Ultimate Grilling & Barbecue Guide: Tips, Tricks & Recipes

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good day well it's summer here finally in Australia and you know what that means grilling season whether you live in the southern or the Northern Hemisphere to be honest it's always Grill season so stick around and watch this video anyway today I'm going to run you through seven recipes perfect for your gas or your charcoal Barbie let's get stuck in first up we're going to start with a batch cocked chicken and a little Peri Perry inspired marinade so let's get that done first real simple we're going to blend together one chili seeds and oil a red onion just dice it to help your blender got some some already roasted capsicums kind of cheating but nothing wrong with a little cheat coat every now and then is there some dried thyme sweet paprika big pinch of salt red wine vinegar now one of the tricks when making marination for barbecue is to try and avoid using sugar when you've got things that take a while to cook sugar is going to caramelize and burn faster than your meat's going to cook like in this whole bird for instance blender up it's a spatch cocko bird take your bird and get it nice and dry flip it on its front cut the tips off you can leave them on to be honest but I don't think you're going to eat them and then we're just going to run our knife or our scissors straight down the backbone here trying to keep in the Oyster so the oyster sits in this part here of the bird which is like the best part of the meat we're going to cut it up here make sure we go around that spot and then keep going past the neck one side done other side clean this up in the center just look for any fragments of bone in there then use a paper towel and dry it well in the cavity that's going to help your marinade stick better flip it over now this wasn't me this came out of the packet like that flant it out like that as if you're giving it CPR just crack that backbone and it will sit flatter stunning just going to trim this bit up here a bit more time to get the marinade on so we're just going to worry about getting the marinade on the underside first and then we'll put the rest on once it's on the grill I like using a pastry brush you can just pour this on on your your hands but I think you can kind of get into the crevices a bit better here make sure you wash your pastry brush really well after and boiling water in the dishwasher so don't stress you not if you don't use it all in the first path you can kind of add it as the chicken's cooking to the grill so let's talk about Grill setup quick I've got this side on low haven't got the sear Zone on if your barbecue has a sear Zone you don't want that on for this a sear zone is basically just an extra burner and I've got this side up nice and high what's going to happen is the residual heat it's going to kind of start cooking the the chicken from the top the thing with chicken is that you want to kind of brown the skin but you don't want it to stick so I've had this Barbecue on for about half an hour it's got a lot of residual heat in it but then I've turned it right down on one side so we're going to start with the bottom side down first just like so I'm going to run and wash my hands and then we'll get the the marinade on the top so like I was saying if we had sugar in this marinade this would burn real quick you can hear the heat in that Grill even though it's down low the cold chicken hitting the grill is going to take all that heat out and we should get some really nice kind of slow forming caramelization that's the that's the goal this marination looks way spicier than it is it's not that spicy you can make it as spicy as you want just add as much chili powder as you want to it but I've got to feed basic MIT and basic daz so we've gone easy close the lid I'm going to let that cook for like 10 minutes like that and we'll come back and check it this is actually about 14 minutes in you can see we're getting some nice color even on the outside just going to lift this off carefully you don't want this to stick obviously and break up can see that it's almost starting to cook the top too so just Edge yourself around make sure it comes off the grate before you I guess commit to flipping it over she goes oh yeah and once you flip don't try and move it don't try and adjust it whatever you do flip it put it down and leave it at this point I am going to get some more marination on the top or on the bottom I should say just to keep it nice and moist then we'll flip it once more just to get that kind of marination on the other side and we should be good to go let's come back in another 10 minutes all right we should be about ready for the last flip I'm looking for about 60° C which is 140 F in the thickest part we've got there we'll flip it and then we're going to cook it for a few more minutes on that side and then it should carry over cooking to about 65 70° and it will be fine to eat at that point this is the nerve-wracking part flipping it at this point all the skin should be nice and caramelized if it's all gone well and it shouldn't stick to the grill but I'm nervous don't be afraid to just kind of lift it up a bit make sure it doesn't catch too much yeah okay pretty happy with that we got a little bit of a tear up in this corner this corner here was the part that was already torn when it came out of the bag but overall I'm pretty happy with that nice amount of char which is what you want the Char is Flavor so we're just going to get the rest of this marinade on here once that's set up in about 5 to 6 more minutes we should be good to take that off there you what it smells pretty good close that lid down we'll come back in 6 minutes we should be good to go all right let's see how this is looking woo looking good is how it's looking take this off try and keep it together absolutely stunning now in my opinion this doesn't need much garnish at all going to place some lime wedges on here bit of extra Zing there we go grilled chicken with a Perry Perry inspired marinade this one is an absolute winner and once you nail how to grill a butterfly chicken you'll do it every time trust me next up let's Grill some delicious sweet corn corn it's got the juice real simple peel your corn probably don't need to watch me doing that once you peel the corn all we're going to do is blanch it in some boiling salted water for 5 to 6 minutes just to start the cooking process if you can cook this all the way in the grill I've done a lot like that but it'll take about half an hour whereas doing it like this you'll get good Char on it in like 5 to 10 minutes 5 to 10 that's pretty broad 8 to 10 minutes and it should be pretty much cooked through we're just going to garnish it with some Cy Mayo some lime zest and some tahen you can also cut these down into like twos or threes so people don't have to commit to a whole corn C into the hot water seasoned water boiling water in they go nice and careful don't burn yourself it hurts put the lid back on 5 minutes later good to go oh look at the color change nice in the yellow it's got the juice thanks for putting that in my head D at this point you can just cool this down so you can do it the day before if you wanted uh you can do it the morning of cool it down the fridge and then Grill it when you grill it through it is just going to warm through anyway but now it's pretty much cooked through we're just grilling it for color it's got our charcoal grill here absolutely raging hot it is white hot you can see that and then this is one of those occasions that I use spray oil on stuff just cuz you're going to get a nice even coat if you put too much oil on this it will flame up which is what we don't want we just put a little light coating of oil and on it goes I like my corn to have lots of CH I think the Char really helps with the flavor so we'll just put that lid down open every 3 or 4 minutes give it a turn so this is what we're looking for nice even Char all the way around these are good to come off so to garnish we'll keep it real simple what I like to do mayonnaise doesn't have to be C you can be kind of any mayonnaise really or you can keep it real simple and just shove some butter on there nothing wrong with that lime zest tahen oh smells so good there you go grilled corn super simple who's not going to like that next up we're going to do some TR tip interesting cut of meat probably a bit more affordable than sirloin and works really well for the technique that we're going to use the reverse sear did you know that Christmas is just around the corner and I have the perfect Christmas gift for yourself or someone else my cookbook the link is down below there's a whole bunch of copies left get your copy now it's got some fantastic recipes like a 7-hour lamb Sher do something different this Christmas make some lamb and then a New Year's Dutch New Year's treat my mom's Olli balling recipe we had these every New Year's they're a delicious fried dut and they go well with a nice little on glaze go buy yourself a copy or one for your mom or your dad or your sister or someone the link is down below so the try tip it's becoming more and more popular as the price of Pia or rump cap as we call it in Australia gets more expensive it comes from a similar region but a bit lower down on the hip of the animal uh and this here is a it's a carara wagu tritip sometimes they get a bit of stick for using wagu but like I've said before I work for a company that produces the stuff uh but I think if you did want to try some wagu this is a really kind of a cheaper way to do it if that's at all possible this isn't a super high grade high marble score Wu um it's about a marble SC or six or seven I'm pretty sure um all we're going to do is simply season this with salt pepper in respect of googa Foods a bit of garlic powder cuz we know he loves his garlic powder and then we're going to reverse syrup so let's get this seasoned up salt all over you got a pretty big thick piece of meat so might be thinking that's a lot of salt but it'll it'll take it now a bit of garlic powder you can use any rub you want on this some fresh pepper so the grill I'm just going to use a probe that comes on my barbecue if you don't have one of these probes that kind of automatically reads the temperature you can just use like an instant Repro get it right in there set up for our Grill here we only have this one far burner on full and we're going to place it at this end here so I've got the probe in there and the alarm is set to go off at 50° C which is 122 F once we get to that temperature we're going to take it off turn the grill up to maximum we're going to rest that uh beef for a little bit and then we're going to seal it really hard on the really hot Grill it should take about 40 minutes to get there but I'll let you know once it's done how long it took there we go it's 50° it took way longer than expected though that took like an hour and a half almost it'll be in the recipe that's going to take an hour and a half note that um this barbecue was kind of running at about 135 C so maybe that's why it took so long anyway we're there out that probe comes out the meat comes off looks a bit strange I know but it'll be okay crank the barbecue up to full boil and we'll let that preheat right up and then we'll Grill this really quickly all right our barbecue is nice and hot we're just going to add a little bit of oil to the outside and on she goes I may have put too much oil on that you don't really want Flames when barbecuing it's a kind of a misconception if you're barbecuing and you see big Flames you're actually just scorching the outside ideally you don't want any Flames sometimes it happens though a little bit of like kissing of the meats fine big Flames no good TIY that's looking good good color on the outside there nice and golden a little bit charry in some spots delicious all right time to come off because of the the slow rise in temperature reverse searing you don't need to rest it as as long as you do cooking a steak normally straight through from the grill and we already had some rest time while our steak was uh sorry while our barbecue was heating up we can carve this pretty much straight away you can see here the grains are going this way pretty pretty obvious I don't know if you can see on camera but in in in real life it's really clear some Stakes is not super clear this one very very much is so we're going to cut against that so I'm going to swing this around this way to me and then start carving this way so there you go reverse said TR tip fantastic flavor really beefy flavor it's definitely not as tender as a p but I don't mind that I like a bit of chew there but that's a great little cut of meat far cheaper than Pana and if you're feeding a lot of people it's a great way to do it all right next up one of my favorite veggies to do on a barbecue roast sweet potato take your sweet potato you want a nice thick one take the end off and then we're going to cut slices about that thick into a bowl olive oil give them a toss make sure all the faces have oil on there they don't need to be drowning in it but you do need some oil or fat on there so you can season these with whatever you want but you're going to start with salt and then I am going to use some garam masala of all things I think it's a great mild way to add some spice and a bit of clove and stuff to it and you don't need much you could do pretty much any rub that you wanted or you had or some old Bay if you have it some smoked paa bit of garlic powder if you wanted but I think the garam masala works really well and it compliments the sweetness of the sweet potato all right they're looking good to the grill we're going to go to this side here this is like a veggie basket I think they call it sorry I don't know the name it's not as important with the sweet potato but if you're doing something like capsicum or like you know like a stir fry type of thing you can kind of do it in here without the pieces of Veggie uh falling between the Gres anyway I got this on like a medium heat the side this side's still on nice hot give us some roasting ambient stuff just going to lay all the sweet potato down in one flat layer and then we'll keep the lid closed to get some uh convectional some heat coming from the top as well because we've cut this nice and thin it shouldn't take a crazy amount of time to cook and the sweet potato you can just grow like that if you don't have one of these baskets don't feel like you need to rush out and get one just put it on the grill you just have to be a bit careful when you're flipping them that you don't lose it between your great perfect how we looking oh stunning give them a flip all right I think these will be oh yeah so the easiest way to see if these are cooked or not it's just if you can fold them in half and they break like that they're cooked through take them off pile them on a plate now I like to finish this real simply with some chili crisp which is you know in a lot of people's fridges these days well I hope it is cuz it's delicious some fresh chopped parsley there we go a delicious carb option that's cooked all on the barbecue your barbecue is already hot so you might as well use it now let's make the absolute classic some beef Inc capsicum skewers or bell pepper if you're from the states so skewers now I'm a big fan of metal skewers cuz not only they don't burn but you can use them more than once if you are going to use the wooden ones make sure you soak them in water for 3 or 4 hours first does stop them from burning then we just got an array of veggies here I like the three different colors of capsicum some red onion DIC nice and Big And Chunky and I'm using some beef fet here cubed up I know beef fet's really expensive um especially for doing this but it actually works really well cuz it's so tender and you don't need to cook it for very long if you don't want to spend the money on philli use beef rump we call it rump here in Australia in the US you call it sirloin or top Sirin I think but you kind of want something lean cuz it's hard for the r the fat render when you're cooking skewers like this real simple start with one piece of veg on goes a piece of meat another piece of veg some onion some more meat some more veg some more onion and we're going to do three cubes of meat per skewer another one onion finish here we go rinse and repeat stunning we're going to make a quick little glazy Marin thing not really marinade cuz we're going to leave them minute we're going to kind of brush it on but it's pretty simple some dark soya sauce some balsamic reduction this is a POA Granite flavored one but any kind of balsamic reduction will do just want that kind of sweet acidic and the thickness the viscosity will really help it to stick couple of big cloves of garlic these are quite big so maybe three if you don't have such big cloves grated into the marinade it's not a marinade Andrew it's a glaze yeah sure and a bit of Ginger grated in there as well feel free to add some chili this to this too as well might be nice give that a little mix take that with the pastry brush and after our first sear we'll start mopping this deliciousness on all right we got our Grill ripping hot here which is exactly what we want just going to use a little little bit of oil on these so they don't stick probably should have used a bigger plate to season these season them with salt I like the coarse rock salt I know Josh doesn't but I'm not Josh on they go season the other side of these guys we're going to flip these once or twice maybe and then we're going to start glazing so this is will be pretty high in sugar from the balsamic like I was saying with the chicken you got to be careful cuz it will burn pretty quickly the benefit of using something like beef Filip is it will cook quickly so it shouldn't be an issue should have got a longer pastry brush cuz this is hot couple more minutes and they will be done all right these are ready to come off there you go pretty simple little beef skewers some capsicum Red Onion delicious now I'm going to run you through my top tips for cooking the perfect steak on the Barbie Let's Get grilling grilling steaks I say this with an air of caution in my voice because everyone has their own opinion about how to grill a steak now I'm going to run you through how I do it and feel free if you do it a different way let us know in the comments below this is how I do it and my fun fundamentals and thoughts behind it first of all to dry brine or not to dry brine now dry brining is when you season your steak ahead of time and you leave it in the fridge uh the salt turns to liquid and then effectively the the liquid then gets penetrated into the pores of the meat giving you a more even seasoning it's true in my opinion it works however sometimes you don't have the foresight if you haven't done it don't stress too much about it tempering steaks this is where you take a steak out before you cook it and you let it come to room temperature before you cook it I don't believe in a steak like this it makes that much of a difference that's my personal opinion there's been a few people that have done videos on it googa did a good video on it Max and meat guy did a good video on it if you do like to temper your Stakes I don't think there's anything wrong with it and if you find you're getting good results then by all means carry on doing what you're doing the thickness of your steak is super important this is where it's hard to get a good thick steak in the supermarket you're going to need to go to a butcher these aren't expensive Stakes this is a kilcoy blue diamond Sirin it's a grain fed steak it's not even grated I don't think you can see it's got hardly any you know intermuscular fat but this is a delicious steak there is nothing wrong with the steak and it and it's affordable let's season these steaks and get them on the grill the oil I use when I'm cooking steaks is Peanut it's got a great high smoke point and it's got almost no or neutral flavor get some oil on there and rub it in so that it's nice and evenly coed and then season your steak well now I'm a purist when it comes to steaks like this I don't put rubs on it normally I don't put pepper I find Pepper Burns but you can do whatever you want your steak at this point if you are a rub person by all means get a rub on there really is up to you at this point our Grill's nice and hot let's get these steaks on so this barbecue is's got a sear Zone but I don't have it on right now and I'll tell you why in a second that there is a big layer of delicious fat we want that on our steak but we also want to make sure it's rendered properly now if we have that up RI and hot it's going to burn the FL or the the fat before it renders this is another reason why you need thick steaks so you can stand them up like this and render that fat out the issue you're going to have is flare ups that's already started now so you need to be pretty diligent at this point if you get too much fat build up in one spot you're going to get flare ups and like I said earlier big Flames is not what you want when you're cooking on barbecues like this control your temperature the flare ups isn't the fire it's just the fat hitting the hot element underneath and and igniting immediately the steaks are naturally going to want to fall over just try and keep them up move your Steaks around as well you start getting FL layups you can move them around and then that'll push that fat to a different part we really want to avoid getting that that main muscle part at the moment cuz we want that to be really hot when we hit that first it's worth mentioning I got this side down low and this side's on low also at the moment but the barbecue is hot it's got a lot of residual heat so what I'm going to do in a second is I'm going to move my steaks and keep rendering the fat on this side I'm going to crank this side really hot to start searing the outside in a minute okay we're getting good rendering here let's move these over here this will also help season your veg basket or whatever GR you've got on this side so we've got this side cranked back up as hot as it can go just going to close the lid for a second just get a lot of residual heat in that grate before we start cooking all right our Grill's nice and hot let's get our steaks on with these barbecues that have these Lids on it it's important to try and keep it closed as much as you can the're designed to be cooking to cook with the lid closed and it keeps the heat in a lot more how are we looking good and we're still getting some flare ups here which we want to avoid so we're going to bring that one right down the front same with this one let's have a look oh yeah all right so these are at like 26° Celsius so they a little bit to go but they start kind of heating up pretty quickly we am going to turn this down just slightly what we don't want to do is to have too much color before the steaks are cooked to the temperature after I'm going to pull these off at 50° C today and then once that's rested it'll be about a medium rare and I know my temperatures that I work off are very different to what's publicly kind of published on the internet we I've done a steak video in the past before in a in a in a kitchen um and there was a lot of comments on that one but um I stand I stand true to my my temperatures that's what I mean about temperature control you can see here this is probably a bit darker than I would like but they're cooking well let's check some temperatures still not quite there but we're close I'm actually going to put them up here for the time being cuz we're just getting a bit much color so these have definitely crack 50 let's get them off in fact I think I usually say 46 for medium rare let's see how these turn out all right so I feel like cuz these hit saw 50 and I pulled them off quickly let's double check the temperature okay so that guy's reading bang on 50 we're going to rest these for 10 minutes and then we'll slice into them but this one's reading 54 it's also about feel I can feel that's nice this feels a bit tight that feels a bit tight that feels a bit better yeah 50 on the dot 10 minutes and we'll slice them up all right let's see how this turned out straight off the bat the fat cap did get a bit more charry than I would have liked but we live when we live I'm going to cut this guy straight through the center and see what my 50° internal temperature looks like now that looks pretty good it's going to it'll oxidize and look even more red often when you carve steaks they don't look as red as they're supposed to straight off the bat so that was 50° but more importantly let's see what it tastes [Music] like nothing wrong with that at all tender well seasoned still nice and juicy delicious all right I promised the dessert at the start of this video so it's time to make it and it's really quick and easy I got this baby pineapple it's super cute you get a baby one it's better we're just going to grill it and serve it with some Ricotta and some hot honey I like to leave the top on but you can certainly not peel the outside now you can kind of Grill this thing whole they often hang them by string over an open fire and do it that way but if you're trying to do it faster this is what I like to do so you're going to cut it right down the middle and then right through the top and then you're going to cut each one into three each half I should say into three just like that to the grill make sure there's no Stu on there and then we're just going to grill it flesh side down just to get some nice bar lines on there effectively it's pretty much good to go you can smell it immediately kind of all the sugars caramelizing really won't take long this Grill is really hot if you go to move something on a grill and it doesn't move like that just leave it if you go to move s and it moves it's good to come up see bar lines that's what we looking for this guy oh yeah it'll move there we go stunning this guy not ready all right I just got a bit windy here so excuse the windiness just looking for some nice color flip it over stunning M Grill's lost a bit of a Toph to be perfectly honest but we're getting there oh all right I think we're good here off we get and then we're going to garnish this and it's good to go on the plate drizzle of hot honey optionally hot honey you can just use normal honey if you want this a some soft ricotta just some nice quels or rochet whatever you call them I never remember the difference and there you go some grilled pineapple hot honey and smooth rotta and right on Q it's about to bucket it down with rain so it's time for us to pack up and get out of here thanks so much for watching like this video if you took anything from it subscribe if you're not and if you still want to cook a delicious steak for your mates or your family then watch this video if you don't have access to a barbecue and I run you through a whole bunch of other ways you can cook a steak anyway we'll see you next week and uh I think we're on to Christmas see you then peace
Channel: Andy Cooks
Views: 321,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cooking, food, dinner, lunch, meal ideas, dinner ideas, recipe, home cooking, food porn
Id: niIwZP9VWoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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