Keith Moore Gods will to heal Pt 2 The Strong Spirit

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y'all can be seated if you didn't bring a Bible with you tonight would you raise your hand and let the ushers get one to you we'd be glad to let you use one of ours it's important for you to take the time to open the Bible and let your eyes rest on the words we hold the Bible in very very high regard around here it is the standard for everything right and we put little stock in your opinion our mind did you hear me and we don't want to build our life off of your experiences our mind our theories did you hear me we believe the only thing that is worthy and safe for you to believe with all your heart and build your life upon is the word the word and old thank God for the word it is to reign supreme in your life above everybody's idea and book and TV show did you hear me political platform etc etc etc you ought to be asking yourself all the time every time you see in something hearing something reading something you ought to be saying where's the scripture where where's the verse where where is it right and if you can't find it you need to turn it off I'll lay it down I already know I don't care how enthusiastic they are how convinced they're about it if it's not the word it's not safe to trust it and build your life on it and act upon it turn with me if you would to Luke the fifth chapter this evening Luke chapter 5 and I'd ask you to believe with me for utterance utterance is greatly affected by the hearer what the Lord would allow me and enable me to do is greatly affected by what you allow him to do where we're all tied together on this but I know sometimes people have not understood that but you are not supposed to be just passive I know that you're you know sitting in the chair and you're not doing a whole lot physically but spiritually you are supposed to be active you're supposed to be actively respecting the word actively expecting revelation and light and answers right very open very yielded not just anything but to him and to his word in Luke the fifth chapter are you there Luke chapter 5 and verse 12 Luke 5:12 says and this is the amplified I'm reading said while he was in one of the towns Jesus there came a man full of covered with leprosy and when he saw Jesus he fell on his face and implored him saying lord if you are willing you are able to cure me and make me clean if it is your will I believe that you can now this is where millions of Christians are at today and tonight what depending on what side of the world you're on they believe that God can heal them if if what if it is his will most Christians pray that way Lord heal me Lord heal them if it be thy will well that's what this man said to Jesus he said I I believe you're able I believe you can do it I believe you can if you will should we pay attention to how jesus answered him and what he says proven let's let's see what does Jesus say to such a question I believe you can if you will what does Jesus say to such a question y'all are getting ahead of me he he said he said if you will you can make me clean what did Jesus say Jesus reached out his hand and he touched him and he said I'm reading amplified again I am willing be cleansed I will glory to God I will be thou clean who said it who said it who did Jesus said it is he the same is he the same yesterday today and forever if he said I will then what's he saying tonight does he change if he does not change then tonight he's saying what he said then right is he a respecter of persons does he play favorites he does not belong here ZOA specter of persons within if he told him I will and he's no respecter of persons what would he tell you he would tell you I will or either he's making a difference he would tell you I will or either he's changed if you only knew those two scriptures that he does not change then he's no respecter of persons then you'd be convinced right you'd had your three witnesses right here right here's one witness he told the man I will here's another witness he Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever here's another witness he's no respecter of persons we could just shout and go home at now and say hey it's his will but in case you're not completely convinced for some rare reason we're going to go on and we're going to go on far beyond and keep going and keep going and keep going and we have begun and are continuing tonight on the series we call God's will to heal God's will to heal is it his will for you to be healed now that's the question I like your answer I like it but we must prove it I said we must prove it but from from scripture after scripture after scripture and I am in the process by the help of the Lord to give you 33 0 30 reasons from the Bible from scriptures why we are sure it's God's will for you to be healed now are you willing to stay with Milnes and help me with this 30 reasons that's not I'm not saying that's all the reasons there are no Bible I'm saying we might not want to spend five years on this one one serious there are other things the Lord would talk to us about as well but you know you know 10 it's a bunch of reasons a 20 is even more 30 30 30 so if you think you don't believe it's God's will to heal everybody stay with us prove me wrong take these reasons apart and disprove them all 30 of them if you can but only with Scripture that's the only thing we'll listen to right don't bring this other people's writings and theories I don't care how many initials they got at the end of their name and other people's experiences and who got healed and who didn't and why you think no we don't care for any of that just scriptures now we said how can you find the will of God how do you ascertain it how can you find it millions believe that everything that happens is the will of God and there I've had people say you know well I you pray for me and and then you know if I get healed then it was God's will and if I didn't that means it wasn't why would you say that why would you think that do you don't believe that in every area of life you would say well you know if somebody's lost that proves it wasn't God's will to save them if they died and went to hell it proved it wasn't God's will because everything that happens is the will of God that is not true it is not his will that any should perish so are there things happening that's not the will of God yes well if it's true in the most important of all things your eternal salvation why wouldn't it be true with lesser things now how do you find the will of God here's one of the greatest things I've ever learned that the Bible said in Ephesians 5 don't be unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is Romans 12:2 says don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God he gave us this book he gave us the Holy Spirit to reveal to us his will where are you going to find the will of God you're gonna find it in the Word of God right that's where you should look so where are we gonna find out God's will for healing we're gonna find it in the Word of God now if you would go with me turn with me to proverbs the fourth chapter proverbs chapter 4 let me review a little bit we but we looked at one reason number one and begin talking about it last time I want to review on it and then go to reason number two proverbs the fourth chapter what was reason number one anybody remember reason number one why we are sure from the Bible that it is God's will for all to be healed today now reason number one is because God's Word is medicine God's Word is medicine yeah I am so excited because so many people are gonna get healed I'm telling you you watch and it's not because of me it's because of the word so many people are going to be healed you just watch we're gonna get testimony after testimony and most of them we won't know about not not in this life proverbs 4 verse 20 he said my son attend to my words incline your ear to my sayings that's his words let them then what his words not depart from your eyes keep them than what his words in the midst of your heart for they they what the words his words are life unto those that find them and health are the margin says that the hebrew literally says medicine to all their flesh words words words there's so much more to words than we've known and seen how did God create the heavens and the earth with his words so everything you see the chair you're sitting on the the hand that you're looking at in everything the clothes on your back the food you eat came from what from words the life that is in you came from words the life in every tree every flower every rabbit every elephant every fish the life that is in you and in every organism came from a spoken word from God words well if those words can create planets Sun moves or mountains oceans human beings can create surely it could right if that work could create all of this then his words can heal certainly easily said out loud his words healed he said my son course that means daughter to do what a 10 let me read this to you from the Amplified at end to my words consent and submit to my sayings that's a good way of said it submit to them let them not depart from your sight keep them in the center of your heart they are life to those that find them healing and health to all their flesh his words are medicine the Hebrew literally says medicine to all their flesh well now he's told us a whole lot here he do we know anything about medicine sure we do there's a lot of people in this room taking medicine of some kind there's all a lot of people watching my internet taking medicines in fact we are the medicated generation what are the majority of commercials you see on TV about who's making billions and billions handle the the pharmaceutical companies and the pursuit is a drug for everything a drug to wake you up a drug for you to go to sleep a drug drug drug drug drug you gotta watch this friends we are in a medicated society and it's a problem it's causing problems now you said not to take any medicine no I'm not saying that thank God there are some things you know some some medications and I believe that that God has put all kind of wonderful things in leaves and roots and plants and hmm but there well no need me going in too much detail but there are a lot our knowledge of the pharmacopoeia of God is very very small and then we're adding some stuff that he don't make and coming up with some new comic combinations and it's causing problems it's causing a lot of problems and there's no need getting into all that but just to say this God has medicine and his medicine is perfect has no side effects you can't overdose on it now you can take too little of it and have harmful effects but you can't overdose on it you can't take too much of it the more the better said out loud his words are life to those that find them and health medicine to all our flesh his words his words glory to God psalm 107:20 don't turn there but just listen said he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction the NIV listen this is psalm 107:20 said he sent his word and healed them he rescued them from the grave glory what did it what did it hmm his word his word uh thank God for prayer but this is talking about his word and their time some people are trying to get results with prayer that only the word can give in fact we read a while back during the winds denied prayer time that if you turn a deaf ear to the word your prayer is an abomination that's a quote so he sent his what his word and what healed them glory to God delivered him from their destruction the new living says get this get this the New Living Translation says he spoke and they were healed snatched from the door of death glory to God what do you need to get snatched from the door of death a word a word from him and you got a book full of them you got a book full of things [Music] glory to God glory to God glory to God his words will heal you I want to make a statement about this you might want to write it down if you will take enough of God's Word long enough it will heal you I don't care what's wrong with you I don't care how impossible how incurable it sounds if you will take enough of God's Word long enough it his word will heal you I'm gonna say it again real slow if you will take enough of God's Word long enough it will heal you by and large Christians don't have concept of this principle that he's talking about they may go to the doctor and the doctor prescribes a medicine and they'll go get it filled and they'll take it and they'll take it and they'll take it for three years and they'll come back this is where we're going to increase the dosage and they'll do it but people don't have that understanding what the word is concerned you know they'll hear half a message and don't want to hear anymore what is healing if you look up the word you'll see that technically healing is a renewal or a restoration of the body from a diseased or injured or damaged condition somebody say restoration renewal well when you think about healing so many folk all they think about is instantaneous miracle you're sick boom you're healed but the Bible talks about recovery it talks about medicine right how does medicine work hmmm medicine gets in you you know you don't just take a pill and boom that's not how it works ah you take the medicine and it gets in you it begins to affect your system right and it day after day and week after week and people understand that and people keep taking medicine month after month and year after year well if you do that with the Word of God it'll heal you take your medicine all of his words are healing and health and medicine not just the ones on the subject of healing it doesn't have to say faith are healing in the verse for it to be life to you every word of God has power no word of God is void of power the scripture said every word is powerful and full of life go to Hebrews 4 let's remind ourselves it outloud if I will take enough of God's Word long enough it will he or me is that just my idea is his word medicine did the Bible say he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from death can you be delivered from death yes you can I don't care how sick you are how weak your and and I am talking from the word but I'm also talking from experience I worked in the healing school at brother Hagins ministry for year after year after year after year and day in day out week in week out we saw people who were given up no hope said they had to die we've seen person after person after person come back from skin and bones breathing machines tubes I mean at death's door there I've seen people come all the way back I've seen them again and come all the way back get their strength back close are you with me now get their strength back get their color back I've seen the yellow jaundice and the eyes and the whites are there go away and that rosy color come back or you a thing I've seen people come on the way back I've seen them go home I've seen them go back to work and live another 40 years or 20 years or are you with me glory to God and I'm gonna touch a one thing one common characteristic that every one of them that I've known had and won't touch on it here unless the Lord says otherwise I think for this for this service is over that's where I'm headed but get this first this is a foundation upon which the next part comes God's Word is medicine where are you Hebrews 4 and 12 Hebrews 4:12 says for the word of God is quick what does some of your translations say huh alive quick he thought you stole much the Word of God is fast quick quick it's an old English word King James word for living a lot quicker mean life giving the Word of God is alive and what powerful say not loud the Word of God is alive and powerful go is it more powerful than cancer is it more powerful than high blood pressure diabetes AIDS yes is it more powerful than the growth of a tumor yes yes is it powerful enough to restore something that's been damaged by the ravages of disease what can bring somebody from the brink of death what can bring somebody right back to health and soundness his words [Music] then let's go over it again he said my son do what pay attention to my words not everybody else's what he said about it incline your ear to my sayings what what are you going to say don't let them depart from your eyes what does that mean so this is where this were so many folks miss it right here don't let them depart from your eyes I know our brother Hagin Kenneth Hagin my father in the faith who's in heaven now he was born prematurely he had what was called an incurable blood disease his body did not develop because he was born prematurely he was not in an incubator this is many many years ago and so his chance didn't develop and the tubes and openings inside him didn't develop right and they told him he nobody in his condition had lived past age 16 or so and sure enough when he was 16 he became bed faster and he in and out he he'd be unconscious for weeks and weeks at a time and they said he had to die and one doctor told him son you know if this one thing didn't kill you the other one would you know there's no hope stay ready to go I mean the best doctors that they could get ahold of told him there's no hope there's nothing we can do but glory to God he got ahold of somebody else's words and he said sometimes he was so weak and and almost completely paralyzed that he'd try to read the Bible because something inside him told him the answer is in this book he didn't know it he had never heard it but something told him the answers in this book so he tried to read it and he figured he didn't have too much time to waste and since there was an Old Covenant and a new he'd start with the new hidden how much time he had and he stuck because I told him you know you you may die tonight and so he started reading and sometimes he said he'd take him minutes just to slide a page over one to the other but he kept on and he said every waking moment he's trying to get in this book and find out what he can't because something inside and told him the answers in here and you can live and don't have to die Holy Ghost was telling him that Spirit of God will always lead you in line with the word always and he said his parents became concerned about him because he's always in in the Bible and then other folks that came to visit became concerned about him and there's some one fella to talk to him and said you know they tell me that you just always read the Bible and that's that's all you read he said yes sir he said you don't read you know country and excuse me Western novels he said no sir don't have time he said you you don't read you know comics and then funny papers they called him you don't read he said no sir what don't have time are you listening to this now they tell him he may be dead just any day see so many folks don't have this understanding though do they they don't realize how serious this is and they're just doing all this other stuff and wasting all this time what did he say my son pay attention to what I'm telling you do I incline your ear to my sayings don't let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart there are life to those that find them now if all you had to do was open the Bible and find it and you're healed that must look me what he's talking about what's he talking about fine them if you will keep after it if you'll keep seeing it and hearing it and talking it and seeing it and hearing it and talking it you'll find it that's not because it's hard to understand it's because the enemy tries to block it he tries to confuse you he tries to keep you from sin it's not hard but the whole world around you is full of unbelief and fear and wrong thinking and you have been you know we don't think about it but we have been engrained and indoctrinated with unbelief and fear we've been taught wrong all our life from every almost every direction and so without meaning to were thinking wrong and we're believing wrong but if you'll get in this book I said if you'll get in this book you can have your mind renewed glory to God not be conformed to this world but be transformed and that's what he said he said I don't have time to read all that stuff I don't have time well he if you are he tried to tell him you know what if he just stay in the Bible too much it could affect you you could lose your mind and that they tried to warn him about all this stuff but now he didn't lose his mind he got his mind changed he got his mind renewed and something happened to his spirit and he made it to mark 11:23 and 24 and he found out if I desire healing well got to do is believe I received my healing while I'm still laying here paralyzed he'd never seen that before never heard that before but he saw it what's happening while he's reading this book what's happening it's ministering to him it's ministering to him the Word of God is quick it's alive it's powerful glory to God it's sharp enough to just divide between the Junkin and your head and your heart and pierce through the wrong thinking and unbelief and get into you and begin to give you strength to come up from where you are is more powerful than any addiction than any habit than any sin than any failure than any lack than any disease this word this word this word but you have to do what he says you have to follow the instructions for taking the medication here it is here's the top right and on the side was it saying attend to these words hmm incline your heart to these sayings don't let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart that's it is everybody following those instructions no they're not are they taking the medication according to the instruction no they are not and that's why people not getting results either but if you did if you took enough of God's Word long enough is it true that his words are life to those that find them and health to all the flesh can the word that God spoke and created everything and it created your body and your spirit are those kind of words in this book can they get into you can they cause flesh nerves that have died organs that no longer function or come on are you with me can they begin to spark life intimate oh I've seen it glory to God can these words do that to your flesh we read it they are life to those that find them whose job is it to find them your job my job and they are medicine to all ALL as from the top of your head to the bottom of your foot and everything in between every organ every gland every cell every ligament medicine to all your flesh glory to God now you could stay on this for a long time but here's my point I am convinced I think everybody else ought to be convinced and be sure that it's God's will for all of us to be healed one because God's words are medicine who are these words for if God's words will get in you and heal you and make you strong and their medicine doll your flesh and yet you say well no healings not for everybody but what if somebody that healing wasn't far got into this word night and day is it so that the word wouldn't be life to them and it wouldn't be medicine to their flesh see what people are saying when they're saying healing is not for everybody they just got through saying the word is not for everybody because the word will heal you are you with feeling this I could go on but this this actually will tie in to the next thing go back to Proverbs back to proverbs please this flows right into number two reason number two why we are sure it is God's will for all to be healed today is right here in proverbs 18 you know many a time I've been to the hospital and there's somebody laying up in there that they tell them you can't live you got it back and all they do is lay there night and day and watch TV so what's wrong with that they can't afford it they don't have time for that are you with me but they do I had a lady and her daughter came one time to healing school and she wanted me to pray for to be healed they had diagnosed her as terminal nothing could be done she had already gone through some treatments and they said now nothing it's in this last stage and nothing can be done and in talking with her for just a few minutes I saw she's not ready to be prayed for she's not ready to believe that she receives her healing she's not convinced to the will of God and so I knew what had to happen I said well I said our class is going to start in just about 30 minutes here can you stay well what needs to happen what does she need how's she going to get faith to be healed how does faith come it comes about from the word right I said could you stay I'm not gonna try to explain all this to her but I said could you stay and she said well no you know my daughter and I had planned to go shopping this afternoon then this is happening everywhere all the time why because people don't they don't see the value of the word they don't see the reality and power of what this can do in their life they don't see how desperately they need it our people the people that call this their church if half of them showed up tonight couldn't see concede Oh people that call this their church well now there's a handful a handful that's doing something else that the Lord told him to do a handful but vast majority of them think they don't really need it that much that they're okay they can drop in once a month once every three months and it's it's deception I said it's deception what is happening is that their spirit is growing weaker every day and they don't realize it did you hear me and it is did you know that right now I know you might not like to think about this right now there's enough bacteria and germs of every kind on your skin and in the air and inside your body to kill you ten thousand times over right now you know why you're not dying at this moment because you're strong enough your body and your immune system is strong enough to keep it at bay but all that stuff is lurking in your systems am i right doc it's in there lurking waiting for you to get weak enough hmm then it can start multiplying and taking over does that sound devilish or not that's because it is there's a life in cancer there's a life in these terrible diseases you can see it under the microscope it's moving it's it multiplies it grows what does that come from it's not God I said it's not God now I want us to back it up a whole nother step from this and the principle is the same but but look at this in proverbs 18 are you there proverbs 18:14 says the spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity but a wounded spirit who can bear read this to you from the Amplified but it upon the screen if you can guys amplified everybody are you looking was it saying the strong spirit of a man that's male man or female man sustains them in what bodily pain or trouble but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear what's going to get you through physical attack what's going to get you even through weakness and bodily pain what can get you through that a strong spirit Oh glory to God strong spirit and what's happening is you've got so many folks that know the Lord and loves the Lord but they don't realize how weak they are already they're barely maintaining and the enemy is just waiting just waiting for him to get a little weaker little weaker little weaker and see he doesn't just want to bother you he wants to take you out so he he'll just keep waiting until he feels you don't have a fighting chance and then he'll pour it on and he'll bring it from the side and from that side and from this side why his plan is to overwhelm you and to destroy you he is a killer isn't he the thief comes to be what steal and kill and to destroy but he has to he has to wait to you weak because when you're strong it just doesn't do him much good now what if you and I were smart what if we had some smart spiritual smarts we would keep him waiting indefinitely because while he's waiting for us to get weak we just get stronger oh come on now and stronger and he keeps waiting for us to get weaker and we don't get weaker we get stronger and stronger until we live our whole life and run our whole race and finish our course and leave our body it's like that y'all can plate it now I'm through with it but millions of Christians laying out of church they're not reading their Bible and I'm praying and I'm praising and worshipping God they're getting weaker every day a little bit weaker a little bit weaker a little bit weaker it's not so noticeable cuz it happens gradually and then BOOM and then boom boom boom and a lot of folk don't make it that's why if you were smart you would read your chapter every every day you'd read it with gusto and faith you you and every service you'd be there unless the Lord told you something else every sir ever you wouldn't miss a one are you with me and everything the Lord told you to do to build yourself up you would do it and week after week instead of getting weaker you'd get stronger and you'd get stronger and the Lord would be reinforcing you for the days to come and the months and the years ahead and what would happen is nothing would happen that you are not prepared for and strong to deal with oh come on are you listening you would be ready and you would be able and so you would overcome and you would overcome and you would overcome and you would overcome and you a triumph again and again and win come on now you'd be healed and delivered and have victory again and again that stool of God for all of us all of us all of us no no listen to this is it God's will to heal off what will get you through the worst sickness and problem a strong spirit is it his will for you to be strong or weak if it's God's will for you to be strong in fact just studying today I saw easily nearly forty references where the Lord said be strong I never saw what swear he said be weak if I am strong and my spirit is strong how could it be God's will for me to perish with diseases and problems because if I'm strong in my spirit I'm gonna overcome them oh can you see this we're sure it's God's will for all of us to be healed because of the strong spirit now I want to go into this a little further in back up to proverbs 4 where you were just reading now getting anything out of this is this stirring you up stirs me up proverbs 4 you will need this for yourself for your family for your friends for people you meet your co-workers that semester what do you mean you will not know you will need this no question about it for yourself your family somebody you're gonna need it and it would it would be wise to pay attention and you get it in you you may need to share what I'm sharing with you with somebody tomorrow in proverbs 4 he said his words are life to those that find them his words are health our medicine to all their flesh now keep on reading but the very next verse verse 23 what do you say keep your heart now he's not talking about your physical blood pump he's talking about your inner inner part of your being I mean what what is the heart of a watermelon it's the center it's the core what is the heart of a pine tree or oak tree it's the center it's the core the the inner part of your being keep that keep your heart with all diligence now when the Lord tells you to keep something with all diligence don't you suppose there's a good reason why keep your heart with all diligence four out of it out of what out of your heart out of the the inner part of your being are the issues of life the issues of life put that up on the screen on in the amplified if you would please can you put the amplified up for us keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard for out of it flow the Springs of life where does the life that is in your flesh come from it comes from God but it comes from God to your spirit and through your spirit to your body what happens when the spirit leaves the body bodies dead it has no life now think about it the brain is still there but it's dead so the brain is not the source of life for the body I find it amusing that people make such a huge deal and they they talk about the brain that all the inventions of man and the science developments have come out of those two or three pounds of gray matter absolutely not no you're not a brain the brain is an organ like your heart or your lung or your kidney and you will be you and have your full mind and faculties without a brain the Lord tarries is coming and you die and your brain is decomposing in the ground you will still have your mind wherever you are you are a spirit if you mind if I take a little more time with this you are a spirit and the life that's in your flesh comes out from God out of your spirit your heart he said guard your heart watch over it keep it with diligence why because out of your heart comes the life that's in your flesh so what about the condition of your spirit does it affect your body Oh medical science is just beginning to learn this just beginning to learn that there's a lot more to the condition of the body and how it's affected in what it does who heals up who don't make it they're just beginning to see and know there's a lot more going on here than just the chemical or electrochemical or the physical it's the spirit I said it's the spirit well what about the weaker your spirit is it does it affect your body absolutely weaker your spirit is the weaker your immune system is gonna be did you hear me the weaker the the electrical energy the chemical electrical energy that goes to your heart your brain your lungs what about if your spirit gets stoked up what if any spirit gets strong gets infused with life is that going to affect your body the life that's in your flesh comes out of your inside your spirit your heart could God quicken you enough on the inside that life would just flood out into your body and overcome the disease yes and yes glory to God what you think for the Lord has opened our eyes to these these truths and we we're not just limited to understanding of the natural but there's a spirit God is a spirit you are a spirit your spirit can be made very strong and that affects your flesh read it one more time with me put the amplified up there again keep and guard your heart with all vigilance why why would you need to do that what if you don't do that hmm what if you don't watch about what's going into you or what's not going into you and you let your heart you let your spirit get in bad shape he said guard it now that the amplified brings it above all that you guard it's the most important part of you and what you are it's more important than your mind is more important than your body is more important than any other part of your being you are a spirit you have a mind your inner body well where does that life come from out of your heart how do you spirits out of it flow the Springs of life the only reason your eyelids are moving and your heart is beating and everything you see my hands moving is because I'm in this body you in your body I'm looking at you through these two windows we call eyes you're looking at me through those two windows but you're not a body you're in a body you're not just a brain you have a brain you're not just a mind you have a mind you are a spirit spirits need spirit food spirits need to be fed spirits need to be nourished how can I get my spirit strong do you see the importance of getting me strong if you do you're going to immediately want to know that next answer that next question how do I get my spirit strong go to first Timothy please now we have a series on how to develop a strong spirit and I believe we have some of that in the word supply and we have it available on-line you can download it for free at the website it's a how many tape series I don't know but it's several and five somebody say five I should ask twit he would know fine so that that's that's available much more than I can go into in just a few moments here but this is the high point first Timothy the fourth chapter what's going to get you through something that's just trying to tear your body apart something that's chewing up your organs and spitting them out I mean something that's destroying your blood I mean I'm going to spend these things these diseases are mean they're devilish they'll they'll chew your insides up they'll destroy you if they can is there anything stronger that was too weak is there anything stronger than these diseases to destroy yes yes there's the life of God there's the life of God it's stronger than this stuff it's stronger than what drugs do to your system I mean you took enough drugs long enough the very sales of your being cry out for it and demand it is there something stronger than that chemical oh come on is that is there something stronger the nicotine or alcohol or crack or our heroin or cocaine is there anything stronger than that yes yes the same power that makes the Sun Shine the same power that keeps gravity going and makes your heart beat again that power is way more than enough to overcome that craving and that disease I learned this some years ago I had the privilege of beginning in the first days of my ministry I mean the first day I was in full-time ministry was in brother Kenneth Hagins ministry in the healing school and that's what I did day after day after day so we're working to help people to get healed and it took me some time people that come in and they're they're giving up to die they they look terrible they feel terrible and we're trying to get them healed and so I'm working trying what can we do to get the body changed but I'm not a doctor I'm not a surgeon I'm not a pharmacist I don't know about drugs see the whole medical field is working on the body from the outside it's all I know right physical effects physical and it took me a little while to see that's not my job I'm not trained in medicine I'm not trained in surgery I'm that's not my job what is my job my job is to begin to work with the Lord to get them built up only inside because divine healing is healing from the inside when God heals you where is he he's already inside you isn't he mister God healed me well where was he he's inside you his Spirit is already in your spirit so his life is already in you said out loud I've got the life of God in me say it again I've got the life of God in me let's said together I've got the life of God in me in me now it's obvious that that level of God life is at varying places in people and that life of God has been stronger in you than at other times in your life and that affects your spirit and that affects your body how would you get your spirit built up if you had let it get become weak first Timothy and the fourth chapter first Timothy 4 and 6 first Timothy 4:6 if you put the Brethren in remembrance of these things you shall be a good minister of Jesus Christ nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine word to you have attained what would good ministers do they're going to do something that's going to nourish you nourish and build up in the words of fact that doesn't mean every sermon has to be on the subject of faith but every sermon is from faith and out of faith and in faith and to faith faith is of the spirit it's not mental you don't believe God with your mind faith is not of the mind now the minds involved in it but faith is not of the month anybody remember Romans 10:10 Romans 10:10 says far with the heart man believes right what do you believe God with you don't believe God you know too much your physical blood pump you can't believe God with your physical heart any more than you can believe God with your kidney with you long he's telling my your spirit the inner part of your being what you are who you are you believe God with your heart with the heart man it's not mental faith is not mental it's not just based on what you know you can know a bunch of stuff and be full of fear and doubt you can know a bunch of scriptures and be full of fear and you make quoting scriptures and be full of fear faith is of the heart can you tell a person whose spirit is strong and whose faith is strong it's not intellectual its spiritual but it's real I said it's real and I'm gonna give you some real basic indicators of it and it'll help you to monitor yourself and know what's working and what's not there indications obvious indicators of whether you're getting stronger or whether you're getting weaker obvious and thank god there's something you can do about it Neri stop he said in the words of faith keep reading verse 7 refuse profane and old wives fables now he talked about two different things that you're eating spiritually nourished up in the words of faith are a bunch of junk it's not worth anything and the more serious your situation the more selective you ought to be about what you are seeing and what you are listening to the directions for taking God's medicine my son attend to my whose words whose words his work my words how many Christians instead of that have attended to the doctor's words I thank God for doctors don't misunderstand me but sometimes they're just looking at the natural and they were telling them nothing can be done there's no hope last stage and people go home and think about those words only and ignore God's words it makes sure it makes your spirit week it drains you and you need something to nourish you up no let me say it again thank God for doctors if it wasn't for doctors and nurses and medicines a whole bunch of us wouldn't be in here tonight do whatever the Lord tells you to do about letting the doctor help you are the medicine or the operation but don't let any man's word be your last word write and follow the directions and attend to his were What did he say did he say anything about you living a long time and being satisfied or being healed or being delivered then that's what you've got to keep in front of your eyes don't let them depart from your eyes you got to keep it there night and day and take it why because that will feed life right into your spirit it'll strengthen you inside it's the difference between living and dying you're dying prematurely how did do you get your spirit strong same way you get your physical body strong by eating exercising but eating spirit food and exercising spiritually for seven refuse profane and old wives fables and exercise yourself rather unto godliness for bodily exercise profits little but godliness is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come is he comparing natural nourishment to spiritual nourishment is the comparing bodily exercise to spiritual exercise yes he is could see the the body is patterned after the spirit the things you and I see and know are patterned after spiritual realities not the other way around well just like you can feed your body and exercise your body and it'll become stronger you can feed your spirit and exercise your spirit and it will become stronger it's no wonder so many folk spirits a weak because they don't even know there are spirit they make no effort to feed their spirit much less exercise it and so their weak weak weak weak but you can become very strong on the inside jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God his words feed your spirit how many believe when you read your chapter every day it feeds your spirit huh when you come to church it feeds your spirit we're hearing his words it's is it nourishing us if it's the Word of God if it's revelation of his word if it's in enough faith it does something to you it nourishes you it feeds you not not just your body it affects your body but it feeds your spirit I will never forget the first time I heard a tape that had faith in it back in the 70s I got going to church for years but I didn't know anything about this I heard a man teaching on faith and I listened to the whole thing I didn't even know anybody else that listened to tapes never heard of such thing and I listened to it and when I got to I didn't understand half of what the man said but I knew that something fed something inside of me and I became an addict to this day got to have my word fix because it's life to me it's life to me and health to all my flesh now have you ever noticed though some people can read a scripture and it's just kind of flat and boring and other people can read a scripture and glory to God you can you think read another one brother read some more why because there's life coming out of it I used to think that when I said under brother Hagin teaching he he just read the chapter and I'm getting revelation while he's reading think or he did God why because he's reading with faith people can just say stuff and just be reading come on it's off at the top of their head but people can be saying something out of their spirit with faith and anointing in life what does that do out of spirit in the spirit spirit the spirit flesh the flash head to head spirit to spirit we don't want to just be an intellectual mental church there's too many of them oh dear me the Bible warns us about genealogies and and words and disputing of words and dissecting things until the wee hours of the morning to impress somebody with our in-depth knowledge the spirit of a person more important than their doctrine the spirit of a person your spirit more important than your head and what you think you know you can believe God and get healed and never know what was wrong with you never even have the foggiest idea what it might have taken to find a cure because nobody could even find out what was wrong you can still be healed because no matter what it is the power of God is bigger and stronger the life of God is greater I need a few extra minutes tonight can you can you spare let me give you some definitions and then we're going to act on something here we're actually going to feed and exercise our spirit actively tonight before we get through are you ready for the we've been feeding but we're going to take it a step further and feed and exercise three main things about getting your spirit built up and strong number one you have to eat the right thing the e.r tastes words like the mouth tastes food and the words you hear are either putting the right thing into you or the wrong thing you think words can put faith in you or they can take it away words can put fear in you and doubt or they can put faith words can minister death to you or they administer life to you they administer joy and peace or depression and anxiety what you listen to what you watch and read and listen to is helping you or hurting you right put yourself on a diet of good solid word of God words of faith hmm read your own chapter in faith feed yourself in faith and be in a place where you get fed faith and life and revelation and when you need more get somewhere where you can get more right and forget about shopping and working in the flower bed and watching movies and doing other stuff till you get yourself built up because if you don't it could be too late get busy getting yourself full of the world remember a woman testifying one time I she looked like she should have been gone two weeks ago when she first came skin and bone not enough strength to to get herself around and she stayed with us healing school week after week after week after week after month and she just begin to blossom like a flower in the sunshine I'm telling you her color beginning to come back she begin to gain weight and she stood up and testified everybody that has been around knew a miracle had happened in this woman you'd have to be blind not to think so it's obvious and she stood up she said I guess I just got so full of the learned until there was no more room for the cancer and we shouted for ten minutes it's true just got just pumping into their pump hours a day just hearing and hear it's not because it takes so much of the word it's because so many times people are not receiving it a lot coming but they're not receiving it because of wrong thinking and filtering but if you'll just stay with it long enough the Lord will help you you'll open up you'll change and you'll get it and you'll find it and it'll be life to you and medicine to all your flesh eating number two exercising how do you exercise spiritually one of the best ways to exercise spiritually is with your confession your words what you say how'd you get born again you believed in your heart and you said it with your mouth what'd you say speaking in tongues is a good spiritual exercise praising and worshipping God is a good spiritual exercise every time you're exercising faith you're exercising your spirit walking in love walking in joy all the fruit of the Spirit is exercising now finally and it took me a while to learn this I thought man you do that you've got it made you feed your spirit good and you exercise it good you'll get strong you got it made and after several years of teaching that the Lord said you leaving something out I said help me please he said you can do all that and still be weak I thought what no he said yeah you can feed yourself and exercise yourself and still be weak I thought how look what he said drains drains he said what if you got a lot of water coming in the tub but you got just as much going out of the tub down the drain it's not gonna fill up right before you can fill it up you've got to stop the drain there are things that will drain your spirit you you can get built up good in the surface tonight you can build yourself good up good reading your chapter and praying in the spirit and there's some things you can do that'll just SAP you like you didn't even do it let me mention a few of them tell you fear fear will drain you worry will drain you you can sit in the chair and worry about something and it'll just it's like pulling the plug on your spiritual energy it'll let's drain you worry and fear too many involvement too many irons in the fire doing - all kind of stuff the Lord never told you to do running here and running there and doing this and staying on the phone all day about nothing did you hear me doing everything that everybody asked you to do getting involved in every project in every program it'll wear you out and it won't be the Lord's fault he didn't tell you didn't ask him whether you should do it or not you just did it it'll drain you it'll wear you out and here's one of the biggest ones strife oh boy you can read all of Isaiah and Matthew and Philippians you can pray in tongues for four hours and get so built up that you feel like you're about floating and you can cut you can get it in the argument with somebody and you can yeah yeah and fuss and get intense and heated strife for 15 minutes and you go sit down in a chair you feel like you're so weak you can't even bar to get up is this right or not strife will absolutely drain you and the devil knows it what if he can keep you in strife all the time and you're not feeding your spirit either oh it won't take long until you are critically weak and easy prey for anything that comes down the road that's why the love is not though the love suggestion it's the love come man minute you do not have to fight and fuss with people you don't have to it takes two and you can be a nun participating party huh no matter what may have happened over Christmas go to Psalms 27 now we're ready to act on this right now are you ready we're gonna act on this and something's gonna happen while you're acting on this your spirit is gonna get supercharged it's gonna get quickened just watch and see your spirit is gonna get life quickening because it's in the word Psalm 27 are you there before I read this Joel 3:10 said let the weak say I am strong let the weak do what think about being strong let the weak what Joel 3:10 have you got it put it up if you got it Joel 3:10 Joel 3:10 I quoted it was it saying let the weak do what say I am strong what if you were really really weak what if you're really really lost believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead and say with your mouth jesus is my Lord and I'm saying what if you're really really weak say it out loud I am strong now when you're saying that you're not just saying your words you say in his words is there life in these words what if you said it in faith could strength be manifested in you all right this is one of the most exciting things I have I've participated in in the healing ministry I've seen people completely bed fast couldn't whisp could barely push bed to put your ear right over their mouth even who hear what they're saying and after 30 minutes of doing what you and I are about to do they were standing by the bed talking so loud you could hear them two houses down and then talk about hearsay I was there I saw it last stages of cancer and then after that got better and better and gained weight and back in the ministry glory to God and what we did is what we're going to do right now same thing same thing so don't quit now don't leave them some twenty what would I say that's that's too far in go to 18 don't want you to miss this one let the week do what let them say I am struck why would you say it why would you say it the strong spirit of a man will sustain him in bodily pain or trouble why would you say why you're saying it you're hearing it it's feeding your spirit it's nourishing up while you're saying it you believe it you're exercising your spirit you're feeding your spirit you're exercising your spirit what's that supposed to do to you what will it do to you it will strengthen you not theory it will strengthen you Psalm 18 are you there we're going to act on these we're gonna say them out loud Psalm 18 and 32 does it say it is God that Gerdes me with strength and makes my way perfect different I'm gonna lead you in this we're gonna say it but we're not just saying it to hear the sound bounce off of our ears we're using our spirit we're using our faith this is not does not be a time to quit and look around and not be a participator because doing this verse a specific effect said out loud it is God who Gerdes me with strength he Gerdes me with strength listen to the English version he says he is the God who makes me strong who makes my pathway safe the Living Bible said he fills me with strength and protects me wherever I go said out loud he fills me with strength close your eyes said out loud he fills me with strength he fills me with strength he fills me with strength he fills me with strength he fills me with strength he fills me with strength he is the God who makes me strong he's the God who makes me strong do you hear this at the grocery store and a restaurant and working by people what what do you hear and I feel weak today I don't know what it is but I just been feeling draggy and we and so people think nothing about that you hear it everywhere why would the enemy be bringing these thoughts to people continuously so they'll say it and so what we're just so weak it's if people don't think anything about but if you stand up and say I'm strong in the Lord whoa what what did you say that for well why did you say I'm so weak I can't hardly walk today why did you say that so even that well that's normal if you want to be weak if you want something different you got to say something different life and deaths and the power of the tongue isn't it said out loud he makes me strong he fills me with strength he guards me with strength glory to God go to Psalm 27 write these down write these down so you can use them for yourself or somebody else Psalm 27 and 127 1 oh what a good one the Lord is my light and my salvation whom and what shall I be afraid of what's the understood answer to that nothing why what's the next part say the Lord is the strength of my life of whom of what will I be afraid nothing because he is the strength of my life said out loud the Lord is the strength of my life now close your eyes said out loud with me the Lord is the strength of my life sit again the Lord is the strength of my life the Lord is the strength of my life the Lord is the strength of my life the Lord is the strength of my life he's the strength of my life what if you said that night and day no matter what you felt let the weak say what do the weak normally say I'm weak I'm hurting I feel bad I don't know what's wrong that is I don't feel like doing it then I just feel so weak the Bible tells the weak to say something else the Bible tells you and me if we feel weak or look weak or are weak in the natural to say I am struck now that's a very different thing from begging God to strengthen you he never told you to beg him to strengthen you he told you to say something he told you to say that you are strong are weak quoting scriptures right here reading that out of the Bible how could that be bad the Lord is the strength of my life he's the strength of my life he's the strength of my spirit he's the strength of my mind he's the strength of my heart and my lungs and my blood my kidneys he's the strength of my immune system he's the strength of my emotions never again say you're weak in any area of your life the Wicker you feel the more you say I'm strong I'm strong in the Lord the Lord is the strength of my life the Lord is the strength of my you you have to keep saying is you say it two or three times and your head will say we've said it okay we've said it going to something you say shut up shut up I'm not saying this for the benefit of my head I don't believe God with my head it's not knowledge that gets you through bodily pain and trouble did you hear that it is not knowledge it's a strong spirit faith is of the heart and you said how would you know it's working in you oh you won't have to ask if you have to ask somebody you need to close your eyes as to keep saying it when it starts working in you when the word the word of God is quick it's alive it's powerful when it starts working in you you know it you know it immediately you begin to feel stronger now but before I go further and I know I'm taking extra time but I'm doing it on purpose I'm on I'm on a mission here hmm so stay with me and then judge it all later hmm uh how can you tell if you're weak weak in your spirit your spirit is fearful anxious you dread your spirit is depressed dragonus when you're weak in your spirit you don't want to do anything you're lazy you have no incentive you have no excitement is this describing any conditions your week you all you think about and talk about its what's wrong and what's bad you talk about quitting you think about giving up there's no use in going on that is all the fruit of a weak spirit let me tell you how you are when your spirit gets strong though when your spirit is strong there's peace peace is evidence of a strong spirit and joy joy the Bible says the joy of the Lord what about someone that's really depressed they're weak spiritually the joy of the Lord is your strength and when you're strong in your spirit you have a freshness about you you have a confidence about you you're ready to take on a big job you're ready to clean out the closet you ready to tackle the garage and look behind the shelves right nobody look do years and when you wait you look at it and go oh another day hmm when you're strong in your spirit you're ready to tackle it and confident and yes we can and yes we will no way no need and fooling with that ain't even bothering with that what is that weak spirit weak spirit weak spirit sits in the tent and cries and goes they're big they're too big that the wall is too tall order no way there ain't no way what a strong spirit say Caleb and Joshua come up yes we can that their defense is departed from them God's with us come on let's go get it strong spirit weak spirit it's obvious you don't have to have a word of knowledge or have a vision it's obvious when you're strong or when you're weak but if you're so weak you just have no vision so that that's what people get mad when somebody that's full of faith and vision comes along talking about we're gonna believe for for jets and yachts and we're gonna play for big properties they go oh next people mad because it shows up how weak they are and they're your vision is so out but than your faith and strength is out beyond theirs NATO they don't want to put forth any effort to get strong they just want to come up with a new doctrine and why it's not for everybody and it's not the will of God anyway and that's why it is so popular there's no fault religion no matter what happens it's not your fault it's the mysterious unknowable will of God and all the week one said - right not our fault that's right you just never know I'm not through where are you glory to God Psalm there's a bunch of these but Psalm 29 let me just give you two or three more here Psalm twenty nine and eleven Psalm twenty nine eleven the Lord will give strength to his people the Lord will bless his people with peace the amplified says the Lord will give unyielding and impenetrable strength to his people said out loud he gives me unyielding strength impenetrable strength he gives me on failing strength he makes me strong he makes me strong he gives me strength glory to God go to Psalm 71 now the ideal situation on this is to do just what we're doing for an hour at least most people that takes them that long to finally get their mind quiet and begin to say what they're saying with a little faith and if you've never done it before then you don't know what I'm talking about but I'm telling you you can sit in your chair at home right by yourself and just sit there and go I am strong in the Lord I am strong I am strong he is the strength of my life you can sit there and do that for two hours and then come tell me just like you can sit there and worry and fear for two hours and feel like you can't he got enough strength to get to the bed you can lay there and praise Him and worship Him and say you're my strength o God you are everlasting strength you're the strength of my spirit in my mind and my life you quicken me you make me full of strength you make me strong I'm strong in you I'm strong in you you do that for an hour strength will literally come out of him through your spirit into your body mister are you saying it actually will affect my physical body yes yes it will affect your organs your bloodstream your brain cells yes yes according to how much faith you say it in you could sit there and go I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong strong yeah yeah I'm strong and strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong how many is that how many is that well it's gonna take you an exceedingly long time to get any benefit out of that if you do because it's not just motormouth in it it's faith that's when we say when you read your chapter you don't just speed-read it and scan it what do you do you sit down and you go thank you Lord for this precious Holy Word it's life to me it's health and medicine to all my flesh open it up to me help me to see it and how to put it into practice in Jesus name and then you read each word and you savor it you're not in a hurry you read it out loud you show it respect you expect something to happen when you read it and according to what you put into it that's what you get so I'm 71 are you there some 71 I've got about two more of these can you take Psalm 71 and sixteen oh I like this some 71 sixteen says I will go in the strength of the Lord God say it out loud I will go in the strength of the Lord God now friend there will be multitudes of times when this is applicable there will be time and time when the enemy would come and tell you you can't go you you don't have the money you don't have the resources you don't have the opportunity you can't go what do you say come on ah we'll go I will go in the strength of the look there will be times when if it's up to you making it happen it ain't happening cuz you the strength is not in you it's not in your mind it's not in your body it's not in your pocketbook and the devil will tell you and it will look like it it will feel like it that you can't go and you can't do it and that's the time when from the inside of you you say I will go I will go I will go on I will go through I will go how how you gonna do it how you going to in the strength of the Lord God the greater one is inside me he's bigger than anything against me said out loud with me I will go in the strength of the Lord go sit again I will go in the strength of the Lord yeah but you can't go on ah well I will go see you just not saying this based on your muscles you're not saying this based on what you feel you're saying this based on the Word of God that's keeping the sun shining in the world turning and if there's enough power in that word to do that it's enough power to put a spark back in your body come on now it's enough power to quicken your legs and your arms just start whatever needs to be jump-started there will be times when thoughts and feelings come and say you can't go you can't go I've had it happen to me you can't go on this meeting you're in no shape to do this you can't do this you can't make that trip you can't you you're not in shape spiritually you're not in shape mentally physically you can't do it you don't have the resources I will go so you go ahead and get ready to go anyway looks like there's no way but you get ready to go there's no money but you plan to do it come on now and you keep saying we will do it we will do it we will do it we will go we will go yeah but you're old yeah but we'll go in the strength of the log yeah but you're broke yeah but we'll go we will go in the strength of the Lord yeah but you're ignorant uneducated yeah but I will go and I'll make it in the strength of the Lord God say it one more time with me I will go in the strength of Lord God Psalm 84 Psalm 84 there's so many of these but I wanted you to have these in particular to stir yourself up on some 84 and 7 Psalm 84 7 was it saying they go from strength to strength every one of them in Zion appears before God the English version says they grow stronger as they go the living says they will grow constantly in strength said out loud I go from strength to strength I am going from strength to strength this said out loud together close your eyes I'm going from strength to strength all it's working I'm going from strength to strength I'm going from strength to strength the devil says you just getting weaker every day say I'm going from strength to strength I'm going from strength to strength I'm going from strength to strength I'm going from strength to strength I'm going from strength to strength I'm going from strength to strength I'm growing stronger I'm increasing in strength now you got to say that when you feel weak let the weak say that let the weak say I'm getting stronger I'm going from strength to strength I'm getting stronger I'm getting stronger you specially need to say it when you feel weaker than you've ever failed you say I'm getting stronger I'm getting stronger I'm getting stronger I'm getting stronger I'm going from strength to strength to strength to strength I'm going from level to level of strength I'm getting stronger I'm getting stronger I'm getting stronger I'm getting stronger and getting stronger glory to God New Testament Philippians 4:13 Philippians if you think this is too long tonight you might want to consider that you're not the only one here and there may be people that need this more than you do and you may need it more than you think you do I don't believe them just wasting your time sunset off besides that what would you be rushing from to are you going to be saying something that's good you can Philippians 4:13 do you have it marked what does it say I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me there will be things that tell you you can't that you've gone as far as you can go and that may be true in your own strength but you can do what seems impossible you can go and do all things listen to the amplified amplified I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me I am ready for anything and equal to anything through him who infuses inner strength into me say that loud I can do all things I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me stand up on your feet please we're not through said out loud I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I can do anything everything through The Anointed One who infuses me with strength with strength I can do it I can do it through Christ who strengthens me I can do it I can do it through Christ who strengthens me the devil I tell you you can't talk to them about that you can't you Kate what would you say what do you what are you saying I can't I can do it through with some help through Christ who strengtheneth about the Lord you can't tell them about healing what would you say I can do oh then I can do it I can do it you can't go and tell them the truth and admit what you did and only you you can't do that I can I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I can do it you can't go to your boss and talk about that yes that through Christ I can do all things through him who strengthens me [Music] hallelujah and finally you don't have to turn there you know it if he's in 610 put it up on the board for us Ephesians 6:10 anybody know it what does it say the King James first of all be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might the living says your strength must come from the Lord's mighty power within you draw your strength from him that strength which his boundless might provides close your eyes say it again I am strong in the Lord and the power of his might now we're gonna say this several times so say it with me out loud I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong Sid again I am strong Sid again I am strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the power of his might I'm strong I'm strong I'm strong I am strong I am strong I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in this mighty power I'm strong I am strong I am strong I am strong I am strong I am strong strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong I am strong I am strong in the Lord I call my body strong I call my kidneys I call my long stroll I call my heart strong I call my digestive system strong I call my immune system strong I call my blood strong strong I call my bones strong I call my joints strong aah hallelujah Oh hallelujah covalent blessing Gaelic blossom damie yummy is C or D I'm strong in the Lord strong in the Lord I am strong come on stay with it just another minute or so I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I am strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I'm strong I am strong my nervous system is strong my brain is strong strong strong I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I am strong I am strong I am strong I am strengthened by His Word I am quickened by his Spirit I'm made full of life and made strong strong by the power of the Lord I am strong in him strong I am strong I am strong I am strong I am strong Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blow - Maya Klee be an honor for : Bremen Ian Geneva ba della clavo McCrory and Rick's need eclectic shutter phenomenon Bernie auntie sneered scary and puffin hands in a comb but blech now this is a time of transition this is a time of moving out of one one way into another this is a time of moving up higher and moving more into Tonka Pasha then amazing a caliche of of the damiana Pasha now is the time of the move of the Spirit this is the year of the move of the Spirit the moving of the Spirit and the manifestation of the power of God and the Spirit of God and the strength of God manifested hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God say I'm strong I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord I'm strong in the Lord hallelujah Cordell elasti que lleva dachi don't fear that yeah I see if you if we would just make this change right here all kind of problems would be spared in our lives I'm seeing particular certain people as they grow older weaknesses of their systems and their bones and their joints if you will start right now instead of saying I'm weak and talking weakness and talking infirmity and inability if you make that adjustment and just take that verse let the weak say and when you feel weak and when you experience weakness if instead of talking like the rest of the world and most of the church if you begin to say I'm strong I call my joints strong I call my blood strong I called my glands and immune system strong if you'll do that as a way of life it will spare you from all kinds of problems as you grow older even believe it or not but it'll take more than just doing what we did here tonight you'll need to do it tomorrow and the next day and next week and you'll catch your pain you go oh man man I tell you what my knees are just weak I don't know I guess I'm just getting old then you're gonna have problems with them they just gonna keep what if you said I called my knees strong in the name of Jesus knees I call you strong strong I call you strong strong in the name of Jesus strong in the name of Jesus I mean jump on it with both feet say it twice as much then strong strong you talk strength you talk life can you save me father we come on let's praise them a little bit father we praise you we bless your Holy Name we give you honor we bless your Holy Name glory to God greater sees it's in me hallelujah Oh greater is he Oh [Music] [Music] see but as we sleep see see that [Music] [Music] whoa I know [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 211,254
Rating: 4.6509638 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Gods, will, to, heal, Pt, 2, The, Strong, Spirit
Id: AgGlzIuhSag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 12sec (7272 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2012
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