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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story karen gets rudely and loudly shut down once again i have an adventure to tell you all about a trip to a store that has a name that rhymes with small fart there is me my son i shall call son entitled karen we'll call her karen store employee and manager today a few hours ago my son took me to a small fart to do some shopping shopping itself was uneventful for the most part until the cairn of the story came into the picture my son was doing his job and helping his mother me shop by getting things down off a shelf and placing them in a cart as i am permanently wheelchair-bound i was reading off a list of shopping he was getting the items we stopped a moment in the frozen food section he retrieved an item or two on my list and put them in the cart at that moment we stopped shopping for a moment while i took out an inhaler i have troubles breathing at times that's when we heard a loud snapping of fingers and a loud rude ahem then the dreaded loud voice now that you're done helping her you can help me with my shopping my son turned i don't work here lady i was an am shopping with my mother you want help go find an actual employee and go away you work here she screeched otherwise you wouldn't be helping her shop again lady i do not work here want help go find an employee and stop bothering us she started yelling i'm getting you fired manager manager at her yelling an employee came to see what the yelling was about and asked if she could help yes she deliberately dragged out the s on the word your employee has been extremely rude and threatened me when i asked for help the employee looked confused ma'am he doesn't work here yes he does you're just trying to cover for him now get me your manager now she walked over to a post and pressed a red button on a display on it manager needed in frozen food she said into the speaker also on the post be right there a voice said back now we'll see how long you're employed here the karen said as she stood there with a smug look on her face before long the manager arrived before he could even ask what was going on the karen launched into a heavily embellished tale painting herself as a victim and demanding compensation for the horrible insults she had endured and demanding both my son and the employee be fired immediately i remember you the manager suddenly said you're banned from the store if i remember correctly but got interrupted by her screeching the response of the manager was a wonder to behold and caught us all by surprise shut up he yelled at the karen this is the second time and the reason you were banned for six months to begin with harassing other customers and making up wild tales and trying to get one of my employees fired she opened her mouth but the manager beat her to it i said shut up now leave your cart where it is get the hell out of my store and don't ever set foot in it again o.r i will trespass you and have you jailed she stood there mouth flapping i said get the hell out now in a quieter tone or shall i call the police and have you escorted out the front door in cuffs the karen took off running as if the devil himself had come in pursuit of her it was an unbelievable but very satisfying thing to have witnessed the manager turned to us i'm so sorry you had to endure that and hear me yelling but she had that coming and this is not the first time she has harassed other shoppers please allow me to do something for you for your troubles when we left we not only had our shopping comp 25 at his insistence although we told him it wasn't necessary we were each given a 50 gift card to use as we see fit on our next visit to the store and i have a new hero to enjoy talking to whenever i go shopping there again next story sorry i don't work here okay let's just say i'm very short for my age i was at my local target with my niece who we'll call diana for a bit of context i was coming right from volunteer work at the animal shelter i love animals kind of my soft spot and i picked up diana from her school she wanted to go to the toy section and i agreed to buy her something small while i'm joking around with my friend who was with us diana comes up to us with one of those lol dolls we agree it's all right for her to get it and start walking over to the food my friend separates from us to get some vitamins here's where the drama comes up karen excuse me ma'am i turned around to see a woman with her three kids yes a typical karen me oh i'm sorry do you need to get by me no i need you to tell me where the laundry detergent is i was obviously confused because i don't even look like i worked there i was wearing a shirt with todoroki on it in jeans i'm a big weeb not a uniform i'm sorry i don't work here i think somebody who does work here is in the next aisle though diana auntie lemon who is this karen get your brat to shut up diana and i were absolutely shocked diana started to cry and my friend let's call her remy bends down to comfort her remy shish diana it's all right she didn't mean to hurt your feelings me what is wrong with you i don't work here all right karen yes you do let me see your manager i don't have a manager ma'am for the last time i don't work here at this point an employee came over employee is there a problem ladies yes she isn't letting me see her manager call him over let me make this clear the manager is a woman not a man employee she's on a business call but i can get get the manager already i was helping remy calm down diana at the time and the employee looked like he was about to throw the karen into a wall employee fine fine don't blame me if she kills you the manager came walking over clearly pissed off manager what's going on ma'am you need to fire these 2e not you i was talking to this young lady i summed up what happened to the manager karen she's lying manager ma'am i'm going to have to tell you to leave the store next story kovid makes the craziest even crazier last night i stopped at the store for a few things wore a mask and all that fun stuff at one point the mask kept sagging weird so i took a second to readjust it enter karen who apparently only saw the 0.3 seconds i wasn't wearing a mask why don't you have a mask on such a snippy tone but whatever i guess by this point i've already put it back on so i just look at her like it's right here and go back to my shopping all employees must wear a mask at all times you're putting everyone at risk keep in mind she's not even wearing a mask but again whatever i don't work here it's encouraged for customers but not required well i can't wear a mask because of my asthma so you still have two she mumbled something about kids these days but i had blocked her out as best as i could well you could at least move so i can safely reach the stuffing i didn't notice until then but she had been closer than six feet from me the whole time i'm all about staying civil and keeping everyone safe but this lady was too much nope the longer you bug me the longer i'm going to be browsing here you know the old lady grabbing her pearl's gasp she made that noise so loud i couldn't help but chuckle i need to see your manager i had already told her i didn't work here and i thought she heard me but apparently not i tried again but she kept cutting me off saying manager over and over like a broken record this is where i got petty i could have left could have kept explaining that i didn't work there could have gotten an actual store employee but instead i just took off my mask she ran like way faster than i expected an older lady to run let alone an older lady with bad enough asthma to justify not wearing a mask maybe she thought i was going to cough on her makes me think she's messed with people before and maybe someone else reacted that way i didn't see her after that thankfully the evil part of me wanted to touch every single stuffing box too far could affect others but hilarious idea i can't even imagine what she would have done it was just so weird to me she would make such a big fuss not follow any guidelines herself then just run away never to be seen again some say she's still running to this day next story i don't work here that's my sister background so i have a sister she is two years younger but we look very similar it's moderately easy to tell as apart though if you know us well and spend time with us she works part-time in walmart and is 21. i am 23 and work as an assistant manager for a restaurant in town so i was in walmart getting a couple of things my sister wanted she was sick and due to us being fairly close i was helping her out and planned on making her dinner i was just looking for the chocolate she likes when one of the employees came up to me his name is tom and i knew him fairly well as i came there every so often he was friends with my sister so she introduced us we had a chat for a while and he asked how katie my sister was after that he continued working and i kept shopping i had just decided to put something back when i heard a hey you i looked up to see an old man looking at me yes i asked the man just looked annoyed and snapped come here i was just about to tell him to duck off demanding me to do something like that when i saw an old lady standing slightly behind him she told him not to be so rude and apologize to me the lady was smiling as she asked me if i could reach the ketchup for her i decided because she had asked nicely i would help her out so i came over and got her a bottle when i handed it to her she asked if there was a bigger bottle i told her that there wasn't and i was sorry as i turned around to leave the old man goes well then go out to the back and get her a bigger bottle you idiot don't just walk away it clicked then that the guy thought i worked at the walmart sorry i can't do that as i don't work here if you really need that bigger bottle then ask one of the employees i answered slightly amused by him the lady looked like she was going to say something when the old man cut in don't be stupid you do work here i see you here all the time you're just being lazy me sir you must have mistaken me for my sister she is the one that worked here not me i really can't help you liar you're a liar my wife wants ketchup get her the ketchup i saw you talking to that boy you're always talking to that boy you do work here you're just being lazy at this point he is shouting and his poor wife who has done nothing wrong looked like she wants to hide sir for the last time i don't work here and i am going to politely ask you to duck off finally someone comes but it turns out to be tom tom is something wrong sir this lazy piece of trash is refusing to get my wife some ketchup and is denying working here right now the old bastard is looking pretty smug like i'm going to be in serious trouble tom cersei doesn't work here you must have mistaken her for her sister katie i can get that ketchup for you though liar she does work here you're lying i saw you too laughing and talking you're just covering for her because you're both lazy liars i'm telling your manager then he just huffs off leaving his wife to apologize a couple of minutes later he comes back with the manager and is going on about how i'm so lazy and rude and refusing to help a customer and blah blah blah the manager is just looking at him and nodding along with a smile on his face until the old man has finished his rant manager i can see how this would be a problem if she were an employee but cersei doesn't work here tom please get the man some ketchup then take them to the checkout finally he turned to me and apologized for the trouble and asked how my sister is when i get home i make food and tell my sister who finds the whole thing hilarious she said she had encountered him before next story toilet paper gives people a reason to be rude to people at the end of february i got a job as an inventory associate as luck and timing would have it the pandemic swooped in and basically made my job useless until stores could get their inventory back so in an effort to give employees hours and keep their job secure my company has been sending groups of us to stores like walgreens and rite aid to help them put their trucks away since many of the stores lost employees and they are seriously undermanned so i can understand why people think i work at those stores because i'm putting stock away and going in the back room to put totes away sometimes people do ask me where things are such as toilet paper and thermometers and are very understanding when i explain my situation more than one actually apologized for interrupting my work except for today so i'm stalking some food products and basically keeping to myself i've been to three of these stores in three days and i just want to get things done i'm sitting on the floor as i hear the dreaded call rude dude excuse me i keep to myself again silently hoping there was an employee nearby excuse me me yes you guys got toilet paper actually i don't work here i'm just no one has any you got some i don't think any is here fine where are the masks probably by the gauzes i think aisle 16 what do you mean you think you should know who just sits on the floor again i don't work here i'm helping out just tell me where the damn things are or i'm getting your manager as a side note i don't have a manager we have a supervisor but people can't really tell the difference because they are working with us the only time we get called out by a supervisor is because we did a count wrong which we aren't doing at this moment the manager comes walking through coming to check on us i think he was coming over by just how loud the rude dude's voice was getting manager hey gypsy how's it going here rude dude this girl won't tell me where your toilet paper is she's trying to keep it to herself i had to stifle a laugh at that my manager was confused sir we are all out at the moment gypsy is here because she's contracted to help us stalk due to the pandemic keeping our employees at home so she does work for you she should be fired for trying to keep products away from the customers again she is contracted through another company that's why her uniform is different toilet paper products are in some aisle number i don't remember don't be too upset if you can't find any the rude dude huffs and storms off to the empty aisle i look up to the manager who has a satisfied smirk on his face i get upset when people around here treat my employees badly i don't want you being treated that way just because you're here helping out i hate doing stalking but at least it's money and i'm glad i at least got to be in a good environment where the store employees helped me out apparently a pandemic equals treating people rudely next story i hope i don't get fired from the job i don't have this is my first post so be gentle my summer work uniform consists of khaki pants and a plain red polo shirt so you see where this is going it's been very hot this week and i decided to stop at target on the way home from work to pick up some ice cream and popsicles for my family i made it 10 feet into the store when someone asked me if i worked there i kindly explained that i did not and moved on soon after i was standing near the ice cream freezer with a shopping basket in my hand when a college kid asked me if the store carried a certain brand of ice cream i showed her my basket and explained that i didn't work there but realized that my outfit totally made me look like i did we both had a good laugh about it and started looking for the ice cream brand together while we were looking an older woman stocked up to me and yelled you've been helping her long enough now show me where the dog food is i held up my basket now with several boxes of popsicles in it and explained that i did not work there she got really upset and told me that even if i was on my break in shopping that i still had to help her i slowed down my speech and said i do not work in this store that set her off and she stormed off to find the manager and get me fired the college kid next to me laughed through the whole incident and told me to post it here next story you have the wrong number i'm not sure if this totally fits but she did think i was working for a different company a little back story blue cross blue shield or whatever health insurance company american airlines has is apparently the same phone number as my company but just the area code is different so i've been getting a lot of wrong number calls at work i usually just interrupt people and tell them they have the wrong number and hang up without waiting for a response and that's that i try to be as nice as possible but a few times people have called back this story is about one of my favorite times this story is from before i knew what the phone number differences were or what the insurance company was phone rings me company name how may i help you angry lady my husband is a pilot with american airlines and i'm in the doctor's office right now are you looking for an insurance company yeah i i'm sorry ma'am you have the wrong number we're not your insurance company okay have a nice day i hung up phone rings again me company name how may i help you angry lady clearly mad but not yelling since you so rudely hung up on me do you think you could give me the correct number to call no i don't have the number to your insurance company try redialing i hung up again phone rings again me company name how may i angry lady now yelling how dare you hang up on me i hung up again phone rings now i see it's her number and i'm kind of bored so i decided to let her go off for a minute this time just for fun but i let it ring a few times and then pick up me company name how may i help you are you kidding me listen here miss company name hang up again and you're screwed my husband is a pilot for american airlines connect me to the insurance now me i can't i don't have that number and i don't work with them but can i interest you in our new product we have the best prices what is wrong with you i'm going to have you fired my husband does a pie i hang up while she's still yelling she called back one more time and i didn't answer and she hasn't called back since i guess she figured it out i feel bad for whoever caught her when she did dial the right number and i really hope someone isn't actually named what our store is named at blue cross or american and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 165,667
Rating: 4.8196459 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, entitled, karen, store manager, flee the store, banned from store
Id: 75R7TmRw3rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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