JoJo - What Are Rock Humans?

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she's up there i'm on the beat [Music] in jojolian the rock humans make up the main antagonistic force in the story nearly every villain in the story was shown to be one including the main villain toru the origin of the rock humans is often obscured and learning exactly what they're supposed to be was one of the main mysteries in jojolian in this video i'll be going over everything we've learned about the rock cubans throughout the course of jojolian's story first the unique biology and abilities of the rock humans then their hierarchies in place in society and finally their origins and connections to other supernatural phenomena in the world of jojo rock humans are a race of humanoid silicon-based organisms as opposed to the carbon-based life-forms that make up most of the life on earth they are just a subset of the abundance of rock organisms seen throughout jojolian however the rock humans themselves possess higher intelligence and often use the rock animals for their benefit rock humans take on a parasitic role in society often stealing the identities of humans and living seemingly normal lives the first rock human that is encountered in jojolian is yatsuyagiyama the architect of the higashikata mansion and a member of the rokaka smuggling ring also known as the damacon group the encounter with yatsuyu gives us the first look at the abnormal abilities that rock humans possess in his first appearance he's able to create what looks like a sheet of plastic from his eyes and mouth later we see how he's able to turn to stone the origin of the rock human name in the first large description of rock human biology from chapter 46 it is said that when rock humans turn to stone they create a silicon membrane over themselves through a process of cell hardening this membrane will even cover their clothing or objects that they carry the material that yatsuyu was shown to produce is likely a similar kind of silicon construct later the rock animal doo doo doo doo doo doo was shown to be able to create the silicate mineral asbestos for its attacks we also see an ability to merge into the face of a rock and appear elsewhere something also demonstrated by the rock animal ibusuke rock humans are known to enter a hibernation period that lasts from 30 to 90 days in between these they stay awake for no less than two months although it is not known how long they'll last without having to hibernate according to isho it takes great concentration to keep from reverting to rock form when it's time to hibernate while in their rock form they are resistant to harsh conditions but they still prefer to find safe places to hibernate places they tend to avoid are ones prone to landslides or other occurrences that could trap them underground or underwater this is because they still require oxygen while in their rock form and will slowly suffocate if submerged or buried they also avoid sleeping in places where they'll come in contact with anacardiacy tree sap these trees are best known as part of the cashew family which can be toxic so it's possible that some toxins can still penetrate the rock membrane and affect them one of the things that was given a bit of focus in jojolian was oddly enough the rock human diet this was likely done to put special attention on the rokakaka fruit that plays an integral role in jojolian's story we learn in chapter 46 that rock humans eat a large variety of food and that in particular they enjoy honey they also seem to have a shared allergy to mangoes the most well-known food item of a rock human however is definitely the rokakaka according to urban gorilla rock humans have been cultivating the rokaka for a long time the fruit causes one who eats it to undergo a process of equivalent exchange and we've learned that silicon-based life is more compatible with this process than humans are for example the rock animal iwasuke was shown to be injured but after eating the fruit he was healed when a human does the same thing there is always another part of their body sacrificed to cure the injury the life cycle of a rock human is very different to that of a human after a six month pregnancy a rock human mother will abandon the newborn at the base of a dead tree the newborn has an average height of 28 millimeters and a weight of 15 grams insects will be attracted to the newborn at the base of the tree namely hornets hornets will try to attack the newborn but they will instinctively grab onto them and be taken back to their hive the rock human then locates the queen and hibernates inside of it until the age of 17 when it grows dramatically in size and kills the colony in chapter 46 we see that rock humans transform through molting every 6 years however the dramatic change in size is not represented on this diagram it's likely that the rock human does molt into a couple of small stages inside the nest until molting once again into its final size the estimated life span of a rock human is 240 years meaning they will go through approximately 40 stages of growth throughout their life when a rock human dies they leave no corpse behind and instead crumble apart into rocks rock humans naturally take on a subdued role in the ecosystem they attempt to blend into human society mostly by assuming the identity of someone else this is a trait that can also be seen in their rock animal counterparts with some disguising themselves as hair clips or guard rails on a street they'll also take on jobs but only ones that fit with their hibernation cycle most rock humans operate for their own interests and have no emotional connections towards anyone else there are exceptions to this however as seen with isho who was in love with a human woman and had some friendship with and concern for yatsuyu the rock human dolomite was also shown to be in a seemingly happy relationship however according to chapter 46 97.5 percent of romantic relationships between humans and rock humans end in breakups often resulting in murder rock humans are also known to have a special reverence towards the power of the earth they are known to take refuge in places known as blessings from the earth these are phenomena seen throughout part 7 and 8 of jojo such as the devil's palm and the walleyes due to the frequent contact between rock humans and these locations 95 percent of rock humans possess a stand ability of some kind this idea of respect for the earth was first mentioned by dr ferdinand and steel ball run ferdinand was a paleontologist who also had a fascination with the saints corpse and the devil's palms it's also a possibility that ferdinand himself was a rock human although since we didn't see his death up close we don't know for sure regardless the things he says may have great significance when it comes to understanding the rock humans role in the world through his profession of studying the dinosaurs he ironically became repulsed by them for what he described as a disrespect for the earth according to him this disrespect was the reason that the dinosaurs died out and that mammals took over the earth likewise rock humans may view their respect for the earth as their path to overcoming humanity in the story of jojolian the antagonists are mainly made up of the members of the rokako organization first the damocon group led by tamakidamo who smuggle rokakaka fruit into japan and sell it on the black market and second the rokaka research team led by toru and his alter-ego satarua kefu who have infiltrated the staff of the tg university hospital in order to study and test the fruit according to urban gorilla the goal of the group is to use the cultivation of the rokaka to create a market for immortality and cause rock humans to rise above humanity's status as the dominant species toru mentions that even the richest humans on earth would be desperate to get the fruit and that kind of power difference would give rock humans a much more dominant place in society based on what we saw tamoki wu do to mitsuba it's likely that the fruit was going to be used to turn humans into a kind of surf class dependent on rock humans for more and more equivalent exchanges the origin of the rock humans is first alluded to in chapter 99 when life first came about four billion years ago two paths of life emerged these were the carbon-based organisms and the silicon-based ones whatever it is that first created life decided that there should be a backup plan in case carbon-based life failed we don't know anything yet about this creator or if we'll ever know but it may be connected to the idea of respect for the earth the phenomena that are called blessings from the earth often act to protect whatever is inside rock humans often choose these as their special places to live and hibernate the walleyes pointed out to the sea as if to protect from something and when the 2011 earthquake happened the higashikata estate inside the walleyes was protected likewise the mutsukave shrine is known as the safe place of the rakiban dolomite this place was also undisturbed by the earthquake notably the higashikata estate is also home to a shrine the one placed under the mario pine after the sacrifice made by johnny jostar using the saints corpse in chapter 46 one of the locations listed as rock humans choices for hibernation is also nearby shrines the rockhuman's goal to overcome humanity was ultimately thwarted by the existence of the protagonist josuke in a previous video i've discussed this idea in depth and how it relates to jo jolian's title if you want a closer look at this idea you can see me talk about it there josuke was created by the fusion between yoshikage kira and josefumikujo with the power of the walleyes and the new rokaka this event is referred to repeatedly as a miraculous occurrence that could not be repeated the title of the part itself refers to the holy nature of josuke's creation josuke is also called a person who came from the earth meaning the earth itself allowed josuke's creation through a kind of divine intervention as you may know actions in jojo are controlled by the system of fate which acts as a form of gravity moving everything along its predestined path in jo jolien this fate is referred to as flow the endings of parts 5 and 6 point out that fate favors the side of justice similarly jojolian refers to the concept of the right path the path you need to walk to be favored by the flow the antithesis of this is known as calamity an extreme negative flow that is manipulated by the main villain toru and his stand wonder of you the divine nature of josuke's creation is first hinted at by tamakidamo at the beginning of the josephumi and kira flashback it is said that the migration of flying fish in the south sea of japan caused an accident on the boat where yoshika gekkira was serving this accident resulted in kira's discovery of the rock humans and the rokakaka shortly before this kira's mother holly had been experimented on by the rokaka research team all of these events eventually led to kira's fusion with josephumi so if it weren't for this series of coincidental events josuke would have never been created the flow in jojolian is often referred to in terms similar to that of feng shui where the orientation of objects leads to good and bad fortune this is also integral to the idea of yin and yang two opposite but complementary forces of light and dark that remain in balance i've previously referred to fate and jojo as a kind of self-correcting force when someone like diavalo tampers with fate it eventually comes back to punish him flow is the same way but this specific part of it is given more focus in this case the yin and yang would be the positive forces of flow and the negative forces of calamity it also represents the two paths of life between carbon and silicon organisms toru and the rock humans tried to defy the natural order and rise above humans so in response the universe played out the specific events that led to josuke's creation as a literal personification as one of these blessings from the earth josuke was the avatar for the forces of good in the system of flow represented by the saints corpse and the perfection of the golden ratio this is what led to josuke overcoming the negative forces of calamity and restoring balance after the failure of the rock humans to establish dominance in jojolian it is unknown what may still be in store for them we saw various ideas from part 7 carry over into part 8 and i am confident that the same will be true for part 9 which iraqi has said that he's planned since steel ball runs publication i do think it's possible that we'll see other rock humans or possibly learn more about them in the future as well as their connections to the blessings from the earth or the rocakaka that's all to be seen however in the next part jojo lands if you want to be updated on new videos or leave suggestions join the human beat discord using the link in the description to receive rewards like discord perks and some uncut videos you can support the channel on patreon and finally for future videos subscribe to the channel thank you for watching this is the part of the video where i thank my five dollar and up patrons thank you to tony the owl god alex ramirez razianna doorbell cloudy monkman ashton joseph miller crayon jesper jansen rigo vids zuccato shane gieger sentai pumpkin doge marrow bailey smile ali almighty quarth oof pbas vg kaori and jojo a gogo you
Channel: Hamon Beat
Views: 199,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojo, jjba, jojos, bizarre, adventure, jojolion, josuke, tooru, higashikata, ferdinand, rock human, rock animal, silicon, wall eyes, devils palm, spin, stands, rokakaka, locacaca, kira, josefumi, urban, yotsuyu, dolomite, aishou, damo, wonder of u, soft and wet, go beyond, explosive spin, gyro, johnny, joestar, zeppeli, corpse, saint, jesus, analysis, theory, jojolands, foreshadow
Id: jUoISsmblR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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