JUDY GARLAND The End Of Her Journey

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judy garland's spent her life singing about bluebirds that she died without ever finding them she became a movie star as a child because her mother pushed and drove her into it a lot of children have been messed up that way a few child movie stars have grown up to be stable adults a great many others have not Judy Garland pleased and even enchanted the whole generation of Americans many of whom in her later years wound up through sorry for because she had personal private physical emotional troubles and seemingly was never happy at all but that was not the reaction she wanted she wanted to be a star again to have a big comeback but she never could Scotland Yard is running an autopsy today to find the cause of her death there are reports of an overdose of drugs but it is not confirmed what is confirmed is that she was found dead on the bathroom floor early Sunday morning and a man who found her was her fifth husband no this is something that the coroner's court will release either I'm going to save a Friday but this week you've seen Julia around over the last few weeks as she seemed in her health and she was very frail no tie but she was gaining strength week by week this last week she would be very good what were her future plans I sure have plans to continue recording and making concert tours and they were television and film plans for her because a British coroner's report says that Judy Garland died Sunday from accidentally taking too many Seconal sleeping pills but he called an incautious self overdosage he said he wanted to make it absolutely clear there is no evidence of suicide the coroner ruled out what was widely believed about Miss Garland that she was an alcoholic he said there was no sign of cirrhosis of the liver no sign of chronic alcoholism miss Garland's body is being flown to New York tonight the funeral will be Friday Judy Garland's daughter Liza Minnelli had requested that her mother's funeral be held and his dignified a manner as possible apparently she's getting her wish some of the thousands of people who came today have been standing on line for hours but they were quiet readily respectful they moved slowly into the funeral home and into the chapel with a body of Judy Garland lay in a glass-top casket she was wearing a long grey surf dress the same one she wore a little over three months ago when she was married her only jewellery a plain gold wedding band the public will have one more chance to pay their last respects tomorrow morning for three hours and then at 1 o'clock private funeral services with actor James Mason delivering the eulogy burial will be in New York but today was a day for Judy's fans and they showed their loyalty by respecting the family's wishes to be dignified Lucci alfie ABC News New York everyone in the United States now of adult years more or less grew up with Judy Garland and it is clear that a great many were touched by her in one way or another and have never forgotten it the funeral will be held in New York City tomorrow but today the funeral home opened its doors to the public at 11 a.m. but people were lined up in the streets 10 hours ahead of time maybe or maybe feeling fat funeral services were held in New York today for Judy Garland who died in London Sunday at the age of 47 David Cohan reports her fans in their thousands always came out to support her whenever she appeared in public and on this day of her funeral they didn't fail her thousands of people lined the streets outside the funeral chapel on Manhattan's Upper East Side many of them had waited for hours in the heat to pay this last tribute to a woman they had known since her childhood many who had appeared with her throughout her film career attended the services ray Bolger from The Wizard of Oz Mickey Rooney her co-star from the 1940s James Mason from a star is born and her friends Patricia Kennedy Laughlin and actress Lauren Bacall director Otto Preminger New York Mayor John Lindsay and her family her last husband Mickey D's and her three children Liza Minnelli and Lorna and Joey left and former husband Sid left the service was brief and closed to the general public but a recording was made of this eulogy offered by James Mason a little gel is there I knew who had little care right in the middle of her father not in a very good at that time but she was more than that she was some remote and sensitive the most sympathetic the funniest and most stimulating woman's I've ever ever met her greatest gift Isaac was that she could sing a song so it would break your heart what is it tough old fella what a tough word he's a tough audience is a group of and tying him back 800 cynics at the Hollywood party and you lived one gift was that she could wring tears out of hearts of rock from the Funeral Chapel her body was taken to a cemetery north of the city David Kahane CBS News New York ah I don't you you
Channel: Buzz Stephens
Views: 229,832
Rating: 4.8586893 out of 5
Keywords: judy, Garland, funeral, wake, peter, allen, liza, minnelli, joey, joe, joseph, luft, lorna, lauren, bacall, john, lindsay, patricia, kennedy, lawford, james, mason, kay, thompson, frank, campbell, new, york, nyc, death, coronor, report, news, fans, judy garland, 1969
Id: z0GtmUy1efE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 19 2014
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