JRE End Of The World #2

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Also happy to see Tim Dillon in a different blue Ralph Lauren

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 916 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KniVEs4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is it just me or is Joe trashed?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 330 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pheer777 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

After 100% of chat being "ALEX JONES NOW" Jamie has disabled chat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1977 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/80BAIT08 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Needs more Bill Burr and Little Rascals Hats.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1693 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/miltown_muscle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tim β€œ black people love Filet o’fish” Dillon

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 900 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Honeysuckle- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is insane. Joe would never eat McDonald’s on air.

EDIT: https://imgur.com/gallery/lDjeb8t

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 706 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/uglytelescope πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I think that anyone who didn't take out a mortgage in 2007 is a pussy"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 519 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Taco__Hell πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kyle has no clue when Dillon is joking or not lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 735 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/markkay1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œHow do you get rid of chanting when everyone in California is a satanist β€œ fucking πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 256 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/McArsekicker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
three two one hold on is it real it's live that's it end of the world part two tim dillon you savage it's good to see you my friend thank you for having me we're back kyle kalinski a voice of reasons person who actually understands politics that's debatable it is debatable we'll see how much the voice of reason i am i will say uh i will lean towards you knowing what you're talking about um what's going on oh sorry so do you do you have an opinion about how this is yeah do i yeah do i have a prediction yes yes uh it's very likely to be joe biden winning and what makes you say this first of all let me just let me just make clear so you know we don't get mass down voted i'm not saying that because i necessarily want that to happen i'm saying that empirically i think it's very likely that he's going to win and the reason i say that is i i actually sent this to you jamie if you uh want to pull it up but um when you look at the polls and i know we get into whether or not you should even believe the polls right right because 26. you don't think so right well my thing with polls i i even have a bid on it it's like who answers polls morons so if you're listening to morons like 46 percent of morons believe this but nobody a normal person with a regular life that hey kyle may i have a few minutes of your time to ask you about politics you don't say yes to that morons say yes to that so the people that you're polling are almost all morons yeah or lonely or sad or lonely or sad right it's true i get talked to the poster nobody calls me i'm waiting every night for a call i want to talk for hours about and no one cares yeah have you ever answered a poll i've never answered a poll no never have you i've never been called jamie have you ever answered a poll not like a real one though not a real one for kleenex i don't know who they call and why they i don't believe in polls and i don't believe in nielsen families i don't think they're real i've never met a nielsen family it's a good point people say they have a friend all my friends in nielsen family right really right so our ratings everything's just fake it's all fake yeah we don't know anything the news is now we know the news is definitely fake i'll give you that when fake news when you would hear fake news you'd be like that's such an unfortunate term i hate when people say that because you know it's not fake you know hillary started that right it wasn't trump hillary was the first the original one who said fake news and then trump took it and ran with it and now everybody thinks it's just a trump thing no way when yeah she did i think the first time that that term came up she said something it may have been in the context of like oh we need to regulate fake news online like fake news there's all there's all these stories that blow up on facebook and they're not true and maybe we should do something about it and she used the term fake news in a speech and then after that it was trump who started using it now everybody thinks it's you know been him all along interesting yeah well he used it a lot that's for sure i mean yeah now it's his obviously got like a patent on it 2016 was when we first heard that term like that we have existed for a long time there's been media for a long time even internet for a long time relatively and yet fake news is a new thing and now but i used to think it was [ __ ] i just think it was a cheap cop-out for someone who didn't want to deal with facts and they would just tell their people hey this is fake news and you'd be like but you know that's not fake so that's one of the reasons why i think trump resonated is because he would say stuff that i think people around the country just had a sense that he's right about it like joe think about it the media in this country lied us into the iraq war right if there was like that is the definition of fake news not only is it fake news but it's fake news that led to the deaths of 200 hundred thousand innocent iraqi civilians and thousands of our own soldiers when you say that you don't think they were in on it no i don't think see the way it works is and noam chomsky's got a book called manufacturing consent where he really dives into the specifics of this and gives you the mechanics of it but basically the way it works is the people who get hired at these news outlets they've all had like the proper training they go to ivy league schools you know they study journalism and you only get promoted if they know you're really not going to rock the boat and what i mean by that is you basically repeat the line that the government wants you to repeat and so you know when george w bush and dick cheney were out there making the case a good little journalist says oh here's what the president says and here's what the vice president says and they're saying that saddam hussein has weapons of mass destruction and then you had colin powell go to the u.n and hold up the uranium and say i'll see you i mean what do you want to do do you want what did they say do you want the evidence to come in the form of a mushroom-shaped cloud right that was them saying we need to act now and forget about proving it we have to act now and the media went right along with them was there any doubt that they knew that that was not true um i think there are probably some people who made the argument who were convinced of the propaganda themselves but no the decision had been made long before that that saddam hussein was on a list of rogue actors who we wanted to overthrow and by the way that list still exists today so all this fighting that we do with iran they're on the list and we want to overthrow them as well yeah a lot of people don't know the history of it we want to get them back they executed that olympic wrestler no why did they do that you went to a protest oh the the iranians executed yeah he went to a peaceful protest and uh they wanted to make an example of him he's an olympic hero how did they execute him i don't know geez i don't know but the ufc made a push uh dana white put out a video begging the government to please not did not execute him it's an authoritarian theocracy you know that's what happens there's no social freedoms yeah you know the idea of freedom of speech is totally far in there well it's it's as you said a theocracy like we i talked about with glenn greenwald too that they um they have an extraordinary high number of transgender uh women because they don't allow they don't like gay rights yeah so if you wanna if you're a man you're attracted to men you you have to become a woman right which is crazy that they're okay with that very in in a weird way kind of very progressive like an incredibly progressive state where they're like we'll get yeah it's progressive and homophobic at the same time in a super weird way yeah this is the [ __ ] i mean like we're dealing 2020 and people getting beheaded in france for showing cartoons i mean listening all over again i was actually just talking about this earlier that you know one of our top allies saudi arabia they still behead people in the public square yeah you know it's and they do it for drug smuggling they do it for apostasy all these crimes that are not even really crimes and they'll kill you that's crazy that that's happening in 2020 that's the thing that people when people are not afraid of dictatorships or of the governor government running wild in america i was trying to tell them like north korea is happening right now those are human beings those are human beings that went down a path is it likely that we'll go down that same path no but human beings have been going down those paths from the beginning of language from the beginning of time the strong man is a big you know the idea of a strong man the dictator the person i call all the shots that's why everybody's terrified of trump that's why a lot of intellectuals were terrified of trump they didn't like that language they didn't like they didn't like what people were attracted to about him because they knew where that led they did like like what was that it was a phrase that he said once where he was talking about uh i wish i was a dictator it would be a lot easier remember that i don't remember that no i feel like i would remember that quote yeah that's what i remember he did something like that something like something like that yeah if i was a dictator this job would be easier i think you know someone was calling him a dictator and he's like i wish i was addicted but that's him lamenting the paperwork that he has to go through and all the yeah limiting the paperwork the thing that drove me crazy is that like so you had under bush and you had under obama um basically the expansion of the security state and you had like the patriot act nsa spying all these tools that are authoritarian tools that the government can use and trump correctly when he ran spoke about ending the wars and but then he gets in power and the wars continue and then he gets empowered he didn't dismantle he talks all the time about how the obama campaign was buying on me and i'm watching it like if only you were in a position of power to do something about that like disband the nsa but it would stop the nsa that's a good way to get shot yeah yeah that's a good way to get that's actually chuck when he was on msnbc he had a moment of honesty where he was like you don't mess with the guys in the intelligence agencies because they got a thousand ways to sunday to get back at you right yeah well that was one of the things that he said to trump glenn glenn glenn brought that up with the podcast it doesn't seem like biden is more of a war hawk though in a weird way and kamal is more of a warhawk it's about russia they're talking about trump's too friendly with north korea he's choosing those issues absolutely it's kind of weird i'm like shouldn't we be friendly with these nuclear powers but isn't that just to court the people on the right that maybe you're they find out no no no i think listen biden was part of the obama administration we don't have to guess they continued the wars you know what i mean and so i think biden will continue the wars and to your point yes there are specific issues like russia where what the democrats say happens to be more hawkish it's more intelligent the republican side but the thing that drives me crazy is that whenever any of them get in power none of them just end the wars none of them get out of iraq none of them get out of afghanistan every now and then trump will fire off a tweet where he's like you know we're getting out and then one of the generals behind the scenes is like no we're not and he's like you're right we're not i was wrong can we afford to get out of the wars this is an ugly question can we afford ford to stop the wars now afford yeah isn't it a money maker isn't that why oh yeah well military industrial complex there are a lot of people that make a lot of money from it it's a tough economy maybe we stopped the wars in a couple of years i don't know i know and actually one time on cnn it seems like an odd time wolf blitzer actually said that to paul or uh i'm sorry rand paul when rand paul made that argument he was like we should not be giving weapons to to saudi arabia um and wolf blitzer's response was yeah but what about the jobs right yes he's like i mean listen i know you don't want like babies to be bombed in yemen by saudi arabia but then again raytheon needs to make some money what are you doing it's such a dirty game i ran into him in a hotel in vegas does he exist as an actual person he's a robot right he was coming he was coming out of the elevator and i was coming towards him and he looked at me and i looked at him and i wanted to go hey man can i ask you some questions just a few [ __ ] minutes yeah and then i i didn't i just said hey what's up i just got in the elevator and i went ah you should have [ __ ] talked to me he's what i alluded to before which is the reason why he's on cnn for 47 hours a day is because that guy's not gonna rock the boat that guy's gonna ask the questions that the people in power want him to ask right exactly exactly that's what's weird about the system right what's weird about the system when you see people like chris cuomo uh talking to his brother and you know he's never going to bring up the nursing home thing and he was on cnn like every week yeah you've got this one chance to talk i mean you've got a real issue you've got a real issue though as serious as it gets life and death issue and he's directly in charge of it he could fix it and his brother's throwing softballs talking about you know hey remember we had meatballs the other week with uh with the family [ __ ] guy don't call me fredo yeah i mean they're disgusting people yeah um well you know you know the fake weight controversy i've been in involved in the fake great controversy fake wig controversy fake weight okay wait because i bought into it i was like maybe he's just really strong i thought he was bigger than he was and i didn't realize how hard it is to lift a 100 pound dumbbell which sounds ridiculous because i work out but i don't i don't do that those kind of workouts i'm like maybe he's just really strong and everybody was like you're out of your [ __ ] mind like there's no way are you a [ __ ] like people weren't analyzing that like building seven like they were like freeze frames take a look i've talked to robert oberst and uh rob candy who are real those are these guys are real strong men you know rob kearney's like one of the strongest maybe he's strongest man pound for pound in his in his weight class and then uh robert oberst is a a legitimate giant he's like 300 plus pounds and he's like he would have to be one of the strongest men i've ever seen in my life so there's no way let me just show you i fill in the gaps here chris cuomo is releasing videos of himself working out now he's a photographer sitting at a desk with a dumbbell that says 100 pounds on it where these experts are saying there's no way it could be 100 pounds dude you're a news guy what are you doing like nobody wants to see you do that but there's a lot of weirdness too right like how come they never brought up those tapes the michael cohen tapes that tucker crossing was playing over and over and over again where he's preparing michael cohen for the questions that he's going to ask him on cnn who was preparing michael day after day gr like going over these tapes because i don't know how they got the tapes it's never been clear yeah but it's chris cuomo it's like i think michael cohen probably bugged his room and taped all of his conversations and probably gave it to tucker carlson like maybe he's making some sort of behind-the-scenes deals because cohen is you know he's been known to be a guy who he's trump's fixer he's a fixer yeah he does sleazy [ __ ] and his his thing with this was they were preparing him for the questions you know like chris cuomo was telling him how to answer the questions right yeah he was gonna when it came to the payoff money for stormy dan sure which by the way you know i really think that that's a perfect example of a kind of politics that simply doesn't work anymore back in like 1987 you want to have a story about like oh the president [ __ ] a porn star or whatever people would be all over it and they'd be like oh my god this is this is ending him depends on the president depends on the people it depends on the president but really what trump shows is that all it takes to override scandals like that i'm not saying all scandals are saying scandals like that is you puff your chest out and you say wrong wrong i don't want to do any of this we're going to talk about something else now and eventually people go all right i think we're going to talk about something else now it's everybody knows he [ __ ] girls right like this is not confusing he ran the miss universe pageant yes that's right yeah he's a famous billionaire right who's had multiple wives and you know he's he's that [ __ ] guy right mover shaker guy but the best example this is remember when they released the access hollywood tape and you know he was caught on tape saying i grabbed him by the [ __ ] i don't even wait and then the me i don't know if you remember the media reaction to that but they were all convinced like that's it the race is over right he's going to drop out pence is going to take over it's going to be pence versus hillary clinton and his response to that i think showed this new era of politics which is actually brilliant you always go on the offense so what he did is at the next debate he brought all of bill clinton's accusers yeah and he had like six of them sitting there and then when they asked him that question which by the way of course was like the first question they asked him yeah he was like listen i'm not proud of what i said but what i said was just words it was just words was actions what he did was actions and they're all right there bill i think you should apologize to these people right here and what you do is you flip it and you go on the offense and then the best defense is a good offense and then he made it a watch the issue is now a while also in his case that is a really good argument this is a good argument it's not like a regular person unless he's talking about bill clinton who's married to hillary clinton who was his opponent so her calling him a sexual predator is rich i mean that that's that's right and also let's be serious it just diverts from what we're really supposed to be talking about when we're discussing the most powerful person in the world tell me what you're going to do with the economy right tell me what you're going to do with taxes right tell me what you're going to do with infrastructure tell me what you're going to do with foreign policy and if we're not having that conversation i do think most americans there's something in them where they're just like this is not serious you know let me ask you this you you see you say that he should have ended these wars he should have disbanded the nsa i wouldn't i wouldn't go that far just stop the spying i don't even think it's possible first of all don't think the president has that kind of power i'm ignorant technically he does like technically he can because that's an executive agency and he controls the executive agency so he could literally disband the nsa he could do whatever he wants with any of the executive agencies so good luck good luck with that well that gets back to what we were saying before the schumer point of like no they are going to [ __ ] with you and we've seen that but don't you think there's i mean for sure some shady things have been done but don't you think there's some benefit to having a really powerful agency like the nsa that understands how to spy on bad people and make sure they don't get away with [ __ ] you have due process only if you follow the constitution and have due process but how can you do that and still spy on people without warrants you gotta show evidence you gotta you gotta show evidence to a judge a judge will approve it and then you can spy but the way judge has a big mouth but the way it works now you know fisa quartz it's just a rubber stamp where they say oh we want to spy on this person they don't even look uh whatever that's fine just go spy on them and that's where we are where we are now where the nsa can take everybody's metadata everybody's information and they can spy on you not stop so you know if you do it and you follow the constitution and you follow the law and you have you know a reason and you follow due process well then everybody's okay with it because that's just called regular police work kennedy wanted to disband the nsa right and now he's dead yeah no cia military uh the intelligence gathering capabilities to the pentagon to the military and kind of get rid of the cia's 24 7 unaccountable unaccountable you know yeah war machine look at what happened there's probably a lot of reasons why he was shot i mean i mean there's probably multiple maybe marilyn manson was pissed and hired a hit man yeah uh not marilyn manson oh marilyn monroe new conspiracy i think marilyn manson is [ __ ] jfk it says something nice about our country that the deep state hasn't tried to kill trump i think that's like a nice thing it says something it says something nice he's keeping the water he's going right he's keeping the warship sure but i also think it's maybe they're getting a little softer a little bit more more progressive they're more progressive well whatever it is but i think it's nice because they were killing everyone remember bobby kennedy jfk mlk i mean it was just a period it was just through it spraying bullets at everybody and now it's kind of a light touch well we'll say he's a soviet agent or will did you read that book that i told you about chaos that tom o'neill book i read a few chapters of it's amazing it gets into that it gets into bobby kennedy at the end yeah like that that uh jolly west guy the cia yeah that guy was involved with jack ruby that guy was involved with robert robert kennedy talked about it on the uh mike tyson podcast really yeah yeah they have trait uh record of all eight bullets that got fired out of that gun and they weren't fired at uh robert i believe is the way he that whole arrow was just a lie like that whole arrow yeah a lot of lines a lot of fibs a lot of hits you know but eventually vietnam ended and we're still in iraq we're still in afghanistan yeah you know in vietnam we talk about it like it was such a long war it wasn't [ __ ] compared to afghanistan 2001 we started it 19 years who is still in afghanistan we still have about i want to say about five or six thousand troops there wow okay because i have friends that have done like three tours there and now they're back like people have gone three or four tours entire you know chunks of their life in that war people forget it's even happened i covered a story on my show there was a father and a son there was an article on some military outlet where the dad is talking about how now my son is going to the same war that i fought in and you know i pulled up a cartoon that was drawn in like oh seven or something where somebody made that joke joking around like yeah oh father and son going to the same war then it happened yeah yeah it's really disturbing it's if you know if you're into it maybe they like it i mean that certain families want to be some people just want to go to war i have friends that are in the military because they like to kill and they want they need to go kill somewhere that's lee it's true well don't you think they think they're doing it for a good reason no not not the people on the island that i know the people from long island and boston that i know no they just they anything's a good reason for them you know yeah you gotta have a sting for people right there's getting you know more about violence than anybody there's got to be something where violent people can go and be about violence where they're like you know like violence has no place in our society and they they think that the ufc is bad for our society i'm like those are some of the i've seen so few brawls at ufc's it's it's amazing i've been to hundreds of those things i don't know how many times i've ever seen a fight like maybe three four times never right and those are drunks right you know but something like that's a good outlet for the kind of instincts that you're talking about you know it out of the system i gotta give a [ __ ] if you want to voluntarily have a duel like it's the old west you know go out there and walk 10 paces and turn around and shoot presidents have done that that's right we've had presidents that had drones while they're in office yeah burn burn uh hamilton right crazy show let me look that one up for you i'm pretty sure it is though yes i believe it's them what's really crazy is how recent that was that was pretty it was not that long ago when people are [ __ ] in outhouses and wearing cameras talking about beating each other up like we could see it going back to that how long would that last 12 seconds it would be amazing they both gas out the burr hamilton duel look at that oh so the vice president of treasury what oh my gosh that'd be like early in the morning of july of the 18th 11th 1804 wow that's like 20 years ago mike pence and steve mnuchin dueling today the culmination of a long and bitter rivalry between the two men wow burst shot hamilton while hamilton hamilton shot broke a tree branch above and beyond burr's head hamilton was carried to the home of william bayard jr hamilton died at two o'clock the following afternoon wow that's heavy that's that was back before the you had people doing it before you had the agencies and underground people yeah just muskets and just dudes being dudes if they want to do it isn't that the ultimate like you know libertarian argument like go ahead it's not [ __ ] bothering me i believe there's places in america i think arizona might be one of them where you can still engage in a duel because i believe i've read a story about a cop who uh had a duel with a guy who was [ __ ] his wife yeah a duel yeah aka she shot him that was back in the head that was why it was controversial but i think they had you know you know like some places have mutual combat laws like seattle has a mutual combat law where the cops will stand by like if two guys want to fight oh is that why like the proud boys named people when they go at it in seattle the cops don't do anything i don't know okay i think they're just overwhelmed i get it yeah but i think in seattle in particular i know i want a fight you can stand by yeah there was a guy named phoenix jones he was uh um [ __ ] forget his name but he was he called himself phoenix jones but he was an actual mma fighter who would go around and he his brother was a fairly successful mma fighter and he would go around wearing a superhero costume and yeah and literally fight crime like if you would see people doing things you stop people and there's a video of him with his superhero costume beating the [ __ ] out of somebody because some guy decided to fight with him and the cops were literally standing there while this one guy's bouncing on the tips of his toes on the balls of his feet rather moving leg kicks the guy leg kicks the guy again you're like oh my god like this poor bastard some poor drunk is just getting lit up by a guy who's a trained mma fighter with a superhero costume on at what point do they step in i mean they'd have to step in at a certain point he's about to beat him to death probably right but but the problem is on the concrete any punch could result in your death because if you fall and bounce your head off the thing you could easily be over yeah that's right by the way i almost did that today you almost fell i did fall but i almost hit my head i'm lucky i didn't what happened i was on one of those stupid uh uber scooter things oh no yeah it was bad oh no and then as i was falling i was like i'm [ __ ] 32 years old what am i even doing here well not only that you're about to do the most important podcast of your life this is when trump wins his re-election people would have enjoyed it if they saw giants guards actually got one here kyle was telling me how trump's not gonna win it it sounded kind of persuasive okay give me the give me the rundown right because i'm not it's not me i'm just relaying the information so it's okay i know you hate them i do but i hate biden too jamie i dm'd you this if you want to pull it up but um the first thing here is this is basically every single presidential election and where the polls were going into that day and basically the hillary clinton donald trump election was the only election where somebody had a four-point lead as hillary had and then she lost the electoral college she won the popular vote but she lost the electoral college the case with gore as well um with gore well he was bush was up versus gore 3.6 percentage points didn't gore win the um he did a popular vote winning it by a razor thin margin but the point is the polling going into that day was bush up 3.6 look at this um 2020 biden up 8.6 wow that's high and then clinton three points 3.9 obama 0.3 in 2012 uh obama 6.7 what 2012 he was only up 0.3 he ended up winning the electoral college with i want to say about 330 electoral votes um but yeah he was up nationally he was only 1.3 why was he so low that was against mitt romney i was against mitt romney yeah i have no idea i thought he cruised through that well he did in terms of the electoral college numbers but nationally it was a very even race which is why they treat it as such throughout the election polling right that's the national polling which that's so low yeah that one is a little bit surprising i would have guessed he would have had a five-point lead or something like that but anyway as you can see here like we have to go back to what uh clinton in 96 when he absolutely uh landslided i think it was dole in 96. and he got to go back to reagan in 1984 plus 17.7 and and i guess hw bush as well plus 10.1 like basically yes the the national number is not the most important because the electoral college is what matters but biden has has never been down in a in the national number at any point throughout the race and then when you go to the swing states uh trump's path is just so razor thin where he can't have anything go wrong for him so he needs to win flor he has he has to win florida or he's done if he loses florida it's over tonight isn't florida filled with old people though yeah i was just i was invited now was winning on i was in florida and i'm telling you right now they love trump and florida but there's a lot of signs there's a lot of enthusiasm yeah and it is it is a legit swing state like i think the average is biden's only up like two points there in uh for the race but it is a genuine swing state but he's winning now with old people biden is he's winning with that demographic because the way trump handled code probably because of covid that's right so they're scared right i don't know what their reasoning is but i just know that that's what the numbers are showing right now what could have been been done differently well we've actually talked about this quite a bit listen my i'm not a doctor i'm not an expert wait i'm just an idiot you know i'll go get my medical degree you got our food uh do you want to bring it in here yeah [ __ ] um i see you over there eating you're out of your mind i saw you pull those bags we ordered mcdonald's uh in tribute to donald trump this is his last election honestly this is a tribute to me because i eat mcdonald's probably more than anybody else whether he wins or loses he's done a lot of great things to unite the country whoa i mean i think that we all have to remember that this is going to be quoted on someone's blog tomorrow the same people that called you a uh far-right conspiracy theorist i can't believe it who called you that i don't know the text a lot i get people with pink hair and yeah people that are angry yeah the same people that were uh saying that we had an anti-vaxx message in the alex jones podcast listen you guys were really trying to fact check everything that was pretty clear to me well not only that the thing that he said was absolutely true the thing he said about the one vaccine that uh bill gates is promoting that has 80 of the people that took it got sick yeah but is he i'm sure he he is he against all vaccines no he's not no no the thing is like look that alex jones is [ __ ] up right he really [ __ ] up with the um the sandy hook thing really [ __ ] up he's had some mental health issues he's had some substance issues particularly with booze and he also is constantly around conspiracies and i think you get legitimately psychotic when you you delve down those roads i think you lose your [ __ ] mind it's a tough and he lost his [ __ ] mind he lost his [ __ ] mind on more than one occasion he has but i mean he knows what everybody says is your mic on jamie i think your mic's on it's very loud over there he knows he's made mistakes he said on the show that he wants to you know correct his mistakes like but the thing is he also um gives out a lot of real information i had three yeah is there a third one in there what did you get how did didn't get anything you didn't get any i had nachos right before i came in here what i thought this was for you no it's for you yeah fish for me thank you it's the first time in my life i've ever passed on mcdonald's for the record outrageous you got a filet of fish three of them they're great you're the only person who gets the filet of fish they're massively popular yeah i've never seen anybody black people love them they call them the mcfish that's true it's not racist that's a fact i've heard a lot of black people kind of have a mick fish it seems racist but i don't think it is it is it's right on the edge there's something on the edge that might be the last thing on the menu i would get is a filet of food it's great they're very good they're so good they steamed so you're saying that if everything's equal and trump wins everything he won in 2016. right he still has a very narrow path to victory no so the point that i was making and i'll explain it for people who didn't get the gist of it but it basically if you take the polls in 2016 and do the same sort of pro-trump swing that happened on election day they've done that and when you calculate those numbers it's still biden with 335 electoral votes so even if you have that same pro-trump swing it's still biden winning by a fairly safe margin now to get to your point about does he have a path yes trump has a path for sure but it's basically one path and he can't afford any mess-ups along the way so he has to win he has to win florida he has to win pennsylvania he has to win arizona he has to win ohio and these like ohio and iowa are the only two swing states where he's actually up in the average of the polling all the other ones he's down and there's also another crazy thing going on which and i struggle to believe this as well i think trump is probably going to win texas but the polling right there now is they're actually dead tied biden and trump are dead tied in texas that is crazy doesn't that skew uh bias towards democrats because they're traditionally um voting earlier by mail yeah so that was another point that i was going to get to when the votes roll in everybody's going to freak out at every single thing that they see but there are some states that count the mail-ins first and when they count the mail-ins first it's going to look like biden's winning in a landslide and then there's other states that do the opposite which is they count the on the day votes first and the states that do that it's going to look like trump is winning in a landslide so basically everybody has to relax until you actually get you know to a very high percentage of the votes counted before you really know what's going on because there's going to be big swings throughout the night in virtually every state but i actually have the specific states if you're interested in knowing which states are going to swing like that well let's find out where we're at right now is there anything jamie that shows us where we're at right now here we go look at that florida looks like trump alabama trump mississippi trump it's trump trump okay so here right now trump is the president it's over he won again so right now this is blue because that's and again okay that's because they're counting the mail ins first and the mailings are heavily bid and see that's what i'm saying is like it's a little misleading to watch it second by second because it there it's going to be skewed based on which votes they're counting do you see what i'm saying what's the chance we don't have an answer tonight 100 probably 50 or 60 percent chance we don't have an answer what's the chance that people handle that maturely and don't burn things down and throw bricks or win negative 14 000 right look so far it's 85 55 joe biden's winning so there's a few surprises up there by the way they're obviously texas is a surprise but even ohio trump was up in ohio in the average of polls and that's looking blue but again i don't want to get ahead of myself because i just told you guys don't pay attention until the number gets up a lot more yeah 60 40. no see that's going to swing back to trump though as time goes by because there's no way ohio is going to finish on that number no way not a chance in hell only 32 reporting that means they're counting the mail-ins that's what that tells me and all the other states are just in in play um so as time goes by the polls close at different times and so i could tell you the order that everything closes here we're supposed to get seven o'clock we had vermont virginia georgia south carolina indiana and kentucky georgia's the only one of those that's really a swing state um 730 we had we have north carolina ohio and west virginia north carolina and ohio are both swing states then at eight o'clock we get clocked over the head so we just got clocked over the head here we have washington dc delaware maryland massachusetts rhode island connecticut illinois new jersey maine's first district new hampshire pennsylvania florida maine second district mississippi missouri tennessee alabama oklahoma only one two three of those are swing states we really have pennsylvania florida and maine second district and then nine o'clock we get new york and a bunch of others as well i've never felt a time where the country was more on edge during an election because there's never been a time where it's been this bad no way ever no way they came up with things they said there's like a political i forget what it is but there's some indicator of political tension they said it's higher now than the i civil war i don't know about that one people i mean that's shooting each other in the face well listen they're very polite and genteel that is true and they wore powdered ways that could happen with us though you know i think honestly joe i think that we just have too many good distractions to ever be in a civil war like people might think like oh let's go do it and then they go you know netflix has some new [ __ ] out and i'd rather just watch that you know what i mean we can fight and there will be there will be civil unrest like we've been seeing but you know i don't think it would ever get to the point of a real civil war so what happened with that kyle written house kid like the judge didn't press charges but then they extradited him to uh kenosha right right so what happened there i don't know i watched the tape and you know clearly they he went to him and his parents went to the the protest right with heavily armed right which is not that's a choice that the family makes right i mean that's that's a certain type of family that goes heavily armed to a protest um we didn't do that when i was growing up um and then there was a skirmish but if you watch the video and people got mad at me on twitter because i said that i think if you watch the video you do see people chasing him uh and then he shoots them which again this is all good he's in court now right isn't he bail for kyle something happened where the judge said he wasn't going to prosecute him that's why i was confused i thought he was being released because i had read another ruling where the judge wasn't going to press charges and a bunch of youtube people are making these videos about it like kyle rittenhouse are going to free him and then all sudden he's now uh got two million dollars bail i saw on twitter that somebody tweeted uh it said it was a sign that said kyle's life matters oh jesus yeah and i thought that should be about me and not him it should be kyle dunnigan keep up that uh instagram page the the thing is like he's not even supposed to be open carrying so him carrying a gun was illegal it was not good what's that jamie this is probably why you read from the other day well that says his extra diet to face homicide charges i feel like listen the kids got horrible parents they're probably there it's probably a very bad family not that this excuses the behavior like i think the family drove him to the protest right jesus christ really i believe so yeah it's like the mom and the dad i mean this is not a good group now there was something else jamie this is not it there was something else where the they were not pressing charges i guess somebody else did yeah probably illinois was not pressing charges so that wisconsin could but it was in kenosha right the actual shooting was in kenosha wasn't it yeah but he's from illinois i believe i think that sounds right i think that's what it was so illinois wasn't going to charge him but kenosha he probably went home and yeah he had been being held in illinois he went home and got arrested they remember they didn't arrest him right away yeah they took a trip to the protest so where he was not from the area they were having which is even more weird crazy so a lot of people are all about this man a lot of people love this uh you know tactical life yeah kind of lifestyle where they're just kind of searching for stuff to do what do you attribute that to like the rise and violence and the rise of people kind of video games is that it what do you think it is no i'm not playing i think um honestly man i and some people might come after me for this but i really believe that over the years the evidence would show that when people feel like there's zero hope for a brighter future and they're perpetually [ __ ] on by a system that doesn't give a [ __ ] about them that yeah usually you turn to more extreme ideologies across the political spectrum right it makes a lot of sense i mean i wouldn't really think that that's why he showed up at that protest with a gun no because i was just going to say you have to look at everything on a case-by-case basis and there are going to be many individual instances where somebody does something [ __ ] up because of say mental illness or somebody does something [ __ ] up because they were brainwashed into some sort of fundamentalist cult from when they're a kid but i think the broader societal trends where these things kind of catch on and more and more people are willing to be involved in some sort of violence i think you have to have an unhealthy society in the first place to have that flourish you see what i'm saying yeah i do see what you're saying yeah there's a that makes that makes sense i mean listen this is probably the classic example but you couldn't have had hitler rise to power without the treaty of versailles which [ __ ] germany after world war one and so you had this whole generation of germans who were like we've been [ __ ] [ __ ] on and left behind and you know what what are we what are we supposed to do we feel like there's no way out and then you have this charismatic guy come up and say hey it's not your fault blame the jews no yeah it is them so this is what happens i mean and i really fear that stuff is going to get worse in this country because the economic situation is just abysmal i mean you talk about this all the time on your show but when you shut down the economy basically because of the virus you can't shut down the economy and then not give people a lifeline monetarily because then they can't pay the [ __ ] bills this isn't rocket science you know in a lot of other countries joe what they did is they did like this wage replacement thing where they temporarily nationalized wages so in other words if the government told you hey you can't work because of kovid they would then say and that's why we're going to pay 75 of your wage until covet is over could they have done that in this country oh we absolutely could have done it we chose not to do it in fact what we did is probably the worst of all worlds which is we took trillions of dollars and threw them at the corporations and said here we're giving you a bailout and then the corporations turned around and fired people anyway yeah in the beginning of cove with like trump they would have like these press conferences and they would be like there would be like the ceo of buffalo wild wings let's bring out the ceo of buffalo wild wings and the guy's like hey we're just committed to helping we're taking some of our napkins and making face masks it was just this crazy group of people that came out like the guy who ran red lobster was like we're also getting involved in the fight it was absurd it's always corporate like always it's always corporate it's like listen let's let's let dave and busters make ventilators the idea that they would give those people that money and not have a clause in there where you can't fire people is amazing that's right i mean and again this also happened in the wall street bailout back you know under bush under obama they always do the same thing they bail them out and they have no strings attached and then what happens is you know these executives paid bonuses to the same people who crash the company and you know there's no accountability those people fail up all the time they fail up oh i bankrupted my company but it's okay the gold the government gave me you know billion dollars because goldman sachs basically owns the government you know and that's how it works and it's incredibly corrupt and that's why when something bad happens and the people need a bailout they never get a ballot what's what did people get a one-time 1 200 stimulus check which is amazing and we thought at least it was going to come more frequently and never came again one check in eight months is kind of insane people don't have money to to stay afloat there are people that have been trying to get unemployment for like six months that's right they can't even get unemployment because these [ __ ] state i mean it's crazy and all the protection for people getting evicted is soon gonna expire that's right and so we're about to you know i saw a tweet about this earlier from the guy at the washington post one of the only good people at the washington post and he was basically listing it and he's like here are the things that expire you know in the upcoming however many months and people are screwed man they're screwed i don't know how they're going to pay bills we're already seeing polls where like 30 percent of people say i can't make rent so what could what could i mean have those people tried hustling and grinding only fans is seeing a big explosion i think garyvee would would basically tell them that they should just invest in themselves keep going keep going just never give up you just never give up and just hustle and grind hashtag hustle and just you know just do it um so what country handles it well so the example that we've spoken about this before but um i liked early on i liked what japan did because japan did like limited shutdowns they did some shutdowns because some things there's no escaping it it makes sense to shut them down just because of the nature of what they are like bars everybody's breathing on each other two feet away or whatever so he did limited shutdowns but basically the only thing they did is they had a universal mask policy and culturally it's viewed like you're the biggest [ __ ] on the planet if you're not wearing a [ __ ] mask in a place where you should be wearing a mask and then they only had a thousand coveted cases when we had like eighty thousand ninety thousand hundred thousand and rising steadily so that's one way we could have done it or the other way you could have done it is you could have copied any of the european nations that when they shut down they did hey we'll pay you seventy five percent of your wages until this thing is over what you're you're france was one that did that where they shut it down and paid people i think it was 75 of their wages but i think the uk did that too for a little bit it may have been 80 of their wages but isn't this a thing where unfortunately a lot of those other you know or fortunately however you want to say a lot of those other countries they just are they're more of a monolith and it's easier you know those people are there's not this idea of you know the freedom and and uh doing your own thing and and and owning your own business like a lot of those countries are by their nature the populace is just more submissive there's definitely there's definitely cultural differences right but i think that especially in the case of france the government is scared of the people because they're like you better [ __ ] do [ __ ] that's gonna help us or else why are you even in power whereas here i feel like we're more like okay just government don't [ __ ] [ __ ] this up too much right you know what i mean right so but again it you there were multiple ways to address this and if you go the way japan went you could have kept a lot more stuff open and just had everybody wear masks so if you want was anybody in government calling for more stimulus checks was anybody in government call calling for more relief was anybody in government calling for like anybody on the left calling for these checks oh absolutely i mean bernie sanders was calling for it the squad who's always made fun of they were calling for they have to say right on this economic stuff not only were people calling for a show i believe one of these things passed i think it's called the heroes act and there were provisions where they gave people more of a recurring stimulus check this wasn't a wage replacement i should be clear we're not talking about nationalizing wages like they did over there but you can do a similar version of that by just doing a universal basic income you know that's andrew yang's idea that's something that he's really popularized there's other ways to go about it recurring stimulus quarantine that nancy bliss was giving a tour of her like town or her house listen she's the worst and she was showing the different gelatos that she had in her freezer this is right after 30 million people were instantly made unemployed and nancy pelosi was like get going we like the chocolate and then we like this and it was like the craziest thing i've ever seen and that's the party that's supposed to care but she's okay she's done so many things like that yeah so many like she she lied about telling people like when people were uh like when the pandemic was first starting she's telling people please go out go to china yeah people were acting like total idiots and they weren't listening to the real experts early on and everything was incredibly politicized but to answer your question though from before trump and mnuchin were calling for it too joe they also wanted stimulus checks the people who didn't want stimulus checks nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell but trump and mnuchin the treasury secretary wanted simulus checks because listen trump knew hey you know i'm kind of struggling in the polls here i want to throw a hail mary pass one of the ways to get people to like you you know three weeks before an election cut him another stimulus check and he famously wanted his name on the checks he said put my name on the check so that when people cash it they know that it's for me and then they're more likely to vote for me and what got in his way was nancy pelosi who wouldn't accept any deal even if it was a good deal and mitch mcconnell who even if nancy pelosi accepted the stimulus deal mitch mcconnell would have blocked it anyway so those are the real ghouls because trump wanted stimulus checks mnuchin wants to stimulus to their credit do they ever leave she's 100 does she ever go away i know she's spooky when she went to that [ __ ] beauty salon and had no mask on and then was talking about they should apologize they set me up like you know i've said this before i'll say it again i don't even have hair and i knew that beauty salons are closed right everyone knew you know you that lady's 150 years old she must get her hair dyed every 15 minutes the greatest story about her was there was a bird that got in her george downtown house and she had to chase this big bird out of her i mean she's just as real but the fact that she went to a place that was shut down and she wasn't even wearing a mouth right like all the like they're just hypocrites yeah they don't care yeah you need new leadership you know what's been amazing jimmy dore jimmy dore's [ __ ] podcaster he is he's a good friend of mine i love jimmy dore he's calling everybody out everybody in the left right breathes fire he breathes fire he doesn't be able to [ __ ] he goes hard he was doing this thing on obama i forgot about this where obama went to flint michigan and was drinking the water it was fake drake he's like could i get a sip of water can i get a glass of water this is not a stunt i actually need a glass of water i'm actually thirsty kids are getting poisoned here as he's doing this yeah like this this is what he does it took a little poison it's kind of a fun bit though he says this is not a stunt i mean hey could i get a glass of water we still don't have clean water in flint michigan why is that so hard to fix i think the reason why they didn't want to spend the extra money to get the proper pipes and so then when it got terrible and it was contaminated they were like whoopsie and then i don't know how at this late date they haven't fixed it yet that strikes me right that was the obama administration so happened under obama trump administration it hasn't been repaired obama didn't do anything serious trump didn't do anything seriously that's people's lives is it people's lives long-term repercussions right so we're talking about people now who knows what it's like 15 years from now 20 years now growing up with that water and listen people this is the stuff that actually matters to people if you really if you want to be successful running for political office it's not that difficult it's the bread and butter issues it's the basics wages jobs you know i don't want your water to be poisoned what stops them from fixing these things a lot of it's corruption a lot of it's the fact that these politicians take money from corporations and billionaires and then they turn around and they serve them and they don't do anything that their constituents want because as a general rule whatever the people want is opposed by the billionaire class the billionaire class just wants more tax cuts for themselves regular people if you look at the polls they want you know a living wage for example they want to end the wars they want to do an infrastructure deal and give people jobs like the things are very basic and actually this gets back to what we were talking about earlier because trump in 2016 he was he never got credit for running a superb campaign because he really did when hillary clinton was not stepping foot in the rust belt to campaign he was doing rallies there in the final weeks leading up to the election where he would non-stop hammer on jobs and he would say you know hillary and bill they outsourced your job with nafta they outsource your job with permanent normal trade relations with china i'm going to bring your job back i'm the outsider she's the insider they sent your kids to go die in a war i want to get us out of the war and he just kept hammering her and hammering her and hammering her and the reason he won is because those states are the states that he picked off to win the electoral college he won by something from like 70 000 to 110 000 votes and in fact i kind of want to show you this ad because it it shows it perfectly trump's closing ad in 2016 that's actually what it's called on youtube jamie if you want to pull that up uh trump's closing argument ad or something like that the ad is phenomenal it's it's policy based it's substance based and he portrays himself as the outsider and then comparing how good his campaign was in 2016 versus how shitty it is this time around i'm not surprised that joe biden who barely has a functioning brain is casually up by nine points eight points nine points whatever but it's do you wouldn't you agree that it's not that joe biden's run a good campaign he said people hate trump that's exactly right that's exactly right but they didn't hate trump 2016. trump 2016 was a good politician the best was a really good politician he did in this cycle is not really go out to deal with the public hyde like every time he did he [ __ ] up 50 of the time exactly so that was if there's anything that they did good at keeping him away from the people do you think though that if covet didn't happen where the economy was before trump was much more likely to win no he was winning a hundred percent much more likely to win i mean trump is is i mean he's he wins do you buy the argument that trump is responsible for the economy's big boom or do you think that he was riding off the wave of obama or do you think it's a combination of both things see that's interesting because i actually don't agree with either one of those i think the economy was always a house of cards i don't buy it when people say oh we have a low unemployment rate and the stock market is doing well so people are doing well no even before kovitz 78 of the country was living paycheck to paycheck like it's a house of cards they use these indicators which are not good economic indicators for regular people they're good economic indicators for the top 10 that have [ __ ] stocks you know what i mean right and and by the way it's the gig economy right it's not that people were necessarily unemployed but people were underemployed they would have these they'd have these [ __ ] degrees from colleges and then they'd have to go take a job where they're basically making minimum wage at working as an independent contractor not an employee so like the economy was always a house of cards and i never bought the argument and by the way not a hypocrite on this because when obama was acting like his economy was good i was like your economy's [ __ ] [ __ ] it's got the same problem as it was under trump these are not good economic indicators i care about wages for example rates of unionization usually go right along with the health of the middle class back when we had strong unions in this country we had one of the healthiest middle classes in the world what killed that up nafta um no nafta was had a lot to do with the outsourcing of jobs actually permanent normal trade relations with china was worse on that front there was more outsourced under that than under nafta um but we did lose a lot of jobs in the auto industry we lost a job well a lot of jobs that was because again that was because of corruption that's because the people who were the executives at these companies they pay the politicians to run their campaigns and then they would go to the politicians and said hey hey i finance your last campaign i need you to do me a favor i want to you know make my product a lot cheaper so i'd like to ship it to some chinese factory where we have you know 14 year old working for me as opposed to paying an american worker a living wage with good benefits so it all comes down to money it all comes down to you know corruption and that really does show what hypocrites we are because all these people who are progressive they all have iphones in their pockets yes that's right and you're right we're all hypocrites all of us are here that like unless you're buying some phone that what like what is the most we've talked about this before jamie but i don't remember anything what is the most ethical phone you can buy because it's clear is it the fair phone remember right i think i think i learned that from you yeah that's right that's right that's what it is and uh even that like where are the minerals coming from if you follow the chain and there's slaves somewhere and there's a slave there's a slave somewhere how do you what do you do with that i know that's the problem it's we're all complicit in these things what do you do i mean i mean we could do what we can control and i did think you know a lot of trump's rhetoric in 2016 on trade are they really slaves in the china that are making the [ __ ] slaves in the chinese this is beautiful it was actually an expose recently written by a guy who uh posed as a he's a guy of chinese descent but i believe he's american and he worked in a factory uh making iphones and doing one thing 12 hours a day and he wrote a story about it like how inhumane the conditions are there and you try to get it in people's heads like this is what you're supporting when you buy a phone what's really kind of crazy is that apple with all their money right and they're my favorite phone company right they're my favorite phone company because they don't they don't they don't sell your information like google does right yeah they care about privacy even with your uh with apple maps they don't they're not like constantly collecting data and then just selling it to all these companies even them they they don't see this massive problem and they don't do anything about it they just keep going down the same road because it's been effective and because economically they have uh an obligation to their shareholders and this is the most profitable way to do it so they keep doing it that way that's right and this gets back to the iraq and afghanistan war there's trillions of dollars of mineral wealth in afghanistan like a lot of the stuff that ends up in your phone yeah comes from there yeah for sure lithium ion all that stuff that's right a huge deposit of lithium in afghanistan there's a big story about that a few years ago that they had found this uh new massive deposit of lithium i want you imagine this because and i want to put this out there if apple had their version of a fair phone like say this is our iphone 12 max pro but this is our fair phone now this phone is everybody makes at least 15 dollars an hour right this is this is a phone that doesn't use any conflict minerals that come from war-torn countries but it costs a thousand dollars but it's not as good as the phone that costs 800 people who would get it right that's the question i think a lot of people would because they would virtually signal they would say i'm using the fact that that's not even like virtue signal has a negative connotation what what do you need like i have a new phone i got a 12. i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] right i just like get 12 cameras oh sides sides they're flat now i love it um but i don't need it right if you made a phone that's the equivalent of the iphone 7 right and uh it costs 900 bucks but you feel good about yourself you don't you don't feel bad what the [ __ ] do you need your phone to do it's not making complex computations it's not doing like super difficult uh video rendering unless you're a hardcore gamer on your phone yeah what are you really using your goddamn phone you're facetiming your friends you're making a few text messages you're checking your email maybe you watch a youtube video you play a podcast when you're in your car you listen to music what the [ __ ] are you using your phone for that you need a new processor ever you oh the new oled has you know the the new resolution is far better than the old there's more pixels listen i'm 53 years old i need glasses to see my [ __ ] text messages i don't know what's going on with your pixels if if you could sell a phone that you you could feel good about what you could say if a phone company came out with that and that was their big campaign if it was ever a time now is the time they could do that and i would buy it yeah i don't [ __ ] need this stupid new phone but i bought it because i'm a [ __ ] right but if a phone company came out and said this is it we have a phone maybe korea's better maybe samsung's better i don't know where they're making their [ __ ] or where they're doing their [ __ ] i think i think they're all bad i think at the at the core of it so that's slavery involved with all this and it's terrible but it's probably true right like is anybody's hands really clean and all this i mean it's relative right like relatively clean cleaner i mean but i mean this is why we need efficient effective regulation let's avoid the slavery thing well listen it's harder the the broader the scope the harder it is so yes if you're asking hey is it really possible to know where we get everything from for phones that are sold here when none of the materials come from here no it's really not possible someone's gotta know right apple the new phone has a bunch of recycled material in it sure but that means recycled from from slaves getting it on the ground from well from other phones is what they're saying but it originally came from slaves getting those materials out of the ground i don't i'm just but not at that context he's just saying it's not continuing to feed the slavery pipeline slightly better so apple's rare earth recycling a new iphone series steps up environmental response yeah but that's just the environment this is even though this is good because they're not wasting the materials and they're recycling the materials that's good for the environment right but that doesn't address the foxconn workers who live in a place where they have dormitories and they have nets around the building because so many people jumped off they decided to put nets up you would need the international community to get together and we all say to each other all right no slavery yeah no slavery and then some i mean some country would decide we're going to be [ __ ] because we'll get a competitive advantage if we have slaves and then they probably do it you know what i mean but yeah it's well jimmy pull up that fair phone would you really get a fair phone no i'm just i wouldn't lie on the podcast it depends how shitty it is though right it's actually okay it's even less like slightly less uh i'm going to go slavery here it is but but can i air drop with the fair phone it goes later android so i mean oh so designed to last what does it say recycled and uh recycled and fair materials 48 megapixel camera that's pretty good you look like a punk if you have this how dare you you look like a punk if you pull out a fair phone look at this [ __ ] guy he doesn't even agree with slavery oh i have a fair phone oh you think you've stopped slavery because you have one fair phone well let's look why do they have no text you're actually making a great point you're making a great point always doing that because like it's not an individual issue it's like when people say about clients never know when i'm doing it it's like when people say about climate change like oh did you drive a [ __ ] car is that what you did you drove a car to get here did you know that [ __ ] climate change has happened it's like yeah [ __ ] and it's not like one individual can really make that much of a difference you actually need action from a higher level like 73 percent of the emissions that lead to climate change come from the same come from i'm sorry outside of europe what does it say there 73 companies they only still have like 100 percent or 90 of the emissions some crazy stats that i'm not remembering in the eea in switzerland as an organization based in amsterdam the netherlands we currently focus our sales efforts in europe at the same time we are researching the market and logistic possibilities to sell outside of europe you can find our full list of countries where we sell and ship to okay when they try to sell outside of do they sell it to america can i buy one does it say united states lmnop qrs nope vatican city they don't even yeah well when you're molesting children you really want a fair phone they don't even allow it here no they don't sell it here i think we call we say this is slavery but we don't really know right well at the heart of it no with the mines yet there's there's child slaves in those mines shipping outside of europe we do not sell or ship fair phone products outside of europe at the moment yet the good news is we plan to start developing a selection of countries outside but the question at the moment is how fast can we make this happen is amsterdam-based organization we wanted to launch a fair phone products in europe yeah yeah for the coming time we will continue to focus our sales efforts on this region oh they don't have any plans so that you can't even buy this [ __ ] phone here but it's not a bad phone if you look at what it is it's a 46 megapixel camera uses android 10 which is i think that's the latest now is android 11 now i think they have android 11 though but tim is right this is not an individual issue it has like action needs to be taken at a higher level yeah you can't just have one person right that's your fair phone it's going to be systemic yeah well i got to be able to air drop too and the point i was trying to make which i couldn't get out of own system works well what phone says the the one we get when we get the nice phone joey he's saying he's pro slavery this is what he's doing i'm not sprawling slavery but if you're a child in china you have to keep yourself occupied you could upgrade your camera camera modules kind of cool that's pretty cool if it works good discover the greener way to get new features wow so they have a module that you can take out and then put back it probably also means no water resistance with all this modular [ __ ] you're pulling out batteries and stuff that means usually generally that you're you're not going to be able to have uh water resistance you seem like you're actually somewhat interested in this joe i am somewhat interested in this because i recognize my own hypocrisy by not supporting slavery but supporting slavery and it's also it's also weird to me that in my opinion if i am if i'm thinking about a progressive tech company apple's at the top of that list they have the most elegant design they have these like super intelligent people working they have this beautiful campus they have all these things they have an enormous amount of money i mean apple has more money than the united states of america right they have more reserve more cash reserves than anything like there's how much what is apple's cash reserve i think it's in the trillions of dollars they have an enormous amount of money well they're incredibly successful but here's the thing that well i'm not saying it's not a lot but it's about 200 billion dollars i thought it was in the trillions that's how much they're worth i believe i don't think they have that in cash okay so in the in cash they have hundreds of billions of dollars you can't use that you guys can't figure it out you can't pay slaves better money you can't say they only have to work eight hours a day it's about the supply chain how much more would it cost you know what i'm saying i hear you but i think it's more about the supply chain where like at some point down the line they're just getting something from somebody else who's doing the work elsewhere you know what i mean like they come to them for the raw materials for whatever it is and then they put it together owns the land where the minerals are being extracted from and that person's running a slave operation pretty much this is why this is what the cia would do it's like when we needed minerals to whoever was running that country they'd be like he seems like uh he's hurting his own people yes he's a genocide that's right he must do there's always an argument there's always something right yeah always like that bill hicks joke where they go uh he's a hitler and whatever you need folks yeah well that's uh smedley butler right that's what he's rightly butler yeah where's your racket that is that's really the extent of his argument or his article rather is when he wrote that he thought when he first enlisted into the army and by the way i believe that's 33. what year was that smedley butler war is a racket i want to say it's 19 it's in the 1930s and he wrote this 35 35 eerily accurate account of what we're dealing with today when it comes to why we really take military action on certain countries and they really in his his case back then he was talking about protecting bankers and yeah we had um soldiers who were dishonorably discharged when they blew the whistle on some of our allies having child sex slaves crazy well say that again we had soldiers who were dishonorably discharged when they blew the whistle on our allies in afghanistan having child sex slaves so they spoke up and said our allies are [ __ ] children here and they were dishonest honorably discharged but nobody likes a right but no one wants a rat good point that's a great point because we also do horrible things and you're like well if he's gonna rat out our allies they might rat out us yeah and they probably [ __ ] kids too yeah who who were these guys and where's going on an article i read like five years ago i'll try to you know afghanistan they have this whole thing where it's like they have ladyboys and then they have like goat herders have sex with the warriors like like it's like a warlord culture that's the extent of what i know about it but i wrote an article how you said that knowing that you have like this shallow about a very small amount of information but it's very visual like i know they're warlords and they're working on rocks there you go here it is u.s soldiers told to ignore sexual abuse of boys by afghan allies yeah also cross off afghan allies and right u.s senators yeah you know what i mean it's like that's also the thing what's his name he was this wasn't in one of the speakers speakers of the house right danny hastert hastert yeah well he was molesting boys when he was working as a wrestling coach yeah and really good friends with tony podesta john podesta by the way if i want to say i think he got 15 months you got an incredibly short you're connected when you're connected yeah yeah hastert pull that up speaker the house hastert and what he got and so i mean that [ __ ] that is the tip of some iceberg somewhere absolutely i mean you you know you've gone deeper yeah so 15 months 15 months for [ __ ] kids imagine jesus christ imagine think about all these guys that are in jail right now for pot non-violent drug non-violent drug dealers a bunch of dudes that how about kamala harris what what what how many did she put away how many months she put away for way way longer than 13 months oh well you gotta cut off a good behavior didn't [ __ ] the kids by the way two months and they this was one of the issues this was one of the issues where trump could have hit biden hard because biden did the crime bill yeah and trump did the first step act yeah that's a reversal of the roles there where you have like biden's acting like the republicans and trump's acting like the democrats it was tough to hit kamal on that because trump was like she put black people in jail the crowd's like yes no no no hold on and she's like you know so it's a tough you gotta really listen that's why yes that's why he's had a hard time defining biden because you know if you hit him on the crime bill that's like saying he's too tough on crime but he did hit him on the crime bill in that debate i know but then in the next sentence what did he do he said he won't even say law and order this guy's okay with the riots you got to pick one you can't say he's too tough on crime with the crime bill and he's too soft on crime because he won't say crime bill wasn't just tough on crime right he was tough on non-violent crime which shouldn't be crime and it was it was also like it didn't give anybody a path for redemption it just basically locked people up and then when you're dealing with this is also during the time of the rise of the private prison industry and so all that is being funneled into people's pockets right biden has always been a shady guy right didn't he like help all the credit card companies reload yeah yes in the bankruptcy bill the bankruptcy bill you can't file for bankruptcy on your student loans all other forms of debt you can file for bankruptcy on you can't do it on student loans and now this guy's you know might be our next president we'll find out dark is that you can't file for bankruptcy on student loans no matter what it is you owe it forever there's people right now that are getting social security and they get some of their money docked because they owe student loans imagine you hit the end of the line right you're 70 years old you're tired every day your feet hurt and your social security check gets sliced because you have student loans that you never used anyway like that education didn't do a damn good not no good at all and the money the reason why it was so expensive for that education was the government was subsidizing it that's right and there are other other developed countries a bunch of them do basically they treat college the same way we treat like high school here where you could just go you know i that is one of the reasons why i supported bernie sanders one of the reasons i supported him for a couple reasons one the idea of uh abolishing student debt two making college free we want people to be more educated we want them to be more educated it's one of the best ways to ensure that we have i always say this what's the best way to make america great have less losers what's the best way to have less losers give more people opportunity so get them out of debt for [ __ ] that they did when they were 17 they didn't even know it they didn't understand what they were doing you're getting in debt for hundreds of thousands of dollars for an education that'd be literally worthless like jamie went to school for [ __ ] that doesn't even work anymore right you spent you make this education or you get this education for like computer programming right or or you know you're learning software that's completely irrelevant by the time you get out of school i mean and you're hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt you should be able to sue you should really you [ __ ] you made me lose you should watch the sleep clean get rid of the student loan debt i mean we think about it we bail out yes bankers we without wall street we have endless amounts of money for the war right for the war if we're gonna bail out anybody it should be students like jesus christ student debt medical debt wow and by the way i like the questions you asked kanye because it was funny to me watching you were you were very policy focused you were like okay so what do you think about the issue of student loan debt like do you have a plan for that the big one for me was what are you gonna do with the military like if you have to if you have military he said a prayer i believe was his answer to that one he's gonna consult jesus i like kanye a lot and i thought that that was really interesting that his his answer for the military was not something that he just ranted on that was something they thought about he said i would consult experts you know yeah i'm a civilian you know trump said that a lot too in 2016 when he was asked a question he wasn't sure about he's like i'd be surrounded by the best people he never said it like the way kanye did it and i'm not i'm not saying kanye west should be president but i i was genuinely impressed with his thoughtfulness mm-hmm genuinely you know i don't think he should be president but by the way he could be what are the numbers not now he's not winning this election not this one but understand he could no [ __ ] like this is how [ __ ] sideways work we've gone through the loop yeah look if it was trump politician though joe i really think trump was a really he didn't get his due either because the media hates him so much that they didn't recognize what he was doing was he wasn't running like a traditional republican which is like mitt romney style which is uninspiring he was running like a populist and that appealed to people who otherwise would there are two times obama voters who voted for trump yeah and guess what now they abandoned him because he stopped he didn't govern like we thought he might when he was being a popular do you think that was because he was lying when he was running or do you think it's because the things that he was promising once you get into office and you see the reality of the job no i'll explain it it's it's i think trump is a path of least resistance guy so when he got in power he surrounded himself with the same [ __ ] ghouls that have been destroying washington all along i mean he had gary cohn goldman sachs steve mnuchin goldman sachs larry kudlow from cnbc the guy's never been right about anything economically in his entire life but now he's making decisions for the economy and we can go down was john bolton on foreign policy one of the same guys is a [ __ ] war criminal who sent us to iraq so trump spoke against the iraq war and then he hired the guy who was most responsible for getting us into [ __ ] iraq try to make sense of that one so the problem is he picked all these career insider swamp creatures and then all of them were talking in his ear all day every day no no you can't do that thing you can't stop the outsourcing no you can't get us out of the wars you can't do this you can't do that and trump listen at the end of the day all he really cares about is getting the adulation and he loves like when he's doing a rally and the crowd is like loving him that's his thing man that's what he's into so he wants that love and adoration while he just keeps the status quo going and holding it together with [ __ ] band-aids and bubble gum you know like that's what it is it's i'm gonna keep the status quo going relatively normal as i portray myself i think you're right about all of that but there's got to be some allowance made for the fact that like he spent two years defending himself from the accusation that he was a russian spy that's right the democrats are here you know idea that the guy was a russian and that's the reason the democrats did that is because they don't have anything policy wise that they're pushing to make counter arguments right so instead of saying like what we're going to do is we're going to abolish student loan debt and we're going to you know fight with the republicans on the stay out day in and day out they didn't do that they did exactly what you said which is oh my god maybe he's vladimir putin's puppet manchurian candidate not even in for america and of course where'd that get us absolutely nowhere by the way i love how the mueller report got trump on dick when it came to that and they the democrats just acted like they there was no day of reckoning was like damn we really [ __ ] this up from the beginning i remember the one of the first or second time i was on your podcast i told you that they're going to get nothing on the russia thing yeah and they got nothing on the russian thing there's other kinds of standard issue corruption going on people that claim that the russia thing did show collusion okay then why is trump still president why he's one of them why hasn't anybody around him he's a prisoner jamie thinks that jamie thinks that he was in the community but he also pretended to have covet so this is because he was scared of meeting kanye exactly so this is a pattern of behavior did you get any hot results is there anything yeah there's uh some [ __ ] going down in florida uh they've projected wins for both of them it's going back and forth oh god can i show you the trouble 2016. i sent it to jamie yeah let's we're going to look okay oh this is 2016 okay okay yeah i dm'd it to jamie i want to show you how good he was that's it correct how good he was joe here we go our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you the american people the establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election for those who control the levers of power in washington and for the global special interest they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind the political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry the political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to mexico china and other countries all around the world it's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities the only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you the only force strong enough to save our country is us the only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you the american people i'm doing this for the people and for the movement and we will take back this country for you and we will make america great again okay great listen pretty goddamn good that is not like other republicans that's him being incredibly populist right and now i just want to show you because i'll show you his 2020 closing ad okay so you could compare okay jamie i dm that to you as well it's the trump tweet that says vote vote vote this is what he released today as basically his closing ad and just look at how different this is okay slow down hold on he gave me a lead in like i was already ready sorry about that yeah i get excited sometimes but that was a good ad right that's a damn good great [ __ ] maybe you want to take a time and she can go back and vote for him i mean it's a great ad no this starts off with that how is joe jorgensen doing i don't know point six percent phenomenal she's got point six percent yeah oh my gosh this is bad the dancing i don't know for a lot to play that okay then mute it mute it but keep it going because the whole this is the this is the whole second thing joe rogan he's just dancing is this the song play the whole time i dance i actually don't remember how long it plays women i also got to be honest i also like this one everywhere i'm also equally assumed by this that's the macho man song isn't it isn't it village people yeah why yeah is it ymca yeah but what he's doing is he's giving him all that stuff about nafta a little bit for a second why is that is that muted i don't want to get this that is yeah immediately that is his ad this is the edge ymca yes every other song he was playing they got dm's like they told him to stop playing it they got cease and desist but he's showing he's young he's vital he just got done with covid he's dancing here's the thing joe like he he just had an amazing person his attacks against biden don't resonate as much as his attacks against with hillary resonated what is it his legs are broken it's stuck to the ground he's like paralyzed what a weird dance i'm gonna start doing that it's like a guy that was in a car accident he's got a loop he just got the same dancer this is a crazy ad but so it's just music he made a tick tock video is what he did so yeah it's a three minute ticket but it's just music and him dancing that's right that is so bizarre okay so now beyond this joe because the main argument he's using against joe biden is joe biden is some sort of radical socialist antifa lover and that's not landing but look at this [ __ ] this ad is so dumb look at his head who someone hates him someone inside the white house hates him and they made this ad they're like i'm gonna sync his [ __ ] battleship with this [ __ ] i think i think you're both [ __ ] on it but i think it it's it he hit him get out and vote it's ridiculous do you think he knows it's over sure maybe he doesn't even want to win who knows maybe secretly this is the craziest thing i've ever it's the dumbest ad i've ever seen that this move is so strange he tweeted that with let's get some updates 27 million views on that 27 million well 27 million people going what the [ __ ] is this we're gonna get some um uh we're gonna get some updates all right let's see see where we're at we go with fox i say it's all red now it's just updated as of right now trump is up the biggest one i think that i've seen so far is florida's reporting at 89 percent and trump is leading trump is leading so trump needs that state to have any chance and it looks like he's in the lead by two percent which is actually not terrible at 89 in which is actually looks like it's solid for him at the moment okay so he's going to win well not necessarily and wait until they call it but he i mean this could i think it's i think i think here fox's news okay what so if he wins florida what else does he do to wow look at that he's just getting ohio or pennsylvania he's in no no no no no no okay he needs if he wins florida the next thing you have to look at is pennsylvania and he must win pennsylvania as well how's pennsylvania looking pennsylvania's leading blue at the moment seven percent reporting right and that's all the mailings the mailings are 76 biden which is what i told you earlier that the marylands are going to be pro-biden and on the day votes are going to be pro-trump but he needs pennsylvania he needs florida he needs ohio so pennsylvania the polls are still open um pennsylvania yeah well it says open hold on i'll tell you one second it's uh 10 p.m there pennsylvania right oh 9 p.m there are we haven't it says open but it says close at 8 pm eastern time so they should have closed about an hour ago okay so they have to count yes pennsylvania closed at eight but they're counting and they're starting again with the mail-in votes which is why biden has such a strong lead at the moment but in the polling in pennsylvania biden was up about five or six points in the average of the polling so that's basically trump's biggest hurdle to winning the election is pennsylvania because he's down five or six points there so if he can win florida which it looks good for him now in florida trump then it comes down to pennsylvania and if he can win pennsylvania then you're getting now you're really having a conversation about the election well that's why right that's what i said but no no but i thought you were saying i thought you were saying that was it and he wins i'm saying that was it now we could play the end again then he's in the ball game if he wins florida and he wins pennsylvania what else does he have to do to win ohio he's got to win ohio what does joe biden have to do to win at this point joe bi if joe bide first of all texas looks blue right now i'm not saying it's going to stay like that if joe biden wins texas it's game set match it's over if joe if joe biden somehow comes back in florida now he wins it's over games gameplay like there was a big push turned texas blue that was like a big thing yeah fascinating no this really is fascinating because i i think texas is going to go red but i thought florida was going to go blue so we'll see so this google is showing it in a different in a way that's a little more easier to look at okay it shows all the groups of the swings by the way scroll down scroll down jamie for one second north carolina is an important swing state and right now biden is up just a little bit there that and by the way biden up in ohio as well even though there's probably early votes in just mail-in but that's big too because trump needs ohio and he needs pennsylvania what's interesting too is the numbers of people voting it seems like way more people are voting huge turnout joe huge turnout what's the number i'll pull them up for you right now it's 102 early whoa i didn't vote because i thought too many people isn't the early vote more than all of the vote from no it was some years yes that's what i was going to say in for a texas specific let him answer since he's the [ __ ] expert you're looking at me jamie's like no no no yes texas passed the total number of votes in their pre-voting in their mail-in votes they passed they surpassed their 2016 total in just the mainland that's insane that is where did you vote new york i didn't vote oh you didn't vote not wow wow i can't believe you're surprised by that well i know you weren't going to vote for biden but i didn't know you were not going to vote period why is that what was i going to do vote for trump no no no go joe jorgensen or do uh i didn't vote because it looked kind of it looked gross the voting because they were doing it in fire play and firehouses and libraries it was a little grotesque and they all stand outside with a mask it seemed very low red i went to dinner instead and that's how i've been doing it for years i think so good healthy so let me explain why i did what i did so basically for me it came down to obviously i'm not going to support trump i've ripped him a million ways to sunday and i'll continue to do that i think he's been effectively governed as an establishment republican with tax cuts for the wealthy and continuing the wars and i to me that's you're done i have no interest in more tax cuts for the rich i have no interest in continued wars i have no interest in deregulation and stuff like that for biden like my political awakening came with the iraq war in 2003 when we basically were lied into a war and we continued that illegal war and um he was one of the guys who voted for it and listen i truly believe that everybody who voted for that iraq war should be in prison i think they're all war criminals it was an illegal war uh even according to the u.n and over 200 000 innocent civilians are dead so basically i couldn't bring myself to do it because that was the most foundational thing that happened when i was growing up getting involved in politics and i just can't look past that that's not a little thing to me so now if you want me to give you my breakdown of the candidates do i think overall joe biden is a lesser evil i do because joe biden's going to get us back in the iran deal joe biden is going to get us back in the paris climate agreement and those things i think are really important um but i just couldn't bring myself to pull over especially because i live in new york and new york's a safe state anyway it's not like my it's like my vote matters but i just couldn't bring myself to do it man just couldn't do it do you take heat for that um i didn't disclose what i was going to do yet until right now and so now you disclosed that you weren't gonna vote for biden people were already giving you heat for that yeah well i said that right after the primary when the feelings were raw with bernie getting screwed again so that's why i said it then you just take that land down listen is it he's is he that nice of a guy he really likes joe biden number one number two i think he really buys into the lesser evil framework where he thinks i want to go with the guy who's you know better on more of the things that i agree like for example biden has signed up for doing bernie sanders living wage idea 15 minimum wage and so you know bernie takes that and he goes okay this is enough for me to go out there and push you and make an argument for you now will biden actually do that i don't know i hope he will i have no idea if he actually will okay what are the arguments against that well people say oh it's going to lead to an increase in unemployment because small businesses can't afford to you know pay for especially at a time like right now with covid where small businesses are having a hard time staying open either way but well also there's also arguments that these are jobs for young people that perhaps still work at home the data doesn't bear that out though there's plenty of people who work full time and they make them you know but you don't want people that are making the filet of fish complacent like you want them working well they need to listen they need to know there were steaks whitney cummings just texted me she's like i can't believe you guys are eating fish it's like shut up she yelled at me for not voting she yelled at me for not voting she said it's not bad for my tell her i said tell her i said thank you because she's backing up my filet of fish argument she said it will be bad for my career if i don't vote she goes you should do you want to be the person in 2020 who didn't vote and i said yes i mean listen it's it is what it is you oh you live in california right i live in california it's not a swing are you registered to vote there or not i don't know my business manager called me should we register you to vote i said try to get my license back i got a suspended license in new york they're trying to put me in jail let's focus on that and then we'll get to voting we'll get the voting in three or four months you know uh tim used to sell sub-prime mortgages yes okay correct correct so and i and mike's part of the project am i living he was poked out of his mind and by a by a an authoritarian government who took me and a lot of men from long island who were trying to help people realize the american dream were unfairly painted as criminals just because we were expanding up people's uh ability to get credit sorry sorry i wanted everyone to have a pool yeah so people want to give that perspective i'm glad you said and i'm here to give it you started out selling subprime mortgages i started out selling cars oh wow and i as well was also on many substances oh that's so fast i was doing it that stuff were you good what kind of cars were you selling um i was selling chevy's and are you were you like a good salesman or no hiker i'm too nice and i don't give a [ __ ] if the person buys the car or not i mean i feel like you pay yeah but like drugs i'm too honest what i was going to say is i was probably the number one um consumer of four loco back when it was the original okay well you know well if i had that i probably would have done the same thing but for loco was taken off the shelves because people were having [ __ ] time we were doing lines of blow off a desk and then taking people's 1040s but white out getting them getting deals done uh jamie's just motioned to me to get you guys trying to try to not talk over each other oh [ __ ] i apologize kyle's moving into your camera oh oh i keep doing that i'm sorry let me scoot this way more you have i've been doing that the whole thing you need to learn sign language both of us do it i know to spell it but it takes too long dude the sign language interpreters are so out of control now i remember those things actually a fake one next to obama it was hilarious he had no idea what he was doing he was just doing a bunch of tick tock moves and the guy got three inches away from obama that's insane it shows you how [ __ ] poor poorly managed a lot of those situations are where like such poor security right poor planning you have a [ __ ] guy you don't even know the president of the united states i want to know how long he was doing that too before people it was a while actually signed are like hey hey hey what is that right what is this crazy by the way that's a good that shows how important confidence is because the person started doing it just really confidently like they belong there yeah and that was enough for everybody to be like i guess all the people now it's disgusting what they do they're very big and everything and it's like we get it but you're distracting because most people can hear so what you're doing is you're distracting for me i'm trying to listen the message it's very distracting to have somebody who's very like over the top doing it and that's true i get it i get it deaf people for the most part are very rude there was a ruling uh today about gavin newsom there's a ruling about garen gavin newsom that is uh no like something about his uh using unconstitutional policies yeah he's you know he he's a unliked man right now in california well talking of car salesman he looks like the sleaziest car salesman on the planet well he looks like a guy who should be president like he looks like in a movie yeah in a movie maybe he looks like a pretty looks like a president he sounds like a president he's a good looking dude judge rules to limit california governor's power powers admit pandemic and he's out of [ __ ] control out of his mind it's amazing how much money people are losing too like disneyland disneyland is losing some insane number of millions of dollars a day the order prevents gavin newsom from exercising any power under california emergency services act which amends alters or changes existing statutory law or makes new statutory law or legislative policy the judge determined that the california emergency services act itself was constitutional but noted that it does not permit the governor to amend statutes or make new statutes that's what i've been saying the whole time he's like this guy is an autocrat the government does not have the power or authority to assume the legislators role of creating legislative policy and enactments it's just so spooky how people get into power and you find out how much they love using it go back to that again it says uh determining one of his orders was an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power yeah gross it's scary there man like like they're they're giving you orders on what you can do for thanksgiving like yeah you're crazy you can't have more than three families you can't have any singing you can't uh wait a minute you have to be outside is that true yeah yeah yeah no singing singing no singing you have to be outside it has to only go on for two hours as if after two hours everyone turns into a pumpkin this is absurd and this is a abuse of power and he must be they gotta they gotta stop this they they do have to stop but it just the type of person that would say that imagine being a governor you're dealing with half your [ __ ] states on fire like everyone's out of work and you're like you can't sing don't sing that's absurd and your parties you you have to wait is this real they can't sing yes yes yes yes i saw this going around too and i didn't think it was real when i saw it didn't look into it i'm looking into it now look into it now that doesn't sound real there was something put out but i'm our favorite website snope says this is false yeah that's like that's that's like facebook meme or some [ __ ] joe no no don't say that unless you're sure jamie's wrong all the time with this stuff because he only googles these lefty liberal fake news sites snopes snopes is a fake news site they get busted all the time for fake news very biased by the way the guy who runs snopes like he's a huge democrat like the the whole the whole organization is heavily left-leaning but wait that but that didn't set the alarms off to you the oh you can't sing what [ __ ] government agency would do that telling you you can't sing that's next i think maybe six months ago that might have been funny but now it's like now you're like okay i'm sure that's gonna be next yeah um i'm telling you it was on fox news yeah no no no no no no no well fox news is certainly i'm always saying it wasn't being passed around but i was saying that it was being passed around under false pretenses on fox news it says no more than three households present parties no longer than two hours guests must stay outside avoid singing chanting and shouting right yeah but again that's where is that coming that's fox news health it's a quote from the california department just google it you [ __ ] and don't interrupt kyle anymore him that time i said that sounded fake you got to look that up i mean circulating on facebook says this is not accurate [ __ ] snopes okay celebrities rip california governor's new uh what it's got to be yeah that they could viruses california gavin newsom's thanksgiving rules click on that that's daily mail though i know this is not something if they are saying what i want to hear do not understand how this works this is like an experiment in you know ideological confirmation bias what i want to hear the guidelines but this is there must be a link the aux server that's over yeah there's there never is a link because they're muslim with these listen chuck woolery and he's backing us up you're moving too fast there's all these dumb pop-ups we'll be right back in two and two the order requires a host of pri okay uh announced ahead of uh thanksgiving holiday defined gatherings of social situations bring people together from different households at the same time in a single space or place the order requires that a host of private gatherings to limit attendant stop you're moving i'm trying to find a link but you're ignoring while i'm reading you know that right well here's the link that would tell us okay or not let's go california department of public health summary this provides an updated plan for california to gather outside their household and replaces the prior gatherings guidelines issued on september 12th scroll up again mandatory requirements for all gatherings scroll it's frozen alone oh of course it's frozen it's goddamn california website piece of [ __ ] how do they get rid of chanting when when when california everyone's a satanist and they need that occult chant that's a good question not consider it how funny is that that the website crashes crashed the website well we're live oh my god that's right we're live whoa that's crazy i forgot we're live that's [ __ ] crazy here we go okay here we go mandatory requirements for gathering attendance gatherings must include uh gatherings that include more than three households are prohibited okay this is this is exactly what it said snopes he [ __ ] stop stop scrolling keep the households that you interact with stable it was their singing singing things i'm curious about it by spending time with the same people risk of transmission is reduced okay gather outdoors gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than anywhere together all gatherings must be held outside again that's what the thing said attendees may get may go inside to use the restroom as long as restrooms are frequently sanitized they're telling you you have to sanitize your [ __ ] restaurant restroom if you want to go inside gatherings may occur in outdoor spaces that are covered by umbrellas canopies awnings roofs and other shade structures that provide at least three sides of this space or 75 open to the outdoors this is [ __ ] outrageous okay uh buh-buh-buh-buh-buh the crovid part is um i mean gatherings of no more than three households is permitted in a public park or outdoor space if unrelated gatherings of other groups up to three households also occurring in the same park or outdoor space uh if multiple such gatherings are occurring mixing between the groups group gatherings is not allowed you can't mix with other people that you see at the park additionally multiple gatherings of three households cannot joint cannot be jointly organized or coordinated to occur in the same public park oh my god so what else does it say scroll down uh seating must provide at least six feet of distance in all directions everyone at the gathering should frequently wash their hands with soap and water like the [ __ ] duh shared items should not be allowed during the gatherings as much as possible any food or beverage outside gatherings must be in single serve disposable containers wear a face covering to keep covered from spreading when gathering face coverings must be worn in accordance with c d p h no c d p h um you unless exemptions are applicable people at gatherings may remove remove the face covering briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least six feet from everyone else chanting and shouting [ __ ] snopes it doesn't say you can't shut your mouth so here's here's my question here's my question joe singing chanting shouting or and physical exertion significantly increases the risk of covet 19 because these activities increase the risk of release of respiratory droplets and fine aerosols near because of this singing chanting and shouting are strongly discouraged but if they occur the following rules and recommendations apply all people who are singing and chanting should wear a face covering at all times while singing or chanting including anyone who's leading a song by chant because these activities pose a very high risk of covet 19 transmission phase coverings are essential to reduce the spread so people who are singing chanting or exercising are strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing beyond six feet okay so joe first of all yes that's silly you win but here's the question thank you i like hearing that so it's true i mean yeah say it again jamie it says it's true it says singing so but here's the question though crazy like are they just listing this to try to be like a helicopter parent to say this is what you should do or is there actually an enforcement mechanism where they're going to have the lapd knock on your doors too many people they can't right they can't do it they have done that to large gatherings in california and these these uh people are patriots they were having a party and they shut down i think the sway house i believe it's called and they're having a party and they cut the water off to the tic tuck house that's yeah that's crazy but right aren't they when they shut it off isn't it like these giant [ __ ] parties where everybody's two inches away from each other breathing on each other yeah but you know what that's america hey i'm not listen i'm not arguing against it i'm just asking the question wasn't that their reason i have to be near a person because it's a group dance so you can't social distance you're not in frame yeah these are 17 year old millionaires they don't give a [ __ ] about government yeah they're not going to they really are 17 year old millionaires trillionaires they're fine and they're tick-tocking i love how they're like hey thanksgiving in the park 30 of california is i know right see what i'm saying with with uh snopes like you got to be careful no no you're right that's definitely what you said it is is what it is i guess my only question is enforcement mechanism they'll say false if it's if it doesn't align with their ideals i think you're 100 right my only point was i also show caution when it's [ __ ] fox news because you know sean hannity is not exactly this bastion i think when they print on the screen it has to be true i worked if they had me on red eye the the show there and i used to wear a tie and i got to say whatever i want i think it's a great institution well tucker carlson's doing something right it's true like he's bill o'reilly was number one beforehand you know that's right yeah he was number one [Laughter] remember that foreign i would like to pay the girl who uh who got 32 million 30 for her to give her 35 yeah just to tell the story just to find out what he did wasn't it just like you know he was trying to flirt and he called a loofah falafel by accident i think he did something that happened that definitely happened he did do that but i do think that for 32 million there's bodies buried like he did something so crazy yeah that's so much money it's a lot of money she has she has like the possession in her possession tapes some that are like true detective season one i mean it's bad it's gotta be crazy when you pay that much money you're really trying to bury something you're guilty you got you are guilty but he's still doing really well with his political show online apparently why are you making that face because who the [ __ ] watching bill o'reilly well we researched this and we reached millions of views well he does all these books now he writes all these books with that guy martin du gard and the books are like killing stalin killing killing princess die yeah killing the woman i paid 34 million dollars to he he makes a lot of money he does he makes a lot of money on those stupid books yeah they were best sellers who reads old people that hate which is why i'm surprised that his [ __ ] thing online is doing well because you know there's like it was all geriatric people watching no disrespect to geriatrics people i love you commensurate numbers to you i think he's doing better than you i would be surprised if you're doing better than me in terms of in terms of viewership you're doing very well but i really think he is and where is he primarily hosting his show well i don't know if he's on youtube but he's on bill o'reilly.com right we we looked it up so here's his own website yeah i remember jamie and i looked it up once that's about a year and a half ago we were stunned by the number of views on each page on each other that's even more impressive if you did it on his own website because that's hard to do usually you have to go to a thing that hosts it you know what i mean like everybody knows go to youtube and see stuff or yeah whatever isn't it amazing that youtube has a solid lockdown on that i mean it is they are the number one platform on planet earth for people just uploading videos there's no one even close and i don't think they're handling the responsibility of it well because um they've tweaked algorithms to de-prioritize what they call borderline outlets and that's you that's definitely me now what makes you borderline because you're not with a giant organization i i really think that that's probably it the fact that i don't answer to anybody i'm my own person i could say whatever i want whenever i want and simply put they don't know what's going to come out of my mouth right but let me push back on that they don't do anything to me then i'm impressed they don't seriously i'm impressed by that but think about that i mean my videos get [ __ ] insane numbers they really do they do really well how is that that doesn't make sense i don't know man you have to talk to them but what i'm convinced of is that there's different levels to how much they prioritize you and how much the algorithm pushes you out to new people and you know i've actually talked about this we mentioned jimmy dore earlier him and i have had a thousand conversations about this where we know other channels that were similar size to us and we were chugging along all at basically the same rate and then out of nowhere when i was gaining 30 or 40 000 new subscribers a month it's flowed to 6 000. is it possible that it's less nefarious and that they made some sort of a deal with just political outlets across the board well that is it because they admitted it they actually released it they have this thing where they tell you what they're gonna do and one of the things they said is in order to combat fake news they want to make sure that the stuff that gets recommended is the respected outlets namely cnn fox news msnbc listen to your [ __ ] i watch your videos all the time they never get recommended to me exactly well that's exactly it why don't you go on the dark web but because then you're saying it makes videos your videos get recommended occasionally i should be really honest about this but jimmy doors get recommended all the time to me that could just be that you watch more him than me because honestly as long as you're a subscriber and you watch my stuff then they will recommend it to you the issue is they don't recommend it that much to new viewers so it used to be if you're watching a cnn video or you're watching some other news outlet they could recommend one of my videos because i get i used to get better views than they do now they pump theirs out all the time and they surpass me so that would be non-rel so people have never looked at you at all yeah so that's so no you're not getting that right right that's right back get this during the 2016 election 2016 i was gaining 30 to 40 000 subscribers a month now it's like 6 000. and other channels that are not deprioritized are still gaining that or more 90 000 50 000 do you think there's what happens if someone like cnn puts out information that's demonstrably false see then that's the next point that i was going to make which is it's ridiculous that they even have this notion that like well these are the real outlets and these are the fake outlets listen you brought up russiagate before from the beginning i was saying here's what's going to happen with russiagate absolutely nothing the people were thinking that donald trump was going to get pulled out of i just followed the evidence joe it's not that difficult you just have to look at whatever whatever the intelligence agencies say usually it's [ __ ] these the same people who lied us into the [ __ ] iraq war and i'm supposed to listen to them when they tell me that the president's a manchurian candidate right there's an old saying extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence they didn't present any real evidence it was just a bunch of screaming idiots like rachel maddow every night did you see ted cruz cross-examining comey about uh the uh about testimony about russia about evidence that was uh emails that were edited and they were the the emails were edited to uh to imply a completely different outcome than that what the email actually said yeah i did not see that it's crazy but that's a battle of smug [ __ ] there comey versus cruz it is but i i really respected ted cruz for that conversation it was stunning yeah it was stunning it was stunning listening to them sitting you know comey was just basically i don't recall that this is uh not what i'm aware of and and you're you know cruz reads off of the email he reads the actual real original email and then he reads the email that was put into that was uh submitted as evidence and how it was edited yeah it's disturbing it's incredibly disturbing that someone in the intelligence community could get away with that whoever did it whoever edited that but just to make trouble that's what i'm saying they lie all the time joe just because they're you know oh they're official and they don't curse like i do or whatever and they seem like they're more relaxed when they talk they're liars and cnn oftentimes puts out stuff that's completely untrue all the mainstream media outlets do and there's you know there's never a moment of reckoning where it's like okay well that was fake news actually and what the independent guys were saying was actually correct was it you that was telling me that brian stelter was uh saying don't listen to other news outlets i wasn't me but i do know what you're talking about yes i was having a conversation with someone who they were they were telling me that he literally was saying don't listen to other news outlets because they're not going to tell you the truth we're going to tell you the truth that sounds like a cult thing right doesn't it that's what it is but when when they've been wrong and haven't told you the truth about a number of things that are provable look at syria there's another great example how long were they telling us about syria that you know oh there was assad did a gas attack against his own people then you have whistleblowers who were doing the investigations who were like this is not true at all yeah and then they never correct themselves meanwhile then there's people like me and there's people like jamie who are like that's not they're wrong about this and we nev we get de-prioritized when we say stuff like that there's never a moment we're like oh actually they were right it's interesting because you have to stay independent and so does jimmy like people like you you there's no way jimmy dork do that show if he was on some sort of a coordinated can't have a boss no way too wild no i can't have one either i'm not going to listen to somebody tell me say this or you don't say this but jimmy dore like you said he spits fire he gets crazy right yeah he gets crazy he says wild [ __ ] and you know like is he because he's a comedian as well i know yeah you can see that influence when you talk i would like a boss i would like to be sponsored by chase manhattan or city group or and they pay well out here son a company with i hear they say well one of the best conspiracy theories from the podcast we did with alex is they think that there's a woman's voice yeah in one of the clips saying you're we're relax we're here we're here but it's it's actually me i had to double check it out what are you thinking i wanted to make sure i was like maybe something slid in there but i didn't and tim [ __ ] dylan and me that must drive you crazy that you it couldn't be more obvious that there's no steering that ship and people are accusing you of like i don't see somebody steering this is the most ridiculous steering too it's me telling alex relax we're here relax we're here and they're like it's a woman's voice you hear that here's a woman's voice like i had a friend send this to me cameron haynes cameron hand sent it to me he goes play this he goes what is that voice i go that's me [ __ ] that's me going relax we're here relax there's a woman's voice there's a woman's voice i love spotify being like listen nothing's going to change about the show we are going to have a woman in your ear for three hours and she's going to tell people to relax and tell people to relax and she's just going to remind you that spotify is here i saw you other than that i saw your video on that with the pink hair and the ah yeah well they're fun the tech people are fun i mean you got to laugh at this you got to enjoy it what i worry about is there's far too many people that aren't going to enjoy what's clearly the end of the country and it would and treat it with laughter and i think they're going to go out and try to kill each other and ruin businesses and ruin property instead of just accepting that this was a good run that we had a fun run as an empire and now it's kind of coming apart but everything's not horrible there's still certain niceties it really is coming apart for sure i mean it is it is coming apart i saw some violence today at one of the polls in north carolina what do you got here up there the as of this moment which whatever it's uh eight almost 8 30. trump is leading the popular vote but not the electoral college i mean trump is ahead that's not that's not going to hold right 25 million there's a zero percent chance that that holds someone sounds like a [ __ ] expert over here can i see the rest of the states yeah right scroll down we see all the states wait a minute wyoming went red that's weird jamie can you show me how much of the texas vote is in by hovering over the texas thing 63 are you [ __ ] kidding me dude but look how close it is yeah but democrats are supposed to lose it by 15 points look at it but look at it 49 to 49 49.6 to 49.1 that's real close i know but it should be donald trump plus 15 yeah because all my [ __ ] [ __ ] people moved here this is joe rogan's fault it's not my fault but people like me who were the looting and the pandemics like we're done we're out of here wait out missouri's blue no that's over that's not going to hold how much is it yeah that i don't think that's going to biden wins texas it's over right yes no there's no prayer for trump to fight and wins texas texas joe you got to pack up and go home what do i do you got to go back he's going to come on the podcast and he's going to barely speak dem you have coherently nice few months i think there's a reason why texas is fun and i don't think you could have that with a democrat you can't yeah but like what's he gonna do he's not gonna force texas to do like well the last democrat was what ann richards here a republican look at austin disgusting and blue just sitting there like a big blue zit in the middle of the city dallas all the big cities joe god damn it that's what happens all the big cities go left and all the rural areas go right but isn't that the case with i mean that's the whole reason why new york and california we were talking about it before that big cities always go blue always why usually they're younger people are closer together um why does that make people democratic i mean listen there's something to be said about when if you live the kind of rural lifestyle it's almost like and i don't mean this in a derogatory way at all but i'm saying like you're the county of the area you know what i mean i don't mean it like that because i'm i'm a town i'm still in the place where i grew up you know just i guess not in a rural area more in a more city suburban type area but i'm saying that the people that live in cities are more civilized no that's what i heard about that's kind of what i heard then it did not come out right no i really think that there's something to do with population density has a lot to do with it the closer you are to other people you feel like whoa whoa we gotta have some rules to make sure this thing kind of goes smoothly whereas you don't need that many rules when the nearest person to you is five miles away you don't want you want people telling you what to do i wonder yeah i'd like to get someone who really understands that to explain some sort of sociologist it's always been like that i think it's always been more city cities you need more government rights uh you are there's an interdependence in cities that doesn't exist outside of that that's right so when you have that interdependence you need some type of regulatory uh whatever it is action that that enforces those things so that everybody benefits or the the great majority of people benefit when you're in the suburbs or the rural areas it's kind of people are more likely to be like hey leave me leave me alone well that's why it's even more fascinating that arnold schwarzenegger a republican was the governor at one point in time well yeah because people had had it right rudy giuliani got elected in new york when people had had it yeah so i think when people have had well they're gonna have it after this they're gonna have it after this it was about there was 2800 homicides a year giuliani got in that's like eight a day and giuliani got elected and and then what happened was that shift started that that started decreasing but aren't they tracking higher than that now in new york they're going to they probably will i don't know if they're tracking higher than that but the crime is is skyrocketing yeah and de blasio defunded the police this whole idea of like if you get rid of cops and give social workers the the job of police it's gonna work out well that seems to be a little childish yeah i the de blasio thing seemed more like an accounting trick where he was trying to say to the activists like whoa whoa whoa i did the thing you wanted me to do but he didn't really substantively address the funding for the police i sent you an article on that a while ago right so what is the break it down for done we could try to pull up the article to see the details of it but basically he just used he shuffled money from one part of the police department to another agency where he could say oh i defunded the police but the money's being used for the same thing it is amazing how uh blue texas looks i'm i'm floored by that that's a political realignment that is wow listen they've been saying for a long time that this might happen i just didn't think it would happen this quickly i didn't think it would be by 2020 that this happens because that would mean so if texas stays blue right he's done he's done he's done yeah if i didn't win texas it's over no way there's no way there's no plan for trump no pass if i if i if if trump loses florida it's over and how's he doing in florida slightly but say they say it's too close to colby's winning i wish there was someone i could root for in this election i really did i'm having fun in the idea that trump could win again just because so many people that despised mike i think are annoying yes but i don't really want him to win right yeah you know what you're gonna get and it's chaos you know chaos it's chaos with biden too because it's a different kind of chaos yeah i don't even know where i am his brain doesn't work right but you don't worry about a tweet at 4am i love those tweets but then you get someone who you didn't elect who runs the country that's that's yeah i mean listen no no i mean if if biden is incompetent and you're saying so it's the people around him running the country this was something that tim poole brought up and i i didn't think he was right but i thought it was a weird thing to bring up i i interesting thing i should say to bring up the 25th amendment the idea that the president's unfit if the president is unfit that they could and analyze that with biden no no first of all tim they tried to do this there's democrats who were talking about doing this with trump yes and the point that i made and a lot of other people made is once you open that door of like oh i think this person's mentally unfit mentally incompetent so i don't care what the voters said i'm going to override them because i think i'm some sort of expert yeah there's no shutting that door every single president will have the opposing party say we're going to go after him because he's not mentally fit but whether or not it's true it's not a thing where people who want to take over power they look at the person in power and they try to find a way that they can do but they don't understand that that could be used on them exactly this is the argument that i was making to those dummies that were running chas in in seattle i was saying do you understand now that you said you could take people's property by force right you can enforce your own laws you can make your own country inside of a country and you can put up boundaries and borders and you can enforce those with those raw laws with violence well guess what now you've opened up the door to someone doing that to you that's exactly right because they don't have to have any sort of legal precedent they don't have to have any legislative powers they're not they just have force force people struggle with doing the thought exercises of like a universality to their actions you know and this is actually what i brought up earlier with trump i always talk about the obama campaign was spying on me this is crazy it's like yeah and the nsa is still spying on all americans maybe you should do something about that right like pardon snowden is chas notice assange as well part of snowden pardon assange yeah yeah but they won't do that you know that's uh that's the case with but that that whole thing that you're talking about where people want to do something to someone and don't understand those things can happen back to them that's that's that always applies to violence absolutely i'll go punch that guy in the head you know like it's not there it doesn't end there it doesn't stop there is a long domino like you know like the violence from the civil war that lasted for decades where people were still murdering people from the other side that killed their kin folk that's your whole punch of nazi like everybody was like punched that was the worst listen by people who should never even think about punching anybody they were all running around punching nazis right don't you don't know how to punch you have to think about violence and i'm curious to know what your thoughts are on this in a principled way so what i mean by that is you have to have a standard and the standard that i've always defaulted to is only in cases of self-defense from imminent attack basically and i think that doctrine works well in your personal life and i think that doctrine works well as a foreign policy for the entire country yes that hey the only time we're going to send people to fight and die is when there's really some legit threat of attack against us 100 100 i agree 100 but i also think that the people that are calling for violence that don't understand violence they're so crazy you're literally like a child who is calling for a fight with someone who knows how to fight like if you call for violence in this country there are what are the number of veterans in this country i mean it's got to be more than a million there are so many people in this country that really understand violence and they're not the ones calling for violence they're not the punch of nazi people right the people that really understand violence and have seen violence and have committed violence for their country though those are the [ __ ] that you break glass in case of war you need them and people don't understand that like these these people running around calling for violence calling for a revolution like you are going to open a door that you can never close and when those [ __ ] soldiers come pouring out that door and they want to defend what they think is an attack on their freedoms and their country you're [ __ ] yeah and again that's why i'm happy to get back to the point i made earlier that we have so many good distractions that i don't think we're going to get to the point of the civil war god i hope not because i think netflix kind of sucks recently like a lot of shows are not that good the late night hold on i would rather do a civil war than listen to fallon what about cope i actually agree with that i agree with that yeah what about i think he agrees with that i think fallon was like please i know yeah give me a musket i know i'm not good if you watch cobra is crazy it's [ __ ] that's great there's a few things that breaking news breaking news marijuana legalization referendum way ahead in new jersey wow [ __ ] you chris christie how about that chris well listen here's a reality chris chris he's a healthy guy and he wants to keep people healthy he beat cove that should be the end of the lockdown right there he did be covered yeah so did my friend whatever drugs they got well i have a friend who's 80 and he just beat it yeah did he take the drugs he didn't take [ __ ] took some iv vitamins he said he was sick for four days wow new jersey government phil murphy is highly confident marijuana will be legal i look at him clapping i'm gonna get high so joe let me give you hi asphalt that's what i'm saying right now let me give you i'll tell you about the direct ballot initiatives if you want joe we got wheat in a bunch of places so we got legalizing weed in arizona yeah legalizing weed in montana and in new jersey that's three and then also i think we have south carol south dakota and mississippi are voting on medical marijuana not legal recreational but medical they don't even have medical there yet um and then apparently the polls show that all five of those are likely to pass yeah see what it's all about montana this gets to a point in our last podcast we spoke about this direct ballot initiatives there's never been a better idea because usually when you put things directly to the people they're overwhelmingly reasonable and sensible yeah yeah here we go dc initiative uh 81 decriminalized psychedelic plants oh [ __ ] wow and fungi look at the numbers 76 oh oh yeah and or in oregon they're voting on decriminalizing all drugs all drugs small amounts but look at this that means in dc you're going to be able to get mushrooms finally oh how did the initiative do to kidnap gretchen whitmer where is that 82 yeah who was it that it was alex jones who said that it was uh an fbi organization and that two guys well this is what the fbi does all the time they they try you know they go into a mosque and they go here's a bomb and then they come back in and they go you know that guy was working i mean this is what they do they interact with people in dallas yeah of course yeah they they gave him a bomb it didn't even work yeah and this is the way they operate and this is why like boston bombing and all these things that are weird and you don't know anything about them a lot of it's because the fbi doesn't want you to know how they recruit informants and how they operate they don't want it it's dirty it's dirty seriously a dirty business and that's why i go crazy when people cite the cia or the fbi as if they're these objective like serious people bodies no they're incredibly political and they've been involved in a whole bunch of shady [ __ ] and they still are to this day it's not like when they see like uh gay pride or you know it's like insane like the fbi is like yeah it's quite like it's just it's absurd and then liberal like mainstream liberals fall for this horse [ __ ] it's like corporations doing black lives matter stuff like okay you got black people working for you and you're paying them a wage that they can't even live on right did their black lives matter raise their [ __ ] wages right well that's why i support tim cook and apple because they're just they're not doing anything wrong to art people you know a little slavery never hurt anybody is anybody ever going to address that you think i mean if i really do believe to not to beat that old dead horse but if one cell phone company came along and made a cell phone and started [ __ ] on all these other companies to make these phones using slave labor say no our phones are made by union workers they cost more we make less but we can sleep good at night yeah so i i don't know because i feel like it has to be addressed at the top level you that's one you can't do at an individual level or the bottom up like market forces are not enough to fight something like that you actually need action from people with authority and power but it's also it's such a complex thing to make a cell phone it seems like like and also you have to get in in verizon and 18t remember like verizon had a deal with huawei they're about to go nationwide with verizon and then the government came in and said and then boom they're gone and now they're banned and now you can't even buy routers and modems and right actually they're doing i think some sort of anti-trust case against google now the government sued google i'm not sure if it's to break them up or or whatever but i think it's about their search engine i think that you know listen we do have a lot of things that are effective monopolies and that's a real problem that's a real problem the consolidation of of power well we could with a few corporations certainly say that about social media companies absolutely you really say that about twitter the twitter you know through no fault of their own as a monopoly it's not like they bought out all the competition but somehow i know that they made something that was so effective that nobody else really came up with a viable alternative and they become the number one source of distributing hateful messages and what's scary what's scary is how much like mainstream journalists view their job as to like run to the mods to tell them when somebody's acting up or saying something that's not true you know what i mean and i know you and glenn talked about this as something i've talked about a lot as well that really i mean it is the case that now the new public square is twitter facebook these big social media companies so honestly if we believe in the principle of the first amendment of the u.s constitution you should expand that and basically treat these companies like public utilities and expand free speech protections to make them apply to everybody the only time like listen direct threats of violence we all agree you can't have that right but outside of that i mean if somebody's just i'm saying no doxxing no no threats direct threats doxing direct threats of violence harassment distribution of someone like if someone breaks into your icloud and gets all your dick pics kyle can't do that yeah can't do that don't do that that's wrong that's wrong but other than that yeah i agree and i think the the problem is that the medium is so flawed that like it's a great way if everybody plays by some real moral ethical standards of just don't say anything to someone you wouldn't say to their face and try to do it in a kind way and don't try to hurt people's feelings if like we would all act in that like even if you disagree with someone like like that's [ __ ] stupid this is why it's dumb but people when they read mean things it hurt it literally does hurt them yeah it gives them pain and we discredit that pain we dismiss that pain as long as it's convenient to us now if someone is giving that pain out to someone who's saying something that we don't agree with then we fully support it we love it exactly but if someone is dishing that pain out to someone who we think is a protected person then we get offended yeah we get very offended and we apply different standards that's right i mean listen i just don't read it do you read yourself no yeah i don't read it because when you hit a certain point it's like oh this is not adding anything to my life i would be an insane person me too like every time i have a podcast that's controversial there's thousands of people that you can't escape it because then the la times will write an article and blame you for things and you're like i think it's important to read all of the negative comments and then respond and kind to them will write an article not want to say the l.a times some publications will write an article based on a couple of mean tweets that's right a couple of mean tweets and pretend that they're relevant and write a whole article about it ignoring any positive tweets or negative tweets or uh narrative or tweets rather that are uh in conflict with that yeah that's just narrative forming but they want a certain narrative and they're gonna search for them support that too because that's the first amendment that's the freedom to do whatever they want absolutely i just think that we have this weird time we're we're in this weird time this sort of adolescent stage of information distribution where it's so like like with allen levinovitz calls uh processed information the way it's bad for you the same way is processed food is bad for you and i felt like that was a really great way of analysing making an analogy because it's that processed food we all agree it's like you can eat it it's not good for you if you do it all the time you're going to get sick and that's the same thing with process information if if you're a person now particularly during covid it's it's a huge issue because many people were they they really were detached from the outside world especially people with compromised immune systems who are scared to go outside older people they just only communicate with people online and so you're just doing you're communicating with people through facebook messages and you know and you're just [ __ ] arguing with people and don't no one is you don't see anybody no one's in front of you and how many people are even good at that right we're so bad at that just talking face-to-face people are bad yeah kellyanne conway just came out said you will hear from the president tonight oh that means he's probably going to try to declare victory i i'm wondering if that is the case but kellyanne is saying that on twitter [ __ ] there you go that's more what i thought yeah what happened i'm just listen i'm not even rooting for anybody this is always why this yeah it doesn't sound like you are yeah really anyway i don't uh yeah 66 though there could be more um yeah but it won't be it's gonna it's gonna lean red but i'll tell you right now maybe the last election republicans can safely say they have taxes oh yeah they barely got it now they barely got it now we're nowhere near what is the numbers jamie go back to that as far as percentage counted yeah it's only 66 they could lose it already still look 34 is a lot of [ __ ] people it's like four three two four two three nine that's nice 34 is a lot and imagine all these [ __ ] liberals out here that came with me from from california that yeah yeah they haven't moved yet so florida's going to trump wow kansas went red how weird florida's going to trump yeah i think the ones that are and bold red colors they've called yes they've called our yeah i'm kidding about kansas of course it's red now what about ohio so it looks like florida's red see ohio that's more reflecting what the polls were it showed trump a little bit up now trump's up in ohio so wait let me see let me see this ohio florida texas what else is pennsylvania he needs pennsylvania he's not going to pay pennsylvania if he doesn't get pa can he get anything else to make up for pa uh go to pennsylvania maybe but he doesn't it's not possible like he would he could jack nevada but that's not going to be good enough he's way off in pennsylvania though look at that only 17 percent reporting yeah but no no he actually that's not terrible because they count i think they count the mail-ins first there well look at this hold on let me let me fact-check that it's only 17 but he's off by what is that 50 there's time thousand there's time sixty thousand there's a lot of time there's a lot left to report a lot of farmers what about california hold on how's california pennsylvania pennsylvania i think still open it's only go to california six o'clock it's nothing there yet go to excuse me go oh you're right about pennsylvania joe you're right about pennsylvania they count the results are released from election day first and then they do the mail-in so if i didn't already has a lead then that's looking good for bites it's a problem and if biden wins pennsylvania he's got it that's it well the weird thing is though pennsylvania is 17 reported pennsylvania might be one of those they're a slow counter they're slow counter they are because they had to wait to count the melons or is there anything or we see the governor of pennsylvania driving a ferrari in two weeks and biden wins is there is there yeah with a new laptop he's got a [ __ ] covered is there any way that trump wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college less than a one percent chance okay but there's a popular vote right now what do we what are we at jamie it doesn't matter what it is now it's again not going to write no what did i just know i got a question he's ahead 0.2 million he's ahead by a million you know so this is just i know a lot it's just kind of looking like biden looks like biden if it gets pennsylvania no no no not for nothing right now this is not terrible for trump okay the the only issue for him as of this moment is pennsylvania what if he gets nevada arizona he's not he's not going to get one he can't win no no can't win no way he can win without pennsylvania florida those those two are so super important for florida it's gonna get florida it looks like he's got florida but if he loses pennsylvania that's a wrap that's a wrap that's right there's really no other path they're lying and saying oh maybe we can win nevada they're not winning nevada he's eight more than eight points down in nevada let's see nevada what's nevada i'm saying in the polls i don't they didn't even close you out close yet so weird man it's all so weird let's do a monarchy you know what i mean like this isn't every every year this is enough already let's just do a king and a queen like the king of thailand that kind of deal right so is it official concubine somebody that can figure it out you want me to give you the best numbers for trump yes okay i'll give you the best numbers for trump there's some evidence out there that he's still got it he's still got a shot so when pollsters ask are you better better or worse off than you were four years ago fifty percent say better only thirty four percent say worse that's crazy because you gotta be worse than you were eight months ago that's what i'm saying too but this is what the poll shows an nbc news wall street journal poll is totally legit the last time an incumbent lost better pulled at 37 and worse pulled at 40 and that was george hw bush in 1992. it's tricky there's also a big enthusiasm gap so only 46 percent of biden supporters strongly support him 66 percent of trump supporters strongly support him i'm amazed the 46 percent of biden supporters i think 39 of them are lying yeah most of them are lying yeah they don't hate trump they like kamala and they hate trump yeah i think they'd have a better chance if kamala was on the ticket in the front i think it was kamala versus trump they'd have a better shot you said it already yourself this is really just somebody who's not trump that's the whole mindset right but kamala harris at least we call it kamala that's rude it's kamala is it not not like the wrestler from back in the day kamala kamala she i think she'd have a better shot on her own i don't know because she she got absolutely obliterated in the primary yeah but that was because tulsi sanctuary it wasn't just tulsi she also went from pretending to be like a lefty like bernie sanders and talking about healthcare for everybody and then by the end of the campaign she was begging to for donald trump to get banned off twitter as if that's some sort of like principled stand yeah what was that about she has no political instincts and the idiots around her were like hey use this as your main issue like getting banned used to putting people in jail she's just sitting in a twitter jail do you see that weird conversation she had with rachel maddow where she pretended to see the fly on mike pence's head and was laughing about it but it's so obvious that it's fake it's the weirdest conversation it's so weird did you see when colbert was asking her about her strong lines of attack against biden it was a debate right he's like so you didn't mean what you were saying it was a debate and he let her off the hook it's like at least [ __ ] us well yeah you know don't but give us that that's a that's a crazy thing imagine a debate yeah it's like this before i let you go if you noticed the flashlights on vice president pence's head at the time or if that was something that only we could see it at home could you see it sitting next to him watch this look at this oh i made that up did you have feelings about like did you have the instinct to hard-hitting journalism you know right that is i just you know i think that it's important that we kind of um find a way all of us to move on stop that's the fakest laugh i've ever heard in my life that's like a producer laugh when you're doing a sitcom run through that jokes lane max will have so much more integrity than these people here's the thing there's a long history of flies landing on candidates in elections or in in debates one landed on hillary didn't want to run on hillary and debate with trump and uh there's another one there's another one in the past oh [ __ ] it's happened with obama before too um it has and i remember alex jones saying that's evidence that he's a demon [Music] he he said that anyone that he was like hillary smells like sulfur yes yes that's it he said that hillary smells like soul friend it'll be a little bit closer someone took him saying all those things and put it in a song i did see that it was hilarious there's a fly it lands on obama's lip i mean how fun is that it's so weird it's weird that flies land on people and debates and then we make a big deal of it and that becomes the number one right as opposed to the substance the policy of what they're discussing that's nothing that's boring that fly lands it on a pence's head he's a piece of [ __ ] i do blame the media people even understand policy like if somebody came up to me and were like what i would be like wait what it's so hard to understand the intricacies of like a particular policy yeah and it's so difficult for most people that are working and they have kids and they're trying to get by to really know like i mean healthcare healthcare being explained to anyone it's crazy right where's the money going where's the money going nobody knows i think you're definitely right about that but also wrong in one sense which is people people generally their gut instinct is usually correct about the direction we should take the cut that's true you know what i mean like oh we've been in afghanistan for 19 years should we still be there probably not like that's what people said if you tell them yeah but we're getting them we're getting the medals for the phone they go oh and they go back to work like this but they don't say that you sat down to go getting the medals for the phone there they go right okay but then but the argument they really use is out of we're fighting for your freedom or something right so if you said is slave labor good they will go no okay give me your phone oh hold on okay yeah no i think you know like healthcare is another one if you bring up healthcare you think hey should everybody in the country have healthcare yes you know where's that money come from yes every other developed country has health care for their people oh they say it actually saves money that's something that but i think so if you ask that question i think you're 110 right but if you phrase it another way and you're like socialize medicine well or should should you not be able to get private insurance right people would say no i don't want that right that's right it is all in the framing you can get whatever answer you want if i really felt like my taxes were going to good i'd feel good about paying i always said that too that's right and that's the problem then it goes to bail out wall street bailouts military industrial complex also you don't get a receipt like they don't show you yeah you know like if you if you get a receipt if you could imagine if americans could opt in on what you put your butt like i want all my money to go to education like you know a certain person like like then you realize what what people give a [ __ ] about and what they don't give a [ __ ] about and right you vote for that right vote for where your taxes go and that's actually why i think in many other like european countries they don't necessarily view taxes the same way that we do because they actually tangibly see what they're getting for that money they see that they get the health care they see that they get the education they see that they have you know paid vacation time by law for example does every other country every big country have uh socialized medicine other than us yes every other developed country has one version of universal healthcare yes they vary in terms of how they do it so here i'll give you an example like the uk for example they have what's called the national health service nhs and basically that's public funding of public hospitals public doctors public institutions so in other words everything is the government when you go to the nhs and when you go to the doctor right and then there's examples like i think canada's like this and france is like this where you have public funding of private institutions so you have private doctors they have their own practices you can have private hospitals it's their own thing but it's funded through tax dollars so that's a little bit different and how they structure it so there's various ways to do it and get to universal health care but the connecting tissue is funded through taxes publicly funded and that's you know that creates some problems of its own right like what what do you think well if you have in the uk for example they have people coming in when you don't have the tight immigration standards you have people coming in from other countries getting operations that haven't paid into the system at all there's an old saying that becomes a problem there's an old saying like a brexit fan you can either have a welfare state and borders or no welfare state and no borders so then why do you have the squad and aoc and all these people they know bernie sanders said the same thing about immigration he said open borders is called brother's proposal that's right everything trump has said about immigration was uttered by bill clinton and a lot of it by barack obama actually deported more than trump 100 why is this id pile identity politics like run gone so insane on the left yeah can't have an actual conversation about immigration depressing wages without calling people nazis social social media there's definitely with social media you could shut someone down by simply saying that they're racist it doesn't seem a desire to seem designed like that aoc and all these people are the pro open borders and it seems like for what i would actually contest that i don't think they're actually for open borders but they say they are she said i'm for open borders she's very any curbing of immigration the discussion of it is shut down immediately by by her i agree with that i agree that the discussion is usually shut down it's difficult to open borders if they don't say open borders they say well you can come over and show up for a hearing but you're not going to show up for a hearing because you're we let you in so that you could say it's not open borders but it's de facto open borders if there's no enforcement so she's against any type of enforcement so if i said tomorrow there's no enforcement for drunk drivers but hey don't drive trump that that's de facto pro trump i think i think the distinction they make is criminally punishable versus civil punishment and so they say don't treat it like the criminal matter treated more like a civil manner now overall listen i'm not yeah how do you get money from people though that come over the to the country how do you treat like a civil matter uh as in you don't lock them up in a cage necessarily it does happen i don't know you'd have to ask them i don't have the same position they have so i'm just saying yeah but i'm saying that's the problem with a lot of people when you look at that flank of the democratic party and you go it would be great to have health care and all these things however you can't just have poorest borders no enforcement it's like crazy to think you could do that it is sort of overstated though how much they've put on this issue it's not like democrats when they get in their local meetings they're like we sure should open the borders they're talking more about health care i'll tell you they're talking more about that is the reason that trump wanted it is the most popular issue if you look at the numbers and ann coulter puts all these numbers up all the time well over 70 percent of people blacks hispanics everybody including recent immigrants favor curbing immigration they do not want just unfettered immigration that's that's pretty like that's pretty proven every single time the question is and obama broke the deportation record right obama deported more people than trump deported i'm just wondering why it's become this this hot button issue where everybody who wants to talk about it is a racist nazi when literally obama you know understood that you needed a border well here it's real simple it's real simple trump is president trump's a republican trump's already been labeled a racist then you have these cages you see people in the cages it looks terrible and you see children being separated from their parents it seems terrible it is but supporting any sort of curbing of immigration supports that so in right it's already been established right well listen see what i'm saying i do see what you're saying listen i think that i agree with you people should be clear no i don't support totally open borders then you literally don't have a country right so you can't be in favor of that but should we have a process to get in here should the process make sense and be humane you know should we like i i do think that the thing about kids in cages they were in cages under the previous administration and they're in cages under this administration i do think it's a genuine humanitarian concern when people see that and they're like oh man i don't think that looks like that's a horrible thing right now and i should say real clearly when i say trump's been established as being racist i mean by them right by saying the thing what did he say about mexicans about the mexicans uh criminals they're rapists i assume some are good people no he was saying the ones that sneak over here legally there's a lot of gang members to sneak over here that's not even backed up by the evidence that's demagoguery that's not even true okay when you talk about sheer numbers or that there are some that come on there are some but his argument was not that there are some he said they're criminals they're rapists and i quote i assume some are good people in other words he flipped it you're saying yeah they come in here yeah right you're saying some of them are criminals and rapists he's saying the default is their criminals and rapists and i assume some are gonna be clear why they're criminals they're criminals because they don't have anything going on in their country they come over here because we have crazy drug laws and the drug war that's right that's right the whole thing if you legalize drugs it sounds crazy to people that don't want their kids to be hooked on drugs and i have kids and i don't want my kids to be hooked on drugs but if you legalize drugs you would essentially take the legs off of organized crime 100 that's literally what funded right al capone right that's literally what funded all the moonshine runners it was the fact that it was illegal and it's it propped up organized crime in this country isn't so much of the police state that we have kind of i guess dependent on these silly laws being enforced and a lot of people are drawing a salary and forcing those laws 100 a big part of what keeps marijuana illegal is the prison guards unions right they they try to keep they want jobs right they want jobs they want people in jail which is crazy if you really think about it we just get into a problem where it's like there's not enough jobs right now and that's a real problem if you unwind what you should all these unfair systems you're gonna have a hell of a lot of people with nothing to do that's not true you're gonna have a hell out of a lot of people who could sell wheat like look what's going on right there's a lot of people legally that are selling wheat yeah prisoners only fans and now we got a podcast and now we sell pot now we do it yeah listen there's there's a lot of things that people can do the idea that the only the thing they're doing now is the only thing they could do is ridiculous we're treating them like their children right but we're treating human beings in prison when you when you're talking about private prisons and you're talking about people generating money by people in jail you're treating human beings like organic batteries that generate coins for you it's literally what it's like it's the most disgusting thing that we've ever done as a culture is make it so there's more laws that keep people in jail because you can make money off those people in jail it's right it's the it's one of the darkest things we do by the way i think it would have been great if you know trump and if he might win a second term but i'm saying if he decided we spoke about this just legalize marijuana take it off the schedule take it off as a schedule one substance or at least decriminalize it that would have been awesome because there's so many people on the right that don't want that only evangelical christians and he's already got them locked up no no no it's a lot of [ __ ] hard-working right-wing really ted nugent man me and ted nugent got into it over pot you know because he's like one of those guys that thinks like you know hard working hard playing americans you don't want pot you want dope to be out there killing your motivation like ted i smoke a lot of weed i have three jobs i work out all day like what the [ __ ] are you talking about man this is nonsense yeah like you've got these stereotypes in your head the polls are clear though it's over 60 percent want that so if trump did that it'd be popular the tide has turned right if you went back 10 years ago it would be something that wasn't sent away yes that's true because it's information people are getting information but by the way i don't think it's safe for everybody uh and i've said this as a person who smokes a lot yeah i get paranoid i was telling you that's what happens to me is okay i think it's good for you i think i don't know about that i think it's good for you i think it makes you when you the paranoia wears off you have a greater appreciation of life i look at paranoia like little baby near-death experiences you have an opportunity to be a good person when you survive i think marijuana can be a gateway drug it led me through the gateway to infowars and i and that was a good part of mine a big part of my life the weird the thing about it that i'm concerned with the schizophrenia i'm legitimately concerned with it from personal experiences not myself but friends i know people that have had uh particularly people that didn't smoke pot and were given edibles and had these schizophrenic breaks uh not not just one either multiple people that have had like like really good people good solid people with like real ambitious had their [ __ ] together someone gives them an edible uh this will help you sleep and someone [ __ ] up and gives them like 100 milligrams or something like that joey diaz numbers joey diaz is ruined of a bunch of people that's what he does he thinks it's funny when he he's like he thinks when you look edible what happens it just unwinds you start hallucinating not not me not you but maybe me listen some people have a 10 alex barrenson wrote a book about it and he debated uh dr mike hart from the uk who are excuse me from canada rather who is a uh cannabis doctor and you know he had some good points but alec berenson alex peterson wrote a book about it and he came on the podcast to talk about it and i agree with them for some people and it's not a small number i mean it might be one percent i don't know what it is there's actually a study on this yes that i spoke about there is a small percentage that you know it leads to schizophrenia it leads to schizophrenia or people that have a tendency to schizophrenia exacerbates it and that's why when i you know i used to smoke every now and then oh jamie's got something to raise his face i'm looking at something that this is not the best thing to be judging the election office but i'm looking at snopes it's definitely not snopes um i'm looking at a couple different uh betting websites live betting that's going on to trump for sports swung to trump he's now on one side i saw as high as minus 800. what does that mean eight to one eight hundred dollars to win a hundred dollars on that bet so trump's losing no that's been a huge favor oh he's winning and it was biden before the before today started so it's been back and forth let's take a look at that long heavy to trump oh [ __ ] um listen he absolutely can win this guy very sad would you just be sad if he won this site shows i'm gonna be miserable no matter what the [ __ ] happens we got a guy who's a zombie and a guy who's a [ __ ] bloated demagogue i just want candace owens to be happy oh shelby is going to be very happy she's going to be very happy so we're trying to facetime her i'm trying to get her number right now you were i want to face tomorrow at the end of it to just you know you don't have her number i have i have her manager's number her manager sent her my number oh okay you see that's gonna be funny you just face timer get it get an update from candace and daily wire the only thing that makes me happy is the people that are gonna be upset well that's the whole thing and some of the trump people i hate too but i hate both sides so i can get happy no matter what like no matter who wins i can lay in bed tonight go you know what good good good you know i was gonna vote for kanye yeah i'm like i want to make it stick to my tradition if trump wins again because you you articulate this stuff better than anybody what is the lesson democrats should learn if any the uh the one they should learn versus what they'll actually learn are totally different what they'll what they'll do is they'll say ah we [ __ ] up we should have got somebody who was more pro-establishment we should have got somebody who was further right-wing we should have somebody who's more like trump and like the republicans that's what they'll do and that's what they'll think what they actually should have done is realize that hey you guys jacked it from bernie sanders in 2016. this time around bernie sanders won the first three primaries and then what happened mayor pete and amy klobuchar dropped out and endorsed biden at the very last minute because obama gave him a phone call and told him to do it so they threw all the votes behind biden like that and then elizabeth warren stayed in germany and elizabeth warren stayed in and siphoned votes from bernie and then it ended up that biden you know burns just crushed from there on out joe he won the election he could have won the election in 2016. he could have won and also obviously this time so now listen dirty the real lesson should have been oh my god you should have went with bernie but they're not going to learn that lesson they're going to go with [ __ ] amy klobuchar they're going to go with comma harris again something along those lines what if they could pump bernie up with steroids and growth hormone and nad and like just back his aging up at length in his telomeres keep him alive a little is it possible give him some of the trump stuff give him some adderall get him on some adderall some steroids right give him those dance moves in the ymca it's fun to stay they're like i'm crying they're like i'm crying i'm just sitting here i'm so proud of whatever state trump lost you know they're like i'm crying she was crying who knows everybody that we know they're all crying they all did nice things they all like led a person to you know like i found an old woman who was blind and i led her to the polls i tweeted earlier today i said i i uh helped the blind nazis okay i i got something for you guys um uh uh there are 270 000 mail ballots in philadelphia county that won't be counted until tomorrow at the earliest and those are very likely overwhelmingly pro-biden because they had they have a law you couldn't start counting until very late so biden wins pennsylvania it's over that's right yeah and it looks like he's winning what's he at now let's see what pennsylvania is at now yeah let's take a look so we were at 17 about 45 minutes ago was that how long ago how long did we look at it not that long ago 20 could have been 20 half hour whatever 27 okay let's look at it now 27 in and it's red oh [ __ ] it's flipped pennsylvania's red [ __ ] that's it no but here's the thing that's it it's over kyle that's the one look at him he's angry look at his face don't commit acts of violence i'm flying out of the state get me the antifa face mask okay if he gets it though if he gets pennsylvania he absolutely is one he's one real he could win if he does that for sure it looks like he's one to me you gotta count all the mail-ins man yeah but wait a minute hold on it's only 27 reporting and you got to count all the mailings which they're just telling you they didn't do the most irresponsible election show of all time no bro come on this is actually don't disrespect my expertise you're here and the fact that alex had things to do it's balanced out is alex voting somewhere he's definitely voting uh i heard he's a big biting guy heard he loves biden yeah yeah trump's trying to stop baby eaters look at that mane man mangoes red huh always right real rural wisconsin wisconsin is kind of liberal no yeah but again those are all the on the day votes without counting the mailings yet so when they count the maryland's wisconsin and michigan are going to go to biden what does wyoming 100 go to trump 75 they've already called it and there's 4 000 votes counted it's like it's 4 000 votes it's like new york or california it's just guaranteed to be republican but look at the numbers there's 4 000 votes that's that's everybody there though that's a show that's the whole time and i would do this yes tim and i did a show there we would do a show for everyone there yeah if we do a show in tim it would literally be for all the voters it'd be for the three electoral votes yeah we'd probably get more people than voted i bet we could get more people i'm telling you right now i'm gonna come out with a prediction right now early and say i think it's gonna be trump i think it's gonna be trump i think he's going to be trump yeah i think he's going to win too i think he's 578 000 in the whole state and there's only 4 000 people have voted the governor's mark gordon my friend the doctor he's the governor i didn't know i got to call him dude the supreme court's gonna be all conservatives it already is it's six three i know but it's getting it's gonna be oh you're saying it's gonna be nine nine at the end nobody's gonna be they're gonna kill off the liberals i don't know well they're gonna i don't know what's gonna happen i don't know what that means was it you know what it means hold on kanye west voted for himself but i won't vote as a kanye west unless he puts in more work what yeah but it won't count as a vote for kanye west unless he puts in more work what does that mean that's what i'm saying i don't know what that means oh that's right that's just wyoming he's got a spot while that's where he lives that's why he doesn't live there permanently like all the time he lives in california as well i mean he does have a ranch there he's got a gigantic like 4 000 acre ranch there ball in i had a dream that i moved to wyoming we there was a rumor you did move to wyoming people like joe bought a ranch in wyoming really people just say things that you've done that aren't true is that weird being my friend and you hear these rumors no i just i just go oh okay good for him like they're like joe bought this club he lives in wyoming now oh sorry he's moderating a presidential debate i'm like good what do you do do you de diffuse it no i just like that that's what i did because the people that are saying it i don't take seriously anyway by the way lindsey graham has officially won re-election oh lindsey graham was up against mcconnell and mitch mcconnell that was a give it it was no i mean this race was actually there was a chance for the other guy who runs against these guys i mean they're so pathetic amy mcgrath and amy mcgrath should have been defeated by a guy named i think it's charles booker who was a much better candidate but she edged him out in the primary and then she guaranteed loss to mcconnell in two seconds when is pelosi up it's only i saw it flipped pelosi um she's being primaried right now by a guy by the name of shahid batar right now yes i believe right now i mean she's gonna win she's going to win in this election i believe so i believe shahid batar's up this election let you look that up let me take a look trump baby he could do it and this is a real interesting moment in american history how many guns are you gonna get if you i'll get one or two do you have one now i don't have one now but i should get one when you move here you're gonna get a gun if if he wins you have to move here right no i'll wait a little i'm gonna wait a little i'm not saying no i'm saying i gotta wait a little bit pelosi's up now i gotta i gotta you know she's up well no she's up as in she's up for real meaning she's awake no she's not she's up like this yeah in the coffin she just got up like a vampire dude i'm telling you right now this is going to be the moment in the night we're all going to say it when it turns to trump first results in 45 minutes for that oh okay first results i just lost that how could she possibly lose right district 12. this is going to be a really interesting next couple of days i really wish sean is flying out early in the morning because i think some of the people in austin are going to get fun nah this place doesn't get that fun during downtown you don't think they're going to get a little wacky no the cop listen the governor here doesn't [ __ ] around man he takes care of [ __ ] if they think that something's gonna happen they'll do something about it what i'm amazed is that there's not a revolution in san francisco i have some friends that just got back from san francisco and uh they they used to live there right and they hadn't been in a while and they just went back and the [ __ ] horror stories by the way very lefty right left-leaning people and they were and they were furious and what's going on gassed and they were like i can't believe it there's literally [ __ ] and needles everywhere tents everywhere they were like whatever it was like the last time they were there they were there about two years ago they think they said and it was getting bad right but they said it's unrecognizable so i have another update here for you uh there's a democratic senator by the name of doug jones in alabama and he was just unseated by a republican tommy tuberville so i definitely project guy's name at all tuberville what's that he's a football coach what is ohio doing right now the real supervillain or another tuberville republican tommy tuberville has defeated democratic senator doug jones he looks like an adam sandler character yes he does like in a movie it seems like a fake name i don't coach very fake so the head football coach yeah doug jones won a special election um and so he barely made it and it's alabama it's a miracle that a democrat won in alabama anyway and so now the republican took the seat back tommy tuberville now what about ohio because ohio is is is a pivotal state well there was a projection right that a lot of things were going to go democratic this term yes this i could tell you which the uh which which states were predicted to go which way which one do you want to know ohio was predicted to go to trump really yes he was up he was up in the average of polls there and iowa as well was predicted to go trump what's this ohio pulled up ohio 80 reported trump up ohio trump's got fifty thousand votes see that's enough that's trump so far trump is outperforming the polls by two percent which is pretty pretty solid go over pennsylvania real quick because that's big right pennsylvania's a big one look at that pittsburgh philadelphia all the places that you'd expect blue allentown that's interesting i think the male ballots kyle said are 200 some thousand that are heavily biden that could definitely yeah so again what they're doing in pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin like all those states joe they're counting the votes on the day first and then the mail-ins come later so it's gonna look like trump is up at first but especially when it comes to wisconsin and michigan trump's going to lose because biden's up big in those states they're almost safe blue states interesting because it's red now so it'll be because that's all the votes from today right and those always skew more republican interesting and but again there's places where it's the opposite like in the sun belt for example they count them the other way how did you learn all about this stuff did you go to school for it no i no i'm kidding researching reading about all this stuff um but how did you get into it i mean i i did go to school for political science and you know like i said my kind of had my political awakening with the iraq war and ever since then i've just cared a lot about what's going on because i thought it was crazy i thought it's great we're going to go to war with the country that didn't attack us and we're going to be there you know we've been there two decades now i was like i was what are we doing up on long island and really drunk and i thought the iraq war was a great idea because and i was i would argue with people in the bars in long island i would say we have to honor our commitment to the people of iraq so do you not understand a little bit why it was not such a horrible idea there's a lot of people poke is supposed to make you anti-war not pro-war what are you talking about we were i thought we were doing the right thing why would you think coke would make you anti-war oh because you're just happy no you're angry oh you're angry coke people listen when i'm happy angry when i'm just the best kind of happy they want to start when i did have businesses at the same time when i did adderall it was just the businesses it wasn't the fights yeah it was business how long did you do adderall oh i never did it regularly but i would do it in college right now i dabbled i tasted it i tasted it i dabbled so tim do you have any pills you maybe could hook me up no i wish i don't if i'm sober now i have nothing that's a shame i have nothing you've been sober for quite a while 10 years that's amazing over 10 years no lapses at all no lapses at all what was like to come to jesus moment i bought a house when i was 22 years old for 700 000 and i didn't have any money and i woke up the next day and i said this is a real problem most people wake up to some like they wake up next time they wake up next to a woman that they're like what happened here i woke up in a 600 000 house that i had no idea how to really pay for it but i was investing in myself and i think anyone that didn't take out a big mortgage in 2007 was a [ __ ] and i still think that and [ __ ] you you should learn how to live learn how to live wait yeah when the crash came what were your thoughts were you like oh this was gonna happen well my thoughts were i'm in a little bit of trouble and uh but i you know i was like i'm just gonna ride it out and and and and just keep keep on keeping on and because i was working for a guy that said just don't read the news and keep on trucking what did you think when nancy pelosi said that regardless of what the numbers are we're going to elect joe biden as president did you see her i did not see that i saw hillary say something along the lines of don't concede under any circumstances something like that pelosi took it another level she said well she's a little bit like with assaults where she's a zombie like her brain's not firing on all cylinders well she's a little bit more elusive than he is now i've seen videos that are just as bad as the biden videos where she's really having trouble yes did you see her bark at wolf blitzer i did see that in fact i covered that was the first time wolf blitzer's ever done a good job basically was that video yeah he he basically he was basically saying like people need money there's we don't have the ability to [ __ ] around here and you know she basically couldn't she didn't have an answer she'd have a straight answer but she also was chastising him and being real that's right to him yeah that's right it was really weird like expressing yes like almost royalty yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry you're wrong about this yeah that's what she said remember who used to like climbing nancy pelosi's window and stuff like that lunatic she was fun though i liked her but nancy pelosi never like nancy's like like she doesn't have any human she's just a million years old she looks like this porcelain a weird grandma she's got great eyebrows she's got good good eyebrows but nobody knows what her dick is she's worth millions of dollars her husband's like a tax ceo or something yeah see that that's kind of crazy the uh when you see how she'll run for something yeah she won the primary in florida damn it she lost she just got draxed yo lois frankel just beat laura loomer that's the big that's the big race of the night oh lois damn it laura loomerson is gonna have to go back to climbing and nancy flows she can't win in florida god yeah florida's a that's a loomer country you can't do it there isn't that amazing though that she won the primary yeah why not there's a lot of q a on people that are now winning like primaries listen it's the trumpification of politics and that you can kind of wing it but if you have a better like presentation than the other people like yeah you can win all these old politicians yo you know this they're so stodgy and stuck up and they're two scripted and then you guys what is this q and on supporting other [ __ ] papa q and on supporting candidate major mor marjorie how do you say her name marjorie marjorie taylor green guaranteed a congressional win she didn't win she did win she did win cueing on candidate oh well her opponent dropped out oh they probably threatened him so everybody on twitter is convinced now that trump's going to get it so that's what i see on twitter what are people thinking is the sock ladies people are live 2016 all over again the lady with the glasses and the sock hat in the street it was the polls went one way yeah and then the crowds what did i say at the beginning of this [ __ ] podcast you said trump's gonna win i said he's gonna win yes he's gonna win i don't believe the polls only morons answer polls right and the media is insanely biased against him and they think that by saying that he can't win and he's not going to win that somehow though they could hit the times we just went through this period of time with the media we watched things burn down and people's property get destroyed and the media said it wasn't happening it's not happening again if you bring it up you're nuts also there's a psychology of fence sitters psychology offenses they don't want to vote on losers and then they want to be like uh i went trump you know i was i was thinking i was thinking and effect is real it's super real so when the media is gaslighting you and saying it looks like 99 percent yeah that joe biden is going to win jawbot into a stronger candidate he's going to win all these and then and then people hear that they go well i might as well vote for the winner and they'll vote right it does happen with people i mean this is interesting because it we did this has made a significant turn now to where it feels like there's an inevitability a little bit about trump's second term this is the opposite of the young turks candidate young turns coverage of 2016. dude i'm just waiting for alex jones to bust in here with cigars jesus christ he's doing his own live show i do think that people are kind of getting ahead of themselves because we are seeing the mailing votes versus the votes on the day oh listen to the communists okay there be questions yeah if if some marijuana seems like it's passed in uh new jersey officially for those over 21. it's being it's i've only been to new york a couple times being so close to new york city isn't it almost by default not going to be legal there because of how close it is and like people just travel better in terms of purchasing it no not necessarily but bringing it in and smoking it yeah i can see that for sure but there's a there's an issue with the alcohol lobby in new york where they actually paid the politicians quite a bit of money and that's one of the reasons why you haven't seen much chatter about it in new york versus other states dude new york is dirty they have so much corruption they kept the ufc out for decades we were we were stuck because of unions they they kept us out because it was the there was all sorts of disputes and people went to jail because of it for corruption there's so much dirtiness with those with some some of the union not that unions are bad right i'm so i support a lot of unions a lot of people are you know that are in these positions they're not doing what's best for people they're doing what whatever the [ __ ] this person paid them to pass or not pass and not let past i mean mma was legal in every other state for a long [ __ ] time right and new york was one of the last ones well new york has always just be been that you know kind of institutionally corrupt place yeah chicago i'm getting triggered because you're bashing my home new york hey i love my new york too i know you actually where i grew up is where you are i used to live in new york that's right that's where i grew up i was born in new jersey i mean i'm east coast yeah i spent most of my young years in boston well from 13 to 24 at least my high school years all through boston and you kicked the boston accent yeah well i kicked it because i saw myself on tv when i was 19. when i was 19 i won the baystate games in taekwondo and then i hurt myself on tv and i was like oh my god so i went to the cafe i was like we were working really hard oh my god i did but you know look i was trying to fit in i was bet when i was 13 when i moved there i moved there from florida and i i just i wanted to fit in and then when i went to high school i was going to high school in boston or in newton rather and all those kids had that accident so listen i've been having this conversation a lot recently do you think him and i definitely have he has probably a little bit more of a new york accent than me yeah do we have a really new york accent your accent is barely new york i would say educated east coast but not you don't have like the the accents are always like east coast uneducated not educated on the east coast well i wouldn't no we actually do share some words in common like when i say the word all i struggle with like it sounds like i'm saying a-u-l-l-l i sound like colin a little bit colin quinn quinn yeah yeah a little bit yeah i think so i could see it a little bit we have a similar kind of it's a rasp little round of a rasp but much more east coast with the accent yeah probably the other the other word i'm told is very new yorkish and how i say it is florida florida florida yeah how are you supposed to say it florida florida florida it's tightened up a little bit on the live bedding just so wait a minute what does this mean i like how i like how that's our go-to yeah that's just moving people watching the biggest thing it's not vegas it's live yeah around two and a half to one that's a [ __ ] big bet i think it's all coming down to pa yeah it is coming down to pa let's see where pa is at now again it's going to lean republicans at the moment we're having a good time over here [Laughter] i think it's it's still at 33 what what is the best for avoiding violence in this country i mean leaving right right but honestly in terms of like who wins the best case scenario to avoid violence i think well it would have been a landslide either way he's up here where there's no seventy thousand nobody's fearing right wing violence like i think i think people i think people are yeah yeah you know yeah but the majority is i think people are fearing if trump wins again they're filing wow that's uh i don't know man there was a there was a a trump like car parade by my place the other day these [ __ ] were honking for two and a half hours straight and blocking the entire that's happened slash cuomo bridge i just think we we're always worried about like the nazis and the white the right-wing supremacist militias i don't know that that ever comes true in this country that's just the no there's a meeting does that happen because no there are there are there are deaths from right wing from yeah but right look at the damage done over the last six months with political protests or political riots i think 90 of it is left win yeah but well maybe but hold on they tried to kill the [ __ ] governor of michigan we forgot nobody even tried they got exposed the fbi probably put them up to it i've said many times that it seems like they did it's true the guys were fbi informants well maybe that's what the people of michigan wanted the point is this i don't know i'm asking you if that was a popular position what's the initiative on it um but no but let's be honest it's there's this fantasy of that we're on the edge of you know all these right-wing militias coming around it just does it's never borne out by the facts well it's a thing that they like to repeat in the news like here's one of them when when uh chris wallace said to trump do you denounce white supremacists do you know this is like a [ __ ] video compilation of trump denouncing white supremacists yes over and over it's always like yeah i'll say the thing you want me to say but i mean come on the real problem is antifa and let's only talk about it that's not true no no in the video compilation there's multiple occasions where they asked me to do that he goes absolutely he was i denounced all hate i denounced the kkk i denounced he he says it over and over again right but what did he say right after no listen that chris wallace doesn't know that that he's already said that that he's pretending that he hasn't done it it's kind of shameful for a guy who's doing a debate i know that the media is dishonest and i know that they do exactly the thing that you're accusing them of doing but my point is you he leads with that and then it's always like oh yeah and by the way the left wingers are the real problem let's focus on the left wingers not always but he has to say i've seen him but but the left wingers when it comes to these attacks like in portland and the seattle and a lot of the that is a lot of antifa it's a lot of but the weird thing about that is and and i was talking to someone who actually understands this stuff and he was telling me listen make no mistake about it that shit's funded he goes no it's funded and organized he goes it's funny they're not idiots they're not they don't even know because there's like the soros conspiracy like oh there's big money there's big money funding some pink haired and purple haired college kids who don't even know what the [ __ ] they're doing and they're out there you they can't even give you a real political cause they're just burning [ __ ] down but that creates all sorts of turmoil that creates turmoil and that an erosion of our belief in our democracy right that's what i don't think there's an ideological long game being played by a purple-haired college kid i don't think they're [ __ ] doing i don't think they're a part of the ideological long game i think they said they were funded no no i said their pawns right but you were saying they were someone wants this to happen someone wants this deterioration democracy that's a good question they say george soros they say [ __ ] george soros because he's the [ __ ] boogeyman that they always go why why do they always say that because they're half right because yes he is somebody who funds politicians and is corrupt but it's the same thing with the koch brothers it's the same thing with [ __ ] sheldon adelson who just gave trump 75 million dollars the other day like yeah this is what they do but it's weird and it's weird on the right and the left when they single out like one evil billionaire and make it act like they act like oh that's the real problem no the problem is that all of them are funding our politicians you know when glenn beck was at fox they told him there's two things that he wanted us to talk about they wanted him to stop talking about god and they wanted him to stop talking about george soros they said don't bring up george soros interesting glenn back towards the end of his thing at fox kind of went insane and started talking about the masons a little bit and symbology and it was some of the best television i've ever yes with the chalkboard yeah remember when he had that room maybe had a nuclear reactor in his basement like and then would just be like why is this symbol on the money it's like oh this is good we're really getting to it now now we're really getting it yeah and then they took him out in a box well he started doing his own thing online and he was one of the first guys to be super successful he was so successful well he was a blaze there it is with the blaze shields always the tides and apollo the moon was like this was the biggest scam ever all the republicans were like people were given cigarettes to vote for obama it was such a [ __ ] thing fox news did this for two months so like people were given ripple and malt liquor and newport so they could vote for obama it's like okay guys wait a minute can i get a glass of water yeah they were like uh yeah there he is there it is yeah glenn beck really did kind of lose his marbles towards the end of the box but it was getting good anytime someone's drawing that means they're in a good space mentally so when he left and went over to his own he did the station yeah the blaze was his network but i think it went belly up something went belly up because the blaze is still around but he bought out by i think ben shapiro's people is that what it was i think so maybe but it was very successful for a while like he was i remember he was making like 10 million dollars a month i was like what that guy's got issues i don't think he handled the finances particularly well which is why i think it kind of went down what are you saying coke drugs horse let's see uh he is the ceo founder and owner of mercury radio arts the parent company of his television radio network the blaze let me see the blaze i'm gonna type in the blaze ben shapiro because i think that they might have been working on a deal let me see daily daily wire turns five years now he's moving in nashville he's moving the organization in nashville he bailed out of california so yeah i don't know why he why was he ever there in the first place that's where he grew up oh he grew up a strong jewish community he hates any sort of left-leaning anything a little bit yeah a little bit i'd say have you ever met him i've never met him no very very nice guy i like him sure no i don't know that's talk about ben shapiro that's right ben shapiro i like him a lot he's a very nice guy he's a sweet guy i saw him at a farmer's market once he's like a small man he's not that big yeah nice guy though he's a very nice guy he really is like uh you know we don't agree on everything but uh i never understood it's amazing when somebody's like a guy like that's dangerous i'm like just talk to him ben shapiro ben shapiro's website is in talks to buy glenn beck's the blaze but i don't know if they actually did it so the daily talks versus daily wire you know what's interesting like why would he want to buy something but you already got your own thing like trying to expand consolidate you know i'm gonna buy uh tim dillon's going to hell and bring it back please you can do it we want a boss we're looking for a boss i'm looking for sponsorship listen you all want independence i want sponsorship what kind of sponsorship are you looking for anything the blaze the flare fish daily water daily caller anything daily the daily races let's see let's see what the latest results are you hit me with it nothing much has changed something's changed yeah i mean and again we're not we're not going oh it's getting tight 108 131 not getting a real accurate picture because of the mailing situation stop with the mailing i just i gotta because i see everybody flipping out and i'm like hey idiots they're counting all the mailings first in certain places in the count on all the regular votes first gap in pa because that's hit this is very big very low no but that's this is all the on the day votes stop this is not the mailings where titan's like seventy percent stop six point communism that's a six point yeah how what percentage of the state's votes are mainland i don't know the percent that's malin but i do know that the breakdown is going to be 60 to 70 percent biden in the mailings understand but you've got six points there that's a big gap so you said it's 250 000 people right that mail and vote didn't no no no no i was talking about philadelphia this is probably changing in real time 220 000 in pennsylvania trump's gonna declare victory in five minutes he's gonna he's definitely gonna do that he's coming out he's doing a victory in five minutes i wonder when he could declare his victory and whether or not because john joe these are the states these exact ones where trump is up yeah the ones in the upper midwest pennsylvania those are the ones where we haven't counted the melons and if he comes out and says hey it looks like we're having a good night what what the hell is going to happen because he's going to try to stop the vote there do you do you have a little bit of sadness that he's going to win again sadness over trump winning i'm i've been [ __ ] dead inside for the longest time okay kyle don't be thinking my [ __ ] job my job joe rogan is to follow this stuff every single day you can't be the same person when you do this this is what i would one of the things that trump said is that the the country was uniting this is like his narrative the country was uniting before covid when he was starting to like him because the economy was doing well yeah yeah but i buy any of that no of course not i told you that even pre-coveted we had 78 percent of the country was living paycheck to paycheck half of workers were making thirty thousand dollars a year or less when is that was a mess when was has there been a time when that wasn't the case in our lifetime our economy has always been bad but if you're asking me for a model to point to that i respect i would say fdr the new deal the social democratic we're talking a different world during our lifetime has there ever been a time where people were not living 78 weren't living paycheck to paycheck like that i think the further back you go it does get a little bit better because there were still the remnants of the new deal era programs and unionization yes exactly that's exactly right exactly that's not our lifetime no not during our lifetime there's never been a time where people have been any better than they were than during trump's admissions i mean maybe they were slightly better in the 90s but i don't know i've never seen data for back then i can only tell you what i've seen recently what do you tribute like i know and i'm not asking this because i'm trying to prove anything i literally know nothing about economics what do you think was the reason why the economy was doing so well at least on paper during uh the trump administration before covid why so you mean why is the unemployment rate low why was it employment rate low why was the stock market high why were all these indicators that trump was pointing to this is the greatest economy the world has ever seen so a lot of it had to do with uh the 2017 republican tax cut bill a lot of had to do with his deregulation because what happens when you deregulate what happens when you cut taxes for the wealthy in corporations is you have this thing called a boom bust cycle where everything kind of takes off and it looks like everything's amazing and oh my god look at these indicators the unemployment rate is low stock stocks are booming but that's the problem is that it's kind of fake and this is exactly what happened in the lead up to the great depression you had the roaring 20s as it was called because everything was taking off oh my god the stock market's amazing everything's great and then eventually you have your day of reckoning it just so happened that in our case it was kovid that kind of popped the bubble right kovid was the thing that really was like dude this thing is all fake anyway but if it wasn't kovajo would have been something else because just like in 2000 2008 is it safe to say that it's covered because it wasn't it wasn't real anyway because kova just stopped people working dead in there that's right no no that's right that was a giant you know issue that basically ground the economy to a halt and there's no escaping that you can't escape the economic reality of that which is why what did they do in response like we said they did the cares act they took five trillion dollars and they pumped it into the economy they handed it over to the corporations and then they sat back and watched them make these terrible decisions what could be done like let's say trump wins again what could be done to bring the economy back well first things first stimulus immediately i would do a universal basic income check for the remainder of kovid if you're going to do any sort of economic shutdowns you have to pair that with relief for people we we've discussed this already but he obviously is not interested in doing that but he is he was going to do not ubi but he was he did want to do another stimulus bill do you think we have seen mcconnell who were blocking him do you think he has more freedom to do anything if he wins again does he have more freedom to do is there any i'm looking for a silver lining here i mean listen the best he could do because you're gonna have a senate and a house that's not really in line with him okay so the best he could do is go all out on the executive orders and do the best you could do through that through that path it'll be a four-year kind of lame doc situation where the congress and senate don't let him do anything right it'll kind of be he'll do some executive orders they'll immediately be released uh reversed when aoc uh wins and cuts everyone's tick off is that what she's doing well i believe that she will be doing that because you know what's going to be the choice he's going to he's going to win again probably maybe maybe maybe not but if he wins again it's swinging hard like it's going to be ilhan omar and aoc uh for the he's saying that see the thing is i actually think it's gonna be the opposite i think they're gonna go further right wing i think they're gonna go amy klobuchar i think they're gonna go kamala harris i think it's like i think the establishment will have a stranglehold even more on the democratic party 2024 don jr the empire continues wow i don't know if i can take it i don't know if i can take it what the daughter and the son together ivanka is a killer do you think they could do that it's over anyway let's let them try so of the three of the three who's got the most ability of the three who's got the most ability vodka i don't know i'm curious who you think of the three one of the three trump kushner i don't know he's the son in law i'm talking about the third ivanka eric and don don junior eric they don't let eric talk i think something's wrong that's not true he's on fox news from time to time eric eric is tied with baron and then you would have don junior and then ivanka i mean let's be honest don junior is the best talker eric they tried to get covered i actually think eric has more promise than don jr tell you the truth tiffany you're right she's the forgotten kid and i literally forgot her i think we're alone now [Laughter] where is trump watching the results in a gold castle somewhere right underground no he's at the white house yeah they were gonna have a party has he started jerking off yet if i don't know man how many adderall is he deep four or five people are saying what what you were saying which is like let's wait for the marlins or is it kind of like it's [ __ ] twitter they're all going oh my god trump won it's already over that's what i'm saying hysteria and remember this is mostly left-leaning twitter is everyone racist now now here's what's the question what is the percentage of hispanic votes that he got and african-american votes that's fascinating it was fascinating let me tell you something with a little pump what the numbers show already is that he's doing better than he did in 2016 with them i know he's gotten more he's got more latinos and more black people than he needed the black conservative movement is not covered at all by the media and you look on youtube it's got hundreds of thousands millions of views is very interesting and the media ignores it completely what do you think what do you attribute that to i mean he has like done some token reaching out to them i mean he just prison reform he was doing a photo op with little wayne the other day and then before that he was doing one with you know who was the other one little pom poo he called little pimp there's another one he called him a little pimp yeah he's he brought him out here can you get that up jamie yeah he brings it up this is amazing have you seen this you have to see this you have to watch this did he just not forget he has no idea what's going on it's correct no but he's he does even better with latinos than than he does with black people well jorge mas vidal was campaigning for him trump little pimp this is closing rally it's so funny trump calls rappers you gotta watch this sound music and other things one of the big superstars of the world little pimp who's the president it's not even little it's little it's lil pump he loves it he said little little pimp little pimp that is hilarious imagine if that was his name you should come up with a character called little pimp i should little pimp listen it's a thought that's not a bad character it's not a bad idea that's a very good idea for you that's not a bad idea your hair braided yeah that's a little bit more a lot of complicated fake face tattoos cornrows yeah yeah and you could be little pimp it's interesting to watch um he's going to come out tonight and definitely claim sometimes i i do think that yes i do think he's going to come out he says i think amazing what do you think now the odds are that he wins um the odds are definitely a lot better than they were at the beginning of the night for sure give me a number i still think it's probably 65 chance button wins really yeah i do because a lot of what you're seeing there is attributable to what i said from the very beginning which is they're counting the votes that were in today first and then the mail-ins come later how's he not tweeting right now after all the days he tweets and all the times he tweets on non-stop this is the time he hasn't tweeted for we are looking really good all over the country thank you he's ready four hours ago that was yeah but still saying we're looking really good he's got to be happy i just texted somebody with kind of a little inside information to see what's going on cia no not cia somebody who knows a little bit of uh what's going on deep state alex jones no the do you know the kid from parkland who wanted more guns yeah that guy yeah him he's my inside sports biden fight in windsor illinois biden no it's not it's just it's blue state it's always a blue state is it always a blue state i'm asking i think yes i do think so he won by yeah look at that that's pretty good 12 so uh what's it at now what's the electoral vote out now 131 to 108 how did he do how is he doing with latinos they don't have it split up on here south carolina georgia north carolina florida is florida still in play what's the numbers in florida now 1991 david updated it interesting no he's got that yeah he's up by 400 000. he's got that it depends well i mean i think it's very likely trump wins it listen to you you communist no no i think it's very likely he wins it but it's interesting to see that he's making has he made gains with latino voters or we don't know that yes he's made gains from his 2016 numbers yes wow well there you go i mean they've spent four years climbing races every day it's actually really it's actually the only one who didn't listen was louis gomez and that's and now and now it's actually really interesting because where biden took from trump was old suburban white people okay yeah because there's that's where the bug his numbers from arizona is showing for biden interesting sun built yeah not good for him but no that's going to no wait a second arizona is going to swing the other way it's going to swing pro-trump as more votes come in look at the numbers 53 73 already 45 oh it's 73 already okay so yeah you're getting up there now he's ahead by 208 by the way uh abc news projects the democrats are going to retain control of the house representatives that's not a huge surprise they were 97 favorites to do that anyway montana go back to that so what's going on what's going on that's a bunch of californians moved to [ __ ] montana that's what it is they all wanted water aquafires and ranches they all wanted ranches they wanted taxes better too north dakota interesting interesting thing here so i'll tell you what here's the here's the bad news i don't think we're going to be getting an answer tonight because if it wasn't florida going to biden and being called then it's going to go on because we're not going to know pennsylvania for three or four days oh my god what chaos are we going to have on the streets well would you give trump eight minutes he'll come out and say right we're doing it really splendidly it's really amazing it's really incredible yeah you need to see this it's it's really something else you've never seen anything like this before listen folks that we've never really seen anything like this so i think i think trump will he said he'll make some type of statement tonight i don't know what that what time is it east coast right now 10 50. yeah i would imagine he's got to make a statement within the next hour right he's not going to speak after midnight when you're on that adi son time doesn't matter you know when you're zuma that's a good point i know a fair point i think he's got he's going to come out and declare victory within 15 minutes yeah i would imagine before he goes to bed yeah he's just going to come out guys i did this one tonight we respect you i'd probably give him two extra shots of steroids tonight just so he could be and now where is kamala and uh i'm sorry the [ __ ] is wrong i apologize come along so still in the basement they haven't told them that the election started yeah ma'am because they got him they got him in a hermetically sealed chamber where is he you know who's you know who's smiling somewhere is hillary clinton you know she is i think so why didn't here's my question why didn't she run why didn't she run yeah she's [ __ ] incredibly disliked right but she won the popular vote last time yeah but actually yes queen her and justly maxwell just [ __ ] gone nuts she might have won when you lose there is a a period of time where the country's like [ __ ] off it's the opposite of a bandwagon effect like we were talking about earlier because then you're just viewed as a loser like happened with mitt romney when mitt romney lost for like a year and a half everybody's a [ __ ] mitt romney get the [ __ ] out of here because he was expected to win actually versus obama yeah i can't believe i never knew the polling was that close with him yeah that's crazy yep it was he was only up 0.3 or something like that that's crazy i'm i'm stunned by that i just hope how are you feeling tim are you good with this i'm good with it i i tend to survive i think i'll be fine a lot of people that i know and respect are going to be very upset but they're generally very upset about everything yeah so i don't i if you can't be happy then i don't know it's not my problem i voted libertarian i mean i didn't vote but go through joe jorgensen i thought joe had a shot and i don't know who she is i knew she didn't know i don't know who she is or what she stood for but i was very excited about her candidacy legalizing drugs good for her wait did you actually vote for joe jorgensen really yup i respect it i've done third party votes before well i knew california was going to uh buy no matter what and i did not have a voting plan i was looking at the whole thing i was like what is this i just i felt i know the whole thing is just kumi had a great line four years ago anthony kumi they said something something and then anthony comey went listen trump this doesn't the movie doesn't end with trump losing that was a great line that he had like and everybody was like yo okay and he was right and i'm just wondering now seeing it as a movie a weird cinematic thing what is this because i was sort of convinced that this was biden's toulouse walking in here and now it's like oh it was definitely it was to lose like the onus was on trump because he's the one with the narrow path we were fed a pile of [ __ ] yeah you were right i think you've never been right about this dude no i'm sorry but the numbers were what they were it's not like they were fishing for that result if anything but if you want to help binding you say the opposite oh the poles are morons it's morons answering the polls i think i'm right they were jam right in 2018 though in the midterms they got it exactly right 2018 bro this is 2020 and this is for the president but in the midterms how many people vote it's a small fraction it's obviously lower turnout gigantic difference right but if you nail it with the data you nail it with the date but the the ramping up of the joe biden [ __ ] has been over the last few months it's been really ridiculous in in the sense that the media is pushing it and this it says the media is ignoring all that i just think that's different from the polls ignoring all of the corruption ignoring all the hunter biden emails all that [ __ ] with twitter where twitter banned the new york post where facebook was all true that stuff was bad all that stuff is bad no one thinks that's a good thing yeah but i feel like that i get your point i agree with you i just think perhaps we're too online in our own world a lot of people are just [ __ ] working their jobs and making their decision when they see a speech or two on tv you know what i mean they're not following this [ __ ] in and out like you and me you're right but they heard about that i know people that work regular jobs said you hear about this twitter [ __ ] and they were really upset about it because they know that i've talked to jack dorsey and i've had them on before and that this twitter censorship thing always skews left like they always skew towards the left listen and and censor i gotta push back on that because the chapel trap house reddit was banned i have a friend ronya twitter i'm saying social media i'm saying yeah but we're talking about twitter okay well there's reddit there's twitter there's facebook i've seen censorship twitter sent a lot of placements twitter sense there's a lot of [ __ ] on on the left as well there's a unity 2020 which is sort of central centrist that's uh brett weinstein's uh organization where he was trying to get people on both sides to come together and twitter banned their account which is [ __ ] preposterous facebook banned their account but then due to a lot of pushback facebook reinstated it but then eric weinstein said you know why are you lying and saying that this was an accident like this is manually reviewed by someone yeah there's a left outlet named jacobin and they had they did uh reporting on the election in bolivia and that was polled because in bolivia socialist won the election and so they're socialists like even smart really smart people on the left guys at chris hedges people like that your friend abby martin they understand yes she's been censored a million times all the critics of the state eventually get censored so it's not left versus right it's establishment versus anti-establishment and there's different flavors and varieties of being anti-establishment but if you're speaking up yes you're probably going to be in trouble well abby's censorship she gets a lot of pushback on her stance on israel right that's that's a big part of it right last time she did my podcast there was a tremendous amount of it i'm sure of it but this is something she's been dealing with for the longest time and this is sensorius trolls who want to shut her up because they don't agree with her yeah yeah there's a lot of that there's a lot of that um but the thing with twitter and the new york post was particularly great oh it was how are you gonna censor they're not even making a claim of there's factual inaccuracies right they're not even saying that they're just saying uh we think this might be election meddling or something because maybe the information came from russia well cnn one of the reporters for cnn tweeted that it was russian disinformation no evidence of that whatsoever and by the way even if it was let's say this is the point that glenn greenwald made he's a million percent right when you're a journalist if you're given something newsworthy you don't [ __ ] question the source you say this is information that people should know it's like with chelsea manning and julian assange when we learned that the united states was drone striking innocent people and then they released that video that showed us doing it and then became a big story if somebody said hey where did you get that from did you get did the taliban give that to you or did this person or that person give you what the [ __ ] does it matter the information stands on its own two feet like it's important in and of itself can you imagine if trump gets in for a second term and then immediately pardons snowden and then pardons assange and then legalizes drugs and then releases the greatest rap album of all time with real pimp with little pimp he'll be a phenomenal i mean he could do he's made a lot of peace deals that nobody has talked about right that's true kushner's push like the sudan one i found that hilarious because israel and sudan were not at war so what are you making peaceful it's not like they were fighting well they weren't fighting this is all it's a show to be like oh yeah vote for me i'm the [ __ ] no peace deals that were exceptional no the one thing i give him credit for on foreign policy and i get a lot of [ __ ] for this but i say because i think it's true is north korea because north korea it is true that this this was a place where obama was not able to get a deal and trump basically went in there and said i don't care i'll talk to him and then he talked to him and listen we're not at war we don't have an official deal but i don't care we're not at war and that's all that matters to me the thing that's really interesting though is isn't it weird how democrats and republicans just casually flip their position on the same issue when it's different countries so like obama what obama did with iran is what trump did with north korea you know what i mean like obama wanted to make peace with iran they did the nuclear agreement right and trump did the same thing with north korea and then they flipped their positions on the other countries trump's kind of been masterful with north korea whereas a lot of people because you need a crazy guy right because kim jong-un's a crazy guy you need an equally crazy psychopath and they kind of live a similar look to them yeah they sound they make these bellicose threats but then they don't really mean them they're like a drunk uncle they wake up the next day they're like they're smiling remember the rumors that he was dead and the sister was running the show great yeah what happened with that because [ __ ] fake news is what happened with that but it's just they ran with those articles and it was [ __ ] but was it was he putting that out there to find traders i don't know because people have done stuff i don't know the mechanics of it you know tyson fury did that in his last training camp what he put out rumors that his ankle was broken really yeah to find out if he's got some rats inside his camp no [ __ ] yeah he said he had an injury yeah that's so weird and then i started putting out pictures of the sister yeah kim jong-un's sister yeah and then we all got curious and then he came back that was a great dramatic tense moment people do [ __ ] like that just to find out if they got rats in their camp right interesting yeah it's good just to flush out the rats that's what uh tyson fury did yeah he had this feeling that somebody was someone who was going down or if that's why trump gave himself coven he's like i just want to see who's just got round give himself a little shot yeah what are you doing hello jamie do you uh joe biden just won california i know big shotgun she literally just announced the whole left coast for biden yeah that those were all solid wait a minute one california that's ridiculous it just hit the time so just eight o'clock they're zero percent reporting so i think they just caught them because they just know rigged nevada got an extra hour added on to it so oh okay so arizona looks like it's going blue what is arizona colorado what's arizona now is that unusual that arizona goes blue wasn't arizona like a red state for a long time i thought it was going to be a lot closer that's no you're exactly right that arizona was a red state for a very long time but so but this is the thing in california biden is polling well in the sun belt because it's a lot of old white retirees and that's who i was saying before that's where he took from trump he didn't like trump is doing better among latinos compared to last time sorry go ahead no i was just saying that trump was doing better among minorities than he was last time and biden is taking all of these old white people from trump go back to texas let me see texas oh it's over it's over that's a big gap in texas now 38 electoral votes that's going to bring trump up florida's going to yeah see that's what that's what texas should i i was i thought he'd win texas i thought trump would win tonight florida's going to bring trump up ohio's going to bring trump up it's amazing how close texas is though isn't it ohio is going to bring trump up and then pennsylvania here everything here's what's going to happen go to pennsylvania here's what's going to happen you're going to have it's very low still you're going to have michigan and wisconsin are going to flip blue and then pennsylvania is really what it's all riding on now pennsylvania is 44 he's up by 400 dude i think trump's wins pennsylvania if trump wins pennsylvania he wins i think he wins it i think he wins there's a lot of steel a lot of fracking a lot of steel uh what are the miners there that was very not said that he was going available ban fracking and yeah but he's videos of fracking he's not what he wouldn't do but it doesn't matter he said he was going to ban fracking i think he met on federal land specifically but he said he never said he was going to ban fracking but he did and there's a lot of video of it and so they caught him yes but i think he's referring to federal land specifically in other words i'm not going to ban it for the whole country he said he never said i know but they're kind of misstating it because they want to make it seem like oh he's going to ban it all across the country no he said i won't ban it on like federal or i will banner on federal lands which by the way listen we i live in new york they ban fracking in new york because they cause [ __ ] earthquakes and they pollute the [ __ ] water there's a real problem with fracking oh yeah fracking i'm not a pro fracking guy the one thing the front like a little fracking one thing that fracking's done that's good is it's uh released our dependence on foreign oil yes but i do think we need to and barton got a lot of [ __ ] for saying this but it's absolutely true at some point we're gonna have to [ __ ] get off the fossil fuels we can't do this forever right and biden said by 2050 and people were making a big stink about it like that's crazy like really that's crazy what date would you be okay with 20 60 20 70. do you think biden comes out and makes a speech tonight do they allow him to they don't let him talk right it's over he never talks listen for him they got to pump them up with the adderall and they got to pump them up with steroids what do you think they pump them up with before that first debate could have been adderall could have been seroquil it must have anti-psychotic medication yeah something something all of a sudden he was lucid in the debate with bernie sanders organization that we have where we have to pump the presidential candidate full of anti-psychotics before they go out isn't that isn't there something wrong it seems like there's something wrong here i believe so what's uh the antipsychotic do um it takes him from being a psycho it's seroquel at some antipsychotic mental mother schizophrenic they may make you all things like that like what is your more clear thought my friend's father used to take circle he would like foam at the mouth and fall down he was like a drunkard and that and that happened but if he doesn't but if he's not psychotic you still would give him this medication no i was largely joking when i said oh i'd give him seroquel but you know i thought you were serious i thought it had like some adderall as the adderall thing that i would actually there's still 2.2 million ballots to be counted in pennsylvania about 87 percent of the total yes so that means that wow i think pennsylvania's gonna it's biden i think sorry really i don't know he was up six points in the [ __ ] average of the polls coming into today it would have been a miracle if trump pulled it off six points is way outside of the margin of error 2.2 million is so many absenteeism six points is way outside of the margin of error trump can maybe swing at three points he can't swing at [ __ ] six yeah but how many of those two points a million let's say seventy percent of them go to biden right now there's how much there's a big gap does it say well it's 2.2 million to be counted 2.2 million that's 87 of the vote how long is that gonna take like i said four or five days maybe why is there so many mailing ballots in pennsylvania because now since with kovid there's a lot of places that have been doing mail-ins and everybody rushed to the polls to do mail-in trump lost do you see what happened right now trump wanted any [ __ ] loss we we are not going to know it's going to be up to you for a long time i like this election day and i hope it lasts for six months it's kind of crazy that there's like this one state that could literally yeah factor the whole thing now hershey i'm sure i'm sure you remember this but in the past it wasn't pennsylvania it was it was ohio did it a lot of times ohio sometimes florida other times um yeah sure so you know 2000 it was florida and then you had 2004 i think it was ohio they put it over there there's never been a situation like this where we're going to go to bed not knowing who the president is oh yeah there has been a dangling chad's thing right well yeah but i think even in more elections than that there's a lot of ones many of them go to sleep not knowing we know but we kind of know the carry one right uh carrie kerry kind of lost i think comfortably actually yeah we this one we really don't know but a lot of them we would you would go to bed not knowing but there was a strong indication but wasn't the carry one was that the dangling chad's no that was that was four thousand al gore yeah though he ran against bush and his argument was all like yeah i'm going to keep doing the iraq war too but i'm just smarter than this guy no no i mean there was something weird about the election itself oh yeah there was an issue with the voting machines in ohio it was like a private company that was running them or something bold documentary hacking democracy it's a terrifying documentary that's not fun is it i mean listen just the fact that all the states do it differently there's no uniform rules as to how to do this at the federal level each state determines how they're going to do their own election yeah wildly different from state to state different rules different time frames should we wrap this up i mean listen i don't think we're gonna know trump won and then he lost in this podcast i don't think they're gonna know joe we'll never know yeah we may never know people going to be mad at both of you guys for not voting and me for voting in a relationship joe jorgensen listen i did what i had to do i was going to vote i thought about it and i looked at the people doing it they said i don't want to be associated with them so listen i just wanna the i wanna reiterate this before we finish and even though i said it about 78 times tonight but we have the list of the states michigan pennsylvania wisconsin virginia they don't count the mail-in ballots as they come in so they're counting all the votes from today which are going to skew pro-trump and then after they count the mail-in votes which skew pro-biden can we see this the states again so those states i think are in play now let me ask you this is is there a path where if trump wins pennsylvania where he could still lose the election um let me see the map let's see if he were if trump were to win pennsylvania and he wins ohio and he wins florida um see his problem is he's not going to win wisconsin and michigan i think he might eke out to 278 if he gets yeah if he gets north carolina georgia florida pennsylvania ohio i think that might get him there but i thought he could win or excuse me biden could win without getting pennsylvania but it would give him 270 exactly which is like so tough what would that map be i'm trying to i can't i can't check the tweet because you guys are i have to get it right look at that two seven you can win it real as of right now it really all rides on pennsylvania because i'll tell you what michigan and wisconsin are not going to stay pro trump they're 100 flipping abiding because he's up like eight to ten points there in the polls and we haven't counted the mail-ins yet so wisconsin and michigan are gone for biden for sure so it's going to come down to pennsylvania and arizona too a little bit but it looks like biden's going to hang on there which is kind of surprising looks like he's winning it that's what i'm saying it comes down to pa arizona is another [ __ ] state where the californians fled to they all went to phoenix and tucson but it's more old suburban retirees yeah what i mean we're not gonna like arizona scroll down let me see next factor if michigan and wiscons scroll back up disagree that michigan and wisconsin go to biden as the candidates have ex campaigns have expected then pennsylvania takes center stage right not necessarily biden could lose pennsylvania and still win the presidency if he wins arizona plus maine two and nebraska two he's not going to win not split those two no no a main second district that's not the same as maine oh it's it's actually much more likely it would be too 70 on the nose interesting yeah but i um it's i think it's going to come down to pennsylvania wow what a tight race it's a tightrope do you think trump's not going to raise [ __ ] hell if he's got 268. trump's not going to let that [ __ ] go he's going to be what can he do supreme court he'll say [ __ ] it fraudulent this that's fake this isn't real that's where it gets ugly right that's where we have a real problem in this country yeah well it goes to the supreme court remember those people that tried to knock the biden bus off the road yes yeah imagine how they're going to react if they think that democrats going to try to steal it there was a bunch of [ __ ] that was happening i don't know if you saw the violence in north carolina today where people were trying to block the polls there was a lot of chaos and police were pepper spraying people at the polls yeah it didn't look good doesn't look good it looked awful it's like god damn it this is voting is there a shot that we don't know the answer tomorrow yes there's a very good job we don't know the answer tomorrow because it might take a while what do you think if you had a guess if i had to guess i think it looks relatively close i'd say three days maybe we might know the answer god so the weekend perfect time i'll tell you right now flying the [ __ ] out listen yeah you're you're getting out under the wire i'm getting out tomorrow at 6 30 a.m it's perfect smart go right back to the desert pack your [ __ ] get ready to move here yeah it's common not immediately it's coming we'll see it's coming i got to see this might go blue oh look at this man we'll see no i think i think trump said there's a potential it's probably very hard but a potential tie of 269 each it seems like to get okay that would be something for the country no idea what happens there like no then they slug it out yeah then they fight duel do you imagine if there was a let me tell you it comes out of the basement of the white house rises up they climb in and duke it out with uh those [ __ ] unboxings there was this thing there was only a four percent chance it would end like that and it seems like that might happen what happens in what in case of a tie yeah they review it goes to congress hold on let me look because this says that the this is from 538 who is everyone's favorite account today because the polls but it says in that case biden would need to carry either nebraska or maine's second congressional district to win and i don't know why those two specifically um i'm gonna look i actually don't know what happens if it's a tie and i'm gonna look now does nancy pelosi default or something in the united states a contingent election is the is the procedure used to elect the president or vice president in the event that no candidate for one or both of these offices wins an absolute majority of votes in the electoral college a contingent election for the president is decided by a vote of the united states house of representatives congress decides well a contingent election for the president for the vice president is decided by a vote of the united states senate oh my god that's interesting because that would mean the democrats in the house would pick biden to be president and then the republicans in the senate would pick a republican to be vice president and then what the supreme court picks so the default does it go first during a contingent election each house state delegation casts one vote to determine the president rather than a vote from each representative senators instead cast votes individually for vice president the contingent election process was first established in article 2 section 1 clause 3 of the u.s constitution it was subsequently modified by the 12th amendment in 1804 the phrase contingent election is not found in the text of the constitution itself but has been used to describe the procedure since at least 1823. wait so i i just i read over that real quick and you kind of glossed over it says that the president and vice president are indirectly elected so that means they pick them they each are picked separately right that's what i just said really i know it's going so fast this is a very bad system i said i said you have the congress picks the president and then it's the senate that picks the vice president the senate is republican right now and congress is democratic right now she would have a democrat at the top of the ticket and a republican at the bottom i think you'll have a winner i think it's just going to be somebody's going to win somebody's going to win these things i think it's going to all come down to pennsylvania and i still think it's very likely biden wins pennsylvania because they got to count all the mail-in ballots and they're overwhelmingly biden but but i will say this listen if if biden wins this election and he's got less than 300 electoral votes yet again trump outperformed the polls he absolutely outperformed the polls because all the polls coming into today if you just copied and pasted it would have been biden 351 electoral votes so that means trump outperformed the polls yet again if biden only wins with like 278 or some [ __ ] so with pennsylvania and they're mailing votes like how carefully are those going to be monitored like the counting of them this could get really weird it can get really weird it can get really ugly we know trump is probably already going to try to downplay them and get them dismissed the republicans are literally they're doing lawsuits in certain states to try to get the balance of the state voting absentee covin covid a lot of states have been doing it like that where a lot of people don't want to show up seems odd to me because you can go to the grocery store you can go somewhere else i don't know why you can't pull a lever yeah that seems odd seems odd there are they're going to be lawsuits where they try to pennsylvania won't finish counting absentee ballots till friday at the earliest oh that's a long time they're busy dealing with tuesday's in-person voting wow friday that's nuts so here we are on tuesday wednesday thursday and then friday three days like i said oh my god wow when pennsylvania approved so-called no excuse absentee mail ballots last fall meaning any voter can request one without citing a reason the law didn't allow officials to begin canvassing mail ballots until polls close on election night according to lisa shaffer the executive director of the county commissioners association of pennsylvania by the way if biden loses the democrats will immediately blame the voters as if the voters let him down not that he wasn't a good enough candidate because this is exactly what happened in 2016. they immediately started blaming the voters yeah well they're going to be bitter you know people when they lose they blame all kinds of [ __ ] other things other than their own performance well hey we had a few filet of fish yeah we tried we had a few laughs if people think that we weren't taking things seriously you're right that's what we're doing that's exactly what we're here for correct this is not a serious uh election show um but uh thank you gentlemen thank you for having me that was a lot of fun indeed yeah thank you for coming and explaining things to us my pleasure that's like you're welcome informed no that guy uh thank you for mocking our our system thank you jamie for being a big snopes fan appreciate that michelle [Laughter] jamie's uh he's a coped survivor give him some respect i know i kind of i kind of shimmied away from him when i saw him at the door i was like all right are you good bro he's got the antibodies he does he's the most safe person in this [ __ ] that's right he's a cough in his mouth and he'd brush it right off um all right well that's it ladies and gentlemen thank you for tuning in i hope it didn't disappoint you too terribly i hope you're not mad at me for voting for someone who can't win good luck and enjoy the riots i hope you're not imagining dylan and kyle kalinski not voting at all yeah chaos it's going to be chaos coming up in the next few days yeah i hope i really think it is boy i hope we can get through this as a country and um and uh but listen on the bright side more people voted than ever which i think we're aware now that's a great point the importance of voting tim dillon show on youtube good luck tim dillon has a great show you can watch his podcast secular talking secular talk on youtube yeah well that's i was going to get to that eventually talk over tim dillon's plug tim dillon also is on the road he's hitting the road again starting to do a lot of gigs yeah we're trying we're seeing they're cutting capacity we're rescheduling some stuff but we're going to win this fight through it killed those chicago shows they're just killing them left and then they're also like going like hey some of these clubs like how about doing 24 shows said i'm like no no let's wait two months so we'll see well thank you guys thank you thank you bye everybody peace peace on earth and good will to everybody
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 10,889,638
Rating: 4.7378173 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: KkjxSKrcbOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 6sec (13506 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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