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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story entitled mom demands me to let her kid have a free copy of my wip novel writing this as soon as i got home so there might be some mistakes sorry so to celebrate national write a novel in a month month my creative writing teacher is making us write a 30 000 word novel that constitutes to about a thousand words a day this is my first novel so i thought maybe it'd be best to go for a children's novel not saying those are easy to write i just have some experience with storytelling with children so to cram some words in i was riding on the bus it was pretty nice people minding their business just a dude working on his laptop until some kid was like lmao i'm gonna wreck his productivity and asked me a lot of questions i didn't necessarily mind because this is the age range i'm writing for it's a pretty open bus so his mom has sight of both me and him we bounce ideas back and forth until his mother comes over entitled mom hey kid's name what are you doing kid i'm helping him right mom well what are you writing me oh yeah i'm writing a children's novel your kid has been a lot of help mom well if he's helped so much shouldn't he be able to get a copy for free i then try to explain to her about the editing process which can take anywhere from a few days to an entire month and the publishing process which would take about half a month to a full month i also told her that i'm not even done with it yet i'm barely halfway through the seventh chapter the kid's opinions and suggestions might not even come through in the published version she then goes off about how her son should be compensated for his ideas that he should at least have a free copy when it's out i said oh i'm planning on selling this on amazon i'm publishing under pen name she continues to say her son should get a free copy i just got off the bus next story told my mother last night that she is no longer a part of my life and that she is dead to me my mother has never been nice to me she has been abusive to me my entire life she is a drug addict and a compulsive liar but nonetheless she was my mother and i only ever loved her i would do whatever she asked no matter how insane i was paying for the hotel she was staying at because she was staying with my sister but got kicked because during an argument my mother called the police on her own daughter lied to the cops about how she felt threatened and had my sister arrested so i got her a hotel that i have been paying 556. a week for since september 1st i have been working out a town working 12 plus hour days every single day we do not get days off because we're paid by piece work but that's a whole different conversation i only make about 1k a week so when i'm sending more than half of my check to pay for a room i'm not staying in so my mom can hang out and get high on top of the actual cost of the room i was helping by buying groceries for her i was buying her jewel pods because she was a smoker and she didn't have any i would also buy her pills because she would get sick without any and if i ever tried to say no she would start saying that i was a horrible son worthless greedy selfish etc that would break my heart so she took advantage of that knowing i would send it to her if she broke me down enough she was very mentally abusive there is just so much but last night me and her had gotten into an argument because i was pulling out cash for her and i guess i needed to pull 95 80 of it out of the atm then pull 15 out cashbacks from the register i guess i went to the wrong atm and was charged a fee which subsequently meant i couldn't pull out 95 anymore so i took her the 80 and omg it was like i killed her dog she flipped saying how stupid i was but it was when she said how did i get so unlucky to have such a dumb and worthless son that one broke me i went outside cried and then went inside and told her you're supposed to be my mom you're supposed to love me she looked at me rolled her eyes and said i should have been born with a vagina because of how much i cry so i left and when i got home i wrote her a long message telling her i no longer want anything to do with her she is no longer my mother and if people ask me i'm gonna say my mom passed away when she overdosed in the kitchen when i was in eighth grade i'm sorry this was long and probably pretty hard to read i'm horrible at writing law but today has been pretty rough i just wanted to tell someone what i did i was planning on posting the message i sent her but reddit kept saying something went wrong when i would try and post the pictures if you want to see them dm me and i'll show you screw it i was going to post on here anyway if you took the time to read this thank you and sorry for my poor writing next story my entitled sister wants me to house my niece for free during university my niece had to move back in with her mother after the lock down started she lost her job and all her classes were online her lease was month to month so she didn't have to worry about breaking her lease recently the schools have reopened and she has started attending classes again problem is her apartment which was walking distance from her university is now rented parking in the area sucks and it's an hour one way from her mother's house on public transit i will say now that my niece is also incredibly spoiled and is taking classes for a degree with no practical benefits by this i mean that it will in no way help her with a career path nor are they necessary courses for further education got a call from my sister asking if my niece could live with me because i live alone in a two-bedroom house and i'm a 15-minute bus trip away from her uni i said no for several reasons i work nights and need to sleep during the day my niece is a very loud young woman and doesn't understand the concept of an indoor voice last time she stayed in the same home as me i was sleep deprived because of her practically yelling on her phone and it affected how i did my job resulting in a write-up my niece is also a very messy person i helped with the move out and the memory makes me shudder some of the unwashed dishes in the sink were tossed because they were beyond cleaning she tried to just sit on random crap and text her friends and scroll tiktok i had to take her phone and lock it in the glove box for the u-haul we rented to get her butt moving to help my sister still calls me a witch for doing this while i may have a two-bedroom home the second room is my office work room i've been in the process of making wire wrapped necklaces to sell online for extra income and i need the area as a workspace it's also my library for lack of a better word i keep my collection of novels on bookshelves in there and a comfy old recliner for reading in my niece is allergic to cats and i have three my sister seems to think i can keep them all either in my bedroom or locked up in the basement for the school year screw that right there and this is the big one my old sister is under the belief that my niece wouldn't have to help out with household expenses or be expected to cook for herself she also thinks that my niece shouldn't have to get a job while in school to focus on her studies tried to pull the where family and should help each other out card but that didn't count for nothing when my step-siblings nearly made me homeless after my step-dad died and gave me 30 days to find a new place for me and my dog dog-friendly buildings where i live are hard to find the only way i would agree for my niece to live with me is that she would give me 250 a month to help cover utilities and part of the internet figured that as a steal considering a cheap place around her school is more than double even triple that plus utilities and she could use the garage for her car for free but i would also expect her to buy her own food and clean up after herself like doing her own laundry keeping her room clean and putting her dishes at least in the sink if not the dishwasher would not expect her to cut the grass or shovel snow the thought of even asking her to do this already gives me a headache now i'm getting texts from my both sisters telling me that i'm a horrible person and should open my home to this that it's unreasonable to expect a 19 year old to spend two hours on the bus every day and yada yada part of me feels guilty because i could move my office and workspace down into the basement can't be a living space due to lack of windows but i can't afford the expense of a second person in my home without them chipping in for the bills nor will i lock my cats away in their home edit thank you so much for the awards did not expect this to blow up like this edit 2 should have been more clear i don't have plans on letting her live with me the 250 thing i mentioned was more a what-if situation that i am not in training this post was more a rant than anything else but i am appreciative of the advice and the validation on my choice even though this wasn't meant to be an ad in the a-hole post third and final edit had a long talk with my sisters about the situation also spoke with my niece she had no idea her mom and other aunt were trying to arrange living with me she has plans on moving in with her boyfriend of two years and her mom blew her top end of story i don't need to worry about her moving in with me she didn't want to i have too many rules for her taste next story my kids deserve vitamins more than you short phone call between my mom and my aunt the entitled mother recently entitled mother sis we have no more vitamins you promise to help us send us more please my kids need them mom but i just sent you a bottle cap last week it should have lasted a month a month you gotta be kidding with me my three kids plus my husband it won't even last a week but i thought it's only for your youngest i only sent you children's vitamins your two kids are all grown up they are adults already i believe the dosage won't be enough for them shaking her head what are you saying vitamins are important especially in times of pandemic we all should drink vitamins regularly you should know that but we don't even drink vitamins here why would we buy all of you vitamins i only promise to give your kid vitamins to help you because your husband lost his job and i feel pity for the child exactly my kids deserve to drink vitamins because i'm a responsible parent apparently my kids deserve it more than you just send us some more or just wire some cash so i can buy one myself the one you sent tastes weird that's because it's children's vitamins you should have not drank it hmph there's no point arguing with you you just can't understand the importance of vitamins whatever just send us the cash what am i your personal savings bank hangs up next story knocked unconscious on public transport thanks to an entitled mother for clarification and understanding purposes i have a medical condition in which my blood circulation is extremely weak my average resting pulse is at around 45 bpm when i sleep it can go down to 30 bits per second endangering my life when i am physically active not resting etc my pulse rises to around 60 bpm a pulse of 70 bpm for me is like 130 bpm for someone with a normal or healthy blood circulation so i pass out extremely easily therefore i need to be super careful about my movements actions and stuff or else i will get knocked unconscious in seconds of just standing up i never thought i'd encounter an entitled parent myself but unfortunately i did yesterday it was around 8 30 in the morning i was riding the bus to university so i sit there on the bus listening to music minding my own business when all of a sudden someone taps me on the arm excuse me young man could you please get up this is my son's favorite spot on the bus the entitled ma said i replied what i'm sorry but i need this place come on there's plenty of room for you to stand just get up and give us the spot i really can't i'm sorry if i get up now i will uh just get up you seem fine nothing's wrong with you you're just lazy and don't want to stand while i'm trying to explain to the entitled mother that i have a certain condition in which i need to be careful about my movements because my pulse and circulation is so extremely weak and fragile she keeps on screaming about how i was stealing her son's happiness and how lazy i am for not standing up for a mother and her child i was feeling my pulse rising because of the argument and stress this lady was causing me and i got extremely anxious i didn't want to pass out on public transport her son looked really uncomfortable through this whole argument and at one point tried to tell entitled mother to just leave me alone the rest of the bus of course caught attention to the situation all of a sudden the entitled mother grabbed my hand and tried to take my pulse your pulse seems fine what's wrong with you why can't you just stand up her grip was so firm it left marks of her nails on my skin she pulled me out of the seat leaving me standing on the bus with an already way too high pulse for me and my condition i tried to walk a few steps to find something to hold on to so i wouldn't fall but it was already too late anyway and i fell to the ground getting unconscious in the middle of a bus what happened after that i don't quite know i consciously lay wrapped up in a blanket on the pavement surrounded by paramedics the police and the bus driver they explained to me what had happened while i was gone the police took statements from entitled mother some other people on the bus and the bus driver and took entitled mother in custody they asked me if i wanted to give a statement now or later when i recovered and if i wanted to press charges for assault and of course i absolutely did all i heard from her after i woke up was just screaming in disbelief and crying so far it's sure that entitled mother's health insurance company will have to pay for the ambulance paramedics and other following medical bills all public transport for this specific line was forced to stop for three hours just because an entitled mother didn't get what she wanted currently i'm in hospital under supervision i'll be released once they're sure my pulse and circulation is a little stronger they know they can't cure it but they said they will try to make me at least a little more stable edit thank you guys so much for all your lovely wishes so far i'm feeling all right and much better i'm probably getting released tomorrow evening i'll update you if i get any updates on entitled mother's charges edit 2. after reading up on some insurance stuff i think it was some kind of umbrella insurance policy and not only her health insurance i have no big clue how this works and i can only go with the info my company provided me but you guys also gave some nice input big factor to take into consideration about this i'm german this happened in germany next story entitled mother calls the cops on me for trespassing on my own land gets evicted cast me duh entitled mother typical entitled cow frank unlucky neighbor previously un before the edit the owner of entitled mother's house and the father of entitled mother's baby daddy grandfather an 83 years old farmer who takes no crap cops one two and three backstory for most of my life i was raised by my grandfather nothing was wrong with my family life or anything just a few sets of circumstances that's a whole other story in itself we live in a suburban area surrounded by woods and he owns about 10 acres into the woods with the boundaries clearly marked by stone walls one of these stone walls separated my grandfather's land from a cul-de-sac and up until now we have had zero problems with any of them in fact my grandfather was usually more than happy to give permission to neighbors who politely asked him to use his land given they had a good reason one of these neighbors had asked my grandfather if he could dump the sticks and leaves in his yard over the stone wall my grandfather agreed as he rarely uses that part of the property anyway this will be important later my grandfather is very healthy for his age and still strong as an ox that being said he has a few minor health issues including vertigo spells so i've been trying to help him around the yard more and more as well as just to stay active outside away from crowds with this virus going around recently i've started the project of cleaning up the underbrush around the wooded area a large pine had fallen a few months before and almost hit one of the porches in the cul-de-sac my grandfather cut up the tree and removed the pieces in the neighbor's yard but it was too deep in the woods to pull them out with the tractor this led to me going back to that pine tree and trying to clear a path back to the house from there i was behind the stone wall cutting and pulling up seedlings when i heard the glass door of the cul-de-sac house open and an angry lady storming out onto the porch in a bathrobe she was much younger than a typical karen i would say mid-20s entitled mother what are you doing here you can't be here l me um dot why not because you're trespassing dumb kid you think you can just hang out in the woods behind my house with my kids inside get the hell out of here before i call the cops at this point i'm just looking at her trying to figure out what to say i mean i get it it can be a little weird seeing someone in the woods behind your house if you haven't seen them before me ma'am i'm sorry if i scared you but my family owns this part of the woods i'm just cleaning up back here remember me and my grandfather were back here a few months back to take care of that tree that fell down i just need to clear a path so we can get it out of here at this point i thought it was purely a misunderstanding entitled mother don't be ridiculous those were laborers my bf's dad hired you don't own the land my bf's dad owns all this gestures with her hand now all tell you one more time to get out before i call the cops now i'm thinking i might be dealing with a genuine idiot as outside our property boundaries the woods are owned by the town water plant and don't have public access but i'm also taken aback that she referred to us as laborers me guess you're going to have to call the cops then because i ain't moving i don't care what you your bf or your bf's dad says i shrug as i lean back against the wall and pull out my phone to call my grandfather to tell him where i was he tells me he'll be there in a few minutes and to hang tight she then dramatically proceeds to call 911 and tells them there's a shady individual on her property refusing to leave and she's afraid for her life i start getting nervous at this point even though all i have on me is a hooked branch cutter so i call the police non-emergency number briefly explain the situation as just a land dispute that got out of hand and that i am unarmed and waiting on my own property and that i have never left my own property he assured me that it would be settled when the officers arrived which didn't help my nerves just then i hear my grandfather pull up and see him walking through the yard towards us entitled mother what stay back you can't come into my yard grandfather growls keep your mouth shut you dumb broad he growled as he walked over to me and climbed over the wall so he was on my side grandfather now who the hell do you think you are and why are you yelling at my granddaughter entitled mother my bf's dad owns all this in both if you are going to get arrested for trespassing my grandfather let out a dramatic indignant laugh grandfather oh did he tell you that well you're in for quite the shock and your bf's dad is in for quite the talk after them yelling back and forth for a few minutes two cop cars pull up and three officers come walking into the yard as soon as they do she starts screaming again about how we have no right to be in the woods behind her house where we can see her kids inside cop one looks to g sir do you own the property behind this wall grandfather yes sir i do pulls out his wallet to show his address cop 1. eyeing his license sir this address is down the street me correct but if you look on google maps it shows the property boundaries of that address reach out through the woods and end at this wall i hand him my phone which already has google maps open showing our exact location within the boundary of the property cop2 yep she's right so what were you all doing back here if you don't mind me asking we explained the situation of the tree and how we were working to remove the remnants meanwhile the other officer was taking a statement from the entitled mother grandfather i know the owner of this house he's a good guy i give him permission to dump his leaves and stuff behind the wall but i've never seen her before so i don't know where she got those crazy ideas but i'm definitely going to have a talk with frank when he gets home cop one she already called him up and he's on his way now do you mind sticking around for a little until he gets here grandfather sure we got nothing to do the cops walked us to my grandfather's truck where we waited about 10 minutes for frank to pull in when he did he immediately walked over to the truck frank grandfather's first name op what's going on someone was hiding out in the woods are you okay did you see him to clarify we have had an issue in the past with people running from cops and hiding in our woods it took a second for us to realize he thought that maybe the entitled mother saw one and we came to chase him out me not exactly at this point two cops are around us again but being two old guys who obviously pose zero threat they're noticeably relaxed and kind of let them talk it out frank explains that the entitled mother is his granddaughter's mother and his son had made some mistakes and currently both were staying with him while they tried to find a place of their own he thinks maybe his son told some lies to make him look better grandfather well i hate to say it but your son made some big mistakes she's crazy frank oh you have no idea the other cop is still talking to the entitled mother who won't stop screaming about not wanting us to be able to see into the living room especially my grandfather a creepy old man my blood is boiling at this point my grandpa is the type of person who would gladly throw his life away to save a child any child even strangers frank heard this too and ordered entitled mother inside at once he told the cops he needed to have a talk with both her and his son about their living situation but they might want to remain nearby in case she tries to call again for whatever reason me and my grandfather are given the clear to go but leave our contact information found out later that week that entitled mother was getting evicted for a number of reasons with this little incident being the last straw he's also filing for custody of his granddaughter because the entitled mother refuses to get a job yet still has money for weed yet keeps asking frank for money to take care of his granddaughter i really feel bad for her in this situation but i have no sympathy for the entitled mother whatsoever entitlement at its best and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 38,866
Rating: 4.9124837 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, public transportation, pass out, karen
Id: _hrKDNHnz0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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