Judy Garland’s final days

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Judy would never entirely recover from this latest setback she sank further into debt her finances hopelessly muddled by those she had trusted she lived in fear of losing her children there would be more husbands unable to protect her from the world or herself who would be erratic and exasperating behavior alienating even those who loved her best but she never lost her humor or her indomitable spirit hell quit her she performed until the end [Music] you know she had 42 comebacks but Judy legitimately on many occasions after a tour said that's it I can't go on anymore I can't keep being jury Garland I'm not the Judy Garland that these people remember they want to see Judy Garland up there beating the hell out of an audience [Music] that you really [Music] good [Music] I've never seen audiences react to anyone the way they did to her this creature who has been dealt such a bad hand and here she has tried to please as try to entertain [Music] and I think she broke their hearts they wanted to put their arms around her and protect her she just reached them in a way that no other performer ever did I would like audiences to know I've been in love with them all my life and I've tried to please I hope I did [Applause] at the age of 47 Judy Garland died of the pills that by now she needed to live [Music] some obituaries dwelt on the circumstances of her death and the episodes of torment that provided so many sensational headlines her millions of admirers remembered another Judy Garland one who could break hearts or mend them with a song one writer commented it was not the loss of innocence that counted it was the innocence itself and it is that Judy Garland who will not be forgotten what Judy had as Ernest a quad that you can't copy it's what separates real real real town from just ordinary tell Judy had all kinds of emotions some of which we can identify some we can some of which we know about some we don't in the final analysis I don't think there's anybody that walks the face of the earth who can tell you what Judy had in her way or Heifetz or Horowitz they hit the same Keys they sing the same notes the melody is the same except it's different [Applause] [Music] smiling true you're not gonna close the book on Judy Garland oh no I don't think anybody's gonna close the book on her [Music] your tears [Music] no matter when our [Music] what is why [Music] always [Music] and I be a star to guide you shining bright no clouds may come in my high [Applause] Oh [Music] disappear come to [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Tomy9878
Views: 235,229
Rating: 4.8815184 out of 5
Id: Yf-EfmTNeSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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