So you want to join the army? PREPARE FOR IT!

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being young come on come on you must get your Nate you identified animate see okay pets frou-frou to us they know not to buy your game hurry up [Music] hello everyone it is me Maximus thank you so much for joining me today I really appreciate so today we're gonna talk a little bit about the selection course that you must participate in to join the British Army now things may have changed quite a bit since I was in you know it's been many years since I've actually gone through my own selection into the British Army and this video itself is quite old that we're gonna go over and review today however some of the key points that I'm going to discuss in this video really are prevalent to your own selection process and how it can actually benefit you and the things you can be aware of before going into it trust me when I was going through my British Army basic training and you know selection phase those YouTube wasn't a thing no one really watched YouTube you didn't even have you know access the internet on the flow like that it just didn't exist you couldn't just watch youtube videos and find out what's coming you have to listen to people who had been through the course or you know watch a VHS or a DVD from the recruiting office absolutely ridiculous so I want to try and give you guys that are going into not just the British Army for those of you going to any military force in the world the kind of things that you're gonna see and expect to go into the selection but specifically really for this video the British Army now as I said things may have changed but the core principles of some of the things I'm going to touch base on are really really important and I'd hopefully like you to take something away from there to allow you to get into the Armed Forces a lot easier and with less hassle so let's go over this video then we'll kind of pause it as we go and discuss them some of the key things that I'd really like you to take away from today's video [Music] okay this is where I want to stop the video initially folks you've got to remember that selection no matter where you are in the world going into a military force is a gigantic job interview if you know anything about interviews or if you've never been interviewed before do a bit of research no one wants to see you showing up in tracksuit bombs joggers sweatpants hoodie jewelry it just it's not a good idea this gentleman right here has the right idea now of course I'm not telling you that the number one thing to do is dress up in a suit and tie and look as smart as humanly possible showing up at the train station to get picked up because sometimes it's just not practical you may not have the money or the resources and sometimes even the time although time really isn't an excuse in my particular opinion because if you know selections coming it's at least gonna be a couple of months in advance notice so you do have a bit of time to prepare but I don't say go out and buy the most expensive suit and tie and pants and khakis or whatever else you want stick on yourself to make yourself look good however this gentleman is at least taking a step to try and become as presentable as he can he's got a haircut he's clean-shaven he's not wearing a ton of jewelry and he's at least tried to look representable in his own attire please folks if you're going to selection bear this in mind no one cares that you support Arsenal just wear the appropriate attire for a two day long or however long it is nowadays interview process you are applying for a job here folks ok is everyone here for selection yes Remy represent just you know when we first meet them we give them a reminder that they're a military environment so your hands out your pockets that's Savage straight out of the MIDI Barney's straight to tell them people to get their hands out of the pockets that my folks is a British Army NCO rare surname trot well you do occasionally get people who turn up in sort of tracksuit and scruffy jeans which immediately puts the lay on them as to do they really want to put the effort in they go folks from the horse's mouth while the rimi horse's mouth please folks it's really important try your best to look as we representable as you can anybody wishes done more training before they got here what who would say that delivering these kids to the you know their selection Dan you said oh well you probably should have done more training you've already installed a bit of fear into them before they even get there if that was me I would definitely not be saying that selection will take place at a secured army base it's also the same sort of place that they will conduct their phase 1 training after selection [Applause] the military has its own way of doing things this summer with the potential recruits and the recruits when they come into phase 1 train have to adapt to rather quickly again folks as you can see the lady is told her to take her jewelry out of her eyes she's got an ear piercing or an IEE eyebrow I have no idea something in our body shouldn't be there you should know that going into the army you're not going to have to have your piercings that are visible on your face it's just not gonna happen so just be smart take him out before you get there saves you having some sort of infection trying to remove it on Selection just be smart take it out and prepare for that course the corporals are the junior noncommissioned officers with the potential recruits we'll be in contact with minute-by-minute throughout selection it pays to listen to what they have to say no job interview all we want is you to give us a hundred cents all the stuff are here to help you however we take attitude all that is the biggest and strongest piece of advice you're going to get initially into getting there if you show up with attitude thinking that you're going to get through selection by gobbing off not answering to the rank et cetera etc the place is not for you and you're instantly gonna get weaseled out if you want to pursue a career in the military answer them with the correct rank and authority and just be polite be friendly they're not there to turn your life upside down to make you miserable they're there to initialise you into potentially military career listen to what they have to say be respectful trust me they're going to help you transition through the two day period really really well or whatever D period is right now they're not there to make your life miserable training it's a very different world okay they're trying to get you out of that civilian mindset here they are really trying to pursue into finding who is the right candidate the right applicant to bring in to the basic training program well you give us a deal if you sent home you are now on a secure army camp okay you know alcohol or any sharp objects in your bags folks pretty self-explanatory dobri booze don't bring knives don't bring guns you're just gonna have a really bad day you're in a military camp they're not gonna stand for it the same thing applies for things like porn I mean I don't think anyone even watches porn reads porn really anymore I think everything's online I don't really think that that's a thing anymore but you know these are the kind of things you got to be aware of you know just don't be bringing stuff you really don't need to bring I mean I don't really have to say that do I so what what you do now is place your bags in front of you and we're gonna look inside take off any jewelry okay watches rings earrings any piercings you may have okay also lose them so a big reason as to why they're telling you to take jewelry off other than obvious reasons is because at the end of the day folks things are going to go missing around people you don't know sometimes thievery can be rife in these kind of situations you've got to remember that this is a selection phase which means they have no idea if these people have the integrity the moral standards to not steal your stuff so if you want to take your big old bling chain even though you know you're gonna take it off when you get there why just leave it at home same for your iPhone same for all these other gizmos and gadgets don't be bringing your laptop it's two days you don't need it it's things that can go missing damaged whatever else you may be please folks just be smart leave it at home don't your phone's off and place in your bags ladies at your and dorm free one gentleman number two you've got two minutes go now the accommodation is obviously gonna be extremely basic you're there for two days but that does not mean you do not look after your area okay you've been given the privilege of having literally two days free board now I know that's kind of crazy to think about but it is something you need to bear in mind and have the respect for the fact that they brought you into their program want to bring you in they want you in the army they're not bringing you here to weasel you out they want to bring you in they can mold you and shape you into a soldier m and sailor marine whatever it may be but you really need to look after the environment that you're in if you have a bed made for you as you can see these beds have been prepared for them for when they come in make sure you look after it you know if you spill a drink or whatever on your she cleaned it up I don't know whatever else it may be look after the area that you living in please they're gonna review it as they come through the program if you have your area that bed space is absolutely gopping they just say you know number ten why is your room so gross why is your bed space so gross they're gonna notch it down on your scoring when it comes to the application standard so please bear that in mind just because you're staying in a room for only two days doesn't mean you don't look after it I should have done that home see no point leave your piercings at home folks so why we here we're here for selection confirm your choice of job and it's also a chance for you to look at us and that's very very important that you do that the that's actually a really valid point here folks a lot of people that go into the Armed Forces quickly realize that it's either for them or not for them you ideally do not want to be roped into going straight into basic training passing selection if it's not for you this isn't just a time for you to be selected and be to be chosen from them it's for you to choose and select them as the career you want to be in remember you're going into a professional career and a lifestyle it's not just a nine-to-five job there's a lot of intricacies you've got to think about you at the same time or in some ways interviewing their career for what you want to go into ok so you know when you go into this program you go into this two-day selection really assess is this for me is the little sprinkle of army that they're giving me right now that you know it's gonna get turned into a flood of army when you go through basic training is it something that you think you can stand or that you can hold on to if it's not maybe it's just not for you and you bow out that being said please folks try your best to fight through and to continue going if you can but if something clicks inside of you that says really this just isn't for me then that's what you need to make the decision and you can inform your staff and say look it's just not for me I'm just not feeling it save yourself the trouble they're then going through your basic training and having a hard time there instead now that's not to deter you from joining but I really want you to make sure that when you look into this career and you're going through the selection process you realize that it's more than just a job it is a life style you are literally devoting your entire life to the army at that point depending on the terms of engagement that you sign please think about it you trust us is this the organization that you want to join the secret of success both here at the selection center and throughout your military career is this try your hardest give you best those that are prepared well will do well when they're here and other than that good luck actually oh you're all here take your medicals and before you go and see the doctor and have your examination you have a few different tests it has to be a thorough medical so that there's no surprises in basic training room yes there are ways of preparing and by coming here refreshed good night's sleep and well hydrated plenty of water and tend to try and stay away from the fizzy kind of drinks they can be known to increase the heart rate okay folks so the medical is something that I really don't like to talk about very much I am NOT in the medical profession or career I am not part of a medical team in the British Army and when it comes to people with medical standards and things that they can and cannot have absolutely no way am I going to talk to that it is not what I should be discussing I can't speak to it I get a lot of people on my channel asking me questions Maximus I have this can I join Maximus I don't think I can join if I have this I will never answer to those questions I won't even talk about it because it's just not a good idea if you have any kind of medical concern your local doctor is gonna be the best person to investigate as to whether or not it's a condition that may affect you going into the Armed Forces the British Army is gonna check you thoroughly from eyesight hearing everything and I mean everything and they need to because they're trying to make sure they look out for you it's not about trying to you know ensure the army that they're not gonna cost money from you I mean it's a part of it but they're looking out for you they don't want to bring you into the army and all of a sudden you have an injury that could get worse by going through army basic training so do not be fearful of the medical okay there is absolutely no point your body is what your body is if you can do things to try and help make your body healthy healthier looking after your body going out and working out eating healthier you know and not listening to super loud music 24/7 you know not staring at I phone screen from the hours of 12 till 6:00 at night it's not good for your eyes you need to start looking after yourself you want to go into Korea where your body's gonna be put to the test please think about that as you go through but do not be fearful in the medical there is a lot of attributes that I can't really speak to about it but don't be fearful of it okay P and the H L AM 6:45 the major problems that we have if they find heart murmurs fatigue breath push it out I'm very very confident in my own mind that the murmur that I'm hearing in your in your chest is an innocent murmur now that was one of the things that people always got so fearful of they hid you know people coming out of the office after they just done the Med okay I've got a heart murmur I've been deferred or I've got a heart murmur they don't know what they're doing or they don't know what it is or bla bla bla look folks the human body is a magical weird and wonderful thing doctors will sometimes hear or see or feel things on your body that they're not quite sure about and they will put you on a deferral that does not mean you are not granted to get into the British Army however it could mean that it's all down to you know what the doctor feels at the time and that's you know the analysis that they make but please don't be fearful of the heart murmur thing that's all I used to worry about when I went through my selection was people talking about the old heart murmur and how they couldn't get in look this guy has a defer for a heart moment they're gonna check it over it might be nothing so don't worry too much about it but we have to do a couple of tests and then we have dental problems and opticians reports you know whole range of things most people defer they're not failed we look forward to seeing you again it'll be in about a month's time a deferral isn't the end of the line it can be upsetting but we do spend quite a long time we can reassure them have you understood what the medical staff have said to you why you been deferred yeah you do understand that have they made an appointment for you yeah and where's that twelve formats good news because it was something the 19th of August that's not too far away is it so as soon as we get that information sent back to us that defer will be lifted and then you can be called by consolation left right there March but when I get to phase one the know to do it properly it gives them a sort of idea about the army again you're gonna be doing a lot of marching and things that really aren't I mean for those of you been the cadets or whatever else are the programs where you know how to March look don't read into it too much folks that no one knows how to March from the most part who well so with you so just take the pinch of soul it's purely just getting you into the mindset don't read into it too much now if you look at the picture that we're looking at right now and the statement that he's about to make it almost cracked me out laughing when they talk about how the nutritional value of what they're getting is so high yes of course gigantic fries and beans are what really keep a soldier fighting honestly for British soldiers it actually is what keeps the soldier finding his chips and baked beans it did for me anyway but the modern army has changed a lot now compared to what it is with these kind of foodstuffs in the cookhouse that includes the grub is nutritious and there's always plenty of it nutritious that's fantastic tht is basically a mathematical test there are 55 questions and would take about half an hour to complete the test okay folks so anyone who is going into a technical trade normally will have to complete complete complete in a test now the test is going to go over your basic you know mathematical skills problem solving it's after etc a little different from the barb test I don't know if it's still called the barb test in the British Army or the I guess basic skills test but this is something you really need to prepare for remember like the CEO said the beginning of this video those who prepare do well if you do a bit of revision do some math practice do some English practice do whatever you can to prepare yourself for this test there's a lot of information and resources out there nowadays that I didn't have when I was going through online that will assist you with these tests there's a ton of information out there ton of sources that will help you read it up get practicing don't show up to this test unprepared because you may potentially make yourself a you know potentially failing candidate if you don't prepare for it not everyone does the TST its purpose is to assess the suitability of applicants for certain technical trades in the army sigcse is what comes up the fractions and the decimals and the algebra was the hardest I'm glad I revised a bit and in some maths revision booklets definitely good see there you go he's done his revision and I think really you should too it's a big part of going into a technical trade and I myself going into the Rimi which was a pretty heavy technical trade so she's a mechanic knowing your math if you don't have good math skills or even you know basic you know division multiplication etc etc you don't have that stuff you can have a real tough time welcome to this election which each of you individually you're gonna copy I'm gonna tell us a little bit about your sauce hello everyone my name is Angela Jones the army needs people who can work as a team being able to communicate is a foundation for working as a team the Icebreaker gives us an indication of how well the potential recruits have prepared okay folks so this is a pretty important one and once again you can so easily prepare for this even if you are very shy very nervous you can prepare for this very easily there's gonna be about 10 to 20 people in the same room as you going through the same stresses and worry that you probably gonna feel that you shouldn't be feeling because you're all in the same boat you're all in the same room yes it's gonna be a couple instructors watching that's their job they watch them all the time they watch you they watch the next person and they assess how you're doing you can prepare for this practice interview skills in the mirror speak to your parents your family your friends just do icebreakers over and over again in your mind and speak to those in your local area or local area but speak to those who you can get assistance from and look them in the eye have some contact with them so that you're not just staring at a wall because the instructors will read through that they want you to have a bit of eye contact the people you're discussing be loud be confident confidence is key they want to know that you're not just going to back away from a challenge this is a bit of a challenge it's one of your first challenges you're being thrown out other than Fitness through the selection process they want you to speak about yourself prepare a speech prepare it revise it learn it it doesn't have to be you know verbatim which basically means talking of recital and reciting something that you just memorized you should really have a bit of personal character to it talk about where you're from talk about your favorite sports talk about what you do and don't like talk about why you want to join the army what you want to be in the army these are all the kind of things that you can do to prepare if you don't do this and you do not prepare you to show up you may choke you may falter and potentially lose points to getting selected there's plenty of things you can do to prepare for selection everyone and you can soon see who the confident ones are the ones who communicate with other lads and girls yeah I mean that's not the best thing to be saying is I don't always like to be told what to do you're going into the army as you can see her eye contact isn't quite there that's hard to see where she's looking here and don't think she's looking at anyone don't look at the floor to look at the ceiling just try and cross your eyes between each member of the person's inside the room it's it's a really hard thing to do for those who aren't used to it but you have to practice once I can't it was horrible I just ran out what to say listening for the first couple Taylor welcome to the end of grass peeve test physical selection standards or PSS ours are a series of physical strength exercises that focus on the upper body and every applicant takes ease the exercise are degraded the results of which will determine whether or not they have reached the standard for the job they're applying for a job like the Royal Engineers is quite physically demanding and the results will need to be higher than some of the less demanding jobs in the army oh that's that's funny the rule engineer is a high high level of physical fitness there I can I could safely say that coming across the Royal Engineers in my own cross country British Army career of sports back in the day they certainly weren't up to the fitness standards that some of the other cords are up to let's put it that way some people do struggle especially on the heaves but they've done some serious training when they're at home and not just plugging it that don't really find it that hard ok folks again preparation this is very easy to do get your fitness up it's not about just going for long distance runs you need to work on your overall cardiovascular so fartlek training interval training pull-ups push-ups press ups whatever you want to call them sit-ups get working on them every day try and set yourself a goal today I'm gonna do 40 today I'm gonna do 20 just make sure you do those 20 if you set yourself a goal stick to it prepare well in advance you're gonna have at least two to three months to prepare don't leave it to the last minute oh I'm gonna get I'm gonna go on vacation for three weeks and take it easy I'll train when I get back it's too late you may have other things that pop up focus on your fitness straight away as soon as you get that letter for selection each soldier regardless of job they have to carry their own personal kit this requires a certain level of her body strength that is the main reason it's so important three-two-one Paul Paul poor my last I think I'll come on best-effort come on we're looking for a good attitude determination and a willingness to try each exercise again technique is very important here folks it's not about this punching as hard you can listen to what the instructors are telling you they will tell you to repeat that exercise will that particular movement over and over again until you do the way that they want you to do it if you do not do it as per the standard they may potentially fault you and say I'm sorry we can't let you keep going you're not doing it to the standard or to the method that we're telling you if they're telling you to bend your knees and to lift with your legs and not with your back that's what you need to do so please folks don't knock yourself down on points or getting in trouble over this particular process do the exercises as requested by the instructors they are professionals they know what they're doing and they're doing it to assess your body strength overall not just your arms or where you think you're strong they know where they want you to be strong and that's why they're telling you to do these specific exercises it's not because they think oh we just want to test how much you can lift they want to know that you're able to lift a rucksack a Bergin your webbing jerrycans ammunition blah blah blah they're specific instances that check your body over to see if you're physically adept to going into the army is number 20 50 kilograms go today like me Jerry Cantus is designed to test the muscles in your arms your shoulders and in your grip strength because the jerry cans they weight 20 kilograms each basically we test them to see how far they can carry up folks this is a really simple test the excuses these two individuals are about to give me are definitely not something that I would accept is something that you know is practical they have sweaty hands I'm sorry but if you have sweaty hands and cannot lift - jerry cans the army really isn't for you you should be able to have enough grip within your hands to hold those jerry cans down the length of the line that you're getting asked to do so if you're not I'm sorry but sweaty hands don't cut it it's purely down so you do not have the physical strength within your hands you've got practice or done your fitness to get we need to do to lift these jerry cans it's a very easy task folks honestly it's not difficult they're not that heavy you'll be fine but if you don't prepare like this young lady may have not done I'm not saying she hasn't but you're gonna struggle and you know that the sweaty palms thing I just I don't don't agree with it it slipped out of my hand and I kept on banging on the jerry cans my hands are too hot I couldn't let slipping look straight out there okay useful it's just a new test follow me during the evening PT session we mainly do relays this is to get them bonding and working well as a team yeah this is something that again you really need to work hard out because this is where they're looking at you for that effort level if you're not putting 110% in and I know the hundred and ten percent thing is a really cringe thing to say trust me that 110% thing has come from instances like this back when I was young and it's following me through my life saying that statement but that's what they're looking for they're looking for that little bit extra they want you to motivate others they want you to go the extra mile they want to see you sweating and working hard if you do this exercise or this gym session and you're not sweating something is not going correctly it's not specifically a test but it is useful for us to see the approach and the attitude of the candidates we can then see the ones that are trying to bluff the way and we can see the ones are putting 110 percent in and working hard little sneaky Landrover in the background there's like hiding behind the trees the physical fitness test that's why so what is the right way it's all right Yeah right nothing wrong with that it's all right yeah - I haven't done before on a team event like the gun run for example they'll probably make a hash fit for the first one or two guys everyone the third or fourth attempt I'll start spawns a team then they'll really get to go of it what we'll be looking for here from the applicants is teamwork and to motivate each other [Applause] see now that team was smiling these these guys aren't smiling so much they're not so happy I think cuz they're the losing team and they're probably gonna have to do the exercise again it was hard take your mind off it by working in a team with everybody and having fun instead of thinking it's hard work made a lot of friends really quickly plenty encouragement and good laughs good that's actually another really important part of this you're gonna be with these people only for two days but I can guarantee you're gonna meet people you get along with your also gonna meet people you're not gonna get along with but overall it's really beneficial to be around these kind of people because these are the kind of people who have the same aspirations and goals and career wants that you do so you're probably gonna have quite a lot of things in common you want to be a part of the army that's a really big thing that you have in common you're gonna have the same kind of skills from the same kind of etiquette that others do in your groups hope make the most of it get along with people do not be that gray man tucking into the corner or woman where you just don't speak to anyone I'm never going to see these people again you know gonna be owner passes with flying colors and the nod school of training I'll never see these people again be careful with that because you don't know what's gonna happen when it comes to these people going into what career they want they may tell you they're going into the infantry they may tell you they're going into the logistics armored Corps whatever it may be but when the push comes to shove it's down to the selection officer that puts them where they want to be that personally you shunned during selection maybe the person that you see during your basic training so please folks be that brother slash sister that looks after one another in that Brotherhood community slash sisterhood community and just be a good person around others in the course passing selection is just the first hurdle should they be successful here they'll go on to do phase one you bring basic training meet the troops is the first opportunity for the applicants to meet some recruits currently in Phase one training to ask them any questions and to get a feel for what it's really like what's the longest endurance run you about Stowe so far as long as we've done that's not just term actually or pills don't feels wrong trap make the most of this folks honestly it's handy to have these people that you're going to be able to speak to are going through the process during basic training and it's going to give you once again that really important factor of this entire thing is this where I want to be is this what I want to be doing you're gonna see what is coming up literally live in front of you people giving you first-hand experience of to what you're about to go into next listen to what they have to say and ask as many questions as you can that are you know within reason they don't have that much time there's a lot of people there and they want to try and get through as many people as they can but if you have a question that you've had in the back of your mind for quite some time about basic training first of all come speak to me if you're going into the British Army because I could probably help quite a bit but second of all when you go through selection ask these people they're going through the process my advice would be is to do a training at home before you actually come there's nobody likes to come in last how is the army changed we had a lot more discipline more confident what's the best thing to do before the one to my drink plenty wards of flu okay everyone well we're gonna put it on pause for the X we've already been gone for a little while and we'll continue on with the second phase of selection a little later on in another video I hope that you take at least something away from the initial part this video so you can kind of have an idea of the things to expect now things have changed obviously we don't see that beautiful DPM pattern combat uniform anymore it's changed quite a bit into the MTP but that's not what I'm focusing on it's more along the lines of the core principles of going through this selection process you really need to make sure that you're taking on board some of the things I'm talking to you about looking after one another as a team confidence fitness fitness fitness work on your fitness okay it's the number one thing you can prepare for think about interview techniques etc etc so when we get to the next video in the near future trust me I'm going to do another one on this I'll explain a little bit more that involves in the interview process and some of the things you expect towards the end of the selection process but I hope you enjoy today's video folks if you did leave me a comment leave me a like if you want to support my channel go check out my patreon account it'd be really appreciated and I hope you all have a wonderful day all the best bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matsimus
Views: 107,341
Rating: 4.9296961 out of 5
Keywords: army, british army, british, army selection, british army selection, recruit, british army recruitment, british army training, british army basic training, basic training, army selection course, selection, basic, training, armed forces, british armed forces, ministry of defence, military, military training, matsimus, british soldier, british army soldier, army training, joining the army, join, joining, army requirements, army entrance test
Id: XpSez0-Q-ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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