"Problematic" posed vs unposed IG posts - MY TAKE ON IT

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today before we get into the topic at hand I did want to show you my shirt yes I finally have some merch there will be a link in the description to shirts like this there's stickers there's hoodies there's a bunch of stuff I will be adding stuff as we go and another side note on the website it'll often say like three days left or whatever but it's three days left until they start the next batch so it's not like this is limited edition or anything it's not like you need to rush to get it anyway let's just get into the topic at hand so a while back I made a video about this woman called Melissa a feybelle oh I was loaded to it she made some other statements I guess this time it wasn't in a video it was via an Instagram story so I had to go and screenshot all the parts of that Instagram story because of course on Twitter she mentions her story but then doesn't include all of it thank you for that okay so it started on Twitter right so Melissa a favela says someone asked me to explain why those Instagram versus reality side-by-sides of thin women standing up versus sitting down posed versus unpaused stomach sucked in vs tug let loose images are harmful so I spent like an hour of my life making an Instagram story on it if you're someone like me thin white able sis pretty who find those images inspiring I think it's important for us to think through how they can also be harmful see the rest on Instagram so I have to go all the way to Instagram I'm sure this wasn't a ploy to get some extra followers or anything we've got a lot of people asking me why the Instagram versus reality kind of posts are problematic in a nutshell sure I think the issues that thin women showing that they have rules from certain angles isn't doing much for body positivity and the unflattering pictures are just as posed as the flattering pictures there's nothing wrong with folks posting pictures of their flaws in fact I think it's important that we do but when we go to great lengths to point them out where one not acknowledging the social acceptability of our bodies and two still segmenting thinking of our bodies in parts oh god please no no no no I'm sure you we are all aware of the kind of post she's talking about but in case you're not and you don't know what she's talking about it looks like this pictures like this I find not necessarily inspiring as much as I find them just interesting right because as we all know Instagram is a very curated platform and people only want to show the best side of themselves which I'm not blaming anyone for I do the same thing you know like I wouldn't post a picture where I find myself horrible looking so that's why I find it interesting because in a highly curated platform you get to see people and the people who post these images are often people who have large large followings people who are severely severely look looked up to almost to you know the extreme so it's my in my mind it's good that they post these pictures because they're reminding their followers like hey I am a person I'm not just like this ideal image that you see on Instagram and that you have in your head like they're a bunch of moments of my life that are completely unflattering which is I think a good thing but I digress and then the fact that she says that we're still segmenting thinking of our bodies in parts our bodies are in parts so a lot of the times I think people will think of their bodies in parts and I don't even know what benefit there would be to not think about your body in parts can you imagine going to the doctor and not thinking of your body in parts and just being like oh it hurts and the doctor says where my body because they can't say like my [ __ ] arm I don't know it just seems this seems a little nitpicky honestly but are we surprised no not at all so then she says that is to say these kinds of posts go viral and these accounts have gained followers precisely because they do nothing to challenge the status quo they make people feel comfortable they make people feel safe feminism isn't about feeling comfortable yes it's cool that women who look like me then why able pretty feel good about themselves they see these posts awesome but the question is who do these images not help in fact who do they further marginalize I don't think that these pictures necessarily make people feel comfortable because I'm quite sure that the people posting the pictures don't feel entirely comfortable showing the rolls of fat or the cellulite or whatever it is that they don't feel comfortable showing so maybe the viewer feels comfortable but the poster probably feels really nervous about showing that so I think that should be taken into account second of all the viewer might feel comfort but that's a really generalised statement because at the same time when you see someone showing their flaws a lot of the time it'll make you reflect on your flaws and that can make you feel uncomfortable sad depressed whatever so to say that it generally makes everyone just feel great I think that's a reach aside from that feminism is not about feelings the feminism ayuh by to as men and women should be treated equally and that doesn't include feelings so I don't know why she's attributing being uncomfortable to feminism that just seems silly and trying to be some kind of contrarian or radical I guess I don't know she says who do these images not help in fact who do they further marginalize so this is a thing that came up in my queer theory class and I think that this is legitimately a big problem about people who are in the social justice scene they want everything to be addressed all the time by everyone and that's not realistic you know like when the whole black lives matter thing was going on and then there were some people saying all lives matter and then there were people saying but this is just focusing on black lives with social justice warriors we're really the people who are saying hey we're just focusing on black lives in the same way they should take that mentality and apply it here in those specific pictures they're referring to women who struggle with X for example if the picture of pose a is like a nice flat stomach and pose B is a stomach with rolls their target audience I guess is women who have issues with their stomach just because the woman is white it doesn't mean that like a black woman looking at it can't relate because the whole point of the post is about the struggle not your skin or identity so I don't really think it can marginalize people the worst thing I can do is that maybe someone won't relate maybe they won't relate because they have a six-pack so they're like huh I don't know I can't relate to having roles on my stomach if there's a post about cellulite the point will be for people who have cellulite to relate the fact that she's flattening these posts down to being like oh it's a white person posting it so it's gonna marginalize anyone who's not white or it's like a black person posting so it's gonna marginalize anyone who's not black or whatever is stupid to me because the reality is that people see beyond just like identity politics but here it seems like that's really the bottom line I feel like lobello is pretty much missing the point of the posts entirely because the central point of the post is about the flaw rather than you know like the person posting it some people aren't just fat in unflattering photo or when they sit down some people are fat always and fat people can't just feel good about themselves out of oppression they are marginalized by medicine by the criminal justice system by hiring practices and more people of color trans people disabled people are still marginalized by beauty standards they don't magically become pretty when they stand up or suck in their stomach these same groups experience violence and astounding rates because of their bodies now I know a lot of you are probably asking yourself why are you dressed in a plus-size suit because you're kind of doing Michael Klump how do you know Michael Klump because it's you're making fun of fat people character how dare you Michael Klump is a celebration the posts that we're talking about our posts that are specifically centered on a group of people we cannot address every single person and issue in every post so the real solution at the problem feh Bello finds is that there should just be more posts oriented to different groups but you can't fault one group for making a post that relates to them does that make sense so I don't understand the point of being angry that certain posts don't help every because that it doesn't make sense to me this whole inclusivity in every single thing the reality is we can't include every single person in every single circumstance in one post especially on Instagram the same way we can't give one pill that will cure every single thing there are things that are directed to certain audiences and there's nothing wrong with that there really isn't I don't know why we're taking issue with that especially because she's turning it into more than just a post about like hey don't feel bad about yourself if this is your body because look other people have the same issue she's turning it into more of a political and social issue than it really is who is it then why ables this woman helping when she shows that she has rules when she sits down other people who look like her who's great a struggle with their bodies is that they don't feel pretty enough that's not nothing I know it is inspiring for some people it sure as hell helps me but it actually actively hurts other people and it pushes people with more marginalized bodies further to the margins so no I don't really give a [ __ ] if it makes then white women like me feel good because what the [ __ ] does that do for people who are being murdered so like I said she turned it into a political thing because talking about Instagram posts that are focused on esthetics and body image self-confidence whatever relating that to murder is not only an immense reach and jump but it's like you're trying to make a connection that isn't really there in this specific instance so I don't really know what favela is trying to get out like I understand she's trying to say that these posts are problematic but the reasons she's listing don't seem to really apply and I think it's really presumptuous to say that person who isn't white couldn't relate to a picture of someone who's white showing flaw X the same way that a person who is white can relate to a black person showing flaw Y you know I just think it's very insulting to flatten people out to their skin color and not being able to relate past that there's more of this stuff and it just keeps going and going honestly I don't think I can really handle much more of this the core of your argument has been shown but I will post the rest of her story once I'm done speaking now so you can read it if you want anyways guys let me know what you think about all this let me know if you agree with her let me know if you've seen these posts and you think they're helpful harmful just let me know all around thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and we'll get into the fan art right after I post the rest of her story if you even care to read it you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 276,578
Rating: 4.9318323 out of 5
Keywords: instagram, inclusivity, melissa a fabello, social justice, sjw
Id: afafV4tsXU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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