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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story am i the jerk for calling out my husband in front of his boss over his lie last friday my father had a heart attack it was touch and go for about 48 hours but he pulled through and is expected to be discharged from the hospital today or tomorrow i took off from work last friday but due to my dad's condition improvement i did go into work today i work from home right now for obvious reasons and around 9 30 the door opens and my husband walks in i ask what he's doing home and he says that due to the winter storm his boss sent everyone home i went down to the basement around lunchtime to get a pizza to make for us i didn't realize he was on the phone or that it was on speaker when i went down there and asked if he wanted pizza for lunch his boss then asked how my father was doing and said that my husband told him that it was dire and i would need to leave at a moment's notice i said that my dad's condition is improving and he is expected to make a full recovery my husband is now pissed at me the reason he came home is because he apparently lied to his boss about my dad's health and condition and because of what i said he's now in hot water at work my husband said i should have kept my mouth shut and if he gets fired it's on me i told him he was already in the wrong for lying about something like that and if he's in trouble it's his own fault am i the jerk for not playing along with his lie comments one not the jerk 1. how could you know that he lied if he wanted you to play along he should have let you know 2. that's a really cruddy thing to use your father's health as an excuse to get out of work 3. maybe stop getting food for your husband if that's the response you get what a child 2. not the jerk came here to say this he pulled a double lied to the boss then to his wife about the original lie screw this i hope he doesn't get fired so you don't have to deal with that stress along with everything else but he deserves to be fired 3 not the jerk he lied to his wife too about why he was home so how could he expect her to play along anyway next story am i the jerk for ignoring my co-worker and dressing the way i like i love fashion and makeup i am always up to date on the latest trends and spent a good amount of time each morning on my clothes and makeup it boosts my confidence and i love to start every day with a different look i especially love to dress in vibrant colors extraordinary patterns and cuts while the field i work in doesn't have anything to do with fashion it's not seen as unprofessional to dress a little more eccentric my company in particular does not care as long as you don't wear something offensive and don't look like you are serving shots with your belly button you are good to go a huge part of my job is to give presentations to and hold events with potential clients i am doing this together with another co-worker my co-worker let's call her nancy left the company a few months ago her replacement let's call her susan is the total opposite of me fashion wise she doesn't do makeup and mostly wears dark plain colors i don't mind at all and i certainly do not judge her for it some people just aren't into fashion and the like and that's totally fine you do you she is a good co-worker well-organized and professional and we get along well for as far as i know her yet well except for one point last week she told me that i was making her feel uncomfortable with my extravagant style choices she told me it was very irritating to work with someone dressed like that and that it was distracting our clients from her when she was speaking in from the event itself she asked me to tone it down i was very surprised to say the least nancy and none of my other co-workers or bosses ever told me that my style was distracting or inappropriate or the like i even get complimented on my look quite often well since all my other co-workers and my boss do not have a problem and i never got any negative feedback from our clients i did not tone it down how i dress as a big part of who i am and should be totally acceptable as long as i am not overstepping company dress codes or the like susan was very disappointed to say the least she did not talk to me about it yet again i can tell that it bugs her but after all it is not my problem it's not her place to tell me how to dress so am i the jerk for keeping my style the way it always was even if it apparently bothers my co-worker comments one not the jerk why does susan get a say she's not your boss and she's not in human resources your style choices are literally none of her concern you're making her uncomfortable bc you look awesome and she doesn't you do you and tell susan to focus on her job to not the jerk as long as your company and manager do not care and it is not affecting your relationship with the clients it is her issue not yours three not the jerk as long as it isn't interfering with company policy or affecting how you perform your job or what the outcome of it is you keep doing you next story am i the jerk for telling my mom i'm not going to babysit this isn't about me babysitting younger siblings it's about my 18 female stepsister 19 female who has a baby and my mom and stepdad wanted me to help out so my stepsister can work i was eight and she was nine when my mom married her dad my older sister was moved out by then so they don't really expect much of a relationship between her and our stepsister but they always expected us to be close but we're not she never wanted me and i never wanted her we do not consider each other family we never acted like we were family for example when i was bullied she witnessed it and said nothing and told her dad straight up she didn't care when she was sick a few years ago i didn't ask for homework to bring to her we didn't want the other at our birthday parties and didn't like hanging out together we wouldn't do a thing for the other and honestly i would still be okay with not seeing her ever but it seems now she doesn't mind my being involved if it means she gets free child care so she can work i lived with my mom and stepdad until october i had planned to move out sooner but my mom wanted me to stay because of the pandemic so i agreed but once this stuff came up i got the vibe of your in our house so do this for us and i didn't like it my mom and stepdad have told me to think about my niece to think about the ant i could be i told them that didn't change anything i didn't tell them this but i don't consider her daughter to be my niece i'm already an aunt to my sister's two kids and i have a good relationship with them but so do my sister and me that's never going to be a thing with my stepsister and me and i don't really want or need it to be i don't expect to have her in my life outside of the obligatory seeing each other when we're around our respective parents my mom tried to ask me again because she said they're all really struggling to help my stepsister afford childcare and hours are weird right now in their jobs with kovid i told her i'm not going to do it and that she knows my stepsister wouldn't do it for me either my mom told me i should do it regardless because family is important the only reason i'm starting to have second thoughts is because a friend suggested that i could do it for my mom to take some of the pressure off her and how bad it must be for her to know she failed to get us to care about each other now i'm wondering if i am being unfair to my mom am i the jerk comments one not the jerk you are only family when it's convenient for your stepsister like you said she would not do it for you if you were in her shoes 2. not the jerk even if you had a wonderful relationship with your stepsister you would not be obligated to babysit for her this is your stepsister's baby so it is her responsibility your stepfather and stepsister were your mother's choice not yours it is perfectly fine that you do not share a familial bond with her and that will never happen if the only reason that she is willing to be civil to you is for free child care don't let them guilt you 3 no not the jerk stepsister is irresponsible and gets knocked up and her spawn is somehow your responsibility personally i do it for 80 of daycare costs not a penny less if they aren't willing to pay you they don't respect you just because it would make your mom less stressed doesn't make it your job next story am i the jerk for not wanting my sister at my wedding i'm a 20-year-old female from the uk who got engaged a year ago my husband-to-be is amazing and his family has also accepted me without any issues the problem is my family i grew up as the oldest with one younger sister we'll call her alex now whilst my parents deny it alex has always been the favorite i don't fully know why but from what i can tell it's because she is more normal she doesn't play video games she doesn't watch anime she's not nerdy and she was popular in school aside from being the favorite she also has a huge ego and always wants to be the center of attention for example my family went for a meal out to a restaurant for my 18th birthday the whole time the attention was directed on alex whilst i sat there mostly in silence ignored by my family whenever i tried to speak i was ignored or the topic was quickly redirected to my sister i don't want the whole spotlight on me but i at least want to be spoken back to when i'm trying to talk i just drank a few cocktails and went to bed that night feeling a little hollow it didn't feel like a celebration just that i was obligated to be there to listen to alex ramble on a year later i got engaged on the day after my 19th birthday the next time i visited my parents they took us out for a meal to celebrate the engagement no alex present this meal was actually very pleasant and i was hopeful for a better relationship with my parents however by the next visit it was back to normal and by that point my sister was in a relationship which was short-lived so the attention was on her and her boyfriend every single visit after that has been about my sister her boyfriend or her breakup from said boyfriend me and my future husband are now planning our wedding we intend to have the wedding in a few years when i've graduated and the virus has passed but have began formulating a guest list color themes etc my sister is already beginning to pose an issue she expects to be a bridesmaid but is refusing to accept the dress color i've picked i also intend on letting the bridesmaids pick their own dresses so long as they're the same color my sister refuses this also and expects me to buy her an expensive luxury bridesmaid dress she's also nitpicked at other things and speaks as if the wedding is for her i don't want her to come if she is going to cause problems or become the center of attention this wedding is the only day i want specifically for myself and my partner however i know had caused an uproar in my family to not allow her to come to the wedding or to not have her as a bridesmaid i'm not sure what to do and whilst my partner and his family say it's my choice and not to worry i still fear the conflict that may arise if i choose not to let her come or if i'm being unreasonable and should give her a chance am i the jerk comments one not the jerk your wedding your guests your decisions if the people asked dp like them then they have two choices accept and come or don't accept and don't go it's very simple i would explain what you want and if she doesn't want to join in then explain she won't be a bridesmaid and can just be a guest and sit with everyone else or not come two to one hundred percent not the jerk i wouldn't stress now play along but also have your real bridesmaids involved as well i'm feeling pretty sure that in a few years your narcissistic sister will have done something else and won't be at the wedding anyhow good luck three not the jerk kick her out of your wedding party but maybe allow her as a guest that will have her fuming next story am i the jerk for telling my friend to stop asking for presents i 25 female have a friend 24 female she is really nice but she does tend to insert herself into situations that aren't about her on my birthday my friend who also knows her got me a stuffed animal she can't afford a lot but it was really nice on my facebook post she commented oh why didn't you get me one x my friend's name my friend often feels bad because she can't get presents for everyone and i didn't want her to feel bad so i deleted it then my friend messaged the group chat being like i want one get me one my other friend got uncomfortable and said maybe for your birthday if i have the money she's constantly commenting on things my friend or i post saying buy me one i want one like when my friend saved up and bought a nintendo switch we laughed it off but our friend kept asking this girl has never offered to give us gifts or anything she just always asks us for stuff last year i couldn't afford to buy her anything for her birthday and we never bought each other stuff anyway but she complained that no one bought her anything her birthday is coming up again and she's starting the hole no one's buying me anything for my birthday my other friend got uncomfortable and mentioned maybe scraping some money to buy her something but i said no we shouldn't put ourselves in a bad financial position for her finally i got mad and told her to quit asking for gifts we don't have the extra money to spend it's a pandemic i said i'm sorry if her family doesn't buy her anything but we're also adults sometimes adults don't get gifts she got really upset and hasn't spoken to me since my friend said i was being mean and i should have just ignored her am i the jerk comments one not the jerk that's so weird and entitled seems like she's just using guilting your friend based on this info too not the jerk she certainly feels entitled to be at the receiving end of gifts for a reason and it's really creepy to see someone so desperate to get one embarrassing three not the jerk also if her birthday ever rolls around and you have a few dollars to spare this is assuming you're still friends at that point give her a card reflecting that you've made a donation in her name to charity x a small attempt at a lesson in humility next story am i the jerk for leaving my therapist a bad review without talking to them about it first i decided to get a therapist after three years without one i found him on a list of insurance approved psychologists i got this list directly from my insurance provider and they clearly stated my appointments would be completely covered other than a 10 fee okay sounds great i should also mention these are done online through a service just like zoom i cannot join the session until he starts it the first two sessions were good i really liked him and thought he understood me well i submitted all of my paperwork to his secretary who handled billing and she got all my insurance info and informed me i was all good to go for the session that happened last week he joined the session 13 minutes late with no apology at all my sessions are supposed to be 60 minutes i expected my session to be 47 minutes long then as i didn't expect him to make the next client late however he hit me with the okay well let's wrap up and schedule your next appointment after we'd been on the call for 35 minutes i didn't really say anything as he abruptly left this made me upset because i'm supposed to get an hour he dipped in late and dipped out early the next day i received a bill in the mail for 350 and it said i owed because no insurance info was provided i called his secretary and she said she misplaced my paperwork i had sent her an email how do you misplace an email i told her i would most definitely not be paying a cent other than my copay that i had already paid she tried to argue with me and say it wasn't her fault i told her that if she can't even keep track of confidential info such as a patient's insurance info that was a major problem she assured me she would fix it and i told her to please take care of it i didn't snap i didn't yell she called me back giving me all kinds of excuses saying it was a mistake okay fine whatever mistakes happen but then she said i still needed to pay the bill and couldn't tell me why she asked me if i wanted to schedule an appointment and i told her i would call back later i didn't and instead i went on his reviews page and gave him two stars with the simple explanation of came in late left early with no explanation reception lost insurance info and wants me to pay in full i didn't put feelings or bias into it that is strictly what happened well he called me a few hours later with an attitude asking me why i didn't just address my concerns with him i told him if he had a genuine excuse for coming late and leaving early he would have either canceled my appointment or at least apologized and said something he wants a chance to fix the mistakes if i take down the review but i told him no thank you am i the jerk comments one not the jerk and the insurance bit almost sounds like it could be a scam if you don't pay just make sure you actually write a formal letter to your insurance company disputing the claim attach the email with the timestamp as well as that list your insurance provider gave you indicating he accepts your plan 2. not the jerk also seems like he's more concerned with the bad review than his own poor service three not the jerk he was very unprofessional the receptionist misplacing paperwork was just the cherry on the cake i do agree that you probably should have spoken to him first regarding the charges but given his attitude and rudeness i would have been just as frustrated and angry as for the receptionist insisting you pay the bill without saying why that's pretty shady and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 14,170
Rating: 4.9287834 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: tq1hBu9DA1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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