Zac Efron is "ugly" now

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i love ready to glare, she always has a great point of view! honestly, it was so fucking disgusting to see how people acted towards zac, especially considering the fact that he has a history of dealing with an ed

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/joana_stewart ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yโ€™all sure he actually did plastic surgery not just a wisdom tooth removal surgery?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CCaC_Ukp ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™s hard not to comment about Zac. Itโ€™s not about him being Ugly, for me itโ€™s the drastic change and wondering why he felt the need to change himself. He looks like an entirely different person.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Jessica_Messica_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to be talking about zac efron something i probably never pictured myself saying but here we are now if you don't know recently there's been pictures or screenshots rather of zac efron circulating on the internet most notably on the cesspool that is twitter and as usual nothing good can come of twitter and basically his face looks different than it did when he was 17. what a massive shock there were people who were kind of coming up with their theories on is it filler did he get plastic surgery is it like a difference in weight and at the end of the day whatever it is it doesn't really matter because the bottom line will forever be he looks different which is expected because he's not 17 anymore and it's not high school musical era anymore which is something i didn't think i'd have to say before we get into this video as you know content like this is often demonetized so i'd like to thank today's sponsor adam and e adam and eve is america's favorite adult store not only does it come with discreet packaging but they also donate 20 of their profit to help fight the spread of hiv around the world they also have a 24 7 customer service and have 90 day no hassle returns if you go to and use code glare you'll get 50 off one item and free shipping in the us and canada thank you adam and eve for sponsoring this video the reason that i'm so annoyed is that there are memes basically body shaming him or face shaming him image shaming him whatever you want to call it circulating i cannot stand the weird kind of it's not even a double standard it's this continuous contradictory narrative that the internet makes that makes everything kind of shitty and even toxic at times let's look at some of these memes just so you get an idea these are not the meanest ones also these are pretty moderate considering what i saw bro zac efron can play human shrek in the live action adaptation now zac efron high school musical four zac efron high school musical 75. some people might say oh it's not that big of a deal people are always shitty on the internet blah blah which i mean it's true people are shitty on the internet but at the same time i think we've gotten to a place where there is the very very common and very often regurgitated narrative of we shouldn't body shame people if women want to get plastic surgery they should be able to get it and not be shamed if they don't want to they shouldn't be shamed if they are not a size zero if they're plus size whatever we have a lot of that body positivity narrative on the internet which in and of itself is a narrative i support i do think we should be body positive i don't think there's anything of value coming from telling someone you think they're ugly or they were hotter ten years ago like that's useless on the other hand complimenting people might make someone's day whereas these types of shitty comments it would cost you zero dollars to shut the [ __ ] up and just not say them and move on if you have to say them maybe say it to a friend but even then i just think you should try to eliminate that type of thinking the whole mental trajectory of thinking this person's ugly or they're not up to my standards they're not as hot as they were whenever and the the soul the audacity of posting that and thinking you're doing something and thinking you're making a point when the only point you're making is that you're being an ass but the reason i wanted to talk about this is because like i said the narratives are contradictory because in one way men have it less difficult in the sense of dad bod hasn't been labeled negatively a lot of women like the dad bod i'm sure a lot of men like the dad bot as well whereas often in those shitty magazines women are just called fat or too thin or like there's no there's no kind of appreciation for whatever the mom bought is i've only seen mom body use in a shaming way so in one way i think men have it easier in the sense of dad bods are appreciated i am one of the people who appreciates them on the other hand though men also have it more difficult because when they're victims of things now obviously i'm not just talking about body shaming here but when they're victims of abuse they're often not taken as seriously if the abuser happens to be a woman so in a way men have it easier in that respect but also harder because people here are clowning on zac efron's appearance and it's okay because he's a guy so who cares right or you know there's the toxic masculinity of like they can't have feelings they have to have a thick skin they can't let this affect them and that's why it's so confusing and frustrating because there are these two living contradictions and there's no consensus and the worst part of it all is that these people who are screaming about body positivity with their favorite woman icons are some of the people who just turn and then when it's a man it's okay to rip them apart for how they look i hate that because the basic consensus should be if you're body positive it does not exclude anyone you don't get to say i'm body positive so long as it's my favorite plus size woman but then when it's a man who looks different than he did when he was 17 or if it's a whatever someone from another group you get to just be like oh it doesn't count for them if you're going to be body positive you can only say your body positive if that includes everyone or else guess what you're just positive towards a certain demographic and that to me is not body positivity i can feel my blood pressure rising this very instant the reason why i'm even more frustrated about this is that a lot of people are clowning on zac efron but they're completely ignoring the more important things that he's been doing i don't know if you guys have been keeping up with him but he's been spreading awareness i think it's a documentary about the environment and how to protect and save the environment he's been doing that and people have also been using screenshots from said documentary to make fun of his appearance and i'm like imagine there's this big issue in the world with the environment global warming blah blah and you decide that you're going to watch that and take screenshots to make fun of how the person trying to bring awareness looks like that is truly truly embarrassing i would hide for a while if i did that the other thing i wanted to bring up related to zac efron and the reason why i think i particularly relate in some minimal respect is that he had i don't want to put words in his mouth and say he had an eating disorder but he had a very difficult relationship with food and in fact there was an article he says i'm so happy that i'm eating carbs again he expressed to the table with food in his mouth i went like years without eating carbs when i shot baywatch i didn't have a carb for like six months i almost lost my mind you need this i still can't get over how this diet of carbs and low protein is the exact opposite of everything any trainer has ever taught me while efron goes on to say he thinks the real secret to a long prosperous life is to find a happy medium between food and exercise it's clear how much filming the movie affected the way he looks at food and as he said in the past there's a reason why he's never getting as shredded as he did for a movie ever again in the past i had an eating disorder well i had disorder eating and then i was bulimic for five years i think i relate in some respects to how difficult it can be to have a normal relationship with food when you've experienced an eating disorder and i'm specifically talking about my own experience obviously it's not the same for everyone it's very difficult to get past the mental barriers you have put in place that control how you eat now for example for me there was a certain list of foods that i was not allowed to touch those foods were loaded in a certain type of way so whenever it was offered to me whenever i wanted it it was always a clear no and you put up that barrier and then you start putting up more and more and more barriers until you can only eat one food because you consider that safe i'm not going to go too much into detail but you know like you'll calculate the calories of that food so you'll rely on it because you know exactly how much you're eating as opposed to if you eat something else like for me i couldn't go to restaurants anymore unless the calories and food was listed like it was a whole like life altering thing because all of a sudden something that should be enjoyable and natural and easy turned into this i couldn't go to social gatherings i wouldn't eat at social gatherings people started noticing that i wouldn't be at social gatherings then you get the uncomfortable questions and then you have to make up a reason why or say that you're on a diet or some [ __ ] and it's just an exhausting thing to experience let alone the toll it takes on your body that's also why i'm very mad about this because someone so first of all nobody should be shamed online duh but especially when someone has publicly voiced how horrible their mental state was when they were as shredded as they were to have people on the internet when you're doing environmental awareness work for people to bring up how you look like is not only disgusting but just so insulting because again it always comes back to the same thing like these morons on twitter that are making these jokes trying to i don't even know what they're trying to do but when they're making these jokes zac efron might not see them but your friend who has an eating disorder might your friend who gained weight and is embarrassed about it might your friend who can't gain weight and is embarrassed about it might any friend of yours who is going through some problem with food body image their appearance whatever they're gonna see that and as much as you know they might know who you are inside and maybe you're not a piece of [ __ ] that still feels like [ __ ] and at the end of the day what did you accomplish what and obviously we get back to the double standard i was talking about where whenever people do that on twitter to women that i've seen of course i'm sure there are outliers but most the time when i see people shaming women they're often ratioed by some other account being like what the [ __ ] is this like what is the point of this why are you shaming this woman i've seen it a lot of times of people comparing women and saying which one's prettier it's like what is the point of all of this and why is it that it's okay if it's zac efron or a man or someone who isn't identifying as a woman why are we making different rules for the same thing it makes no sense to me it infuriates me it's exhausting and useless and i hate it you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below tell me if you find this weird and contradictory standard going on anyways guys thank you for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 144,570
Rating: 4.9433513 out of 5
Keywords: zac efron, zac efron plastic surgery, zac efron face, zac efron interview 2021, zac efron interview baywatch, zac efron baywatch, zac efron workout
Id: eY2NhQuWlKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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