(Jul 13, 2019) Who Is Yeshua? Introduction (Part 1)

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journey and and basically you know this cat the bag de journee is who was Yeshua might say are you kidding me this is like kindergarten well a lot of people have different opinions about who is Yeshua and let me let me just you know I'm I don't like to have little Rhymes and little cool teachings and you know little three-point sermons I'm not here to entertain you I just can't stand that to be offset you I'm you know I've always been real look there's no two of you that have the same opinion about God do you understand that I'm not asking you to agree with me I spend every day in the Bible and I asked the Lord to anoint me to understand it and my job is to teach that's my that's my job okay that's my calling that's my position that's my office but that being said there's no rhyme or reason that I could be right all the time it just isn't but people are always going to debate there's always been debates from the first century before the first century within Judaism there's different schools there's different systems within Christianity there's different schools as different systems people are always going to argue politics and religion but there are some foundational principles that are irrefutable and those are the ones I try to focus on the irrefutable ones the ones we need to work on and I just think that you know Yeshua all all Rhodes guys lead to Golgotha the whole Old Testament was leading to Golgotha okay we wouldn't have the New Testament without Golgotha it all leads that it all starts there that's the game changer that's the foundation of everything that what what we really are celebrating or what we should be celebrating every day of our life is forgiveness and most people even though they have embraced forgiveness in theory they haven't really embraced it in practice that's why they're terrible at forgiving the whole idea of Golgotha was to see this overwhelming love of God and that you would pay that forward not pay him back how you gonna pay him back no there's no way you can't it's too big of a price it's priceless but you can pay them forward right and if anybody should be forgive as its us yes so we're gonna go on a little journey I don't know how many weeks it's gonna take because I'm I'm on a need-to-know basis with God I don't know if that means two weeks six weeks three weeks your guess is as good as mine I'll do my best to make sure that I don't overstay my welcome and go according to his lead but I want to share with you with an introduction that's all we're gonna do today an introduction to this whole thing because Yeshua taught on a lot of subjects and you really have to get your theology from him not from a book authors you know you're gonna you're gonna be marinated if you start reading certain authors you're gonna be marinated in them I'm not saying all books are bad I'm just saying this is the one that I know is good and there's some things in here that that that are things we shouldn't do but when it comes to you she was teaching What did he say about this or that that's crucial okay that's that's crucial so I'm just gonna share one subject to start what Yeshua taught about money because money is the big thing money's like money most marriages the big fighting is over money most most most arguments are about money people love money I can't get enough of it and and I tell people sometimes too as far as giving the reason why Beth Ushu is so blessed I was on the phone yesterday and the reason why I say I I'm on the phone with the somebody on the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention in fact they're watching right now is because the Southern Baptists are the largest American denomination of Christianity you're talking about fifty thousand churches and in actuality they're probably tightest when it comes to the Word of God if you ask me the other denominations are just falling apart falling away from the Word of God they've always been staunch like if you want to refute the Word of God they kick you out they don't let you infiltrate they've always been very stern on the Word of God which I and I was talking on yesterday he says there's no there's no congregation like yours in our 50,000 congregations I said what do you mean he says nobody can give like you guys give because we have a staff and we have obligations and we just don't have it but we're able we get so much because we give so much you follow some of you a tight-fisted with your funds now that's okay because you'll hold on to them but the problem is God can't get anything in there it works like that we don't give to get that's not God we give because it's right but it's unbelievable we keep being replenished it's insane it's insane so let's let's look at a section it's not going to be it's not going to be exhaustive this but this is a good section about money Matthew 19 16 through 22 and I'll read you could follow along I'm sure it's up on the screens a man approached issuance said quote rabbi what good thing should I do in order to have eternal life end quote he said to him quote why are you asking me about good there is one who is good but if you want to obtain eternal life observe the mitzvot Commandments the man asked him quote which ones and quote in Yeshua said quote don't murder don't commit adultery don't steal don't give false testimony honor mother and honor father and mother excuse me and love your neighbors yourself the young man said Tim quote I have kept all these where do I still fall short issue is said to him quote if you are serious about reaching the goal go and sell your possessions give to the poor and you will have riches in heaven then come follow me but when the young man heard this he went away said because he was wealthy I will break this down because there's a lot of ways to sort of interpret this but I don't think you shoe ileft it really open for interpretation I think he was sending a very strong obvious blatant message but again heck man if you if you the Holy Spirit tells you something different you see it differently by all means you know I've always said you big boys and big girls and I've always said be Berean study look into the Scriptures don't let me lead you let the Holy Spirit lead you and the Scriptures lead you so let's look at the first verse okay you see it up there okay a rich man intercepted the Lord obviously he was moving and grooving and going to different places and this guy just jumps in maybe he thought he could jump in because he's rich you know how rich people are they think they get special treatment so I don't know but he jumps in he intercepts him and I think I think the inquiry was very sincere I really do I think he was legitimately sincere he had a chance to to get a hold of Yeshua and and ask him this serious question that was really important to him eternal life has always been taught in Judaism he who resurrects the dead sleeping in their grave he is mighty to save melih kosair it's a it's his prayer that I've sung in the synagogue strict Jews Orthodox Jews believe in eternal life without a doubt so he intercepts him I believe he was absolutely sincere and he undresses Yeshua as a rabbi or if you don't read the complete Jewish Bible good teacher it really should be rabbi though because this guy's a Jewish guy he's a Jewish guy in a Jewish place he asks what good thing should I do in order to have eternal life now the question what good things should I do in order to have eternal if the question reveals his ignorance right to a couple 1az to issue his true identity he doesn't know who he is by calling him rabbi he doesn't know who he is his ignorance is to his identity which has already been revealed by Peter shamone Kiefer a while ago at Caesarea Philippi so and so he's ignorant to who Yeshua is and he's ignorant to the way of salvation two Biggie's two Biggie's why because he calls his shoe a rabbi putting him on the same level of other great men a rabbi just means a teacher and there were many rabbis around many rabbis hundreds thousands of rabbis who had students and their way of thinking in a way of teaching so he puts him on the same level as other men so does he know who he is obviously not and he spoke of gaining how do I have how do I gain eternal life he spoke of it as a debt rather than as a gift he thought he can gain eternal life some of us still think that so let's look at the verse he system why you asking me about good there is only one who is good but if you want to obtain eternal life observe the mitzvot now this is kind of confusing is he saying that if he did the mid-foot he could be he could have eternal life it seems like he's saying that it appears but it's an apparent discrepancy the lord probes him on two points one he says why do you call me good there was only one who was good yeshua was not denying his own deity he was not he was providing the man with an opportunity to say that's why I call you good because you're God in the flesh he gave him that you see somebody unstable would go well he's saying what there's only one who's good meaning God I'm I'm not even good no no no no no no no no no that is the problem with people unstable and taking verses out of context it's taking verses out of context it's not just bad interpretation it's satanic have I you're out of your mind you're out of your mind okay because Saint said did God really say he was the master at taking verses out of context because when you take verses out of context you can confuse people you confuse people you can confuse yourself how many times in the 17 years one here have I taught about context and I have to keep teaching it because people keep doing it we learn from repetition Yeshua was not to know his own that he was providing them an opportunity that's why I call you good you were God in the flesh he was testing him on the way of salvation Yeshua says if you want to obtain eternal life obey the commandments Yeshua was not implying that a man can be saved by keeping the commandments some of us think we can I know people that legitimately think they're holy because they would sit sit and they eat kosher forgive me but it's usually the Gentiles who thanked us Messianic Jews we know how we were saved I know I was raised in the Orthodox synagogue sat there for five hours listening to Hebrew folded my hands didn't say a word my mother was behind the curtain there was there was no relationship I would have ever been able to call god father and then sometimes in the church it's so flagrant jesus paid it all so I could do whatever I want both positions I think it's totally off one's too much emphasis on truth the other one is too much emphasis on grace and Yeshua says I'm full of grace and truth rather Yeshua was using the law to produce conviction of sin in the man's heart the man was under the delusion like some people are that he could inherit the kingdom on the principle of quote doing so you see I said okay if that's how you feel easy easy peasy lemon squeezy you know the law you've been raised in it you're Jewish every Jew is raised in the law they knew the law they know the law better than you do they knew the 613 commandments better than your leaven home steeped in it from when they were little little ones three four or five years old a five-year-old knew the Book of Leviticus some of all kids can't find the Book of Leviticus so you okay let them obey the law now look what happens this is a beautiful encounter beautiful encounter and it's very foundational to all faiths the man asked him which one's this 613 just which ones give me a list and I'll do it and then I'll be I'll have eternal life it's a good question based on what Yeshua instructed him and Yeshua said don't murder don't commit adultery don't steal don't give false testimony on a father and mother love your neighbor the young man said I have done all these do you notice what the Lord quotes the Lord quotes five commandments dealing primarily with fellow man it is crucial how we treat each other it does not matter if you don't eat pork and you treat people like crap and he climbs the commandments with you shall love your neighbor as yourself the guy was blind to his own selfishness how many of us are blind to our own selfishness with decent people but we're blind the man boasted that he had kept all these right he said I have done them I don't murder I haven't committed adultery which I don't even think those are too difficult I don't steal I don't lie I honor my father and mother and I love my neighbor I love my neighbor so Yeshua comes back let's see what happens Yeshua said to him if you are serious about reaching the goal if you're really serious and I think he was then go and sell your possessions give to the poor you'll have riches in heaven uh-oh o our Lord used it to expose the man's failure to love his neighbor as himself because he was amassing a fortune for him self he told him to sell his possessions and give the money to the poor then he could follow Yeshua the Lord again so so is is Yeshua saying okay if he would have sold his possessions then he gains eternal life it looks like he's saying that right if you're just the typical uptight I'm sorry uh religious I'm sorry right-wing I'm sorry literal I'm sorry then you're not going to understand it you got to think like a Jew we're not like that we're not uptight and and so literal and so unhappy and banging our kids over the head with the Bible till they still they're saying under their breath you don't even see it when I'm 18 I'm out of here and I'm out of God oh he wasn't intimating that be saved by selling his possessions there is only one way of salvation faith in the Lord but in order to be saved a man must acknowledge that he has sinned and fallen short of God's holy requirements you can't just come up the carpet and and and say a prayer no sir no ma'am hmm but the rich man's unwillingness to share his possessions shows that he did not love his neighbor as himself no he should have said Lord if that's what's required then I'm a sinner I fallen short I cannot save myself by my own effort save me well it's it's not in the narrative sadly enough said if schewe gave him an opportunity like he gives all of us all men now now selling all one's possession and giving it away to the poor is not a universal doctrine within our faith okay it's not don't think it is he was using that as a hook but no you don't have to sell all your possessions peoples ah they they have some money that they've amassed and they feel so terrible when they see this no no that's not what it's saying Yeshua was trying to get this man to see his corrupt heart and his desperate need for a savior but someone stable in the word declare how many times we heard this we need to sell all our church buildings there's such a as anybody heard that has any imbecile said that they're a waste of money have you heard this what a waste to be perfectly Frank I did all I could to avoid building this thing now you don't know me but I have lived in an apartment my whole life the first house I bought was when Jeremy was born it was an eleven hundred square foot cinderblock home that cost I think it was 78,000 and that was too much house for me my mother 86 years of her life lived in an apartment so she died we don't like houses to me it's an albatross it's an albatross if you look at rent if I give you I'm an accountant by trade if you look at what you pay for rent versus what you pay to upkeep that house and how would have the lack of appreciation you're getting killed but people love a house they love a house they love all these rooms I've ruined that i watch TV and then have a room that i soin I've ruined that I eat in sleep and I have a room that I pass gas and it's out of control but teachers own it doesn't say you shouldn't own a house it doesn't say that doesn't say that but have you heard of edifice complex Oedipus complex is when a son is in love with his mother edifice complex is when people are in love with their home I was never in love I mean the hole means nothing to me it's it's a place that I sleep in and I I could care less I can thank God I can I can move on so easy who cares doesn't mean anything this is where I raise my kids no this is where I raise my kids I did all I could to be honest with you to be frank this is an albatross you know how many things go wrong here you know many things need to be fixed here thank God I have a couple of guys that help but who do you think they go to this is my job I'm not the head of building maintenance but I got to be it's a pain you know easy was renting you know easy it was giving West Island $2,000 a month and saying I I don't need your Xerox I don't need your phone we need it Saturday for four hours and they were happy because they were broke so it was a win-win and then God putting his foot on me I want you to build a building you know this some of you you've been here long enough and I tried to dance around that I tried to run I travel I don't hear you a friend of mine Daytona it's built tons of buildings that Hirsch don't do it close me Hirsch don't do it it's an albatross don't do it he kept pushing me and then when we finally bowed and deferred to the Lord one third of the synagogue left when we start the building fight remember and we had nothing and then God had the audacity to tell me you will build this building and when you stepped foot in it the first day your first service you will not owe a nickel and this listen I'm going to tell you flat out man this building is a monument to God's miraculous power this is not this is not just a building people with money could build a building that's nothing that's nothing when I used to train people in gym I trained guys worth four hundred million dollars one guy was a billionaire build this in this nothing I just got a call from a friend of mine in New York he's working for a guy now he I said to him I said the guy must be worse than money listen this is how crazy some people think about money this is what he said and today's day not too much I said what's he worth he said 200 million yes we pay you live in Macon it's a different ballgame it's not millionaires anymore it's billionaires what I'm saying it's a it's crazy it's everybody's perspective but this this would cost two million dollars and I didn't know I never built a building I didn't know what to do Dave you were here company here Joe you were here I didn't know what to do so I said to you guys this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna tell the synagogue that God wants to build a building I don't want to I fought it to the nail you ask them and all I did was I gave so sticking you know the sticky notes John you were here I hand it out to people I said what could you give towards this building today not three years 90 years today we ended up it was I I don't want to be the exact number but there's something like two hundred and twenty thousand dollars twenty twenty thousand dollars then the people left with the money I was like I felt like Gideon rich so I'm gonna fight the Midianites with a trumpet and a lamp but God was listen he was showing me something I was blind to it I was blind to it there was a pastor was that past his name we went to visit him in Locust Grove what was that guy's name he's uh he was brilliant his undergraduate Georgia Tech he had two doctorates and masters who had someone Edie Edward and Lord listen this true ed for tonight we became great friends he was he was a goofy guy you know but he was a great guy loved them to death he called me I was pumping gas at Zebulon I told burned I looked I said we're done I tried my best honey I'm sorry I couldn't do any more than I did we'll pick up the pieces we'll leave and we'll figure something out I was pumping gas at Zebulon and Edward called me crying and he said rabbi heard what happened I'm so sorry I said the one who I supposed to do I didn't do anything he said listen to me I've built a couple of buildings said listen to me you not gonna be able to do it stop the project don't do it I said I'm with you man I get it we have no money it's two million dollars I get it I'm okay with it I didn't want in the first place and then he said this and I'll never forget as long as I live if he goes the only way that building will be built on the phone he said through divine intervention it will have to be a miracle I said what did you say I stopped pumping yes I said what did you say he repeated I said repeated again I said so you're telling me that if I go forward with this and it's not built then I know it wasn't God's will but if it is built I know it is God's will you hear what I'm saying I wanted God's will I didn't want the people's will or my will so we went forward we went forward with no money and when we walked in here we didn't know one cent it came from places and people not even our own crazy right so when I when I'm here it's not oh it's a nice don't forget that it's it's a mine it's a memorial to the greatness and the power and the majesty and the might of God let's split some let's continue in this vein there's a great little section of scripture that dovetails into this it's in mark 14 about when Yeshua was anointed right before his burial right you can read this also in Matthew 26 it's important to read it elsewhere because you could pick up other pieces to the puzzle also in John 12 it says when he was at bet Tanya Bethany in the home of shamone a man who had Sarat simon with leprosy and as he was eating a woman came with an alabaster jar of perfume pure oil of nard I don't know if you have a snow Lord but nards of plants in India and if you open up a violin art just to open it you'll all smell it it's such an overwhelming yeah I have some north this is nard so if you want to smell it later you can very costly because of its power the most costly perfume there is she broke the jar and pulled the perfume over your shoe his head now an alabaster jar hint of oil it would it would go all the way down onto the floor some there what angrily said to themselves quote why this waste of perfume it could have been sold for a year's wages and given to the poor true it's a lot of money right I mean if somebody to make fifty grand a year that's fifty thousand dollars an art you ain't annoying nobody fifty thousand dollars an art don't even look at me like that and they scolded her they scolded her publicly rebuked her and shook their finger and made her feel horrible embarrassed her in front of everybody but he said Yeshua said let her be why are you bothering her she has done a beautiful thing for me for you will always have the poor with you always I mean when I go to India and I do all these things I feel like I'm trying to fill up the Grand Canyon with a little kids bucket and shovel and whenever you want to you can help them you can help the poor whenever you want everyday you can help the poor but you will not always have me here are some of the guests at a feast in honor of Yeshua it was probably they will probably if you ask me they were probably celebrating Simon the leper you don't want to have that name that doesn't sound like a great superhero name who's gonna save us Simon the leper that was his name when you have leprosy you have no contact with anybody if you do go out you have to yell unclean unclean and cross the street you can't go to a party you can't go to the fruit stand and touch the fruit you're in seclusion with other lepers it's a horrific life I visited leper colonies horrific Simon the leper you know who else was there Martha she was there and you know who else was there Lazarus can you imagine this plus his disciples couldn't you imagine this cats the characters Simon used to have leprosy now he's healed Martha was a lost girl she didn't know the way of salvation now she saved Lazarus was dead and they yelling at her for wasting money unbelievable just unbelievable incredulous people still think today it's a waste to give a year of one's life to the Lord how much more a waste would they consider it to give one's whole life to him your shoe is stronger abuse their murmuring why I can't get into it we don't have time but this nard is so powerful what do you think was happening when you're on the cross crucifix new diavik's fixation so when you lift yourself up you take deep breaths so every time he pushed himself up and he went what do you think he was smelling Oh Mary I'll never forget you what does he smell from you they review murmuring the messages as follows guys money spent on worship is money well spent we used to have our office at home you know how sick this was Bernie that wasn't even on the payroll which was my stupid mistake cuz she was my wife I thought no no she's the secretary she works 60 hours a week she shouldn't get paid it was a stupid mistake it was burying her she's homeschooling and answering the phone she long Betty schewe chill him but the Jewish woman doing the whole Shabbat school doing the seedy ministry the 14 people that we have now that does it she was doing it and we had an open-door policy what people could just come to my house unannounced and I had to drop everything so some lady comes to my house back then okay and she sits down and she says I think this building project is a waste of money so I look and I go you live in Bolingbroke don't you she said yes I do I said you're an empty nester and the Lord just told me that your house is paid for she goes well yes it is and I said and it's worth about $350,000 isn't it a little like she goes yes it is and I go well why don't you sell your house anybody hear me huh sell your house you clearly don't need a house get an apartment or downsize get a house for a hundred grand and now you have $250,000 to give to the poor you want to know how quick that conversation ended guys use your brain think before you speak don't think on your own accord or what you want so many of you are passive-aggressive nice people but you want what you want why don't you find out what the Lord wants I didn't want this this is a pain in the butt get out of my house I can't wait to go to Israel I can't wait I'm gonna take my lawn-mowing beat them crap out of her I can't wait to have no grass can't wait to go back to an apartment so when I got to go through my disposal don't go up your toilet broke no that's while it broke I'm just renting it be careful of what you say let me show you a proverb okay it says even a fool listen now even a fool if he stays silent is thought wise he who keeps his mouth shut can pass the smart the Greg Hirschberg message at times it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you're a fool than to open it and remove all doubt you got to be careful of constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth just pray think hear the Lord the reason why we don't have 4,000 communities I have two elders is because if I asked you all what you want it be bedlam that's not the way God set it up Moses went to the Lord he was he was a servant he loved the people and he loved the Lord all the more the Lord told him what to do and he carried it out you think if he has Korah Dathan and abiram what they wanted it would have worked out how did that work out and last but not on the subject John 12 five six this perfume is worth a year's wages why was it sold on the money given to the poor same same story just in a different gospel now he said this not out of concern for the poor hello his heart was in the wrong place he said this not out of concern for the poor but because she was a thief he was in charge of the common person used to steal from it here's the message guys Judas was a thief no doubt however the Lord and His disciples did have a money box they had a money box how are we going to do the works of righteousness in Beth you schewe you think I just want to teach a bunch of Gentiles not to eat shellfish and pork you're out of your mind you're an imbecile I'm not here to do that how are we gonna do work so righteous where our funds tell me how do you live without funds no you don't it's impossible the wheelchair mission the iPad mission sending these Ethiopian Jews to nursing schools so they can have a livelihood in the future not just giving them 100 bucks that's putting a bandaid under an artery that's spewing there's no hope in that what about the fellowships we built what about the schools we built what about the orphanages we built what about the crisis center what about the 900 grand that we sent to never in the hail that some of you were going to see what we did there this year what about the pregnancy center in Australia we just sent ten thousand dollars to Anora ministry a ministry in Perth Australia that helps the poor Jewish people what about the food we send the clothes the medicines what about the thousands and thousands of Bibles you think we're going to do that on our good looks no money is not a problem money is good if it's used for good purposes it's the love of money that's demonic okay let's look at another subject I need to go on vacation war that's what I need to do let's talk about the subject of marriage marriage the fall apart marriage has always been under attack but today it's unbelievable never seen anything like it I could count on one hand the exceptional marriages I've seen in 30 years look at this section of Scripture and then you are free 1936 in Matthews some perishing Pharisees came and tried to trap him him being a schewe by asking quote is it permitted for a man to divorce his wife on any ground whatever he replied quote haven't you read that at the beginning the creator made them male and female and that he said for this reason a man should leave his father and mother and be united with his wife and the two ought to become one flesh thus they are no longer two but one so then no one should split apart what God has joined together let's break it down a little bit let's look at the first verse okay you're looking at it on the screens the Pharisees were closing in on Yeshua like a pack of wild dogs their heart was so all they want to do is trap him their heart was so off - any of you talk to people and just want to debate and fight them over their principles let's attack the church the church that you were part of remember like a wild dog you just want to attack them there's no love in that doesn't work nobody wants to be attacked so they just hole trap Yeshua by his words so they asked this question is if divorce was legal on any and every ground now there was two schools in the first century the school of Shamai which was very strict and conservative and they looked at potential and the school of Hallel which was a little bit more I would say liberal and Hallel was an incredible man is from Babylon incredible rabbi he was kind and he was good halal winter if like me halal would too focused on abortion and homosexuality some of us Christians we just focus on abortion homosexuality all we want to do is whack the weeds you had to sow the seeds would you want to go before your shoe and just go all I did with I I was great right all I did was come against abortion and now of course in my pro-life listen I'm biblical don't ask me questions that are in the Bible I I adhere to the Bible I don't want to tie it along me I'm biblical so I build in homosexuality of course not but I want to spend much more time helping the poor the room the orphan then whacking weeds you follow that's just me that's just me that doesn't that doesn't mean anything that's just the kind of a side note but there were two schools if you know anything about the first century one out of every ten in the Roman Empire was Jewish there was a massive conversion of Gentiles not the Messianic Judaism to Judaism was that paganism had failed them 10% of the world was Jewish at that point Judaism went from five million to ten million only because the conversion crazy crazy because there's something absolutely stunning and beautiful about Judaism true biblical Judaism is beautiful it's beautiful it's loving God more than yourself and loving everybody else like yourself you can't beat that that's the heart of God right there that is the heart of God right there man so no matter what he answered you got to understand and even though let me just say this Shimon Hallel had some differences but they loved each other for the sake of God some of us don't know how to disagree agreeably we there might be some of you here you know you used to sit over there now you sit over there because you had an argument and now we can't be friends because we don't agree on the tribulation nobody agrees on the tribulation they would they love God so much that even though they disagreed on some things I mean is anybody married here it's like you're afraid to say it okay do you agree on everything no some of you don't even agree with yourself so no matter what he answered he was going to infuriate some segments of people you follow if he said yes then chemise after him it doesn't matter what he answered he's trapped or is he now he gives the answer that we should give people the the laws of marriage and divorce of the hardest laws to follow in the Bible because so many people make up their own rules and they misinterpret it if somebody asked me this I give the same answer issue a gave what did God say from the beginning that's why I don't do so many marriages as most you don't know what it takes to stay together look at what Yeshua says he replies haven't you written why are you asking me a question like that well it doesn't make any sense what is it say from the beginning well rabbi if I feel emotionally abused isn't that the same thing as adultery it's like an emotional adult what how do you make that up what we'll have the most vibrant prison ministry because I will be an inmate haven't you read that the beginning the creator made the mail like what are you asking me you guys are supposed to be religious leaders you guys supposed to be teachers you're supposed to be rabbis why are you asking me that question you're looking for a loophole for this reason that now you can't control another person hear me it's not your fault that they just decide to split for this reason a man should leave his father and mother oh boy some of you in-laws are more like outlaws got to get your hands off listen listen to Rabbi Greg for a minute okay our Lord first explains that the original intention was that a man have only one living wife if she dies you are allowed to remarry Billie you experienced that correct right you are biblically correct they asked if divorce was legal on any ground okay so he says the original creative design of God was one man one man joined to one woman which means it rules out bigamy adultery homosexuality and group sex period according to God according to God but this relationship supersedes the otherwise of closest of human ties which is the parent-child relationship some of you are closer to your kids than your spouse and it says here that the married couple becomes one in the eyes of God not your children ouch don't get mad me don't get mad at me seriously I'm tired of it I was in a great synagogue in Venice and I asked the lady a question she was giving a tour to like 20 or 30 Jewish people and I asked the question she said sir that's political I said no it's not I'm Bernal it's like oh god here we go on vacation for pete's sake I said it's not a political question I asked you a question all the Jews still being persecuted here in Italy it's not Polly I'm not a political person I'm a biblical person so she finally looked down and said they've always been persecuted here I said I know I just wanted you to say it and then I went in the back mind my own business look at the synagogue and then burn that goes it's time for Greg Hirschberg to hold court and about a dozen Jews came around me and they started asking me questions why do you ask that why I said look you're on vacation you spent a lot of money you're not gonna like what I'm gonna tell you you're not you're gonna hate me for it but there was a rabbi Joe Burtynsky in 1933 that went through Europe and told them to get out and go to Israel and they didn't listen and you know what ended up happening instead of getting out they got in the ovens I said it's coming to America the stock market's gonna crash and then hopefully some Jews will finally get out of here but you've got to go to Israel they didn't want to hear that you know and I said I know you don't want to hear that you're hating me right now don't forget this conversation don't forget this conversation don't be mad at me this I'm just giving you what this says pretty much now I'm not saying that I got it down perfectly and I not interpretive but I'm reading this to you right I'm just reading this to you right God's idea is that this divinely ordained union should not be broken by human act or decree by the same token some you need some serious work on your husbandry and wifely skills and some of you right now we're fine because you know your wife does whatever you want that's gonna get old and one day you're gonna see that the bed is too big without her because I thought everything was okay no she was just kind of submitting but she wasn't happy guys Joshua taught on a plethora of subjects money and marriage are just two of the many he taught on subjects like heaven hell making disciples prayer faith deeds his second coming etc etc seriously church bells so it's back in Venice I think the most impertinent subject to discuss the most pertinent subject to discuss is who Yeshua is was I think there's still a lot of confusion and the more I hear intelligent people talk about the Trinity the more they sound incredibly confused incredibly confused amen unlike the question does God exist very few people question whether Jesus Christ existed right it is generally accepted that Yeshua was truly a man who walked on the earth in Israel 2,000 years ago but the debate begins when the subject of your shoe is full identity is discussed almost every major religion teaches that Yeshua was a prophet or a good teacher or a godly man everyone when I'm in India among a million gods and you say do you know what Jesus oh yeah he's one of our million gods the problem is that the Bible tells us that Yeshua was infinitely more than a prophet a good teacher or a godly man let me show you a quote from the great CS Lewis in his book Mere Christianity I am trying here to prevent anyone from saying the really foolish thing that people often say about him brackets Jesus Christ I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher but I don't accept his claim to be God that is the one thing we must not say a man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher no he wouldn't be he would either be a lunatic on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg or else he would be the devil of Hell you follow you must make your choice either this man was and is the son of God or else a madman or something worse you can shut him up for a fool you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet call him Lord and God but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher he has not left that open to us he did not intend to personal when I came to meet him I really felt like his job was to connect me with the father and for the first time in my life I was able to call God who I was very afraid of I don't know if it was all that off Judaism's fault I don't know if his mind I'm not pointing fingers I take full responsibility for my lack but for the first time I felt this intimacy with God it was incredible I was content and at peace and I felt complete I don't know how more to explain it than that and I thought to call Almighty God that I was so fearful of my whole life Abba Father who guys it was crazy but then I met a lot of Christians and I was I was so jealous or more like envious because they seemed to love Jesus so much and they seemed so happy and so free and I felt like he was the bridge to the Father and I struggle with this personally for so long but I'm okay now and this is why I'm ready to teach this now this is why I'm okay to go on this journey why is the question over Yeshua's true identity so important why does it matter whether or not issue is God the most important reason that Yeshua has to be is that if he is not his death would not have been sufficient to pay the penalty of the sins of the world only God can pay such an infinite penalty in attempts to away the words of yeshua the words of yeshua modern scholars claim the quote true biblical Jesus did not say many of the things the Bible attributes them who will we to argue with God's Word concerning what Yeshua did or did not say especially after we've spent six weeks proving that we can trust our Bible as an authentic literary document based on internal/external bibliographical and prophecy don't you see why God did that before this we could ask theologians scholars scribes even disciples who Yeshua is but who better to ask who Yeshua is then you shoe it himself so this journey we're gonna go on I'm gonna take every word Yeshua said about himself and we're gonna break it down and really find out exactly biblically who he is the way this came just so you know is I was you know I've had I've had major back issues since 1985 everyday I have pain some days it's kind of incapacitating some days not so bad I was sitting in my caucus I was gonna go for a walk at Wesleyan I was gonna go for a walk there this was I guess a few weeks ago and I'm sitting in my car and I was just crying I said what it's so hard it's so hard to praise you sometimes in the midst of all this pain but you work in mysterious ways he said ahead I said say what he said command you're back in Yeshua's name now I have a very hard time doing those kinds of prayers I just feel it's a little disrespectful now there is not one set way to pray you might say oh okay rabbi Greg you're given a formula there are no formulas you'll never be able to figure out why that one gets healed and that one never does sometimes the people that I know that have the deepest faith never get the healing and the people that have weak faith get the healing sometimes we pray all if it's your will sometimes we man you have to be led by the whole do you hear what I'm saying you will never come up with a formula when it comes to god he's formula lists you will never figure it out should we now take shofars and lamps and we'll defeat the enemy don't put God in a box you'll never ever get in any way with him but he said and I was very uncomfortable very uncomfortable and I said back tendons ligaments now I didn't know all those years I just thought it was from heavy because I used to lift so heavy major weight I thought it was that but I didn't know I had a an artery issue and connective tissue issue that's why I was getting injured every time I play ball I didn't know any of that but I said vertebrae discs lined up I come Manchu and Yu Shu his name you told me to do it and I got out of that car and I was pain free now it has come back somewhat but what I'm saying is God was telling me how powerful Yeshua is just his name and he said teach on this and I wasn't sure but then the next day I got an email from Samuel he says rabbi I need your help I have questions about who Yeshua is that's when I knew because this guy is a listen this guy is a saint he is a saint he is like Mother Teresa on steroids we've sent so much money to him and his two little daughters were named after my girl Shane and Lily passed him one time they had he robbed my Gregg sends us so much money can't we I can prove our situation Samuel said China the money's not for us how much people you know that would take that stand that's a saint so when he said I have questions I knew so this is the journey we're going to embark on and I think it's gonna be very fruitful for all so it's good to be back let's stand I was that five years ago there and in the Jewish ghetto ghetto was an Italian name have to do with certain work that they were allowed to do 1555 the wonderful Pope decided that Jews can't live with Gentiles so they were stuck in together when they couldn't get out of together on a lot of who died from disease and so on and so forth they've been persecuted forever but they would have to eat whatever they can get their hands on so what they would eat was like sheeps brains and I wanted to eat them I just did so it was very they're very hard to find you know the very hard time but I found the place that had him and I was so happy I was there with all my family Jeremy was there so all for the kids and burned that night and they brought out the different dishes and I loved when the waiter said who has the brains and I looked at my wife and kids and I said proudly I do now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious onto you middle of lift up is very counseling on you and give you his peace I'm in the principal peace you should give a retinoid the East mereka your Illinois phone of Alyssa Visionnaire yes sir I don't know poor novela how the assembly hall Spock's alone
Channel: Getzel
Views: 11,348
Rating: 4.8376384 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, God, Adonai
Id: qUO4BHcY5sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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