TI is a creep

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so in today's episode of we're gonna be talking about TI now most recently I've tried to stay away from celebrity type drama so to speak but I think this is a bigger issue than drama to me it speaks to a larger societal issue of which I all think we're aware but I just kind of want to voice my opinion about it because I'm annoyed and I need to have a little bit of a rant and so if you want to scream with me go ahead and scream in the comments so if you didn't know Ti is an American rapper the last song I remember hearing by him I think was whatever you like when I was in fifth grade and as far as I'm concerned I don't remember any other song he's released since then sorry if that sounds shady but I genuinely forgot he existed until I saw this headline the rapper and actor TI prompted widespread outrage after revealing on a podcast that he has accompanied his daughter now 18 to a yearly doctor's appointment to ensure that her hymen is still intact scientists have long condemned so-called virginity testing as violation of a woman's rights as well as a sham procedure unsupported by evidence a virginity exam does not exist says dr. Mora winland an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University in Chicago if someone brought me a girl for a virginity exam I would tell them I can't say either way in a podcast interview that aired on Tuesday TI whose full name is Clifford Joseph Harris jr. said he made yearly trips to the gynecologist with his daughter even though she is now 18 years old and in her first year of college in the United States parents no longer have the right to see a child's medical records after the age of 18 and needed permission to discuss diagnosis and treatments with a doctor or medical provider in the interview t I recall that during the appointment a doctor said he needed such permission to learn about his daughter's hymen and that he told her to provide it the trained and adolescent medicine however is for doctors to see young patients alone so they may discuss such sensitive topics as sexuality or drug use whatever someone wants to do as long as it's consensual and as long as they're being safe and take the precautions it's not anyone's business now of course no parent wants to think of their children having sex the same way that no children really want to think of their parents having sex the difference is that a parent is supposed to protect their children how do you protect your children you give them the information they need you let them know what to do to protect themselves and to protect others and then you just have to hope that they don't [ __ ] up and if they [ __ ] up you help them get through it but this particular way of being makes me feel deeply uncomfortable not only because it's extremely invasive like she's 18 this is extremely invasive but it's also creepy because the vibe I got and this is just my vibe this is just my opinion I could be entirely wrong but the feeling I got which made me extremely nauseated is that it seems like he's almost keeping her virginity if that makes sense like it doesn't seem to me that he's doing this to make sure she's being safe and that she's okay and she's protected or whatever like it doesn't seem like parental worry to me it seems more like he's worried about how it would affect him you know what I mean kind of like oh if she's if she has sex someone will call her a [ __ ] and then that'll reflect badly on me like it seems like it's not to protect her because surely if you're trying to protect your daughter you wouldn't want to make her feel uncomfortable and go in and ask the doctor is the hymen intact first of all cause it's not even accurate cuz breaking your hymen can happen in different situations that aren't related to sex but anyway there are different ways to approach this but here it's just very creepy to me kind of like he owns his daughter's virginity which I just feel like Freud would have a great time dissecting this situation the hymen is a thin membrane that partly covers the entrance to the vagina it can sometimes be torn stretched during sexual intercourse physical activity tampon use or medical procedures the hymen is a rim of tissue that may be more prominent in some women than others dr. quinlin's said people who don't do this for a living don't understand the anatomy it's like earlobes there are tons of different appearances you can tell if someone has had a vaginal delivery but to tell if someone has had vaginal intercourse is not possible she added and then he goes on to say that not every girl is born with a hymen and you know virginity tests aren't accurate this is one article however other interesting story in relation so T is daughter deja hasn't actually out rightly said anything but but I found an article and I saw someone tweeted me her likes what she'd been liking on Twitter and it said they just not said anything publicly about TI's comments but did like two tweets recently discussing the situation one read this is disgusting possessive and controlling woo the second said that is beyond possessive deja is liking of the tweets would make one think she agrees with their views listen when I was 18 I was still a virgin and I was still deeply deeply uncomfortable with talking to my mom about any of that stuff my family's weird we don't really talk about things we just sweep them under the rug and hope for the best and that's why I go to a therapist now considering how uncomfortable I was being a virgin talking about it with my mom I can't imagine how much more uncomfortable I would have been if my mom was like trying to see if I was lying about being a virgin or trying to pinpoint you know when exactly I lost my virginity like that's so weird and just in the end honestly kind of irrelevant because like I said if you're teaching your son or daughter how to take the right precautions and how to be safe when they have sex doesn't really matter as long as they're being safe and hopefully it's a consensual situation and hopefully they're responsible enough they're at an age where they understand the potential consequences of having sex I just can't imagine how she must feel especially with this being such a public thing like it's already [ __ ] up as a whole but I feel like it's even more [ __ ] up to kind of publicly announce that information like it's not your business first of all TI whether your daughter is still a virgin but second of all it's no one else's business like the fact that I know that he does this I don't like that because it's her privacy that you're invading like if she chooses to say I'm lying she's still a virgin or she's not a virgin or she's done this or that that's her story to tell it's not up to you to go out and say oh yeah every year I check on and then this private thing of your daughter's like it's none of anyone's business I don't know it just hits me as weird that he checks it but he also feels okay telling the world about it sorry I know I'm ranting but I just am mystified that humans like this hadn't gone extinct yet okay so here's a quote from ti right after the birthday we celebrate you know usually the day after the party she's enjoying her gifts I put a sticky note on the door guy no tomorrow 9:30 he continued he went out to tell a story about how the doctor always maintains a level of professionalism and made his daughter Dasia sign a document so that her health information can be shared with her father is there anything that you would not want me to know t I said to his daughter at the time see doc ain't no problem the gynecologist made it clear to TI that there are other ways for a woman to break their hymen like riding a bike or sports tee I said he responded by declare she don't ride no horses she don't ride no bikes she don't play no sports just check the hymen please and give me back my results I will say as of her 18th birthday her hymen is still intact TI proudly said there's something of really creepy about this I just can't get over how I would have felt if I were the doctor of a parent and being so aggressively just interested and whether their daughter's hymen was intact I mean does he frame it every time he gets a confirmation that it still is it's just so bizarre to me so what pissed me off further is that TI has a blatant double standard between his son and his daughter because TI and Tiny's fifteen-year-old son King actually admitted in June the soed of their reality show that he's been sexually active for a year while TI was an ecstatic upon hearing the news he eventually laughed at all I don't want any of my children to have sex before it's time for them but who's to say it's time he said however I will definitely feel different about a boy than I will a girl and that's just God's honest truth I don't think there's any father out there who will tell you different see now this pissed me off because first of all I don't think you should have double standards between your children it will always [ __ ] [ __ ] up I mean in certain cases you have to have different standards because of certain circumstances such as mental illness whatever I'm talking about this situation I just don't know how he can with a straight face say you know like I'm gonna feel different about my daughter losing her virginity and therefore let me just keep tabs on whether this thing that's completely irrelevant the hymen which can break without sex I'm just gonna check if that's still intact to give me what a false sense of security I don't understand and for him to laugh off his son having sex but then be so controlling and bizarre about his daughter I don't like that precedent because I also wonder what he's kind of reinforcing in his son's view now we don't know what his son's views are I'm sure his son is a nice boy he's still a boy it's also sending the wrong message to kind of say that women and men should be held at different standards for something that is essentially the same I just don't really think it's a good idea to put one as far more severe than the other you know what I mean it just seems like his daughter having sex is kind of at the end of the world whereas his son having sex is just natural whereas it's natural full stop and of course women can get pregnant so there is that to keep it in mind of course we're all aware of that trust we won't forget that we can get pregnant okay as it feels like he's possessive of something that's not his that's also sexual which makes me feel very strange like I said this is just my interpretation this is not facts the only facts are the things I've read from the articles these are just my opinions but let me know what you think in the comments down below I'm extremely jarred by all of this it makes me feel disgusted frankly so let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right to the fan [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 202,768
Rating: 4.966423 out of 5
Keywords: TI, T.I., Deyjah Harris, Clifford Joseph Harris Jr, news, drama, commentary
Id: 0n259GaCUsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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