I'M A MAJESTIC EAGLE! | Just Cause 4 #1

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome finally to Just Cause 4 so I did a video on this a while back when Square Enix came to me and gave me like an early preview of the game to show off and everything but this is the final full version of the game and they can finally played and I'm so freaking excited because I love Just Cause games I'm not sure I'm gonna do like a whole series on it or anything like that I'm not gonna do like the full story because I never do that's not why I like these games that's not why I play these games I don't think I've actually I've never finished at Just Cause game I actually just get in get through the story enough until I get all these gadgets and gizmos and then I can kick some ass but for this one anyway let's contextualize it a bit and let's actually see some of the story and see some of the like the reason of why see why it's just a Just Cause so to speak former agency operative Rico Rodriguez that's my boy up to this point is we're about something unknown since our withdrawal from Medici responsible for the posing half a dozen heads of state the black hands have encountered them before in sunny spirit oh he's a force of nature President Salvador Mendoza Mendoza we for him again in Medici where he overthrew Sebastian OD rubella huh though the agency had some involvement misses his handler Tom Sheldon we've learned Rodriguez's motivation for liberating Medici was personal you have briefed me on this man before commander Morales we're preparing a test can we cut to the chase porfavor of course no Spinoza intelligence suggests that he is the son of Miguel Rodriguez my Miguel Rodriguez and and he's here in solis now there is there's my force of nature can I just immediately start blowing [ __ ] up Tim bow-bow it's so cheesy I love it look at him look at that studly that's sexy man so that's my father superweapon project d Appa he was a kind man my father scientist doesn't make sense he would build such a thing hmm my uncle was a good man too and they both ended up dead lots of questions time to get some answers oh yeah gamers alone I have people who can help us here I've done this kind of thing before this is different I can handle some bad weather it's more than bad weather Rico if you would just listen to me the plan is a list of things that go wrong like to keep my leash or just be ready I brought you into that curve to find Espinoza quickly yes my questions we disturb project Lee Appa where buena suerte you're on your own [ __ ] notice below son better be ready to talk the plan is the list of things that go wrong ah yeah [Music] yeah it's good to be back okay I need to learn my buttons grapple tap I know how to grapple tap okay I know how to grapple grapple grapple oh wait it's set to like reel in on its own I'm not actually pressing anything I just grapple and then it doesn't on its own so that's the new stuff they have into there's a lot more things like that like there's a lot more control over the grapple and what it does like what it does by default and things like that so I need to figure all that [ __ ] out okay where are we going this wind now won't be a problem after today meter let me do here work I'm not doing anything but he's going all over the place as the wind whoa okay I wanted to grab that freaking train here we go I land in here further objective area what are you talking about all right on it I just did it maybe the wind was actually just guiding me that way and I'm being a [ __ ] wait I need to get back in the swing of things it's been a while we've gone face-to-face before we sure have buddy boy can I pull that down gonna attach more hold it down pull it out I want to see things explode I want to see destruction okay okay I can't chew it there we go perfect what's this hello oh great full of weapons nice okay let's do this and then whoa shocker shuri's ha ha ha oh [ __ ] you and your legs what's on some who else is here there's a guy back here I need to kill and can hear him he's talking to me you know what what are your hi that was awesome that's exactly what I wanted to see did you do Special Agent Rico Rodriguez coming in to kick your ass and [ __ ] your [ __ ] hey guys you're you're a good person I'm not gonna kill you I'm gonna [ __ ] this up though Oh explode Zeebo let me just shooting you guys normally there's so much fun to be had the shooting is so much better in this one dingle-dangle run lady run there's a madman on the loose and the know where he is or what he looks like I think he looks like a mirror oh [ __ ] yeah what's up [ __ ] Jesus I am a force of nature fear me then destroy this shuriken ha ha look at all this particle effects so pretty good use these Flint to get me up there whoa ah it actually has wind and stuff now that's cool so that was something they added to the game now I said it in the other video I did as well that they like wind and currents and that kind of stuff is is in the game now oh god okay i'ma just spider-man my way up here this feels so badass makes me feel like a secret think operative hello I'm looking for a new place to buy some shoes have you guys seen Oh Oh big boys oh it's so much fun oh but right Jesus [ __ ] hell what are these yes please can I have oh okay okay it's [ __ ] cyborg so the helicopter should I blow that up okay I'm not going to waste my rockets on you guys you don't deserve my Rockets okay you don't deserve my Toblerone oh god oh god oh god stop trying to kill me whoa-ho-ho bye [ __ ] could I not do anything to this oh he's unlikely here survived the slum unlikely my ass this is Rico let's see what project D up but can do shall we you gonna check it the super weapon don't do it take a few moments for the court to reach full power do you think you can keep him occupied until then this is commander Morales we have a threat on site our defenses engage all artillery towers oh hell yeah wait I did have my wingsuit where was able to deploy it that woman with Rico at the airport once I do I think it was C deal with that please with pleasure I feel really out of the loop cuz I don't know who anybody is whoa the project yappa Just Cause for Rico Rico this is Mira please respond Oh not having my grappling hook is like missing a limb oh don't do this to me I know parachute nope grappling hook no nothing Oh lame I hate when games do this okay like please oh I can't pet the dog oh no with the dog follow me Oh Oh is the best video game oh I need the little dog in my life I can't interact with it at all walk the dog oh that's so freakin cute that's it game over everybody this game wins win soon oh yes okay everything's fine you just go to jump this is the [ __ ] but the wind / take me ah so much for Injury Research they go up over the hill over the hills easy I did it I got over the hill I'm okay I'm all right Oh God nailed it oh my face Oh big lip boy they have lovely oh this is nice can I get in oh my god a Chad Hayes gonna make you go forward let's I make you go up there we go I don't make you go forward yo you're by pressing forward oh this thing is so cute well I'm bored we ice skate makes you feel like a kid okay hey stop here's your issue the factory needs to be powered on but the doors to the electrical room are being held shut by backup generators okay we should accept its right easy let me the barrel oh that worked let's see skip it launched across the [ __ ] map blew up in the door that's good hello here's well-shielded smack up the dead thank you target practice can I drag this in through the front door I really want to try this in through the front door for soft nature for soft nature is this overkill you're not wait I want to shoot something the ears oh yes Dixon stones what oh yeah I have one of those the people shooting hers in a rave I want to be part of it it's nighttime now oh is the fighting over I wanted to kill people that's what they do but force of nature looking good soldiers you got us those guns just in time they black hunter deploying their forces across a river we won't be able to advance the line without more fighters any ideas we became soldiers after what you did in the slums great more chaos more recruits will come that's what I can do that chaos this is what you worry from these start Oscar Espinoza almost assignment they people can't fight him without losing their jobs their homes and even if they tried what chance would they have against a black hands okay I'll do my part for society for the people you know I've kill everybody and destroy everything for the people's cuz I can't help you get to Oscar Espinoza okay Mira I'll do it your way what's first I got some ideas Rico already your eyeball with more information oh great hey which ones do I have to kill who wants to fight the force of nature right now huh oh [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] killed me oh it's all over everybody down Rico cause he's not a force of nature he's becoming part of nature again fine whatever you can have your stupid war god this game is pretty okay where are we going bro we got some people to kill that balloon thing is pretty cool huh yeah pretty girl come in handy where'd you learn to plan an ambush oh yeah just once are you doing ah three edit your grapping uploaded so this is what I need there we go and it's automatic there we go okay I've 10 grappling x' on this olmec Oh later [ __ ] [ __ ] go bro oh mama oh you [ __ ] don't even stand a chance I got it I got it I got it Hey [ __ ] all y'all now put that back down you block my path behind me hey I'm the best this will work this will work a [ __ ] treat this will work okay I might need to switch back to my other my other grappler oh yeah what sort of things sometimes if you shoot their wheels that they did you mad flips and [ __ ] or that works okay so we've got a fight I can do that I know exactly how to do that I've been doing it my entire life yeah you got a buddy we're out of the way thank you hey sorry I'm just gonna do a little spring cleaning this place is getting very messy yeah you guys haven't been helping look at this [ __ ] thing now and she goes don't make my own explosions oh it's so [ __ ] fun yeah [ __ ] these guys these days no it's not I believe never gonna kick them in the face oh so much fun oh no made this I want this this guy I think I've just killed one of my own people that's [ __ ] great buddy but can you see me alone for five [ __ ] minutes this helicopter has a cute horn in it oh okay should I am boost can Hank should we take her at this base I feel like I should oh my god I feel like Batman this is so cool okay time to fly boys no not that kind of flight Wow Oh God Oh God okay I'll cover you cover your bullet holes Jesus [ __ ] he duty man what the hell I'm not even doing anything right now [ __ ] Oh cannon Cana cannon oh the best kind of cannon of course [ __ ] yeah charge it up charge it up and let it go [ __ ] yeah oh god oh we're stuck up on Jesus Christ oh this [ __ ] is so cool airlift I want to set this too high okay go Oh God okay oh oh [ __ ] okay okay doesn't really do a whole lot okay that's good it's probably too much power for one man you know can you guys just oh hell yeah [ __ ] Jesus Oh God Almighty that was epic I'm coming [ __ ] I'm coming from y'all's asses okay well let's sister to blow up what else can I blow up this thing very nice what come on stick your head oh oh oh feels so good oh that didn't last our doll but can they send some of these in the years let's start enough to pull that out of the ground that works fly fly away now come back down [ __ ] all the time you know so [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] okay I'm moving on tonight yeah buckle that [ __ ] oh god oh god oh god oh god oh Jesus [ __ ] what are the odds man oh god am I stuck inside this oh I'm stuck inside this okay I'm pushing it around Oh God nail it I am the best at these dudes out of here these are my people let my people go no that's not what I wanted you know what this is this is C's mother of all invention so I'll take whatever I can get so you stick that guy and then you stick okay you stick did you stick you stick this and you stick that you know what [ __ ] this okay big gun yes but I want you my own portable portable sentry turret oh Christ [ __ ] my face no that was powerful later vamonos yeah later we can talk about how much you owe me after that but for right now let's just get out of here hmm good that works I'm not one to do things by halves you know I like to [ __ ] [ __ ] up there you go I didn't know you could do flips that's badass okay take this I also think I want to take this this seems like something that I need something that I want what do I do now cover then ow BB I'm trying to turn it's not working you know what [ __ ] [ __ ] I worse explosions ooh hi actually yes very high you guys are way up there ow [ __ ] it's [ __ ] fantastic holy [ __ ] that's fun oh these games are the best oh jeez that's what you play just cause for us all that weird wacky [ __ ] loot get him oh right in the [ __ ] pocket he died just be like sitting there like hey dudes and ah [ __ ] mortar that works don't land on me again don't let don't Joe Joe for the love of [ __ ] stop doing that [ __ ] love this game oh yes oh yes no not that what are you aiming at that for why would I even want that I want the [ __ ] chopper want to see this thing spin around it yeah it's tethered to it they have no choice Oh get tangled ha ha ha so much fun is that what I think it is oh yeah baby oh yeah baby I mean what we haven't even got a chance to people yet the mission may be over but my foot insurer is not here you [ __ ] oh there we go who's ready bow down [ __ ] with your STIs my god these guys are trying to kill him already I think you need to do that what could you [ __ ] nut this is my favorite way to take down choppers out cuz they have no idea how to deal with yes I fight no [ __ ] sorry wrong arm okay well I think that I'm gonna leave this episode of Just Cause 4 here we got a lot introduced we're getting used to the buttons we get used to controls and we getting used to the characters and all that kind of stuff and all the new things that are in the game but there is far far more to be able to do because I don't have all the balloon upgrades or anything like that yet and shits gonna get really fun when I get those but man it's good to be back at this game I love just exploding things that's that's all I want to do in this game is just keep exploding things forever I don't really care about anything else that goes on in this game I'll do the missions or whatever but I like story I don't care all I want to do is get really cool guns and shoot people in the face with them but for now thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face like your boys thank you guys sailor dudes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sorry force of nature coming through sorry
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,225,570
Rating: 4.9564252 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, just cause, just cause 4, just cause 4 gameplay, just cause 4 lets play, just cause 4 playthrough, walkthrough, physics, explosions, grappling hook, grapple, boosters, balloons, PC, PS4, Xbox, just cause 4 jacksepticeye, new, sequel, upgrades, items, funny, funny moments, wingsuit, flying, E3, E3 demo, early gameplay, E3 gameplay, full, full game, funny physics
Id: jxeI3jWTIhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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