Jan 16 2021 Hearing God's Voice (Open The Ears of My Heart) (Part2)

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uh we talked about um last week hearing the voice of god how important it is so i want you to put up this screen does anybody know what this means this first screen cue path anybody know it's not a train in new york city it is there's a path train in new york city sorry i forgot where i was for a minute train um subway qpaf it's a acronym for what we kind of went over last week okay remember what we said there's some things that you need to have in order to hear god's voice and one of them is quiet the other one is patience the other one is you have to be attentive the other one is you have to be teachable and humble and you could look at last week's because we went into detail on those things but here's the big question that everybody has i think i don't think anybody doesn't have this question okay let's say rabbi i'm quiet and i'm being patient and i'm very attentive and i'm just sitting somewhere in the woods or you know somewhere where it's my quiet place and i'm i'm i'm very teachable i'm open i'm like samuel i'm here and i'm listening lord speak to me and i'm very much dependent i'm in a very humble place and i hear you're not going to hear it audibly remember what i told you when you hear something on the inside of your heart you hear with your heart it's louder than when you hear with your ear because when you hear with your ear there's distractions when you hear inside you there's no distractions you hear it you think like a lot of times right i think god spoke audibly no no god's spirit you know he's spirit so he speaks to your spirit just like we went over last week okay but it sounds audible it feels audible anyway so now you've heard now you've heard now here's the question right the 64 000 question let's look at it how can we be sure we actually heard god's voice because everybody in here knows at least once and i'm being very kind you went with something and it was not god's voice did anybody disagree you know would anybody say no rabbi every time i heard god's voice it was god's voice listen i want to tell you from up top okay it is not easy to hear god's voice i don't want to put pressure on you if you never hear god's voice and you just read god's bible and go with that you'll be in great shape if you remain humble and teachable and flagrantly obedient to just god's commandments forget about anything else if you just do that thumbs up so i don't want to put pressure on you you know i've put pressure on you a lot over the years i get it you know you might be saying he seems a little different i'm different every day hopefully every day you're different i mean what a shame it would be if you were the same today as you were yesterday because there's no neutrality there's no moment frozen in time so you're either pressing into god or pressing away from god you're either getting closer or away you can't maintain your position because god's on the move so i just want to say that up top it's not it's not so easy to hear and it's not the most important thing i also want to say that i know some people i'm not saying everybody and i'm not even saying the majority it could only be one i don't have a direct line okay i don't have like a bat phone that rings and i'm like hello what's up god and he talks to me he downloads okay there's times i do hear i like to think especially when it comes to messages i don't develop my own messages i just want to know that i don't sit and decide i think i'm going to teach on faith i don't do that i've never done that ever so i'd like to think i have to hear in that regard you know and and i'm hearing hopefully for you guys and those guys online right but then i got to hear for myself too i'm i'm a believer here i'm i'm a leader right i'm the gatekeeper you might not realize that but that's the way it is okay you want to be a gatekeeper go get a church be a gatekeeper i'm the gatekeeper here that's my job that's my calling but i'm also a believer just like you same same same deal you follow so let's go over a couple of things that i think and obviously i'm going to make this very simple because life is complicated enough you don't need another book you know what i mean there's too many books out there it's too much so number one how can we be sure we actually heard god's voice do we have it does it agree with the tenor or the theme of the spirit and the scripture okay now that sounds really i'll make it really simple i'll really explain it to you really easy using the bible of course very important let's take a look at john 16 verse 13 this is like yeshua's last will and testament right from 14 to 17 it's over 18 1 they take him away he's going to be crucified okay so this is his this last will and testament we're getting toward the end john 16 is really important because john 17 is a prayer it's 26 verses of a prayer that's what john 17 is so right before that final prayer he says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth so what is the spirit of truth it's the holy spirit that's what the holy spirit does the holy spirit doesn't want you to do some assaults some assaults are for gymnastics the holy spirit wants to lead you into all truth and what is truth none other than the word of god because in john 17 he says sanctify them by your truth your word is truth so it's synonymous right he says he will guide you he it's a person it's part of the godhead the holy spirit he will guide you into truth all truth very important that's what the holy spirit does it guides you into truth he will not speak so it speaks it speaks he will not speak on his own initiative no no no no ideas of his own but he will only say what he hears from the father obviously he will also announce to you the events in the future some people say that's just the book of revelation no there's other events there's other prophetic events that he'll announce to you so the work which the lord begun was to be continued by the holy spirit they had him he was the voice of god and he was speaking to them but he was taken up now what do we do we need the voice of god right and that's the holy spirit the holy spirit is the one who brings the voice of god when you hear god's voice it's the spirit of god speaking to your spirit you follow real simple so the holy spirit is the one who brings the voice of god now let's look at second timothy 3 16 this you're all too familiar with this all scripture and it wasn't just the old testament some people teach well that's just the old testament no there was letters written before timothy all scripture is god breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth again you will not get away from the truth nope i mean yeshua is the truth right he just doesn't speak truth or encapsulate truth he is the truth it convicts of sin so if you don't want to be convicted of sin don't bother reading the bible or hearing from god if you just want to hear god say how wonderful you are how great you are how he loves you dearly you're the best thing since sliced bread he can't make another like you you're out of your mind you're crazy it's just not going to happen it's totally unrealistic ridiculous convicting of sin correcting faults and training in right living so look at this that's what the bible's there for teaching truth hallelujah convicting of sin correcting faults so when you've got no offense when you've got churches today and there is no teaching of truth no convictive sin no correcting faults and no training in right living what the heck are they preaching they're not they're not preaching the word of god because the word of god has to accomplish these things it's right in the word of god it's nonsense and they're getting more nonsensical as time goes on motivational crap and i'm telling you hear me you lay under that preaching and when the crap hits the fan it's going to be all over on you and you're not going to get it off trust me you're going to wish you were under this kind of teaching you're going to wish you were trained because if you're not trained you won't make it in the fight we have great training our military is well trained well trained they're ready for the fight it's the same thing in the spiritual realm it's a war right we don't fight against one it's a war on with christian soldier come on guys this is basic stuff you know this basic now i'm i want you to understand something this word god breathed is a word in greek obviously the new testament was written in greek obviously paul spoke greek he was a roman citizen he was fluent in it this is a word that's used nowhere else in the new testament but how's this it's used nowhere else in any greek literature he was swimming in uncharted waters he needed a word in the greek language that he could kind of emit what's really going on here the authors weren't inspired john wasn't inspired and matthew wasn't inspired it's not like they got inspiration and then they wrote in their own style no what it means to be god breathed that the writings themselves will god breathe god breathe therefore the holy spirit is the author of scripture so if the holy spirit is the voice of god and the holy spirit is the author of scripture we know that the holy spirit can't contradict itself therefore the voice of god will never disagree with the word of god do you see how valuable this is so if you hear something it cannot and will not go against scripture it will not for instance when somebody says to me well i know he's a non-believer but god told me to marry him no god didn't tell you you told you and you told you so much and you were speaking so loud in your emotions that you thought it was god's voice now some of you married non-believers some of your spouses are still non-believers i'm not attacking you and you might say rabbi you made me feel bad i'm sorry if you feel bad but i've got a ton of people watching that ain't married yet and i don't want them to make a mistake so stop being selfish in your feelings that's selfish well i felt bad when you said that well there's thousands listening that i'm trying to prevent making a mistake let your life be so glorious that people learn from your mistakes not that you hide from them so it has to agree the spirit and the scripture have to agree so far so good that's a biggie big test i'm not telling you if you do these tests it's going to be 100 but you know 90 is not bad there was times i wasn't 90 sure and i went with it 90 is not bad if you went to your investment broker and i know a lot of you have him and he goes i'm going to make you 90 on your money would you be happy so no i'm not giving you anything fool proof okay the second thing is test what you heard and look for confirmation stop leaning on your own understanding i know you think you have a direct line sweet p you don't you don't nobody does look at first john 4 1 again another scripture you're all too familiar with dear friends don't trust every spirit what guys listen i mean how many times have i told you please give me an ear listen if it doesn't agree with the voice of god the spirit of god and the bible throw it out if it's blasphemy come talk to me if it's heretical talk to me i've never told you i've told you just the opposite don't make my theology yours because when you sit with the lord i'm going to be nowhere to be found there's going to be two chairs and you can't say well rabbi greg told me some of you have a rapture theory and you haven't studied the rapture at all not even remotely you have two scriptures and you've decided your rapture theory and i'm here to tell you based on your study it's more like the rupture theory i don't care if you don't laugh my wife's laughing and i got to go home with her i don't got to go home with you ma'am so there there and have some water i've got something going on with your urinary tract and i don't want to really drink water because i think i'm going to embarrass myself it's been going on last four days it's crazy if it's not one thing it's another with me everything's falling apart man crazy don't speak that over yourself okay i won't i'll make believe it's not happening and then it will go away okay when my pants are soaking wet you'll say and i'll say i right it's not it's not real because i didn't speak it there are many false prophets listen i gotta tell you i don't watch the news i don't have cable i couldn't tell you what's going on at all i can tell you what's going on the spirit and i can tell you some of you guys are listening to voices they're not prophets they're not they're not okay look at matthew 24 and yeshua said in the last days there'll be many false prophets leading many astray every prophetic voice that i heard that people tell me to listen to not one of them tell you what to do well this is going to blow up wednesday this is going to blow up thursday trump's going to win the election on friday what are you going to do about any of that if it's going to come to pass has that changed your life and with all the explosions you're hearing so i get you you're going to sit on your cans of tuna with your bible and your gun right nobody's getting my tuna they'll stay at the lord idiot if somebody knows you have tuna they're coming your house after you finish that clip they're getting your tuna just invite them over man give them some tuna there are so many false prophets what voice you listening to listen to the voice of god and read the bible man i'm gonna tell you something about the prophetic voices okay all the prophets of old in the old testament said the same thing repent and return to me that was their mantra right in the new testament we have a prophet like jochen on the immersive aka john the baptist what did he say repent for the kingdom of god is near same message how come none of these prophets are telling you to repent yeshua is coming back to marry you he's just not marrying anybody no matter what you said uh-uh and guess what i've got two daughters you think i'm going to let them marry anybody or let you marry them just because you like them uh-uh because i'm their father do you think our father in heaven is going to let his son just marry anybody don't you remember matthew 25 how many virgins were there yeah it wasn't five harlots and five virgins it was ten virgins they look good but half of them had no earl and i'm not talking about the guy who works at the filling station on mercy university drive not that earl so here john is he mentions the holy spirit but john is reminding us that there are other spirits out there and this was two thousand years ago how much more today don't you see it spirals down it was bad from from genesis three but it's gonna get worse and worse and worse until yeshua touches down so it's worse today than it was two thousand years ago the children of god need to be warned when you warn somebody you're loving them i've warned you about a lot of things you think oh he warns too much really don't you warn your kid look both ways when you cross the street because there's this 4 000 pound vehicle that's going to run you over it's loving to warn man yeshua warned it's loving guys wake up don't be so easily offended you guys are so easily offended i've never seen anything like it in my life i used to bounce in bars and i was a tough guy and hung out with tough guys tough guys crazy guys crazy i was just telling brandon a couple of stories on the way over and she she hung out with crazies and they never got offended they just beat the crap and after that you had to be with them but in the christian world they get offended any little thing and they disappear i see them i watch them i used to run after them i don't run anymore because nobody could keep you happy it's impossible you're going to get offended by the word of god the gospel is offensive it's so offensive and you guys like i'll i'll deny myself and pick up my cross i told your kid to stop running and you left that's denying yourself and picking up your cross some of you are squirming and rightfully so come on man we got to get ready for the war we need tough soldiers man we need to toughen up so he cautions not to trust every spirit just because listen to me just because a man speaks about the bible and god and yeshua doesn't mean he's a born-again true child of god no not even close so a good place to start is to see if there's a biblical precedent not president precedent that if it happened before if it happened before it could happen again then of course once you see a biblical president look for confirmation look for confirmation look at proverbs 15 22 you've got to look to the proverbs when you're looking at wisdom right it says without deliberation plans go wrong but with many advisers they succeed deliberation is a fancy word sometimes david stern gets all too jewish because the guy's brilliant he really is off the charts legitimate genius okay deliberations just giving careful consideration before making a decision right trust in the lord with all your heart don't lean on your own understanding acknowledge him in all you know the scripture baby but you got to apply it you can't just recite it it makes for a heck of a t-shirt but without practicality you just got a t-shirt with a lot of bad decisions you got to apply it when men act singly without counsel their plans tend to go awry but men who have had experience can warn against dangers to be avoided and can suggest the best approach now hear me i'm going to get in some little difficult territory i know i know i know i know it's not it's just hard to swallow the fact that all believers are one in messiah which we are does not mean that earthly relationships are abolished okay i was going to say you know like we're all one in messiah there's no male or female in messiah but if you're a male and try to use a female bathroom you're in trouble but not anymore right that worked like couple years ago we must respect we must respect the various forms of authority and government which god has instituted god either permits things or promotes things nothing circumvents his desks so if something happens he either promoted it or allowed it you need to respect it saul brought us david don't worry about who's in office because i will only be happy when your shoe is installed so whatever has to i don't care who has to be in to do that trump biden i could give a crap bring me somebody lord that's going to bring yeshua into office don't you get it you're missing the big picture man you guys are missing the big picture and satan has you right where he wants you fighting over nonsense and you're all taking the bait all of you the bait of satan crazy crazy crazy every well-ordered society rests on two supporting pillars authority and submission and this principle is so basic it's even found in the godhead what let me show you first corinthians 11 3 but i want you to understand that the head of every man is the messiah and the head of a wife is her husband and the head of messiah is god what the head of messiah is god i thought they were ahad there's a pecking order in the godhead you know where you are am i you're making well fighting words i don't care read the bible read the bible even in the godhead one person has the place of rule and another has the place of willing willing subordination yeshua is showing us what it means to be totally submissive that if you want to be like him be submissive these examples of headship and submission were designed this first corinthians 11 3 was designed by god himself and their fundamental fundamental in his arrangement of the universe at the outset at the outset i'm going to get into a few other scriptures i want to mention something okay subjection does not mean inferiority you hear me this is very important okay yeshua is subject to god the father but he is not inferior to god the father with that being said allow me to show you a few examples we're talking about confirmation when we hear a word from god let's look at ephesians 5. you guys know this all too well this is these are just fighting words in today's modern day society i'm sorry i don't apologize for the word of god i apologize that you don't submit to it it says wives should submit to their husbands as they do the lord because the husband is the head of the wife just as the messiah as head of the messianic community is himself the one who keeps the body safe now this is huge so i got to get into it paul was thought of as a chauvinist a male chauvinist pig even back then and there's a lot of people that think of him that way i believe in the origin of the feminist movement you know what its origin was wait a minute i went to the same school that he went to i have the same expertise the same talent why am i making twenty thousand dollars less than him you were making twenty thousand since then because you're a woman and that's crazy wrong women also are incredibly mistreated in the workplace treated like a piece of meat which is nuts horrific just horrific with that being said though satan was like this is a good thing i'm going to take it another direction and it went from i should receive the same wage to i don't need a man i'll raise my kids oh you need a man woman bad so says the lord so says the lord now you can look for confirmation from your husband women you can you can some of you don't give them enough credit god ordained that the place of head should be given to the man again submission does not imply inferiority in many ways the woman may be superior to the man in terms of devotedness in terms of sympathy i've seen it in terms of diligence and in terms of endurance so you say wait a minute devoting his sympathy diligence and endurance then why should i submit to him however i've seen this guys i'm gonna tell you listen to me please hear me hear my heart you're going to do whatever you want anyway nothing i say is going to make you do anything okay but i'm going to give you some truth i've seen women who leave their god-appointed sphere i've seen them wreck a local church i've seen them break up a marriage and destroy a home i've seen it too many times now on the other hand hear me husbands because this isn't the caveman days okay no uh not even a caveman could be a good husband you don't have you you know listen to me woman the bible says submit you're out of your mind what woman would stand for that an imbecile you don't get to lord over her okay it says just as he himself keeps the body safe okay so the husband is supposed to be the head and preserver first of all you're supposed to be the spiritual leader you're never in the bible you're never praying she's always at the meetings what kind of spiritual leader are you and you know who's watching forget god your kids they're watching be the spiritual leader man be the leader and it's head you're supposed to love and lead and guide as preserver you're supposed to protect and provide and care for your wife let me ask you something where did what what part of adam did god use to make eve and where's the rib it's under his arm and near his heart you're supposed to protect her and love her if you are protected not that just the tough not the guy who's spiritually like deficient but hey say something to my wife and i'll kill you that's not impressive because if you talk like that chances are you're talking like that to her trust me i'm 62 i've been around okay but if you are the spiritual head and you truly are loving her and praying with her and caring for her and providing for her she'll submit gladly gladly thank you for the adjective right or wrong ladies i'm just asking i'm just taking an informal poll so let us move on from that before i get in trouble the other way you can get confirmed according to the bible is in ephesians again six one look it's his children what you should do in union with the lord is obey your parents listen to me i love some of you kids can i share with you you're an idiot you don't just because you get on wikipedia doesn't mean you know so much google's not going to raise you you know when you're going to find out listen to me when you become a parent you go wow i must have been an idiot because my kids are idiots you just don't know so much it's just the truth right so we learned from ephesians five that one of the rules of the results of being filled with the holy spirit is being submissive to one another that's the result when i see people rebellious all the time i know the holy spirit ain't nowhere in their tabernacle now you might say you saying that to try to get submission no i'm not going to get submission by saying anything you're really going to submit to leadership or not that's your decision nothing i say is going to make that happen how many guys preach on tithing i've never preached on tithing in my life never will they preach on tithing constantly and three percent of the church ties what does that tell you how's all their preaching doing it's a decision you make man it's a decision you make in your heart i don't i don't talk about it it's nonsense okay we saw that a spirit-filled wife is submissive to a husband now we see that spirit-filled children willingly submit to the authority of their parents it's the fundamental responsibility of children to obey their parents for in doing so they are obeying the lord just if you keep reading in ephesians 6 listen to me some of your dads it says don't exasperate your children you're overdoing it you're overdoing it when they wake up you can't go did you have a dream about the lord no why not you can't do that man lighten up because think about it when you were a kid did you like that approach it doesn't work it pushes them away you don't exasperate your children you just don't okay i'm sorry i know i'm stepping on toes i'm telling you because i learned i learned through i kept on having them lily's perfect i i had to keep having them to figure out how to do it right right jeremy i totally screwed him up shayna max kind of got it lily boom there's your one if she didn't get it i would add a fifth we just stopped because we got the perfect one we're good to go right burn the third way you can get confirmation believe it or not is from your shepherds some people don't trust their shepherd what are you doing in their flock what are you doing you're out of your mind shepard look hebrews 13 17. look what it says obey your leaders and submit to them for they keep watch over your lives as people who have to render account you hear that if they mess up you if they mess up they gotta answer for it if they leave the flock in a long way or they're manipulative or they use the bema as a weapon they're gonna have to answer for it don't you worry about it i know you'd want to be a flyer on the wall with that meeting but they got an answer for it and then it says so make it a task of joy for them sorry some of you just don't read that part or you don't understand it it's pretty simple not one of groanings sorry i had a groan just a for that is no advantage to you so what's it saying listen to how perfect god's system is they gotta render an account and so do you isn't that perfect just perfect god is absolutely positively brilliant you can look for confirmation from your leadership these men are supposed to be acting as representatives of god in the assembly david how long have you been a believer 40 years joe where's joe how long have you been a believer that's a hundred years in eldership me 31. it's 131 years i think we probably learned something and i personally have been to a lot of churches and sat with a lot of leadership i have not found two better than dave and joe personally as under shepherds the the elvis is supposed to watch out for the souls of the flock that's what they're supposed to do because they have to give an account so we have this husband and wife relationship parent children relationship shepherd and flock relationship but let me just say too let me interject there are also times when god will confirm what he spoke directly to you i don't want to get into it but i'll call to macon it was ridiculous i couldn't find a loophole if i if my life depended on it and i tried he made it so obvious i mean you know the story crazy can't do it can't do it one day i'll do it because it takes a long time ridiculous from hearing his voice initially just visiting a friend here to confirming it reconfirming it re-reconfirming ridiculous you've never heard anything like it trust me never ridiculous there was no way we could not come here and face god and have any kind of decent relationship with god going forward no way no way so you might say well god confirmed it to me okay you don't have to seek the confirmation from somebody else it's okay that's another method third way that you can know you heard god's voice peace peace there must be peace look at colossians 3 15 and let the shalom which comes from the messiah be your heart's decision maker it couldn't be any more plain right the peace of god should act as the empire in our hearts you know what an umpire does right he makes the call you and your wife need an umpire you need an umpire when you play sports right if somebody pitches me the ball and i don't swing what am i calling it calling the ball what's the pitcher going to call it yeah i agree with you it was a ball he's gonna call it a strike the ump has to make the call you need an ump okay the peace of god is the empire in our hearts if in anything we are in doubt we have to ask ourselves a couple of questions does it make for peace would i have peace in my heart if i went ahead and did it if the lord really wants you to do something he will most assuredly give you peace about it if you do not have peace then you should not proceed darkness about going is light about staying god's voice will always produce god's peace those are the three little things i have for you because i don't want to give you a list of 20 things or 10 pillars just to sound spiritual if you apply those three things they will really help you to identify whether it was god's voice you actually heard now before we get out of here there's just a few things other things i want to mention very important one we must be willing to obey what we hear i mean do you really want to hear god's voice what if you know well i'm just saying maybe you wanted to retire in macon and stay here and he wants you to go to india jason not always not always but we must be willing to obey what we hear and if we have a plan and it's ironclad we know exactly when we're going to retire where we're going to live this that how can wh where is the submission to god you know my plan was told so railroaded it's pathetic it was the antithesis of of my plan to what i'm doing now the very antithesis look what deuteronomy 6 4 says you know it all too well shamayish hear israel and annoy our god arnold is one what's the here it's shema let's take a look to understand to comprehend to obey hearing in in the bible means obeying so we're not hearing for the sake of hearing oh it's so cool to hear god's voice people just want to hear god's voice no no that's not biblical hearing hearing is the willingness to carry out what you've heard right now that's not always easy to do i get it because the listen the voice of god never wears a mask it doesn't he speaks frankly he speaks clearly and he speaks plainly god is not the author of confusion satan is i remember making a pact with god it was crazy but when i first got saved when i first got saved i mean within a couple of weeks time that i got home this is what i said there's no way i'm going to be able to understand you and i've made so many mistakes already in my 30 years of life that i'm just i can't do this so i'll make a pact stupid right but i was just new you know just picture i'm i'm like no different than a four-year-old or a five-year-old in the faith i said if you make it plain to me i mean plain i'll do it and so far he's made everything so plain that i was able to do it because he kept to his end he he he made the pact and he's made it very plain so you could make that pact with god but you know you might have to move seven or eight times you know what i mean you might have to do something that you don't necessarily want to do you know i mean i wanted to be a missionary once i got saved i would have been anything i would have i would have cleaned up if the levitical system was reinstated i would have cleaned up the blood the only thing i didn't want to do is pastor it was absolutely not on the radar i just didn't want to do because i i knew what it meant how'd that work out the voice of god won't wear a mask i told you this but if we hear something that we didn't want to hear or expect to hear we must be prepared to take their approach not my will o lord but yours be done not easy nothing i'm saying here is easy not for me not for no one two we don't have to be perfect to hear god's voice you know no way but you have to be connected okay look at exodus 34 5 7. i've annoyed descended in the cloud stood with him remember this show me your glory show me your glory like moses saw so much glory right i mean he saw the red sea part he saw the ten plagues he saw crazy stuff that none of us have seen and yet in exodus 34 for some reason like show me your glory i'm thinking wow didn't you see a lot of his glory already then you see the power of god but it was a great question and this is what he did i don't know i passed before him proclaiming there's no way to yahweh does not work some of you might be offended by that but there's no pronunciation for the holy tetragrammatron it's just the way it is i don't know is god he says the lord is god this is what this is his glory i'm merciful that's your glory yes i'm compassionate that's your glory blow something up man some people want to see the roof blow up will you pay 40 grand for the new roof slow to anger rich in grace and truth grace and truth the fullness thereof can't have one without the other all grace no truth leads to licentiousness all truth no grace leads to destruction showing grace to the thousandth generation forgiving offenses crimes and sins some of your some of your versions that you read say something different offenses are iniquity that's perverting the ways of god it literally means twisting or distorting his word what he says which satan does all the time crimes are transgressions where one just willfully rebels and sins are missing the mark of what god has for us the holy spirit remember brings the voice of god and these are the things which cause the holy spirit not to flow think of it like this you know that that spigot outside your house that you used to wash the car water the plants that's like the father the water's always there the water's always there the hose is like yeshua that connects and we're like the sprayer and we want to spray strong and if we turn on the spray and nothing's happening what does that mean maybe the hose is twisted maybe there's plaque inside that's what sins and iniquity and transgressions do okay sin iniquity and transgressions they interfere with a fine tune and they call static when it comes to hearing god's voice we will always have a sin nature but we don't have to empower it okay stay humble stay contrite stay penitent three this is very important just because you didn't get it right in the past doesn't disqualify you from hearing god's voice in the future this is huge because some people just like what do they do well i'll just i'll just stick to the word of god i'll do my best because i messed up so much i made so many mistakes you know this is my third marriage right i mean right look at what matthew 18 21 22 says then kepha that's shimon kifa that's peter aka peter forgive me for all the hebrew but they are jews they came up and said to him rabbi how often can my brother sin against me and i have to forgive him as many as seven times now you might wonder what is that well if you don't know hebraic culture if you don't know that this book was written by jews two jews in the jewish place you won't know what seven times means at all it'll mean nothing to you could have been six it could have been eight but it has a meaning it's a hebrew idiomatic no not seven times answered yeshua but seventy times seven most religious people jewish people in that day because the only religious people jews felt that forgiving a person three times for the same sin was admirable that's impressive so peter goes hey i'm going to really show myself here i'm not just gonna say three times to to yeshua i'm gonna show that i'm incredibly gracious and generous i'm gonna use the old seven the spiritual perfection number so i'm gonna say to him should i forgive seven times and then she was he thinks she was gonna say oh that's not necessary just three and he goes 70 times seven 490 is idiomatic in jewish culture to mean indefinitely indefinitely two things come to mind for me here one god is definitely the god of second chances and two when god puts a calling on our lives he already factors in our inadequacies i mean i didn't play baseball i play football and basketball we didn't have baseball fields in the bronx it took up too much land you know and we didn't have the land but does anybody bat a thousand if a baseball player buys 300 that's impressive right that means he struck out 7 out of 10 times and we think that's impressive i've asked so many times by people rabbi how do you know it's it's definitely the lord how do you know it's definitely mean nobody knows 100 but i feel like sometimes i know enough to go and frankly you know you stay and question me and i'm gonna go i'm not trying to be funny here but i don't like the dugout i want to get on the field and play i don't like watching no it is extremely important guys as we finish this to test all supernatural communication as believing and acting on a false word can either destroy your life or cause major delays to to occur with what god is doing with your life that's a fact if demons cannot kill you they will either try and paralyze you or knock you off the path that god has set up for your life many believers many have been seriously burned and hurt because they did not properly test a word that was coming to them as a result they lost their call and divine destinies with the lord or they lost valuable years in that call due to having to deal with the consequences and repercussions of making those wrong turns on the road now don't be frightened or discouraged by that okay it's kind of almost discouraging right anyone can learn to hear and discern from god and had to be led by him in their life we do have to remember though that we still live in a fallen cursed and imperfect world with demons still being allowed to roam the air as a result we will always have to filter any type of supernatural communication we think we are receiving with some of the aforementioned tests so that we can make sure that we are standing on solid ground and the word we received has truly come to us from the lord anybody familiar with artificial intelligence i've met so many artificially intelligent people you have no idea scary but that's not the artificial intelligence i want to talk about ai as it's known in in the computer world is bringing voice verification technology which is incredible really incredible um i could just imagine if somebody goes in to rob a bank and and we could detect with their voices we can catch them almost better than dna it's bringing it to a new level it's creating what's called a voice print i'm not familiar with this but i looked into it god told me to look into it don't ask me why we find out that there are no two voices exactly the same it's an impossibility therefore voices are very distinctive we went over this last week let me explain to you how distinctive voices are with a baby in the womb okay a baby from the womb will not only recognize their mother's voice but they will actually look for it by searching it out audibly among other voices remember the most important thing i told you incline your ear to the lord which literally means to bend and reach out that's what a baby will do a newborn if there's 10 voices in the room if we have a newborn there's 10 voices speaking and bernadette's is speaking my kids will incline their ear and stretch to find burn in that's voice it's unbelievable just unbelievable how can this be guys science is not our enemy it's not science corroborates what god already spoke let me show you a picture of a full week old fetus you see you see it where's my stuff uh somebody see the baby four weeks arms head placenta umbilical cord that's the baby four weeks by four weeks of pregnancy cells in the embryo start to arrange themselves into the baby's face brain nose eyes and ears and here's four weeks okay let me show you a six-week picture look at that just in a couple of weeks see the eye see the ear unbelievable right by week six indentations appear where the baby's ear will grow let me show you 18 weeks by week 18 18 the baby starts to hear sound the baby in that amniotic sac is hearing his mother with tremendous clarity and let me just show you 24 weeks already preparing to nurse something god does look at the ear by week 24 the baby responds to voices in the room now science tells us this with ultrasounds and monday technology but god told us this 2000 years ago let me show you one of my favorite favorite sections of scripture this is how we're going to end look at luke 1 26 it starts this way in the sixth month the angel gabrielle was sent by god to a city in the galil the galilee called natsuret shoe town to a virgin engaged to a man named yosef joseph of the house of david the virgin's name was miriam miriam approaching her the angel said shalom favored lady by the way just just a few former catholics it does not say lady full of grace okay that's where the immaculate conception comes in that's wrong she was favored but she wasn't perfect okay i'm not trying to be difficult i'm not coming into any particular this is the word of god i gotta stand on it illinois is with you it's a young girl they got married by the time they were 14 15 so she's a kid she was deeply troubled by his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be the angel said to her don't be afraid miriam for you have found favor with god look you will become pregnant you will give birth to a son and you would have named him yeshua he will be great he'll be called the son of john the son of the most high aranoi god will give him the throne of his forefather david fulfilling the davidic covenant let's continue and he will rule the house of yaakov forever the government will be on his shoulders he'll know no end you know all these prophetic messages there will be no end to his kingdom how can this be asked miriam of the angel i'm a virgin not not married yet i'm just betrothed the angel answered her the raw hakodesh the holy spirit will come over you and the power of the most high will cover you therefore the holy child born to you will be called the son of god you have a relative elishiva elizabeth she's an old woman and everyone says she's barren she has not had a child a womb basically is dead but she has conceived a son six months how many weeks to six months not not hard oh my god you're an accountant are you serious there's four weeks to a month six times four times table 24 weeks blow it now but she has conceived a son and she's 24 weeks pregnant for with god nothing is impossible miriam said i am the servant of how to annoy me it happened to me as you have said she believes she believes the angel then the angel left okay let's finish up without delay miriam set out and hurry to the town of yehuda where zachariah ellie shiva's why did she go um did she really believe the angel a lot of times we say we believe god but do we really believe him we quote scripture i don't know if she really believed totally so maybe she's going to see is she really pregnant because if she's really pregnant this barren woman chances all the holy spirit's coming over me and i'm going to give birth to the son of god she's going for confirmation nothing wrong with it everything's right about it so without delay she goes to the hill country of judah where zechariah lived enters his house greets elishiva cousin cousin when ellie shiva heard miriam's greeting the baby in her womb stirred 24 weeks look at this word it means to leap it jumped it got excited that's what it means to be stirred to be excited here's my point if a 24 week old fetus can hear the voice of yeshua's mother and get excited then surely we being mature believing adults should be able to hear the voice of yeshua's father and gets stirred as well you leave out that last screen i just want to end with one thing like i started from this last week and i started today and i want to finish it is not so easy to hear god's voice and it is not so easy to get confirmed it's it's really not the dumber you are the easier it is for you to hear you have to empty yourself you got to get rid of all your preconceived notions and all your ironclad theology you've got to humble yourself before god you've got to remain really faithful and available and teachable it's so so important but i want to leave you for one encouraging tidbit if you never hear the voice of god again you know the great thing for me is what brings me so much comfort that he always hears mine all over the bible it says the lord inclines his ear that's crazy if my little kid can incline her ear to hear bernadette's voice it overwhelms me to think almighty god the creation of you is inclining his ear from heaven to hear mine let's stand together this is a very sad part in the day for me because i love being here i still love it yesterday was such a bad day it was so bad so much bad news and i got bad news medically and it was just a bad bad day and i felt bad for bernadette because i try not to make it bad for her but she's got to deal with it sometimes and then you know you wake up shabbat morning you come here and it's like a rare sunshine for me there's so much beauty here there's so many beautiful people i see it in your hearts i know i give you a hard time but any coach gives his players a hard time because he wants the best for them but make no mistake i love you i'm proud of you i think this place is full of legitimacy full of people who have been knocked around beaten up haven't had the great story but they keep enduring and keep pressing on to win the prize of the high calling of messiah yeshua so well done now may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you be gracious to you may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of the principle of peace yeshua you have a is i love you shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 6,409
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Id: YhY2uwILUAg
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Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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