Debunking Araki Forgot Part 7: Steel Ball Run

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she's um they hop on the beat welcome back to debunking Araki forgot while part seven is almost universally beloved by the Western fanbase it is not free from its own share of misconceptions as a whole people seem to pay a tiny bit more attention with part seven since they just got done speed reading part six to get there but there are still some things to go over including some that warrant a heftier discussion than normal a common question asks why gyro is capable of seeing stands when he himself is not a stand user this question is interesting and it requires us to look at what it is people are referring to and when the first stand that the duo encounters is Tomb of the boom a stand ability split up among the three members of the boom-boom family gyro does in fact see the stand and comments on it however I do not think that this is a normal stand some stands such as star platinum are purely spiritual and are only visible to stand users however other stands such as gab are formed out of physical objects so they could be seen by non stand users tomb of the boom fits in with the second example we can see that the stand is actually formed using one of its abilities magnetism we can see in a couple different examples that the stand is actually made up of iron particles and not a traditional ghost type stand the next stand fight would be a a coma ba some people have said the gyro saw the bird form of the stand but this did not happen the bird appears one time when OA komova pours out the water behind him but neither gyro nor Johnny acknowledged this gyro does see the bomb pins created by the stand but I believe that these are also physical objects as opposed to ghostly ones the reason I think this is because they seem to have physical properties from the way they become slippery from the sweat of gyros hand there may also be fights after this where gyro acknowledges the presence of a stand but at that point in the story this issue is resolved gyro in a way does become a state user through his temporary use of the corpses I and the scan ability however he may have been able to see stands as early as the tomb of the boom fight in the extra chapter it is said that spin is a stepping stone to awakening a stand this is confirmed throughout the part with tusks evolutions and gyros eventual mastery of spin when he gains access to ballbreaker it is also said that the power of gyros spin increased after passing through the devil's palm this would be the way for him to see stands since the use of spin and stands is intertwined some people ask how many of the characters in the story of gain stands in the previous universe stands were awakened by the arrow along with your own potential awakening into one at birth or later in life in part 7 however Stan's originated from the power of the holy corpse this is quite simple it is established early on that The Devil's palms are formed from the power of the corpse parts the devil's palms were said to move miles every day so it is not unlikely that the characters would have passed through them this is directly said to be what happened to some of these characters of various points after the oil komova fight gyro receives a gift from his home country in the form of the zombie horse some people are confused as to the origins of this item it is said that it is not a stand so many people ask what is it really this is simply some string which has been blessed with holy power by the neapolitan royalty with so much energy being gained from the Saints corpse I believe that there are other sources of holy power as well dr. Ferdinand references the corpse of st. Francis Xavier and he says that it has not rotted similar to the Saints corpse it is possible that other Saints may have some kind of holy power as well after the wired fight jyro says that long lasting kingdoms around the world are able to become so powerful because they possess the corpse of the saint he also mentions that his home country keeps record of many different Saints in his example the nation of Venice gained power by stealing the corpse of st. mark it is likely that Napa's has the power of a saint as well which was then able to bless the zombie horse there is some confusion involving the way stands are gained from the corpse parts besides just passing through a devil's palm if you absorb a piece of the corpse itself and have potential you may gain an ability from it Johnny gained tusks this way by unknowingly absorbing the left arm during the tomb of the boom fight some have asked about the stand like figure that appears during the scary monsters fight and the one that appeared later when jyro used his scan ability some of the corpse parts have a guardian which is the form that the stand will initially take when absorbing it tusks act one is the guardian of the left arm later on lucy sees the guardian of the head which takes the form of an angel and that is also what this strange figure is it is the guardian of the eyes of the corpse gyro only ends up using one eye so when he is shown using scan later half of the guardian appears the other half went to Diego you can see it with him briefly after he obtains the eye but there is also confusion as to how exactly Diego gained this ability this was originally the ability of dr. Ferdinand however who Diego began using it later so how does this work gyro says that because Diego got the eye he was able to keep his transformation there is another question to address which is what happens to these stands when the corpse part is lost during the wired fight johnny loses the left arm for a moment and was no longer able to use his ability until he got it back after gyro gave his eye to Lucy he no longer had access to scan Diego eventually ends up losing VI but keeps his ability it seems that this is based on the mastery over ones particular ability when Johnny lost act 1 he was still very new to using it the same goes with gyro who had only gotten a small amount of use out of scan Diego however was described to have his talent of transformation kept after he gained the eye it seems that Diego became very well accustomed to his transformation and it became his own stand independent of the corpse part johnny seems to have also gotten a mastery over tusk which is shown to a as he learns more about spin if you have multiple corpse parts keeping at least a small portion of one will allow you to keep your stand even if it is not the original part you received this is seen when Johnny is able to keep tusks after hotpants allows him to keep the bottom vertebra of the spine eventually the fully assembled corpse ended up in Valentine's hands however at this point Johnny had evolved tusks to act 3 and it became his to keep I believe that tusks started to represent Johnny himself starting with act 3 which had shriveled legs and eventually got fully functional legs along with Johnny after becoming act for this design change signifies the stand now belonging to Johnny the characters Sandman has caused a large deal of confusion with his portrayal throughout the part the first point to address is his name initially he is known as Sandman but later he reveals that this is actually a bastardization of his original tribal name which is soundman some people say that this contradicts the beginning of the part since his fellow tribesman and sister call him Sandman some people propose that soundman is actually an alternate universe version of Sandman brought in by d4c I think that this theory is ridiculous and there is a much simpler answer the naming convention of Sandman versus soundman does not work when read in the English language in English the two names sound very different and nearly impossible to mistake for the other however in Japanese the two names are essentially identical due to their pronunciation Sandman in Japanese is Sandeman sound man in Japanese is Sango man this is why this reveal is so awkward in the English translation since only in Japanese would it have to be pointed out which name is being said the second topic involving Sandman is his stand many say that in his early appearance his stand was shown to control sand well later it became his echos ESCA bility involving sound the event that people are referring to is when Sandman gives his entry fee for the race where small hands made of sand to get in the eyes of the attendants however this is still in line with what his stand does later in a silent waves mayne ability is to construct objects out of sound among these constructs he is also able to make living creatures he attacks a wasp nest which then has writing on it but it also sprouts arms and legs and begins moving around many people miss remember that Sandman can make these himself and confuse them with the sound of dinosaurs he uses later with the help of Diego during the wrecking ball fight Johnny and gyro are stuck fighting in the middle of a frozen tundra where barely any life is present since the proper use of spin requires you to view the golden ratio as a reference and the ratio only occurs in nature gyro is stuck trying to find a way to get a more powerful throw eventually he manages to see the ratio in a snowflake and win the fight however some people have brought up other examples of things that he could have used instead the first is his belt buckle during the in a Silent Way fight gyro told Johnny that the belt was made to be used as a reference for the ratio the fact that people even consider this a possibility shows a blatant miss reading of that fight the entire purpose of the belt buckle was as a test for Johnny to realize how to view the ratio he specifically goes over how human creations are only imitations of the ratio and that it only exists in nature next people mention his own hands which gyro shows that he can form into the shape of the ratio however this is directly addressed during the fight when weka pepo damages gyros hands this makes it impossible for them to fit the ratio as shown by the broken rectangles surrounding them and last is the other people in the area for starters since the ratio only exists in naturally occurring things a person who is wearing clothes would not be able to properly have the ratio only an exposed body part could be used such as the corpse parts which gyro plans to use certain parts of johnny could be used as seen with his eyes but this was extremely limited due to the left side ataxia blocking Johnny from view and that he would have to take his eyes off the target to look at Johnny probably the most well-known topic in part 7 is the appearance change of funny Valentine initially he appears fact and short while he starts becoming gradually taller throughout the part and eventually very muscular I believe I know the reason for this but first I'll go over what other people think some people say that he swapped the bodies with another Valentine using D 4c this is probably the most valid among the different fan theories but I don't think it completely fits earlier in that scene the Valentine still looks a bit frumpy although I guess that could be something that he hides with posture to make himself more unassuming not unlike the difference between Clark Kent and Superman but later on were shown a flashback of Valentine during the war where he still appears to fit with his later design other people say that the power of the corpse transformed him particularly the rib cage well this is also a possibility it's a bit of a stretch since Valentine does not have the corpse absorbed in this scene it's actually sitting over in the adjacent room the reason behind this change is actually laid out in an interview with Iraqi after being asked about it he jokes that Valentine worked out and then goes on to lay out his real reason it's an art style change this is not surprising since we have seen many characters in the series shifted ifferent designs sometimes seem to seem to of which he actually mentions in that interview josuke used to be more muscular than he eventually became the characters Koichi tamami and hazaa Mota shrank and there are other examples as well one of the other big debates in art 7 is the introduction of d4c there's a great deal of confusion surrounding the moment where johnny is shot which is clearly the intention with the mystery set up throughout that small arc the main point people have however is saying that d4 C's ability was changed after this fight what people point to is the panel explaining the ability as making two universes exists simultaneously however I feel that this is simply one way of explaining D foresees more established ability rather than an entirely separate one so I'll go over the events that transpired and attempt to line it up with how we understand d4 C to work first though I'll give a brief explanation of the ability d4 C is capable of accessing an infinite number of parallel worlds Valentine moves between these by becoming caught between two objects he's able to bring people and objects across universes however if two identical people or things meet each other they will combine and be destroyed with the exception of Valentine himself we are first shown Johnny being shot by an unknown assailant with people in the park nearby noticing upon questioning the witnesses can't agree between the shooter being Diego Wikipedia or Valentine we then see the events from Weka people's perspective he is attacked by Valentine from behind a flag and after shooting him he is suddenly in front of the recently shot Johnny from Diego's perspective he was up on the roof trying to follow Valentine when Weka Pete Bo suddenly fires at him Diego becomes entangled in a flag and shoots with a pepo only to see him nearby moments later in the wounded Johnny in front of him finally we see Valentine's perspective where he moves around using his ability and shoots Johnny the question of who actually shot Johnny is simple it was Valentine while Diego and Weka pepo were just made to believe that they shot him but how exactly did this happen for Weka pepo we see him attacked from behind the flag and pinned to the floor I believe that this is the moment where Weka pepo is transported into another world we have seen that d4 sees ability not only allows Valentine to disappear between objects but also reappear from between other objects effectively allowing him to teleport I believe this is how Valentine was able to position Weka Depot in front of Johnny he was moved into a parallel world where an alternate Johnny was there for him to shoot and then brought back to believe he shot the base world Johnny diego slightly earlier is attacked by wikipedia while he's on the rooftop since this is clearly not the weka pipo we saw before this must be an alternate universe version and this would not be the only time where Valentine recruits people from other worlds this alternate Lou Caputo attacks Diego and he ends up wrapped in the flag we see later that Valentine is hiding in the space between Johnny and gyros horses a few feet away from them this would enable him to move the corpse of the alternate Wicca people away this is also the moment where diego was moved to be in front of johnny due to being under the flag and lastly Valentine was hiding between objects to set these situations up he shoots Johnny and then plants witnesses from other universes in the park in an attempt to cover his tracks to put it simply Valentine shoots Johnny Rekha people shoots a Johnny in another world and was brought back and Diego shoots an alternate like a Pico in the base world but is made to believe he shot the actual Johnny there is also another point which is brought up about d4c it is stated at one point that the base world Valentine is the only one who has access to d4c but people point to a certain panel where it appears that there are multiple D foresees and use however I don't think that this is really multiple D for seeds and instead is just an effect of d4c doing three consecutive punches this is a technique often used by Iraqi to show motion in a still image the character may be shown with multiple arms or be in multiple positions but it's really just for effect another question involves the cream starters Stan spray used by hot pants some people say that originally she was required to get more flesh to use it and that this limit was removed later let's take a look at this in her first appearance she is shown absorbing more flesh from jyro to use and then in the final arc she is shown doing exactly the same thing using her horse so I really don't see where people got this idea the other point concerning cream starter is the spray that Valentine eventually got his hands people say that since hotpants was dead at this point the spray shouldn't exist well it's true that in most cases Stan's disappear after death this would not apply here since Valentine says that he took this spray from an alternate universe hotpants who would still be alive others ask how it is possible for an alternate hotpants to have cream starter when the corpse only exists in the base universe this is a question which quite literally has infinite answers while the immense power of the corpse only exists in the base world there could easily be something like a stand arrow or other medium for attaining stands in other universes this would be the way that the alternate Diego got the world and the alternate Johnny that is briefly shown having act two some people are confused as to what exactly caused Johnny to be able to walk again after the final battle I thought that it was made pretty clear that this is due to the power of the spin back in Johnny's very first appearance he briefly stood after touching the spinning steel ball and throughout the parts we see this happening more and more with Johnny gaining a small amount of control over his legs after gaining act 3 after mastering spin and getting act 4 he's finally able to walk normally during the final fight an alternate Diego is brought into the base world who has the stand in the world some people are confused as to how when he stops time his horse moves forward as well this is really no different from how the world has been portrayed before since he can just pick up the horse and move it forward another thing I have seen asked recently is why johnny was affected by the spin during the final fight after being hit with the golden rotation Diego was able to cut off his own leg before it could spread the severed leg touches Johnny which causes him to be incapacitated by the spin some asked why this is an issue for Johnny when he is able to use act 3 to enter the bullet holes made by spin freely for starters act 3 does not use the golden rotation shooting himself with act three causes him to be able to access the space within the bullet holes since the golden ratio is the for an infinite rotation the space within the hole is effectively infinite however it is not actually infinite the only way to get a truly infinite spin is using the power of a horse this is why Jonny was stuck and had to be saved by Steven in the end since he's not able to reverse the rotation by himself some people have even asked how Jonny could be saved like this in the first place since he's not the one riding the horse this has never been a requirement however since Jonny was earlier able to access the power of his horse from being kicked by it to unlock act for the final question involves the final form of Jonny stand tusks act for tusk first evolved into act 4 after Jonny used the golden rotation which can only be harnessed by using the power of a horse however some people ask how Jonny was able to later use act 4 while on the boat without riding his horse this is a misunderstanding of how act 4 it works while act 4 was unlocked by using the perfect rotation it has never been a requirement to be on horseback for the stand to be active in fact Jonny was shown using act 4 off of his horse immediately after he got it in short golden rotation is what gave Jonny act 4 and acts 4 is the only way for him to use it but that does not stop him from using the stand itself for other purposes like punching and that was every Araki forgot for part 7 overall these topics weren't nearly as asinine as some of the other parts and they seem to have had very little effect on the parts reputation unlike part 6 while part 8 has a large amount of things to address and do not wish to cover it until the part is over since the explanations for many of the plot points are still yet to be introduced I feel like the part 8 video will be very interesting since the tons of things people say about part 8 will be hilarious in hindsight in the meantime however there are a couple new ideas I'd like to look into some people seem to think that I believe that Araki can make an mistakes despite me saying otherwise multiple times now that we've gone through the first seven parts showing what wasn't forgotten it's time to take a look at the actual mistakes Araki has made along the way I feel like this will be a very interesting topic since very few of the real forgots are actually brought up by people another idea is to go deeper on certain topics of Iraqi for God in individual videos often it would be easier to explain something with the freedom of a full video it will also be easier to access as opposed to an explanation being hidden in the middle of a part related video if you'd like to receive updates on new videos or ask questions join the Hulman beat discord using the link in the description you can also support the channel on patreon where you can receive exclusive rewards all patrons get a role on the discord and can have access to the extended versions of my old music reference videos which cannot be shown on YouTube and for future videos subscribe to the channel thank you for watching this is the part of the video where I thank my five and $10 patrons thank you to Norton Village Alex Ramirez rosianna boat girl knacks insane penguin and a soui hat and Robert yo Speedwagon [Music] you
Channel: Hamon Beat
Views: 1,410,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojo, jojos, jojo's, bizarre, adventure, steel ball run, sbr, part 7, araki forgot, forget, plot hole, johnny, joestar, gyro, zeppeli, funny, valentine, spin, stands, race, horse, d4c, retcon, sandman, soundman, fat, wekapipo, diego, the world, tusk, scary monsters, dirty deeds, araki, hirohiko, devils palm, jesus, corpse, saint, love train, rotation
Id: aiTZ6LQ4wS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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