Judy Garland on The Tonight Show - 24 June 1968 [SPECIAL HQ EDITION]

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the following program is brought to you in living color on NBC and now no one I think receives more intense reaction from an audience and brings emotions to such a high pitches Judy Garland when she performs she is one of a kind and she opens tomorrow night at the Garden State Arts Center in Holmdel New Jersey and I suggest if you want to see somebody who walks out and takes an audience in the palm of their hand from the moment she walks on stage it is this young lady Miss Judy Garland yeah hiding I tell ya I didn't get that kind of reaction when I was born yes I did remember my dad did go yah ha ha ha I'm as doctor right in the mouth he got me help me the wrong way hey I thank you for coming tonight you know you've never done this show before yeah and because usually when you're New York you're busy and you've got a concert date or something yeah and I thank you for coming here tonight you look and you look wonderful that is why what do you think of this outfit well I think it's beige yes it's also good is it to wild even know I think it's kind of under pledge hey for a crook you mean is under tight well well men you see always wear dark suits and you gals can wear things like this and the miniskirts or the lace and guys always have the same same old jazz and I figured just for the fun of it I should wear a beaded narrow suit yeah he didn't ever I've worn a narrow with beads and and I just don't know don't get along beads don't make it for mine people always stop me on the street it wears home that we were I talked about Avalon tonight they're gonna be mad already about Avalon doc said he didn't like Palisades in New Jersey but where's home Dale New Jersey the garden a garden Art Center it's near uh it's on exit 117 Garden State Parkway well you heard but his are you a great ventriloquist sounded like that game right out of the audience that's why didn't know you did that - it's under Gardens off the guard arf the Garden State Park it's all for goddess that's my little Orphan Annie impersonators it's our for Garden State for off the Garden State Parkway on exit 17 right 171 17 yeah should never fool with your fans yeah they'll come down and lynch me it's a hostile group isn't it I love them you play in my yard baby is this uh is this on the round or regular theater yes it's the biggest round I've ever seen it it's quite magnificent it's a what sort of half indoors because it's a shelf over there covered vamps and it's quite quite stunning this you like that kind of does it give you a closer uh intimacy with the audience working like that lovely about 10,000 people in the audience it's a bit hard to give an intimate show don't you do I've seen you work when you've had a huge group and you get that intimacy from the people does that mean we're leaving for a second all righty I thought maybe was a lesson we're coming right we're coming right back pache why did you decide to become a manicurist all the usual reasons romance adventure money thirst for power when I see your hands I wish I were a nurse dishwashing man try Palmolive dishwashing like me softens your hands why'd you do the dishes pretty green you're soaking in it dishwashing liquid hum olive mile then Oh more than just mild right Madge Palmolive suds last from the first glass to the last greasy casserole and it softens hands while you do dishes Palmolive liquid of yours I'm simply in love with it but does your husband know about this I'm June Lockhart and I've served a lot of fried chicken to my family but fried chicken can be a little greasy that's why I'm so happy with shake and bake you shake and bake no frying so your chicken comes out crispy but not greasy like fried chicken mmm you could really taste the difference crispy but not greasy like fried chicken shake and bake it's better than frying yes doc how would you like to take that group with you is that a farm I'm data fitted how would you like to go to home Dale New Jersey tomorrow get on a bus get off at route 117 a Garden State Parkway we'll be back with Judy in a moment Ben especially the ninth Monty rocked the third and Irving see Watson we'll be right back but here we have Louise Hexter start wearing cleaner clothes Sidney's proposal besides I switched to - and my blouse is cleaner in that right Sidney oh we agree your blouse is cleaner but with new concentrated - it'll look even better we never thought the day would come when there'd be a detergent better than - but the day has come there's new - don't you just love this new toothpaste with my dress it's the new mint flavor crest or do you prefer the regular crisp I know both have cavity fighting fluoride the fitting the new in mint flavor I don't know it just makes me feel so wild of course the regular Chris makes me feel wholesome look they both fight cavities so use one for your uppers and one for your lowers then wear the dress with sneakers he's a dream you know you see in tangles you get all your town easy to see where the talent came from and then her husband Chris dead Peter and Chris are greater back my stroke yeah both of them no no I meant uh she's married to Peter yes and they're back in Australia now yes hey let me ask you a couple of questions here because we didn't really plan anything and we'll just throw questions anything you don't want to answer why I guess all soon what's been the high spot in your life you've had so many great moments in front of audiences what has been one standout thing that really well one of the many comeback husbands they see I think working at the Palladium Theatre in London for the first time was was my best room not the camara that's gotta be when you came in at the palace here it was absolute bedlam yes well I like bedroom do you thrive on bedroom Russia yeah what is it that gets your audience's and I'm not trying to put you in an awkward position saying that because you have such a a rapport with the people who love you and come to see you I mean it's really adulation and it's unique you're unique with it very few performers have that but you created that wonderful empathy I guess is the word with an audience and I've seen it work many times and it always happens I haven't a clue you try to analyze it at all I've already probably an unfair question it doesn't what do you I think that it's because I adore them iffy and then it comes across yes and I thought it sounds silly no it doesn't sound silly but I do think it's often nice for people to come in and sit and uncomfortable chairs and pay money here isn't so I like each person in the audience and it seems sort of a marriage yesterday because I know for me I don't think performers you've seen performance with I'm sure come out of season kind of throw it away as we say in the business they don't feel in the mood or something so they kind of toss it the audience resent the audience resents it highly hmm I think you should give what you can get yeah yes after all you've gotten to be on onstage you know don't look down at the audience with disdain you enjoy don't you I mean is that your biggest personal satisfaction being in front of an audience I guess it is my most performance I don't want to be there all the time of course not you know but I because I like to be with my children sometimes most of time is a benefit but I do like being in front of audiences that's if they wouldn't you I love it are you like you are we would do this crazy business when I leave I'm going into the aluminum siding business I'm very closely allied to show business upon is there anything you've ever wanted to do that you've never done retired come on you don't really want to do I mean good singing well I like to be terribly rich I mean it sort of disgustingly rich and something wrong with it no no not at all and then just be able to sing when I want to and then if that was the case I'm sure I'd be singing every night that always happens resumes I don't know that always happens no people might say if they had enough money they would retire but they don't mean joy was put up for a pretty well watch he says I've been a rich and I've been poor and believe me rich is better I think there's a yes I think I'm the truth that yeah you betcha you never that game you expensive yes yes I think I do ah who's had the greatest influence on your career ah entire life on my career Oh MGM no I would add yourself and portable before that but yeah you start work with your your sisters I really in Barnesville yes and my mother I love vaudeville and I always love good acts no I do I mean it i like acts per se actually come on you learn with it like taro would you bad act terrible really a bad actor did you do what did you doing the act but we're just sang and I'm diner always diner and I would I got to sing a solo my mother would choose my songs I which was something inevitably like trees when I drink or I should know about you know or our buddy can you spare a dime responsible cake a button once in khaki booze GV looks well full of that yeah well that looks dumb but the movie girl four years old no but that was our heart that was it that was a grab it wasn't it but I believe wasn't it soldier but at any rate we did have but we weren't in very good vertical you know no keys time or off your time no that's Stefan what are somebody actually worked with uh well we weren't was merciless but we worked with some pretty strange ethics there's one there was one man who had a Western quality about him and he come out on stage he had a singing coyote with him I beg your pardon yeah singing coyote I like him already I don't know why but it was agent torso yeah yeah coyote was his only means onion so he would drag this thin Hmong relishing and stock play the banjo and and he would think of it and coyote would go alone well the Humane Society heard about him and they my Celeste organization's union now the humans decided decided that and that the only reason the coyote howl was because the highest music you heard the Coyotes ears so they took the coyote away from him and he went into the business of being and fire either which is rather the most good coyote accident double as most of the singing coyote acts I've known if they've fallen on hard times I've gone right into fire eating seems to work out how long this is disastrous because it takes about six months I learned to do all that you know much exotic music practice is right from Western family and he had flowing robes and all this position and when he finally gets the part where you really sort of you know smell of that first torch we were standing in the wings waiting to follow him and unfortunately this was his first time after going to fiery in school I'd love to see the graduation on that that might be a great ceremony few but anyways the first first appearance yes first appearance and you just come on he's only run on stage about Oh two minutes and people were quite impressed and he suddenly ever loses but um he forgot to put that sick gelatin in your mouth that keeps you from being absolutely burned to death and as it didn't see just what ah and the coyote ran in the back door audience know a charge and caught the the curtains of the theater on fire burning holes fire you had some great acts yes was the bed that's what's the best act you work with uh never worked with I always heard about Fink's mules that was a one of the names of the big vaudeville acts yes and then uh they wouldn't let us on the same bill I mean thanks mules were category yeah we weren't that good we work at the man who just threw up for his living that that's a bad act that's I asked you for a bad act that's that's a bad act no no is there a lot of call for that I mean I mean no no is he the auditions must have been terrible that was a class bill like I wouldn't I owed in this fella yes and no he would come out with us he's a great big fat ugly fellow and his name was Ali and he Kenya had all sort of chic outfits you know turban and so forth and he just stand and I'll do anything it is dancing and talk he didn't do anything then his wife would sort of come out with it you know the balloon pants chiffon sofa with an enormous fishbowl on her head full of fluid which was half kerosene nav water and she handed the fish ball to her husband and then he didn't dare talk I guess for fear took my last show something Mike are you putting me on and she would say my husband will now drink this fish bowl full of liquid which is half kerosene and half water and I'll go over here this sort of oriental outdoor barbecue and evil I like the fire and he will then bring up the first to the kerosene milk and then the water will put the fire out I remember them the aristocrats ha that is the wildest act I've ever heard of in my life oh he was Mama's because the do you know how long it takes to drink oh not not to mention putting out the fire no the slightest idea you know for eight misirlou you idjit and finally eat finish this and one drop no we only had three pieces in the band in those days and even then turn so to do this and that bloody after a barbeque was one day over there and he'd simply go mmm I'll become the garrison first in the audience's yeah it was much higher than the fireman the water came how did Sullivan ever miss that act you know I bet if that it would ever seen that actually got crazy the man died of ptomaine pause I'll buy that not you know isn't it jonno wasn't bad food and went huh yeah no oh that's wild that's funny let me do this it's a Dyson key yes it's Louie NYE I presume showing you how to save money during the two for the money sale that Rex aw now where am I in Rexall and the wonderful kingdom were just a penny more by two you're playing a game of course I am the famous Rex all one-cent sale game look the regular price of Rex all hundred tablet bottle of buffered aspirin is 98 cents but during Rex all's one-cent sale all you do is add a penny and you get two bottles for only 99 cents fantastic same thing with the under tablet bottle of Rexall panavise vitamins making the price 298 now two for just $2.99 and the regular 98 cent bottle of Cara Nome hand lotion now two for only 99 seven it's a wonderful game it's the economy game better start playing it yourself save save save at the Rexall one-cent sale on now but only at the store with this sign we're going down memory lane with some of the bigs and showbiz what are some of the up you got any I know you can't have another act in that in vaudeville who's the favorite person outside of vaudeville that you've ever work with whether some motion pictures or anything Mickey very Mickey yeah good make you a sensation there is another great chunk of talent I should say always brilliant no I really think that people if Mickey because of his size he was limited in certain parts he could play he's got great great natural acting ability and if Mickey would have been uh and I'm missing his patronizingly yeah I'm properly handled boy what a career and he's had a magnificent career yes he has I don't think these signs would have meant that not only thing like leading a man or something or the young leader I forgot my short leading lady's eyes but I thought it was your favorite lunch who's your favorite gal won't work with what am i inserted gal to work with well I I liked only the women I worked with I didn't have any fights with any of them so those days of going to the studio school must have been fascinating because all of you uh with Mickey who are some of the other youngsters at that time yes that was a quite a client's parent was quite a strange group it was friendly Bartolome I'll make you and me or anyone tell me I believe is now in advertising exactly one of the agencies in New York City yes that's wrong but he was in you know little Lord Fauntleroy I've been the Dickens things as they beautiful an English child and then Mickey Rooney in Lana Turner myself and some strange girl little tiny thing called 1yz it quickly juanita quickly she never made it quickly yes Deena bourbon was in and that was about it you ever learn anything in those classes are Rihanna things what was it like just nuttiness all the time well we always tell you what the rules were I think that you want you had to be tutored so many hours a day yes Gordon it would be broken up you see and what you could do ten minutes of history say and then you'd have to go rushing to the set because yeah they were ready for you your scene and you do that and then go back and try to do the history and I wound up reciting more history in the scenes and doing I got all mixed up I I must say I can cop out and I just think I was plain old ignorant you ever see Mickey anymore or run into oh yeah I think Mickey the last time he was well this is uh was doing a picture at the time I think it was also had a school for four youngsters yes a little younger is a training uh an acting school they don't do that anymore I do they those two major studios where they put a lot of youngsters under contract no no I don't think they do as if they should it's a good training ground you know it's rough but it's good I'll bet it is I'll bet it is how long will you be done at a Palmdale now I understand five five days I know or nine five nights starting tomorrow night which is June the 25th which will take you right up through Friday night right so I hope well I know you'll kill them downer you do every place you perform and so it's on Garden State Parkway route 117 of the Theater Arts Center is at our guard thank you sir ha the Garden State Art Center down there and I can't thank you enough for coming tonight well I can really you're a you're a dog well she gets uh she gets in front of an audience she's dynamite isn't she but she have fan she's quite a gal she has said quite a life we'll be back in a moment Bennett surface with us here's a word in the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company country soft country fresh that's the taste you get wherever you light up a Salem because Salem gently airs softens every puff for the smoothest most refreshing taste of any filter cigarette so wherever you are take a puff it's fresh it's springtime you can take country but you can't take the country out try Salem America's largest selling menthol cigarette you can take this is the NBC television my goodness
Channel: Jean Hansen's Experience
Views: 1,086,163
Rating: 4.753078 out of 5
Id: jLUgIGs8oqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2015
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