all have all degreed how hard it is and how nobody could really know it or understand it and so now you're further from that than you've ever been and he began to show me according to me from Psalms in in his light you see light if you want more light what should you do don't talk about what you don't know that's darkness talk about what you know don't talk about what you don't have that's darkness talk about what you have well I don't have everybody with guns huh don't talk about what you're not talk about what you are don't talk about what you can't do talk about what you can do and even though you don't see it all in that light and thanking God in that light it leads you into more light and as you talk about what you have what you have what you have he'll show you something that you have you didn't even know you had oh come on come on and you'll get excited about that and then you'll thank you for that and he'll say in that light he'll say look at this look you didn't know this but you also have this oh but if you talk about what you don't know it gets darker if you talk about what you don't have it's unbelief and it's unthankfulness and it's ignoring and contradicting what he said the Lord didn't say you didn't have anything he didn't say you're nothing he didn't say you can't do anything tell me what the word says you have all things you can't do all things through Christ men if the enemy's got you tied up and you've been looking to thinking on the wrong thing let me tell you if you don't know where asked to start you start right here I'm saved that's like that's like I'm saved my name's in the Lamb's Book of Life I'm a child of God you're already started coming out but you start thinking about what others don't know why that happened I just don't understand that the moment you do that let listen to the tone of that you hear the tone there's more going on here than ignorance what is it poor pitiful me I just I just don't understand why I don't know why the Lord didn't do that I mean oh they're saying more than they're saying what are they saying Lord I you know I've done my best to serve the Lord I've been faithful I've tithed I've I did I just don't know what are you saying what are you saying you're saying I deserve better than this I deserve that God should have done this for me I don't deserve to go through that what you're in darkness and if you stay there it's going to get darker and darker until you can't see anything that's not my words I'm just paraphrasing the Scriptures but in the darkest holes in the worst roughest place you can look up from there and say Lord huh I don't know much today but I know this you're a good god I know you love me see this is light and you you you won't be thanking God five minutes for him knowing him and him knowing you and him loving you he's gonna start showing you other stuff oh come on have you been there before he's gonna start showing you in his light we see like oh we're having breakthroughs in the church we lives are changing and friend if you and I get this and don't forget it and incorporate it into our life we can be protected and spared from untold grief and problems for the rest of our life because the enemy will come in and try to get us and we won't yield to it we'll do just like Jesus will world around I mean the first temptation or thought about us feeling sorry for ourselves for we will jump up because no you don't know you know uh-uh I ain't going for that God's been good to me he's been good to me he has brought me through and I'm gonna praise Him I'm gonna thank him and immediately you're already coming on all the Devils in hell can't hold you back send out a lot in his light I see light we must discipline ourselves not allowing ourselves to talk about what we don't have what we don't know what we can't do we must treat this like cuss words it's actually more dangerous than customers well that stuff is just by words just exclamation this stuff has spiritual death in it can you see it said out loud I must not allow myself to think about or talk about or listen to others about what I don't have what I'm not what I don't know what I can't do I refuse to yield to it to dwell on it to talk it well if you're not going to talk about that what are you gonna talk about what are you gonna talk about we're gonna talk about what we are we're gonna talk about what we can do we were talking about what we do know we will talk about what we have and in that light more will come look in first Corinthians for he glory to God if we have done this in past years of our life we would have been saved so much trouble we can't change that but we can sure change the future first Corinthians four and verse 7 first Corinthians 4:7 says who make us you to differ from another and what hast thou that thou didst not receive now if you did receive it why do you glory as if you had not received it these are read verses us what do you who do you think you are everything you have was given to you have know every good gift every perfect gift comes down from above from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness sir our turning so if everything you have was given to you why do you act as if you got it all by your own power see if you think you did it you're not going to be thankful for it you're gonna be looking for somebody else to pat you on the back tell you how a you're that you did all that but if you know it was handed to you it was given to you then you're gonna say thank you right go to Luke 15 with that in mind I want to remind you of this story this thing that happened that Jesus told about Luke 15 and 11 I know you've heard this but do you believe there things in this chapter that you haven't heard before even things you've heard many times or things and those you haven't heard and seen believe with me on it as we read it verse 11 Luke 15:11 Jesus said a certain man had two sons the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that falls to me and he said boy you get it when I'm gone how dare you come over here and talk to me about your inheritance and I'm still alive don't bring it up did he say anything like that What did he say what did he say what'd he do he said well I called my man over to bank and my lawyer and we'll have the attorney the papers will be drawn up and it'll be done today into business today and it'll be in your name and you can draw it out if you want to did it happen something like that did it happen couldn't he told him something that's if you wanted to now you've read this story does this man this father does he represent the father oh yeah absolutely their volumes of revelation through here was he mad at the boy for wanting to lay hold to his inheritance right now no this is something that hadn't been talked with this the boy hasn't messed up yet oh do you see it some people would have called him too far word they would have called him presumptuous there was how dare you couldn't the father have told him something like this if he'd wanted to couldn't even corrected him if he'd wanted to but he didn't he said that'll be just fine we'll get it in your name today did they do it so they must not have been anything wrong with that it's important to know it's important yeah I mean we're dealing with hundreds of years of wrong stuff preached over pulpits hid your minds dealing with right now huh huh you mean it was okay for him to get all that stuff yeah it was okay for him to get all that stuff now now no that's the key word now not having to wait till the sweet bye and bye he said daddy this is your book he said well I gotta wait why can't I just get all that money right now he's so well I don't know him any good reason right you can't get all your money right now I'll just take care of it he said really yeah soon as the money hit the bank here's where the boy starts messing up he thinks it is party time pulls out all his money must have been substantial huh did I lose somebody somewhere not many days after the younger son gathered all together I guess he hung around a week or two I skipped over something we don't need to skip over the younger of them said father give me the portion of goods that falls to me and he divided unto him uh how many boys he got to film did he do the same thing for the older boy did it did he do the paperwork did he have it transferred he had it put in his name just like he did the younger boys yeah he did he did and not many days after that the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country and there wasted his substance with riotous living he did whatever he's big enough to do he blew all his money when he spent all there arose a mighty famine in the land just about same time he run out of money there's an economic crunch how many know the devil will set you up he will set you up if you'll follow him it'll just get worse snores he began to be in want and he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country how many no party friends are not real friends they're only there as long as the drugs lasts as long as the alcohol flows huh as long as the money lasts I've seen people bless the hearts that they're so hurt when they realize that none of those foot with their friends well the truth is they never were your friend well my friends left me no you never had any friends there they never were your friends and you didn't have enough sense to realize that they're just using you so don't blame them no boy I lost someone somebody use you whose fault is it I'm losing folks here you have the Holy Spirit the spirit of wisdom inside you if you'd have prayed if you'd listened he'd have told you don't do that don't give them that money don't do this thing don't want to be involved in that anyhow and if you listen to him if with all that listened to him nobody could have taken advantage of us we wouldn't got involved with it we wouldn't go that far with it so whose fault is it that we got taken advantage of and so many so many of these situation is because we didn't listen we didn't pray we didn't ask we just did it but we're growing we're learning putting those foolish times behind this way and he began to be in won't he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine how many oh that's low for a Jewish boy and he was so hungry he he got to looking at the pig food the husks and he kept thinking we yield those pigs like that must look like they like it you know I don't look call it bad and he's seriously considering getting down there with them and eatin em I'm gonna sin we'll bring you low it's sad right now I caught a glimpse just when I said that there are men and women of God that used to stand in pulpits that are hugging toilets tonight any one of the nastiest what would you call it supposed to be a club but it's it's below club in - as I saw it just like that and they're sitting there drunk out of their head nasty nasty nasty and they used to stand behind the pulpit sad lord have mercy on them and give them grace nothing is too far gone for you if you got family like that it's not too late I said it's not too late just like this story right here they can come out but sin will bring you low lower than you ever thought you would go so don't start down that path and hear the Bible said he when he came to himself that'll preach earth they wanted when he came to himself glory to God he said how many hired servants of my father have bread enough and despair and I perish with hunger man my daddy's the people that work for him they live good and I'm is suing and I'm out here about to bow down and getting this big trough he came to his self somebody say he came to his self well where is he before this where was it before this he was not at himself what got him their sin you get to where you don't have to know what you doing he wasn't it he says oh but by the mercy of God he came to himself and he said you know I'm I'm on the rise I'm gonna go to my father how many know a lot of people would not have done this why too proud that's how you can pride goes before a fall that's how you can be completely destroyed no matter how bad you've messed up when the Lord is with you go humble yourself and go go do this with it go back go do this or that I'm gonna know if you want to survive if you got any sense you better you better humble yourself you better do what he tells you to do he said I'm gonna go I'm gonna go back I'm gonna say to my father father I've sinned against heaven and before you how many no no need going there trying to give a bunch of explanations and and around the world stuff just go admit it I blew it and I'm not worth it to be called your son anymore just make me as one of your hired servants if you would and he arose and he came to his father but when he was yet a great way off his father saw him and had compassion on him Oh humming on the whole time the father was wanting to come back but he knew he was messing up he knew he was doing some wicked stuff but he still loved him he despised what he was into but he still loved him didn't he and every day he was wanting him to come back every day he was wanting him to come home every day the father saw him and had compassion love moved him and he ran semester ran he ran and fell on his neck just just grabbed him fell on him in a hug I mean that's much big hug and kissed him how many know he probably didn't smell too good he probably didn't look good but love sees past all that and the son said father I've sinned against heaven and in your sight I'm not more than to be called your son and he's about to go into the rest of his speech that he's planned about you know if you just hire me if you could just put me on I don't care at the least position if you just just so I could have a job in the company somewhere but he the father interrupted him and wouldn't let him finish oh what a good father we have he said hey he called to his his people that helped him he said hey uh go get my best suit of clothes you know that that fifteen thousand dollar suit that they made for me that tailor-made go go get that hey you know those thousand dollar shoes I have go get there and you know that the hundred thousand dollar watch that I've got go get that you know that big one-of-a-kind diamond ring then I got they've been trying to buy you know the shakes have been trying to buy for me go get that go get that hey and you know the cash that we've been feeding you know the special food and in fact in him up again go go prepare him I want the best beef I want the best roast I want the best bread go go get that special cake that I like you know and go you know that that band that we like so get go good so good go get them and I'll I don't care if they got another gig pay them twice what they're getting and bring them over to the house tonight get them over here and go tell all the kinfolks and go tell all the neighbors that baby boy baby boy has come home tonight he's back his back and I mean the activity just buzzed all over this man's great estate people are working everywhere I mean they're putting streamers up in the trees they polishing the floors that decorating the windows he he said I want it to be the biggest party we've ever had you know God must like parties how many do I have to get drunk knack stupid to have a party so they brought this this best robe and put it on him I guess pigs thinking off they put that grand big diamond ring on his nasty hand with his fingernails that hadn't been trimmed in two months well they just come from the Pigpen right and he said you bring the fatted calf and you kill it you get it right let's get ready to eat we're gonna be married tonight for this my son was dead he was as good as dead but it's like he's back from the dead he's live again here is I wondered if I'd ever see him again here is back home he was lost but not anymore he's found and they begin to be merry I mean the band rolled in they set up the big amplifiers or the equivalent of it and and I mean you could have heard the music you know a county away and I mean there was dancing and there was shopping there was hollering there was people so what in the world is going did they start the County Fair earlier this year nah you know it's over mr. so-and-so is passed what happened out I just came upon it once we don't know man it's giant party over there how many when a big party goes on a lot of people come out you see what's going on and so I mean the party just got bigger and bigger why are we here I don't know but that is some good beef I'm telling you baby have you had that beef man and verse 25 his elder son was in the field been a hot day worked out in the field all days dusty tired wants to get a bath and go to bed eat something go to bed he got close to the house and he hears this music and this is interesting he heard the dancing I don't know if they clogging or what they doing but man that's that's some dancing with you but you can hear it before you get to the house maybe they had wood floors I don't know but he heard the music and dancing before he got there and he called one the sermon he said what's going on I don't know we're having a party and he said your brother is come and your father has killed the fatted calf because he received him a safe and sound and the older brother said oh thank god oh thank you lord oh how many know he shoulda he shoulda this this story is much more about Thanksgiving than what you may have seen no what can you do instead of give thanks what'd he do he got mad didn't he next first put it up for us he was what angry are you thankful when you're angry old friend get get a clue look put something up in your mind let it let it alert the Bible said be angry but what and sin not and the wrath of man doesn't work the righteousness of God when you get mad are you thankful no you're not thankful and that's a problem he got mad and he wouldn't go in staying up there fuming now they in they're having a great time he's out here miserable tormented why he's mad he's unthankful he didn't appreciate he does he see this the way the father sees it is the father thankful I'm enough the father's thankful what should you be you should be thankful if he's thankful and since let's rejoice and have a party and you get mad you are following somebody else's lead not the father's spirit this is the devil's spirit right and how many know the longer you stay out there and think about it the madder you gonna get right what we know already from the rest of the passage what's he thinking about what's he thinking about that boy spend all this money he probably knew the amount exactly didn't he 7.3 million dollars in the last two and a half months you know how long it took daddy to build that money up he started this company from scratch with his own hands and I know where he is I've heard reports back he spent it on prostitutes he spent it on drugs he's spending on this he's spending on that the big thing it made him mad though was what cuz they're having a party for him right that is the thing this Chaffin him till he can't stand him because we know just a few moments later he said you never gave me a party right he is choking on this so is he thankful that the brothers getting a party far from it what is he saying now the the D word is here isn't it what is it he doesn't deserve that what else comes right behind you aha I've anybody around here deserves a party it's me I'm sure you got all sarcastic I guess that's what I need to do is go blow all the daddy's money on prostitutes and then throw me a party but no you stay here and try to keep the business going and you stay here and work like a slave night and day and this is how you get treated but all the while he's doing all this you can hear the dancing and the laughing and the singing and the partying so who's he hurtin he hurt nobody but his own self is it is he miserable always miserable he's miserable he's tormented and he's doing it to herself how kind our Father is though well what would it make you want to do if you were the father he's standing that day I want him come in the house fuming kicking the dirt whatever he's doing fight and mad at you well the father is so kind I said he is so kind that he went out to him more this says volumes doesn't he went out to him his father came out and entreated him entreat so kind well what if he entreated him he talked to him reading what he said to him come on come on inside come on let's let's rejoice baby boys come home come on and while he's been kicking the dirt and fuming and steaming out there he's been practicing what he's gonna say to Daddy next had yeah I know this is always the way it works and I'm gonna when you're in that mode there's about three imps sitting on your shoulder feeding you text don't say upset say furious don't say you're unhappy that's a shame and a disgrace he'll substitute the words for you he'll get it so that you're sure to do as much damage as possible when you release your venom so he's feeling and he's steamin his daddy says number one side come on in the house come on boy I got to you know they got that teriyaki beef like you like and we got those extra big tacos like you like um come on in here hey you know that band you like we got him don't you hear man and boy they sound better than I've heard them in years couple come on come on in here he said no ain't coming I'm gonna this is disrespect your father your elder ask you to do something he's denying and do it is this the nature of the devil himself no I'm gonna do it rebellion ain't going in there here's his little speech he said lo see start site is gonna be eloquent hello the these many years I serve you has he planned this oh he's rehearsed this over and over neither transgressed die at any time your commandant you believe that in all these years he never missed it Oh baloney and yet and I'm sure he had this plan too now little tear comes to I yet you never gave me a little bit go so I could have a little fun with my friends did you know the devil is the original actor oh you talk about Academy Award let me read this to you from some other translation the ne T says these many years I have worked like a slave for you now let's just stop right here is he thankful there's not a threat is he unthankful yeah that boys had a good life hasn't he he's got a daddy that loves him probably a mama that loves him they got a successful business he's been welfare how many oh he's got a job he just come in from a job where he probably gets paid real good he's got a place to live he's got food to eat he's got clothes to wear probably got a family of his own I'm totally unthankful isn't he can you see the blindness that has come in he can't see anything except this he said I never disobeyed your commands yet you never gave me even a goat so I could celebrate with my friends but when this son of yours you wouldn't call him his brother he came back who has devoured your assets with prostitutes I've heard brother Copeland teach illness he said what's he got prostitutes on his mind for sale like he's been thinking about prostitutes I'm gonna win you judge the Bible says you're guilty of the same thing so he had nothing he must have been thinking about it you kill the fatted calf for him work like a slave you wouldn't even give me a goat the least translation says he flew into a rage that was the explosive outlet of a longtime resentment against his brother a resentment that had been smoldering in his breast does he feel deprived does he believe he's been mistreated that he's not been given what he deserves with him feeling like this and believing this is it possible for the father to be gracious to him know anything he would do for him he would take it like it was old to him he's made it impossible for the father to be gracious to him how can you see this what the father say put it up on the screen first what the father say he said to him son you are ever with me you're always with me and all that I have well one of these days huh all that I have in the sweet by and by you I mean you don't know one of these days you're gonna wind up with no no back up to the previous verse he divided unto film do you mean to tell me this boy has had all these resources available to him all this time it's been in his name and he doesn't realize it he doesn't know it how could you be so blind that he don't even have a coat friend this is what unthankfulness does to you it blinds you till you can't see what belongs to you you can't see what you already have or y'all with me tonight is this bad stuff this this phrase is so powerful because we know this represents the Father God and has he really told us all that I have is yours has he told us that Jesus said he said all the father has his mind and and he said the Spirit of God is going to take of mine he's gonna show it to you and we told that the Spirit of God has been given to us so that we might find out and know all the things that have been freely given to us of God and if God wouldn't spare his own son but delivered him up first how should he not with him also freely give us all things first Corinthians says all things are yours he's given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness well that covers it all my brother let me say all things all things if you look up the literal rendering on some of these words I got to shouting about it earlier today it says it like this all the things that are my things are your things what's he saying you know every time I read this and think about this I think about my own dad who's in heaven now y'all got a few more minutes real big hurry and when I was able to I even after it left home and in the ministry and I'd come back and visit when I could and he always had several cars around he was tinkering with working on and he'd fix them up and he'd sell them or keep them or whatever and mom's always cooking I mean you know country places you're always cooking you're supposed to eat whenever you come no matter what I mean I I come up to Grandma's and and she'd say you're hungry and I just got it from the table Oh what do you want no really I'm stuck she says I got some fresh stuff that I just got of it and you pull out about 90 things and sit them all over and you can't just walk away you're supposed to face them but I I know that if I I see the little step right now at their house if if I came and sit down on that step and was pouting and dad came by he said what's wrong well have no you know all you need to know right now just hearing that word don't you question is can you identify when it comes out of your mouth what does that tone tell you well what is it pitiful what me is that ever okay is there ever a legitimate reason an excuse for that never never ever it's always wrong but if I said well I've been I've been wanting take a little trip I've been wanting to go somewhere you never offered me any of these cars he's going to be with the Lord but I could I can see his eyes right now he'd look at me and go boy boy you know everything I've got here you could drive anytime you itta made him mad upsetting are we to imagine that my natural dad loves me more than our natural or excuse me our Heavenly Father is it true then that all things that he has are ours then when people are tormented and upset and miserable because they're not enjoying things and blaming him is it true it's not true when this year when this older boy looked at him and said you never gave me anything it is a lie from the pit and somewhere neither he's convinced himself of this was it true that the father never gave him anything the father had given him everything he had so what when the father says son I know you're always with me I know what you're doing I know how hard you work I don't have another father knows everything you're doing and he is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love and your are you kidding meaning that no way no how he knows everything you ever did for any of his if you ain't seen rewards yet you will he'll never forget it he said you're always with me and I'm no vet he said all that I have is yours all of my things or your they are your things what do you mean you never gave me anything it's not true what does it mean what's it without saying it what's what's in there boy you want a party have a party how many cents this is also the elder son why should he need to be babied he should know some things right why the father need to send him an invitation boy you want to wear good suit you know where the calls it is you wanna wear a ring you know what the jury-box is you want to throw a party you know what this stuff is everything I got has been yours all along it's your but friend do you understand his unthankfulness had completely blinded him to that so that he's miserable and tormented believing he don't have it and he can't do it and he can't be it what do you think he talked about every day when he got up and went to work what do you think he talked to the other employees of the company man we think he talked about he talked about what he couldn't do he talked about what he didn't have didn't it and he's not talked about how that saw a brother his took half a daddy's money right could this story be repeated thousands of times over I'm talking about men and women that go to church and raise their hands but every day they get up and they're bitter they're bitter and they start talking about how sister or brother stole this from mamma's stuff and daddy stuff and about how so-and-so beat them out of their job and and so and so and friend as long as you do that you're gonna stay miserable cuz you're believing a lie because the truth is it's all already yours and if you get the bank in God and get to raise in your hands and get to walking in the light you don't have to look to somebody else for what they got in their hand God's got more than that but if he can't break you out of that stupor and that misery and that bitterness that anger he can't help you you're stuck and who would you be hurting only yourself how many would say tonight my feeling sorry for myself days are over my griping and belly aching about what I don't have / older hmm train yourself at the very tone well newburgh new what whoa did that come out of my mouth that surely that didn't come out of my it's time to say get behind me Satan just like Jesus did her mother just sit here and die whoa whoa who said that who that surly that wasn't me I rebuke that I rebuke that God has been so good to me if he never did another thing for me it'd be enough for me to shout about the rest of my life and eternity in closing let me remind you go ahead stand up on your feet you don't have to take notes on this just listen glory to God don't think about what you don't have think about what you have I wanted to remind you just a little bit about what you have scriptures Romans 5 says we have peace with God Ephesians says we have redemption through his blood so much so we have it he went on to say we have obtained and inheritance in there what we discussed the read did he have internet we got an inheritance we have boldness and access by faith we have a great high priest this passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous how many know he ever lives to make intercession for do never say you don't have anybody you got somebody you got the greatest somebody we have been made partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in life we have been delivered from the power of darkness we have been translated into the kingdom of God's dear son we have we have passed from death unto life we got something to shout about about what we have we have we have the mind of Christ the Bible says we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus we have been given all things that pertain unto life and godliness we have some I say I have I had I had let me tell you a little bit about who you are can you take a look at we're not gonna think about what we're not we're gonna think about what we are who we are the Bible said we are the children of God we are members of his body and his flesh in his bones we are his own workmanship we are his own handiwork we are the Lord's were sanctified we have been made more than conquerors somebody say I am more than a conquerer we're ambassadors for Christ we've been made the righteousness of God in him it's Messiah I am said again I am he said we are of God he's not ashamed to call us his brothers say I am his brother I am the father's son I am more than a conquerer I am righteous I am made holy hallelujah talk about that fake him think about that give thanks for that whoo and real briefly let me tell you about what you can do huh what can you do he said you can put on the whole armor of God and you're able to stand against the wiles of the devil you're able to resist you're able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one he said you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you some I say I can say how I am I can now free the more you get to thinking about that and thinking God about that you know what's gonna happen more grace will come opinion more knowledge that come up in you more strength to come up in you more revelation will come up in you there's no defeat in that is there you say it a different way don't you I guess something's going down ah I can do all things totally different tone isn't it I'm coming out of this by the grace of God greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world I don't care what I see I don't care what they say I don't care what I feel I'm about to come into the best place of my life I don't I don't know what its gonna take to do it but I know it's no problem for God he is big enough and more than enough to do it and he is well able to bring me out of all of this and to put me in the best shape I've ever been in it's heightening glory to God somebody say glory to God or just lift up your hands begin to praise begin to thank you begin to give him glory Oh Lord we praise you O Lord we give you glory oh Lord thank you Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory Oh hallelujah praise you know come on this praise him of all saints Lord I give you things praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise you praise [Music] hah just stay focused on him don't look at me for a minute just just keep praising halle-loo whoa thank you lord thank you Lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] how to lose no more looking back no more trying to retread now I'm moving on singing a happy song no more looking back no more trying to retread no more wondering how things might have been now I'm moving on now I'm growing strong [Music] now I'm singing a happy Victoria song no more cooking [Music] no more trying to retread no more wondering how things might have been [Music] now I'm moving [Music] now I'm growing strong now I'm glad and free singing victory whoa hallelu lift up your hearts lift up your hands we'll be glad and sing to him Oh thank you lord [Music] Domo look care [Music] [Applause] no more [Music] no more all wonder [Music] me now I'm moving now I [Music] and free well I'm singing today dogs are bred I'm walking a dear friend all things are passed on hallelujah victory today no more looking bad no more try [Music] no more wandering [Music] my hair pain ah [Music] [Applause] now strong [Music] and free oh and I'm singing victory today don't a brand I'm walking a different way Oh things are [Music] for me today dogs are pain I'm walking but different way all things are passed [Music] for me hallelujah just keep your focus on him the anointing is here to change people on the inside people in the room are people watching by internet been so miserable been so unthankful been some so complaining and you've hurt and God seen you hurt and there's power here to deliver you you can change you can be different the past can be left behind tonight believe God as you sing these words as you say these things know [Music] [Applause] my tires [Music] ha [Music] power strong [Music] and free singing victim they don't Oh for me locking [Music] all believe it tonight believe it saints believe grace comes in to you strength comes in to you this is a life-changing night tonight [Music] this is a miracle night today [Music] what you couldn't do God can do what you couldn't change God can help to make change ah you gotta do is believe [Music] all you got to do is receive say it's true with me tonight [Music] [Applause] no more come on we tried doh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the freedom this year [Music] and I'm I took they don't Oh whoa [Music] whoa for [Music] we'll just keep raising insights things are happening deep down inside hearts are being changed minds are being changed lives are being changed also village no longer the same a different way [Music] all the old stuff gone away [Music] [Applause] hallelujah today dogs are walking for [Music] I'm above [Music] although glee worship [Applause] we praise you we give you [Music] you're the light of our life Yuma joy nothing's too hard for you [Music] raise you they don't pay [Applause] thank God [Music] but you're so good to us we love you so [Music] we give you all the glory [Music] I'll just keep soaking up his strength just keep receiving His grace it's here tonight to make you into a brand new man brand new woman different person [Music] today for to be gone [Music] whoa [Music] praise God praise God although you're so good to us [Music] give you all the gloaming [Music] though her praise [Music] you're so wonderful oh so Gloria [Music] thank you thank you like you fight you fight you what do you guys want to close [Music] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] all things are possible to him that believes Oh hallelujah [Music] glory to God just praising there's praise and soak it in soak it in let him let him be that he'll let him give you that grace praise [Music] thanks thank you thank you old things old things passed away passed away not gonna be a bother anymore they're gone thank you lord thank you lord thank you glory glory glory glory to God thank you thank you thank you thank you oh it's a good place in it don't worry to God don't like to rush out of this thank you lord thank you well we're gonna go just like this we're gonna let them keep saying we'll sing as we go we're gonna be thankful right thankful people lower to God healed a lot of thing fulness Airmen in just a few days just a few days glory to God well as they're singing and playing if you got any question about your salvation any other questions there's gonna be people standing along front here ready to answer your questions pray with you rejoice with you hug you whatever you might need they'll be here don't walk out come down come down and let us rejoice with your glory to God they're gonna sing and we'll be dismissed as we do I believe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 4,159
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Thanksgiving, Victory, Pt, 14, What, Do, You, Have
Id: gkWCcEaPgI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 35sec (6035 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2012
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