Joe & GSP Talk About Aliens, Lost Knowledge

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hairy GSP looks fabulous

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thondera πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It is pretty fuckin nuts that homo sapiens have been around for almost 300,000 years.

That kind of time scale is really unfathomable for our brains.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JETStheBest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What’s the TLDR on this episode. Was Joe cool again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/awan1919 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
the jurogan experience this is one of the things that they say people that have been abducted i had travis walton this guy i've seen i've seen him i've watched his bobblehead i've watched it very compelling in his descriptions of his uh encounter with these uh beings but one of the things that he was saying was they were talking to him but it wasn't with words like they they they were communicating with him and he understood what they were saying but it wasn't he they weren't saying things you know like hey travis why don't you relax because we're here from planet [ __ ] whatever it is the information was flowing faster because it was like boom right away what i think you get it yes they were they were explaining things to him in some sort of a telepathic way wow and it was mind-blowing to him and i think that that's probably the future of communication just like you can transmit information from phone to phone right you can call people they're nowhere near you but you can talk to them you can send a video to someone it's going through the air it's just data right it's just information do you think travis and bob lazar and all these guys that have extraordinary claim believe what they are telling you i don't know if what they believe is true but what do you think they believe what they are telling you in a way that they're not lying they're telling the truth of what they're believing i can't tell for certain but i believe bob lazar i believe what he's saying is true i believe he's telling me now bob he had one moment where he was passing by a window and he said he saw something that was small and these people were standing over it and he doesn't know he didn't know if it was uh an alien or whether it was a uh like a uh you know some sort of a a form that they were trying like a doll or something that's supposed to represent the size of an alien or some sort of a model of an alien but he remembers he looked briefly through a window and he saw something small he didn't see it move around didn't see it talk so he doesn't know what he saw because in his world as he explained it when he was working at area area 51 site four that's where he worked he said that it was very compartmentalized and this thing was one of the problems with them trying to figure out you know this is assuming he's telling the truth yeah of course one of the the problems they were trying to figure out was how to back engineer these devices these these ships but the problem was they weren't allowed to communicate with other people outside of this very limited group of people that had access to these these vehicles and the people that were involved in the metallurgy were not allowed to communicate with the people that were involved in um the uh whatever the propulsion system was they didn't understand what they proposed they were trying to decipher these things but he said and if you listen to the podcast that i did with him that it didn't it didn't work because the scientific method requires multiple people to communicate and share ideas and to explain and they didn't you can't improve like that right you need to share ideas you can't do something and compartmentalize everything but my communication with him i i again i don't know if he was telling me the truth but he didn't seem deceptive and he's a brilliant guy when you yeah it's clear he is clearly like borderline genius you hear him speak he's very educated and the thing some of the things that he talked about came to fruition like one of the things was there was a concept of this thing called element 115 right now that was not really proven until the 2000s or somewhere in the 2000s they they'd use a particle collider and created this thing where it was a very unstable very short-lived particle but he was saying that wherever these beings are from they have figured out a way to utilize a stable version of this element 115 and that's how they propel themselves the the things that he was describing were also exactly the same things that were experienced by commander david fravor who was a guy who is a jet pilot yeah and so he experienced this thing move in that same direction that same way where there was no visible propulsion system but they track this thing going from 80 000 feet above sea level to one in one second so that's the amount of time that it takes radar to to to track this so it might have been less than a second this thing traveled from 80 thousand feet to one time there was no time for to one feet it's like that thing in that with the hand he says he measured the the the distance between the bone and the you know like uh when you get in you know you put your hand in it and measure the distance between your bone and the oh the scanner yes there is a lot of things like this you know like zachariah sitchin was you know like there's a lot of stuff that you you can think of that how could they know that at the time but it's man it's well the zacharias hitch and stuff is interesting right that's all the the sumerian text the sumerian text is some fascinating stuff because it's all from 6 000 years ago and by the way zacharias hitchen he's very controversial there's a there's even a website called sitchin is wrong dot com and it's basically scholars of ancient sumerian who say that his translations are completely off but even if his translations are off there's still a lot of really confusing stuff about ancient sumer and one of the things is their depictions of the solar system they had a depiction of the solar system 6 000 years ago that shows the sun in the center and it shows all of the known planets in the outside and they're you know they're they're relatively accurate in terms of the size yeah and how about the formation of the hurt tiamat marduk i don't remember which one is what i but i def you know that's yeah formation of the earth that's the model that we we use today well the scientists asteroid belts like that's the model that that we we use today how did he knew that at that time i don't know how they knew that when you're saying it's earth one and earth two and what that means is that there was an an original version of earth and then earth was hit by another planet at some point in the distant distant past and that's what created the moon and that's also what created the asteroid belt that goes on the different direction than the rest of the the the planet like they they knew that too well there's also a thing called bodes law and bode's law measures the distance between planets and it's based on the mass of the planet and they figure out because of the mass of planet how far these planets are from from each other and one of the things that [ __ ] that up is the asteroid belt i think the the what i might be wrong about this but the the distance between mars and jupiter is uh one of the things that screws that up and they think that's explained by the asteroid belt that some collision created this asteroid belt and created uh all of the i mean there's something like 900 000 known near-earth objects that are created by the impact of these planets one thing i believe and i'm sure you're the same because you had a lot of these guys on your podcast graham graham and cup randall carson um john anthony west like yes there is clearly knowledge that we've lost yes in the past like this is for sure like just think about the alex library of alexandria yes man imagine the knowledge that it wasn't there before it burned i know imagine oh man imagine people thinks we lost like one million millennia like just when it burns out of knowledge you know medicine botany science it's just crazy to think of so some very often sometimes when crazy stuff happen like that like i just think that perhaps they have knowledge that that there's knowledge that we lost like just think about the greek fire it's a weapon that was used in the naval battle and it's it's it's really really known about historian you can research they still don't know exactly how it works but it was so destructive it was like at that time it was like a secret weapon like they didn't want to share and it was known to be very efficient and naval battle i don't know what that is i don't know about great great fire if you go greek fire you'll get it boom it used to it was used in naval battle so we used to throw they used to troll fire flames and they used to people that got that they are burning they still burn in the water so they think it was made with some kinds of petrol or or they still don't know they don't they cannot recreate it and it's clearly something that a lot of historians have talked about it's called greek fire it's just an example that it's clear that it's it's technology that we have lost well if you just look at the pyramids the pyramids are a perfect example of technology lost it's almost like the best example like like those ancient civilizations almost letting everyone know hey there is information that we have that's so above and beyond what's expected of people from this era because if you think about people that lived 2500 bc you don't think about someone that had the kind of proficiency to create something that when people understand it's not just that the pyramids were big but they were so perfectly designed that when they put all the stones they reached the top like if anyone was off by even a half an inch at the bottom as time went on an inch here an inch there by the time they got to the top it'll be all [ __ ] up it wouldn't be perfect but the pyramids were so amazingly perfect and they were originally covered in smooth limestone so smooth polished limestone that would probably be insane to look at if you were staring at it from a distance like this immense structure of two million three hundred thousand stones some of them cut from quarries hundreds of miles away all perfectly aligned and put together by these people that lived thousands and thousands of years ago you know that most scholar would say that they use a ramp but if you think about it like there's other scholars that would counter that by saying the the construction of that ramp need to be in an angle that it could be so difficult to do that it will challenge the construction of the pyramid itself you know again it's like maybe they use a ramp i don't know what they use we don't know yeah but what whatever they used it's so amazingly precise that they were able to make this 2 million 300 000 stone structure this still to this day i haven't been but i have friends that have gone like my friend andrew schultz just went uh danica patrick the race car driver she told me she just went people that i know that have been my friend eddie bravo when he went he's like you're like you get there you're like what the [ __ ] it's so big apparently second awakening yes that our our idea of what it is when you see it in a photograph it looks incredible but i guess i need to go because i guess when you see it in person it's just a like a complete reset like you it recalibrates what people are capable of because you have to think like man this is this is four thousand five hundred years old think about that there and could you go back litepe like how can you how do you conceive that and sometimes what happened is that it get uh you know and infected by it by pre by other civilization that pass there after that construction so they think they are the one that built it i think it's is it um pumapunku the one that there's clearly two different technology you see the the stone are perfectly aligned with like perfectly cut yeah then you have an other stone that are just on top like it like it's like a butch butcher's job you know and it's clearly not the same technology the same people that build these two layers you know well that's also john anthony west's the concept of egypt that there's multiple eras and that the if you go deeper like some of the stuff that they found when they dig deeper in the sand was a different construction method it looked different different designs and but still equally complex and fascinating it's like there's probably many errors of human civilization and there's probably been whatever it is whether it's disease or some sort of a natural disaster or something that happened asteroidal impact was john anthony or was randall carson's and graham hancock's that's their theory is that 12 000 years ago at the end of the place this scene there right yeah but homo sapiens date to 3000 3000 years old yeah you know for so imagine 3 000 no i think it's older than that i think it's several hundred three two three three hundred thousand sorry yes three three hundred thousand sorry my english yeah oh right homo sapien is three hundred thousand in morocco what is this i'm 100 sure that's why i i read about this kind of stuff i think they think it's somewhere in that neighborhood yeah yeah yeah but but so if you take that 300 300 000 sorry 300 000 time to for an evolution right why would it be only in the last 12 10 000 years that we would you know invent such amazing structures like it's kind of strange it doesn't make sense well it's also we're so different from all the other animals like we're the only animal that wears shoes we're the only animal that wears clothes we're the only animal that really manipulates its environment the way we do i mean other animals think you know bees make beehives and [ __ ] like that but they don't do anything remotely interesting in comparison to what we're capable of doing and what we have done for thousands and thousands of years and why you know one of the things that bob lazar said that he was taught when he was at area s4 at area 51 s4 was that one of the things that they were telling him was that human beings are the product of accelerated evolution and that these creatures occasionally come back to check upon our progress and yeah which is crazy wow but but that might be how it works throughout the universe is that these beings that are very far advanced they come back and they see these creatures that are pretty close and they give them a little boost they push push them ahead a little bit because otherwise it would take so long and maybe we don't have the amount of time because of the fact that we're in this [ __ ] shooting gallery of asteroids that these things come down and whatever progress you make is wiped out by impacts or by super volcanoes it's crazy but it's not that crazy if you look at the belief of human being through evolution you know like in ancient greek they believe in different they they were believing in different gods they like it in different times different civilization had different belief now some people believe jesus walk on water you know which is fine too that's their belief you know if you believe that human was you know the the the result of and like alien beings you know it's another belief you know like it's not everybody believe in different things it's not 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Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 3,332,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: gNHXDgv-nN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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