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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story return your daughter's christmas present and give me the money because we're family hey reddit prepare to lose some brain cells it was about three years ago my partner and i wanted to get our daughter a really nice gift for christmas so we saved up to get her a d's light in a couple games i was on the phone with my sister a little after new years hey can you lend me some money i don't have any food and i don't get paid for a whole week she asks me i can probably lend you a tenor just pay me back when you get paid oh okay any chance you could do a bit more i literally have nothing that's all i can give you sis sorry at that moment my daughter asked me to help her with something on her d's light and if we could go to the shop to spend her christmas money 15 pounds aw is that my little niece tell her auntie says hi and i love you auntie says hi and love you sorry for waiting i had to help her with something on her ds and she wants to spend her christmas money oh so you have more than a tenor you can send me more what it's not my money it's my daughter's so no come on i know my little niece would like to help her auntie i said no well you can always get a refund for the dee's light and give me the money it's not really an essential thing anyway you know those moments in movies where they pull the phone from their ear and just stare at it i had that moment why the hell would i do that because you're my big sister and it's your responsibility as a family so i should get the money my partner and i saved for our daughter's christmas present back and give it to you i don't think so but you have too no i don't yes you do you need to give me money for food no i really don't i offered to lend you a tenor and you had the cheek to tell me you should get my daughter's money seriously you are so flipping ungrateful oh my god whatever i'll just starve she then cuts off the call during this time she had been taking drugs and i was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was going to use the money for food but to be honest i doubt it that's going to be the end of this story the next story is titled entitled aunt tries to sue me for my inheritance and i'm only nine-year-old she fails miserably all right since so many have asked to read about the first time my entitled aunt auntie scrooge tried to get my inheritance i'm posting it i remind everyone this is entirely from memory and may not be verbatim but i will do my best to recount the matter as best i can at this time i am now nine years old and not entirely aware of everything going on but a strange man has recently introduced himself to my mom and they have had several long talks by this time and have recently included me in some of them something about a large amount of money i would be receiving at 18 years old and being held in something called a trust to protect it from those who will try to take it without having the right to do so and to never ever sign any papers without him being in the room concerning them now this man has never been anything but nice to me and has always had money he gives to me when he comes to the house from the inheritance fund and always given to my mother first from that i got a daily allowance i had to earn and as i later found out it was to teach me the value of money and why it is so important this also was just a little over a year since my father died now having had my ninth birthday a month ago my entitled aunt decided it was time to try to get her hands on my inheritance as it's her brother's money she believed it was hers and hers alone apparently she showed up on one of her weekend visits with some papers she wanted my mother and me to sign and was quite insistent we do so my mother told her no not without that man attorney present so he can read the form she wanted us to sign first auntie scrooge blew up at my mother and demanded we signed the papers immediately my mother stood her ground and eventually threw them out a few days later that man came to the house and i was made to go to my room and play with my toys while they talked no there was no affair going on later my mom sat me down and told me my aunt was trying to take something from us that daddy had left for me and there was no way she was going to let that happen and to not sign any papers she might try to get me to sign without her and the man or in the room with me and to let him read the papers first no matter how much she yells and threatens you with anything a few days later my aunt showed up at school with another strange man even at that age i could tell he was a bad man he just felt wrong she wanted me to write my name on a line on a paper she brought with her i told her mommy told me to not write my name on anything you want me to auntie without mommy and that man being there she said honey auntie really needs this so you have to sign it for me i yelled no and ran to my teacher and told my teacher who immediately escorted me to the principal's office and called my mother my aunt came storming into the office demanding to see me and was rebuffed and told to wait until my mother got there a few minutes later my mom came storming in full mama bear mode and let my aunt have it with absolutely no filter and made it clear she was to come nowhere near her son again without someone called an attorney present that's when my aunt's entitlement came out in full and started yelling that that money was hers by rights and she was going to sue us over it and get it one way or another then stormed out it was a few days after that we received that letter that set my mother to swearing a little after a month my mother made me dress in something nice and we went to a big building that the man with us called a courthouse so after waiting we went into this large room with lots of seats in it and sat at a table in the front a few minutes later my aunt came in with another man and sat at another table in the front in the room with us was the teacher and the principal and a few other people then another man came in we all stood for a moment and the man called the court to session and sat at the raised seat in front and banked a wooden hammer on his desk all dispense with some of the irrelevant here there was a lot of yelling from my aunt resulting in the judge banging his gavel a few times and threatening my aunt with something he called contempt of court to settle her down that's when the thing that sank my aunt's case was revealed the man with us our attorney stood and said the terms of the will are detailed clearly and will be followed to the letter including the clear instructions that should anyone attempt to dispute the terms of the will that persons or peoples claim to any and all parts of the will are to be immediately declared null and void and the immediately lose any and all claim to the will permanently my aunt started screaming about that and demanded she be given her money right now my aunt was literally pulled kicking and screaming out of the courtroom and we didn't hear from her for two weeks after that after that my mom did manage to get something called a restraining order against my aunt so we never had to talk to her again six months later she tried to submit forged documents to get the money but failed as they were immediately shown to be fake that's going to be the end of this story the next story is titled entitled passenger asks to skip the line at the airport i work airport security as my main day job and the volume of entitled people that come through those gates is astounding to me i have stories for days but this one was in the first month i started last year this was pre-covid summer of 2019 time frame it was an early wednesday morning and we had multiple flights leaving within a rather short time frame of each other we're a rather small airport but we're still quite busy primarily flights to vacation spots like orlando tampa myrtle beach it was during our rush hour two of the flights left within 10 minutes of one another so we got the full flight loads of them at the same time causing some foot traffic to be backed up about five minutes after boarding begins a woman comes up to me while i'm making sure people are flowing as smoothly and possible and asks me can you let me jump the line to the front my plane is boarding now i reply with tell you what you can ask the person in front of you if you can skip them if they say yes you can the following exchange ensues my plane is leaving soon she insists i then had to clarify to her ma'am they're on the same flight too you have to wait the same as them can't you call on the radio and ask to delay the flight for a few minutes for me to get through at least that's out of my hands ma'am i'm sorry but i can't do that please just make sure the plane doesn't leave without me that's up to you ma'am if you'd have arrived an hour before when you should have you'd be up there by now i say all this while using my innocent collected yet ever so slightly condescending tone i use for people facing consequences of their dumb decisions and thinking i have to do something about it she sulks and remains quiet till she gets through the checkpoint and then talks to my boss saying i wouldn't let her pass and i was rude to her he watched and listened to me the whole time my boss takes absolutely zero crap from passengers so he said to her ma'am that's his job to make sure order is maintained and people get through nice and efficiently she then said we needed to work on our customer service more and left that's going to be the end of this story the next story is titled entitled lady tries to justify taking out breakfast reservation so i'm not sure if any of you have been to cape cod but in the summertime restaurants are usually packed on weekends breakfast places good ones are generally the worst when it comes to waiting in lines it is not uncommon for an hour or more wait if you have a group of more than six it's even worse than that this story takes place back in 2011. we had 10 people down at my in-laws we wanted to head to one of the more popular breakfast places so i say i'll go and put our name in and wait and call when ready the house was five minutes away so i drove down and put the name in 1.5 hour wait i say fine call my wife and tell them to head in an hour i'll hang out and read and have a coffee in case we are called early the crowd was insane but they were moving pretty quick my family came an hour later and when i checked in they said we would be seated in like 15 minutes so i go out and tell my family and chat with them for a few minutes i guess they were running a little ahead of schedule and one of the waitresses called out my party and some lady said it was hers i had just walked in when i saw this happen i called the hostess and said that was my reservation she recalled me being there and checking in and being that i used my last name to book it it was clear it was mine the lady came up and actually said that since i didn't wait inside or respond right away i gave up the spot and it was hers i turned to the hostess stand where there was a sign about waiting outside to be called and said no she kept arguing that is not how it works in the real world and those are her family's seats she told her family to go sit there thankfully the hostess told her to stop she actually remembered the lady because she just put her reservation 10 minutes ago she started to argue with the hostess about how the waitress gave them the seats and now they were theirs she also stated that her family was hungry and made the drive that morning to the cape and needed to eat at this point my wife came up and asked what the problem was the lady told my wife to mind her own business this kinda pissed her off and when i gave her the skinny she was flaming irate while this whole affair is going on no one is being seated so other people are getting pissed off the lady myself and the hostess are still talking about how this reservation is mine and not hers she is now saying she wants to speak to the manager she is doubling down on getting the table unbeknownst to us my wife goes outside and says loud enough for all to hear that some family that just got there is trying to jump ahead of everyone else to her family mind you everyone else outside has been waiting for an hour or more sweating their heads off i know that she elaborated a bit to get some people annoyed and it worked there were about five or six different people that went in and saw what was going on and started calling the lady and her family every name in the book myself i was surprisingly calm through the whole thing the place was very busy as i mentioned and was on a very busy street so the cops were usually around for traffic help the manager had come over and was already getting sick of the crap going on and the lady's attitude and she called one of the cops in she asked the cops to trespass her in the family because they were causing a scene the cop told them they had to leave the lady started to argue and the cop warned her that she would be arrested soon for disturbing the peace at that point the lady realized she overplayed her hand and she asked the hostess if they could wait outside for the seats they had put in for originally this was because she was going to have an even longer wait at this point if they went to a new place the manager said nope and wished them the best at their next breakfast place we eventually were seated and had a great breakfast the manager came over and apologized and we said it was not his fault that's going to be the end of this story the next story is titled entitled friend gets burned we were having a particularly brutal winter and this entitled friend's hands had cracked on his nightly walks home from work he then comes over to my house as he crashed on my couch most nights he starts screaming bloody murder that his hands are in such pain and demands that someone give him lotion i say i have lotion but it's expensive and before i can finish my sentence he says in a nasty tone stop being a cheap jerk and give me the lotion you piece of trash so i do because now i don't give a crap i hand him the lotion in question which is my aftershave lotion which is expensive for how little money i had this was one of the few nice things i owned it is also about 75 alcohol he proceeds to dump a quarter of the bottle on his hands still swearing up and down that i was a jerk a crappy friend and a cheap piece of trash well just when he was about to finish the word i saw tears come to his eyes and his face turned beet red he starts howling as the alcohol floods his cracked dry hands and vigorously he tries to rinse it with cold water which does nothing because lotion and cold water just don't mix totally worth the lost aftershave that's going to be the end of this story the next story is titled first encounter with a karen before i start i need to clarify my family as a proud scottish irish-american protestant family my mom is native american catawba and scottish mix my dad is pure irish he was born and raised in ireland with that said we love to listen to celtic music it makes us feel closer to our roots as well as tell traditional tribal tales today while we were at kroger picking up our order for thanksgiving groceries we were listening to mo gail mir by celtic thunder and some karen started yelling at us about not listening to american music and to listen to music in english not german i said first it's gaelic second then i just turned the music up louder rolled up the window and my mom and i started singing along with it not very exciting i know but i was excited to have my first encounter with a real karen and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 16,281
Rating: 4.9073358 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled, christmas gift, entitled aunt, inheritance
Id: aX21ksW21Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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