Billy Graham Sits Down With Johnny on Carson Tonight Show - 06/13/1973

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here we are back at the show this crowd is just just just feel it yeah just feel it i want to see if everybody else is going to applaud then they'll go i uh pronounced one of our guests the young gentleman from england who was quite the singer very exciting as you will see tonight his name is gordino i said jordan there's peter gordino what do you know he has four lovely young girls with him tonight that are gonna dance nice production number here i saw one in makeup a calmly lassie blonde of quaff rather clever figure as well oh yes uh doc's gonna be appearing to this friday saturday and sunday like he didn't know up at uh magic mountain yeah with the now generation brass and today she'll run over the whole show that he has successfully taken around the country and made a bundle there like i mentioned that i'm going to be what be nice if you mentioned i'm going to be at melody fair in buffalo this weekend with my act penalty fair in buffalo new york buffalo new york yes they have moved it have they no buffalo what are you going to be doing this weekend well now that you bring it up i open las vegas saturday night did you know that we're going to mention i do freddie de cordova we'll be back here [Laughter] no we open uh for two weeks at the uh sahara hotel saturday night you're gonna be in buffalo docket it's nice everybody nice to know we're all working did you see the patsy awards last night no they have a show i guess it's televised nationally called the patsy awards every year where they give awards to outstanding animals which strikes me kind of funny i don't know why been that have been in motion pictures or i guess television the past year and tragedy struck last night i don't know you knew it right afterwards well ben the rat won did you know that ben the rat won an award and before he could accept morris the cat ate him [Laughter] and then morris was chased up a tree by a dog by the name of farook the also one up the whole thing was a shambles betty white and alan ludden cried for a couple of days and just dissolved on them um billy grant i like to call it as a good friend uh he certainly needs no laborious introduction uh for the past i guess almost two decades he has brought guidance and comfort to many many millions of people of all faiths would you welcome please evangelist author educator dr billy graham well that was quite a monologue and i i appreciated one thing about it you've been reading the bible i see you about the commandments yes i know um you know i i would sound awful but if you ask me to name all ten of them right now and this probably sounds terrible i would probably leave one out somewhere oh i think you could think of all of them yeah because all of us have broken all of them so i think we could figure them out do you think it you think everybody everybody has broken every commandment yes sir the bible says if we break in one point we're guilty of all and then when jesus came after moses he explained that the that the ten commandments can be broken in your heart by thought and intent so in that sense we're all guilty and that's the reason the bible says that everybody is a sinner even ed is a sinner well that comes as quite a surprise they could add if there had been a room on the tablet said to put four more commandments on for him uh do you uh are you able to quote i'm sure you are uh i know people are some people who are have memorized the entire bible i'm sure you have no i haven't run across people that can do that memorized uh parts of it but i met a man in africa an african in nigeria about 15 years ago that had memorized the entire new testament in two languages english and his native language and i have met a number of people not in america but i've met a number of people in foreign countries that have memorized the entire bible i met several in korea last week that had memorized the entire new testament that's incredible that it requires some kind of almost and there are you know and yet it's not so much because there are less words in the new testament than in the average sunday edition of the new york times and you know many people read the new york times through every every week but you can read that you can read the new testament through every week if you wanted to i didn't realize that do you uh do you like what they have done do you like the modern interpretations of the bible and i read that they're working on it now more or less an updated version of the king james yes uh there are a number of in fact there's about one uh version i'm told a week coming out some biblical scholars seem to feel that it loses um i guess something in in the modernization well it does in some areas but in others it makes it clearer because you see the when jesus and the other uh people in the bible were speaking they spoke the language of the people we no longer speak that king james version language elizabethan english and many people don't understand the bible just because they don't understand that language it's no longer the language that america speaks no longer the language that britain speaks i have people in areas where i come from in north carolina up in the mountains that some of them still speak elizabethan english is that true and some of those old hillbilly songs that we have are really from the old scottish uh songs of 200 years ago you just mentioned korea a moment ago you've just uh been overseas and uh in korea and i understand the crowds were the the largest you've practically ever played to in your life well they are probably the largest that uh anybody has ever spoken to in in history because the smallest crowd we had was a half million and the largest crowd was last sunday afternoon we had one million one hundred thousand in one service and uh that was so incredible that i could hardly take it in but you're not talking about television are you uh no i mean an actual an actor we had seven cameras on it we have pictures of it and it will be on television soon well we have some film excerpts i think of uh of this crusade that you've made overseas that is incredible uh it's got to be a overwhelming feeling a historian told me the other day that the nearest that he knows in history was dwight eisenhower when he went to uh india in i forgot what year i think it was 55 and had about 800 000 that he spoke to uh at one time but this crowd was electronically counted and the organizers that counted it had a very ingenious way in which they counted and so i would say it was fairly accurate it might have been under or over some people thought it was over some under but uh it was somewhere in the neighborhood of a million people that's incredible uh can we show some of these uh we have a short film clip here uh i believe this was shot in seoul soul career and uh i haven't seen this film you can comment on it uh uh that is our arrival at the airport my wife and i are arriving at the seoul airport about two weeks ago and that is my wife and uh they came out with all their flags and uh a choir saying no i was in korea during the war the korean war about uh 22 years ago and spoke to people now these are people here that when all night prayer meetings they stayed up all night to pray and every church in korea has a prayer meeting at 4 30 in the morning and the korean church is growing now there's my wife and me in the plaza which is a mile long a paved strip one mile long and about a quarter of a mile wide and we're talking on the day before the meetings begin that's where the people are going to come and they've marked it off so they can count the people you see each area there seats 4 000 in each square and they marked it off so they count now this is the last day where the million people now it fades into the background the millions we're they they're in an airplane taking this uh quite something i can see the crowd right in the middle and uh these are the people gathering uh they started gathering several hours early and uh in fact many people were there all night thousands were there all night spending the night so they could get a front seat and they sat so close together these are the people still coming together and it was a fantastic uh site for us i had never seen so many people together anywhere of course in the world and was uh it was very much like talking on radio because the people couldn't see me and all i could see was a massive faces and that goes on for a mile in each direction is that the interpreter now that is the interpreter i say a phrase and he says a phrase i say god is love he said god is love i say god is great he says god is great and we go one two one two that quick and he is very fast and very good and the people listened and they responded and uh as i said the church in korea is growing four times faster than the population now there i am leaving by helicopter and they are waving goodbye to me with their programs look at a million people saying goodbye to us that is a very moving scene there's a there's a great uh religious revival on all through the far east and as a matter of fact i think the center and the gravitational center of christianity is shifting now to the far east and this is happening in uh in areas in japan in thailand in the philippines in indonesia more in indonesia than any other country how do you account for that well uh christianity began in the middle east it went to north africa then it went to europe then it shifted to america in the last century and now it's moving to the far east where it's never had much of a grip well they say history runs in cycles and they're like all major countries have their particular decade or uh that's right a generation and it revolves in kind of a historical cycle my wife was born and read in china that's right and she had never been back to the far east since then since she was 17. and it was a very moving experience for her she went to school in korea up in the north korean peon and it was a tremendous thing to to see those people and and the dedication and the discipline they study they get up early in the morning to pray there are fifteen hundred protestant churches in seoul alone and uh it's a it's it's unbelievable what's happened in the last five years it was incredible film let me interrupt for a second forgive me but we will be right back after this welcome back we're talking with uh dr billy graham i always look forward to your visits on our show because i feel i can ask you uh the questions personal questions which i'm sure a lot of people would ask around the country and always try to project myself and what you must be asked as you travel around uh do you ever think about death at all i mean does any any fear of it you read about so many people nowadays that seem to be so uptight about and i saw a program the other night about where doctors were trying to uh prepare doctors had no preparation in how to treat patients that were for example terminal and and they found that people went through various stages about death but i wanna as a healthy man we all think about education about wonder if you ever think of it you have any fear of it i think we think about it a great deal uh johnny more than we admit because the university of louisville did a study some time ago of university and college young people and the number one subject that they think about between the ages of 18 and 22 is sex and i believe it was about uh every three to five minutes they think about sex and uh then then the second the second time interval has broadened down since i was in school the second uh the second subject that they think about most is death and that comes about every four to five minutes a person at that age level thinks about debt that's incredible and the suicide rate for example among students as you know is very high throughout the world in japan or in sweden on the united states uh all over the world and uh young people do think about death as well as older people and uh it's going to happen to all of us and yet we hate to face it and i think that the subject of death has been suppressed in our generation very much like sex was in the 19th century the discussion of it we buried it we made out like it didn't exist well i got in some trouble a few weeks ago because with the morticians around the country because i was talking about death and the fact that we tell children that the grandfather has just gone away and he is sleeping and so forth rather than telling children exactly what does happen and about the high cost of funerals and and the pomp that goes with it and they kind of got on me but you know the fear of death is gone when a person uh when i when i found christ as my lord and my savior uh the fear of death was taken away and now i'm just as certain that when i die that i'm going into another world that's just as real as this one that it's taken it's helped me to to face life here and now that was my question what do you envision that's right well i envision heaven and uh i'm not going there because i've preached a lot of people i'm not going there because i've read the bible i'm not going there because i'm good i'm going there because of what christ did for me on the cross i'm saved by the grace of god now the word grace carries with it the idea that i don't deserve it i can't by my way i can't work my way i'm a sinner just like you and just like just like ed and you folks excuse me for interrupting it's a terrible i hate to stop and we're just starting here but please stay with us and as soon as we get this out of the way we'll come back and continue an word from doc about the american voters gremlin welcome back we're talking with billy graham well you were right in the midst of talking about when people die rather than you the euphemism passing away or gone to your just reward the correct word is die uh so you so you have no fear because you've accepted the you said christ is your savior and you have absolutely no fear but when you said and i think it may sound like a childish question but i think even adults ask themselves you envision life somewhat as it is here on earth and that's very difficult for the average person to visualize i think that's the only thing the only point of reference really that we have to go by is on earth because we don't know uh the bible teaches that we are going to have a body and it's going to be a body like that of christ the bible teaches that the ultimate goal of the of the true believer is going to be a place called heaven or paradise it's not going to be a place where we sit under palm trees and have a beautiful girl fairness as some people envision heaven it's going to be a place where we work and i think that we are going to be able to go from planet to planet and from one part of the universe to the other and i think we're going to be able to go as fast as thought and i think we're going to have other worlds to conquer we're going to have tremendous enterprises that we're going to do on other planets and i think there are many indications in the bible about this we're not going to go and just sit down and rest and relax now the first few years i'd like to rest a while and play a little golf sure and i hope they can have golf balls and they have a great course they have a great course because i'll miss it if we don't but i asked my wife one day he's a great student of the bible i said ruth do you think there's going to be golf in heaven she may give a marvelous reply she said if golf is important for your happiness it'll be there you can't argue with that do you also envision for the sinner that say doesn't accept in the christian religion christ as your savior that there is purgatory per se you think there's that kind of a god that would condemn or damn people and but when children grow up you know they are told this very often you be good you go to heaven and that's the child's concept of heaven is sitting around on a cloud if you are bad you will be punished and that's kind of a frightening concept for a young mind to grab a hold of it is frightening and it should be i think that the bible says the fear of the lord's the beginning of wisdom and we have a false concept of god god is a god of holiness he's a god of righteousness he's a god of judgment and a person who faces christ straight out and deliberately rejects him that person is in a totally different category than the person in the middle of china that never had a chance and never heard the person who deliberately rejects is going to pay a fearful price now jesus used a number of words to describe it so does the old testament the prophets used it it's called punishment it's called condemnation it's called hades it's called all sorts of things whatever it is and i'm not prepared to say what it is but what it is it's separation from god and that in itself will be hell because you take in this life if you live this life totally separated from god from all love and all joy and all peace and all satisfaction that would be hell in this world so in a sense the person who doesn't know god here is already in a sense in hell and that will be extended into the future life according to the bible and i think it is something to contemplate i think that we're taught that fear is very important i teach my children that to watch out for rattlesnakes because we have a lot where i live i teach them to be careful in traffic my son flies an airplane i always say be careful when you go up there i want him to have a certain amount of tension and fear as he's flying so that he doesn't have a wreck and kill himself and uh there is a legitimate fear and i think we should face squarely who god is and what god is and what he demands of us do you feel sorry for people who espouse the atheistic philosophy and live their life uh and say all right i'm not rejecting god they just live their life as if god does not exist and they go their way and do their thing you know 99 of the american people say they believe in god according to the catholic digest but there are millions of what i would call practical atheist they say with their mind they believe in god something inside says well there must be a god but they live as though there is no god and so in a sense that is a form of atheism and uh to those people uh i think that's a very dangerous life yeah can i ask you a personal question now and i don't i'm not asking this is a shock value because i'm sure uh it's someone who goes all around the world have you ever seen an x-rated movie i don't mean that to put you on the spot but it's so much in the news and it has so much to do a lot of people think with morality or a lessening of morality in the country and i just wondered as somebody who preaches the gospel in your line of work that you would have to see it uh to be able to be informed well i have seen uh several r-rated movies uh i saw two in a hotel where you uh call down and order room service and they turn it on on your television screen i didn't know that and uh i went to i went to see uh i saw one with my son in london he wanted to see one that he said was a marvelous picture about motorcycles and it was called the mechanic i found out that it had nothing to do with motorcycles and it was it was triple a rated in in london that was supposed to be excellent but they killed people in every way possible i think that you can kill and people died in every way possible you can die and the x-rated i mean the r-rated in this country i think would come from the violence rather than sex there was no sex in the picture would you no i don't uh i don't go uh i don't make it a practice to go so i didn't mean it that way i think what i was trying to draw do you think that say a young person and using they'll say the word normal i'm not talking about the average young person would be more adversely affected by exposure to a an explicit sexual film than he would to excessive violence in the film or as you say that there is killing and murder and guarantees and so forth for no rhyme or reason which of those do you think would affect him or harm him the most do you think i think i think both would harm him i think that i wouldn't be prepared to say which would be the worst i think the violence that we're seeing in some of our pictures today is having a devastating effect on on people uh it can't help but have it i think that we're we're seeing it in in the generation that we're growing up in today this is the first generation that is a television read generation now this is not against television i'm for television i use television it's the greatest means of communication we've we've ever had but just like atomic energy you can use it for good or you can use it for bad and i think that um a great deal of what we see today especially in the motion pictures they're trying to get more pornographic and more violent to attract uh people back to back to the theater but i think that we have seen in sound of music or the walt disney films that you can make great motion pictures and make a lot of money and be clean and i think that there is a swing back in that direction i i was reading the other day i think it was francis langford or some uh former film star who said that she wasn't going back to see any motion pictures till they cleaned up and i think that uh when we say clean up we think in terms of sex but i say in terms of violence right uh the violence i think is helping to create a great deal of the violence in our society and i would like to see uh some good clean honest great motion pictures like we used to have yeah maybe it'll come about well if you want to see if you want to see a good movie now you have to wait and see something on the late show maybe and and see something that was made about 25 or 30 years ago they're all playing too what's the most often single question you're asked i suppose that um the one that i would be asked the most is how do i find god i i think that more people write me or ask me that question than any other question i would say the greatest problem people write me about is loneliness i think loneliness is probably the greatest problem in america as far as the psychological problem that people face from both young and older from both young and old you can be lonely in a crowd and psychologists have begun to call it cosmic loneliness in other words uh i can be in a party having a big time and all of a sudden for just a moment or two there sweeps over me a sense of loneliness and i personally believe this is a loneliness for god we're made for god and without god we have a loneliness there's a dissatisfaction and we never find it no matter how powerful or how rich or what pleasures we have there's something empty there that only god can fill you're just telling me during a break your schedule coming up which is incredible you leave tomorrow i believe for atlanta yes i'm going to atlanta and we open in atlanta next monday night in the atlanta stadium where the falcons and the brides play and we'll be there for a week and then i go to minneapolis for a crusade in the fairgrounds and then i go to israel and to jordan and then to london for crusade in august and then in september in the university area of north carolina in the stadium and then to st louis and so on and so on that's fantastic well i hope between one of those trips you will drop by and sometime we'd like to have you and ed come to one of our crusades we could probably use it billy badly get us before it's too late thank you you
Channel: Johnny Carson
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Id: RdkbNGCp1G4
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Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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