Kat Von D's husband is garbage

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Agreed. He is garbage. His music is garbage and his wife is garbage too. Everything that comes out of his and her mouth is uttter crap and they are both cancelled

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bionic36 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2019 đź—«︎ replies
[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be discussing Kat Von D's husband now since apparently like the title of my other video was I'm Chris Hansen here we're not going to be monitoring predators as much as we're gonna be monitoring shitty parents so who better to begin with then Kat Von D's husband first and foremost Kat Von D is a tattoo artist an artist a model musician author anyway she's really known for her tattoos and her makeup above all a while ago she married a guy called Lee first Sayre now Lee first air is not his real name his real name is violet a yes so Lee first layer is just his real name and I find that is backwards very original I know the American author artist and musician raised and credited with creating the cholo goth on row of music I had no idea who this guy was before he married Kat Von D I still barely know who he is he has a band called prayers that's really all you need to know about him in terms of background I was under the impression that he only had one child because if you follow Kat von whooping-cough you'll see that they only really post about one kid well it turns out that he has another child not with Kat von whooping-cough but with someone else he has a daughter the thing is she's incredibly difficult to find I was searching the internet endlessly and I couldn't find anything of up-to-date or new or relevant however what was brought to my attention is that leave for say er a garbage human-being as you'll see has pulled some really fucked-up [ __ ] with his daughter the main two pieces of evidence are gonna be interacting with our two particular interviews now I really like interviews because it allows people to really shoot themselves in the foot you know because they get asked a question and they answer the question and if they [ __ ] up or give away too much it's just their own fault and we're gonna see that happen right here so there was this piece on a noisy which is connected to Vice so you know the quality of that it is a their long interview and I'm only gonna read certain parts so everything will be linked below the journalist asks him your 2011 book living dangerously is also seeing new life at the Art Show what does the book mean to you failure goes on to say that the book hurts too much and he can't read it anymore and you might think why why is that well let me tell you prepare your little cup of measles because [ __ ] is about to come out one of his lyrics states deceived by my own so they could [ __ ] my daughter and then he says I'm talking about the guys that were supposed to be my friends we were supposed to be having each other's back and they were [ __ ] my daughter I just found I saw my daughter a couple days ago I hadn't seen her in four years because of what she did to me and how she hurt me and betrayed me it's important to know that Sayer was also connected to gangs so he was around incredibly dangerous type people from reading this you'd say oh that's [ __ ] up his daughter had sex with his friends right because he would assume that if he said had sex with it means that she could consent therefore she was above the age of consent and could choose to have sex with someone right wrong she was underage I saw a tweet about her being underage but I needed to find some evidence so I found this interview so this interview is set up in a little bit differently because it's not question answer but it's a lot of his answers just compiled linked below also and Sayre says this album was me finding a way to cope with the things that were happening in my life at the moment he said referring to amongst other things an estrangement from his now 21 year old daughter that still stings this article was published January 22nd 2018 if this was published in 2018 and the daughter was 21 at the time the book was published the 2011 book we just heard of before that means that his daughter was 13 so let's let this sink in he does not speak to his daughter anymore because she betrayed him by having sex with his adult ass middle aged probably men when she was 13 or younger because if the book was published in 2011 it could have happened far earlier which in turn means that she did not have sex with she was raped by your friends you piece of [ __ ] sorry this gets me worked up finding out about this was so disgusting and disappointing in mind you have no real faith in cat bon measles you know like apart from the non vaccinating kids like that's a very poor choice however to marry someone like this really is that what you want for your child a parent who says I you betrayed me because you're his friends raped his daughter really amongst other things that are wrong with Leifer Sayre their claims that he's a Nazi because he does have swastika some people say that it's not actually a Nazi swastika because he also has the Star of David Kat Von D herself is problematic but we're not really gonna go into that because like I said this is about her husband honestly I don't really think someone can redeem themselves after saying stuff like this in interviews you know not talking to a daughter who's 21 because she was raped by her friends when she was 13 to me that's irreparable like you're a piece of garbage and that's it and I don't like canceling people but sometimes there's a good reason and I'd say that this is one anyway moving on to a lighter part of Leifer say err in digging for this video I sat through a few strange interviews of him you know he just really reminds me of those kinds of people who are saying a lot but they're really saying nothing you know like they'll go on for 20 minutes and you'll be wondering what really did they say you can summarize it in like a sentence Leifer ser might be one of the craziest people in terms of interviews I genuinely cannot believe some of the things he says I almost want to think it's satire but in an interview being satirical would be a little bit dangerous because usually people kind of take interviews at face value so what we're about to read listen to this do you consider yourself a musician first or an artist first the magical leaf responds I don't consider me any of that [ __ ] I consider myself a [ __ ] magician an alchemist I'm not a [ __ ] musician I'm a magician and I'm not a [ __ ] artist I'm an alchemist I [ __ ] the create period artists they were to [ __ ] school musicians they were to [ __ ] school none of that [ __ ] this talent this [ __ ] is god-given mind you he's also stated in an interview that he's Luciferian so I don't know why he would want his talent to come from God and not Lucifer but anyway I didn't go and [ __ ] spend 10 years tracing the same [ __ ] [ __ ] over and over time I mastered it with my closed eyes I didn't go and [ __ ] play the same [ __ ] notes over and over until my fingers just memorize them everything that I do comes from a primitive source a primitive [ __ ] spot in my Center then why I choose to open it it [ __ ] creates and makes songs the pretension of this man I swear to God this type of [ __ ] just it seems like it's from a movie or there's a pretentious character who's really not that talented who's like oh this is god-given I'm great but then you're like I didn't even listen to his music so this is not a comment on his music but a little humility never really hurt anyone and you know maybe someone should explain to him what that is I also love that within this thing of I'm a magician I'm an alchemist he also shades going to school which I'm like there's nothing wrong with going to school to learn a craft and if you're so talented via God because you have this god-given talent you'd probably benefit a lot from going to school so you can get even more talented reading this type of [ __ ] and comparing it to his actions against his daughter it starts to paint a bigger picture because I understand now that the self-importance of this man is not only boundless but it seems all encapsulating in the sense that some people are very full of themselves but they still have moments of lucidity of clarity you know moments where they're acting not like a piece of [ __ ] it doesn't seem like he has these moments it seems more like this is his entirety I don't know if it's because he's with Kat Vaughn whooping cuff now I don't know if something went to his head but to me this is crazy the thing with the daughter like I said ruins everything but on top of that we have the self-importance that you wonder where did that come from like who made you feel like you're all of that okay so listen to this then they asked him so you have separate spirits for art music and writing and he says we all do whether we can have more than one spirit I obviously know the spirit of the warrior because I was I was pretty [ __ ] I have the spirit of the artist which is kind of interesting because as far as I recall five seconds ago he says like he's neither a musician or an artist he says he's an alchemist so I'm kind of curious as to why he didn't specify earlier but anyway he then says and this is the most fake deep thing you're gonna hear today what happens is in society we lose sight of that the fact that we have spirits because we're not connected with nature we're not connected with even ourselves we're connected with materialistic things and all the [ __ ] that's on TV it's [ __ ] up we live in a society where our fathers kill each other gangs and the military so this kind of makes sense as to why him and Kat von whooping-cough don't want to vaccinate their children because clearly this guy has some nostalgia for like the days of yore or something you know like I know this is petty poking fun at him at this point because what he says is so idiotic that you almost don't really know what to say about it but I'm genuinely so mystified by the fact that someone like this who abandons their daughter after the daughter had a traumatic event happen who just abandons her and then acts so self-important and like he's this wise man that's here to impart this knowledge on poor idiots like us just makes me angry not only because I was abandoned by my father too but different story but because it's so preachy that you almost think how does this guy sleep at night you know like he abandoned his daughter and on top of abandoning his daughter he's also acting like he has this superiority to everyone else which is not only incorrect but highly highly delusional of him to believe in the first place honestly when I found out this information about his daughter I was shook I really I didn't really think that he would have this kind of skeleton in the closet because I've heard very little about it like of all the things that report it oh cap andhis marrying this dude nobody reported this or I didn't come across anything maybe I missed it I'm on the internet a lot so I don't know how I would have missed that okay so last of all and hopefully I don't get copyrighted I'm gonna play a clip from an interview with Lee fer so you get an idea of what he's like because I think that once you see this the interview just makes so much more sense and this is an interview where no one's actually asking questions or they're not inserting where they ask questions it's just him rambling for like seven minutes but I'll link that down below to you and I'm not satanic man that's the other thing too that's another thing that goes around about me people saying that I'm satanic but I'm not and I'm Luciferian which is the god complete something else I am the reason why people are able to think for themselves I am that Apple the atom bit into I am the serpent you know what I'm saying that II listen to if not you'd still be [ __ ] it and in some garden somewhere just unaware of life unaware of yourself so how are you gonna do man eyes me when I gave you the freedom that you have because I'm indigenous to this continent right right because my people we we are the indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere yet we were demonized by the Europeans they came here in 1492 and they're the ones that raped our people right imagine having your daughter be raped and saying that she chose to have sex with your friends and then go on this tirade about how Europe raped your people now that seems to me extremely hypocritical because if you're so empathetic towards these peoples where is this empathy for your daughter I'm just wondering because I don't really see it aside from that he makes this whole point of saying that he's not satanic and he's Luciferian right while there's a difference between being satanic and Luciferian they hold a huge huge huge amount of similarities so the only difference is this and I found this on a website Oh link below it's that famous see the figure of Satan as an emblem of carnality and materiality whereas Luciferians view lucifer as a spiritual and enlightened being one that does indeed rise above mere materiality there's a focus on the material compared to the immaterial that is the essential difference between Satanism and luciferianism so the difference is not enormous and on the contrary they have a huge amount of similarities like they both view human beings as gods they both hold to a set of ethics that includes showing respect to those who deserve it and leaving alone those who have caused no problems they support creativity they reject dogmatic religion our antagonist toward Christianity and view Satan or Lucifer in a different manner than Christians do so they do have a huge amount of similarity so for him to scream about how it's different yeah it's a different but it's not different enough for you to get annoyed with it's not different like being Christian versus Muslim so the difference is not enormous so I don't really know what he was trying to prove with that because you're still then the same sphere I wanted to give a little bit of a rundown about who he is let me know what you think about him let me know if you're a fan or if you ever listen to his music because I'm honestly not gonna bother with what I know I don't want a cent going in his direction let me know what you think about him and Kat von whooping-cough anyway thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the pan are [Music]
Views: 1,089,528
Rating: 4.8264928 out of 5
Keywords: leafar seyer, kat von d, prayers, rafael reyes, kat von d beauty
Id: rytMvRs1lqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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