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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story entitled father demands stranger pay for his groceries because he promised he would a lot of people asked me to post some more stories after i posted my last one but i didn't know which one to do i've had a good amount of them however a lot of them aren't as bad as the ones i've already told but this one is probably one of the worst please note i can't remember exactly what was said but i'm putting it into what i think they said due to me working in a supermarket i meet a lot of different people and most of them are incredibly nice and respectful however i also see a lot of karen and male karens unsure of the name they have and that is exactly who this story is about it was midweek and i was working the tills when a man entitled dad and his son approached and began loading on their shopping and they had a lot of shopping after scanning their items i told them the amount i think it was around 145 pounds and the entitled dad began rummaging around in his wallet and pulling out notes of money after counting it all out it turns out he was a few pounds short and decided his son should probably put something back so that he could pay the kid was upset and reluctantly obliged however the guy who was standing behind them at the till spoke up i can get that for you he said obviously talking to the kid and not the dad the kid smiled and before he could say anything the entitled dad went thank you so much it comes to pound x and he threw his son's items in the trolley and moved away to let the man come forwards the other guy then said i was talking about your kid's stuff i'll buy that i'm not paying for your shopping i can't afford to but you just said you would pay yeah but i meant i'd pay for your kids stuff not yours well you can't just make empty promises you have to pay for it now he then looked at me that's how it works right he has to pay because he promised he would he doesn't have to pay for anything that you buy unfortunately the entitled dad shoots me a mean look and tells his son to pass his stuff to the man behind who was still nice enough to pay for it which is a lot nicer than i would have been and then they both left midway through serving the nice guy the first saw the entitled and his kid at the cash machine through the window withdrawing some more money meaning all along he could afford it in the first place so me and the nice guy had a good laugh about that next story it's your fault my eight-year-old pushed you when you were deadlifting causing you to hurt your back so i am an avid gym goer i've been working out for about a few years now and go about five times a week i try to be as helpful and friendly as i can with both newcomers and regulars alike as no one should be ashamed about wanting to better their physical health but today was a bit different so it was leg day best day today and i was starting to load up the hex bar trap bar whatever name you prefer with my starting weight when i noticed two kids running into the weight room now this is a little bit understandable as this is a newly added on section and many people come in with their kids to check it out before they send their kids off to the children's area sadly there was no mom dad to be found in the room and this area is 18 years and older and less supervised shrugging it off as i am almost done being in there i went back to my deadlifts the next couple of sets went okay and i was on my last set with around four plates 405 pounds 183 kilograms on the bar as i was in mid-rep one of the kids comes up and pushes me from behind causing me to fall forward round my back and break my proper form during my fall i noticed the kid laughing on the ground behind me so i did my best to hold on to the weight so it would not fall on the kid and cause him serious harm the four other people inside the area stopped their sets to go check on me to make sure i was okay the kid seeing a bunch of people gathering around realized he screwed up and started crying for his dad as i was getting help to my feet and guided to a bench in walks this middle-aged man in dirty work clothes looking pissed off he stomps right up to me and proceeds to go ape crazy on me according to him i pushed his kid down and was trying to hurt him so here i am laying on my stomach in pain yelling at a middle-aged man for his lack of parenting something something don't call me a bad parent something something calling cops for child abuse something something beating me up as i was laying on my stomach in pain trying to relax my back muscles it wasn't until the four others started defending me that he figured out his kid possibly caused me major spine injury this dad if you could call him that in his infinite wisdom decided to grab his kids and leave the gym after he called the cops so the cops come to the gym and ask everyone around some questions after being told that the one who called them left by the time they got to me i was able to stand up and move around a bit they asked me if i wanted to do anything about what happened i said no as i was just wanting to leave and head home to nurse my back as it was only a grade 1 muscle strain and nothing serious they were still going to drive over to his house to let them know the situation and whatever else they needed to do as he was the one who called them note the gym has his address for billing purposes on record so here i am with a heating pad on my back and out of the gym for one week to recover glad that it is not a major injury but still pretty pissed off parents of youtube who are reading this please do not do what this guy did not everyone is going to be as nice as i was and choose to not follow up with anything the man and his kids are indeed going to be banned from the gym not 100 what the police are going to be doing about being called up and the person who called not being there i'm sure there is going to be some charge or fine for that next story entitled parent calls the cops because i am in my garden so a while ago our family had a few friends over for a barbecue i was 12 at this time so i was happy that their children friend number one and friend number two were the same age as my younger brother and me we have a pretty big garden so we play tag hide and seek etc eventually we start throwing water balloons and play with any water we can find naturally we are screaming and shouting because we are having fun not because of hypothermia we play for a short time until we hear the entitled parent shouting from over the hedge entitled parent shut the hell up we laugh about it but take no further notice we just assume they aren't talking to us we continue playing until we hear them yell again shut the hell up and go home we didn't know what to do so we asked our parents they said it's our garden so we should just be allowed to do what we want right anyway the entitled parent continues to yell some things i would rather not type but it was along the lines of shut up i'm playing a card game with my kid we understood they wanted some peace and quiet so we played quieter after another minute we hear entitled parents yell again i'm calling the cops at this point our parents heard and went over to pay them a little visit after a few minutes of procrastination the entitled parent did call the cops who were incredibly helpful and just said the same thing their garden their rules next story entitled mother makes fake claims of abuse gets in trouble for lying so my best friend is a daycare worker they work in a toddler child care center they and their co-workers are all very qualified child-loving individuals well last week someone anonymously emailed the center and said that the daycare worker and other co-workers were taking inappropriate pictures of the babies during nap time obviously this is a huge accusation so the center took it very seriously even calling child protective services themselves and initiating an internal investigation where they allowed child protective services to look into everything child protective services found nothing wrong and cleared the center and the daycare worker well this week the daycare director overheard our entitled mother bragging to another parent about how she called in fake abuse because she was pissed at some policy the center had so the daycare worker and director call child protective service and tell them what they've observed and now child protective service is investigating the entitled mother for abuse she was contacted by police for making false reports and all three of the entitled mother's kids are getting kicked out of the center next story entitled parents complain about our electric fence they wind up admitting their kids are the neighborhood thieves another poster reminded me about the neighborhood outcry over our electric fence we had a couple hundred cars and other motor vehicles stored at any given time the neighborhood kids older teens some were actually adults like to break in and steal personal items left in the cars wallets radios gps units etc if they stole the radio out of the dash they'd rip the dash apart so we'd have to replace the radio and repair the dash it would be a very expensive repair we had a six plus foot high fence topped with razor wire and an alarm they'd find ways over it usually they'd throw a mattress on the razor wire and hop over using a car to protect ourselves we put up an electric fence inside our security fence the one topped with razor wire the electric fence was six feet inside the outer fence neighborhood parents decided they were up in arms about our complete disregard for their little duck trophies the local councilman and police lieutenant came to me asking what we could do to calm the neighbors mind you the electric fence was installed with the blessing of the local government fully permitted and licensed i told the politician he was the real mouthpiece that we would not be disarming or removing the fence he told me that neighbors were very very concerned for their children i asked him which neighbors were most vocal he told me i looked at the lieutenant and told him that those were the kids to look into when there were burglaries and thefts in the area the politician asked why i told him the parents most worried about their kids were the one that had kids they knew were climbing the other fence and stealing and vandalizing cars then i took them to show the fence you would seriously think the councilman would have taken a closer look at the setup but he only looked at the big yellow high voltage warning signs when we got to the storage facility the lieutenant laughed the councilman looked shocked he was mad and surprised at the same time they looked at the set up the electric fence was two full steps inside the property there was no way to accidentally contact it from the sidewalk the only way to get to it would be to climb the outer security fence the kids weren't allowed in there ever under any circumstances it didn't take long for the councilman to learn he had been played by the neighbors the lieutenant was fairly entertained he actually laughed then councilman said something politically correct and left i looked at the lieutenant and we talked about the families that were really upset about the fence they outed themselves as the suspects in a number of crimes one of the older kids would shoot someone about two years later he would actually be caught on a stolen atv from our other location next story mother spent an hour shopping while her child screamed the entire time then tried to exchange clothes from over a year ago to pay for the clothes she picked out that day so this happened a few years ago when i was working part-time at a clothing outlet let's just say that this company sells higher-end clothing and caters almost exclusively to karen's my life was hell for those two years god bless those who work there full time you are the real heroes let me start by saying this was a saturday shift in a crowded shopping mall and i was working a double to cover for a co-worker i had recently been promoted to shift lead so i was the manager on duty that day and was closing fast forward to the end of the day the day was insane and by the end of it both my co-worker and i were exhausted we were tidying up the store and taking care of all the go backs when i heard the door open it was 8 53 we close at 9. enter the entitled mother and her kid typically if we have customers that come in that late it's to grab a gift card or something we do have the occasional shopper that comes right before close and stays a while but they are typically fairly quick when they realize that they are the only ones there holding us up not tonight the first thing i notice is that the entitled kid is screaming like it sounds like someone is ripping off his arms level screams i walk up to greet the entitled mother over the sounds of her screaming offspring me good evening ma'am is there something that i can help you find today no thanks just browsing the worst answer okay well let me know if you need help with anything before i close the dressing rooms my little way of insinuating that it's late and i wanna go home well i'll definitely need a dressing room can you go ahead and start one for me yelling at this point over the sounds of the entitled kid screaming sure thing sorry about him he's had a long day haven't we all as i walk away i notice that the entitled mother has a trash bag full of clothes underneath the stroller that is carting around her screaming toddler odd but whatever maybe she has a goodwill donation for the next hour and a half this woman tries on every article of clothing in the store for corporate policy we can't rush guests as they shop as long as they come in before close we tried everything turning off the music sweeping the floor closing the two out of three registers etc pretty much all the indicators that we are closed and to get the f out and yet she stayed and her kid screamed for an hour of it before he fell asleep at around 10 30 she is ready to check out i have my poor co-worker start to ring her up so i can get closing started in the back and get us the heck out of here i'm in the stockroom when i hear the screams i rush out and i find this lady screaming and my co-worker who is one of the nicest people i've ever known and is crying at this point me what seems to be the problem anything i can help with entitled mother yes you can fire this idiot because she's treating me like absolute garbage i don't think corporate would be very happy to hear how their employees are treating paying customers the co-worker looks at me with tear-filled eyes me will you go back and finish the online orders for me i'll take care of this customer okay ma'am what can i help you with well i was trying to get these clothes returned so i can put the credit towards my purchase entitled mother then takes the full garbage bag of clothes and dumps it out in front of me technically the clothes inside the bag were all from the store where i worked however they were all a year older or more clearly worn no tags me ma'am i'm so sorry but you cannot return these entitled mother what why not well for one they don't have any tags you don't have a receipt and they have clearly been washed and worn by you for quite some time returns are typically recent purchases that don't quite fit well these don't fit me anymore so i would like to return them said in a very condescending tone our return policy is 30 days and it can't be washed and you need a tag or receipt can't you just give me store credit no i cannot you can try resell shops if you want to but we aren't a thrift store these pieces aren't even in production anymore i'm not an idiot i know these clothes are from a while ago because i'm the one who bought them they don't fit me anymore because i was busy creating human life and now i need new clothes she gestures to her poor exhausted child who has at this point woken up and began to scream again me ma'am i'm sorry but i still can't accept these as returns can i help you purchase the clothes you picked out today entitled mother like hell you can't i have had a long day and deserve this i can't afford to buy these without returning my old clothes then i don't know what i can do for you you can get me your manager full of satisfaction i say i'm the manager on the floor tonight well then you are so screwed i am calling corporate to report you and co-worker here's their number call center opens tomorrow at 7 am the entitled mother's mouth dropped pretty sure she didn't expect me to be so cavalier about getting reported but i did not give a single f at this point she was quiet for a moment and took a deep breath and asked if i could help her bag up her old clothes to take with her so she could give her screaming child a snack i was pretty shocked at the abrupt mood change but whatever i'm exhausted and want to leave so bad i start bagging up her old clothes which she reached down to grab her kid's snack as i'm putting the clothes on the bag she reaches over the counter grabs the clothes she was going to purchase and then runs towards the door i just stand there because it's against our policy to stop people from shoplifting anyway and i've locked the doors to prevent other people from coming in she gets to the doors and violently yanks the handle back and forth trying to open them i calmly walk over let me out sure thing i hold out my hands for the clothes she glares at me then wisely decides it's not worth it she shoves the clothes at me and turns away muttering obscenities at me as she does so i unlocked the door and she leaves as if that encounter wasn't crazy enough she actually called corporate to complain after literally trying to shoplift from our store when i explained everything she was banned from the store and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 43,264
Rating: 4.8992887 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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