Lucille Ball Gets a Surprise Visit From Her Son, Desi Arnaz Jr. | Carson Tonight Show

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are you two holding hands he's comforting isn't he he's not pretty rainy a damsel we had a great week together we work together I worked on Lucy show early in the season that's right he's a fine pro I like pros you know I like pros that show up I'm hearing it I know but I only said that to say how much I miss you when you're not here Johnny I've already mean it well thank you darlin I really mean it we really miss you and you're not here I have to get away occasionally I can understand that I can understand that are you getting away from your series - I read after don't touch me excuse me move the sequin out of position hi when they're big after all when they're after 25 oh not me after 23 years I read in the paper the other day of Lucy I love with in here losing you you're not gonna do serious anymore right or the Lucy series I'm not leaving CBS and I have other things to do and I'd rather you didn't mention 23 years well I think there's a remarkable record you know something for the last four or five years this is the truth no I have been going into supermarkets or department stores and or whatever walking along a street and people will stop me and say why did you leave why aren't you doing your show anymore and I said I have never quit right it's been years I was off once for a year and a half or something and I said you know you're not watching Monday night you're watching all the reruns so you're not even gonna know that I'm up I have six years of reruns yet to go and that's just in the morning yeah but it's true absolutely - people say why did you quit and I haven't quit at all I've been working my thing off but you're gonna stay in television - specials and yes I have a couple specials and I have some things that I want to do and my daughter Lucy is not with it so I recall every bit why I can't even think of the word it calls for a change of format because Lucy's on the road doing the national company of seesaw and so Gail and I are on our own so to speak now and so we might as well do a couple of specials I don't know with whom or where but that's what CBS wants and I'm with CBS and that's fine they all your kids are doing well Lucy's on the road you know my kids only got two well look all of them both of them that's all thank you that's all isn't it to us all night kids are doing well they're learning they're making their mistakes on their own see that's good yeah that's right don't you you exercise a certain amount of control don't you know giving them advice anymore really I've given them all the advice that I can give them and I've given them all the training that I can give them they're out on their own mm-hmm don't you suppose one of them came to me and said to hey mom they want me to be in my them nude pictures you know it's an x-rated picture would you give him some advice and that's your thing you bet your bippy they wouldn't come to me with that because they're beyond that they know that that's prostitution and they wouldn't do it and they don't need to know they don't need it I feel sorry for the young people that do need it because they're being exploited don't look at me like agreeing with you well I hope so this is not a string I actually can do this I think that the young people are being exploited that are you know are a little hungry don't laugh at it don't make him think that he's saying the right thing all the time and have a stern face or what well I think you're right no it's serious I'm very serious about it because they are being exploited there are poor no jobs around for people who think they have to work they'd rather you know work there'd be an unemployed actor I'd rather be an unemployed gas employee or that's the wrong thing to say right now wasn't no but anyway my kids would not come and ask that question because they would know the answer mmm well that's entering that's what I want to know we're gonna show a film about we have a right I don't know what the sequence is is it a porno film no this is of your picture Oh ma'am oh this which you you can take mom and dad and Gramps to say on the children don't knock it your bananas you you've been on a road too long yeah but don't know what the student you know what the sequences we're showing a predator today the first the first number in the picture and the name number okay Bobby on her role not to be enrolled with him know or not there's a good teacher watch the monitors in the studio what gave your son [Applause] we've been hoping you'd come home for a long time son that ads in the papers and everything have you been hurt in the war what what did I became no it means nothing my club gave it a lot I thought you had something ha I thought you really had something wrong so no well actually I do but it's an old injury a football injury and every time the weather acts up my knee kind of 21 oh that they all know it's like my old war injury I have this piece of shrapnel yeah you're right it happened in st. Louis as a matter of fact oh hey you found time to come over here and say hello to your poor old mother yeah I'm doing lampoon right next door let's go see pushing another show well that's why I came over oh no I haven't seen you in weeks that's why you came over why don't you ever write what my mother always says well you've been away when a nine years I've been working but you've been away of going all over the country with the movie I won't talk to you about your room do you I just wanted to come over and say hi and I saw the film clip and it was incredible have you seen the pen I want to congratulate you know I haven't seen the movie yet see no but I I saw what do you mean see all of a sudden everybody's picking on me you were invited you the preview where were you I was working I have things to do I there's never change do they or were you invited care of yourself yes I have I've been working very hard I'm doing the thing over with slaughter and I'm doing another show on another network that we don't want to get the ranch clear up all right know one thing with whom are you in love today no only you does she ask about well I'm Matt you heard me I haven't seen him in weeks really we haven't seen each other in a couple of weeks we get together every now and then we have dinner together and say hi and how have you been and what's going on that's about it I keep up with this romances and I try to get keep his room in order it's just in case JC wants to come back do you really keep a room there ready well I'm oh yeah there his room is there but it's full of boxes yeah of things that I'm not sure I'm not you don't want to go in there million oh no but they know they recognize they have rooms with boxes sitting there and they have animals in the backyard that they're kids all of a sudden I'm feeling like Ralph Edwards remember this boys because the Kobashi the baccata yes that's right [Applause] well I want to thank you for this get-together I really do know I'm delighted to me it was a surprise to me too you walked in and surprised me I'm just glad to see you thank you darling I'm leaving in a couple of days again you are ah you think I want to say hello to Johnny and hey thank you well Johnny it's hard to catch up I'd never see Johnny last time I saw Johnny was in the backseat of my Aston Martin I was taking him home that's right I would know I car broke down not my car broke my car broke down one night what I had a cigar years ago hubcap that I was out for pumping up the tire had a little hand pump and your son came along and said hey I've got an Aston Martin well I thought he said [Music] anyway it's a long story I don't want to go into it thanks for the lid we'll be right back after work Parker [Applause] you
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 7,451,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucille Ball_02_03.22.74
Id: e4rTsFUBnFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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