Spin, Stands, & Saints - What Counts As A Stand Pt. 2

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she's up today i'm on the beat [Music] in my previous video i went over a rocky's design philosophy when it comes to the supernatural elements in jojo rather than being a series of disparate ideas the many different abilities in the series almost all exist under a unifying concept this idea is even more clear in the new universe of jojo parts 7 and 8. some concepts are carried over while others are entirely new this was enough to make me justify a separate video for these parts i recommend watching my previous video on what counts as a stand since i'll be continuing from ideas presented in that video just as in the original continuity stand abilities are the most prevalent type of power in the series the first video went over the relationship between stand abilities and folklore with it being very likely that most myths throughout history were the result of stand users in the past this is likely still true however the origin of these powers is much different it's common to hear that all stand abilities in this new universe can be traced back to the saints corpse a very important object in this new universe however while it's true that many stans originate that way i don't think this is entirely accurate the origin of the saints corpse is not fully laid out but what we do know is that it is the body of jesus christ who after his resurrection traveled east to the american continent he left a map on the ground of his tomb which was recorded by joseph of arimathea the map showed nine locations on the as of yet undiscovered north american continent he moved east until reaching the ocean and traveled by boats to north america he lived there with the native american people until his death after which great natural disasters occurred and spread pieces of his corpse to the nine corresponding locations of the map around the scattered pieces phenomena that the native americans referred to as devil's palms would form when one passes through a devil's palm they undergo a process similar to that of the stand arrows in the original universe they will either die or gain a power known as a stand this was seen with many characters throughout part 7. the manga itself doesn't show jesus's story prior to the crucifixion however since the story does quote directly from the bible we can assume that most of it would be the same as the biblical figure so the jesus in this story likely still performed the miracles he was known for many people often debate the topic of whether this jesus was a stand user this is simply not made clear enough in the story but as i've said in the previous video the definition of what a stand is is actually quite arbitrary before his death he definitely possessed some kind of abilities we can see many acts of divine intervention occurring as a result of the corpse indicating what his power may have been like i don't think the power he possessed was on the same level of the stands used by the characters it was something much more than that and the stands gained from his corpse are simply deriving from this power the quote used when showing this story is actually quite relevant in him was life and the life was the light of men jesus was human but he was the most perfect example of a human that natural perfection gives him a kind of holy power and those that are near him can share that power as we know the body of jesus is not the only saints corpse out there the kingdom of naples tracked the whereabouts of various corpses and they were known to possess supernatural power a saint is a person who has been deemed as having an exceptional degree of holiness this is determined by miracles being attributed to them after their death jesus was a perfect individual and these saints are significantly approaching his level of perfection giving their corpses powers similar to his albeit not as powerful but what exactly is this perfection i'm talking about this can be seen through one of part 7's main underlying principles the golden ratio this refers to a specific mathematical principle which is present across art architecture and much of the natural world as johannes kepler wrote the image of man and woman stems from the divine proportion the golden ratio has often been referred to in divine terms such as these in art history it is a scale often used to represent the perfection of the natural form araki is very familiar with this concept when it comes to human proportions in his art as he details in his book manga in theory and practice within the world of jojo this ratio is the equation that all of life is based on it is present in all aspects of nature and it possesses an infinite amount of potential energy this can be seen through the other main ability system of part 7 the spin spin is a technique derived from the golden ratio if you were to draw a spiral within the golden rectangle you would have a perfect rotation extending inwards forever by spinning objects in proportion to the ratio you can use the energy of approaching infinity for various purposes the most perfect form of spin that is attainable is the golden rotation which mankind can only reach using the power of a horse as araki points out in the volume 14 author's notes humans and horses have a kind of biological harmony that comes from horseback riding by riding on horseback a person can become one with the natural power of the horse by riding within the golden ratio this can be used to push spin to its limit finally making a perfect spiral and creating a rotational energy that'll last forever the only way to reverse such an effect would be to cancel it with an equal and opposite goal and rotation spin was primarily used by the kingdom of naples for purposes such as medicine or execution this was the country of origin of the zeppeli family as well as the character wekapipo the kingdom of naples was sworn to protect the vatican giving them a kind of holy legitimacy the spin is based on the perfection of the natural world so the vatican and by extension the kingdom of naples were interested in the greatest examples of this perfection this includes the saints from throughout history their power was shown to be so great that if a country were to obtain one of these corpses they would last for a thousand years the body of christ is the ultimate example of this perfection and so it was greatly sought after when it was discovered to be in the new world this was the reason for the vatican sending their agent hotpants to retrieve it the concepts of spin and stands are shown to be intertwined when one attains a stand mastery of spin can increase the stan's power this was shown through the evolution of johnny's stand tusk which moved to a new act whenever he improved his spin the inverse is also true when one reaches mastery of spin they can gain the power of a stand this was seen through the perfection of the zeppelin steel ball technique and gyro tapping into the power of ball breaker this is not necessarily gyro's stand but rather anyone who perfects the zeppelin steel ball technique will have access to it this is very similar to the stand hermit purple and its relationship with the ripple which i discussed in a previous video jonathan and joseph were both users of the ripple and both received hermit purple much like how iraqi described hermit purple as a visualization of ripple's energy he likewise refers to ball breaker as being a visualization of the steel ball's energy since ball breaker is using the full power of the golden ratio its ability has an influence over life causing its targets to age users of spin can be looked at as proto stand users in this way gyro has been shown to be able to see stands despite not necessarily possessing one he first saw the stand tomb of the boom although that was arguably a physically bound stand made from iron particles he either became capable of seeing stands after passing through the devil's palm or he was just inherently able to see them from being a spin user on the path to using ball breaker when gyro passed through the devil's palm he did not gain a stand ability instead it was said that the power of the devil's palm increased the effectiveness of his spin this shows that stands and spin are both derived from the same form of energy this was even called into question early on with mountain tim wondering whether or not spin was a kind of stand ability this is further supported by gyro's use of the scan ability often when people absorb a corpse part they gain access to some sort of ability the ability takes the form of the guardian of the corpse part in johnny's case this was the first act of his stand tusk giving him an ability relating to his newly awakening spin the guardian of the eyes ended up split between gyro and diego with each being shown to have half of the guardian this resulted in diego gaining control over his existing dinosaur transformation which the stand of dr ferdinand granted him in gyro's case this gave him an upgrade to his steel ball technique as pointed out by gyro and dr ferdinand countries that possess the corpse of a saint are greatly benefited by its power the kingdom of naples seemingly had access to the power of one of these corpses most likely threw their connection to the vatican and they were known to keep records of the other corpse locations as well while on their journey gyro and johnny received a gift from the king in the form of the zombie horse a magic string that can heal wounds this item is most likely blessed with some kind of holy power which the king would have access to through his service to the vatican funny valentine learned about the power of the corpse while traveling through a devil's palm with his fellow soldiers all but him died and he gained the power of his stand d4c as well as the heart of the corpse he rose through society until becoming the president and obtained joseph of arimathea's map which he used to organize the route of the steel ball run race the race ran along a course between the corpse parts and he would use this as an opportunity to collect them he eventually obtained the complete corpse using lucy steele as the host for it this gave his stand the ability of love train a dimensional barrier that can redirect misfortune valentine's plan was to protect the united states from all negative energy expelling it to the outside world love train's power is the full culmination of the corpse's natural perfection so the only thing that can counter it is a similar level of perfection that being the golden rotation using this johnny was able to defeat valentine through the actions of lucy the corpse was left inside the vault with no owner presumably with its power no longer having an effect on the country so the abilities of stans spin and the saints corpse are all intertwined it's not correct to say that all stands originate from the saints corpse since we do have an example to the contrary the ability of poco loco has been directly stated to have not come from the devil's palm since this is possible it indicates that stands can be awoken independently similar to tonio's stand in the previous continuity poco loco is shown to be a supernaturally lucky character with a fortune teller directly confirming this since pocoloko has this natural level of perfection he is able to tap into a stand ability the saints corpse is what a majority of stand abilities we see are derived from but it's important to remember that it isn't the only source stands the spin and the corpse are all abilities that originate from the golden ratio and the latent potential that exists in all of nature the main saints corpse and the golden rotation are the purest examples of this from this point onward i'll be discussing material related to part 8. part 8 obviously isn't finished yet and many of these explanations are incomplete there are still a large amount of connections to be made with part 7 but there will still be some unanswered questions and a touch of speculation the corpse was untouched for some time until johnny's wife rina became infected with the higashigata family's rock disease the origins of this disease are unknown as of this time it affects the first born higashikatas with boys being affected at an earlier age than girls the fact that the disease causes them to turn to stone is very notable considering some other elements in part 8. johnny took the corpse from the vault and brought it to japan where he hid it in a cave underneath the twin pines of morio he used its power to perform an equivalent exchange on his wife inadvertently passing the disease to his son george the corpse's power of exchange is similar to the love train ability which was used to redirect a misfortune he ultimately used the golden rotation to shoot himself along with the corpse to exchange the disease to himself this event caused the autumn leaves stand to awaken which moved a boulder onto his head the corpse was later recovered by lucy steele and some government agents whose goals at this time are unknown the spot underneath the twin pines is quite notable since later it became one of the primary locations of the walleyes phenomenon that would awaken in mario sometime after the incident with the corpse it became known that the ground of mario possessed the power of equivalent exchange if two things were buried in the soil near the walleyes pieces of them would swap a variety of things may have been the cause of this a piece of the corpse or its power may have been left behind after the incident it's also possible that johnny's body now possesses a power similar to that of the corpse and that him being buried in morio is causing this other characters also directly associate johnny's legend with the shrine built on that location the higashikatas eventually became aware of this power and started to use it to redirect the curse to other family members traditionally it seems that the mother would take on this role but others have tried to find ways around this after the 2011 earthquake the walleyes rose up from under the ground creating formations that faced outward to the ocean as if to protect from something the role of this higashikata curse in the story is very notable which i mentioned in the last video what people view as curses is often revealed to have been a stand ability at work one of these kinds of stands was featured in part eight the milagro man this curse originates from an arms dealer who killed his family and set his mansion on fire with a single scorched bill being the only thing left intact this money became cursed and anyone who obtained it would be unable to lose their money anytime they tried to spend or discard it they would receive it back plus extra this eventually leads to an endlessly multiplying swarm of money that could never be spent the only way to pass on the curse is for another person to accept the money from you we are shown that the malagro man curse has a stand form we don't know exactly what this stand does in relation to the curse since it's only ever shown during narration it's possible that this was the stand of the arms dealer and its power became that of the curse or that the stand was created through the energy of the curse itself i find the name milagro man to be very relevant to a possible reading of this idea milagro means miracle and miracles are often what is attributed to saints with one of the criteria for becoming a saint being performing miracles after death i find it likely that a curse is the same as something like these saints miracles only with a negative connotation the holiness of the saints caused miracles to occur after their death likewise the arms dealer created a curse by dying alongside sin this sin continues after death much like the posthumous miracles of saints the first chapter of jojolian describes a curse as an impurity passed down by sin this is also described as a friction between light and dark going back to the quote mentioned much earlier jesus was said to possess the light of men alongside this quote in the actual bible is repeated references to the dark so i would consider the curses in the story such as the malagro man and possibly the higashikata curse to be a kind of counterpart to the positive energy of something like the saints corpse if the saints represent the perfection of nature through the golden ratio then it's possible that curses represent the corruption of that perfection the walleyes phenomenon in morio acts similarly to the devil's palms from the previous part those that come in contact with them often receive a stand the higashikata family all received their stands this way due to their proximity to the walleyes there is a common misconception that the walleyes did not exist until the earthquake when they rose out of the ground this is incorrect since their power has been known about since long before that the character ogiro said that his childhood home was on a location where the walleyes later appeared he gained a stand from being near them regardless part 7 made it evident that stands and spin are intertwined since both are derived from the same kind of holy energy part 8 has recently showed a possible expansion of this idea it has been shown that the bubbles created by soft and wet are really aligned spinning at high speeds mamizuku points out that this is a power that exists within all stands and demonstrates it himself so just like how usage of spin acts as a pathway to attaining a stand a kind of backwards progression of this may also be possible one who already has a stand may be able to tap into the power of spin the two concepts are intertwined to the point that the distinction between them may just be arbitrary in the previous universe the gravity of all objects was what influenced their fate the force of gravity is also briefly focused on in part 7. the power of d4c to remain intact while entering other universes is referred to as gravity keeping the stand together to counter this the golden rotation also is based around the power of gravity allowing it to enter love trains dimensional barrier the concept of fate is somewhat succeeded by the concept of flow in part 8. whether this relates to gravity as it did in the previous universe is unknown but we have seen repeated use of the term flow when describing the course of events in the world this was first seen with norske's description of his fruit parlor where the layout encouraged a positive flow this is quite similar to the ideas of feng shui where the orientation of objects can influence good fortune later this is referred to with the stand wonder of you which causes calamities to occur this is an example of negative flow and is often associated with the idea of karma the concept of the right path is repeated many times across the part characters often wonder whether they are the ones in the right and the idea is that the ones who are truly right will be the victors this is very similar to the ideas seen at the end of parts 5 and 6 where fate will end up favoring the one who is truly just perhaps this idea of flow can apply to humans as well this may serve as a kind of explanation for poco loko's luck in part 7. the fortune teller told him he was naturally lucky so maybe poco loko is an example of a person who is on the right path and is in harmony with the flow the primary focus of part 8 is the fruit known as the locakaka which is capable of performing an equivalent exchange the fruit possessing powers of exchange like seen with the saints corpse is very notable but the origin of this fruit is still currently unknown the fruit is often compared to figs in smell taste and the shape of the tree's leaves there are actually some fig trees seen in the higashikata orchard that we can use to compare if we want to connect this to a biblical reference there was a story in which jesus cursed a fig tree with the prevalence of curses in part 8 i wouldn't be surprised if this story ended up playing some sort of role in the fruits origin the fruits exchange takes place within a person's body exchanging one body part for another turning the exchanged part of them to stone as mentioned earlier the higashikata rock disease also involves the bodies of those afflicted turning to stone when yoshika gekkira and josefumi kujo stole the fruit soft and wet's power was used to graft the fruit onto one of the trees near the higashikata property this turned out to be a tree sitting directly on top of the walleyes the newly grafted fruit had a different power of exchange now performing one between two different people similar to the walleyes power this fruit has been referred to now as the new loca however the fruit has only been shown used in its unripened state what the characters are currently pursuing is the ripe fruit which apparently possesses a great deal of power jobin believes that this power can completely eradicate the higashikata curse the last thing i'll be talking about here today is the main enemy group of jojolian the rock humans these are a species of humanoid beings that have evolved to be composed of silicon rather than the carbon-based beings that mainly inhabit the earth in my previous video i went over how many of the abnormal species found in the story were likely another form of stand user whether this is the case for rock organisms remains to be seen but they are shown to have certain noteworthy characteristics as the name suggests rock humans are able to turn into stone for there to be a fruit that turns body parts to stone a disease that turns one to stone and a race of beings that can turn into stone cannot possibly be a coincidence so i would imagine the origin of all three of these is connected in some way the general goal of the rock human seems to be to usurp carbon-based life as the dominant species on the earth the exact way this will play out is currently unknown but we know it has something to do with the power of the ripened new lokakaka according to urban gorilla the lokaka's power of exchange is more compatible with silicon-based organisms than it is with carbon-based ones the rock humans are also known to have been cultivating this fruit for a very long time this further ties the origins of the fruit to them rock humans are known to have a relationship with phenomena known as the blessings from the earth the exact nature of these is unknown but we do know that both the devil's palms and the walleyes are included in this category lucy steele and the speedwagon foundation are shown to have been aware of this power but their role in the story is currently unknown rock humans make these locations into their special places that they call home we first saw these special places referenced in the backstory of the rock human eye show who lost his special place with the destruction of his home one notable special place is that of the character dolomite who lives in the spring near the musukave shrine according to him the area around the spring was untouched by the recent earthquakes this is very similar to the hikashikata property which was protected in the area surrounded by the walleyes this is notable due to the possible origin of the walleyes coming from the shrine beneath the lone pine there was a segment of a chapter during the aphex twin fight that goes into detail on rock human biology this chapter also lists shrines as one of the main locations that rock humans call home the rock humans are known to have a high rate of stand users among them this has led some to believe that rock humans can be natural born stand users i don't think this is quite the case and i find it more likely that most rock humans became stand users after making contact with the blessings from the earth since the ones we know about are capable of granting stands the reverence the rock humans have for rock and ground is also notable if we look back at a previous scene in part 7 with the character dr ferdinand he repeatedly mentions respecting the earth and was also a character who was extremely knowledgeable about the devil's palms and saints he's the only character other than gyro that mentions the powers of saints corpses other than the main one he was a paleontologist and mentioned that the dinosaurs were wiped out due to them not respecting the earth this could hint at the rock humans goal of usurping humans and may indicate the blessings from the earth playing a huge role in this this may also show that the only way to stop whatever the rock humans are planning would be through the blessings this seems to be the case with the new hidden ability josuke has gained from his stan's fusion in the walleyes part 8 obviously is not currently over so much of what i've gone over relating to it is speculation however with the information currently available in the story i think these conclusions are quite likely once part 8 has concluded or if a huge amount of information comes out related to this topic you can be sure i'll make a video covering it if you have ideas of more jojo topics you'd like to see me cover comment it down below if you'd like to receive updates on new videos join the human beat discord using the link in the description to get rewards like discord perks as well as some uncut videos you can support the channel on patreon and finally for future videos subscribe to the channel thank you for watching this is the part of the video where i thank my five dollar and up patrons thank you to the owl god alex ramirez razianna ana suey hat doorbell cloudy monk man ashton joseph miller crayon jesper jansen ospino rigo vids zuccato d for land and joyless child
Channel: Hamon Beat
Views: 294,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojo, jjba, jojos, bizarre, adventure, araki, hirohiko, stands, spin, kaiten, corpse, jesus, saint, gyro, johnny, joestar, zeppeli, valentine, love train, tusk, d4c, ball breaker, dirty deeds done dirt cheap, rokakaka, locacaca, golden ratio, rectangle, hot pants, dr ferdinand, wall eyes, devils palm, blessings, lucy steel, speedwagon, spw, fusion, flow, fate, feng shui, theory, theories, jojolion, part 8, part 7, steel ball run, sbr, jjl, soft and wet, go beyond, wonder of u, calamity, pursue, pursuit, rock human
Id: g7DLzJoeKj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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