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[Music] again use Afghanistan as a base from which to attack the less I say let that but it's what you do that was actually fermented [Music] she needs to be paid to a North Yorkshire soldier who's denied after being wounded in Afghanistan 25-year old captain Andrew Griffith served with 2nd battalion the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment on Sunday in hospital his father Brigadier Mike Griffiths is the head of the regiment in which his son served the tributes being paid to Andrew Griffith today are quite exemplary his commanding officer said the respect he commanded from his men was genuinely the most impressive I have seen in a young officer in all my 24 years in the infantry while you go sir you get briefed by one the color star nothing sir not too small it's a lovely thanks your armies in the data scientist races to the white on the Left there's a newsletter here prepare let's darlings straight down okay your mantra to al-amin company I'd like you to do is just go into the main hall turn right down the corridor everyone everyone oh the first five weeks is gonna be hard and I think it's a blissful ignorance at the moment no no I don't know what to worry about this dark you said we just gotta make it be more serious for it isn't it you've got to write yourself in I think the first five weeks you can't ever kind of personality but you know one standout these two beasts M stands out would be to be noticed and I think you don't want to be nervous six people listen stuff might have some people not so not missing sick self unless Adama I'd like to give you all a huge welcome really two scientists 269 British cadets on course 183 238 male and thirty-one female so let's start really with that what's a nurse does well the basic aim is to develop leadership and using Field Marshal Montgomery's great definition what is that leadership it's the capacity and the will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which will inspire confidence that leadership must be based on a moral authority and it must be based on the truth Bernie Khan Chapman Derek Gillen Stuart's starts yeah why do we have accident properly 30 seconds quickly say goodbye to mums and dads and I get fell back in it take care [Music] so make up what at all do not let me catch you out put little bits of mascara on then go to a week and in no way nail polish will clip on that right this is me and thank stature after Sandhurst and after a few years in the military I'd like to be made of this stuff that you know a good politician would be I'd like to represent people something they have a quite brave and so I'm gonna think of a fine and I'll be fine but yeah and then other people have literally no idea they think I'm just going on to like something push to boarding school it's not quite a friendly your ablutions and toilets are at the far end of this corridor yeah they're your totes and you're totes only okay no stage of any females be coming in here without supervision from their staff sergeant okay that spy subversive you do not start what into their lines for a long time and we recently spoke about a year ago effectively comedians a touch game in theaters to think well I've got to do something it from a now and I've always wanted to do it I thought if I might give it a crack I'm not getting any any younger everything done unionize don't die music [Applause] real first by general Mississippi Annapolis ago alright first more than again you know everybody here of time yeah he supplicated but if you pray five weeks before right you're not great fighters before okay that means you're late all right you will find going to say to the grease tray usually to please do we think should be to please gentlemen to a bus stop thanks for first and final warning everyone stop me okay tops and lids open on your water bottles don't drink you are hulls once you've drunk a place rub all over the air over your head - sure accept it all of it it's not a race all right however it needs to all go then we've seen that's one lucid right yeah right up to subside down top your head something see it's all empty you said okay you don't think you said he going I suppose he won't present why do you keep loose aboard yet supported do and they continued use again okay so it's important a state water falls down right next prey to our little ships with mountains outside right banks are up the road from new areas are there any questions cranly dress i good roles with your boots on the person expects really faces the to the visuals but you make trail Iqaluit now my ball when you come and start first [Applause] sorry my sister just a crippling something you're quite busy I'm supposed to apologize today any explains about your friend very short to say that when did it happen he died but not the something just gone but suddenly before and was indeed nine days prior to that American Embassy in Selly Oak he would be died in San Diego he was in Jerusalem itself it was a captain Andrew Griffiths have some blanks yeah yeah although I didn't know anybody else was reminded that's because he's a close friend and I think he's quite foreign to try and get you the chance to walk there would you want to go I would love to go for a possibly yeah I think it's quite poor especially be years ago 2007 ' did you enjoy it yes the main thing I've been travelling sentimental but a good good last six years right tell me about your family I live with my mother and my stepfather my father died when I was 14 that's fine my and he I kind of decided to join the army at the age of 15 so I don't know whether that was a turning point of a condor thought maybe I should find out one way to use London I thought for after that yeah make sure it yeah it's coming shoulder-high all the time let's try it again check mr. Moore because if you walk in naturally you're like moonwalk hello today David [ __ ] mr. Stewart come and sit down everything that's holy usage it I'm 32 years old so are you from Umbra currently reside now this guy can't use IDing in a block no I was going to go to Kings College to do war studies but I needed BBC and I got a CD so what did you do I started doing a job blade ring and then why for a job as a electrician's might and yet on my apprenticeship okay come electrician electrician what about any issues you might have which you think I should never before we sort of other than me not being able to Mars not really sir okay marching issue will come I assure you thank you dismissed on something fun that one still yes outside but they realized what these carry on so please leave to carry on please sir please loose carry on Sofia please carry on sir place yes please hold 25:25 in a non Brad it's got to be the oldest no I don't how to put we find seems pretty dedicated anyone who comes to Santos age 25 to get [Music] [Music] took some change from day one everything's hitting your fifty mile an hour it's a military regime they've got a weather regime while that we don't when we go on operational tools and things are how can we expect people to perform and fight for their country [Music] start one minute yeah you know you're sitting there and then go this is a part that you can just turn on the telly or you can just do whatever you want and when you come here it's just like you're writing down your number and you know you're on the back of shirts that you were wearing driving you about five years old and they've always kidding it's just there pretty minimal to be honest I'm eating this I still got a few more hours yet this pork needs to be you next to the spoon working progress at the moment I've been I've been neat before but I think this is very efficient to be honest but I suppose there's a there's a purpose to it because look at all this space that isn't used so this drawer could take a lot of things right now it takes two sets of glass one belt and about eleven pairs of socks I was just thinking twice I've either had a couple of cigarettes outside a second ago and I dab it on just to myself um which was nice under sir yeah I think it's just first days it's just the kind of change of pace now I was to come [Music] your wife is that a baby yes only three weeks and one day old now so they were at least shoulder the crop with almond oh so much other you can't take it - Adam oh I'd say you can't see it to happen straight away cos they say they're all still stunned the moment and I week actually came into it and it's leave every difference today now look I get set on inside a nice run I think everyone's fight said they had that little they live with feelings for then you come this far you've gone through it all it's deject in the first way would just be lunacy maybe if I'd actually come in when I succeed I'll be alright but now after I've seen what could have I can't have without the army want to do that someday to do they're easy and vanishing ethnicities it's not the force it's the fact that I don't want to be anonymous oh that's fine okay we're sixteen year old will you tell you want to join the army took in five years to get and now easier we sit in the Sun life and the moment it doesn't like it but why it doesn't realize it's always gonna be like this and it does get me the interview team I think he's just a cool to shop at University all right I think I've changed quite a lot we had this freedom and this freedom I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed that a lot more than being this regiment star they looked at the army office and they're just only not functioning okay strictly speaking you you can't do walls stance will discharge I was right until we thought okay because I don't want to force you to be here if you give me a verbal agreement now that you give it until next weekend and if you're still not keen and up for it by next weekend then you can start actually you're discharged lay down push out you've got two pouches open 20 press ups yeah and we've got coming out of it I don't say another a star Vader some people there I've got press ups for no reason you could quit lay before you come out buddy buddy system check teacher overwrite our pouches squared if then you picked up your mates Jack Tania then I should know whether he's worth you you seem quite wet a little bit weak I'm sure I can't just be wasting everyone's time but I need to make an informed decision and say Therese Therese today by the right quick march yeah yeah I'm sure the right down the block out the elbow necks in the back of the colour here of scorn commander of my link squadron out in Afghanistan where basically providing into the support to grab maneuver and Helmand province [Music] when you have my from Afghanistan and come straight away to Santos they know you've just been applying it all mapped out in in the one of the harshest possible environments yeah it's tough there ninety-five guys here men and women and I have no doubt that some cadets who are here now will die the line of duty but that's the that's the business were in that's the nature of the job we do and I think most of them probably realized that already with the full military funerals okay there's a lot of people Aaron is lost ceremony to it there's a lot for you to learn and it's gonna be quite difficult when you come back if you need a bit of time we'll give you a bit of time SP player that's myself between commander Fox you can search for Padre if you want someone to speak to when you get back okay so chin up unfortunately happens to a lot of us and we have to go do these things so crack on as best you can today and then hopefully for tomorrow a bad day I'm stark leave to fall out cuss up please err please do one two three one two three left left Akira's I was pinned into the side anyway mr. Barrow because uh I tried to explain to him what Myntra fear was gonna be like slightly as a for five minutes funerals lap myself last year it's it's a very emotional time and although he's got friends here who's made for the last three days is still quite alone a lot the Moors like things have been very close friends of mine and it's obvious it's emotional because you you've know these people so well and you've lived in and out with them for many many years it has affected me but it hasn't affected me negatively it's just opened my eyes a little bit I think to it to what the possibilities are and although all the officer cadets they're coming now it's something that they need to need to consider you know other are they prepared to put themselves in that sort of danger because it's gonna come to that it's a bit daunting that one of us we keep office to be really good friends here pour away to go to different regiments and then one day I could find out killin was blown up by an ID but you still want to think about out here we got far too much to think about other moment boy that's a long way off there's mum when you're considering her where how much you're struggling with the old Marcin side of things you still have got any query at all well he pulls them up he puts on a staff one that actually listen mate listen let me do you a deal I do not need them push-ups what you need is somebody's got rhythm unfortunately Thomas Peters girlfriend got until either side you've got 30 blokes here at the tone they're always supposed to be marked out for leadership surely some of us have got to be followers and others have got to be got to be leaders and I think that's going to create a bit of friction the coming weeks because I mean I can feel it the mighty might just be me being like what tired and wild on sugar I'm just overthinking about stuff [Music] thank you I've never even been to a fianc this is this is a it's a song new for me the sata2 right for fitted with a bayonet and the scabbard the bayonet itself is for close quarter battle can be thrusted into the enemy okay first of all now embedding itself into the bone because it was an embedded safley to the phone is accurate also situated here you'll see the recess which is the blood channel when you thrust on to the enemy there'll be no suction okay you will be able to pull it out straight away if that recess wasn't there all the air okay we would not be able to escape it'll make it harder to pull out the enemy most water bottles with a bayonet Afghanistan for example open the door just about to go into a pompom you do not know if that enemy is going to be behind the door for Taliban et cetera do you have the baby bear very just in case the rifle does not great so understand they do want to talk about our experiences in Afghanistan I was flying here in two minutes southern 8:03 radio calls the first one says they picked up a triple amputee about 40 seconds later they say they're administering CPR and then about a turn off when it's later the team the individual is now an angel that's the term we use a big lead on operations it's a difficult thing just to get your head around clearly whatever happened before they get automatic a helicopter you're not privy to mainly been involved in ID but you within three minutes you you know someone who's there like and it's humbling to be a leader in the Army tradition to an army family served [Music] regiment and years now the honorary Colonel of his own son's regiment the Duke of Lancaster's [Music] [Music] in connection that he'd been on two tours to Afghanistan and that was as far as the war in Afghanistan was was mentioned it was talked about how well he he led his his soldiers he was a bit of an inspiration to all the soldiers by all accounts I and the other numerous Randy Andy from University there's a lot of people that do very well to live up to what he achieved dying for your country is it's fairly honorable this is a there are a lot worse ways to go I think so it's something it's a risk that I'm I'm prepared to take [Music] by each other the first thing who is not paid their red tacky integrity now why not mr. Barnes you've forgot all right that's not acceptable all right so that end okay get it down personal position down five four three so am i typing you should Oh in the down position now Oh Oh down if I give you tasks to do during the evening it's not for my benefit it's for your benefit I don't need a red tag on my per good use of the individuals that do if you can't take the simple order has played a red tag how can I expect you to start giving orders to soldiers that are going to be under your command if you commission out of it yet does anybody think they could disagree with what I'm saying Oh down up down what you're doing Indian by wish them to fall of course start throwing out 1,000 ways right and you turn to the right then 2 3 1 1 2 3 yes I was one of the kids running in the woods playing ten guns then I went on to do target rifle shooting which is at the cadets so that was a military thing as well and and I was actually I would actually ask the leave school and when I was 17 and I was caught smoking marijuana which was a yeah over gravel regrettable experience to be honest though it sort of put me back on the straight and narrow you know it's a slippery slope and yeah certainly but my ideas up mr. Chapman so you hit slightly toward me that's better catching up slightly do too much good okay belt way too loose yeah okay what is that going to hold up hey we're not back in the ghetto all right and you're wearing your pants around your ass that is around your waist tight right sweet turn attention to detail doesn't matter how fast you're going the drill movements need to be carried out correctly I think they'll be more comfortable with the whole situation because it's a lie yes I have heard it described as Hogwarts with guns Santa's and I think that's quite good at their choice of words you know all the pomp and ceremony you should be screaming the shaggy time out one more try one more time you push me and then we'll increase the pace again will warm you up again do I make myself clear yes start switching on gentlemen these conforming things before me to the max and I think that that's quite a shock do you never call him by his first name we've been in for five days so that when I did that's good yeah okay I honestly did bad first night I don't know I'm just learning everyone second lines just saying okay that's stored in the memory bank now you are now a family as three / - not you you're all brothers work together look after each other alright gentlemen yes I can imagine that you some of my more liberal or Marxist friends in in the civilian world might call it brainwashing but in the Army you call it training I do they may be I am very washed it's a good sort of brainwashing I don't like that because if you think if you think of it in terms of brainwashing you're thinking of it in terms of something kind of untoward that's done to you that you know changes you whereas training is something you embrace you want to become part of the army you want to be an officer so you train so your brain is totally receptive to everything that they're sending flying at it of tea tomorrow we're gonna go on an exercise version soldier for some of you you would have been on exercise before but for I think there's a good ten of you so further the patina don't be the first time out under the stars if there's sort of military environment so I just want to lay a few ground rules nap okay I've noticed some of you retain information incredibly badly no sooner if I said it then your hands are in the air and you're asking for exactly the same information to be given again tomorrow is a day of lessons and that's your any day you're gonna get from then on we're gonna expect you you know not to be the elite or we're expect me to get better and better so certainly by the beginning of by the second I will suffer you can administrate and conduct DC routine in the field okay I am putting a bit of that a rope to a spoon because mr. gray is gonna be a second to IC said that it would be handy we all had spoons attached into our jackets wash mocks and then then we'll never lose them so that's why I was currently working on Oh forward in a pocket yes then they never hear me eat and then go ahead and clean it off put it back in bingo I'll shut up Pigeon River an air rifle before their time off cept I think a few night fishing night fish that I've been drunk and slept him about guards of the vests where the limit of my my experience tomorrow is where I could win to my element more in the field that is how I roll as an infantry soldier and that's how we roll yeah so don't be afraid if I start shouting screaming here because you're not doing stuff right I don't expect you to know it straightaway I will teach you first then once I've taught you I expect you to then put it into practice yeah anyone planning win sick tomorrow no judging my opportunity anyone who can come there's a lot of people from even for me other than the other companies do I look out in civvy Street and think are you kidding you can't go to scientists you can fight your way over wet paper bag I'm feeling a little bit deficient and because I'm making mistakes and being the funny guy I'm being tired of the brush of a planner and a joker and that's probably what's what I'm struggling with that space we thought the men from the boys when we're on exercising is their pet swept through at 3 o'clock in the morning struggling to stay awake yeah silence infuriating having me told everything now once we won't be told again say now it's gonna be no mistakes accepted just do what you've been told so quite easy for a tikka masala but more visiting as a logger now it'd be really great I think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone here who hasn't at some point thought why am I doing this and why my hand simply why right here [Music] those tears occasionally we got told yes so and that's crying anyone can get cold and wet the key is to turn keep warm comfortable so a good effective soldier is the one that can look after himself in the field really guys guys I've cut myself pretty good and I can't sort there by addressing can just come over you've put your finger getting your exit it's not really bad add up really good I think it's on this side of my finger nice on you you taking the piss it's not that it's not big I just can't stop the bleeding home just get some testosterone everything I'm not like your typical army board or whatever and they won't find me funny I'm not quite as sporty as them and whatever but I'm not gonna change who I am today to fit in you know I think no they'll come around hopefully sooner or later but yeah I'm just a I'm not overly confident I Know Who I am and I would just get on with being me and get through the course and you know enjoy it as much as possible [Applause] [Music] your knowing the enemy's killer we need to be from a nerd speed and aggression we're engaging now say crotches poaching pouches pouches don't go for the motion to check you know if you're not gonna physically check him you lose the magazine on the ball field that's three rounds that's three dead enemy if I was engaged simply talked about at night in bullying grades and kind of came to conclusion we're worried about one hundred and thirty two hundred and forty hours a week which is obviously a normal person's working week in two days so fast paced in a minute at the moment I'm walking around all jammed up looking at the staggered walk that everyone makes longer parts and tracks and I kind of feel like I'm in Apocalypse Now so I am doing a bit of movie reenactment for my head but I'm trying not to accept all now do you think that's acceptable these things are acceptable so what is in that state this is kid equivalent gentlemen you're gonna use on the battlefield get this is a way to Houston at night and it's not taking a good stay I was expected to work correctly basically a bit wrong problem I say long-running them in two weeks yeah with them person it was machines and then I think I sort of counterbalancing now and then developed a problem in my knee my left knee the physio explained to me that it's my in patella and it's it's just there cause me but JIT really going up and down hills is where it's is really getting bad but I don't I don't like quitting I've never really quit anything reporting gonna see it for why every single want to use here want to fight for your Commission and want to be a rights to that end yet you sure the personal discipline to stay awake next to come on they people on exercise just come out to three days huh they've got to concentrate on staying awake because it is hard you know they've only had what five or six has to you since since they've been out here but they're still expected to stay awake especially as these guys all hoping to be and second as tenants pertain to Manas within within the next eleven twelve months are you told the five people in front ends between this morning that should have been enough to motivate yourselves to stay awake 20 minutes of stand to that's it it's not mission impossible is it oh right Chapman do you know why you're here why you slept whilst you're supposed to be on duty today right do you think that is acceptable do you know all that puddin to a private soldier if he sleeps on Stan well I'll tell you what happens to him he goes to jail for 28 days as a result of this you are now going on the tomb commander's warnings have you already been told that I am telling you now gentlemen that's the last chance you get with me do you understand cross me again and I'll absolutely snap that is totally totally unacceptable disappear disappear not completing an exercise or not or getting on to what's called the jackwagon getting onto the ambulance sometimes finally you have a pain and injury but some of them is just simply fatigued and they will they will quit before their body gives out and yeah you have to ask some pretty serious questions because it's early in the course for them to do that right we're so good you know why you're here yes why what you fell asleep as well did you when did this come out when did this come out that you fell asleep on radio stack I know it was what this was about who knows that you fell asleep on radio stack is that an admittance to me that you fell asleep on radio thank you yes it is okay you can speak to staff idea about this once you've finished and then of the to commander would they do but that is totally to fall asleep on stag totally unacceptable do you know why you're here why I'm asked to see you I've asked to see you because you at the moment are just a sybbie any reform there's no spark that whatsoever miss Eldridge and the potential you've got is there yes think about a really really big sweaty man in an iron forge taking a piece of metal and hammering it repetitively whilst it's red-hot I am that metal rod by being hammered is the leader an officer [Music] why do people maybe not covered or I bet it's pulling a lot tighter okay that's unacceptable on that one case that requires to be done so I stand this attention to detail gentlemen attention to detail new pictures mr. Stewart yes no time then your sister still yeah else are they gonna come to the pass off weekend yes comes home good out there stop coughing and silence cousin visited me in last week and we're starting a chat and I was doing some jobs for him and he said I really like you've got quite a bouncy character you're quite um quite open he said just be careful that you don't take it too far as people won't take you seriously when you're in command I completely understand that but I I I'm here now and I can't I can't change myself too much I don't think I don't think I'm capable of always just because I'm not content with your performance since you arrived here back in September at times I think you're very immature okay which isn't isn't required at Snyder's I think your respect for the system at scientists is below was expected as well yes sir what happened the other day was caught us almost giving his room inspection my shirt was undone my thighs are undone and I remove my appendage and put my appendage from her pants why I don't know sir not thinking it it makes me angry that you're in the corridors of colour some stranded a room selection completely chilling him off surely you've got absolutely nose from whatsoever to animate other people in the corridor laughs cause he's trying to be a real special amateur is pathetic yes sir if this was I have a battalion you'd be freaking out straightaway yes sir as in the pursuit sorry would probably knock you out straightaway yes sir you need to question yourself if you really want to commit to this course if you don't and decide it to be people if you want to go yeah because you know showing it to me I'll - come on you're by far the worst example of the girl I've seen go through this place that's okay you need to up your game otherwise we wouldn't really be mr. Stewart Yeah right Alabama the can be fun didn't wanna hide was not away yeah there was those testicles that he pulled us who when he said it I was the on the back foot and that's all just need to be really that's not enough so that's actually saying that that is what you'd expect the four privates yeah hopefully that'd be the end of it you know I was a bit I was a bit angry actually we're not angry keep getting told it's just a big game and I'm beginning to believe it because I might a bomb but in I don't think so if he tries to pull that again I cannot walk - laughs obviously I couldn't but bond between my arse I can't is accompany come on to look at 95 cadets the whole time and and observe them with the same level of detail but in the short term you're looking for people who are not at the standard required and long reaches about as good a tool to find those people early on to see whether they have the commitment now it's a hundred eighty quote square kilometers of real estate in the Black Mountains about 70 kilometers they'll be expected to walk in 36 hours and if they can't do it here then they're simply not gonna be able to do it on operations so we design exercises of purely without in mind [Music] it's hard it's really hard for me you got you know get up another 24 hours this already change to be done about 14 hours now give or take and tell you a few moments I want minute you really down and hanging out [Music] than the next you over to you're pulling someone else along sir yeah focused on that over there that mountain darlin there two more checkpoints back up to that massive thing over there extra men down to two more checkpoints Floyd's contour around it struggling to keep pace and they where needs much worth going downhill then they sleep it off me I'm just feeling it's guilty about it I was feeling a bit fresh soon just help her find the need it's quite balanced and if I fall over I've got good padding gee it's a it's going down hills it's really just cause any grief only as strong as the weakest start with your mind goes on a task there's normally reason why it goes and if you don't feel part of the team that's a good trip jail and being no longer part of the group be it a separation of the two hundred meters that's probably the factor at play [Music] thank you very much miss Chapman Gina while you're here yes okay what I'm gonna do is I'll read you this company commanders warning certificate Oscar that Chapman is not meeting the standard of an officer cadet at this stage of the commissioning course his performance when on exercises of particular concern this is to certify today that you've been warned by your company commander me obviously they're following a shortcomings refusing to soldier whilst halfway up x-ray on exercise Longreach while citing a lower limb injury is unacceptable in the light of your eventual completion of the exercise and subsequent categorization by the Mrs this was compounded by decision not report sick on return to Santos journey complete lack of judgment leadership Oscar debt Chapman has a particularly weak and ineffectual approach to leadership which fails to inspire and carry other members of his team with him my dad used to go on pheasant shoot she used to obviously watches all the all the war films obviously go to war museums and things like that together you know that seed then sort of grows in your mind and you know it culminates in me you know deciding at some point in the past that I wanted to consider going into the military I think I've always known that I've been a bit you know like the word you use a bit wet you know bit sensitive bit was handling and I think that I was almost before I was almost embarrassed in that and I'm not comfortable with it and I wanted I had something to prove and but if anything I've come here and learned that learn to accept that I think that's because it's Who I am now and I'm not saying it's too late to change fit I don't think I can and I didn't think I wanted I'm quite happy you may be just being myself it's like boarding school you get a sense of who's stronger who's who's weaker and then it sort of preys on prey on the weak in his net someone has to be the bottom and I think channel Wars for a while so treat the pressure off other people now he's gone someone else could feel the heat tsunami when you get home you could have faced up to your family and your friends but then if you stay you have to face yourself so really I think the fact that he had the balls to say that this isn't for me and that he left was was admirable really thank you very much miss baci your initial wobble when you started about wanting to leave on like day one that was just a bad couple of days for you but you're back in now okay so that the lines been drawn under that okay we won't mention that again not great performance to seen on exercise version of soldier or self-reliance and I've said here that you're too busy trying to take shortcuts and looking for the easy option okay and that has got to go immediately okay nothing easy about being a leader and you've got to be rigid in your approach to absolutely everything the army doesn't appreciate losers this is not a civilian world this is not a place where thank you for trying we're going to give everyone a medal occurs [Music] well done you are a bunch of individuals at the beginning of this term we managed to turn you into this extraordinary team of drillers so well done and many congratulations to your color sergeant who's got you to this point so far without him it wouldn't have been achieved so big pat on the back for him [Music] performance or conduct is currently below the standard acquired by not to collect I don't believe this is due to lack of effort at all I believe you are putting in everything you can however your military bone is not at the standard currently required and I'm giving you to week 4 of intermediate err by which time we need to see an improvement loop month is [Music] the best-in-show relived Top Gear's finest moments from the last 12 months next on BBC 2 then at 9 in orbit how satellites rule our world looks at just how much we rely on this revolutionary technology [Music] you
Channel: LA32Clippers
Views: 1,080,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JTdlU0rAIFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 51sec (3471 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2013
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