Judy Garland on The Mike Douglas Show - 16 August 1968 [SPECIAL HQ EDITION]

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you and the years that I have done the show I've had a lot of exciting moments and this audience here in the studio does not know who our next guest is nor do you and I want to tell you it's a thrilling moment for me ladies and gentlemen because here with us today is Miss Judy Garland for once in my life I have someone who needs me someone I've needed so long for ones unafraid I can go where life leads me and somehow I know every strong for once I can touch what my Lord used to dream up someone warm like you would make my dreams come true for once in my life I won't let it sorrow hurt me not like it's hurt me before one means I have something I know this is mine once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me not like it's hurt me before for once I have something I know won't desert me I'm not afraid anymore I think I were supposed to do another song that's this is rather an innovation when I sing a new song because I haven't really learned anything new since wilderness I don't think but this is a it isn't a brand new song I wouldn't go crashing into did that it's been around a little while and I like to sing it and if you don't want me to sing it like torpedo just say something I sing it anyway I know I'm gonna breathe the feathers insensitive I must have seen when he told me that he loved me I must have seen when he told me so haha did I just turn a stare in icy silence can you say when I love affair No with a memory of his and draw I see it's still all a heartbreak in his last what I do I just couldn't turn and step in I see say what can one say when a love affair is before you sit down and that's a fantastic outfit and someone said you designed it yes I did that's great you like it yes very much actually okay funny how many thumbs you get when you have to do something lovely yeah we're just not can i I just lost a J I don't know that just any old kind of thing yeah Costas nothing yeah I don't know no it's a very short ostrich there is that your first attempt at designing well yes it is but it's not a fact I've always wanted to what Spencer said everybody know is that we did forget it and just sing the songs and don't you know don't try deciding but this time I'm finally had enough courage because I was stuck and I sketched out this idea and Marvis lady mrs. angle made it from the cup of day so I think I'm gonna open a boutique enormous and I'm so rich it's gonna be disgusting will you stay around the station pray because we have to pause here now but we don't want you to leave oh good we'll be right back right after this what is it Cynthia what is it yes giblet gravy and sliced turkey together in the most significant frozen gauge of our time for phase supper winner of three banquet academy awards best slice took a Best Performance by a giblet gravy in a supporting role yes performance by a housewife I just put it in the oven and by-and-by it was done and I had a delicious buffet supper oh yeah idea slices a turkey all covered with gravy and little bitty children the outstanding production of but 20th century giblet gravy and sliced turkey color by paprika now appearing citywide in a frozen food section near you phase 1 you mean phase 2 you grow close phase 3 you touch now there's a deodorant bar phase 3 for men and women who attach it takes away body odor and give smoothness and sex appeal to your skin it's the deodorant bar with a difference phase 3 for men and women attach random I mean I've lost my head about red Oh bold right right Fred Fred you get when you fold them all right and red with a colorful flower a blue white and green brightening power I mean exactly what I said random if you like them you will love them I mean it's bold would you like Mike to run the tape of our opening is she said I heard it and made my teeth you know I know what you mean you didn't blow it I would hate for this to turn into a mutual admiration society thing but I must say that I don't think there are two human beings in the world that can make the little errors back here stand up and give me goosebumps when I hear them saying and you shredded us on that for once in my life I've never heard maybes and that band they work for me and they don't stand up with anyone else things here including me but they stood up when you finished that's very nice I'm glad about that everyone has a favorite Judy Garland film you have a favorite of yours yes what I think it was Easter Parade yeah we did do that we managed to do one picture together we've grown up together we met when we were both fetuses that's me unity and we I think I keep thinking we made more than one movie first of the thing is we were all we all hung out together you know as Jews as we were growing up together I didn't go to the little school but at the same time I came in right after that but we feel and just the other night we somebody said how many pictures you made together you know we both went but I thought it was good do you think Hollywood will ever get back to the days when they had the star system such as they had it at MGM when you we were kids I think they should and I think was definitely kind of attractive don't you I'm not mean the working can just I mean the actual films that came out I think was very unfair we have a slide of you two together and Easter prayer which we're going to show you right does that shake you up when you see those Judy here's another slide Oh Fred Astaire Peter Lawford Miss Judy Garland did you sing with Peter alone in that film yes did you famous but you had a lot of rehearsal time for that but did we really arrest about three weeks she was per day but what's not any any particular song or was it it was an east of an original by Irving Berlin was yeah yeah but I wrote a couple of of new songs for the film and the others were just the fella was an umbrella what is the one song it wasn't raining in California and naturally so they just hopped in you know what that means how expensive that is to tarp in four blocks of buildings and then put pipes but it will make rain under that and and Peter and I had just sing this look too great a song but we had a choreographed and then and it was supposed to rain and it did and they had to ground the cameraman so he wouldn't get shorted or loud but it was another master of one it was just you know and everything was fine Isaac's elevator you know the freight elevator I'm sorry they had spent a lot of money to make this practical so it would come out of the thing was it just that the bells are ringing and everything that way marching along I think I'm just a fellow for range bowing down and this elevator okay let the elevator go Charlie you know if it comes playing grinding and we just make it see it's supposed to be can I do this all right stand up it's supposed to be a thing was both do it take you know so we don't flown into it right yeah when we go to see it on the fan whirring all day long like falling down the shaft you know they almost never said that elephant oh well I had speaking of feathers I had a nice costume on I think it was black skirt or red skirt I guess what black jacket a little tiny black sort of Scottish hat and a red plume on it you know and and everything was fine we did this $800,000 shot and and we you know it was tremendous expensive and at the very end of this number all I had to do was turn and look at Peter this way not that plume was on this side of my past so as I turned and sort of did so lovely look everybody said hot cut and I thought what a visor well it turns out the dye off the red feather ran all of my I look like I've been you know as before and it was just blood reset and get more rain and they couldn't figure out what this bloody brother and I put vaseline on it which I thought was kind of run about the only way we managed we have a couple of other slides of water surgery ah this if I'm a star is born with James Mason yeah fantastic what were your feelings about a star is born I thought was a very good picture don't you Oh marvelous indeed and he's great you enjoyed working with him in every suit the next one please one finds Andy Hardy yeah it's not a tune you know and and resolute and who that broad is the next slide please yes what is this it looks like that's a radio show we know but but what closer to us so we can see who it is is it that is is that jr. listen no get it close to me well we're MIG movie everybody sing it was Alan Johnson and Billy Burke and and Oh golly teach the next one please oh that's me I don't think oh yeah what's in it Judy I think that was one of those shots and born in a trunk was it Swanage all the stars born is that right I don't remember we have one last slide which would be safe wonder how does it how do you feel when you watch Wizard of Oz which we were doing I think it's a marvelous picture and I think it's I suppose one of the big sort of lesson yes and I enjoy and get frightened of the which to this day commercial the other day Margaret Hamilton yeah the reaction of your children when they see you as a little girl in The Wizard of Oz well it just and quite a lot going through shock because they can when they first thought they were very little and I thought that flying monkeys really had taken me away in the Wicked Witch was real and I had to you know just reassure them but hey it took about 14 years I think for Liza get over it and Mona is beginning to recover and I think Joe's all right now you know in in this Emma say in the six and a half years I've done this show this has been certainly one of the biggest thrills of my life because you you look as though you feel very comfortable now and there's a song everyone's favorite song when was it uh buzz would you please do it for us please I don't know what key it is just the P of Q or something that I don't I think we're chilling over the rainbow come and rape me Mike so that I I do look a bit I think this whole thing is getting out of hand I'm ready don't know yes yes not the other problem what's the name of this zone there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby over the rainbow skies rule the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true someday I wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops that's where bluebirds fly birds fly over the rainbow why then oh why can't happy little bluebirds fly I think I've made it I think I finally got over the ring but as a matter of fact thanks to you beyond the rainbow we didn't all do it you know why oh I can transportation for the Mike Douglas show is provided by national airlines we turned Florida into an airline when you think of Florida think of national airlines my goodness
Channel: Jean Hansen's Experience
Views: 54,546
Rating: 4.8582678 out of 5
Keywords: The Mike Douglas Show (Award-Winning Work), Talk Show (TV Genre), Judy Garland (Musical Artist), Jean, Hansen, Jean Hansen, Jean Hansen's Experience, Peter Lawford (Film Actor)
Id: T-5xqtXcMjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2015
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