The Beauty of Okuyasu Nijimura

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Jojo characters sometimes come off as overly intelligent every fight being a struggle of who's more steps ahead of the other alongside this you have characters making complex calculations in the span of just a few seconds such as Kira using his air bubbles or giorno positioning himself to attack Black Sabbath Araki likes to write these more cerebral fights most of the time that doesn't mean that every one of his characters is a genius in fact some are designed to be idiots and one of the best examples of this is Oki Asuna jhamora and his stand the hand okay absolutely jhamora is the brojo of par for diamond it's not crash and he started out as one of the minor antagonist at the beginning of the part only two throughout the part become one of Josie as closest and most trusted friends along with this he grew to become one of the most adult members of the cast apart for though we'll get more into that later first we should understand the meaning behind his name ochio soon eg more is actually a pretty interesting name that on the surface doesn't look like it directly references anything specifically but when you look into it a little bit you start to understand that there's a lot there first of course we'll start with his family name nijam Ora which rocky mentioned that he wanted to use the kanji for rainbow or an eg at some point in Jojo so he decided that Oki Ozzy would be the perfect time to use this he then matched it up with Moreau which means village so altogether Nietzsche Mara means rainbow village which is a direct reference to an art exhibit located in the non tun district of Taiwan and this art exhibit was created by a former soldier hyung Yong foo who around 1949 due to the Chinese Civil War fled his home country of China and seeked housing in Taiwan a small village was offered to soldiers like him and was intended to be temporary housing for them until they got on their feet but over time it became permanent housing though as the years went on the homes that they were living in became more and more rundown and the government began buying the land back from them but hung refused to leave and quickly became the last person on his street and due to loneliness and boredom he began to paint the streets and the houses on this district this was later discovered by local university students who worked to label the location as an art exhibit with the authorities agreeing that the work should be preserved saving this segment of the village from being renovated in any way and the streets would gain the name the rainbow village now not only does the rainbow village story match up with the Nietzsche Mora family home since Kate Ranocchia she's squatting in this home prevented it from being renovated and demolish but you also have the relation to Taiwan itself through ochio Sue's given name as the Yasu part of it means Thai or in relation to Taiwan and speaking of okie haces give a name of course I have to mention the fact that his family has a monetary naming theme found throughout their lineage as the brothers names contained the kanji for trillion and 100 million and yes I'll address that in a second this naming theme could possibly be in reference to their father's greedy nature naming his two sons after the thing he cared about the most money and this is reinforced in the part for a movie where the writers decided to give the nijam or father a actual name one that fits them quite well that being man Asuka which means 10,000 and of course we see this naming theme even carry over into another universe with keone jhamora with her name meaning 10 quadrillion the one thing you might be interested in is why oh kiosk whose name contains the kanji for 100 million and not 1 billion like his uniform would imply well I discussed this with metallic Kaiser and he suggests that ochio suit does in fact have that last 10 to make the billion though it's now found in his name but in his character design because you see okie s whose face has a very distinct scar on it in the shape of an X X is not only the Roman numeral for the number 10 but also the sign for multiplication and if you multiply 100 billion by 10 you get the 1 billion that we're looking for so it's very possible that this was Iraqis intentions going forward though what makes o kiasu a true one in a billion person is his straightforward personality and insanely powerful stand the hand the hand is a humanoid stand which rocky wanted to design to represent ochio sazon personality and he did this not only by placing the simple stone on oak EOS is uniform throughout the hands body but also by giving the hand horse blinders to represent a kiasu zone impulsive nature with a rocky saying he only sees what's right in front of it alongside this it also appears that a rocky took influence from baseball when making the hand as not only as the striped pattern found throughout the white segments of the hand very similar to that of baseball uniforms but the padding found throughout its shoulder and body are very similar to that of a catcher which isn't too out of the question for Rakhi given the fact that one of his favorite bongos is a baseball sports manga called star of the Giants that has gone on to influence future stand designs in the series though one of the most important details about the hand is one of the most important parts about a catcher his right hand as the right hand of the hand is where all the stand magic happens as once the right hand swipes o kiasu standability activates this being a ratio elimination how the ability works is whatever the hands right palm touches while swiping is a race from the universe and sent somewhere else this includes physical matter like the ground a metal fence or a sign but it can also erase concepts like the space between two objects or people though this erasing effect doesn't just leave an empty void where it erased instead the universe corrects for the missing space by forcing together the two things bisected by the hand swipe as if the space between them never existed in the first place anno kiasu mostly uses ability to make up for stands limited range by scraping away the space between him and someone else and removing the distance between them either by pulling his target towards him or vice-versa he calls this technique teleportation and it's his main form of combat throughout the part though this ability is really powerful it has quite a few weaknesses first of them being for the eraser to happen o kiasu in the hand need to complete their swipe if the arm has stopped in any way the eraser won't happen as seen when josuke blocks the arm in their first encounter along with this the stand itself is really slow so quicker stands can easily dodge out of the way of swipes themselves without much trouble but the biggest weakness of the stand is its own user Oki hace as he's very irrational and not that smart so he can't ever grasp the full potential of his stand and this was attentional by Rocky as he wanted to give a supremely powerful stand to someone who was hindered by their own intelligence now the hand gets its name from the Canadian American roots rock band the band started in 1968 and would ironically perform all the way up till 1999 they were a band so prominent in music that they influenced dozens of musical acts throughout their years of performing even ones that predated them like Led Zeppelin the Grateful Dead Elton John and of course Pink Floyd would the songwriter and founding member of Pink Floyd Roger Waters even saying that the band released the second most influential record in the history of rock and roll and that they affected Pink Floyd deeply deeply deeply someone would even refer to the band as the band Oh kiasu and the hand reflect this history and influence of the band by being a supporting character for his two friends who have stands named after pink floyd songs helping them both grow and develop throughout the story by either bringing them together or taking away something that would harm them so just like the world of music without the hand the world would be a very different place though okie aaseesh friends weren't the only people who develop over that bizarre summer he himself had arguably some of the strongest bits of change as we watched him grow from a child completely dependent on others to someone who could function completely independently because you see in his introduction he clung on to his brothers coattails doing whatever his brother told him to do because it was easier than having to think for himself it's this mentality that led him to be used like a tool and nearly killed twice but he was rescued both time the second time costing him the life of the brother that he so looked up to and after sacrificing himself to save Oh kiasu kaicho gave him some harsh but necessary criticism the way he acted was no better than deadweight and this inspired okie asti to try to be better than his brother and overcome his killer and we see okie hace was driven by the skull when we reached the second encounter with Red Hot Chili Peppers as okie Yasu hot-headed Lee takes the initiative and teleports up to the stand beating it with an inch of its life and right when he thought he had him beat Red Hot Chili Peppers manipulates him just like his brother did playing with his emotions and he did this because he wanted okie ah su to scrape away the ground so it could reveal the electrical circuit buried below so he could fully charge himself up and escape all the while mocking him for being weaker willed than his brother and then he had no hope for revenge if he was going to stay this way o kiasu takes his advice to heart and when tasked with guarding joseph joestar he is placed on yet again another awful situation the enemy stand user is missing he's all by himself in a room there's an imposter on the ship two guards claiming one of them's real and the other one's a fake and red hot chili pepper is slowly worming its way towards a scene al joseph joestar who's really being no help for the situation Oh kiasu is all alone and for the first time he needs to make an honest decision and he realizes in this moment that he's no good at smart guy solutions so he'll solve the problem his way he takes a swing at one of the guards at random where they plan to knock both of them out if it doesn't work the first time okay aus who knows he not smart enough to figure out who the imposter is so if he knocks out both of them it doesn't matter who it is they'll figure that out later and wasting time thinking isn't for him and it's from this point on oke hasta becomes one of the most adult characters in part for not only learning to cook but also taking up the mantle of head of the household after kato died by looking after and caring for his father along with this after finding a 5 million yen lotto ticket and set up instantly blowing his money on something pointless like josuke plans to do oh kiasu opts to make the adult decision placing all the money into a savings account so he has money for later but one of my absolute favorite things about o kiasu is his willingness to adopt cat grass or stray cat welcoming the thing that nearly killed him into his home without the hint of a grudge probably because he knew how it felt to be used like a tool by someone else for an evil plot and probably because he's too stupid to hold a grudge though he acts like an adult he still has a childlike curiosity about him willing to go out of his way to get to the bottom of things like when he re-entered his home to ask josuke why he didn't heal himself with his stand or in him seriously wanting to check out the new Italian restaurant that opened up in more air show he has this glowing innocence about him a purity that you wouldn't expect from someone who looks like he does and we see that o kiasu has always had a bit of good in him as well as even when he and Josie are enemies he not only does an attack Jos gave when he has his back turned to him but also feels in debt to him for when josuke healed him along with this he shows zero hesitation when it comes to jumping in and helping his friends even if he wouldn't be the most helpful in this situation o kiasu is a true bond show through and through but honestly one of the best things about ochio Sue's growth during diamond is unbreakable is that we get to see it fully paid off in the finale as after taking a fatal blow from kira and stray cats combination attack oke house who finds himself on the brink of death walking down a long black corridor towards a light that is obviously him ascending into the afterlife but on his way he stumbles upon his brother kos so kiasu what he's doing here o kiasu responds instinctively telling him that he wanted to follow him like he used to since he's not smart enough to decide where to go and K chose never led him astray before his answer is rejected by Kaito telling him that he needs to make the decision to where he has to go and no kiasu for the first real time of the has to actually think about something and he thinks it over and he thinks it over and ultimately decides not to die he chooses to leave his brother behind and go back home a choice he couldn't have made if not for his drove throughout the part because he may not be a smart man but at the end of the day he's a man who knows what he wants and if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like in the future I have a patreon at slash money not the bad guy and if you want to erase the negativity from your life you can start by swiping the distance between you and a copy of shimoneta or buy a copy of xi Mineta from boshy Metacom
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 483,622
Rating: 4.9671826 out of 5
Keywords: Okuyasu Nijimura, The Beauty of Okuyasu Nijimura, Okuyasu, Nijimura, Birthday Train, The Hand, The Band, JoJo, JJBA, Diamond is Unbreakable, JJBA DiU
Id: 83uRnpJPr1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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