Judy Garland on The Tonight Show - 17 December 1968 - [SPECIAL HQ EDITION]

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the following program is brought to you in living color on NBC and now here's daddy ladies and gentleman what can you say the great Judy Garland is all for you I live just for your save with every move I make breath I take each day I live each thing I do it's all for you all for you it's all for you let not a day go by when I don't reach the sky try to fly touch the sky someday I will when I do it's all over and no one else's my days are done every star it's you let them say this much was true it was all for you ah you I Christopher Columbus claimed this for the Queen you pale face oh don't bother me I'm discovering America me gottam big discoveries Lay's potato chip betcha me you can't even Justin won hmm local vegetation hmm I'll have another Oh me say just one so you did I've discovered a continent full of Indian givers oh look here come the pilgrims on the Mayflower nice potato chips so thin so light so crisp you can eat a million of them but nobody can eat just one another flavor favorite food we delay mmm delay so you got Putin up your party anyway well what about coffee I'll coffee better want to guess Korra what can I do about him try Maxwell House it's got a flavor all its own mmm tastes terrific this all coffee's aren't alike uh-huh and I think Maxwell House tastes best the only kind I sell how was the party great and Janes coffee really topped it off like they say good to the last drop we're back now hey I thank you for coming on I Judy really clean vote really thank you I got a present for you somebody brought this up the office this afternoon I've never seen any you've heard of visions of sugarplums dance in your head mm-hmm have you ever had the a real sugar plums mmm of a box of sugar no nose there's no joke it comes with that don't trust me doing this no it's not any of those magic table where the smoke comes out these are sugar plums these are real sugar plums from Portugal did you know there were such things no all right so I've got visions of it many car bases many times no it was first made famous or took special note of the charm in that when he wrote the famous visit from st. Nicholas and the relations of sugarplums danced in their heads and throughout 1800 the sugar plum gained and reputation did you know that sugar plums have been candied since the days of Prince Henry the Navigator well I know him I have a guess good mover he was little candy to himself no but these are these are comportable would you like to try one no these aren't the snow Joe these are sugar they're a joke oh yes they are you drive on Friz Donny that's only being a lady no if I know there's a gigantic jade green fruits good right there candied and then sugar-coated it those are real sugar plums yes Jamia mm-hmm never like to be left on I mean why don't you try what because I don't particularly you're not big on sugar plums I don't even know about they were first brought to America in 1875 I final by five I don't know they came on a clipper ship no two are quite alike it says so I hope no you are firelight well why not they're pretty good they're a little too sugary for me yeah how do you like him John this one came came over I think with princess no no they are very sweet but those are a little over sweet real sugar plums so well that happy like in any way well it's a sentimental gift it's very nice pretty boy so I love Henry so how's everything what you've been doing on how are things going haven't seen you for four or five months I know everything's fun how you I'm just fine good hey somebody told me you were upset about the in a wave but everybody says that I'm always upset know that you got yeah you're always upset no not always I mean just as often as you get upset you know I'm I get tensed occasionally yeah no kidding and and uptight as the saying goes what about one of that first started uptight was that a relatively new expression how was that very for you as I guess the movie art not at that title somebody said somebody said you were upset with Jackie Kennedy marrying Onassis yes I thought it might be a good idea you know well he has a lot of money in that great big boat and I thought he might want some jazz singing after I see he does have a couple of dollars old that's an awful lot of money yes it is what is a billion dollars or something well that's it billion trillion that's over what 48 49 dollars there's not a point way over a lot of money it's a lot more than you get paid on this show you better believe that somebody said you'd rather interview me tonight we don't other guys yeah yeah so you want to be an interviewer so you've been in it you should need it all right anything about what turns you on what you're asking me what turns on fine let her ask the question you know what turns me on sugar plum well you give me a sugar plum and I'm out of my gourd and what I like a lot you know many things good music quiet fire good drink book loyal dog the hearth nothing else well it woman you can be close to and you can keep your loyal dog and your heart and your snowflakes and your sugar plums no anything else any questions at all I've never been interviewed I don't know where you got that time no I was afraid your than is kind of printed I asked Jenny tonight is this - while I thought those kind of Christmasy looking out that at the sugarplum pie shop all right so you get a box of sugar glass with your time make it very pretty powder box hey let me ask you something though and I'm not really serious not really seriously but when everybody talks about female singers your name comes up every time they talk about Judy who are some of your favorite singers do you have people that you like to listen to well if you think her oh yeah sensational I think Barbra Streisand I think Liza Minnelli why isn't in LA isn't she gonna be with us sir I think Liza's with us tomorrow or window or Thursday what next Wednesday or Thursday well I would know she sounds a good deal like you the first time I heard her I really was robbed I first saw lies when she was in Las Vegas when she walked out I was devastated the first time she has a lot of your qualities doesn't she but she has her own she is Liza oh she's as any personality hmm and she dances beautifully and maybe we phrase a little like our life because we're what we are related yes yes she should up she shouldn't if if you didn't pick up anything from you it would be wrong entirely wouldn't huh if she didn't pick up something from you I mean in phrasing or in singing or something would be all wrong back up anything from no I mean in the musical oh you know musical bag well I just Jack you say I think her emotions are same we cry a lot do you really not really what makes you sad yard you tried movies when we're separated is that when you're far yeah what makes you real happy as sugar plums you tell it's the Christmas season you see what happens when hey Sami said you're going to London are you going over there to luck yes I am before yes poor boss I open at the talent country on a nightclub it's a marvelous place I've only been in London twice and that's where everybody seems to go who's the town and country that's place that must be the place why do a little commercial here sell something we're not on for sugar plums our way tonight those are really quite good I didn't want to say anything because whoever sent them was very nice in my your eyes been watering well you all it too much it was bright in here no those are very nice of those were sent by the by memory by Henry the Prince Henry demanded no those were sent by it says William s Ramos importer are you sure they weren't sent to you know they were said yes they were but I wanted that brought them to you so yeah certainly oh cool Thank You doc I can tell you're very chilled up in Reno until you're thrilled I am matter well you've always wanted what about the sugar plums mad what Jerry you this is great I did that this is really really great you take this at night if you have a little cold little little Cody Pooh and you make a couple of snorts of this not a couple snorts you take them there's a measuring cabin what there's a measuring cap that comes with a fish medicine capture yes one fluid ounce you put in a medicine cap and you did you take a shower drive down and it's called nyquil and it's a great little cold medicine you take at night I guess you could take it at any time you can as it lets FISMA save mr. Scrooge ha I'm going home to my family now many Chris Christmas bah a bug no Christmas means to be as I've asked you're told you should take nyquist i grill the what's pikeville nighttime cold medicine from vixx ought to go now nyquil yes mr. Scrooge nyquil relieves a simple sneezes stuffy nose scratchy throat cops and XMP nyquil relieves your major cold symptoms for hours so it helps you get the rescue me mr. groom heavy Dappy the bed you I'll count then oh I feel much better I took my grill last night very bit better Merry Christmas to you Bob Cratchit and all your wonderful family merry Christmas to one and all vixx negra the one thing to take for your coat hey Julie last time you're here on the show we were talking about some of the vaudeville acts you've worked with you know and some of more kind of strange I remember the fire-eater oh there's a man who threw us some yeah well he had some strange act for a finish you remember any more they were the weirdest actually I've ever heard of in my life but we we were one of the weirdest acts to really gum sisters we were terrible as everyone in those days in 1817 but oh yeah oh there was one there was one terrible fellow by the name of we were going on tour my mother and my tooth this is myself and we were some places like the outskirts of Seattle and they had a comic called happy Harry happy and he was the most depressing but he he he he had music going but we always had to stand in the wings and and live through his act and you know because the manager demanded that and then we go through come out and sing Dinah and people would throw things it was you know and I'd pick it all up and that's why we ate you know happy how he was was disturbed I guess but he he worked in to you know what that when the curtain gives you a little space between the footlights and then and the curtain and there was an empty pit Nasser distri instruments and happy Harry always you know the experience with Roger and I couldn't make much nice and happy Harry would burst through the middle of the curtains and say hello everybody this is happy Harry and he'd go moody at and one time in one town they put him in one which meant he had not as much space but nobody told him so they played on as I said if I was ever on boat anyway how every man in the pit he broke both legs and the manager said go on to the three of us and so we were singing Dinah and poor happy Harry whining then must had some wonderful managers of theatres in those days was the show get on to the show oh well it was yes that was about it and they paid very little money and you did about 17 shows a day hmm I don't know what are unhappy I must adore glad I you know or wish I had some of that vaudeville but when I talk about it it doesn't sound like that excited it was fine now you know it's funny in retrospect but at the time it probably wasn't wasn't yeah working that money shows a day well I've got used to it I guess and actually they were about seven shows today because I had a movie in between well you started by the what 9:00 in the morning or 9:30 yeah and you work after every movie after a happy hair near the fire whatever happened to happy Harry I bet the last we saw them as we were they brought a funny broad and litter from an ambulance down while you were singing but I was singing just my bill our buddy can you spare a dime which was perfect for a little girl of seven or eight months rum to Jupiter pum half a million boots when slugging through hell and I was the kid with today I also remember they called me al what I'm saying I had a nice little rubber girls happy Harry at the time then oh no no no yes I guess I guess I guess you're right it was quite I couldn't get the sound of of buddy can you spare a dime cos happy Harry was just in agony daddy tracks they did the sirens and finally arrived putting it in line and they took and they brought a litter down the aisle and and carried him out it okay because while I was singing any don't you remember they call me ow and that's nice too let's just saw of happy Harry well he probably got out of the business I went in a medicine or something you want into the operetta something you want to do something from us right here sitting here understand this is that this is new and also forgiving that was including new song right okay which is occlusive lovely song and you say this is new here I will give you this I think that it's on is it not and do it here and become I wonder waiting for somebody to go back when you do that song coming all righty all righty doctor yes please stay with me till after the holidays that's when I need you so just say you wait till after the holidays then I can let you go don't make me face this Christmas alone after each wonderful Christmas we know mom should be kind let me believe you're one on New Year's just stay with me - laughs holidays I know it's hard but try to pretend this Christmas it's marvelous Christmas we know should be kind let me believe you're mine just stay with me till after the holidays I know it's hard try to pretend to new then we can say those songs were written by a new composer cut by the name of Johnny Mira's and he does lyrics out now he works great legs but it makes me cry and that nonsense I'm pretty pretty song better sell something graduate Lannister Stella my sugar gosh hi there folks if you need a little help with your Christmas shopping there's a lot of churko down TVs I just bought the most marvelous birthday present for mother did you darling how nice what is it I was supposed to be a surprise a camera whatever for I can always conjure up pictures if I want to without all that fuss that's why I chose it there is no fuss with a Kodak Instamatic camera they're all loaded and ready to go even indoors don't you dig actually I think I'll keep it myself oh these poor mortals are getting rather clever I think I might keep it you will let me finish wrapping and run don't bother just say cheese Limburger Oh Pete for most of us taking pictures with a Kodak Instamatic camera is easier than witchcraft and they start at less than $19 they really are perfect gifts see York Kodak do you it this is the NBC oh my goodness haha
Channel: Jean Hansen's Experience
Views: 62,461
Rating: 4.8720932 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2015
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