Physicist Brian Greene Explains Black Holes

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the jurogan experience and the other thing is i don't know if you're familiar with this but there's now a connection between quantum computing and black holes yeah what's that connection it's a weird one so it's all weird well this is like hyper this is like weird squared or something but work over the last 20 years has established that when you have a black hole actually even more general systems but talk about a black hole there's an alternate description of a black hole in terms of what's known as the holographic description it's as if there's a two-dimensional world that surrounds any given three-dimensional world that has exactly the same physics as the three-dimensional world that we're familiar with and yet it describes it in completely different language so a black hole gravity is obviously essential that's how a black hole forms but in this dictionary that physicists have developed there's a description of a black hole that doesn't involve gravity only involves quantum mechanics and the beautiful thing is the quantum processes in that quantum world mimic the kinds of processes that people have been developing for quantum computing quantum error correction code and there's a dictionary that people have proposed for that quantum language on the holographic boundary with physics in the interior and the dictionary shows that the quantum error correcting code may be the reason why space time itself holds together so there's this bizarre way in which everything that we know about in the world around us has a translated dictionary version in a different world that lacks gravity but has quantum mechanics and so people are using some of the insights from quantum computing to understand questions about black holes in space time so is that strange that's so strange so as quantum computing expands much like as computing expands if you go back to the early nasa computers and filled up a whole room we can extrapolate that as we get better at this and you look 50 years down the line from now quantum computing will be the standard it would be the norm and it would probably radically alter our understanding of everything including black holes including backgrounds that's right so there's a real possibility that the language that we use for space-time in black holes may bear a profound imprint of the language that we are developing to understand quantum computing quantum computers i was just reading some article about black holes roaming through the universe and that some of them some of them they're detached from galaxies right they can be i mean oftentimes people think about black holes as these gargantuan structures that form from collapsed stars there's a big one in the center of our milky way galaxy weighs 4 million times out of the sun the photograph of a black hole in the galaxy m87 that got the world excited a couple of years back 55 million light years away billions of times the mass of the sun but the reality is anything if you compress it enough becomes a black hole if you take an orange and you squash an orange down sufficiently small according to einstein it becomes a black hole so these things don't have to be gargantuan the flip side of it is we also typically have an intuition that black holes are really dense right that's usually the way we think about them but if you make something sufficiently large regardless of how low its density is it will also become a black hole so you can make a black hole out of air by just having enough air if you have enough air sufficiently large sphere of air it would become a black hole too with the density of air so all the intuitions that we typically have about black holes that they have to be dense and they have to be gargantuan not right so black holes are just a part of the elemental structure of reality itself yeah when you look at einstein's equations right in his mathematics there's a little formula that you can see where it says if you have any mass m whatever mass you want and you squeeze it into a radius r that's less than 2 times newton's constant 2g times m divided by c squared speed of light squared a formula details don't matter but you take any mass if the radius within which that mass sits is less than 2g m over c squared it is a black hole period end of story according to einstein now einstein left out quantum mechanics weirdly right because his nobel prize was for quantum mechanics it was for a paper he wrote in 1905 about the photoelectric effect but he never really believed that quantum mechanics was the true description of the world and when he was developing the general theory of relativity he was just thinking about gravity and not quantum mechanics stephen hawking came along in 1974 and started to inject quantum mechanics into our understanding of things like black holes and that's where hawking proved that black holes are not completely black he showed that black holes allow a certain amount of radiation to leak out of their surface leak out of the event arrives and or leak out from just beyond the edge of the event horizon and so yes when you think about black holes as far as we can tell they are a fundamental quality of the world but you have to include quantum physics to truly understand them and that's the cutting edge of what's happening right now so they're a fundamental quality of the world but they're also in the center of every galaxy it seems to be the case the sloan digital sky survey did a wonderful study of a vast number of galaxies and i've seen these wonderful images where they put like a little red circle around all those galaxies that have a black hole in their center and there are red circles all over that imagery so it seems to be a ubiquitous quality that black holes are at the center of galaxies and those are typically gargantuan black holes millions or billions of times the mass of the sun do we know why they exist at the center of the galaxy you know there's still a lot of uncertainty about galactic formation you know some have suggested that early stars which were quite large compared to more modern stars when they exhausted their nuclear fuel and they collapsed in on each other they created black holes that were large and then they continued to suck in more material from the environment they grew larger and larger still so that's sort of one rough way that people think about how these massive enormous black holes may have formed but it's uncertain ligo you know this laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory gravitational waves it took headlines a few years ago when it detected the first ripples in the fabric of space it detected them from two black holes that were 1.4 billion light years away like 1.4 billion years ago rotating around each other going near the speed of light slamming into each other creating a tidal wave in the fabric of space that rippled outward at the speed of light part of it raced toward planet earth there wasn't anybody on planet earth to see it at that moment but it had 1.4 billion year journey to traverse a race toward planet earth when it's about a hundred thousand light years away grazes the milky way galaxy continues to race toward earth when it's a hundred light years away a guy named albert einstein writes down equations that suggest there could be these gravitational waves unknown that one is already racing toward the planet right and it continues to race onward two light days it's two light days away when they turn on the newly refined version of the ligo detector and two days later that wave rolls by planet earth shakes the two detectors one in louisiana there are washington state giving us the first direct detection of ripples in the fabric of space and establishing that the story that i told you is true wow you know so so these things are real they're out there that is wild and and before the direct radio telescopic imagery from the event horizon telescope of the black hole in m87 that rip on the fabric of space was the most direct evidence that black holes are real because when you took the way that the machine in louisiana and washington it twitched for just you know a tiny fraction of a second when you figured out using supercomputers what the cause of the wave must have been you are led to two black holes that are 28 and 31 times the mass of the sun or 36 times the mass of sun numbers of that sort and that was the only explanation for the data and so there's this beautiful indirect proof that these stellar-sized black holes are actually out there and then of course we take a photograph of one in a nearby galaxy so do we know why black holes would collide with each other are they attracted to each other because of their math it's a good question yeah so certainly that is part of it so binary star systems are not uncommon they're fairly common where two stars will be orbiting around each other if those two stars exhaust their nuclear fuel they can each collapse to a black hole so that's one possibility or it could be a black hole's wandering through and captures another black hole it's a possibility too i mean i think go ahead and ask you a question but there's one point i want to make as well which is wasn't that good please yeah well it was just that many people have in mind that black holes sort of reach out and grab everything in yeah but a black hole of mass m a black hole whose mass is the same as the sun has the same gravitational pull as the sun it's not it doesn't pull any harder than the sun it's just that you can get closer to it because it's so small and therefore you can experience the gravity more strongly but you know a brick of mass m and a black hole of mass m they exert the same gravitational pull okay so we have this misconception that black holes are always these super massive objects that have incredible amounts of gravity and they're sucking in planets and stars and churning them up because we're thinking of massive black holes like the supermassive black holes are at the center of the galaxy which is like what one half of one percent of the mass of the galaxy well let's see so if if our galaxy has say uh a hundred billion suns you know and that guy is about four million times the mass of the sun yes you're talking about you know a thousandth or something of that sort isn't that crazy when you say that a hundred billion suns and you have to wrap your head around the idea of a hundred billion stars and that's and that's just our little puny little galaxy that's a thing that creates at least 100 billion galaxies at least and this is just in the observable universe i mean do you know if you take your thumb and you put your thumb on a nice clear night and you block out a thumbnail worth of the sky you're blocking out about 10 million galaxies it's so crazy it's so crazy because those numbers i i hear you say those numbers i can repeat those numbers but i don't think i'm really internalizing them because they're so non-human scale right we've just never experienced anything like that at all and it could be that it's infinite space could go on infinitely far it could be that the galaxies continue onward infinitely far and therefore the numbers we're talking about could be minuscule on the scale of the fullness of reality catch new episodes of the joe rogan experience for free only on spotify watch back catalog jre videos on spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on spotify you can listen to the jre in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free spotify is absolutely free you don't have to have a premium account to watch new jre episodes you just need to search for the jre on your spotify app go to spotify now to get this full episode of the joe rogan experience
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,041,740
Rating: 4.8974938 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: MYimxshUK1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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