The ULTIMATE Jojo Game

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a lot of people catch up to the jojo anime and become jojo fans full of passion and excitement if you play games you want to play a jojo game as fun and creative as what you just watched you then wonder what's the best jojo game don't worry friends i know the answer objectively it's jojo siwa live to dance on android seriously who is this girl she keeps showing up when you look up jojo actually that was completely insincere don't answer that i don't okay for real what's the best jojo game now the safest choice is the capcom jojo fighter but for me and probably a lot of people that's a victory by default jojo games aren't good on average let me be clear heritage for the future is a solid game it's gorgeous and mechanically impressive personally i think the controls are kind of stiff they didn't age well but the game still warrants respect it's famous for all the crazy stuff you can do but at its core it felt like just a traditional fighter with a jojo's spin you're tested for fighting game fundamentals which isn't quite the key appeal jojo so it never really scratched that jojo itch for me however if you look at other jojo games you understand why the capcom fighter is the best by default with modern jojo games you run into another problem the fan service game games that are aggressively mediocre so they try to obfuscate it with admittedly good visual fidelity and heavy use of fan service they just want you to clap because you recognize the panel or scene they're referencing but the games are so dull so nothing you might as well be watching jojo's action figures spew quotes because the games are so boring you just look up compilations of their animations on youtube go oh that's neat and then move on with your life it's funny that while jojo is beloved for its creativity the games based off of it can be so uninspired see pure fan service ain't enough give me some actual substance a jojo highlight reel is nice and all but to be a truly great jojo game you have to add to the jojo experience be a game that understands why jojo works and uses that understanding to make something new a new chapter not make the creative equivalent of a rerun hey hey i've seen this one i want more revengeances not survives more mandalorians and kotors less jj abrams star wars works that rely on fanservice happen because you lack the skill to make something that stands on its own you're either fans whose passion outweighs their talent or cynical producers pandering to make a quick buck off the ip fortunately for my point there's already an example of a spiritual sequel in the jojo fandom blood sun vendetta it's a patriot funded fan series made by mick aka rice pirate with a sliver of a budget blood sun vendetta is jojo the presentation the style how it can build tension the abundance of weird idiosyncrasies like non-stop geography trivia every element of blood sun vendetta screams jojo it understands why jojo works replicates it and most importantly makes something new blotson vendetta doesn't rely on references as a crutch it just uses them as delicious icing on top as fan service should be mick is an extremely talented man who can make good things in their own right and loves jojo that's why blood 10 vendetta works so are any jojo games jojo enough is there a game somehow better and more jojo than a game made by capcom near their peak well there is one game but it's not on the open market if you go into the back alleys of the internet into the dark web known as tumblr and red chanet you might have come across what i'm talking about the ultimate best jojo game is a fan game made in rpg maker 2000 that looks like a game boy original game all right i know i've got a lot to justify here but this this is the [ __ ] this rules jojo's bizarre adventure the seventh stand user is an rpg that covers the entirety of part three stardust crusaders in it you the player control the eponymous seventh stand user you join joturo and the gang in their adventure across the globe to kill the evil vampire dio in 50 days before dio's curse kills jotaro's mom due to ghost aids it's up to the players actions whether or not they'll follow the same events of the story or completely subvert them though also depending on how you play you'll find the events of the story have been subverted all along so first of all seven stand user is free so that's a pretty big sell for cheap bastards like me secondly if you're familiar with some anime games and self-indulgent fanfiction this premise might sound pretty familiar a new original character that's a placeholder for the audience so they can project themselves into a pre-established story hmm sounds like your typical self-insert doesn't it i'm sorry brian you're so strong and cool but please don't kill me suck my dick arthard well what separates 7th stan user and its contemporary anime games with create a character protagonist or self-insert fanfics is its high quality i'm a firm believer that execution is everything so even if you've got a schlocky premise like the self-insert fantasy there's nothing inherently preventing that idea from being good the blind self-insert protagonist is usually terrible because yeah you play as a non-person in most anime games and stories the protagonists are deliberately mute so the broadest audience possible can project onto them i think the reality is that for most people it actually ejects them from the story whenever the protagonist is involved they just have to turn their brain off and try not to think too deeply about scenes where your blank slate is being addressed the story has to pretend that this anime protagonist usually a dead silent mass murdering omni-capable ball death and destruction is like a real person but real people aren't completely passive and devoid of personality it's like the characters have to pretend to be your friend to avoid the ire of this robotic death entity seven stan user sidesteps this problem by giving your protagonist an actual personality but it still keeps the self-insert dream alive and well because it's not one set personality that many people have to relate to it's specifically your personality the protagonist of seven stand user is the closest thing most people will ever get to seeing themselves in the jojo universe how the hell the seventh stand user do that do you have to mail your spit in to the developer send your social media history to them so they can program you in nah son it does the raddest thing ever it gives you a personality test oh okay that probably isn't too exciting for a lot of you but trust me the game innocuously starts off with a personality test but it doesn't just give your protagonist a rough approximation of your personality which is already pretty neat it trumps every other personality test because your result isn't some letter or number salad it's a stand a super specific super unique funky ass superpower as a ghost designed to encapsulate you a bizarre looking manifestation of your soul as a crazy superpower in 7th stand user you're one test away from getting a freshly made taylor fit stand that's [ __ ] awesome that's a dream most jojo nerds have to give you a glimpse of why 7 stan user is wild there are 18 unique stands with unique personalities for all of them that's two more personalities in mbti who cares about being the logistician my personality is a [ __ ] wave motion cannon strapped to my arm the stands all have two classifications range and class which is an interesting take on stance stands in this game can be the standard punch man like the close range power type red garland which is star platinum if he purely min-maxed into games but befitting of jojo it can get way more bizarre there's napalm death the close-range special type stand that's a pen that creates bonds with its ink there's caravan a mid-range support type stand that's a sentient bird dude carrying a dimension worth of guns bombs and soft drinks in a bag there's the close-range swarm type stand specials that's literally just six sentient ghost dudes there's also the long-range swarm type stand adam ant which is i quote a microscopic insect horde numbering 1000 in total again all personality tests are irrelevant compared to the one created in this fan video game all these 18 stands have designs powers and are all music references so huge props to the developer clayman for making this personality test i forced many a friend to take it over the years do you think the ends justify the means damn would i kill a billion people to save trillion people would you kill a billion people for a good pull on the gotcha would i kill a billion people for eula you know what yeah sure totally the ants justify the means do what you gotta do soldier [Music] do you think that people are fundamentally evil by nature [Music] by nature yeah we're a pretty disgusting animal but you know we curve that without bringing in our values and whatnot so yeah yeah do you ever find yourself thinking women are scared what kind of [ __ ] person think you are are you an instill what subreddits do you browse do you think women are scary i think you answering [ __ ] like yes to the end just by the means i've been like what the [ __ ] is up with this psycho you know what i want to see where this rabbit hole goes i'm going to say yes women are kind of scary they have they have powers and [ __ ] they make me feel bad since i'm a loser i'll remember this i think i've got it your stand is elliot rogers the school shooter [Laughter] so this time we've got helen wolfe damn it's pretty cool but there's a whole game after the test so let's get back to it when i took the personality test i ended up with a stand called miracles it was a long range controls type stand it manipulates the subconscious using bioelectricity to make the user invisible to others which honestly was a little off-putting when taking the test i kind of did want something at least a little badass but i ended up with this cute little digimon instead i felt the twinge of this appointment but realized something that's how most newsstands seem their super specific powers don't appear immediately strong and just seem kind of weird but as you see more of what they can do you realize how awesome they can be if you get creative that's how all of jojo works jojo constantly evokes the joy of learning to love a new thing but this game isn't written by araki is this game jojo enough to make miracles cool we'll have to wait and see so i read the game's personality description of who i was and while it wasn't a perfect read on me it felt close enough but then my protagonist spoke in response to a ghost-like voice appearing in his room over the radio and granting my protagonist low a stand low's response was to go but okay i'll call out my stand but could you please leave there's nothing valuable to steal here oh my god that is literally me my introverted self-loathing anxiety-rated ass is a jojo my curiosity had been peaked after getting a stand from a personality test and it was rewarded at this point i had to see how much seven stand user had to offer the voice over the radio gives you a vague request to defeat dio but you decide to just go to school after you leave your house you're in japan going to the same school with joturo and you get treated to the average 7th stand user experience facing 1 billion mobs and bumping faces with everything to try and interact with it sounds like an old-fashioned jrpg right well kinda but the world interaction is where 7th stand user shows how absolutely bonkers it is when exploring the world the game reminds you that you're a stan user constantly the stand that represents you isn't limited to combat your interactions with the world change depending on the unique power of your stand miracles with its power to manipulate perception let me turn invisible to spy on several people for monetary gain miracles wasn't only limited to invisibility however no miracles isn't some boring ass straightforward x-men power you see miracles manipulates the subconscious and this game runs with that i caught someone's wild cat not by turning invisible but by just making it docile i found a depressed freshly dumped student and used the power of mind hacking to make him feel better which clearly won't help him in the long run but who cares he gave me a sweet stat boosting item one of miracle's biggest events was when i stumbled across an incredibly nervous couple and by using miracles to give them a little bit of courage they proposed to each other if they have a kid i just helped create life with stando power little moments like these are littered throughout the game and go a long way in fulfilling the fantasy of having powers as chronicle and part 4 have shown us if you had superpowers you wouldn't just use them to fight things a big part of the dream of being superhuman is how you'd use your powers to improve your everyday life but that isn't to say the game forgets the big things your stan's abilities are relevant during story events as well because miracles is a long range stand it could intervene in canonical fights that close rage stands like silver chariot couldn't miragles was able to fly alongside jotaro and iggy as they glided across the desert to punch a blind man to death it could help kakioi and beat up a son i could even try doing big cheats of miracles during darby's poker game miracles aside there are plenty of crazy things other stands can do i will point to the death 13 fight for context basically the stardust crusaders are forced to take on an evil baby on a plane flight because it's sick and needs to get to town to be treated there's only one available plane the spare planes busted so they have to fly of the baby the evil baby then attacks him death their team battle ensues so if you have the healing stand cardigans you just heal the baby so there's no need to take it with you and you avoid the fight entirely if you have carpenters the repairing stand you just fix the extra plane so you don't need to share one crap baskets it's amazing and hilarious that your protagonist stand can subvert entire arcs because of their stand abilities because the game logically deduced it should you still fight someone but it's a really thoughtful cameo from a part 4 character god the love and intention to detail in this game is insane as a player you'll never forget what your stand powers are because the game won't let you from stand battles to just walking around town this game gives you a tangible glimpse of what your life would be like as a stain user in jojo's bizarre world and in my case it very accurately depicted how useless i'd be to the stardust crusaders eventually i had helped out jotaro in fighting off kakyoin though in reality i only blinded kakyoin 100 chapters early jojoro beat kakyoin unconscious before i even landed a hit with miracles this ineffectual demonstration somehow won over joseph and company and they asked if i could help in the fight against dio i chose to humbly accept though i was incredulous about how useful i could be with his damn like miracles and so lo joined jotaro and friends in their global escapades stardust crusaders as a story was a world tour probably so rocky could justify his own vacation as a work expense every arc could be a new location with a stand user of the weak formula that structure actually fits perfectly for a jrpg you go to a new location like calcutta or hong kong you explore and see the local sites with part 3 crew but the rub is you have stands and mercenaries try to assassinate you every five feet and with that i have to go over the combat in 7th stand user there will be a ton of trash mobs on the map so get ready for that but during key boss fights combat can feel exciting and tactical satisfying stand powers are a rarity in games because they're so unique and roundabout they aren't really figured out at the moment fortunately they're done really well in this game as a unique twist on jrpg combat ranges actually matter because your enemies will often move so you have to pick the right attack for the right range if you don't start platinum's aura aura will do 1 whole damage on that distant enemy stand abilities are also simplified to a myriad of debuffs and unlike most jrpgs debuffs actually work for the most part miracle's core strategy is to constantly blind opponents and that makes them miss all the time thus mitigating tons of damage that can easily kill you the best defense is not getting hit after all but this is balanced by the fact that debuffs wear off quick so you have to actively manage them also the balance thinks stands like miracles that focus on debuffing usually aren't great offensively however effective debuffs are a double-edged sword because that means the enemies debuffs work too managing your debuffs and the enemies is a key part of the combat the game will eventually introduce ice elementals as random mobs unless you can kill them immediately just run never be too afraid or too proud to run from a mob in this game especially if they're annoying it's very easy for them to all freeze you and stun lock you to death even in the late game it's very easy to die in this game in general in battles and in story events and as a reminder this is an rpg maker 2000 game what are auto saves get your futuristic technology out of here save often and rotate through saves you'll thank me later befitting my unimpressive protagonist low was mostly left to debuffing miracles could make people hallucinate pain but in the early and mid game that didn't actually hurt that much so if he was on his own i discovered that the best strategy was to [ __ ] his opponent's senses and then pull out guns grenades a uv laser rifle or even a goddamn bazooka to blow them away which yeah i think that's how most battles with miracles would go alessi the child killing discord moderating smash player also carried weapons of him to safely compliment his stan's lack of direct combat power the game doesn't explicitly say this but yeah it gives you a myriad of consumable weapons for a reason it's so that protagonists with less offense oriented stance can still contribute to fights i was so focused on my stan's abilities i thought of them like pokemon and forgot that i was a participant in the fight too all of this was an unexpected but realistic piece of world building what's this storytelling through mechanics very impressive clay man very impressive but usually my protag didn't need to fire off his bazooka that's what joturo and the gang were for my pro tag ended up being a major team player protecting the party with debuffs speaking of the big borrow boys let's talk about your party the story content mechanics keep coming there be social links in this game that's right you get friend points called fp for interacting with specific areas with the right party member if you're super horny for these beefcake part 3 boys this might temporarily satiate your ceaseless hunger but even outside of horniness in theory it's a neat little core mechanic that encourages you to hang out with the part 3 cast you end up spending way more time with him than in the original source material i got to hear joseph go nuts over twinkies and chastise me for not knowing his favorite movie spaceballs apparently abdul is so well traveled that he's constantly running into old friends jotaro is a surprisingly chill dude to hang out with iggy and ponerf are mostly what you'd expect in a surprising twist kakyoin treats you a lot differently if you're a dude he basically spends most of his hangout encounters pranking you but if you play as a girl all those ball-busting encounters flip into straight-up flirtatious events that's sly [ __ ] exploring the world with your party is nice when i wasn't being assaulted by the non-stop snipers mounted cavalry and enemy stands every few seconds it actually kind of felt like i was on vacation all these neat fp events added up i actually felt like i got to know these characters a little better than i did in the original story which sorry to say i thought the crew of part 3 were pretty boring so elevating my opinion of them while having them still feel in character is quite an achievement for a fan game now i say this is really cool in theory but there's no real way to know where fp events are it's more manageable early on when areas aren't that big but i don't see many people having the patience to interact with everything in every map with every party member in the vain hope that it'll get an fp the same goes for all events on the map there's so much stuff you can miss on every level i know this is to encourage exploration but personally this is way too harsh and unreasonable an unfortunate flaw in this game is that to experience all it has to offer you kinda need the seven stand user wiki's walkthrough open at all times an easy fix for this off the top of my head would be to have giant exclamation marks in the world notifying you of unique events but i have to remind myself that it's an rpg maker 2000 game so that might be asking too much having high enough fp has a myriad of benefits first of all they'll start calling you by your nickname you set which is just cute in the latest version of the game you can do unique dual texts with party members you're good enough friends with with unique fluff on how your stands are working together for example invisible torture chamber is where joseph uses hermit purple to immobilize the enemies while miracles severely traumatizes them with intense simulated pain having high enough fp is another way outside of having the right stand for the right situation that you can alter the flow of the story the ending is actually completely dependent on fp who you're best friends with maybe abdul can live in his ending maybe kakyoin can live or maybe everyone can live who's to say random pro tip but sleep with jotaro after he learns a move star breaker of course so he can break you in i mean learn new moves feel free to save scum this because surprise surprise there's even story content if you sleep if you go to bed with a party member you can have unique little vignettes with the other characters but it takes in-game days to sleep and there's a 50-day time limit so say skimming this is encouraged at the whims of rng jotaro will just have a random burst of inspiration and come up with a new move starshower which is him aura oring rocks everywhere saves to come again and he can learn another roof star sword i'm not kidding that's what it's called poneriff goes to jojo to ask for stand advice considering joe taro pulled starfinger completely out of his ass jotaro then tells pornograph that he's a more experienced stan user so why the hell is he asking jotaro for advice then jojo realizes that he can probably use starfinger like a sword unlocking a fantastic efficient mid-range attack star platinum having a finger sword also makes ponerf completely obsolete and redundant thanks to the power of luck perseverance voting saves and friendship low made it all the way to cairo and he was quite a different person for it though the process definitely wasn't instantaneous or drastic half the time after winning encounters low was on the verge of passing out he couldn't swim so he was drowning for most of the underwater fight with dark blue moon even though he chose to help jotro fight yellow temperance in those cable cars his sphere of heights was still palpable and while he suddenly defeated darby the gambler as soon as the fight was over my protag was like dear god don't ask me to do that [ __ ] again i think i saw my life flash before my eyes holy [ __ ] by the way the way this game handles the non-combat battle with darby the gambler is incredible clayman the developer aimed to make it an ace attorney-style reasoning game and they passed with flying colors you have to figure out how darby is cheating but it's not quite that simple sure you can use the source material as a hint but darby cheats and weighs unseen in the manga for me this encounter was the most tense in the game my brain racked as i cautiously tried to deduce how darby was cheating but losing soul chip after soul chip for getting it wrong it's an all-time gaming memory highlight for me it was a hard rot journey but my protag finally made it he crossed the globe fought off dozens of assassins stan user or otherwise pushed on in spite of his fears and got all the way to dio he started off his journey as a regular fearful high school student without much belief in himself he'd gotten stronger physically sure he had a stand a weapons arsenal the punisher would be proud of and picked up some ripple techniques from some books in his travels but getting physically stronger is meaningless if he was still the same unsure kid he was at the start of his journey and he wasn't he had grown into a much better more confident more experienced person and became a better stand user as a result miracles even developed to the point by grinding where the simulated pain was somehow physically manifesting the subconscious manipulation was so advanced that miracles were somehow psychosomatically setting people on fire and doing some real damage that's pretty damn creative in fact that's pretty jojo great job clay man at the end of the game as my character stood around dio's coffin with the jojo crew he finally completed his arc [Music] [Applause] [Music] after a 50-day bizarre adventure low was finally ready to face his fears head-on even if that fear was something as terrifying as dio himself and at the end of it all as difficult as it was he fought dio and he won his journey was incredibly fulfilling and relatable this anxious self-loathing introverted kid who didn't like to be seen faced the same hardships as the stoic mega badass that is jotaro and he still pulled through his stan wasn't as obviously as powerful as joturo's star platinum but it didn't need to be he just needed to be the best him that he could be this theme hit home way harder than most other stories because i had made this character me at the start of the game i loved that this game succeeded where many other games failed and made me feel like part of the story this game really makes you feel like the 7th stand user is your protagonist the best written character no of course not but it's a unique ambitious experiment that was a total success my protagonist wasn't just a blank slate with a stand it was me as a jojo character a character is more than a power sentence look it's a series of relationships hardships and lessons learned i was an actual jojo character one who had undergone an arc and it was more satisfying than any stray fantasy you could have in your head because this was a fully realized story seven stan user does this without much if any dialogue choices which isn't a bad thing most dialogue choices are functionally just expose it more to me followed by clearly correct choice those aren't real choices seventh stand user streamlines choices by removing the by nature filler dialogue choices and only has the actual branching decisions it's a radical departure from typical game design but a well thought out one it doesn't matter that you don't have dialogue choices because of the personality test your dialogue is being written with your personality in mind so generically positive dialogue choices that hope to relate to as many people as possible are pointless and in my opinion totally inferior it works well and breathes a surprising amount of life into the experience my character felt like it was an actual part of the world someone who the other characters talk to someone with strengths and weaknesses a person it's such a night and day difference in immersive flow there aren't pauses and scenes for a mute protagonist you're not forced to choose bland dialogue options your seven stand user is not a bland blank robot awkwardly shoved into a story they're you as a real jojo character and because of that it's an amazing experience unlike any other i've had in games it just goes to show that you could have as complex and expensive a character creator as you want but looks are only skin deep in terms of actual investment and impact it can't compete with a well-written story tuned to the player that's the unique power of story content in games now what happened to lowe after he defeated dio how did he defeat deal in the first place i won't go into too much detail for what happened in my ending but to give you perspective on how crazy my ending was dyer the joke ripple user who died in part one over a hundred years ago yeah he came back and killed dio with his infamously useless thundercross split attack i wasn't even aiming for this to happen this happened organically this game is the ultimate fan service and as i've hopefully made clear this is a real ass game fan service with substance is a-okay this icing ain't hiding a shitty cake so after dyer got his revenge my protagonist lived onto part four ten years after beating dio he became a successful manga author which properly spooked me because right now i'm trying to be an author too lolan spots jotaro and joseph walking around his town of morio and then joins their investigation of the serial killer plaguing part four geez i didn't ask for a personalized epilogue on top of a character arc but i got one and god it's such a lovely cherry on top getting to imagine low's adventures in mario if you get to the end of a playthrough you'll get your own unique ending too so yeah if you want to experience all this radness don't change your stand at the start even if it's tempting because you think your stan's lame you're actually invalidating the entire point of the game missing this entire journey it's an extremely stupid decision and you should feel bad if you make it save that i want to pick the coolest dad [ __ ] for your second playthrough that's right second this game has absurd replay value the journey doesn't end when that papa music plays as a credits roll if you were thorough in your exploration or worth checking a guide as per my advice you likely got a badge of honor in your playthrough so after the ending you're booted to a dev room and 7th stand user truly goes bad [ __ ] you can use that badge of honor for a new game plus now you can give it a shot with a different stand with a much breezier experience because all your gear and party member xp carries over through playthroughs if that's too easy you don't have to you can reset your gear in xp it's up to you and remember a new stand means a new main character that means the game can surprise you again you can see a new journey see how busted all the other stands can get have your stan's relevance change how certain fights go down that's 17 additional playthroughs you can do while you're at it aim for a new ending there's variance on every ending depending on the stand so there are a whopping 54 possible endings to see everyone can live everyone can die you can run off with whole horse you can work with dio if you're evil enough and then kill your entire party you just had a whole adventure with god damn that's [ __ ] and then you can betray dio to be the true king of the world holy [ __ ] and by the way there are more new game plus features you can create stan battler codes after you beat the game to share with your friends and battle their stance here's mine by the way have fun beating me up you can also like go to the afterlife and fight jojo highlight reels like a revived wamu and ultimate life form cars also you can fight god also if you get nine badges of honor you can have a playthrough as josuke the hero part four what what the hell is this game so out of context it sounds like i'm describing some sort of absurdly successful kickstarter game one that had a slew of diverse game features after reaching dozens of stretch goals it makes sense if a 10 to 15 hour game with insanely high replay value via story content was a kickstarter mind you you have to spend the time writing story content you can't generate it like in roguelikes just the thought of playtesting 19 different main character playthroughs makes me want to die only in indie games would a dev aim for the heavens like this only an indie would be foolish and ambitious enough to commit to that much content be foolish and ambitious enough to tread untested waters with its game design and most importantly have an unbreakable will and resolve to actually achieve its goals to finish the game as opposed to being abandoned like many other over-ambitious projects clayman is like toby fox or pixel of cave story fame they're talented super geniuses that give young devs the wrong idea about how much a single person can reasonably accomplish that's right single this was all made by a single japanese person clayman spent hundreds of hours making seven stand users for free as a hobby with no money and no expectation they'd ever see a single yen this is a freeware fan game it's impossible for the artist to really profit off of it imagine if someone made 18 undertales worth of content for free at least toby fox got paid to make undertale and rightfully so clay man you're crazy truly japanese autism is the best in the world the art style of 7 stand user is super simple and while that might be off-putting it's the only way this game could be finished this game was also made in a super outdated game engine by the way so it was needlessly difficult to code rpg maker 2000 is older than most jojo fans this game is awe-inspiring and incredible in spite of its quaint visuals sound and engine limitations it's so good it has a fan following in and of itself that's right this fan game has a fandom there's fan art fan movies clayman has an ask account for lore questions crazy world we live in huh if there's another jojo game and there will be it won't be anywhere near as ambitious and thus not as exciting as this the people who own the ip aren't interested in making exciting or even good games they're just interested in a return on investment making their money back quickly on a safe bet like a bunch of other anime games you can see this in the entire aaa industry ubisoft only makes one kind of extremely safe video game seventh stand user reminded me that it doesn't have to be that way that inspired game design and intense passion for fresh experiences can still exist whenever a new jojo game's announced there's always a small fan rumor mill about a jojo rpg because people know how good a jojo rpg can be if seven stand user actually had a proper budget 3d visuals and voice acting it'd be a smash hit a historic jrpg it'd be the hall of greats like final fantasy and persona the fact that 7 stan user has such inspired game design and is so dense with content makes it genuinely super lame that it only exists as an easily miscible unassuming japanese fan game you can see why i put this fan game over the likes of officially licensed games it's impossible for me not to think 7 stain user is the ultimate jojo's bizarre adventure game maybe the best there will ever be so give this game a shot links to the wiki and the game are in the description hopefully this game can touch you as a jojo fan or a game design enthusiast or both and finally thank you clay man there's one thing your game taught me it's that the power to affect hearts and minds isn't a state but the power of concentrated japanese autism well that's all for me thanks for watching goodbye friends goodbye everyone and goodbye
Channel: Lo F. Fort
Views: 580,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jjba, jojo's bizarre adventure, 7th stand user, 7th stand user gameplay, 7th stand user review, 7th stand user analysis, best jojo game, ultimate jojo game, jojo's bizarre adventure game, jojo game, lo f fort
Id: hVIejsDSlD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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