Judy Garland COMPLETE 1967 Interview

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you came here of course for your daughter Liza's wedding which suddenly makes me feel very old because I can remember the way most of us can when Liza was quite a little girl are you happy about this wedding dear Oh indeed indeed he's a mama's boy you know Peter Allen and and she's a lovely lady she's not a child and and she's they've been engaged for over two years and it's very I'm just terribly happy to every crowd did you cry no I thought I was going to and then I was so happy I didn't feel like crying at all did you give lies or any advice about marriage no I don't think so I don't think I can qualify because I I have not been too successful myself about Mary's just in my children but the thing is she is a wise girl and she's very in love and he's a very lovely guy who's mad about her no you can't ask for like that I was vide a quote recently and you said I wish people would stop talking about my comebacks and and my unhappiness I have had so many happier days I have so many happy days now do you recall saying this was just in the paper yes that's true you know i I've had uh maybe it will distress a lot of people but I've had an awfully nice life I really have had I think I surprised a lot of people who kind of like to think of you as a tragedy oh the poor little rich girl has everything in it you know wasn't how what are the things that things that I don't even have to ask guys going to say what are the things that bring you so much happiness today and you're hugging one of them right now well um first of all my two friends here myself my oldest daughter my son-in-law my future my past my present and my audiences that ain't bad and I count myself among those of your audience who loved you so much so I'm doing this interview with great joy for me thank you for looking forward to being a grandmother that's kind of having one of these hands wait really I can't wait collet I want her to have a baby immediately and then she can see the baby for only 25 minutes and I play a babysitter I'd love if you hadn't been an actress you can imagine being anything else but an actress what do you think you might want I've wanted to be happily married and um I'm just um nice lady do you think it's possible to be an actress and be happily married well I don't think any anybody who married me taught its own but I think it's possible I think I don't see any reason but I think it's part probably there's a little difficult it seems that every man I've ever met they sort of well they know that I'm Judy gone when they start to go with me and then the minute they sort of getting tangled with me they say you know how difficult it is to be well why didn't I think of that void I know took me out the first time I don't know I don't think I'm that difficult to you it doesn't seem done hasn't been to roughly oh but it anyway I would like that I I'm a good cook by the way and I think you can watch yeah I say yes she's the best chef it's fine chef is five and I guess it's a pretty good recommendation do you want to get married again you're talking to Joe I'm talking to you Joe hasn't been married yet got the bridal bouquet the wedding is wise ah what do you think you do is it something that's I don't want to rush into it no I think I was married the first time when I was six months old it seems to me no I've been I'm not anxious to uh get married again I don't see any necessity for that less you got somebody in mind I don't know you seem happy nice I'm gonna look around do you enjoy being recognized what I'm sure there's hardly a place you can go to where you're not I don't like it too much I I wouldn't it's just sometimes a lack of privacy it's hard to just grow up in the public uh and I'm a terrible eavesdropper I loved his job and peeked through keels and I never peeked through one keyhole without finding somebody looking back what are you the least tolerant of these days the least tolerant I'm the least torrent of any more lies or foolishness in print or spoken about me that and I I think people should stop I've never done anything the only mistake I ever did the only harm I ever did was sing over the rainbow so I don't think that I should get any more than a traffic ticket for that but to be called anything that is not true I don't like it I really have gotten to the age where I rebelled and I'm gonna hit hit back one of the very good things about television is that what you say is there nobody can put the adjectives to it I can't you know I can't describe you everybody will see you as you are so since we have this opportunity is are there any lies you'd like to clean up a correct other things have been said about you for years that you feel are untrue well I think that the fact that that it started some kind of pattern of of publicity started when I was very young and was becoming a famous person this business of anybody implying that I'm either addicted to carpets or drinking Oh pills I wouldn't have had time to learn a song if I'd have been as sick as they printed me all the time and temperamental I haven't been able to afford to be temperament and I don't want to be temperate now nobody ever sues for slander because obviously all lawyers just say oh I'll forget it but the lawyer doesn't have to worry but the newspaper the scandal sheet sells two million dollars I mean 2 million copies and lower maybe makes 2 million dollars just with the front page Judy Garland admits she's broke and then it's all in quotes by a man that you've never taught me like that I've never met they must be stopped that must be stopped I want the money I want a public apology and I want them to be taken to court and I don't see any reason just because I'm in that anti I'm not a member of the Mafia I'm not a cruel person why should I be run over and why should my children be subjected to that kind of thing yes we have heard for years about the concerts where there were times when you couldn't appear and there was some conversation when you were doing a television show and of course there are these rumors she's difficult she's difficulty how does this as difficult as a daisy I really am now I do have times when I get the flu and that's when they say well you know about her that it's not to I I catch cold Arlen but it's this business being difficult uh as not it's not true it really isn't true I may be pressed for time because I've been working so hard all my life but I like to laugh I like to have a bag of popcorn go on a roller coaster oh man but the fact that this thing about people who haven't met me say oh I'm afraid to meet it well why are they afraid to meet me I'm not gonna hurt it and bite them or have a conniption fit in the middle of the room I like people but they don't call me that so but you call me way hmm you know my number no I think I think I think my only anger is is that it's just been such damn foolishness excuse me about this difficult business I've been working for 43 years now if I were as difficult or as ill I wouldn't have been able to be working for 43 years so I think it's time to put a stop to all that I heard recently that you no longer sing over the rainbow I hope that's not true of course that's not true that's the best song ever written someone had said Judy Garland isn't singing over there who said that and I reported I just heard it last yeah well what is his wife do sing I think she sings over the man she probably someday there will be a great deal of applause for a young lady named Lorna and we asked Lorna earlier if she would sing something for us this is extremely difficult to do to sing without accompaniment and in advance I want to tell you how grateful we are would you do something for us now I'll try I do have a sore throat just the weather in New York but here goes nothing every day when the work is behind you and the shop and the store put the lock on the door just get away where your worries will find you would you like well I'll tell you more ah don't hang around with worrisome those hanging around some reason town good uh uh when the evening comes there's so much to do you gotta put on a dress and wear a smile just come along with me oh why and I tell you I know a place where the music is fun and the lights are always long I know a place where we can go Oh at the door there's a man who will greet you then you go downstairs to some tables and chairs soon I'm sure you'll be tapping your foot because the beat is the greatest thing all around there are girls and boys it's a swing and plays a shuffling noises got an atmosphere of it so somehow just come along with me awhile and I'll tell you I know a place where the music is fun and the lights are always low oh no a place where we can go no place where we can go I know let's run a lifestyle oh I know that's where we we can go friend long you're wonderful and I thank you there was no this is one time it isn't monthly proud you are sick everybody applaud no record you to Judy Garland there have been a wonderful interview today I'm so pleased to have had the opportunity to talk with you thank you Joe is what how old were you when you got your first job 30 months what was it huh I was singing were you really doing you exact young did someone push you in a stand with high shine jingle bells and was at the beginning of the whole career yeah been a long one yes did you have a stage mother as we have heard about the stage mothers one that wouldn't quit lives my mother was truly a stage mother but I mean one wasn't she was evil you didn't know her thank goodness but she used to she was very jealous because she had absolutely no talent now she's gonna not my enemy my mother was you know my mother died and she whenever I talk about her and I should because she was so wicked but whenever I start talking about it she inevitably knocks one earring off she's still around so my mother you behave yourself she was sort of standing the wings when I was a little girl and if I didn't feel good if I was sick to my tummy she'd say you get out in the singer I'll wrap you around the bedpost and break you off short so I'd go out and sing when you look back at your childhood huh I just should I forget that I know it's alright was it any private that was happy uh yeah one day about know let's say I was I didn't mind it too much when I was in volleyball I liked I you know I wasn't always a movie star I was on the stage for ten years and there that was kind of fun you know because Mickey Rooney was involved with two Donald O'Connor and we we didn't have the pressures that later we had when we got into movies we used to play you know and uh what a tag or a backstage sometimes we'd run into the wings cuz it was always dark cuz we ran kind of rotten little over they ran movies and then through five acts of running along in between a movie and uh they'd run the movie against another show we did 19 shows a day but I like that better I didn't want to be again the movies are too hard when you were growing up in those Hollywood days did you have dates did you go out at all no I different all the time we worked night and day we didn't I've never been to a prom I never you know we we went to school on the lot and in those days you worked six days a week and Mickey Rooney and I for instance would work sometimes 72 hours at the time do you still see Mickey Rooney at all I see him whenever I can he's the most marvelous gentleman and the most why he's world's greatest talent and the loveliest person too but we never went out together he he liked other girls which kind of miffed me for a while no I know I'd grown up with him in bottle anyway we didn't matter one of us grew very tall I worked so hard when she became unskilled you know what I must ask you before I forget we used to read that you were dieting and you were I've said several times in this interview you are so tiny and you look to me about well I'd say 17 do you still have to diet no I don't have to find me I don't have to lie about I was it two years ago I went on a 30-day fast I fasted without vitamins or anything I just had a cup of tea in the daytime and a cup of tea in the evening and that seems sort of balanced my metabolism so I don't think I'll ever have a problem with gaining weight anymore you know I never realized that you were so tiny movies and television are very deceiving and when I saw you come out of the room which is why you're talking about her but a little girl you look like could I ask you to stand up next to Lana so we so that the world can see that you're a very small young lady and you know where you took your shoes off I noticed yeah well I wear those four-and-a-half it feels like can look like I have some some some status and wanna stand up and be counted showy for who are the real Lorna Lawson that is ridiculous you know what I try to say lies that are you shouldn't stay out so late how can you borrow my were there an inch an inch is so taller than you are well I'm only four feet eleven you know I'm glad that my daughter's at all love my daughter I just wanted everyone to see how tiny there we go you can we don't know yes you yes you can sit down well Stella should we point out I'm about to that you're wearing your daughter one is closed yes very pretty little dress and code how do you feel about that Lorna well we wear the same size clothes but I can't fit into Mama's clothes but you can fit into mine and when I get a dress I usually hit two we all remember the Wizard of Oz was so much joy and it's such a happy picture was it happy for you to make it I enjoyed it very much I enjoy it today I think you and I looked at it I wonder what did you think of it well I I just I loved it no I I sit there and it's just you know it's a classic you know it'll never die can't you feel as if you're looking at your mother oh yes but when you look at it you can really believe that's happening it's not like something that a cart like a cartoon you can believe there is a place called Oz and your mother was just the age that you are now when she made it must make you feel a little odd doesn't no not really yeah what about you Joe Allison yeah I could just watch it for a million times never got Tara
Channel: Jaycub Howard
Views: 279,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Judy Garland (icon), Barbara Walters (Author), Lorna Luft (Author), Joe Luft
Id: NHJujYMvY30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 06 2014
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