Aug 15, 2020 - Yeshua Is The Answer... Pt 2

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um last week we started a little you know i don't like to say serious it's just i stop when god tells me to stop you know yeshua's the answer i told you that i was with a couple of goons back in my day on the way to the beach and i saw this sign it didn't say to what it just said yeshua is the answer and i thought i i had no idea what that meant and and just to let you know no secular person does when you talk to secular people or unsafe people you've got to put yourself in their shoes you've got to reach people where they are you just can't speak christianese unless you're speaking to another christian right um so we're going to go over a couple of other items again the list is not exhaustive i'm sure you can come up with some other items yourself these are the ones that god told me to share on and so i'm abiding so the next one up is yeshua is the answer to our guilty consciences now i just want you to know i'm sure you do know that yeshua didn't just die to forgive lost sinners he also died to forgive sinning saints that's us i i can't speak for for you know you i i would never do that but i think some people in the believing community they just think like once they're saved that's it they've arrived which is not true at all sadly enough even after we're saved we still sin and therefore we experiences the consequences of the sin i just want to get out textbook definition what is sin it's in first john um verses uh four of the third chapter it says everyone who keeps sinning do you notice that press of progress of tense keeps then say everyone who sins it says everyone who keeps sinning is violating torah some of your versions depending on which version you read it will say law it's one of the same indeed sin is it's a definition sin is the violation of torah that's what sin is fancy it's insubordination to god but basically it's just wanting our own way it's just telling god i'm going to do it my way you know it's really not acknowledging him as lord you remember it it says you know in order to be saved you have to confess them with your lips and believe in your heart that he's lord not your savior that's it's crucial it really is crucial um satan brought sin to the human race in the garden we went over this last week in in detail we spent a whole hour on it when he attempted adam and eve after the fall sin passed down through all the generations of mankind through a sin nature we have the nature to sin that's our nature we sin we like to sin that's our nature that's human nature through adam it entered sin entered into the human race and and all human beings became sin is by nature now listen we are sinners not because we sin rather we sin because we are sinners it's a little tongue-twisting theological term but we are sinners not because we sin but we sin because we are sinners that's what sin is do sin or sin right the problem with sin is that it keeps you and me from fellowshipping with god fully that's the issue it's not like you get kicked out of the kingdom you don't lose your salvation but to not to not be able to fellowship with with god fully when you love god is you know i'm sure a lot of you are married some of you have been married and um you know when you're lying in bed with your spouse and yet you're miles and miles away it's a horrific feeling if you ask me a horrific feeling but but i have great news for all of us look at first john 1 9. it says if we acknowledge our sins then since he meaning god is trustworthy and just he will forgive them and purify us from all wrongdoing so in order for us to walk day by day in fellowship with god and our fellow believers we have to confess our sins it keeps us humble it just does it's it's it's god's system to keep us humble there are all kinds of types of sins there's sins of omission right we think a sin is a commission these are sins that when god says don't steal and we steal that's a sin of commission we're committing that sin but then we don't even look at the sins of omission what about the things we're supposed to do like take care of the poor the word on the orphan and we don't that's a sin it's a sin we don't think it's as much of a sin is a sin of commission but it's just as much of a sin there's sins of thought think about that forget about sins of action what about just thoughtful sins and then of course there's public sins what about secret sins you know nobody sees them except for god even sins that we don't think a sense sins we've managed to compromise the word acknowledge is a is an interesting word it's greek because the new testament is written in greek so all the words we have to look up in the greek it means to say the same thing as another which is interesting in other words it's to agree with whatever god calls sin we have to agree with them we have to drag them out into the open and call them by name and take sides with god against them and forsake them that's crucial when we do that we can claim the promise that god is trustworthy and just to forgive it's it's a really huge problem in the believing community where people just don't forgive themselves and the why the the problem with that how it manifests is when we can't forgive ourselves we're not inclined to forgive others because why should i let you off the hook if i can't even let me off the hook why should you be happy when i'm miserable that's human nature again so we go around not forgiving each other so how can we fulfill to love one another it's not doable unless we first forgive ourself god is trustworthy because god is not man that he should lie i don't know why a person won't take god at his word he's never lied his promises are faithful and true he will abide by those promises he promises to forgive and he is just in the sense that he found a righteous way a means by which he can forgive through the work of yeshua on the cross and not only does he guarantee to forgive but to cleanse his wealth the sins that that john is speaking about if we can go back just for a moment to first john 1 9. he's speaking about that parental not judicial now you might not know the difference between parental and judicial but you really should because it's crucial judicial forgiveness means forgiveness from the penalties of sin the penalties of sin the sinner receives this when he believes on the lord yeshua okay it's called judicial because god is acting as judge so he's not going to judge you okay you're not going to stand before the white the great white throne that's not going to happen but what about the sins which a person commits after they are saved as far as fellowship and the family of god is concerned the sinning saint needs parental forgiveness that is the forgiveness of his father we need judicial forgiveness only once and it takes care of the penalties of our sins but we need parental forgiveness throughout our believing life my children will always be my children nothing could change that but at times we're disfellowed you follow and we need to come back and reconcile because of sin and if he forgives us we must be willing to forgive ourselves thereby forgiving others the the theology of the bible is you must forgive i understand that it's hard i've been through plenty trust me trust me all these years in ministry you go through plenty you must forgive because when you forgive the person you release is yourself every single time now moving on to john 13 8 it says no said kefa this is when yeshua is going to wash their feet you're going to see some extremes from shimon kifa aka peter he was an extremist like a lot of people are he says no when yeshua goes to wash his feet no you will never wash my feet exclamation point yeshua answered if i don't wash you you have no share with me now we just spoke about them between judicial and parental forgiveness peter illustrates in this section the extremes of human nature he says never as in not for eternity not like never never ever yeshua says if i don't wash your feet then you can't have fellowship with me the meaning of the foot washing is now unfolded when we walk through the world sadly enough we contract a certain amount of defilement it just happens listening to vile talk looking at unholy things working with ungodly men and women inevitably soil us it does sometimes we get pulled right in you know what i'm talking about we need to be constantly cleansed the cleansing takes place by the water of the word it does as we read and study the bible as we hear it preached and as we discuss it with one another we find that it cleanses us from evil influences about us on the other hand the more we neglect the bible the more these wicked influences can remain in our minds and our lives without causing us any great concern we can have ourselves seared where this isn't so bad you know it's it's easy to feel good about yourself when you when you compare yourself to jack the ripper or charles manson or ted bundy but we're supposed to compare ourselves to yeshua the messiah when yeshua said you have no share with me he did not mean that peter could not be saved unless he washed him that's not true rather he was saying fellowship with him can only be maintained by continual cleansing action of the scriptures in his life you'll see what i mean in the next two verses it says lord shimon kieffer replied not only my feet i mean look how i mean he was very spontaneous and very extreme very right the sentence before he said no you'll never watch me now he's like wash my hands and watch everything wash everything i want to have fellowship with you yeshua said to him a man who has a bath doesn't need to wash except his feet now most it's it's kind of hard to understand that's why i want to explain it his body is already clean and you people are clean not for all of you speaking about judas of course so in judaism and this again i can't stress this enough this faith was judaic totally it's it's a book written by jews two jews in a jewish place about a jewish king and i know that sounds that sounds arrogant it's not we've been two thousand years removed from it two thousand years we've been taught differently really judaism has been has been literally vacuumed out from justin mater in 100 a.d and it progressively went from there so we would have baths it'd be public baths constantly you'd go to mikvehs before feasts before shabbat if you wanted to confess your sins before you gave an offering after the offering so on the way back from a public bath what would happen a person's feet would get dirty you understand what yeshua is a jew and he's talking to 12 jews in a jewish place and if you think with a western mindset you will never understand what this says never so the feet would get dirty so he didn't need to take another bath he just needed to have his feet washed there is a big difference between the bath and the basin the bath speaks of the cleansing received at the time of one's salvation that's what he's saying you don't need to bathe again peter but cleansing from the penalty of sin through messiah only takes place once the basin speaks of cleansing from the pollution of sin and that must take place continually in other words there's one bath but many foot washings we cannot bathe again but we need to have ourselves washed daily daily and yeshua is the one who washes our feet from daily impurities even after we've been fully bathed yeshua is the reason we can receive forgiveness and be purified he is the answer to our sin problem both now and for all eternity amen next yeshua is the answer to our broken relationship with each other okay let's take a look at genesis 3 16 it says to the woman he said i will greatly increase your pain in childbirth remember we went over that proto-evangelium last week in 3 15 and now he's going to put forth the judgment there's there's ramifications for sin this is what we all cry out these days why is there no justice why is there no justice so we crowd for justice but god is just and we have a problem with that if somebody hurt your child then the judge said he's exonerated let him go he seems like a nice guy how would you feel about that god doesn't feel great about when we break his law so to the woman he said i will greatly increase your pain in childbirth and we have four children three were naturally born because there was a time that we didn't have insurance and i can afford an epidural so bernadette had a grin and barrett and i've never seen anything like it i've broken many bones in my body i tore in tons of ligaments i mean i was just waiting for her head to spin and how to spit out green bile i've never seen anything like it he said i will greatly increase your pain in childbirth which is true natural childbirth is is really painful you will bring forth children in pain that wasn't supposed to happen your desire will be towards your husband but he will rule over you not great when adam and eve sinned not only did they break their relationship with god but they also damn in their relationship with each other we know this right i mean look what does the statistics tell us i told you last week 33 percent of all people get divorced that means every three marriages you see one will not make it in the believing community it's 28 better but still very close because there's this constant battle going on constant shocking for position he says the lord says right here in this verse there will be an ongoing struggle between woman and man for leadership and within that struggle there's there's a lot of games there's a lot of manipulation there's a lot of misused psychology the ongoing result of adam and eve's original sin of rebellion against god will have disastrous consequences for their relation evil have the sinful desire to oppose adam and to assert leadership over him reversing god's plan for leadership in marriage and adam will also abandon his god-given pre-full role of leading guarding and caring for his wife replacing this with his own sinful distorted desire to rule over her and control her does this make sense i mean why do you think god took eve from adam's rib he could have taken her from his feet but that would represent being trodden down upon he could have taken from his head but that would represent being controlled but he took eve from from close to his heart and under his arm to be loved and to be protected i got news for you guys most intelligent logical sensible blood-bought women will have no problem submitting to your leadership if you lead like yeshua it's tragic it's tragic thus one of the most tragic results of adam and eve's rebellion against god is an ongoing damaging conflict between husband and wife and marriage driven by the sinful nature of both in rebellion against their god-given roles and responsibilities in marriage this problem has been with us ever since causing dividing walls between men and women but the walls didn't stop there we have walls between parents and children we have walls between siblings and other family members we have walls between ethnicities we have walls between races and sadly enough we have walls between denominations yeshua is the answer to all types of disharmony he is the only one and the only hope in breaking down these dividing walls division by definition is the inverse of multiplication in my bible god's all about multiplication not about division take a look at ephesians 4 2 3 on this note it says always be humble gentle and patient bearing with one another in love and making every effort to preserve the unity the spirit gives through the binding power of shalom peace ephesians so you know it's all about the body of messiah it's timeless it applies to us today as the body of messiah this is the instructions for the body of messiah humility being aware of our own nothingness so that we can esteem others more than ourselves it's not thinking less about ourselves it's not beating ourselves up and saying i'm no good i'm no good it's not what god's saying it's not thinking less of yourself it's thinking less about yourself you follow it's a huge difference gentleness it's the attitude that submits to god without rebellion and to man's unkindness without retaliation this is tough stuff this stuff is impossible to do without the power of god and even with the power of god it's very challenging i've done a lot of things and accomplished a lot of things in my life nothing has been as challenging as trying to be like yeshua patience that's an even disposition and a spirit of long-suffering on the prolonged provocation meaning annoyance there are annoying people out there right it's almost like they're subsidized by the government to be annoying and you find them driving a lot right they're usually on the road driving a lot it's difficult bearing with one another in love that's making an allowance for people's faults and failures and differing personalities and differing abilities and temperaments everybody's strange you might think well that guy's strange so are you every single person this sanctuary is strange to a certain extent you all have your little idiosyncrasies you all have your ways that you want it done it has to be this way of a highway and you're all very strange and so we have to deal we we have to admit that so we can deal with all the rest of these people who is strange as well but it's not a question of maintaining a facade i've never been good at that guys you know this some of you have been here as long as i've been here for 18 years i'm just not capable of doing that i'm just not capable of doing that i don't know how you do that i don't know how you put on that that slight attendant smile and then when they leave you go oh my god i can't believe they're gone don't god's there what are you doing i don't get it and i'm just telling you this is called playing church and this is why a secular person like myself want to know part of it because it was just phony baloney it was ridiculous you acted like you had it all together when there's nobody in the universe that has it together when you ask somebody how they do and they go fabulous they are lying through their teeth so don't don't put up that facade of courtesy while maintaining an inner spirit of resentment it's not good not good it means just being positive and trying to love those who irritate and disturb or even embarrass you tough right come on are you kidding me when i was in the world i i wouldn't deal with any annoyance any difficult person if you were strange i just go you're strange get away from me but now you can't do that as a believer you have a different code a different set of rules it's different but you don't want to put on an act if you have to sit with a person say look you're really annoying me but in a nice way you know what i mean like you keep saying this over and over about this thing and it really bothers me you know what i mean i love you i do but that annoys me and i know you i think you love me can you stop me and my mom had this great relationship always but it was after i got saved that i promised i would never hurt her ever again and i fulfilled that promise but when she would come to visit me whether i lived in florida or here you know i go to visit her we'd have this thing we didn't want to hurt each other so if if the conversation because you know you know when you're visiting family and you got that family member you know and and things are going great and you've got like three hours left to the weekend and then some goes haywire they go especially when they go i just got to tell you something boom so me and my mother just had this thing and it was like is that tree native to florida we started so if things were going off and i didn't want to talk about something i go mom is that tree native florida and she knew like let's change the conversation and it's healthy you know it's just healthy with different people not everything can be worked out and reconciled perfectly some things just have to be accepted but you know when you're doing something to annoy somebody you know and they say you're doing something to annoy me stop make every effort to preserve unity in forming the body of messiah look god had a great rift in the first century between jews and gentiles that's what ephesians 2 is all about there was a great rift they they couldn't get together jew couldn't walk into a gentile's home a gentile could walk into a jews home and and he took down that middle wall through the blood of yeshua the wall came down in messiah these distinctions were abolished now how would that work out practically i got to be careful here would there be a tendency to form a jewish synagogue of messiah and the church of the nations would there be a tendency yes but they were in the first century there wasn't you might say then rabbi why do you have a messianic synagogue it's a great question i don't want one i want the body to be one i have christians rather than sisters but you've got to understand from a hundred a.d they judaize the faith what am i supposed to do the shabbat never changed i'm to worship on the shabbat i can't just do it in my house it's a holy convocation so in order for me to be able to worship on shabbat i have to have a messianic synagogue but i don't want one do you understand in the first century cornelius and peter both worshiped on shabbat they didn't need a church of the nations and a jewish synagogue of yeshua sadly enough this is what it came to as soon as man got involved so don't think it's like it's us and them it's us but i want to celebrate the feast i give you an example okay there's a big push right now that's always been a push in the remnant of the true believers to have a day of return a day of return prayer fasting and repentance you hear those three words all the time today those are the buzz words because you know america is in sin the whole world's in sin they talk about how many how many babies were aborted in america look at how many babies were aborted globally in places like israel and ireland where there were none massive amounts millions and millions every year so the whole world needs to repent right with that being said who wouldn't be excited if i said to a believer hey we're going to get together next week and we're just going to have a day of pressing fasting and prayer and repentance would somebody go that's that's a lousy idea rabbi that's stupid no it's a no-brainer but here's the skinny they want to have this massive day so they'll have a hundred thousand people in washington some people will fly there you know do their prayer and fasting thing we already have a day of prayer and fasting in return it's called yom kippur and it was implemented by god 3 400 years ago hello so if we observe god's festivals we'd be doing that just that and what would it be like globally if every blood-bought believer took one day out and said to god i'm so sorry we have to live in peace with each other because peace is the very ligament which binds the members of the body together in spite of natural differences instead of magnifying differences we should think of the seven positive realities which form the basis of true unity we'll have a look in a sec let's go to the next verse ephesians 4 4. there's one body and one spirit just as when you were called all of you were called to one hope one body in spite of differences in race color nationality and i don't say this as a preacher i thank god i was raised in the projects of the bronx thank you lord where i was taught from the from from the very very start of my life that people are people i'm so thankful so very thankful there are differences in race i've been all over the world 40 countries six continents i've met people from all over you name the race the color the nationality the language the temperament but i'm telling you man they're just like me and they're just like you there is only one body made up of all true believers from shovel of pentecost to messiah's return denominations sex and parties hinder and undermine the very outworking of this truth all such man-made divisions will be swept away when yeshua returns therefore our watchword for the present time should be let names and sects and parties fall and messiah yeshua be all in all there is only one spirit the same holy spirit who indwells in you i know you think you have more of the holy spirit than me maybe not but it's the same spirit that's what's important it's the same spirit it indwells every believer individually and it entwins the whole body of messiah take a look at these two verses and corinthians you know they were very erratic they were very dysfunctional they were incredibly divided this was the most divided congregation in the bible by far he says don't you know they're fighting over who they're following who's their leader people follow today right and they befriend today right and they subscribe today right i don't know i'm not on social media i follow yeshua i subscribe to god's ways and i'm a friend of god don't you know that your body is a temple for the raw hakodesh who lives inside you whom you receive from god the fact is you don't belong you're not any different don't you know that you people meaning the collective body of messiah are god's temple and that god's spirit lives in you we are a collective body we see this beautifully in a messianic synagogue because in a messianic synagogue we have jews and gentiles we have black and white we have hispanic and asian we see it beautifully it's a microcosm of what was going on in the first century there can be unity without uniformity that's why i don't push uniform you don't see me saying you've got to wear this and do this i don't know that's not my thing man you got to be nice and love each other that's what you got to do in essentials unity there are certain essentials that it's irrefutable in doubtful questions there's liberty but in all things charity there's one hope every member of the body of messiah is called to one destiny and that is to be with yeshua to be like yeshua and to share his glory endlessly this one hope awaits all of us saints who look forward to yeshua's return look at the next verse there's one lord and one trust and one immersion okay look at first corinthians eight five six it says even if there are so-called gods now you know there's 33 main gods in hinduism even if they are so-called gods either in heaven or on earth as in fact there are gods and lords galore first century nothing's changed yet for us there is one god the father from whom all things come and for whom we exist and one lord yeshua the messiah through whom we were created all things and through whom we have our being paul admits here that they were so-called gods in heathen mythology there was jupiter there was juno and mercury some of these gods were supposed to live in heaven others like cirrus and neptune lived on earth in this sense there are many gods and many lords and mythological beings and people worship them and they were in bondage to them believers know that there is one true god the father whom all things come and for whom we exist this means that god our father is the source of creative all things that we were created for him he is our purpose here's our goal of existence and we know that there's one lord namely messiah yeshua through who all things were made and who we live he is the agent there's one trust this is the way the believer's body of doctrine once and for all delivered to the saints listen i've me you have no idea how many people i've met in the body who have these grandiose ideas that god is doing something new god is not doing anything new he's still saving souls that's what he does yeshua said i've come to seek and save the lost there is nothing new under the sun as solomon a lot wiser than you he was the wisest man who ever lived there was only one man who was wiser than solomon and that was yeshua only one way only one doctrine it's not once upon a time it says in jude it was delivered once and for all the body of doctrine is complete the bible says don't add and don't take away i don't always trust visions and i don't trust apparitions and i don't trust people's dreams and visions but i trust the word of god wholeheartedly the canon is finished nothing more can be added if it's new it's not true and if it's true it's not new when some teacher claims to have some revelation which is above and beyond what is found in the bible reject it the agnostics that the nicolasians reject it lady don't look for things that are beyond you have enough to deal with by loving god with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself it's enough of a task there's one immersion it's twofold it's twofold there's one immersion by the spirit when you came to trust in yeshua and you were placed in the body of messiah then there was one immersion by which sinners confessed their identification with yeshua some call it i think in the christian community believe is baptism a burial of old self ephesians 4 6 it says and one god listen how much oneness why is paul hitting this in this letter when he's describing the body of messiah one one one one one even god is one shema hero israel the lord of god is the lord is one it's it's a it's a plural unity or a unified plurality oneness we're supposed to be one with god and one with each other every child of god recognizes one god and father of all the redeemed who rules over all he's the supreme rule of the universe works through all he acts through all and isn't all he dwells in all believers at one time yeshua instructed his followers to love one another humbly and sacrificially when he washed the disciples feet was he instituting an ordinance for us should we wash each other's feet some people do that it looks neat it looks cool no the meaning is spiritual he was telling them that they should serve each other in love and then yeshua also prayed his last prayer before he was arrested and murdered he prayed for unity in the body father make them one he cried out as we are one make them one therefore yeshua is the answer for all our relational turmoil all of it here's the answer four yeshua is the answer to a meaningless existence you know there's you you've heard of the term burnout correct it happens it's been around for a long time it was coined many many many years ago where people are just done they're burnt they're done with their job there's a new term now they call it the zombie worker the zombie worker and it's called board out and i see it people are bored people are bored with their jobs they're bored with life they're bored with their existence they're not living they're existing because they're doing the same thing day in day out like an automatron like a robot and it's boring now some of you are overwhelmed you have kids you got a lot going on it's a very difficult society to raise a family i understand that i'm not talking about that here in ecclesiastes the teacher talks incessantly incessantly about the meaningless of worldly pursuits apart from god okay when we are spiritually dead life is ultimately empty it is like i can i look i don't like to bring up my life so much it's all about yeshua it always is about yeshua but i have to illustrate nothing is better than a personal experience as far as i'm concerned you know there was a time in my life i was making very good money i had a nice little sports car a little two-seater i had a condominium a beautiful you know condominium another condominium i was renting a home that i was renting a not a little cheesy home a big giant home and i was living life in the fast lane and i sat down one day and said if i get another home am i going to be happy and i knew the answer i was sensible i said no i i know it's not i i know that's not it i didn't know what i was missing but i knew i was missing something nothing in this world will fully satisfy the deep the deepest longings of our hearts nothing will a strong relationship with god makes a person feel ridiculously wealthy says the words of kohaleth the son of david king in jerusalem now how do we know that solomon because the word son in hebrew ben can mean grandson what does it say that solomon wrote it but everybody says solomon wrote it right are you with me i'm seeing a lot of okay we know that it's solomon because solomon was the only descendant of david who was king over israel in jerusalem it's a dead giveaway all the rest were kings over judah and there were other dynasties who had kings over israel but they used shechem or samaria as their capital not jerusalem so it's a giveaway it's a giveaway if you took bill gates stephen hawking and you hefner and morph them into one individual and made them pope and president you'd have solomon i'm sorry why are you looking at me like that how wealthy was he how wealthy is bill gates relax don't get your spiritual panties in a wad he was ridiculously wealthy he's the richest man that ever lived he was brilliant stephen hawking was brilliant just because he didn't believe in god to take away from his iq being off the charts you can't deny that and he had a thousand concubines and wives that means if he was with dolores on monday he didn't have to see dolores for another year so again i'll repeat if you take bill gates stephen hawking you have to morph them he was also the head of the spiritual dynasty and the prime minister of israel this guy was a there will be nobody like him ever again do you understand so listen to what he's saying look at ecclesiastes 1 2. pointless pointless this is where he was in his life he had everything everything and he says what's the point life is meaningless what's the point that's what people are looking for today they're looking for some meaning they're looking for some direction why do you think i have you guys getting involved in ministry because it's not a spectator sport you won't feel fulfilled otherwise you can study and study and study and study and study and then what solomon came to the point right out of the gate in this letter we don't have to wait till the end there is no need to have to wait until the last chapter solomon's investigation and research under the sun is that all is pointless in other words life is transitory it's fleeting it's useless it's empty it's worthless and futile people feel this way a lot of people in the body of messiah feel this way nothing on this earth provides a valid goal of existence is that true when you read ecclesiastes you have to be very discerning there's truths there's half truths and there's total untruths is it true yes it's absolutely true if this life is all there is if this life is all there is it is meaningless if death draws a final curtain on human existence it's meaningless what's the point people are living longer now so what's longer so you said drop dead at 78 now you get to go to the doctor for another 10 years that's a day out i'm going to the doctor today if this is all there is you know growing up is difficult i had a great upbringing and had a million friends in the project was great but there was a lot of pressure to perform and be hip and you know be the guy and then you think well i'll go to college that's the answer man that's a lot of pressure and then you i can't wait to get out of college so i can work and you're like wow i wish i was back in college and then you get married and then you have kids and then you don't wish you were back in college you wish you were never born normally kidding look at ecclesiastes 1 3 what does a person gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun look at man i mean when people ask somebody you know what do you want to be when they're young what do you want to be and they go i want to be a fireman or astronaut i didn't ask you what you want to do for a living most people their job is who they are they're a lawyer they're a doctor that's what you do for a living i'm not a rabbi that's what i do for a living that's my calling but that's not who i am if you ask me who i am that's not who i am that's what i do it's different and people identify they can't stop working because that's who they are they stop working they give up who they are it's where they get their jollies from to me monday to friday was just in the way of saturday and sunday work was a dirty fall at a word people love work they can't wait to get back to work i'm thinking wow what do you know that i don't know frail man's life is filled with work and activity and today we work so hard that we need a break so some of you are taking too many breaks you're taking so many breaks and you can't get back to life you can't deal with life you can't take that many breaks you can't have a girls weekend every other weekend okay if you wanted a girls weekend every other weekend you shouldn't have gotten married but if you keep running away when you get back it's gonna be worse does anybody know what i'm talking about get away once in a while but not all the time get away with god every day every day get away with god so frail man's life is what he's saying is full of work and activity but where does it get him when all is said and done man is on a treadmill a tiring round of motion without any progress like bono said running to stand still you ask him why he works he says to get money of course but why does he want money to buy food and what does he do with the food to maintain his strength and why does he want strength he wants training so he can go back to work it's insane i saw somebody jogging yesterday they looked so miserable you ever seen people jogging jogging they look miserable they're sweating they're tired their heads down they look so angry and so upset surely you could find some of the mode of exercise that makes you happy and why are they jogging just to be able to jog they're jogging to be able to jog it sounds crazy if a guy there was a story about a guy who came in in the galilee he was fishing i don't know if you've been to other places but if you go to places like greece like corfu they stop working at three they go down to the mediterranean they catch fish they hang out with their families they cook the fish that's it they're done they don't want to just possess and store up they want to enjoy and that's the way life was supposed to be guy comes in fishing at 10 in the morning he finishes fishing a guy on the banks of the galley says you're taking a break he says no i'm done he says done done for the day he says how is that he goes i caught enough fish for my family to feed my family and a little extra to make a couple of bucks because i don't understand he goes what don't you understand he said well if you went back out if you fished longer you'd catch more fish he goes then what he goes well obviously you'd have more fish to sell you'd have more money goes then what because well maybe you could buy a bigger boat and what would that do and you'd catch even more fish and have more money he goes then what because maybe one day you can have a fleet a fleet of boats and he goes then what would i do and he goes i'd stop you'd be able to stop fishing at 10 in the morning because i'm doing that right now i'm not saying to be lazy i'm not saying that you know everything we do we should do excellently onto the lord i'm just saying if anything we are it's tired tired that's for sure the basic fact about the human experience is not that it is a tragedy but that is the boar last verse in ecclesiastes 11 no one remembers the people of long ago don't give yourself that much credit don't be a legend neural mind no one remembers the people of long ago and those to come will not be remembered by those who come after them this is another bitter pill that man has to swallow the speed with which he forgets and is forgotten many of us who in here could name their great grandparents on both sides not many and fewer could name the last four vice presidents united states i know our last vice president could name the last four somebody somebody's trying to figure out who was the last vice president that's how that's how messed up you are in our self-importance we think life can't go on without us yet we die and are quickly forgotten and life on the planet goes on as usual who is the king of rock the king of soul the king of pop gone and forgotten all under the sun it's when we go above the sun that was solomon's problem he was under the sun he needed to go above the sun where he would find the king of kings and the answer to all our woes i have pushed people to get involved in ministries i have pushed people to get involved ministries and now they're involved in ministries and they're happy as a lock they're happy as a lock and i knew this i knew to give you receive so much more i understood this firsthand and that's why i pushed and pushed and pushed natural man instinctively thinks he can make himself happy through possessions pleasure or travel on the one hand or drugs and liquor and sexual indulgence on the other but the message of ecclesiastes is that someone wiser and wealthier than any of us will ever be in this life has tried and failed so we can save ourselves all the expense the heartache the frustration disappointment by looking above the sun to the one who can satisfy the lord yeshua the messiah in yeshua we have purpose the believer's life is a fruitful life through yeshua we are invited to be part of god's work in the world we literally get to be yeshua's hands and feet when i do things for people or go overseas or whatever and they look at me you know it takes time to develop a relationship with somebody these days and to see them into the kingdom it takes time most of the guys that i led to the lord whether it was in new york or whether it was in florida whether it was in georgia it took years but they would always get to this point like why are you doing this and i would just tell them if yeshua was here he'd be doing the same thing i want you to see who he is i don't want you to read about him in a book i want you to see him because he's more than a god in a book and that's what they can't handle why are you doing this why are you doing this nothing is more satisfying nothing is more fulfilling and nothing is more purposeful the godhead is the father the son and the holy spirit not money sports and politics number five and last yeshua is the answer to the problems of the world it is a no-brainer to see that this world we live in is broken tattered and torn some of you that are more senior than me i'll be 62 some of you i know you're scratching your head and going i just can't believe this is the world we're living in i fully fully understand this because i can't believe it either lately its brokenness is rather blatantly obvious the reason for this is that the world system has totally failed humanity totally failed humanity i am here to tell you that god is true and his word is true the world has expelled god from all arenas of life there is no stable sensible sane human being on this planet who can prove to me that if we followed god's commands the world would be a better place it's it's a no-brainer to show somebody that the torah isn't the way to fix the world's problems yeshua is the only answer to all the words problems because when one is immersed in yeshua for the forgiveness of their sins the laws of god become the essence of their being written on the inside the tablet of their heart a born-again believer loves god's law loves god's law and the truth is god's law will fix all the world's woes why is there such a thing as human trafficking because the extreme lust and greed two things yeshua teaches against two things that the very torah teaches against if people refuse to give in to lust and greed human trafficking would be stopped no more sellers no more customers no more prisoners the problem with famine is not a shortage of food in the world we waste 40 of it our grocery stores are filled in america eating at restaurants is an american pastime how many cooking shows are there on television one of the reasons people are starving is because of selfishness many people just don't share many people just don't take the time to give it or reach out to those in need they just don't make the effort you don't have to be trained those people that started that homeless ministry in in new york city which i plan to absolutely support i've been communicating with them all week they said we've been watching and watching and we couldn't take it anymore just watching and learning and you kept saying get out there and they got out there and they're seeing soul saved what how how how trained you have to be how much how much theology you have to know to give somebody who's starving a sandwich you don't have to be trained not many of you were now all of a sudden you're you're what you're what without god you're nothing he's doing it all through you just be happy he's using you yeshua teaches to feed the hungry and give water to the thirsty if followed if the torah was followed most the famine of dehydration would cease even in orthodox judaism it's not happening anymore they're taking and not giving at one point they had a divorce rate of one percent now it's up to 18 percent they're not doing so great either anyone willing to honestly look at scientific fact and evidence would see that abortion is taking human life yeshua human life is to be protected even the unborn in deuteronomy can you imagine a world where parents were honored if parents were honored there would be a respect for authority a world without murder there was five murders last week and in macon this is unheard of there would be respect for human life what about a world without adultery there'd be respect for marriage a world without stealing there'd be respect for private property a world without lying there would be a respect for a person's reputation etc etc etc but if we only focus on social justice issues without sharing the gospel we leave out the most important part the way to remove the darkness is to spread the light and tell people about yeshua as we wait for yeshua's return we do our best to respond to god's battle try to olam repair the world but oh how we look forward to yeshua's return for when yeshua returns the government will be on his shoulders righteousness and justice will be the foundations of its throne world peace has proved to be an elusive goal in our war-torn world but one day yeshua will set things straight and he will be our prince of peace ushering in a time of blessing and bounty the world has never seen then and only then will all things begin to spiral upwards looking to a new earth when god's dwelling place will be among us no more mourning no more crying no more pain and no more death hallelujah [Applause] a day is coming when the world's problems will be solved everything will be made new and peaceful rain when yeshua comes no more questions because he is not only the answer for today but the answer for all time let's stand together this was a good day that's why shabbat is so sacred there's something about it we can cut away from everything and anything and just come into god's presence as he gives us his undivided attention it's really quite beautiful just remember the jews didn't keep shabbat shabbat kept the jews now may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the prince of all peace yeshua everest [Music] is [Music] i love you guys shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 4,255
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Id: m-zb4au4IdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 2sec (3362 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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