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okay so you're here for tips and just just an overview of joining the British Army you need some information about it and I'll give you like my my background basically so when I was joining in 2015 just before I joined I was looking all over YouTube and stuff for videos about what happened in basic training like Faison so I'm a I'll give you my personal accounts of like what actually happened and I'll give you some tips and tricks just to help you before you joined so I've got my laptop right right down there and it says on the actual British Army website from like week one to seven and week 7 to 14 you do 14 weeks of basic training and it gives you like week by week what you'll do that week so I'll give you my personal account first and I'll go or the British Army tells you you might go on the website okay so week 1 for me it was you get your kit issued with the first day you get used to like you bird that you you fold your bed you lie in your bed all the sheets like that is the first word fingers you have to get used to it the second day you get your kitty food and you start doing all that kit admin you'll get used to it like einen kit falling polishing boots everything like that as well as getting all like you Barry so I've got my Barrow right now it's like this it's basically got hot and it takes you have to like more liquid water in hot water and cold water and it's just the pain so that takes but getting used to yeah so you go through like admin and then as soon as you get there it's like values and standards like you'll get drilled into yeah that's what they're called see drills I'll give you what they stand for it's like courage discipline respect integrity locally and then selfless commitment like they're like six kind of rules you have to go by by day by day as a British soldier so you're learning you learn about it when you go there but if you if you know before I'll help you so she drills courage discipline respect for others integrity loyalty self as show up that you'll be really impressed so there's one then you've gone like a an icebreaker basically he's standing up in front of like 40 people and just give a minute speech about yourself what you do what you enjoy why I joined the army etc so if you write that up they'll be impressed as well so have one already made like a funny story that goes that goes down mark it's a week two weapons training BCD which is Butterfield casually drills and then you get like it says it navigation so mapping of you learn map reading coordinates etc yeah that sounds right sounds about right so this is like two years two years ago now and it's still the same roughly week three weapon firing how you do your drills like weapon drills and stuff so it takes a lot getting you to that there's actually so within like the four weeks either the first four weeks you'll just pure weapon drill that's because you're trained in the army is like an infantryman first hour rifleman and then your trade afterwards so whatever it will be else so long that's what my start was each day you will do pt whether it's like a run like cardio session high-intensity light in the gym etc you'll be doing that every day so physical fitness is a most neat sure you but the highest physical fitness you've ever been in your life before joining and he'll help you a long long way like through training as well it's so first aid test as well so casually drills the battlefield casually drills you'll learn that for the first two or three weeks as well and then you'll have a test on the fourth week about it so that is like it's another one they love it's like a most emotional exercise first step so week five I'm on two now so but it's called exercise first step so you have two nights in a field here's what we did I think it was free for us but I mean so on the third night you're like it's pitch black and you go out you set off on your own you have a map a compass you have a torch and you're set off enough to find like locations so it puts into like test what you learn on map knob so if you can already read a map before joining even better so live firing so you on to week six now so you go on to an actual range with live bullets so this gets completely like you've never experienced it before if you shot before and you'll be okay but for me personally I never actually experienced up then so from week three to six a finger Pratt what we did was like a practice drill so when you March whatever that's another thing getting used to like barmy like the transition from civilian life to army life is just so so mad is you can't explain until you actually do it so week six like I said live firing and you have your drill test which is the day cuz from week one to six yeah you're like the camp you have no contact really from a home then you can go back for a long weekend on a week week six it was for two days so your families come the watcher you've passed the drill test you have to pass otherwise you get kicked out so yeah doesn't no one has a nerve-wracking moment the first nerve-wracking moment for me and then you go along like long weekend it's great just to be on your back so you're refreshed you're ready for the next seven weeks so week seven you go high wires it's like confidence tests getting used to all your all your friends you just made like because you come so close like even though you don't know on the first day you're constantly with them like I'd say 18 hours a day with your section or your bike Pitou and etc so and then week seven is exercise halfway excuse me four day is free nights in the field which is called exercise halfway can you practice what you've been been learning what we did on week eight was you start practicing weapon drill I think it was I'll see what it says on the British long website or footage for press-ups 54 sit-ups and a mile na run in under ten minutes fee and that's the assessment but you have to pass that to get through phase one so you do that in Week eight so you're doing every I think it's every four weeks so week one week for week eight week twelve and then the final week as well like week fourteen I think you do want just to see how far you've come and there's like are the so many people like who I knew would get in like when he first came the out like a run time of 13 minutes and they got it down to about nine so not four minutes off that time just in 1213 weeks it's brilliant so if you keep dressing it but if you fit you will you'll go through with flying colors and if you're strong minded you'll be even the love you so yeah that's week eight navigation so more my freedom fitness training and a girl exercise valiant spirit never heard of that much me know so it's a realities of war trip so basically what I did but I went to Belgium I got the ferry to Dover from Dover to Calais and a bush trip to Belgium and I went to eeap's it's called in Belgium and there's like a massive monument I statue of 60,000 names on a massive wall of people who have died in the great war like World War one and you go in like trenches in World War one it's brilliant which had more I'm sure pictures so I can get them up put them light on the screen right now so that's cool I've got something like alloys remember week nine range week and live fireman assessments so you have your is called a CMT so it's like annual I don't know a TMT that's what it's called so basically you fire on a range and you have to hit like 42 targets up 50 anything below it to fail so from like 300 meters like 100 200 300 I'm prone like laying down I standing up more like kneeling and then standing up so that's cool once you pass that you feel like I could G you feel so good and if you hit every target or if you're over 44 I think you get marksman so I find you passing out parade which is like the final day you get like a gun or two guns cross two rifles cross should say and just shows you've got marksman on your Xuan okay so week 10 soldier development week adventure in it what I did I went away in Brecon Beacons for like six or seven days and you got my high wires you run across mountains you do like a 14 mile tab which is a touch cooler button to advance the bottle is she just basically marching with weight on your back which is pretty cool I went over I forgot the morning I can't remember bite somewhere in Wales and it's like such a huge mountain we got over it like 10 of us so I was pretty cool quite honestly I advise to get like a GoPro or something like I wish I had one in Phase one because I'd love to look back now and just look it is such a good time thinking back so that was week 10 week 11 for me was I think it was I'm never exercise I think it was like a four day exercise 5d exercise but it says a field craft test day so you get tested on your how good you are in the field like if you can look after yourself keep sell for more keep self cool make sure you eat in rifle when you strip it down you learning how to clean it you got clean a rifle that will become very repetitive if you'll hate that and you see always calm basically the commanding officer become so you have each section you have ten people in a section and each section is probably about 20 sections maybe that the face off against each other and whoever comes first gets like prize etc I think I came like third my section like ten of us which is cool so you do like you carrying carrying a person for two miles like between four of yours so you keep changing over a log carry like a shooting test etc so ever gets the highest score wins which is really cool and then you'll get a phase to visit in that was week eleven so if you know really I'm a chef so I went to were down to the catering school which is pretty cool you got to look around for the like two days what you might actually be doing in your trainer so for me that was a good insight week twelve is your final exercise so I think it's six days in the field it's called final fling and everything you've learned up until now you put it into practice and your section commanders like your corporals or whatever they just they don't help they just let you go on you and your section get on and see if you're working well as a team etc so that is really good to wuntch pass that you're absolutely knackered you're hungry you just cold like I couldn't one time one final fling on Sol's we playing I was sitting in a puddle no joke about that deep we just I just drenched it was raining for like ten hours straight and we were out there well my rifle was where I was just sitting there contemplating life looking up a mate I don't know it was it I think it was Davis yeah this guy called Davis I was just looking at him like what am i doing a right so you do contemplate a lot but once you finish it's the greatest feeling ever and then after that you can speak to your family etc so yeah that's week 12 it says it's five days in the field but I think it's six and on that you get like a map reading test again all that stuff so look forward to that week 13 so CQB so close quarter combat drills and stuff so basically a rifle sling and the way hold it normally is just like it's quite loose you've got quite a lot of variation to move your rifle but this is basically for like open urban ops so if you're going around a doorway and just link your rifle things quite tight to your chest so you've got quick movement etc so you learn that you do like a day on the range with that that's pretty cool you're firing light auto mic which you never get to do ever again you get like CBRN train and so chemical biological radiological nuclear training so like gas masks respirators get suits and stuff how to put them on what signs warning is how to cure yourself face it but I won't go into it now week 14 you get basically so week eight or nine you start weapon drill which is the worst I drill on foot without a weapon is personally I don't like but with a rifle like II one thing a rifle it weighs probably like 4 kg maybe which is not heavy but if you're holding it like if you can see me if you holding it like that for around an hour and a half two hours maybe free your arm you'll have no blood left in it he'll ache you'll drop your rifle maybe some people faint like it's mud especially if it's raining which it wasn't my period so you'll learn that from week eight until you final pass up free which is on the last day you standing I know your family friends are there and it's probably the great daily life unless you've had a really really good day but for me it was because you pass out like he would you achieve what you wanted to achieve and it's done and you go into Phase two so hope that was helpful if I could give you some advice first thing would be getting the best shape of your life before joining have a good mental attitude positive don't let anyone bring it down while you in that just keep going keep going focus on the end goal the final one is just be yourself they'll see through if you try to be a different person so you get stripped down to bare bones like I was just going to say you'll be just a human that's all you'll be like you're not you don't have this personality after going in there you come out with just like a totally new aspect to life and it's great so hope it was helpful I'll bring some more videos out like this if you enjoy it so like comment and subscribe follow social media and I'll see your next video peace [Music]
Channel: LiamBrown
Views: 567,809
Rating: 4.9189506 out of 5
Keywords: brown label nutrition, fitness videos, workout videos, joining the british army, everything you need to know, british army, british army phase 1, phase 1 training, army training, army what to expect, starting army training, army fitness test, US marines, SAS, want to join the army, how to pass army training, how to get military fit, british army training tips, ATR winchester, ATR pirbright, us army, worthy down camp, british army chef
Id: wP6xi5R6-Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2017
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