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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story former friend's little sister ruins a book i loaned her asks me if i'll be buying a new one so she can finish it so i was sorting through my boxes of books and realized i was missing a book and remembered this story from back in the day thought i'd share it with you all for a laugh so as a teenager back many years ago my favorite book was interview with the vampire by anne rice what can i say i was very much into the emo vampires back then my then best friend asked to borrow it as she was curious with how often i spoke about it now normally i didn't like loaning out books as i'm very particular about them and didn't like to risk them being damaged but as i said this was my best friend so i agreed and brought the book into school the next day to loan to her a few weeks go by and i ask her how she's getting on with the book what she thinks etc she tells me she'd gotten about halfway through but her little sister had gotten her hands on it and drawn all over the pages so she threw it out she then asked me when i'd buy another copy and if she could finish it when i did i told her she should be buying me a new copy and she said it wasn't her fault her sister had ruined it and she wasn't going to pay for it her audacity really baffled me next story entitled woman yells at cashier my mom uses her words against her this is all secondhand from my mom but it happened today and seemed like something you all would enjoy my mom is at the checkout lane in a certain blue box store note small town so it is one of the tiny versions of this famous chain she was waiting her turn when she noticed the woman in the lane next to her the lady had handed a non-standard card over to the young cashier and the cashier was having trouble getting it to scan she was telling the lady that it seemed to be missing part of the code and she couldn't get the computer to accept it the woman is now yelling and screaming that it should work she demands a manager come over manager comes over shows the girl how to input the payment correctly the woman meanwhile has been yelling berating the girl and manager loud enough for the entire front half of the store to hear how long has she been working here she shouldn't be on the registers if she doesn't know how to work them you guys need to hire better people up here even an idiot could do better and she has been working here for weeks if she has been working up here for that long she should know how to do this the cashier is near tears and as the lady finally walks towards the exit my mom notices something about her my mother immediately calls out lady hey lady hey you what your mask is on upside down what does that matter well i figured as long as we all have been required to wear them you should at least know how to put it on correctly next story you have to move your car because i don't back up certainly not the worst offender on here but it's still a story to be told it was a little before christmas a number of years ago at a very very busy shopping center i had just pulled into a parking spot i had spent ages finding i get out of my car and start walking in when i'm summoned by an older woman she is perhaps 65 to 70 but has the stereotypical lacquered hairdo and extensive makeup she has a couple bags in hand and is standing behind the mercedes in front of my car move your car out of my way i'm leaving now you have plenty of room to back out of your spot i don't back up so move your car now if you would like a hand reversing out i can certainly spot you are you deaf you idiot i don't back up and i don't have two you have to let me drive straight through i'm not going to tell you again well i am glad you're not telling me again because i am tired of hearing it you are trapping me here because i don't know how to back up i'm calling the police if you don't move right damn now you jerk now i enjoy old people swearing as much as the next fellow but i just didn't have time i was burning daylight and my shopping wasn't going to do itself i wished her well and went inside i wish there was a better ending when i got back to my car about a half hour later her mercedes was still there and she was nowhere to be found some say her ghost still prowls the parking lot moving forward ever forward next story what the hell is wrong with these people i am outside in my car far too grossed out to go back into my job i will have two of course but uh i heard someone having a huge coughing fit a while ago and followed the sound to a guy with his head in our freezer he was hacking up along inside the freezer all over the food in there and it wasn't clean coughing either then he pulled out and spit up mucus onto the floor he then wiped his hand over his face and started touching stuff with that hand he was coughing and hacking all over the store everything has to be wiped down or even thrown out now myself and a few others tracked what the guy did and touched and we had to throw out items because no way in hell we were going to attempt to clean them to sell them yeah the manager hates that we chose to do that but at least he understands now my stomach is churning but i have to go back in screw the dumbass jerks i swear yes the man was kicked out yes he is temporarily banned from the store yes we used all manner of protection while cleaning next story mother expects me to split my stimulus check with my entitled sibling to preface i just turned 19 years old and my sibling is 20. i wasn't planning on getting a stimulus check due to the fact that i thought i was considered a dependent due to not having a job and such so i was just living my life waiting for when i can get my ged and a job two days ago my mom was cooking herself dinner and i walked into the kitchen to get myself something she asked me if i would be upset if i didn't get all of my stimulus checks and she took some of it to pay for my ged and driver's education courses i said that i would be a little upset i wanted to make that decision for myself to feel a little bit like an adult and that i thought i wasn't even going to get one next thing i know she came back in from her car angrily handed me my check and said that i better be responsible with it now call me unreasonable but that was a little rude but me being me i just brushed it off made myself dinner and deposited it through my bank's mobile application yay i got money for important adult things right wrong it's been two days now and my mother just told me in front of my entitled sibling and dad that i should split my check with him now i like to think i'm a pretty generous person with a big heart i love helping people out and all but my sibling is the least responsible person i've ever met they spend all of their money on weed and knickknacks with no purpose especially since i need to spend the money on important things that will help me move out of this hellhole i said no after this my mother went to bed she said goodnight to my father and my sibling but not me purposefully it was one of the most petty things i've ever witnessed my sibling has apparently been complaining about not getting a stimulus check and is especially upset that i did they're calling it unfair i think it's perfectly fair because i didn't decide the rules for everything i shouldn't have to shell out 600 dollars to a person that's going to spend it on illegal things am i the one being unreasonable should i eat crap and give them the 600 or should i actually stick up for myself for once and spend it on things i need so this is an update i was going to give my sibling 300 dollars and so were both of my parents so things would be fair now my parents just told me that they're going to take back their dollars from my sibling and take the 300 from me themselves i said no obviously and now my parents are upset with me on top of everything i have my ged testing tomorrow so i'm already stressed and now they just dropped this on me my dad is even trying to strong-arm me out of it by saying well rent just went up among other things he thinks he deserves the money for raising me am i crazy or am i being unreasonable they all seem to think i'm the one in the wrong am i just living with a bunch of crazy people edit by rent just went up he doesn't actually mean that my rent is going up i thankfully do not pay rent to my parents they told me that as long as i'm trying to better myself i can live here for free sorry for the confusion next story i seriously cannot believe this happened so much i posted a story the other day about a teacher who thought she knew more about modern native americans than a young man who grew up on a reservation that was over 10 years ago now i've got a fresh one my wife helps tutor students learning french for a little extra cash she also sometimes works as a substitute french teacher in the local school districts as well as the nearby university while never really wanting to be a teacher full-time the extra money is pretty nice she usually just helps people work on their accent and pronunciation as well as trying to help students understand sentence structure the french language was invented by the sickest people imaginable just look at numbers from 70 onward fortunately french is her native tongue so she is a great resource for students wanting to learn the language so yesterday she was asked to substitute at the university for half a day but they offered her a full day's pay the regular instructor left notes saying she could just work on accent and pronunciation with the students and what they had been studying so far around 1pm the instructor returns and is talking to her apparently she decided to show off and try to have the conversation in french my wife gives her a rundown of how the classes were and how well everyone behaved all in french the teacher tells her your accent is so awful that is not how the language is spoken at all who taught you to speak that way my wife responds my parents taught me while i was growing up in paris france my accent is a very typical parisian accent apparently the lady didn't say much after that later the wife told me that the way the instructor spoke french was very typical of english speakers who have a good grasp of vocabulary and sentence structure but still pronounce words partially the english way apparently it makes her sound a little touched in the head some people's kids i tell ya next story entitled shopper demands i pay for her shopping when she doesn't want to pay this happened just an hour ago and i'm laughing at the insanity and absurdity at the situation so as everyone is painfully aware there's a little situation going on in the world and we're on lockdown with the exception of going out for essential shopping so some backstory my nan and i are close she's the fifth member of our family mom dad me my brother and my nan and she's elderly disabled and asthmatic so she's high risk and vulnerable now i'm also severely asthmatic and i probably shouldn't be going out shopping but for my nan i'm willing to risk it so i go out to do her shopping at morrison's she gives me her shopping list and i get what she needs what's available side funny story the toilet roll isle was fully stocked and i was shocked i don't get why people are so obsessed with toilet roll but if that's what people panic by in this situation at least future history lessons and exams we'll have ridiculous questions and my grandkids in the future can ask about it and i can have a laugh anyway onto the story so like at most stores there's markings to help with social distancing and keep people safe so this karen started off by ramming me with her trolley while i was waiting to scan my items and pay and was invading my personal space very rude so i begin placing my items on the till and she's just glaring at me for some reason and muttering to herself about me hurrying up i place the divider and go to start bagging my items i'm sorry i didn't realize i had to rush for you so as i'm bagging my items and about to pay the cashier continue scanning strange items that i know i wasn't buying i asked the cashier what's going on those aren't mine and the cashier is confused saying there's no divider i look up and this karen has removed the divider and now her items were being scanned and added to my bill i tell the cashier and she starts to remove the items and sort the mistake this is when karen goes insane excuse me what are you doing i'm confused and tell her that her items were accidentally being scanned and thinking that the divider must have been buried in the shopping and didn't think it was a big deal as the cashier was apologetic and sorted it you need to pay for my shopping i'm just shocked and simply say what she glares at me my items were being scanned on your shopping so you have to pay for them and since you're paying for some now you must buy my whole shopping i give the cashier a look and am absolutely gobsmacked what makes you think i'm going to buy your shopping she scoffs and continues on about how a few mistakes means i have to pay i pay for my items and cheese still standing there expectantly waiting for me to pay for her shopping i begin to walk away and she screams for me to come back people are now staring so i turn and say lady i don't know you and i don't have to buy your shopping for any reason she then screams for security and feeds them some lie about me having to pay for her shopping he called me over to ask what was happening and i told him she then went on admitting she removed the divider thinking i wouldn't notice and i'd pay for her thankfully the security guard just looked at her and told her the same thing i said that i didn't have to as i began walking away she was screaming at the cashier saying she didn't have any cash or cards on her to pay and was demanding her to honor some expired coupons i left before anything else so i don't know how it ended so this woman thought she was entitled to her shopping and i had to pay for it as she hadn't got any way to pay for it honestly how can you be so stupid to not bring a means of pain for shopping i'm wondering if she'd tried it before and whether it worked on other people i ain't buying someone else's shopping for no good reason thanks for reading and i hope you all have a wonderful day next story i don't need to carry my dog at the airport this is short but this just happened to me so i thought i'd share i'm at the airport with my mom and we're helping to train the tsa transportation security administration dogs to sniff out contraband we're sitting in d5 a place in concourse d where people wait to board their flights and a woman goes into the bathroom with her little dog the tsa guy were with weights outside to tell her that she has to carry the dog or put it in a carrying bag as soon as she comes out he tells her so she says to him no it says i can have my dog on the floor or something to that effect he just has this look on his face like i've worked here for years with the same announcement about this going off every 15 minutes you can't tell me what to do as if to prove his point an announcement came on echoing through the whole concourse animals are not allowed on the airport floor only service animals are permitted emotional support animals must either be carried or in a kennel while this went off the tsa guy was pointing up at the speakers as if to prove his point sorry if this doesn't belong here or isn't satisfying i just thought it was kind of funny and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 76,695
Rating: 4.8521152 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: gsM7pMINVm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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