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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story entitled girl takes selfies on my cousin's car get the sh asterisk tea beat out of her so my cousin has this really nice pickup she got for her 15th birthday and drives it all the time she has never had issues with having a car at a young age since she doesn't exactly look like your average 15 year old 5 feet 10 inches mature build and looks way older than me 19. 5 feet 1 inch baby face she drives her car to school every day and never gives any one of her friends a ride one day she was leaving school and walked down the street a bit to where she parked her car she never parks in the student parking because of a lot of irresponsible teen drivers and she always parks off the school property when she gets there she finds this girl sitting on the hood of her car taking selfies my cousin doesn't like this and proceeded to ask the girl what the heck she was doing i'm just taking photos of my car she said in a i have a car and you don't kind of tone really now my cousin said with the keys in her hand yeah really now can you leave you're ruining the mood she continued to take selfies and my cousin unlocked her car with the remote and climbed in and started the car with the girl trying to get off the hood it's a pretty tall car so getting off isn't so easy she moves a couple inches and the girl slips off and starts yelling at my cousin what's your problem i could have seriously gotten hurt you're insane my cousin just looks at the girl and says in a mocking tone surprised you're not more upset about me being in your car this girl then got mad and then tried to force my cousin's car door open but it was locked the moment she gives up my cousin opens it really quick hits her with the door closes it and drives off the next day she's walking back to her car and she sees that girl again but this time with two other girls i guess she had planned on jumping my cousin but forgot to tell her friends what my cousin actually looks like she then gets all up in my cousin's face trying to seem threatening but she is only a couple inches taller than me then girl then shoves my cousin and her response was a good punch to the face leaving her with a bloody nose and her friends trying to get her up to run away all the while the girl screaming is that all you got i will destroy you my cousin just gets in her truck and goes home the next day that girl tries to get my cousin in trouble with the principal but since this happened off school property there was nothing they could do moral of the story don't mess with my cousin's truck next story entitled grandmother wants my window seat but won't even ask me for it a little background normally i travel for a living and fly to and from canada a couple times a month my company uses a travel agent and with only a few exceptions we are required to take the cheapest flight option regardless of convenience inconvenience to ourselves this means that while i travel often it's with different airlines every time which in turn means that while i have thousands and thousands of airline miles they're spread out over several airlines and it takes me forever to reach and keep any sort of frequent flyer status with any of them it also makes for very very long days with me leaving my house or hotel at three to four a.m and often getting home to my destination at midnight or sometimes getting my travel split across two days so this happened in march just a few days before my company started having us work from home for quarantine final leg of my flight home i'm on an airline that i've finally managed to build up enough status to start getting possible upgrades this is literally the first time i've been upgraded and it's from a standard economy seat to a bulkhead window seat as i'm boarding the plane there is an older lady and her approximately five-year-old grandson in the island middle seat grandson in middle grandma and isle as i'm walking up she is telling the kid that she's going to take the window seat just as soon as they're sure no one is sitting there i politely inform her that someone is sitting there me and i take my seat she then starts telling her five-year-old grandson how much she wants a window seat and how sweet it would be if someone were to give up their window seat for her i should point out that the grandson is busy playing with his ipad and clearly isn't listening at all when i don't immediately jump up and offer her my seat she switches tactics and starts asking the kid if he wants the window seat how cool would it be for you to have a window seat and your first flight ever and such kid still doesn't give a crap and keeps playing with his tablet and i again don't rise to the obvious bait she then grabs a flight attendant and asks if there are any open window seats she tells her that she's pretty sure they're going to be a full flight but she'll check back after boarding is done grandma switches back to how lovely it would be if someone would just give up their seat for her note we're back to giving the seat to her it's no longer about the kid getting the window seat for his first flight ever at this point i put on my headphones and ignore her she stops trying to hint her way into my seat and just starts loudly sighing every few minutes notice at any point she had simply condescended to speak to me and ask me for my seat i probably would have given it to her but her passive aggressive entitlement crap was never going to work with me especially after a long day of travel next story my father's third wife rips up the carpet to try to force him to spend his inheritance i've had a very rocky relationship with my father he was a very emotionally abusive man who blamed all of his issues on everyone else in his life i haven't had much of a relationship with him as an adult but boy did he meet his match with his third wife they met in 1999 on icq through the random meet feature at the time they were both married to their previous spouses the four of them started an innocent enough couple's friendship but unbeknownst to my stepmother and her husband my father and this woman had started an emotional affair online professing their love to one another while each was going to couples counseling working on their marriage my stepmother was even telling this woman her deep down feelings about the relationship a huge betrayal now that she knows that this woman was using it against her when they finally told their spouses seemingly timed in a way to cause the most pain they decided she would move from her home in louisiana to indiana and start a life together while their spouses struggled to understand what had happened i have never forgiven my father for the narcissism this took on both of their parts but he just blamed it on my stepmother convinced i would one day come to accept them as a couple he was so in denial about how bad the rift between us had grown after years of emotional abuse that they even bought me christmas presents that year convinced i would come home i didn't speak to him for years i was young and angry and i needed space the first time i met her was at my grandfather's funeral years later she seemed nice enough but she absolutely wanted to hear nothing negative about my father and was quick to make snide remarks about my mother and stepmother she was convinced that my father's ex-wives had put me against him and her and that she could suck up to me and have the sort of relationship with me that my stepmother did i let her add me on aim but the conversations just became more and more demanding demanding that i just come and have a relationship with him while he's still blaming the women in his life for everything that's ever gone wrong in his life for the record my mother and stepmother never said a negative word about him and encouraged me to have a relationship with him if it was possible she really believed she was entitled to have the same relationship with me a person in their 20s who had only just met her and didn't particularly like her as my stepmother a woman who had been there for me unconditionally since i was eight had the last straw for me with her was when she messaged me on facebook and started chewing me out for not wishing my father a happy birthday on his facebook profile i had enough of her nonsense told her off told her to mind her own business and blocked her on every platform she had added me on i didn't speak to her for years except for a brief exchange at my grandmother's funeral i didn't have a relationship with her and felt no reason to have to pretend i liked her i was too busy living my life going to university studying abroad making something of my life and i didn't need them or their drama well not long after my grandmother's death they got divorced and i finally heard the story see it turned out my grandparents were rich and i had no idea growing up they had managed to save enough money so that all of their children and grandchildren would get a generous inheritance my father like his sisters suddenly found himself in possession of 250 000 in the years between they had moved from indiana down to louisiana so she could be close to her aging mother and had a modest house in the suburbs of new orleans now the story goes that my father who had switched jobs several times in his life and had a questionable amount of retirement income decided to do the smart thing and invest the 250 000 for his retirement and or a rainy day his wife on the other hand wanted to use the money to make improvements to their house including putting brand new carpet down he did not think this was necessary and thought that the carpet they had was fine for at least a while longer his wife was not happy with being told no and decided that she was going to make him spend money on carpet so one day while he was at work she ripped up all the carpet in the house thinking that with no carpet in the house he would have to buy new carpet he came home that day to bare floors all over the house from what i hear she put on her best surprised pikachu face when he immediately moved out and basically told her to get lost they divorced not long after as the story was being told to me i looked at the person telling it and said i never thought i would encounter someone more manipulative than my father but it seems he met his match they really did deserve each other as an addendum she contacted my stepmother again not long after they separated crying about how horrible my father was treating her and acting like this wasn't the same person who already betrayed my stepmother years earlier it was like she thought they could go back to being old buds my stepmother told her where to take that crap none of us have heard from her since next story entitled teacher decides my nationality i'm born in sweden half indian half swedish my parents both have lived their whole life here and we have no problem with talking swedish so when i was at my swedish class for the day at high school i became so freaking confused when my teacher said that i'm not swedish and denied anything i said mind in the middle of the class when i said i was swedish it goes a little like this just started high school we're about to go to our swedish class when we get there the teacher tells us that all people that's bad at swedish should go to another room to learn the basics keep in mind sweden has many refugees and for them to learn swedish they need to go through the basics with someone that can talk their mother language before they can take the same lesson and that's totally understandable you need to know the basics in a language before you can advance in it but when our swedish teacher went through the list of people that should go into the other basic class she noticed me sitting in the front desk and asked what my name is i told her my generic swedish name and aftername and she asked me if i understood swedish i was super confused not did i only answer her in swedish but i was seen talking to others in swedish as well i simply though asterisk yeah i don't look swedish that's understandable asterisk then the whole conversation went like this are you sure you're swedish yes are you yes are you really sure i'm talking with you right now is that not evidence enough yeah but are you sure you're not taking the basics this conversation was in the middle of the class and i could feel the anger radiate from my friends until one of them said yes he can talk swedish and he is swedish how hard is it to understand later that day the whole class told the principal and she was never seen again thank god next story drunken lady hits us with her car and sues us this happened some time ago about four or five years my mom was once hit by a car next to my house while we were waiting for my cousin to finish talking with her followers she's a pretty big influencer about 40k followers in an instagram direct as we started pulling out there was no one in the street but halfway out came this speeding car at 130 kilometers per hour kid you not in a 60 kilometers per hour area and when they saw my car pulling out they hit the brake it did stop a bit yes but it still collided with us and left a dent in our car my mother had backed up when he saw the speeding but couldn't help not getting hit a woman in her 40s after the collision comes out and starts berating my mother through her window i still remember the alcohol smell as i was in the car and she smelled truly like a bottle of jaggermeister herself she started spurting out racist comments as my mother is from another place with a thick accent though she's from the same country while calling the police lo and behold the cops come rolling and this massive idiot starts complaining to the police in a condescending tone towards us and every time my mother wanted to explain her situation she just started incoherently screaming so she couldn't be heard it looked like a circus and while my mother was talking to the police officer who looked like he was about to hit someone i went up to talk to my cousin i asked her if she had seen what happened and she said yes as she had seen it in her background while she was in the direct and she was commenting on it right now she had it on the direct and i told her to save it just in case boy did i hit it right when the police officer finished with my mother he just said to pay the drunken lads insurance my mother was furious she was the one speeding the cop said that he hadn't seen what happened and this looked like she had pulled out without watching for anyone my mother started getting real upset and angry and started demanding to file an internal complaint but he just walked away into his car and just went off i approached my mom just as the drunken lady was spitting on her just out of spite saying that it was an expensive car and that she didn't know who she was of course she sued now i wasn't on the court date as i was at school but my mom told me what happened so here it goes my mother took a duty lawyer and went straight to court she presented the direct my cousin had done that clearly showed the speeding in the collision the jerk had tried to sue for damages no insurance policy bullcrap she didn't even ask for it we do have it an emotional damage she sued her for speeding unruly use of law damages for the car racism and emotional damage we didn't once say she was drunk as it wasn't clearly visible and they'd just shrug it off we got to defend ourselves her lawyer did well almost got us she said she had been speeding and that she didn't hit the brakes soon enough but then she opened her mouth what the hell did you expect me to do huh you can't ask a drunk person to do more than that you're just being jerks because you don't have insurance right she sat back into her seat with a smug face her lawyer looked at her mortified and the judge looked at her with wide eyes my mother just smiled without believing it so let me put this straight you were drunk the judge asked her yes i just got out from my husband's company meeting quote dot dot dot do you know what i think i don't need to hear anything else my mother won the lawsuit this lady was a footballer's wife and they had been in a party with all their team she was pissed drunk and went home in one of their cars and then hit my mother's car we won chunk money and she was sent on probation and some jail time because the drunken part just added public disturbance public peril and negligence here you go some freaking karma this witch had it coming edit i forgot to mention this and i answered it in the comments this cop was the lady's friend and darn they pulled this on us but we won because we had evidence i can just wonder how many times this had happened and what poor families were the other victims because if this cop did this with us then they could have done it with other people and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 27,742
Rating: 4.9091644 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: 4jdvda4Bv9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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