JoJo - What Is The Most Obscure Stand?

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she's up today i'm on the beat [Music] the jojo series is well known for its wide array of unique abilities these vary throughout the series but the most prominent power featured is definitely the power of stans just in the main series alone there's over 150 unique stand abilities most stands are quite well known to anyone who watches or reads jojo but there's actually a lot more stand abilities than it may seem and some are quite obscure a great deal of stands exist in spin-off content as well as a few that come from very strange sources so in this video i'd like to ask the question what is the most obscure stand now that's a pretty difficult question to ask since it just depends on what you consider to be obscure there's a few stands in the main series that may be obscure to some but not to others same with stands in the spin-offs less people may have read it but it's not like they're hidden or anything for example to me none of these are really that obscure since i know about them all already but i have no way of really tracking what the average jojo fan would think this also differs between the east and west in japan obviously all jojo material is available in their language but in the united states for instance there's still a ton of stuff not officially translated meaning we have to rely on fan translations for some so while there might not be some kind of definitive answer to this i think it's still a good opportunity to just take a look at some of the weird stands out there first let's stick to the main series and go over some of its obscure stands a good amount of stands in the main series don't have a name or even fully appear maybe it's fitting for the first on this list to be jonathan's stand which was used by dio in part 3. despite being used directly on screen a lot of people seem to forget about this one since it isn't used much again in fact its existence has led a lot of people to making the claim that dio originally was meant to have all stands this is untrue and has nothing to support it the reality with this stand is that iraqi has said that it is the stand of jonathan's body in some way jonathan's body is still alive which is why it was able to send the distress signal to the other joe stars and resist dio's influence this led to it developing its own standability which dio took control of it functions identically to hermit purple although notably when dio uses spirit photography with it he doesn't have to destroy the camera which may just be due to his experience with it he uses it in part 3 to track the movement of the joestar party so he can send his minions after them it also makes one more appearance in the flashback of dio meeting polareth when he uses it to show polar off a vision of j guile through a crystal ball another in part three that i feel is overlooked is tenor sax the stand of kenny g this was an illusion creating stand that trapped the group in the first rooms of dio's mansion creating a fake island area for darby's game as well as a labyrinth he was easily defeated by avdol and that's his last main appearance however he does actually come back in the spin-off manga crazy diamond's demonic heartbreak which takes place shortly before part 4. here he has moved in with mariah to create a kind of hidden sanctuary for former minions of dio in part 4 the only stand that we could really call obscure is the stand of the nijimura's father it has no name and has never shown but we do know for a fact that he received a stand ability from dio after dio's death and the mutation of the flesh bud he was turned into his monster form and became unable to die seemingly his ability is lost since he never actually uses it however whatever power it was it may have been related to dio's goal of finding a special kind of stand user for his heaven plan another very minor stand comes in part 5 the electricity ability of the person who found the stand meteor this stand awoke in 1978 from one of the members of the team in cape york greenland he very briefly used an ability similar to a stun gun that burned off a doctor's fingers however he ended up dying very soon after some more unseen abilities are the stands of sorbet and gelato it is inferred that all members of pashone's assassination squad have stand abilities however since sorbet and gelato were both killed off-screen their abilities are never shown evidently whatever their powers were they weren't the kind that would help them escape death by any traditional means in part 6 there's a couple of obscure unnamed stands first is the stand ability of emporio's mother according to emporio she had some kind of stand which poochie killed her to obtain however what this ability was is unknown pucci has obtained a vast amount of stand discs through this method which is how we see the other obscure stand this was a stand that caused the user to instantly boil any water they touch poochie gave this stand to foo fighters to prevent her from getting water during their fight like any stand disc that is used on a stand user it got ejected shortly after the ability was used and wasn't seen again another obscure stand comes from part 7. this one is talked about in a story told by mountain tim about a man who entered the devil's palm searching for emeralds and developed a stand ability after his ability killed multiple people he shot himself out of regret oddly enough this ability is very similar to the stand tomb of the boom which led to mountain tim recognizing the similarity between its victims however it's unknown what its ability actually was it's possible that the stand actually was tomb of the boom and the emerald searcher was given the stand just like how all three members of the boom boom family were those are all the really obscure ones in the main series but really if they're featured in the main series of jojo i can't really see them being that obscure we need to go a bit deeper to find the really obscure ones there's been a couple of spin-off manga based on jojo which do feature unique stand abilities first is crazy diamond's demonic heartbreak the prequel to part 4 starring josuke and whole horse here we have the stand used by the parrot pet sounds this is a bird that worked under dio and was owned by the same trainer as pet shop during the events of the manga it escapes from its cage and whole horse travels to morio to find it the stand is able to make someone live through something it has seen in the past these include multiple events from during part 3 such as when wilson phillips ran over the pedestrians or the scene when whole horse tried to shoot dio the ability takes the form of punch cards that are expelled when the person is freed from the ability not a lot is known about this ability yet and so far it doesn't even have a name there may actually be more abilities in this story but that still remains to be seen another obscure stand comes from the one shot manga fujiko's bizarre worldly wisdom it's called bad romance and is the stand of the prisoner fujiko fujiyama she's an artist and anyone who receives one of her drawings will have their mental state be controlled by any drawing she makes of them poochie gave her this ability to try and make her target jolene however instead fujiko ended up infatuated with jolene and started drawing erotic art of her eventually her infatuation became religious and she started drawing jolene as a goddess making her heal from the injuries she had gotten after seeing how this completely backfired poochie removed her ability the next stand comes from a chapter of the spin-off manga thus spoke kushibe rohan titled dna here rohan is approached by yukiko to tell him about a friend of hers whose daughter has strange abilities the little girl named mao has strange features like a lack of eyebrows and upper lashes and a small tail she only speaks in reverse and she walks with silent footsteps that soak everywhere she walks with water whenever her tail is touched it causes her to camouflage the mother asks rohan to cure mal but he refuses since these traits aren't due to a genetic defect but are actually the shape of her heart and what he calls a kind of visible stand ability what rohan says here is pretty interesting since it opens up a lot of other things to being stand abilities as well i went over this in my video about what counts as a stand but the gist is that a lot of other things we see in the spokeshibe rohan like the various yokai and possessions rohan encounters could also actually be stand abilities so maybe we could put those on a different tier of abilities that aren't even considered to be stands next is one from the spin-off one-shot rohan goes to gucci in this rohan goes to a gucci workshop with a bag that used to belong to his grandmother the bag is home to a phenomenon where if you put money inside it disappears the employee informs rohan that this is actually one of three special bags created by a genius gucci artisan and that rohan may not know the correct way to use it but rohan doesn't care and has the bag fixed later rohan realizes that the bag actually had a stand ability that performs an equivalent exchange whatever money it eats comes back to you in an equal amount of good fortune however since the bag was fixed it no longer does this and was only fulfilling its last remaining exchanges so while this weird stand from a gucci tie-in chapter of the rohan spin-off is pretty obscure i think the thing that's even more obscure here is the fact that it was not one of a kind but one of only three of this bag to exist so there are presumably still two more bags withstand abilities out there as well as possibly more stand wielding products made by the unknown genius artisan okay here's a really obscure one this comes from jump multi-world an event held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of shonen jump araki's contribution is a four panel manga starring josuke here josuke sees two people arguing and decides to fix their friendship by beating them up with crazy diamond but then josuke realizes that even crazy diamond can't heal people's hearts and that it can't bring back the dead since he just inadvertently killed the two at the bottom of the comic there was a note saying that this josuke is not the same one from the jojo manga and that he will never be seen again now obviously this comic is a joke and isn't meant to be canon or anything but this does technically mean that this would be considered an alternate version of josuke and more specifically crazy diamond so that alternate version of the stand is the one i would consider here to be obscure however since manga is the main form of jojo's content i feel like to get really obscure we need to look at things outside of the manga a lot of stands originate from the collection of light novels released for the series each book is based on a certain part of jojo and the stands here fit right in with the main stands featured throughout the main series in the part 3 novel genesis of the universe we have a group of stan users that are other minions of dio first we have the stand dark mirage which is said to be a humanoid crystal shaped stand with a lens on its chest which it uses to create illusions it can create anything it wants but if it has no access to light the lens won't operate no illustration of this stand actually exists and we only have a picture of the stand user mccall and the illusions she creates another stand is satanic coupler a stand which takes the form of a train its user absalom can actually change the form of the train to fit anything that he can think of and he reads the minds of the joestar group to think of different forms for the train to take one example is when he reads iggy's mind and the train takes on a monstrous appearance based on how a dog perceives a train the train can also shrink down and try to enter a person's body to kill them as a last resort the last stand from this book is the titular genesis of the universe a stand bound to a book that contains all wisdom and history inside of it this one also goes by the name pata making it another egyptian god stand when the user ani reads something aloud from the book it can come to life some examples of these are a group of roman soldiers as well as living versions of statues like the sphinx or even egyptian gods themselves the user has even kept himself alive with an ancient method of reincarnation that he reads from the book only one thing can be summoned at a time and if a page of the book is damaged or unreadable whatever was written there can't be summoned in the part 5 novel golden heart golden ring we have three more stand abilities first is the cure a rabbit shaped stand that can absorb injuries and ailments from people the more pain it absorbs the larger it grows until it finally becomes huge and goes berserk another is public image limited a stand bound to a sniper rifle bullet it's extremely powerful but every time it's used it drains energy from its user rigatoni which means he's risking death with every shot he takes as a trade-off the bullet also absorbs stand energy from whoever it hits equal to the energy he put in so rigatoni tries to only target stan users in order to balance out how much power he uses the last stand is joy division which can switch whatever the user touches between his hands this ability was thought to be useless but the user eventually trained to delay his ability meaning that after he touches two objects he can choose a time in the next three hours to switch them on command with this power it actually becomes pretty dangerous and in one scene he teleports some naval mines on top of giorno and mista in the part 4 novel the book forth another day there are two stands the first is the book which contains all of the memories of the user takuma anytime someone reads one of the memories they experience it themselves takuma uses this to make people read through life-threatening experiences he's had which will actually happen to the reader and injure them takuma can also re-read things from his own memories and by reading memories of himself successfully doing a task such as knife throwing he can train himself through repetition to master that task the other stand in this book is memory of jet which takes the form of fog that can cover a person or location once this happens anything inside is impossible to see or gain access to next is purple haze feedback a novel that takes place after part 5 starring fugo the stands here come from various members of pashone the first is voodoo child the stand of the book secondary character sheila e this stand lets her create lips anywhere with her stand punches the lips can repeat anything that is thought or said near them so it functions like a recording device the lips also have physical utility such as biting objects that are nearby then we have all along the watchtower a colony stand based on a deck of cards its main skill is espionage by slipping into hard to reach areas however the ability is actually extremely useful since any damage dealt to the stand is transferred between all 53 cards before it reaches the user making him nearly invincible to attacks on his stand next is rainy day dream away which takes the form of rain its ability is that once a person experiences an emotion within the range of the stand the user can lock that emotion onto the person in one example fugo loses balance for a second but has that sensation locked into him causing him to keep tripping all over the place next is dolly dagger which takes the form of a small dagger any attack that the user sustains can be partially transferred to whoever the user has reflected in the dagger's blade no matter what kind of attack it is seventy percent of it is reflected onto the target while the user takes the remaining thirty percent next is night bird flying which looks like a small bird it has the power to make people experience the symptoms of drug addiction essentially turning people into mindless zombies the book also contains an evolution for purple haze called purple haze distortion which has access to a stronger virus that is also capable of eating other viruses to eliminate airborne pathogens or cure people finally we have manic depression the stand of the main villain massimo vope leader of pashone's narcotics squad it can manipulate a body's chemical balance after it pierces it with one of its thorns for example it can cause someone's heart to beat so fast that it explodes however he can also enhance his own abilities like boosting his adrenaline once he does this his body starts to break down from over exertion volpe tracks down the stone mask to become a vampire which would make him invincible while he uses his ability one interesting thing is that volpe is actually the brother of tonio from part 4. so his ability could be seen as a kind of evil version of pearl jam which heals the bodies that it enters a ton of really odd stands come from the novel george joestar which introduced an alternate reality where tons of characters and stands are changed one thing to note is that for stans in this universe they're named after movies and tv shows instead of music the book has over 20 unique stands as well as a ton of evolutions of returning stands it also introduces three new kinds of abilities wounds which are like rogue stand abilities that form from a person's trauma they disappear once the source of the person's pain is destroyed bounds which can combine with the environment and beyonds which allow the user to control destiny the use of beyonds requires a person to acknowledge that they are a fictional character in the story allowing them to break the fourth wall by changing the story itself it really is just too much to go over in this video since some of these stands have pretty esoteric abilities maybe one day when i go over this book i can get into it but for now i would definitely consider any of these to be some of the most obscure in the series two more stands come from rey infinito a short story focused on lisa lisa which released in the jojo magazine so far there's only a rudimentary translation but it'll do for now one of the stands is the lord of the flies which has the power to control steel flies that can pierce through people like bullets then there's hopscotch a stand that draws with chalk on the ground to create a hopscotch game and if you don't hop on one foot you fall into a sinkhole but when it comes to light novel stands i feel like they can't really be that obscure right even though not a lot have read them they're still decently knowable maybe the most obscure light novel stand of all however would be one from a light novel that never actually came out one of the books i was talking about earlier is the book forth another day which is a sequel to part 4. the creation of this book actually has a pretty interesting history the author otsuichi says that he had written 2 000 pages that he ended up throwing out these were part of an early and completely different version of the book called the anatomy lesson of dr nicholas tulp in 2002 a 30-page preview of the book was published in a special issue of weekly shonen jump which is unrecognizable compared to the story of the final novel which wouldn't release until 2007 the main character in this story is a boy named kaoru who has an unnamed stand ability that allows him to spawn objects underneath his skin he can seemingly create whatever he wants but he has to cut open his skin to access the items behind him you can see the aura of a horned demon which is presumably the true form of his stand which never makes a full appearance but with everything we've talked about so far they sort of just originate from jojo's stories themselves that feels a bit too easy so the real obscure stands i think would be the ones not tied to traditional media at all in 2017 an official escape room attraction opened called jojo's bizarre escape the hotel it's themed around part 3 with players taking on the role of one of the crusaders to solve puzzles and escape the story of the attraction is that they're trapped in a hotel by the stand house of holi an ability that turns the hotel into a labyrinth another escape room was also made in 2020 called escape from jojo's bazaar museum this one is themed around part five with the story having the group trapped inside a museum by a pashone member named scatola who stand the shelter steals their abilities here's another in 1992 a series of drama cds was published that adapted part 3 of jojo this was actually the first ever adaptation of jojo even predating the stardust crusaders ovas it only covers a small amount of part 3 but it does have some interesting additions like an original fight between jotaro and whole horse but not only that there was actually a brand new stand user that appeared here which the group encounters in india the user is an old man who's never given a name but his stand is called strange relation it takes the form of a street organ that he plays music from to control other stand users interestingly this guy doesn't actually work for dio he's just doing this attack on his own another obscure stand comes from the japan only famicom game famicom jump 2 the strongest seven a crossover game that features characters from seven different shonen jump manga it has chotaro as well as some other part 3 characters in it each jump protagonist has a scenario in the game based on them in joturo's scenario there is a town that comes under attack from a stand user with the power to turn people into stone when he punches them in 2012 an event was held in japan called the hirohiko araki special jojo exhibition it featured some original illustrations as well as a showcase of araki's art oddly enough however this exhibition actually featured a completely original stand called remote romance it was created in response to the event selling out and gives some kind of in-universe reason for people viewing the exhibition remotely on select nights remote romance would physically appear in the gallery and walk around viewing the exhibits people who accessed the gallery's hangouts live stream on google plus could view the gallery from the stan's perspective through a camera on its face some people could also control the stand in which case their face would appear on the stand screen the stand also surprisingly comes with its own backstory it was originally wielded by a legendary hacker named dixie flatline and after he died his stand remained on the internet possessing anyone who accessed the server he was on there's actually another stand like this that was created for an event in 2018 another exhibition was opened titled ripples of adventure for this araki designed a new stand called jojo sapiens the event featured a poll that would ask jojo fans various questions about themselves and jojo the story was that jojo sapiens itself was controlling this pole with its ability in order to create the ultimate jojo human based on the information this person would then become its user the questions range from topics from jojo like their favorite stand or part to personal questions like their age weight and gender and even philosophical questions like their response to the trolley problem after the data was collected the user of jojo sapiens was designed and was shown portrayed by a real-life model in 2012 a mook or a cross between a magazine and a book titled jojo menon was published basically a mooc is a magazine-like publication that's meant to stay on shelves longer than a normal magazine would this mooc contains artwork interviews and articles to commemorate jojo's 25th anniversary some of these are more well-known like the famous meeting between araki and jojoro's inspiration clint eastwood but what i want to talk about here is a meeting between a rocky and a contemporary artist named akira yamaguchi his painting style is meant to resemble older styles of japanese art for their meeting yamaguchi created a painting called campus bizarre adventure conquest at school which features two original stands named berry berry skull and assy the horse despite the names they actually kind of look awesome they are the stands of a student council president and sports club captain respectively barry berry's skull is a short range stand with the dexterity of a samurai and assy the horse has long range and can move at the speed of a motorcycle when barry berry skull rides assy the horse his range is extended this is done so that the student council president can send her stand to discipline students across the school without having to leave class okay now we're down to some of our last obscure stands these originate from an interview between araki and a japanese tv personality named shoko nakagawa she's actually quite well known and you may know her as the singer of the two openings of the anime tengen toppa gurren lagen she's also a huge fan of jojo and has somewhat of an obsession with jotaro in particular during the interview there's a section where the two sit down to design stands of jotaro and shoko's hypothetical children shoko designs a stand named giganto stomach the stand of her and jilturo's daughter jokotan kujo jokotan herself has a freakish appearance that is a combination of jilturo's face with shoko which she says is due to her love for jotaro and her strong dna the stand takes the form of three floating heads that spit up gastric acid the stand also has the ability to fly to jotaro wherever he is to make sure he isn't having an affair araki designed a stand called the love note which belongs to jo kujo josuro and shoko's son the book essentially functions like the death note except whatever two people are written in the book are bound to be married often the victims of the love note will kill each other to escape its effects meaning it also functions like the actual death note at times and that's all of the obscure stands that i could think of going over all of this really does remind you of just how big the jojo series is it's also really interesting to see how many stands originate from completely supplementary material like interviews and exhibitions the question i posed at the beginning of this video of course is subjective but of these what do you consider to be the most obscure comment below if you learned anything new and if you have an idea for a future video similar to this let me know if you want to be updated on new videos and chapters join the hum and beat discord using the link in the description to receive rewards like discord perks and some uncut videos you can support the channel on patreon and finally for future videos subscribe to the channel thank you for watching this is the part of the video where i thank my five dollar and up patrons thank you to tony the owl god alex ramirez doorbell monkman ashton joseph miller crayon rigo vids zuccato shane gieger sentai pumpkin doge marrow bailey smile ali almighty quarth oof pba svg cowrie jojo gogo tucker gold halil cake gatlin grove and vess [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hamon Beat
Views: 435,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojo, jjba, jojos, bizarre, adventure, araki, hirohiko, stand, obscure, hidden, ranking, remote romance, jojosapiens, love note, gigant stomach, shoko, nakagawa, mao, tenore sax, jonathan stand, hermit purple, the world, star platinum, dio, jotaro, crazy diamond, strange relation, drama cd, light novel, nijimura, mansaku, sorbet, gelato, emporio, petsounds, cddh, hol horse, josuke, fujiko, bad romance, rohan, kishibe, gucci, bag, phf, jorge joestar, escape room, shelter, house of holy, dija maker, scatola
Id: -_wh0gsTni4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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