Strength In Weakness (June 4, 2017) Keith Moore

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and seeking the Lord about this morning I couldn't get clear on the series I was on and I considered some other new series to begin I couldn't get clear on that so what you want to do um you know you can you can say some things that doesn't mean its anointed you can prepare something that doesn't mean it's going to help people but when it comes from him it's the word though word for the time the word for the day and the season look with me if you would in Ephesians 6 I believe I was quickened along this line I did get some direction I if you won't quit just seek if you'll seek you'll find maybe just a special message for today we'll see if even six and verse 10 if even 6:10 says finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might why don't you say that out loud be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I said another couple of times be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might another time be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might now you'll find numerous places throughout the Bible the Lord admonishes us directly from him through an angel through a prophet through a minister he would tell the people tell his people be strong be strong be courageous don't be afraid don't be discouraged don't be dismayed be strong somebody say be strong yes sir now when we hear terms like this be strong people tend to hear it as encouragement but with God it's so much more than encouragement most people on the planet use their words to communicate they use their words to express themselves how they feel or to communicate to other people what they're thinking or feeling etc and with many people that's the whole of it not God God uses his words to create when he's talking to you he's not just communicating with you his words do things you don't just hear them they get in you they move around they change things and when he says be strong it's not a pep talk it's an infusion his commands are enablings his commands are empowering when Peter said when he was there out there on the on the sea and he said Lord effete you bid me come and Jesus said come that's not just an invitation why because prior to Jesus saying come Peter could not walk on the water but when he said come not only was it an invitation it was an empowerment so that when he acted on it and stepped out of the boat the word come became power became solid between the bottom of his foot and the top of the wave was he walking on the water I guess technically it was something else he was standing on he did walk on the water but what was holding him up so when the Lord says be strong we don't need to hear that like yeah yeah I got to be strong mmm I'm gonna lease no no we need to realize strength comes from him and when he says be strong he's not just admonishing us he's ministering strength to us so when he says be strong you need to go take it in be strong you need to say thank you Lord and take it in hallelujah be a receiver now notice be strong how put up that again on the screen foot be strong how be strong everybody said out loud in the Lord and be strong how in the power of his might now this is so significant I don't care who you are how strong you are mentally emotionally physically you can run out of your strength very quickly you may not think so but you just hadn't been pushed far enough everybody everybody has the place where they run out you run out of your ability to keep being strong to keep going on to keep persevering you can run out and sooner than you think if you don't think so you just hadn't been in the situation significant enough yet to challenge you and if you've been around for very long you've experienced you get to the place where you're out and you're out and and if it's up to you you're going to quit or you know or just fall just fall where you are but where our strength ends his is just beginning and there is someone in us besides us your house excuse me your body is the house of your spirit your human spirit but somebody else lives in your house it is not a single occupancy house come on somebody say my house is not in single occupancy what does that mean somebody else lives in here besides me who pray tell is in there with you greater greater is he that is in the in you than he that is in the world old friend what a statement what a statement what a statement that means no matter what comes against you out here the one who's in you is stronger bigger wiser greater oh it'll help you immensely at times when you feel weak to just lay your hands on yourself and say greater greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world the greater one is in me and the greater one lives big in me somebody needs to say that the greater one lives big in me now may have you say some confessions today is that okay now if that sounds strange to you it's not because we're doing something new it's because many churches stops doing something even the centuries ago that the Lord told us to do he is Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith and he is the apostle and the high priest of our confession of what we say he works with what we say God is a spirit a speaking spirit and he creates with his words and you and I are made in his likeness and image and we're supposed to imitate him as dear children and speak like he speaks and released faith like he releases the weak translation of Ephesians 6:10 says be constantly strengthened in the Lord and in the active efficacy of the might that is inherent in him be constantly strengthened in the Lord don't notice this is not something just happens once in awhile every year or two this is something that's going to be going on all the time constantly strengthened how in the Lord and in the active efficacy of the might that is inherent in him this is the power that's in him the power that's in Jesus that quickens him and sustains him we have that in us the life that is in him well this supernatural divine life God kind of life though a life where did it come from it's his when you are now are born again the life that sent us didn't come from this world it came from him it's the same life that's in him the life that's in him is in me and that's where my strength comes from it's not how strong I can be it's how much I receive of his strength that's in me said out loud is not how strong I can be its his strength in me its history in it go with me if you would the second Corinthians somebody is going to get quickened this morning several somebodies in Branson here online people that watch and listen to this later tonight tomorrow next week going to get quickened the spirit of resurrection is alive and well hallelujah and he's still quickens he's still quickens Holly was supposed to what's a quick and quicken you came up quickening what's a quickening a SAP does anybody know what a SAP is you know you got these electrical outlets around the wall here you go to poking something in there that you shouldn't hope like a pocketknife or coat hanger you will get a zap because there's power in there right now the power you it's like there is no power but it's there unless you do something that allows it to come out of there and come on you and you couldn't say well I'm waiting on the electric company I don't see any power I don't feel any part it's there is it they're running to every one of these outlets it's there it's there all you got to do is plug in plug in and allow it to flow from there into you now when it comes to that kind of power you know you don't want to get zapped but when it comes to the Holy Spirit there are no adverse effects to getting zapped somebody needs to say I'll take us out how I make it I will I'll take us that zap if the spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you and he does he that raised Christ from the dead will quicken your mortal body that's this one that's not later all later always gonna be immortal he'll quicken your mortal body by his spirit that dwells in you hallelujah listen to 2nd Corinthians the twelfth chapter and you'll see Paul there was a time in his life where he was experiencing some weakness and he didn't know how to make progress in it he kept pleading with the Lord to do something about it but he wasn't making progress that way there are some prayers God can't answer I know that sounds strange to people but so God can do anything he can't lie are y'all with me it's it Bible says he can't it's impossible for him to lie and so anything that violates his word and contradicts what he said and done he can't do no matter how much he cares about you how much you need it he can't contradict himself we don't we got to quit trying to get him to adapt to us I know when I was first starting to work with brother Kenneth Hagins senior who's in heaven now and had the privilege of being in the speaker's room with him before the service sometimes would be just me and him and I greatly respect you didn't still do knew the Lord had called him and even appeared to him at times and and so I thought my first time or two hours in the room with him I thought man this is my opportunity get my questions answered you know he Joe it's what are y'all laughing about and so uh I thought real carefully about the best thing to say and do and so I I brought some things up and when it got quiet and and he just said him and that was it and he paused a little bit and he said we're going and get get the service started and crank him up good I thought well that didn't go too good you know and the next time I was in that situation I checked my heart I thought Lord on that did that what I didn't feel right it didn't seem like what it and and the Lord that wasn't he said don't try to get him to talk about what you want to talk about see what if anything he wants to talk about and go with that and he said him besides that that works real good in prayer with me instead of trying to get God to talk about what you want to talk about find out what he wants to talk about and listen and so I forget it was some days it passed and so I if he wanted to be quiet I just said thing with quiet which is reasonable he's about to minister you're with me I was being foolish young and dumb and one day he looked at me he said you know such as so he started talking so I listened and when I made a comment it was about what he was talking about and then I listened and it went real good hallelujah and I learned some things they come to find out that's what I needed to hear to I didn't know it but I needed to be thinking about that we need to stop trying to get God to conform to us and just listen to us we want to listen to him see what he's wanting to say but he's want to talk about but anyway in 2nd Corinthians 12 6 he said the law would desire to glory I will not be a fool I'll say the truth I forbear lest any man should think of me above that which he sees me to be or that he hears of me now he says this because he's described how he was caught up to heaven he saw things he heard things he's received revelation God used this man to pin much of the New Testament and so he is so anointed so blessed so used of God but he said I don't want you to think of me above you know what you see me or hear me verse 7 lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations the was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to buff at me lest I should be exalted above measure now people have taken this verse and they have done all kind of stuff with it that has nothing to do with the context people have taken thorn in the flesh and turned it into a physical ailment you can say well it said flesh no thorn in the flesh is a figure of speech you see it used in other portions in the scripture thorn in the side thorn in the neck we say today pain in the neck pain of thoughts of thorn a thorn is a prick and it's a constant irritation thorn in the flesh is not literal it's a figure of speech and what is people have could you know conjectured about what is this thorn in the flesh well you don't have to wonder it tells you it's a messenger of Satan this did not come from God are y'all with me mister yebin was it was to keep him humble no it wasn't your who God's not opposed to your being exalted he's opposed to you doing it did I lose somebody the Bible said humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time God's not opposed you being exalted he wants you to come up he wants you to succeed this was about the abundance of the revelations that Paul had gotten well who doesn't want the revelation getting out God who gave it are the enemy it was a messenger of Satan sent to buffett him and this is not hard to figure you can see it if you read the book of Acts everywhere Paul went he had revival and riot people financed their own way to follow him around and cause him trouble now establish right I mean when people are spending their own money to travel and pay their hotel bills just to cause you cause a preacher problems this was this messenger of the enemy sent to buff at him and so that these revelations didn't get out so that they were quieted so they were hindered and so a verse 8 he said for this thing this one thing this messenger of Satan I besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me it what the messenger of Satan now why did he have to keep asking the Lord because the Lord didn't tell us to ask him to make the devil leave us alone this is one of the prayers God Cain answered and so what do you mean two big prayers God can't answer one if you ask him to do what he's already done he can't answer that prayer how can - if you ask him to do what he told you to do he can't answer that prayer because he'd have to change and say ok I know I told you to do it but forget it I'll take care of it the Bible does not tell us to ask God to make the devil stop the Bible tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from us didn't you say that the Bible says whatever we bind will be bound is that what he says now I know live church-going people did they don't believe that and so they gonna keep begging God to make the devil stop and they're gonna get the same results which is nothing over and over and over again with the Lord telling he said he didn't say you just want to live with this what do you say my grace is sufficient for you Oh somebody say his grace is sufficient for me he said for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my weak infirmity means weakness weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest upon me Paul got a revelation keep going therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses and reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak that's when I am my strongest hallelujah fly because I'm not just strong in my might and my power I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his might and when I'm doing what he told me to do and I run out of gas that's when I tap in hallelujah I tap into the stream that can't be diminished I tap into the strength and might of the greater one inside hallelujah let me read this to you from another translation the weeks translation he said he said he he said concerning this three times I begged the Lord that he might depart from me see he says he that he might depart from me this is very accurate he refers to what the messenger of the did God send the messenger of the devil no no and he has said he God has said to me and his declaration still stands don't you like this my grace is enough for you my power is moment-by-moment coming into its full energy and complete operation in the sphere of weakness therefore most gladly will I rather rather boast in my weaknesses in order that the power of the Christ may take up its residence in me hallelujah working within me and giving me help wherefore I'm well content and weaknesses and insults and necessities and persecutions and in circumstances under which I'm subject to extreme pressure on behalf of Christ for when I am weak then I am filled with ability and power well if I'm weak where is this strength coming from it's not my strength I'm weak so how am I getting strong his ability his power his strength in me Oh somebody say his strength in me Oh glory to God glory to God how could you glory in challenges and necessities and weaknesses this Paul said this is what he learned how could you do this is faith brother that when you're feeling stressed when you're feeling pushed when you're feeling maxed and weak by faith you tell people around you watch what's about to happen what just watch watch what's about to kick in here because I am at the end of what I can do and every time I get here here comes the big boss ah here comes the big spirit hallelujah watch what's about to happen and before it was over with overwhelming strength and overwhelming victory hold somebody say thank you lord now the Lord ministers this to us by his word by his spirit by his angels I want to show you a couple of instances where this has happened by his angels look with me and they'll put it on the screen for us in the book of Matthew chapter 4 when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for forty days and nights and he was fasting all that time and is resisting the enemy all that time and when it was ended the Bible said he was hungry and and you could understand he's weak he's weak physically he's been pressed and pushed but he did not yield he did not yield the temptation he did not give in he did not compromise what the father was showing him and telling him other or the word and when it was done Matthew 4:11 then the devil leaves him he he actually run out of stuff to do with Jesus he DP did every trick he'd ever done on a human being and none of it worked on him the devil leaves him and behold angels came and ministered to him hallelujah in terms when you really needed angels can minister to you I know of several testimonies that I've heard people say and even some people that I know something about and know they wouldn't just make up a story I'm one Minister has been going through a real ordeal physically and emotionally and he said he was just English at the end of his rope as they say and he fell off to sleep and and he said he he startled and he woke up and there was this big man sitting beside him with his hands on his chest he said he just looked at him with a sweetest expression and said that's all right just go back to sleep and he said and why he did he didn't know but he just went right back on to sleep he said he sure it was an angel and that he was doing something to him and he didn't know what he said but when he woke up he felt like they say like a million bucks he thought man what has happened to me and then he remembered that what happened last night you know sometimes when you go to sleep and wake up you forget what happened in the middle of the night but it came back to me realized oh yeah oh yeah this happened with Jesus it also happened with him in when he was under some of the most pressure that he was under in his whole life in the garden when he was praying you remember not my will but thine be done Luke 22 Luke 22 and 43 Luke 22 and 43 there appeared an angel unto him from heaven doing what this is Luke 22 43 appeared to him an angel from heaven strengthening him how did he do that how did he do that ever how he did it was effective Jesus became like other men he didn't cease being God but he laid aside his powers his glory is God he functioned as a man well as a man you could get tired as a man you could be pressed and pushed and at this point Jesus pushed to the point Bloods coming out of his pores resisting temptation he needed some help and here comes this angel hallelujah and strengthens him and quickens and we see at least twice in the life of Jesus where this happened why would we be talking about this I believe some people in our own congregations are going to experience this in the very near future hallelujah could be today could be tonight or in the coming days and weeks hallelujah somebody say he is my strength now you don't you don't pray to angels you don't try to see angels they're just ministers they're just messengers but you need to be open to the Lord using them to help you Quinn and if you need in Daniel what you'd look here at another instance Daniel 10 we see an angel ministered today and strengthened him and quickened him some people have said I just don't know if I can make it I don't think I'm strong enough let me help you with that you're not but you're not alone I don't know if I can hold out if it's just your strength you won't you'll run out but that doesn't mean you have to fail when you are weak that's when you be strong when you'll tap in to his ability and his strength and his quickening spirit the Bible said in Daniel 10 Daniel had been seeking the Lord and the Lord sent an angel said Behold one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips then I opened my mouth and I spoke and he said and said to him that stood before me o my lord by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me and I have no strength for how can the servant of this my Lord talk with this my Lord for us for me straightway there remains no strength in me neither is there any breath left in me because of this amazing experience Daniel was flat on the ground on his face couldn't move didn't have enough strength to even get up or stand up he felt like he couldn't breathe the angel had to touch his mouth so he could talk and when he did talk this is what he said he said I don't have any strength then there came again and touched me like one like the appearance of a man and he did what he strengthened me and he said o man greatly beloved does God love you too fear not peace be unto you listen be strong yeh be strong and when he had spoken to me I was strengthened when did it happen when the words were uttered not just a pep talk not just encouragement empowerment be strong yes be strong hallelujah and he said when he said it when he had spoken to me I was strengthened and I said let my Lord speak for you have strengthened me I can take it now how literally I received what I need to receive I can hear what I need to hear I can finish this experience because you've strengthened to me did you know you have angels - the Bible said that God's angels are they not all hebrews says ministering spirits sent to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation that's you that's you jesus said concerning children he said don't you know they're angels they're angels do behold the face of my father brother Hagin said one time the Lord told him he said don't think you lose your angel just because you grow up why would you a lot of folks need them as much now as they did when they were kids is that right think they're still just as wild and but anyway you do but this is one of the things that the angels of the Lord can do whether you see it or know it or not now you would know it as far as being quickened but you might not see anything or hear anything hallelujah notice how the angel did this on this occasion for all we know he did the same thing with Jesus did that angel did but he spoke words and he said be strong did you know that Joel said let the weak say I am strong what the most people say when they feel weak I feel weak y'all pray for me I just feel so weak I don't think I that's not what the Bible told you to do when you feel weak what the scripture say let the weak say I am strong somebody say that loud I am from not just strong in yourself you're strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind if you got something that's been bothering you let's say you got a kidney that's been weak you got an ankle it's been weak you got a I that's been weak don't just refer to it is my bad I my weak I you decree of thing that's how it'll be call the weak one strong look at it talk to it say kidney you're my kidney and I'm talking to you kidney be strong hallelujah I be strong here be strong joint be strong whatever it is speak to it and release faith and if you do spiritual things are real life begins to flow it begins to quicken don't say I can't hardly get around I don't know what I'm going to do I guess I'm just old I'm old slow you know as long as I used to be hey what I used to be will you keep saying it you'll be even less let the weak say I am strong go to the book of songs I want to give you actually want to minister some medicine to you this morning you know God's Word is medicine life to those that find it health and medicine to all their flesh we're going to take some strength medicine is that all right we're going to take some strength medicine strength is already begun to quicken and flow in here in Branson and online but we're going to get more thank you Father God is faithful when we need him he's there he's always there and you get to beg and say God why won't you do this why won't you do this a lot of times it's something he told you to do he can't do what he told you to do but the moment you do what he told you to do there's going to be a connection the moment Paul saw that strength came into him and he got so much strength he got excited about it and he said this is great look at this in fact I'm gonna move shout next time I feel weak why because I know what's about to happen next I'm about to get Quicken when I run out here comes strength far beyond me when I am weak then I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind songs thank you Lord are you there in the Book of Psalms look at the eighteenth verse we're going to go through and read some of these there's a bunch of these I'm just going to give you a handful Psalm 18 32 now in order for medicine to work you have to follow the directions and so you take medicine with your mouth you take God's medicine with your ears and your mouth too so set out loud Psalm 18 32 it is God that Gerdes me with strength now GERD means to go around in circle you like a belt he encircles me with strength and he makes my way perfect Psalm 27 verse 1 Psalm 27 verse 1 the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord come sit out loud the Lord is the strength of my life hallelujah of whom shall I be afraid we need to say that phrase the Lord's the strength of my life we need to sit out loud two or three times everybody said out loud the Lord is the strength of my life how do they do you just close your eyes and say it two or three times the Lord is the strength of my life the Lord is the strength of my life the Lord is the strength of my life hallelujah Isaiah said he never gets weary he never gets faint there's no end to his strength he doesn't run out and it also said he gives strength and to the weary to them that have no strength he increased his strength he gives power to the faint you feel faint did you knew that like Paul starts shouting because you're in a position to get quickened beyond what you could ever do for yourself versa thirteen Psalm 27 13 says I had fainted unless I believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living verse 14 wait on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait I say on the Lord now this weight is an expectancy it's not just a passive waiting to see if anything's going to happen why would you be of good courage your expect what are you expecting he'll strengthen my heart strength is coming to me hallelujah strength is coming to me back in my teenage days my dad myself and my cousin's my cousins were racers drag racers and we'd tinker with cars all the time trying to make them go faster this is pre this is before the days of fuel injection people say when was that I can still make it here not that long ago but what you could get is a full barrel or you could get three two barrels are two giant four barrels and what you're doing is you're running alone on those front barrels it's poking fuel but when you really need it some power ok I'm looking to ask a few matters when I'm talking when you really needed some power you kick it on down and those back barrels open up an old brother here comes a flood of gasoline and air and the explosions just become that much greater well I'm gonna know God has a full barrel there's somebody greater in you somebody more than what you've been running on and when you need him don't pull over to the side and quit just put your foot on down just put your foot come out hitting pass in gear put your foot on down and you'll tap into him you'll tap into his power there will be a surge of strength and power psalm 28:7 and eight some of you need to write these verses down in particular not maybe not just some of you if it's not something you're going to use next week God might use you to help somebody else with they just you can just sit down and take them through this verses and y'all sale not loud great things can happen in in just a matter of minutes psalm 28:7 says the lord said out loud with me the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped he says therefore my heart greatly rejoices with my song I'll praising verse eight says the Lord is their strength he's the saving strength of his anointed said out loud again the Lord is my strength he is the saving strength of his anointed I'm his anointed his strength is my strength Psalm twenty nine eleven twenty nine eleven says the Lord will give strength to his people the Lord will bless his people with peace she won't know if it be God's will to give you strength or not can you read is the Bible as the Word of God the will of God well I he might he might not the Lord will you might believe the Bible now you can be religious you me junk or you can leave the Bible the Lord will give strength to his people the Lord will bless his people with peace Psalm 31 24 be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart all you that hope in the Lord now our part is to not give up the thing he needs from us is to not quit not give up if you're a good courage what does that mean you may feel weak you may feel defeated but you look up from your weakness and go this is not the end I'm trusting God when I'm weak that's that's when I get strong that's when I'm strong I'm expecting and if you give him that courage what did it say you person subject is you you'll be of good courage and he will strengthen my heart said out loud I don't quit and he strengthens me I don't let myself get discouraged I encouraged myself and I say this is not the end I'm going to make it I'm going all the way thank you lord the devil are trying to paint a picture of you failing of you dying prematurely are you losing everything you got don't believe it no bullet don't be discouraged be courageous be courageous and he will strengthen your heart he will Psalm 68 28 there's a bunch of these here but I'll skip over some some sixty-eight twenty-eight by God has commanded your strength strengthen Oh God that which you have wrought for us said out loud my God has commanded my strength and he does strengthen all he has worked for me hallelujah now some 71 this is one of my favorite two I said I say this from time to time over myself just as I'm going doing things some 71 and nine he's praying a prayer and God answers him out of his own mouth he said cast me not off in the time of old age forsake me not when my strength fails keep reading my enemies speak against me they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together skip on down to verse 16 all this is good but for times sake notice that verse when my strength fails what's he going to do I will go in the strength of the Lord God hallelujah I will make mention of your righteousness even of yours only Oh God you've taught me from my youth and hitherto have I declared your wondrous works now also when I'm old and gray headed go God forsake me not until I have shown your strength under this generation and your power to everyone that is to come set out over 16 putting back up set out laughs I will go in the strength of the Lord God set with me I will go in the strength of the Lord God I will go in the strength of the Lord God I will go in the strength of the Lord God there will be times people say you can't go you're not able to go you can't afford to go I want to tell me what you were you say I I will go in the strength of the Lord God I just I don't know that I can make it I don't feel like I can make it don't say that say this I will go in the strength of the Lord I don't feel like I can get out of bed I don't feel like I can put one foot in front don't say that say I will go I will go I will go I will go I will go is one of my favorites can you tell yeah no matter how I feel I say I will I will get up and go to church this morning and I will preach these people happy I will go in the strength of the Lord God I no matter how long it's been or how hard it's been I will get up I will get on that plane I will go who we need to go we will preach we will pray we will prophesy we will lay hands on the sick and cast out devils we will and if I run out no matter because that's when the full barrel kicks in that's when the greater one just comes right on in and bullies me up and strengthens me and strengthens you when it looks like it can't be done when other says you can't go you open your mouth you stand up you say it bold you say it loud you say I will go in the strength of the Lord God I will go I'll go Psalm 84 Psalm 84 verse 5 blessed is the man whose strength is in you is your strength in him in whose heart are the ways of them who passing through the valley of baka make it a well the rain also fills the pools now this is not dry and drought this is full they go from what from strength to strength every one of them in Zion appears before God said out loud we go from strength to strength we go from strength to strength now listen friend if you're trying to analyze this with your intellect and you're not enjoying it as much as the people sitting beside you you need to quit that you don't receive with your head you don't believe with your intellect you believe with your heart it's a choice to believe you're not just getting in from this is not just information when the Lord says be strong it's an empowerment when I'm speaking these words over you I'm releasing my faith over you when you're speaking these words over yourself you're releasing faith and you are being strengthened this morning in your spirit and your soul and your mind and your emotions and your body sit out loud I go from strength to strength let's say it together I am going from strength to strength I am going from strength to strength hallelujah I'm going from strength to strength hallelujah from strength to strength to strength to strength anybody remember New Testament Scriptures Philippians was at 4:13 fill it put it on the screen for us please philippians 4:13 what does it say I can't I can't you don't understand I can't I've tried I can't they say the tests say the results say I can't I can't every time I say that think about my little brother now growing up on the farm mom she didn't think there was a job too big for us to accomplish I mean dear me she'd plant 10 acres of peas if there was an old abandoned building she'd think we'd take off we're going to take all those stones and lumber and move them down here and build something oh my word and if we got hot and we're tired we'd say mama I can't you know little little boys she said can't never could do nothing come on can't never could do nothing that's not the best English but do you know what we're talking about if you say you can't you can't you're locked you're there does the Bible say you can't what does the Bible say come on help me out I can so when you say when you say I can't you're talking about your strength but he's not talking about your strength I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me I can do it I can do this maybe you're in the middle of some kind of studies maybe you're the some kind of training or something and it seems so challenging and it seems so hard don't stop and say I can't this is too hard I've been out of school too long I don't like this I'm not up for this stop it stop it get a hold of your mouth mmm you're going to hurt yourself with this saved by faith even though it looks and feels so different say I can I can do this through Christ maybe I can't do it in myself but I can do it with yourself I can do it through Christ who strengthens me finally in closing I think Ephesians six go back to our text we're going to take this now as medicine we're going to take it medicine in order for it to work you take it you receive it you don't always experience the results instantly but it gets in you and it starts working sometimes you do right away sometimes it takes period of days or weeks or months I disconnected with Joel that said let the weak say I am strong I have seen this work so miraculously years ago when I was working in healing school we'd have people in the class on a regular basis that were pronounced incurable chronic problems terminal just on a regular basis and I've seen this work so amazingly but one of the more pronounced times was when I was down in Central America on a mission trip and somebody had mentioned to me that a sister of minister in the Lord that was a faith preacher had been attacked with cancer and for many months and then had lost down to nothing and was bed fast and not able to eat and the doctor said they don't know how she's still alive and she was there and it asked could we come by well it worked where we could and we went by when I came in the room she was bed fast and your skin and bone skeletal yellow jaundice just the very picture of death and she's tried to speak but I couldn't hear her so I went over to where she was and I had to put my head down close to her mouth to even hear and what she said was should cancer of the stomach everything comes right back where she's literally starving to death and she looks like she might not make it the afternoon well I'm searching my heart now is God able to heal did Jesus take our infirmities bare our sicknesses carry our pains by stripes were healed then what's what's this well he also bore the sins of everybody on the planet why are billions not saved it's a matter of receiving it all of us have come short receiving something that we could have a sure that but what do I do to help I'm only there for a little bit of time going back to the states came out up in me let the weak say I am strong I said sister I said you know this y'all got time can you tell this something I believe I should uh I said sister you know this was it Joel 3:10 let the weak say I'm strong I said I believe you and I need to say this she said I said don't say that anymore don't say that anymore and I know you feel that way I know you look that way I know you are that way in the natural but what the Bible say let the weak say let the weak do what they should be with practices or not let the weak say let the weak what they think say let the weak say I'm strong so I just sit down beside of us I said I am strong in the Lord she said it took took a while I said that's good that's good let's say it again I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong come on help me out I'm strong in if she could say it I know you can say I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord strength is coming up right now I'm strong in the Lord and I begin to eat we begin the exercise each word I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord then we begin to say I'm strong in the Lord and the power of his might I'm strong in the power of his might I'm strong and it amazed me to see what happened in this woman her eyes begin to lighten a little bit she slid up on the pillow a little bit she got to where I could hear without leaning down and over the course of the next 30 to 45 minutes she's sitting on the side of the bed saying I'm saying I'm strong loud enough you could hear outside the house now this is miraculous any way you cut it this is miraculous she looked at me she said oh brother King all right again it's going all over me so we just praised God and praised God and thank God I knew it wasn't done though I knew unless some other changes were made she could slide right back into this and it wouldn't take long I said my sister she was she was so thankful so excited I was too it's obvious something greatest happened give her I said look at me dear never again say you have no appetite never again say you can't eat I know what you've experienced I don't doubt it a bit I know it's been awful I know it's been bad but let the weak say I am strong what if you have no appetite faith calls those things that be not as though they work I said here she is what you say sister you say I have a voracious appetite and when I eat it stays down I said say it with me right now I know you may not want to say that she needed she starving to death you're skin and bones I have a ver raesha sigh potestas she said it and when I eat it stays down and so I had to say that two or three more times when I eat it stays down I said now listen to me if you eat something and it touches your stomach and immediately you you throw up and you feel sick you think you're going to die I said as soon as you quit throwing up you wipe your mouth and you say when I eat it stays down so that this is where people lose the battle they sell a few things and then they have some challenges and they go oh look who's been always failing things down and it didn't go down you're not supposed to be moved by what you see we don't walk beside we walk by faith you're going to see some things you're going to feel some things nobody's going to get through life without the hints of things and feeling some things that's not in line with what you want what you believe it but don't be moved somebody say don't be moved on be moved by what you're feeling but what your sin let your faith take the preeminence and if you've got if you go through a bad episode of something as soon as you get through it I in the middle of it's better even better you say these none of these things move me this does not move me this is what I believe and this is what I'm saying I said sister I believe I believe this is the Lord now do it please she said I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I believed her months later I was in a conference in the States I saw somebody that was down from them down in that area Central America and they said you went by to see sister so and so I said yeah yeah I wanted to hear what they say because without without God she would she's not gonna be alive she looked like she could have died days before that and they said did you hear that she gained a bunch of weight she's doing good I said I'm not surprised I am so glad to hear it but I'm not shocked because I was believing with her they said men she has voracious appetite and since this is just man she ate and ate and ate and they said geez she's gained I think it was 20 pounds and she went back to work she's ministering again somebody say glory to God thus nothing short of a miracle she was bad fast skin and bone couldn't eat couldn't keep anything down let the weak say I am strong stand on your feet everybody put Ephesians 6:10 back up there let's take another good strong dose of this before I let you out of here said out loud I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his might come elicit together I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong him the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his my I am strong hallelujah in the Lord and in the power of his might you say the three words now I am strong I am strong I am strong I am strong I am strong I am strong glory to God glory to God now you can go home sit down in your chair and take another hour of that if you want to just receive just receive just receive just receive just receive if it worked for that dear one there on the mission field it worked for you hallelujah in your living room the word is true the word works that's how God does it he does it through his angels he does it through his servants be strong he says and you are praised
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 97,916
Rating: 4.7432647 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore, love, joy, faith, Jesus, God
Id: fZtDHouEaEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 39sec (4419 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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